guess they got tired of LA being a hub
In WvW? Expect to die.
You have it backwards, group rangers are vastly needed in WvW. They are only garbage PvE classes (lowest dps of the 8 professions).
The Hounds of Balthazar have the advantage of dealing damage more quickly, but the Mistfire Wolf is tougher than the individual Hounds and thus survives longer if you need something to tank a tough foe for a while.
You also forget that the hounds are a blast finisher
Change title topic to – How to murder the English language
Applied only to those who have contributed 500+ points, to deter map drop-ins
So only reward players capturing objectives and continue to ignore any kind of defensive effort?
that’s exactly what was missing from WvW :/
You’re wasting time defending btw.
The time it takes to defend is equivalent to taking 2-3 objectives, and EotM promotes objective taking, some reward 30pts on taking.
Un-used, you could of rolled human and had TWO dogs
I honestly feel like this game is making me bad at other games due to the general ease of gameplay.
I only have to remember 15 keybinds here, when I played wow it was 50+ per character.
I also view FPS as a poor game mechanic as it lowers players ability to work cooperatively and have differentiating reaction times to various response; TLDR fps games produce bad players; I feel like GW2 is having the same effect.
You don’t need gold in WoW and a proper raid guild means 4-12hrs a week at max.
Making money in Maplestory is only to reduce the time it takes to farm more levels.The problem with GW2 is its a cosmetic based game that locks most skins behind gold and gems instead of gameplay and actual progression is limited. At the moment, the only end-game is leveling up your pvp level or wvw rank because fotm/dungeons are garbage.
Just thought I’d be fair. We do have some skins, like the fractal skins, Zenith Skins, Hellfire/Radiant skins and Aetherpath/Tequatl skins (Though in all fairness, Those are RNG based, not actual rewards for anything, and the Tequatl skins had such a low drop rate that they’ve increased it thrice now..)
The only skin I like in this game are SAB weapons from TM because those CANT be bought with gold, so they display true skill progress even if they are the most particle effecty skins out there.
You can’t buy fractal skins either, and they only drop at a certain level of difficulty, now and then.
I get what you’re saying. I just think it’s fair to give the credit where due, even if the credit is small.
fotm is a joke as well, 49 can be cleared daily by practically everyone. I have a bunch of fractal skins that I probably will never use because they are unattractive cosmetically.
You don’t need gold in WoW and a proper raid guild means 4-12hrs a week at max.
Making money in Maplestory is only to reduce the time it takes to farm more levels.The problem with GW2 is its a cosmetic based game that locks most skins behind gold and gems instead of gameplay and actual progression is limited. At the moment, the only end-game is leveling up your pvp level or wvw rank because fotm/dungeons are garbage.
Just thought I’d be fair. We do have some skins, like the fractal skins, Zenith Skins, Hellfire/Radiant skins and Aetherpath/Tequatl skins (Though in all fairness, Those are RNG based, not actual rewards for anything, and the Tequatl skins had such a low drop rate that they’ve increased it thrice now..)
The only skin I like in this game are SAB weapons from TM because those CANT be bought with gold, so they display true skill progress even if they are the most particle effecty skins out there.
And Teq weapon skins are reskins, I don’t approve of that design nature in games.
You don’t need gold in WoW and a proper raid guild means 4-12hrs a week at max.
Making money in Maplestory is only to reduce the time it takes to farm more levels.
The problem with GW2 is its a cosmetic based game that locks skins behind gold instead of gameplay and actual progression is limited. At the moment, the only end-game is leveling up your pvp level or wvw rank because fotm/dungeons are garbage.
(edited by Charak.9761)
Green Side:
-Kodan buff no longer applies 10% reduce damage; Now applies a chance to apply chill on hit and reduces movement impairment affects duration by 20%
-Kodan Bell now summons 2 veterans
-Kodan Hammer is now a physical item and not a direct buff gain
Blue Side:
-Airstrike range increased 600, radius increased 200, reduced damage by 150 and now applies cripple
-Wurm tunnel exits are now guarded by a veteran wurm
-Turrets range reduced 200, radius reduced 100, and now applies bleed instead of knockback
-Air Captain damage reduced by 500, Health reduced by 50,000 and cooldown on airstrike increased by 20 seconds.
Red Side:
-Troll Regeneration reduced by 50% and cooldown increased by 10 seconds
-Troll venom strikes can now be broken
-Light ball now applies cripple when detonating
-Small walls have been placed in strategic places, similar to Skyhammer
-Increased amount of roaming mobs, each kill now rewards 50wxp
-Added event mobs similar to Ward/Harpy/Wurm from Borderlands, these will also grant 250wxp
-Talking to keep lords will grant you 50% movement speed for 30(s), does not stack
-Team end rewards:
-1st: 5000 wxp and rank chest, does not contain currency but has a chance for ascended
-2nd: 2500wxp and rank chest, does not contain currency but has a chance for ascended
-3rd: 2500wxp
Applied only to those who have contributed 500+ points, to deter map drop-ins
(edited by Charak.9761)
Its funny that people like to think that gold from dungeons and champ farm is where all the money is
meanwhile, people with warriors soloing arah paths and selling slots making 20g/hr
Yeah, and where exactly did that 20g come from originally? Path selling is just gold changing hands, not gold creation like the examples you scoffed at.
Not like there’s a shortage of gold on hand in-game either though, we’ve got people sitting on 300k gold.
Its funny that people like to think that gold from dungeons and champ farm is where all the money is
meanwhile, people with warriors soloing arah paths and selling slots making 20g/hr
Its to bad, 130 people out of 150 getting 7 rares and no asc/skin/mini for hrs of work and varies attempts is a huge deterrent for repeat encounters.
I’ve got my one kill and don’t intend to go back until rewards are re-balanced.
Event actually takes about half an hour at most. Maybe Needs 20 more minutes to set up. There is a chance fo mini wurm and ascended stuff. I don’t see anything wrong there.
Uh… excuse me… excuse me… Have you been to a kill, you have to do it repeatedly until it happens, its doesn’t succeed a 100% of the time.
Yeah it seems green is more defensive, but it doesn’t counter zerg-play, it just stops solo/group play. The bell only summons vets, and the champ is an easy champ bag for zergs.
1. People who quit the game but find it necessary to troll the forums long after they’ve left…
2. Everyone with the “I want it nao for no effortz!!!” attitude…
The game is a beautiful game, and there are so many fun things to do I can hardly count them all, but when I come to the forums for information or to see what’s up with the meta, all I see is people who seem to think that trolling a forum for a game game they don’t play any more makes them look intelligent, or people who are unhappy that they can’t have everything handed to them on a silver platter.
Yeah, there’s alot to do if you’ve haven’t done them continuously.
World bosses gets dull, spvp gets dull, wvw gets dull, fotm gets dull because all of them have been the same almost since day one, are easy zerg types, and are under-rewarding.
I’ve been here since day one, I once said there was too much to do too, but since I play almost everyday, I can see the continuous flaws that are being pushed out. The game needs to be fleshed out, you can’t expect the player to like the same content after so long, that’s insanity.
Its to bad, 130 people out of 150 getting 7 rares and no asc/skin/mini for hrs of work and varies attempts is a huge deterrent for repeat encounters.
I’ve got my one kill and don’t intend to go back until rewards are re-balanced.
Content wasn’t nerfed, they merely fixed the exploit of the event w/o using the phrase “exploit”.
It’s effective health is at least 10% lower than it was before. I’m not sure what they did to fix the exploit, but I think they gave him a leash like any other creature.
doesn’t leash, if it moves out of range it goes invul
Oh, my, god. Becky, look at her butt.
It is so big. [scoff] She looks like,
one of those rap guys’ girlfriends.
Btw if you’re gonna screencap, its better to press ctrl+shift+h
you means colors? You play as the same color as the real wvw, so if you’re green this week, you’re on the kodan side this week.
My server seems fairly populated. Always have commanders doing world boss circuts and seems someone is always trying events. Lots of time gotta ask on /m map chat to see if others are near you. Ooh I’m on CD.
I’m on CD too, I find it better to guest to a higher pop server for world events. Especially for marionette as well, CD is actually really bad at it.
The problem is the game needs to help new players succeed, if a new player comes in and feels overwhelmed, like the excessive gold count required in the game now to play, they’re turn off and you’ve lost a future gemstore user
Then you got people asking for hardcore content but are getting these poorly designed 100+ teq/wurm updates that can be countered/trolled by a small amount of people/pugs
You also have DPS checks, where you have to abuse pet summon items and ele weapons.
One easy fix is to reward gameplay and NOT make cosmetic progressions linked to gold
(edited by Charak.9761)
Just the consent bad game design over the year. A lot of easy fixes but never implemented.
It is almost like they have to consider what is best for their game vs what is best for you. Also what is so easy that can be fix as fast as you claim?
I love that your goto is that I’m complaining about the game to fit my needs when its about fixing it to attract new players.
You’ve got a story line thats not easily replayed, so new players are out of the loop.
You’ve got world bosses overscaling like covington, maw, and golem
You’ve got end game fotm that are still under-rewarding and no additional uses to relics
You’ve got an spvp design that hasn’t changed in 1.5 years, no new mechanics, just domination only
You’ve got a wvw design that caters to zerging only
You’ve got maps that are too big for the content it has
You’ve got champ trains and TP flipping and arah spot selling that makes better gold count than people who play the harder content (the harder content being lacking as the same time)
You’ve got large hits/misses in the Extrinsic/Intrinsic values in the game
Just the consent bad game design over the year. A lot of easy fixes but never implemented.
Content wasn’t nerfed, they merely fixed the exploit of the event w/o using the phrase “exploit”.
Pavilion and Scarlet Invasion fed everyone gold.
The market never recovered.
Solo – Zerker
Group – PVT
Staff’s only purpose is Tagging for loot bags in zerg events.
whatever class can lock down a target via cripple/chill/immbo so the guardian doesnt have to chase them everywhere
It’s not even about the badge cost, the map is unbalanced where Red has clear advantages over the other two, followed by blue, and then Green.
This just reminds me of the old style AV in WoW where Horde had a clear advantage simply by bad map design. It needs to be mirrored, otherwise one side has a better success rate.
The Bell and Claw for Green do not match up to the other team.
Green Side has a -10% damage taken buff for free.
It’s a pretty good perk.
So much this…. Not to mention Frostreach is like The Lord of the turtle, good luck taking their keep with the T3 blizzard up + the 10% damage reduction + the bell summons + the Claw of Zerg busting.
I was red last week, green is super easy to take and the claw is just feeding them other team free champ bags
I’d rather down state not being used in PvE mobs, its just a waste of time, the whole nightmare court thing getting that was a huge deterrent.
Red has Alter which gives them free access to immunity sprite
Blue has free access to wurm tunnel and scorpions
Green side seems under-powered, and then topped off with a badge cost to use its useful item.
lol, how convenient.
I have a follow up question to add to this: How many grains of sand are on the average beach on a moderately warm day with 9 mph winds?
Well some people buy the game and quit early in the month if something turns them off
Like, I’ve been playing WoW for 5 years, then I played swotr and bought a 90 day sub, how long did I play that for? maybe a month, then I left, the map/questing was obnoxius and took to long, like 20mins+ because the map was just to big, and my story missions greyed out and everything just felt like a waste of time.
Just because 3mil copies were sold, doesnt mean there are 3mil people playing. I can see 450k people logging in over a 24hr period, but I dont see it being very high either, the game isn’t as fleshed out because of this LS so there isn’t much to do. The new eotm map brings back the bad memory of swtor, its to big, so its just boring.
Map was made for Zerging not solo roam
the vets were orginally designed to only be beatable by 5+ people, they tuned it down though
Warrior does everything but their gameplay is sooooo boring
Guardian can’t master everything but can be played fairly easily
Those builds are bad… and wth with everyone giving wall of texts in responses.
PvE and WvW can not have the same build for Guardian, it wont work.
PvE: 20/25/0/0/25 or 10/25/0/25/10
WvW (group): 0/15/0/30/25 or 0/0/10/30/30
WvW (solo): 10/25/30/05
Here’s what I use with my Guard:
These are karma items, BUT you can salvage them to get their insignas (soilders, magi, caliver, etc) and sell those for a good 2-4g
Use a Black Lion Salvage Kit if you can, I got a bunch from dailies so thats what I use it for.
I know its human t3, how about there’s an option to upgrade our current human t3 to flame if we wanted too. the skin exists, no need for it to not exist anymore.
Seems like most main servers are quickly abandoning these LS events after about a week or so, therefore to be able to continue with any of these events is to guest to Blackgate.
It’s the only way to do Wurm and Marionette atm.
Norn = Kodan = Bear that loves Cats
Ohhh right. Well, you might need to guest somewhere. I almost never get in main on TC to fight the marionette and I end up in full overflows (that often beat it). I have been swimming in cyphers. In fact I’ve had to junk yellows in the Forge because the TP is still broken for me.
It’s not an abandoned fight.
GuestGate is your only option atm \o/
“If the Edge of the Mists isn’t your thing, don’t fret; Scarlet will be continuing to test the Twisted Marionette in Lornar’s Pass.”
The marionette basically will continue after the next LS tomorrow.
you still got another 2 more weeks to do it.