Showing Posts For Charak.9761:

Great Job on the new Tequatl fight

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charak.9761


It’s zerg content, 100 people slapping teq’s feet and 20 people at each turrets (West/East)

it boils down to how good the turrets are, and how less likely people down in the teq ball.

This patch is going to be small?

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Charak.9761


I think the design team got burnout on those last updates for the pass couple months and realize its all the same to drop 1 thing every 2 weeks and generate the numbers.

Could you imagine if AP chests didn’t exist? The game would of been killed, the extrinsic values are largely gone

TO many of us have become more and more invested, that people just kind of accept garbage content as new and innovative, and really that boils down to player loyalty. I’m invested, my hours and purchases make me invested in this game but these small updates and no extrinsic value outside of RNG for me to work towards makes the game fall flat.

New content and Another back item...

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Charak.9761


Because it’s easier to design a back item than a weapon. But essentially what else can they do for you cosmetically, would be nice to get new helms that aren’t atrocious (ie dragon helms)

I don’t agree with obtaining minis however, they add no intrinsic value to the game and they are hardly noticed and they still need a UI option to allow you to swap between all the ones you own outside of your bags.

Recoloured versions of awful skins

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Charak.9761


Except Molten Facility had extrinsic rewards
-Sentinal Inscriptions
-Jetpack (*unsoulbound)
-Unique mini
-Costume potion/recipe

Aether’s Retreat
-Unique Recipes
-Costume potion

but nothing in this new dungeon but a recoloured version of existing skins, where’s the real extrinsic value?

(edited by Charak.9761)

Please stop rushing content down, ANet?

in Living World

Posted by: Charak.9761


It’s a design implementation for the microtranscation route. Anet is largely run by ncsoft, and ncsoft is about making money, they are a business first and foremost.

So take a look at microtransaction, it needs to be inside a free to play game (outside of game retail price) in order to maintain. The primary rule is to never sell power, a pay-to-win option and they migfht of accidently drifted there with the infinite coin.

So by making sure players come on everyday, they are more likely to eventually purchase soemthing from the store, and once someone does that, they’re invested into the game and will continue to make those purchases.

The RNG boxes keep existing because players feel like purchasing them, the gamble route, hey I can win a 100g for almost $1. It sounds good in theory, but you will always lose and that becomes abusive.

It’s the same for the LS concept. If they make new content every 2 weeks, no matter how bad they may seem, they also attach new gemstore items. You as an invested player will come online to do the new content and work towards the new AP but that also means some of those players will purchase the new items, even if they are essentially useless, was that boombox purchase really necessary? no, but you bought it because you were invested and wanted something to play with.

If people would stop allowing abusive microtransaction from taking place, you may end up with either compelling gameplay or a broken game.

Just, don’t make purchases unless you fully enjoy the new content but also remember that gemstore purchases go to ncsoft not anet and ncsoft can do anything with that money, like put it towards wildstar, a game that essentially will draw players away for a WoW clone.

Recoloured versions of awful skins

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Charak.9761


We’ve all lived through the aether gameplay, and honestly, it ruins the immersion, suddenly going from medieval fantasy to steampunk, with no recollection as to why/how it was created, it just appeared. We’ve been over the aether thing for the past 6 months? I think its time to move on, and I think a lot of us could of done without continuing the scarlet sue storyline.

Yeah it’s great they added a permanent path in a dungeon, but there’s no intrinsic/extrinisc reward for doing it, most people will pop in the first couple days and do the achievements, but after? Who really even did the previous scarlet dungeon multiple times?

(edited by Charak.9761)

Recoloured versions of awful skins

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Charak.9761


Exotic Nightmare Weapons

Foes in the Twilight Arbor explorable mode have a rare chance to drop a new version of the Nightmare weapons. These weapons have a unique name and give off a blue aetherized glow.

Considering the fact that almost no one was using these in the first place, contending they were purple of course, the overall design of them were aesthetically unappealing. In their mind, instead of re-introducing more reward carrot options, you essentially work towards something that pre-exists, in the notion that it is now blue.

And the more find x to complete y option (aether keys), I think this game is taking in the wrong notion of game design. There’s no current compelling intrinsic/extrinsic value coming out of this patch. Some people may like it, or for those that pre-own these weapons can get an upgraded visual effects, but for others, it’s a let-down.

(edited by Charak.9761)

Steam OS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charak.9761


This game was built years ago on an old direct x 9 architecture.
The programming alone for another OS would be atrocious.

MMOs cost alot of money to make, why put more money into something most people aren’t going to use. Ultimately left to ncsoft, not anet, in a decision like this and ncsoft will not make an investment like this because the return value is far less then the initial cost.

Sad part? This event will die soon.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


MMOs are based on playing for rewards. When the reward is non-existant, I have no intrinsic value coming out in new content.

GW 2 was advertised as a fun, casual MMO.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charak.9761


We still have ascended armour to contend with, even though the weapons alone killed my gold fund.

And a revamped Shatterer to kill the fun even more.

GW 2 was advertised as a fun, casual MMO.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charak.9761


Because they fell into a trap thanks to ncsoft, it cost a lot of money to create an MMO and then it cost more money to keep it going. They wanted to introduce new ideas, but the risk vs standard may of been too high. It seems they are pushing for more WoW like features and forgetting their manifesto altogether, since that is the success of WoW.

But following in the footstep of WoW will kill your game and the players who play it, why play another WoW clone, if I can just play WoW when it’s clearly well rooted. WoW’s playerbase is 50% what it used to be, and they may of all flocked to here. What happens when you start catering to these people who are locked into another concept, you cater to them to keep them here.

It’s kitten the designers because they know they wanted a different MMO based experience but they also know they need to keep the money coming in, so they stick to standards. Now with the gear treadmill, daily time lockouts and the newly added raid contents, it’s falling apart. I didn’t leave WoW to play another WoW clone, swtor showed how bad that ended up being.

but hey, money talks, if you don’t like it, stop putting money into the gemstore until they smarten up. You know there’s an item in EVE that cost $70 that is entirely cosmetic? Stop being abused, and let the share-holder back off from abusing us.

Fastest Recorded Tequatl Kill

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


This screenshot needs to be at least twice as large for the children…

Lol’d at Zoolander reference.

I’m the dude playin’ the dude, disguised as another dude!

Wrong movie…

Anyone else feel the loot falls short?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


I’m up to 4 kills and so far I’ve got the rune (15s :/), and the breather, but mostly blues/greens everywhere else.

This requires a lot of coordination and teamwork and you have to be lucky enough to be online and inside the main server just after the reset because no further kills are conducted on my server.

[Survey] How do you feel about Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


Updated with 669 responses, Added two more questions

Fastest Recorded Tequatl Kill

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


What is this, a screenshot for ants?


in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


cool title bro

Hidden "Achievement" Problem.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


They probably intended for this to be an achievement, but quickly realized it might prompt fail attempts for people trying to get it but forgot to remove it entirely

So how do we fix Berserker?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charak.9761


Simple, you saw a new encounter where power creep comes into play, where not only does the mob hit you harder but also negates parts of your stats.

World bosses, hits harder and are uncritable, the solution? pvt or heal gear. SO not only do you have the more tanky stats or supportive skills, but you’re allowed to be tanky because you no longer need the stats of precision/crit dmg.

The other problem with that, is that low damage numbers are boring to most user. Saw for example you’re using a guardian sceptor, that sceptor will only hit a world boss for 144 damage. That’s pretty boring right. This is where game design might partially fall off. Everyone is so used to using object x because of its effective power over skill.

So now you’ve moved from using a full crit hundred blade 43k hit, to something essentially around 10k, and that’s fine but regular attacks become boring, hitting for 100-500. When 80% of your damage is based solely on AA, where’s the fun in pressing 2 or 3, when you can remove the skill and AA all day and loot?

I think the devs need to take a step back and reevaluate their ‘revamps’. Let’s take this for example, the maw boss used to die within 30 seconds, so for some people they complained about being unable to get back in time to tag up enough damage for the rewards. However, now they increased his health so he can take 5mins of beating to his HP pool. This didn’t make the encounter difficult, adding more HP doesn’t make content difficult. The only reason to add more HP to older content, is top bring back players who’s power creep is beyond that mobs potential, ie heroic mode vanilla content (WoW). But nothing changed on maw himself, he doesn’t hit harder, he just last longer, and that gets boring… really boring. As a consumer for the game I’ve invested in, I feel partially abused by that factor. Why am I hitting this mob for longer when the intrinsic value is unchanged, I’m putting in more work now for something that hasn’t been revalued.

The game is only a year old I guess, it has alot of potential but it keeps going off inthe wrong direction, maybe ncsoft is partially to blame for ruining something that could of been great. But hey, WoW only got good for me mid-way through burning crusade, maybe they’ll fix it up down the road. But right now, alot of what exists in the game really trails off and the intrinsic values fall flat.

Harder content requires you to wear pvt, but in the end, you’re still pigeon holed

[Survey] How do you feel about Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


Updated with 412 responses

I like the fish heads.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


if you’re downing because of the heads… it’s letting you know not to fight in the teq ball

Teq Isn't Hard

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


The difficulty isnt the fight itself, its everything else around it:

Requires TS3/Mumble/Vent
Only SIX turrets, so trolls/afk on one ruin the encounter
This event doesn’t scale to the required 80 members, but a full map.
The disconnect issue
To many people defending turrets spawn champs that are hard to kill
Everyone at teq needs pvt gear (condition still pointless here)
Abusing ele weapons for dps

Who gave up on the reptile already?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


Killed him 3 times, loot is garbage still.

How fast can you kill Teq?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


The key is abusing ele weapons

[Survey] How do you feel about Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


“How likely are you to repeat kill him?”
None of those choices matched what I would say which is, I wouldn’t do it again because it is content I have completed. I did it, its done, and now its on to the next thing.

Well the content is the Meta\title, I would assume after you’ve gotten it, there’s no other reason to go back, right?

I do not intend to get the title/achievements etc. I just wanted to beat the dragon and I did. I’m not going back for some stupid wings.

Wings are completely unrelated to killing teq

Can we get a dev response on Sunless Rune?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


This rune requires a teq kill to get BUT it’s stats are all over the place and useless, why do we need a 1 second fear on a rune obtained through PvE purposes?

condition damage, minus condition duration, 4% crit damage out of nowhere?, and a poorly written 6 slot

Was this intended or will it be reworked to actually make sense?

Anet will have to make Tequatl easier

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


I rather spend 3 hours of my day waiting for an epic boss fight than faceroll boss spamming auto attack. It really saddens me when I see people want this.

So, you would rather spend 3hrs on one content for 1g, couple of blue/greens for your work…

…then make progressive progress with loot by making 7-10g/hr champ farming?

What Is Tequatl The Sunless?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


I used to think it didn’t give good rewards, but I changed my mind. It gives more than one gold, two or three rares, ascended materials, a chance at unique skins and a higher chance at precursors and ascended weapons. For 15 to 20 minutes of work, that’s definitely worth it. It’s just a matter of getting in the right server.

Doesn’t have an increase chance of a precursor

Slight nerf to Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


I can say with 99.9% certainty that the encounter will be adjusted based on feedback and observation, like almost everything else is in an MMO.

Any adjustments whose purpose is to make it easier, or just as a side effect makes it easier, will be called “nerfs” and the people who feel they deserve a cookie because they have done it now will complain.

But it doesn’t change anything… I don’t think anybody is doing it with less than over the soft cap in the zone, right? So at the very least, scaling adjustments will have to eventually come, whether it is days, weeks, or months from now? If they do not, the content will become not doable by most servers on off-hours or in overflows (it may already be that…)

If everybody does the encounter in the ‘one way’ which seems to be popular (stack a zerg and exploit multiple hit boxes)…. I wouldn’t be surprised if they make other changes to the encounter. (Or at least, the next boss they upgrade they’ll be even more careful in their attempt to make it not about stacking…)

I agree with the fact that he needs better scaling so that 30-40 people can still take him down.

He was suppose to be beatable with 80 people, not 150

[Survey] How do you feel about Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


Updated with 273 responses

(edited by Charak.9761)

[Survey] How do you feel about Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


“How likely are you to repeat kill him?”
None of those choices matched what I would say which is, I wouldn’t do it again because it is content I have completed. I did it, its done, and now its on to the next thing.

Well the content is the Meta\title, I would assume after you’ve gotten it, there’s no other reason to go back, right?

Dragonite Orr in % chests.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


meh the ore is useless after you crafted your two primary ascended

also you get a ton in wvw if your team is doing well

Let Anet know we want more Teq!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charak.9761


I got my title, and I can say this,

This is garbage, you want real raids make an instance, open-world to heavy.

[Survey] How do you feel about Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


I made a survey for this, ask 5 questions, take very little time and helps give feedback

I’ll keep this updated with live results:


(edited by Charak.9761)

is the LS top right suppose to be gone?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


Now I can’t see when Teq is attacking anymore

Let's Organize to Slay Tequatl! (NA)

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


Invite, I got him down but Im 9/10 meta atm

Should have been a Raid

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


this is a mechanic where a random can ruin it for everyone, and there’s no way to control said random in open world.

How low has your server gotten Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


That update totally killed CD, just caused all of our efforts to end when we nearly had him too.

That update was so minor you didn’t need to do it it the middle of the day, thanks for the troll anet.

What happened to

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charak.9761


the loot is the same as before, just a rare chance for ascended (very rare, like 1%)

[Intended?] Shield of Absorption

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Charak.9761


Guardian shield #5 will block projectiles for 4 seconds, but if casted during quickness, it only last 2 seconds, which limits the ability’s utility.

No longer a carebear game. Gratz

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


but my #1 button does more damage than my skills

How low has your server gotten Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


Last 3 runs tonight on Crystal Desert.

Third one was a rough start but we made up for it and caught up to about our previous best.

Slowly getting there.

:D I see myself in all those pics, stabbing that toe

Servers that have beaten Tequatl add yours

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


CD losing out, we’ve been trying out all day but we keep losing the same people and the newer people come dps teq arent wearing pvt, are insta-downing and slowing us down everytime

Have you gear grinded enough for Tequatl?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charak.9761


Considering the first 25% IS a dps check

How low has your server gotten Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


Can there be a dev at main instances reviewing the attempts, I’ve seen a couple sitting in overflows watching

Seperate keybind for Revive/Interact?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


Would be nice if I could just revive the allies during this event instead of picking up one of the dozens of warbanners that delay everything.

Amazing update....but...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


takes alot of work to get a 25man through raid content. I can’t believe they thought leaving us to control 80+ people was a viable idea.

Gem store unfair practice

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charak.9761


Anet doesn’t make money on gemstore purchases

only ncsoft

How low has your server gotten Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


Player caps at 150

BogOtter from Guildcast killed Teq

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


*looks at loot

he basically got regular world chest/daily chest, with the exception of 1g instead of 16s

Please stop neglecting conditions in PvE

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


Well ranger pets have been garbage since day 1, they will address this with the october 17th class changes (hopefully)

They wanted conditions to work like warlocks in WoW, except they are budget constricted and the overall design code for having the server read data for every condition for every second for every character makes a heavy load.

If anything just leave conditions to necros, although they apparently have a good power build now. It doesnt make sense to stack condition damage, if 80% of your damage is AA.