(edited by Charak.9761)
I want the cape on mu-12 from BlazeBlu or the blade from Anubus from Zone of Enders
You mean temporary in the gemstore? Yes, it’ll only be there for a short while.
That’s the point, meta builds are easily countered.
WvW Solo roam / PvE
Fractal Carry
sPvP Druid
(edited by Charak.9761)
Uh, 3000 is the soft cap, and with the 150 buff from trait, you only need 2850
What a waste of toughness, put all of that to crit dmg.
You only need 70. Just make 3x +10
it’ll probably be a year before 50+ opens
the daily is 41-50
um, US first was 5 days ago.
Engies and hammer warriors
mesmar can be beaten but its situational with specific builds.
4000 gem gets you 238g btw
I think this would be the best one to use for the new flamekiss design.
mace works in pve, but it wont work in pvp because you will be kited for days
GS 2-4-2
Sword Auto
AH isn’t a roaming build, get triple medi
pic related
Let’s say for example that reward is straight up gold. Now each server has a limited amount and it spreads amongst every player who ‘significantly’ participated in WvW.
like 100,000 gold
stacked server 20000 people, so each gets 5g
small server 2000 people, so each gets 50g
Meaning stacked servers, each person gets a lesser amount because they had so many and the servers who have almost no presence but the few guilds who tried can get a good amount spread for them.
do 10/25/30/0/5
sword/focus + GS, triple medi, zerker, +guard defense
yea, it didn’t need it, at all. Like who even cares that people are x in fotm and isn’t level 50 the max now anyways? SO what’s the point.
enemies with endlessly increasing damage output and health isn’t really a very interesting way to add difficulty
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa… then how about reverting the open world boss changes then, they aren’t challenging, they’re tedious. do we still need to AA maw for 5mins still?
Vote kick all the rangers
Since I like this staff and it matches my outfit, its even better since apparently almost no one else uses it, so it makes it more unique.
I think it accurately depicts 90% of us.
(edited by Charak.9761)
Is anyone even surprised at this point? All the temporary content pushing bug fixes off the todo list.
Play Keg brawl (when available), 5mins = 600-1000 karma
Can’t have Esport with no DR on CC.
If it was player based, it wouldn’t budge after 1 week. Who’s even in there anymore other than late players?
it’s only been 5 out of 14 days
To FA blob, we get it, you have numbers and coverage. It’d be great if you didn’t feel the need to use said blob to run over small groups trying to get wxp.
Just use a guard and go through with triple medi heals
or just stealth theif.
I highly doubt the bar is programmed to react with each personal injections
It’s probably programmed to fill a certain amount per day, over 2 weeks. They don’t need to make complex coding when visually then can just do this and get away with it.
I’m not sure how small zerg-busters = better 24/7 coverage
AP, all this game is now is just an Achievement Point Simulator, they haven’t given a means to work towards anything else.
well it is reset day.
24million over 3 months
6 LS updates
4million per LS update
320,000,000 Gems
400,000 purchases per LS
(the value is less depending on actual box sales)
Scarlet helps the krait build a massive tower and then just goes “well I’m done here, bye-bye” and then just leaves, like it didn’t even matter to her. Like this whole month is just a slap in the face.
LS summary: “Here’s a giant evil device, but it doesn’t do anything and doesn’t matter”
yea the +5 works, its a cheaper alternative to the AR ones
Not surprising considering there’s no benefit to run it once you’ve gotten your achievements and can just park an alt at the top to run the instance or to open the chest with your daily key.
I must be missing something.. what daily key do you get at the top of the tower?
You don’t get a daily key at the top. You CAN however park a character with a couple of those instant bank access consumables at the chest. Use another character to buy one complete key per day and bank it (account bound). Then switch to the character at the chest, use bank access to get the key and open the chest.
You can access bank in WvW, logout and back in and be at the chest
There’s no point being in there after day one and AP list is done.
Potion of Undead always made you take 10% more damage.
Clockwork knight tonic was a step in the right direction, why the step backwards?
The gasmask is cool but now I can’t use it encase it looks better on an alt, just like every other back skin in my bank. What exactly is the goal here, to flood our banks? You added an achievement window holding zenith, radiant, and hellfire, why are metas not going in there as well?
I do but its stupid annoying to use
I have to find matches that are 14/20 or 9/20 because the system is to stupid to know how full games does not include the spectators.
How exactly does someone hide in the shadows if they are on fire?
This game is in desperate need of CC DR, no matter how you argue about stability. If it wants to be competitive, you can’t allow people to CC chain.
Looking at the edge of the mist map, it’s rather large… too large in my opinion, you spread everything so thin with maps like that. Wouldn’t the better plan be an equal map design like AV? (yeah I know AV has a flaw in the mirror of the map design)
Trait/signet doesn’t. Traveler’s runes do if it hasn’t been fixed.
I can confirm these runes still work.
It’d be nice to know why the higher population servers feel the need to pro-actively defend everything, we get it, you have people/coverage, how exactly does letting a tower fall, letting you and others get more wxp hurting your score.
Toxin ticks for 254 in there and its unavoidable, so its basically just run through to get to the top.
I made it though on my glass guard.