Actually Spirit weapons are viable for full burst, for example in the pav fighting the ooze to kill him before killing the little oozes for the achieves, since you can’t ‘aoe’
1v1 in spvp or wvw? there’s a difference
My current setup for solo roaming for camps/sentries/dolyaks
10/25/30/0/5, knight armour/traveler rune, with zerker trinkets, GS/ Sword&focus
1v2+ is almost impossible since the CD rely on bursting your single target and leaves you open against the other. The tradeoff is instantly capping camps which is what you want to do, get in and get out before the swords appear.
How come weapon skills don’t get looked at, its mostly traits?
An xpac for GW2 would finally mean me putting the game down for good. Face it, the game isn’t good, it’s all grind and AP rewards with nothing to do.
The other thing is this game is about horizontal cosmetic progression, instead of a vertical gear stat progression.
So, how does that work when they introduce no new cosmetics outside of gem store?
They need another use for quartz.
celestial is garbage, you’re hurting yourself for wearing it.
Because they want you to use real money, but in the end the results are lackluster.
RNG boxes need to go, its getting insulting.
If you cast it, then change target, it cancels the cast but the animation continues.
when you see it happen, you’ll notice your WW went on a 3 second CD instead of the full duration.
It came with the new change target casting cancel update during the class balance patch.
Soft cap armour is 3000
you actually don’t even need more than 2700 armour, the rest should be vitality.
Still waiting for a reply on this!
Why would they reply on something we are not supposed to know?
There’s this one atm from the glory box
Should of made it 24 obelisk shards and only need to obtain 20.
I just kind of laugh at how quickly you’ll jump to it being a ‘bug’ instead of you just clearly missing it.
The Maelstorm one is the one you missed.
Reflects? All I ever saw was the confusion that you get by staying in the red circles.
He’ll cast a green shield that reflects projectiles, even if you’re inside with.
I know people are ALWAYS going to find SOMETHING to complain about, no matter how hard the devs work, no matter what content they release. I just wanted to take the time and tell you that I’m VERY impressed with the “Tower of Nightmares” patch. I LOVE IT!
I haven’t had this much fun with the living story since “Flame and Frost”. LOVE the story/lore arc here. LOVE the idea of “finishing” enemies, kind of brings that WvW flair over to PvE. LOVE the new heal skill, and the accompanying tool belt skill for my Engineer
I would very much like to see more open world content like this, driven by a great story/lore arc, content that a solo player like myself can just jump right in and enjoy, join a Zerg, farm some spores, etc etc…. and I haven’t even been IN the tower yet hahaha
Been playing from day one and you all are keeping me interested. Keep it up A-Net! Now the haters can get back to hating
You’re right, people will always find something to complain about. What I like is the improved AI, I hope it’s permanent, it’s very interesting to see an enemy NPC revive another! I also like the changing of the landscape, I’m a little disappointed it’s Kessex Hills since it was such a beautiful place just to run around! Now, it’s a warzone.
Keep in mind, though, there are valid criticisms in the update & that is the living story. You can’t just keep rehashing Scarlet over & over & over, the chick’s more annoying than threatening. Something’s got to give. I think everyone’s tired of Scarlet.
If you played WvW, this AI mechanic has been there forever. Hell the lord will revive you if you die near him and he’s not engaging anyone.
How exactly are you impressed though, I see nothing but another gimmick zerg event, that doesn’t even reward that much because of the low level zone they are in. Most of the achievement is just a tedious find x at y and most of the story seems lost and confusing. I get it, there’s a giant tower, let me go inside but instead its alot of ‘minor’ events on the outside. I finished it within 3 hours and I don’t plan to go back because of how dull it turned out.
I didn’t mind doing this obelisk shard “search” but it wasn’t particularly fun. IF there are clues I had to decipher as to the whereabouts of each shard, THAT would be fun. As it stands atm, I just referenced Dulfy’s site and cleared for the achievement. It will be lost to memory.
No one likes these find X at Y achievements, they’re nothing but filler and a waste of time. All 24 points had the same mobs, 1 vet + 1 normal that spam conditions. It could of been 5 to 50 and it would be as equally tedious. They didn’t need to do 24 honestly.
On DUlfy there is 4 in maelstorm, she only shows pictures to 3 of them
No. She has pictures of all of them.
Yeah she updated it now it seems before the POI wasn’t circled. This is a common one that people missed. If its not the one you need, then its something else.
Its not a bug, there are 24, I did it all in one go without backtracking
(edited by Charak.9761)
The thing behind her is a husk
Game modes will need to reward players equally without directing players to one mode or another based on perceived differences in rewards or encouraging players to play a specific way in order to maximize rewards.
Maybe you should add the philosophy to PvE as well… you know, so champ trains and TP flipping aren’t clearly better than skilled content.
Marjory’s Axe
Marjory Delaqua inherited this axe from Mendel, a boy she failed to protect.
Marjory’s Dagger
Marjory Delaqua promised Mendel she’d protect this dagger, though she couldn’t protect him.
Kasmeer’s Staff
Lady Kasmeer Meade has only this staff to remember her mother and grandmother by.
On DUlfy there is 4 in maelstorm, she only shows pictures to 3 of them
He’s probably in Orr, where 70% of the WP are contested.
MKS doesn’t drop the gun to the ground, you can also still pick up other weapons and still have it on.
However, its a very poor weapon, you need to get #1 off and follow up with #2, and then run off to find a feast to reload. The problem lies with how quickly the ghosts can rally from dead, in the same spot and how quickly others will find you.
I thought the undead has always been there? When it says Tequatl’s presence remains, it’s refering to those fish-head-shaped landmines. It in no way hinders map complete or map enjoyment. The place is otherwise completely empty and uninteresting.
Actually some of the mobs that spawn during the event tend to stick around, so they aren’t worth xp or loot :/
It may be your anti-virus
If you run BitDefender, then you need to add the game to the process exclusions and change network setting.
Try disabling your anti-virus and playing for a bit. If you still crash, then it may be a hardware issue or your internet connection.
It is the most broken event in the whole game right now. It is so broken, that no one wants to do it, besides some random people that have to gather from random servers and kill that abomination on an overflow server.
Waiting for Tequatl 3.0.
Is that abom still charging the mega-laser 100-0 in 2 seconds?
gg anet. just… gg.
Its there FOREVER.
Only TTS does him now, and they do it on overflow servers.
I really hope youre joking. Even if I wanted to come back to GW2, which I hardly do at the moment, this would be a terrible turn of events for GW2. I understand Arenanet’s need and desire to make the encounter, as well as other world bosses, more difficult… But to degrade a part of the zone like that.. Terrible design. Its like ORR all over again with failed temples and people unable to map complete(or at least, it makes it a pain in the butt to do so).
When the extrinsic values aren’t there, its not worth doing. I did it for the month, waiting 1-2hrs before reset hoping to get my hands on a teq weapon skin. Never got any good drops, which killed any incentive to keep going back.
Its there FOREVER.
Only TTS does him now, and they do it on overflow servers.
If it is temporary, can you at least make it possible for players to acquire in other ways? That’d be an awesome compromise. The same goes for any significant non-cosmetic LW rewards, really.
You’ll be able to acquire the skill forever, it’s simply easier to earn (doesn’t cost skill points) during the release window.
you said points plural, hmmm as long as you don’t make it grindy or something insane like 50 skill points to acquire I don’t mind, take into consideration that an elite skill has never been more than either 10 or 30 skill points.
Just because the game has been out for a year and many players have 1000 skill points sitting there doing nothing doesn’t mean you can take that as the base line for the whole populous.
Hint, that new T7 item you can buy for 20 skill points is a travesty !
it should’ve never been more than 5 or 10 skill points at the most, again just because many players have a surplus of skill points does not make them the norm.
-you said points plural
-doesn’t cost skill points
You, have good reading skills.
Less content, more grind.
It’s been their pattern each time now, I have no doubt it’ll be another ruined event.
If you didn’t want to sit on ques, you shouldn’t of joined a t1 server
upgraded your gear every 5-10 levels, most of the time you can find it from completing story
also, zerk gear.
its the server lag catching up with itself.
zerg vs. zerg has all but ruined WvW
15 radiance
5 in virtues
5 in honor
10 in zeal
30 in valor
5 in radiance
Its an example of Extrinsic reward values not being properly validated by the game mechanics. Most people would just say go champ train for ~10g/hr or TP flip. But that, in itself, it not actually playing the game, you’re just actively farming the same way the Chinese farm for other MMOs.
You know why SAB weapons are my favourite? I earned those, and its the only reward at this moment in the game that considered rewarding for skill. Or just perserveance, whatever, I just know I like these because very rarely do you see others with it.
Then you see people with skins that are bought with gold/gems, and you don’t really consider them better, you just see another farmer, they didn’t earn it, they just took the easy path at rewards.
The lack of extrinsic values in this game that is suppose to be purely about cosmetic looks, and not gear progression is a strong kill factor of the game. You’re not giving your players a chance to earn better reward and in turn are only rewarding zerg play and one button mash trains.
At the moment, 10g/hr means working $2.5/hr. You are farming at a rate of 1/4 of minimal wage. I don’t like it and I know others don’t like it.
At least WoW raiding had a reason, I never farmed for gold and never needed it. I earned my tier gear by working with 24 other people at about 12 hours a week. My gold count in WoW is massive cause I never had to spend any of it.
Then you come here, and everything is based off gold because they want you to use the gemstore. Gold isn’t a ‘fun’ commodity. Extrinsic values based on skill holds much more weight and gives the player more playtime investment.
Heh, the abom firey rush walled the laser.
GG anet.
Its cool for my WvW roaming build, since I get all the mobs in one spot and have 8 seconds of fury while nuking them.
I wouldn’t use it for dungeons or spvp though.
MMOs are CPU based, not GPU
also, you can run best performance @ sampling native, and it looks exactly the same as high quality
It’s still a garbage skill, just use resolve
If you get hit into a wall, your character may clip into a partial part of the edge of the polygon layout and triggers the falling animation. So in pvp/wvw, it means players can damage you and you can’t retaliate because falling disables casting.
You only have 1 skill for burning, everything else is melee based
so, no, don’t build condition.
You must not have played World of Warcraft
I played it just fine
@Charak – how do you run with so little HP? and yes, i was going to suggest 10/25/30/0/5 : )) though i do have some vit from gear, etc.
i will have to say that Traveler runes definitely made a nice little impact on roaming for Guardians. never felt we had THAT big of a problem, not saying they don’t exist though especially with the amount of resetting that various classes can do, but this helps give us a nice little edge. : )) quite enjoying them.
and @Hunter – agreed hammer + GS meds is a nice combo. though there are many times when i miss my sword 2 port as well (but then you miss out on quite a few CCs from the hammer).
The medi heal and virtue work nicely, also crit lifesteal foodbuff is only 1s
It also helps to have guard defense, 20 more ranks to finish it off for the vit boost for me.
After using travelers, I don’t like not using it, the passive 25% helps roaming so much, I dont have to swap for retreat, I have my bane/smite/ji always up at each each cap point.
For most camps, there’s always spot to line of sight and pull them all to you into one spot, then you just nuke em all with everything. 10K whirlwinds against multiple targets, yea it works out quite well.
you’re suppose to stack bloodlust up then swap the weapon out for force (or night, most dungeons are nighttime)
sometimes its just easier to run purely force.
As a guardian, its better to put fire on sword/force on oh, its all situational.
(edited by Charak.9761)
The other Guardian bugged skill is leap of faith, occasionally it’ll leap over your target, instead of at them.
My current setup for solo roaming for camps/sentries/dolyaks
15/25/30/0/0, knight armour/traveler rune, with zerker trinkets, GS/ Sword&focus
1v2+ is almost impossible since the CD rely on bursting your single target and leaves you open against the other. The tradeoff is instantly capping camps which is what you want to do, get in and get out before the swords appear.
actually now that I think about it, I should run 10/25/30/0/5
(edited by Charak.9761)