going to be busy for 1-3 days* until next update.
I fixed that for you, you’re welcome.
I have a few BLC kits from dailies
considering neither of those are used, not really a problem
I only use purging flame for camp solo
Doesn’t matter, stealth needs a counter.
if anything we can go back to WoW basic and make it break on damage, how about that?
Pic #3 Clocktower
Pic #4 Halloween costume (gemstore)
Champion Loot – Google Docs
cant read doc
Destroyer, Icebrood, Ghost, Elemental
-Gilded Strongbox
-Cores, Lodestones, T6, T5, Karma, Scroll of Knowledge
-Crystal Guardian, Scepter of the Highborn, Shiverstone, Cobalt, Monsoon, Combustion, Genesis
despite their promise you are still forced to grind fractals to get the material for the ascended backpiece. mind boggling.
Well the first backpack isn;t a grind, since you’ll get it by making your way up to level 40s, but afterwards, incase you want different stat or another for an alt, yeah, then it becomes tedious.
why must i be forced to grind fractals for some rng drop?
its not rng drop, the back piece is created through relics that drop off bosses/chest. Atm, yes, the higher fractal rewards are severely lacking, but that may change come the Fractal update in November or December this year.
wrong….the vial of essence is a random drop. it is mandatory to make an ascended backpiece. stop defending the indefensible.
Shards are more common, you can break 1 shard into 9 vials, or 1 glob into 3 vial. You only need 1 vial for the recipe, it’s highly likely you’ll get them by leveling up in fractal. Don’t just do lvl10 dailies, you’re hurting yourself.
despite their promise you are still forced to grind fractals to get the material for the ascended backpiece. mind boggling.
Well the first backpack isn;t a grind, since you’ll get it by making your way up to level 40s, but afterwards, incase you want different stat or another for an alt, yeah, then it becomes tedious.
why must i be forced to grind fractals for some rng drop?
its not rng drop, the back piece is created through relics that drop off bosses/chest. Atm, yes, the higher fractal rewards are severely lacking, but that may change come the Fractal update in November or December this year.
Nothing has been changed, you didn’t miss much other than temporary content
despite their promise you are still forced to grind fractals to get the material for the ascended backpiece. mind boggling.
Well the first backpack isn;t a grind, since you’ll get it by making your way up to level 40s, but afterwards, incase you want different stat or another for an alt, yeah, then it becomes tedious.
I want more cosmetic loot.
All cosmetic loot tied to gold
Cant play how I want, playing something else atm.
Are there any discussion threads about the average time for these titles?
Speaking as a S4 gladiator Rogue, and server-first top-DPS rogue. (Charak – Blade’s Edge – 2004-2009)
Stealth in WoW
- Breaks on damage or debuff (ie warrior shout)
- Not 100% stealth, you can be seen if you’re too close (unless you had the secondary buff of vanish which improves the stealth, so you wouldnt be respotted when using it)
– The safer route of vanish was a macro to stop attack, because that melee attack going into vanish may pre-break the vanish
- Vanish was 5min CD, I think it got changed to 2mins last time I played, with a 10min CD prep to let you do another vanish
- inital stealth is permanent until you attack or get attacked
- Does not break on damage or debuff
- provides regen
- 90% uptime on stealth
- works as a secondary evade
- inital stealth has a short buff
I’m glad rangers are getting a anti-stealth come Tuesday (same as hunters had flare), but the CD needs a rework or give another class anti-stealth.
Unrelated to stealth, currently thieves can win without using weapons:
(edited by Charak.9761)
Just go do it now, it literally takes 30mins-2hrs to get it done.
The boss is a fun fight, but I’m not sure about letting him toss gears on the raised platforms that save you from electric floors….where you’re put when you die on electric floors….to be killed by the gears……..
Why are you on the platoform, just melee him and then drag him to the holo when the shield comes. the fight is that simple.
sometimes people take the unnecessary hard route :/
Not being in a guild in a game called Guild Wars, is like not mining in Minecraft.
Guilds offer 24/7 buffs and guild missions provide you with commendations.
zerker, put all your traits in zeal for leveling
Does it actually really matter? I’ll just transmute them anyway
That’s the point, they want you to do that, why? because money.
-1 Weapon, looks like winterday
-1 Armour, totally out of place
If you’re not to worry about max-dps, you can just carry dungeons just fine with
knight armour, zerker trinkets.
Its 5 laurel per recipe, so you may need about 35 for 1 armor set come ascended armor crafting
Yeah they added it last patch, its actually very nice to buy ranks now, to bad I already spent like 2000 badges beforehand, only got to buy a couple
(edited by Charak.9761)
RNG definitely needs work, there are no skill based rewards other than TM-W2 Storm Wizard skins basically.
What is power creep?
Amulets – 40 laurels or 30 laurels + 250 badges of honor
Dont buy rings with laurels, you get them through fotm
Don’t buy accessories with laurels, you get them through guild missions
WvW infusions – +5(stat) +1% dmg to guards
WvW +1 Rank – 2 laurels + 50 badges of honor
if you have the badges you can literally rank up 167 times
WoW let you trade in pvp badges for honor points. Just asking because the glory system is lacking in spendability.
The game would have to be broken for it to need fixing.
You must glaze over your eyes to not see many of the inaccuracies of this game.
It’s fixable, but anet still needs to shift away from certain design perspectives, like having extrinsic rewards NOT tied to gold/RNG
I wouldn’t buy it either.
What’s the point of a new race, w/o race change or the fact the game is so anti-alt now
I would reference to my first post on this thread, Chris.
eles do more damage
Its an example, not a mean for new players. Its to give players who have done everything and who really, have nothing left to do. The only version of it is high level fractals, but they are very unrewarding in terms of loot.
Totally wrong. There’s plenty of new stuff…quality of life stuff, stuff that has changed. There’s new jumping puzzles, a brand new dungeon path, there’s zone wide Scarlet invasions, there’s new PvP maps, there’s all sorts of new stuff.
You have people on these forums who are unhappy because they don’t like some of the design decisions Anet has made…but the game has progressed…just not in the direction everyone likes.
For example, ascended weapons have been introduced, which require more grind than some people want to do. But it’s still far less grind than legendary weapons.
In addition, a minigame rotation has been added to the game, four mini games rotate.
Dailies have changed, monthlies have changed…those who say it hasn’t changed are not just wrong…they’re demonstrably wrong.
-One new jumping puzzle, aetherblade’s
-The new dungeon has no replay after achievements, the rewards are off-based compared to the time spent. It was replaced an existing path, so it’s not additional* content.
-invasions were only worthwhile during the LS, when you could zerg farm them, now they are less frequent with less people to scale up mobs to multiple champions
-Skyhammer is poorly executed pvp design, an 8000 laser spike every 5 seconds from whomever controls it?
-Crafting to 500 cost 150-200g in materials, Ascended weapons cost 20g
-The daily system with the addition of achievement chests have turned this game into an Achievement Simulator (like a AH simulator of D3), where people only log on for the AP and logoff because there’s nothing else to do.
Not really a definition of power creep really, the weapons are miniscule in dps increase.
Power creep comes when you’ve gone so far in the game all the older content is worthless to you now. Its one of the reason why the open world is so deserted and why new players wonder why they can’t play with anyone during leveling.
A good example of recovering from power creeping is heroic difficulty dungeons, it improved play while bringing back the old content.
Nothing new has been added, you missed a lot of temporary content that won’t be re-lived.
So, its essentially still the same game you left it.
You want feedback to fixing your game?
1.) Extrinsic rewards need to be provided away from RNG/Gold. Your skinner box is really poorly designed, to many players are smashing that button down and getting nothing out, while only a couple are getting 800g precursors on the first push. This is ultimately frustrating, there is no way to work towards any cosmetic item in a ‘fun’ matter that doesn’t involve champ train or TP flipping.
2.) Precursor crafting should be pushed to highest priority, not last item on the list
3.) Real Quality of life changes: Dual Specialization, LFG Tool takes you to dungeon (no porting to map), WvW map viewable before going inside, Glory tradable for PvE items, UI for Mini (separate from bank), Achievement Meta rewards placed in the achievement item panel (why are players left with the ever increasing amounts of backitems they may be to scared to use because they only got 1), and account-bound WvW rank and FOTM levels.
4.) Fotm rewards are lacking after a player receives their back-item and rings.
5.) Reward vs. Time vs. Skill Charts, this is really lop sided, why is farming champs or TP flipping more rewarding than say arah p4, or 8 orb Liadari, or even fotm (your ‘end-game’ dungeon).
6.) Heading back to GW lore, the LS has gone way off base and most people can’t seem to follow the story as to what is happening. I’m pretty sure a lot of us still don’t understand who Scarlet is and why she does what she does.
I want it so rangers know how garbage they are in dungeons and we can stop the arguement about why we don’t like them in dungeons.
I’m bored as well, the game is an Achievement Simulator at most now.
Can’t earn/work towards decent rewards without RNG or Gold. Done all the content offered. Waiting on precursor crafting. fotm is dull and unrewarding. spvp and wvw are the same maps over/over/over/over…
it’ll be some garbage RNG box that’ll screw a lot of people out of money, and leave a couple with undeserving high rewards.
its all temp content anyways, they’re shooting themselves in the foot.
If you’re still seeing ads in this day and age, maybe you shouldn’t be allowed to use a computer anymore.
Because I disable adblock on certain sites?
Then don’t complain about ads then. sites use them to make money.
Oh, for PvE just pick any server where your friends are, even if it’s empty, because twice a day you can guest transfer to a higher pop server to complete the harder events (like orr temples).
Or main a high pop and guest to your friend. I wouldnt join a high pop though, you’ll get long que for wvw ques. try 2nd or 3rd tier
If you’re still seeing ads in this day and age, maybe you shouldn’t be allowed to use a computer anymore.
Its easy to do backitems, so they just keep pushing them out
For the past couple weeks, my server was killing him at reset. Now over the past couple of days, people suddenly stopped, everyone moved on.
Even with the reward buff, its still hugely un-rewarding. I guess I got twiddle my thumbs until next update :/
Should of been the highest priority, a lot of your veteran players are waiting on it to progress in this game
WoW had me memorize 400 skill slots.
You can imagine why I’m bored with the 80 we have
Arena Net said that they will release HUGE content patch next year
They also hyped the release of a new “dungeon” and then gave us the abomination that was Canach’s Lair.
What was so bad about it, use the bomb on him, dps, loot, gg. I prefer short dungeons.
Xpac is definitly not a solution. I’d be done with the game and play something else.
I was so happy when Cata came for WoW, I could finally put that game down for the rest of my life.
Easy, just melee smash him until shield icon appears, drag him to holo, then melee smash him some more
Crafting precusors will definitely have an effect on certain markets, which is one reason I could imagine for why it’s taken so long to implement, so as to figure out a way to reduce instability. Considering the disequilibrium caused by ascended crafting and the magic find revamp,, I wouldn’t be surprised if they wait to see how the market handles ascended weapons.
It’s gotten way out of hand of the free-market, it should not have been 800g for a precursor. You could get them for 10-50g in the early months.