Yes, it should be within this year, maybe November when ascended armour crafting comes out.
Even if they add a new permanent content, how many of you are going back after a couple of runs? I have no need to do TA anymore, the reward/time isn’t worth it.
The problem with adding a new race, means re-designing every armour to fit
we’re all waiting for the precursor crafting to begin
If you’re a guard who wants to carry:
Knight Armour, Zerker Trinkets
Then go level? It takes 30 hours to go lvl1 to lvl80
he’s a mesmar, one of the slowest/worst solo classes in the game.
should take another 30hours maybe.
This was poorly written, -1/10
don’t complain if you can’t make a sound argument.
The players they’ve lost won’t come back for an expansion.
The new players they get can’t even keep up with the new content.
People, in MMO, mostly, only do rewarding content. Why do you think so many people farmed pav/invasions? So many people ran cof p1 millions of times? So many people champ train frostgorge or the arah event?
If you’re not going to make something equally rewarding for the time put in, people will just abandon it. At the same time, you also can’t be creating content so largely based on RNG factors and have a MAJORITY of skins be linked to gold acquisition.
best performance + Sample native?
550 after selling the legend.
but I still need 700 to buy dusk.
I got it couple days ago.
When you enter the room, jump down to the left, kill the thug/grendier roamer on the bridge. Then kill the steam watcher.
Now go behind the pipe (where the waypoint is), have only 1 person engage spur, keep hitting him as you bring him over, and only him. The other crew members will disengage and then you just fit him behind that pipe. The achievement doesn’t care if anyone in the party dies, just as along as everyone doesnt die.
It’s just more broken in GW2 than in other MMOs.
It’s all domination maps, you either zerg a base, or skip all the fights and backcap. Since there’s no healer, almost every fight can be won with either burst or outlasting until your teammates come. The cc in the game is evil, you only have stability that can be stripped, and no DR on continuous ccing.
celestial isnt viable for anyone, but can slightly work for eles
I thought people went into dungeons because they were challenging and fun.
lol… that’s cute
I don’t think you’ll have to worry about elitist later on. I just finished all the AP and really have no reason to go back, the time/reward structure of this dungeon is horrible.
WereCharr lol
buy them, it cost more to make then to just buy off TP
Guess it helps being a guard, can ignore all of sparkis mechanics during slick kill
yea the no find x at y was a great move in the right direction
but the this update lacks AP, only 120
Kill SLick, the hell you killing sparki first for? he does almost no damage and you dont have to deal with ooze kiting
(slick is the oil dude, spark is the robot)
(edited by Charak.9761)
Apparently yes. So much for avoiding the Dream/Nightmare dichotomy, eh Scarlet?
actually the aetherblades fight the nightmare wurms part way in the dungeon
it’ll be back when world 3 comes out next april
Edit: Apparently silk prices have grown quite a bit since 2 days ago too.
That’s good, was getting tired of vendoring them
yea, I transmuted my staff to my emberspire skin
The people who have done it get tired of constantly re-telling the mechanics of the dungeon.
the walls come back if the timer runs out
its not hard, its just time consuming. Once the AP is over with, it has no replayability, the time vs. reward is way off on this one.
use celestial dye on the heavy.
try not to suffer retina damage
The book costs 2g and resets your traits too, right?
the manuals arent used to reset your traits
What the hell are you people talking about?! There is no trait reset item in the gemstore!! O.o or am i missing something here?? I browses through the gemstore today and havent seen anything like it….. So if you gonna say something like this then you should at least explain yourself!!
so is her back up spawning again, or is he still broken on some servers?
5th is locked out, so we cant progress
if you salvage solider, rabid, dire and such weapons, you also get get a chance for the inscription as well
Seriously, how can you justify this?
Reset trainer – 3s
Reset item – 3.5g
We will probably never see a free version that lets us change on the fly like WoW
All of my hate.
We’re all here ready to go for teq on CD. He’s still an hour late so far…
A new expansion now would just create power creep problems.
There has to be a limitation to dungeon length, it needs to reside on the time-reward chart. If you put in more time but the reward is not equal, you risk dropping of this chart line and people will just not run it. Why do you think cof p1/p2, ac p1/p3, coe p1, se p1, arah p3 are more popular then other dungeons? They are all doable in under 20mins. They follow the time-reward structure. Why spend an hour in one dungeon, when you can do 8mins in another for the same rewards?
You can’t just ask for longer dungeons, if the demographic has no need to do it. You would end up making a dungeon who value is played through once, arah p4, and never again because of time-consumption.
Some of the longer dungeons are doable by cutting down the resource time by mob-skipping, which confuses new players and frustrates the older ones carrying them through.
Well, we could ask Josh Foreman.
But anet felt like he shouldn’t talk as much anymore…
The day swamp and water are removed, is the day fotm dies.
crafting doesn’t give you profit
It’s only usage is leveling up alts, celestial armour, and ascended weapons/armour
Here’s the twitch link for the broadcast recording for TA
Tomorrow those won’t drop anymore.
but you’ll still get them in chest boxes
The more you buy into RNG boxes, the more of them will be released instead of actual ‘good’ gemstore items.
I’m saying support the game by making them shift away from this bad practice.
Yeah I’ve always wondered why we have chairs/benches in game that we can’t sit on.
you can sit in a chair in every other MMO. Maplestory even gives you a portable chair.
I wanted to help the game and Anet out
Please don’t follow that belief, all gem store purchases are given to NCSoft
True, but with an expansion on the way the money is at least coming back to Anet. For now at least.
There is no expansion for this game coming, it’s all LS updates.
The money you spend is being put towards wildstars, thats your ‘expansion’
The stream came up for the new TA path, and literally the first 25mins of the dungeon was just killing trash mobs. Their one ‘puzzle’ room was just killing a bunch of fire elementals.
Trash mobs just promote skipping, they offer no value to the overall design, it was mostly to tie you into make the dungeon ‘feel’ longer. In truthfulness any dungeon longer than 20mins to complete is a poorly designed dungeon, and almost sees no replay-ability.
Maybe it didn’t help they had an odd setup, condition mes, 2 support guards, and a non d/d ele, but from the available scenes, it felt like forever to clear out some of the trash.