Showing Posts For Charak.9761:

Please stop neglecting conditions in PvE

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


They already address that they can’t increase the condition cap because of the limitation of their servers.

Dpsing teq is purely power builds at the moment.

Something to keep in mind about Tequatl.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


world bosses aren’t farmable anyways, you did it once per day for a rare and that was it.

If anything, you need to be on that one time a day people are coordinating it, because any other time it will fail.

Stop messing with existing bosses

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


You actually don’t even need to pay attention to his static fields though, you have enough room to range it and take zero damage.

Why Nobody is Playing in 4 Words

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Charak.9761


Have the skins I wanted
No way to profit

Stop messing with existing bosses

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


I’m not convinced that they just added health. I have only played the Fire Elemental so far, but I noticed the health is just the same. It’s just that you cant stand on it spamming HB anymore. People need area awareness now, and that is why it takes longer.

That’s far from a bad thing too. World bosses should be impressive and dangerous, and clearly they weren’t anymore. I’ll enjoy the new difficulty for as long as it lasts, because undoubtedly the community will find ways to exploit them sooner or later again.

So far Maw, Golem, and Wurm have noticeably larger HP pools, the others are a bit the same.

Needs a nerf

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


It most certainly needs a time increase. How silly is it that the Claw of Jormag gets a 30 minute timer when the new Tequatl takes much more coordination and placement, yet only gets half the time.

At 30 mins it will still be very challenging!

Yeah but think about this, 30mins is still pretty long. If you’ve raided in WoW, you’d know that bosses (25man) only needed 5-7mins to kill them, most of the time spent is trash clearing (which is why ToC was clearable in 40mins).

15min timer would make sense if he only had enough HP to soak 5-7mins of dps.

Stop messing with existing bosses

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


If you purposely want to restrict yourself by only using auto-attacks Charak, that’s your choice, but you shouldn’t come complaining about your self imposed boredom. Perhaps if you made yourself a bit more useful it would have gone faster and you’d have a bit more fun at it.

I’m saying it’s okay to make them more complex, but don’t ruin it by thinking more hp equals more difficulty. If an open-world boss is going to take a long time to kill because he has a needlessly large HP pool (ie Maw is a lvl10 boss, he does not need a HP pool that soaks 5mins of damage), then it becomes tedious which in turns makes it boring. you can dance around all you want during the fight, but you do just as much damage AAing in one spot.

Stop messing with existing bosses

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


Here’s my view as a guardian during these ’new ’ events:

FE: Staff 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1, loot, gg
Wurm: Sceptor 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1, loot, gg
Golem: Sceptor 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1, loot, gg
Maw: Greatsword 1-1-1 (5mins later) 1-1-1-1, loot, gg
Claw: Rocket 1-1-1 (20mins later) 1-1-1-1, loot, gg

I’m being super serious right now, I can literally do all this right now. The HP buff were uncalled for, the fights were already boring, now they’re just boring and tedious

Like I didn’t already have a reason to hate doing these champs, they’re god awful now.

(edited by Charak.9761)

How low has your server gotten Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


I also don’t like that Blackgate beat it because that just makes everyone go “Well, Blackgate beat it, it’s doable” and this event won’t get the rework it deserves.

Tequatl worth the trouble? Wings?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


back item isnt related to the sunless encounter

Don't nerf the dragon, nerf the timer.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


double checks my WoW raid boss fraps (

None of them are longer than 5-7mins

Needs a nerf

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


DPS needs to be at Teq, most of the time I see everyone stacked up on the turrets.

Brace Yourselves, Farming is Coming

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


The champs drop loot in SB event btw

JQ=no teq

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


He spawns every 2.5hrs like normal.

Rewards on fail?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


doesn’t get you anything

Grief the turrets/Remove Turrets

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


You’re giving to much of an emphasis on trolling/griefing with limited action time on these turrets, just remove them entirely and replace with:

Destroying fingers now drop spines. Toss these spines at teq to lower his buff.

Problem solved.

YAY Another Back Skin!...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


Btw, gemstore purchases don’t go to anet, but ncsoft.

Just saying, you’re throwing money at something you might not support (ie wildstars)

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charak.9761


Change Guardian Shield #4:

Selfless Hero, 2min CD, combo field light: The guardian locks down in place (stability) and redirects 20% of all nearby damage to himself. During which the guardian takes 50% reduced damage. Last 5 seconds.

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charak.9761


You see what I mean though, some thieves are QQing, even though only ONE class is getting the counter.

“Everything needs atleast one counter” – Charak

Does any other class mechanic have a counter that outright disables the mechanic like Revealed does to Stealth?

Right. I didn’t think so. Therein lies the difference between soft-counters (like AoE’s vs pets) and hard-counters by the way. The latter should be avoided if at all possible if balance is the goal.

The revealed is similar to the hunter flare in WoW. A rogue never has perma stealth, he can only have one re-stealth every 2-3mins (pending preperation). If a hunter knows that a rogue is nearby, he can choose to flare up.

Mechanic (a): a Rogue can stealth and initiate fights to whoever he chooses
Mechanic (b): a Hunter can ‘counter’ play and gain the initation.
Mechanic ©: a Rogue can outsmart the hunter and make them pre-flare, and initiate after

Here is GW2 it can have a similar effect:

Mechanic (a): Thief wants to initiate fight, so he stealths
Mechanic (b): The ranger can pre-dodge if he knows a thief is nearby
Mechanic ©: Thief wants to re-stealth, so he has to be mindful about the rangers ‘revealed’ CD, either by juking an early CD or stealthing before the pet can ‘sic em’
Mechanic (d): The ranger either gets the lock and continues fighting, or loses target, repeating back to mechanic (a).

This is counter-play, a smart thief needs to be aware if he’s fighting a ranger and watch the pets ‘sic em’ CD. The ranger needs to know the thiefs stealth CD and know when the best time to counter.

If the thief stealths forever, then there’s no enjoyment for the hunter because he lacks the counter option available. Similar to how a sniper in an FPS racks up kills but no one knows where the sniper is, so the enjoyment for the snipees are down because they have no counter to the sniper fire.

You have to understand that stealth can’t be left ‘as is’ every mechanics needs a counter hard or soft, but it can’t just ‘be’ because that would make the thieves focus primarily on stealth mechanics.

The comparison to WoW is a bit moot as the Stealth mechanic in these 2 games are completely different beasts. What works in 1 won’t necessarily work in the other.

There is one thing in your post that I can sympathize with though: Thieves shouldn’t be able to Stealth forever.

The fact that this is possible for Thieves right now through chaining Heartseeker in BP is bad for the game and needs to be fixed. But introducing a hard counter for the Stealth mechanic is not the way to fix it.

Reduce initiative Regen from infusion of Shadow to 1 ini per Stealth, or only allow it to activate when the Thief is not already Stealthed, are both valid ways to remove perma-Stealth through fine-tuned balancing rather than by introducing a hard counter.

Once you start introducing hard-counters, the meta will become convoluted with the Rock-Paper-Scissors type gameplay that is horrible for build variety and general fairness of fights between classes.

There is not suppose to be any fairness in 1v1 fights, some classes are simply ‘better’ vs. certain builds/classes, that is the primary goal of an MMO. This game is not about 1v1’s and never is, it’s a game that requires teamwork and teamplay. If a class can beat any class, then people would just roll that one.

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charak.9761


You see what I mean though, some thieves are QQing, even though only ONE class is getting the counter.

“Everything needs atleast one counter” – Charak

Does any other class mechanic have a counter that outright disables the mechanic like Revealed does to Stealth?

Right. I didn’t think so. Therein lies the difference between soft-counters (like AoE’s vs pets) and hard-counters by the way. The latter should be avoided if at all possible if balance is the goal.

Well they could make it so it just makes the pet see through your stealth and chase you down, and if it manages to attack you then it reveals.

Then you have counterplay to Sick Em by dodging/avoiding/cc’ing pet.

That would be a reasonable implementation of Sick Em than I imagine they’ll have in place next patch, but I still maintain my position that no class should have a hard-counter to another’s major class mechanics.

Yeah I definately agree with that because we’re stepping over the boundary and going into Rock/Paper/Scissors land, that is NOT good for 5v5 spvp or 1v’1’s. I really despise hard RPS balancing.

Should just be a soft counter, and besides that’s how hunter pets worked on rogues in WoW I imagine, it was basically a soft counter.

You’re forgetting hunter flare, that was a hard counter. A ‘good’ hunter knows when/where to flare and a ‘good’ rogue knows when/where to avoid it.

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charak.9761


You see what I mean though, some thieves are QQing, even though only ONE class is getting the counter.

“Everything needs atleast one counter” – Charak

Does any other class mechanic have a counter that outright disables the mechanic like Revealed does to Stealth?

Right. I didn’t think so. Therein lies the difference between soft-counters (like AoE’s vs pets) and hard-counters by the way. The latter should be avoided if at all possible if balance is the goal.

The revealed is similar to the hunter flare in WoW. A rogue never has perma stealth, he can only have one re-stealth every 2-3mins (pending preperation). If a hunter knows that a rogue is nearby, he can choose to flare up.

Mechanic (a): a Rogue can stealth and initiate fights to whoever he chooses
Mechanic (b): a Hunter can ‘counter’ play and gain the initation.
Mechanic ©: a Rogue can outsmart the hunter and make them pre-flare, and initiate after

Here is GW2 it can have a similar effect:

Mechanic (a): Thief wants to initiate fight, so he stealths
Mechanic (b): The ranger can pre-dodge if he knows a thief is nearby
Mechanic ©: Thief wants to re-stealth, so he has to be mindful about the rangers ‘revealed’ CD, either by juking an early CD or stealthing before the pet can ‘sic em’
Mechanic (d): The ranger either gets the lock and continues fighting, or loses target, repeating back to mechanic (a).

This is counter-play, a smart thief needs to be aware if he’s fighting a ranger and watch the pets ‘sic em’ CD. The ranger needs to know the thiefs stealth CD and know when the best time to counter.

If the thief stealths forever, then there’s no enjoyment for the hunter because he lacks the counter option available. Similar to how a sniper in an FPS racks up kills but no one knows where the sniper is, so the enjoyment for the snipees are down because they have no counter to the sniper fire.

You have to understand that stealth can’t be left ‘as is’ every mechanics needs a counter hard or soft, but it can’t just ‘be’ because that would make the thieves focus primarily on stealth mechanics.

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charak.9761


This is generally why MMOs require a public test realm, this lets you pump out new ideas without angering players on live. Let’s say you want to test a new ability, but you’re not sure if it’s a) Broken b) IMBA c) useless. The priority in reasoning is to give ‘players’ not the QA testers, but actual people who play your games a chance to test out the new mechanic. This gives you reliable data, and a more interaction with players who can see if the new ability will create problems. Then that gives you the room to fix it, and re-launch it when it ‘works’ on live.

Overall the passed few updates have been ‘rushed’ so a lot of content in broken upon release, so we the players have to wait a day or two for a fix. But that one day of broken content is enough trouble to give a lot of anguish.

I know it’s not my place to say, but I don’t feel your QA team give honest feedback on your updates. I feel like a lot of new things get passed on without the proper context to have it ‘fixed’ prior to live release. A primary example of this, is the Liadari incident. I understand that only 8% of your ‘testers’ managed to defeat her, but how did none of them bring up the concern about the red floor. That in itself, was a design flaw and was left unchecked. Not only that but it was never fixed and given any feedback from the developers, so the players were just ‘left’ with it. That’s a brutal concern on my end, as it reminds me of something similar to the flaw of CoD, where hackers run rampant on PC, but activision gives no input/fix to that problem, the game is sold ‘as is’.

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charak.9761


Counter Play, every game developer needs to watch this video.

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charak.9761


You see what I mean though, some thieves are QQing, even though only ONE class is getting the counter.

“Everything needs atleast one counter” – Charak

(edited by Charak.9761)

As predicted, nerfing dungeons has backfired

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charak.9761


People have already ran these dungeons a million times over, and doing anymore is just repetitive and boring.

That’s why I enjoyed Molten Facility, Aether Retreat, and SAB, unfortunately they are only temporary content, which kills any kind of fun this game can have. It’s been a year, we need some new permanent stuff.

Soft Stat Caps?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charak.9761


2700 armour is 33%, 3000 armour is soft cap

Power/Precision/Crit Dmg are linear

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charak.9761


Some of these may not make it in for that release

Just remember this, some people take the words of a dev as final say.

I’m glad that tab targetting is finally getting a fix, was tired of tab targetting through a bunch of spirits to get to a ranger.

It’s about time there’s an anti-stealth mechanic in the game (similar to hunter flare). You’ll see alot of QQ from thieves, but this is necessary. I’ll keep a ranger near me now in pvp.

The one thing though Fix Guardian shield this weapon feels entriely lackluster is is mostly only used for the knockback for point control or thieves stealth in spvp.

SAB is dying...

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Charak.9761


I was hugely surprised he was posting as much as he was. You never saw that from any other thread or dev. It was actually great to see the inter-actions taking place. I only had one complaint about SAB, after the fixes, I didn’t need to anymore.

The fact that Josh did what he could was great.
The fact that Anet silenced him makes me feel like the game is dying.

Karma removed from dungeons....why?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Charak.9761


This kills new players more than anything.

Most of us who have been here have already gotten our thrist slayer, karma armour, obsidian shards.

Why do people say rangers are garbage?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Charak.9761


Yeah pet’s need a 90% reduction to aoe damage, similar to WoW fashion.

Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Charak.9761


Did Josh get silenced?

Why do people say rangers are garbage?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Charak.9761


This is a ranger, when was the last time you saw him with a bow?


Why do people say rangers are garbage?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Charak.9761


Because their dps is in swords, but they just use bows because they dont understand their class.

Time to make Fractal Account-Bound

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Charak.9761


The game is too alt unfriendly, I would like to be able to swap between different classes w/o being punished for having no fractal levels on an alt.

Wouldn’t this promote activate strategies, where a lack of class roles can be filled, more mesmars/thieves/guardians/etc where needed?

Fotm levels should be equal to all toons on an account, each can play different roles… This will great incentive for keeping the game fresh. It gets boring do the same fractal levels over/over/over again with the ONE class.

Time to make Ranks Account-Bound

in WvW

Posted by: Charak.9761


The game is to alt unfriendly, I would like to be able to swap between different classes w/o being punished for having no rank levels on an alt.

Wouldn’t this promote activate strategies, where a lack of class roles can be filled, more mesmars/thieves/guardians where needed?

WvW ranks should be equal to all toons on an account, each can play different roles with the rank points… This will great incentive for the upcoming WvWvW season start.

Is GW2 meant to appeal to only casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charak.9761


It was. Then they added a ton of grind options, so now it’s becoming another generic MMO w/o a sub-fee

TM - Tough Customer - W2Z3

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Charak.9761


so is the guy next to the moto finger count as a store?

TM - Tough Customer - W2Z3

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Charak.9761


What are the 4 shops?

1: Buy Torch
2: Buy Bag
3: Beside Moto finger
4: ?

Staff Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Charak.9761


and let’s not forget the trait for symbol healing + longer lasting symbols.

Please delete your guardian.

Staff Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Charak.9761


Staff is good for Line of Warding or pulling mobs through a wall. That’s it.

Curious, how you pulling mobs through a wall with staff?

AA can go through walls/rocks/terrain

[Merged] Updated Bosses?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


I’d really like to see the Frozen Maw buffed. It’s ridiculously easy.

It’s in a low level zone.


Staff Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Charak.9761


Staff damage is useless, it’s used for quick tagging in zergfests

Revamped Destroyer Boss in Mount Malestrom!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


But the question is, will his loot table be updated, because since he only has a chest, he’s a waste of time in the current state.

Non-Zerker specs...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


Just don’t bring condition builds

that is all.

nerf frostgorge championfarm

in Suggestions

Posted by: Charak.9761


Maybe it would of helped if jormag wasn’t the most 9/11 of boss mechanics

Tequatl Rising too little content?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


How about its fine, considering most of us are burnt out on content, and have regular school/college/work schedules now

Non-Zerker specs...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


Love how people are defending the crit logic on teq

Not like mobs will be attacking the cannoneers or anything…

[Merged] Updated Bosses?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


Yes they mentioned the chest got better loot such as ascended weapon.

Only heard that about Teq, they haven’t mentioned the other bosses.

Non-Zerker specs...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Charak.9761


Report all the Non-Zerkers!


Binding 'dodge-jump' on programmable mice

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Charak.9761


You actually need dodge-jump in W2-Z2 at the first petal, you cant make it by normal jumping