Pretty much every boon you can apply will heal you as long as it applies to an ally.
I play less than 20 hours a week
I make roughly 3-4 gold a day running FOTM 15+
No complaints here, there’s nothing hardcore about me.
You can make the same amount of gold doing world completion, dungeons..
If you’re worried about repair bills then you should simply die less.
they could easily fix this if they made it so that the only cost for teleporting was outside the zone you are already in.
Or like I said, you can die less and preserve your gold more efficiently. A lot of activities in this game award 1-2 gold an hour.
its the wvw that pisses me off… i don’t want to spend time in a pvp where you cannot have more than 20fps during zergs. Optimize your game before making me play a slide show!
they both make me angry because i didnt buy this game to run dungeons OR be forced into pvp!
Because a Monthly Achievement is totally required.
I swear, people are willing to complain about ANYTHING.
You have an ENTIRE month to complete TWO fractal levels.
Are you serious? You can get a fractal group within minutes on ANY sever if you’re willing to put the effort into it.
Matter in fact, if you simply used your resources to actually finish fractals instead of complaining on the forums, you’d be finished making the group and possibly halfway through the achievement.
I finished the fractal achievement without even trying tonight, running through my guild.
Having monthly achievements like that would make me rage, considering you get absolutely nothing but 15 coins and some jugs. Not worth grinding that much for it.
I tried finding lvl 38 frats for 2 days, and we can’t form a full group.
But guessing it was not prime time when I lfm itso that could be the reason.
How can you seriously expect to form a fractal group that high within a reasonable amount of time? You’d think by then you’d get some allies or guild members to run with you all the time.
Considering the 2000+ dollars I have put through GW1 and GW2, I am not 100% convinced unfortunately, as it is affecting the legitimate players and not necissarily in a good way.
How does the saying go?
Cut off your nose to spite your face:)Anyway Merry Xmas.
Welcome to America.
Where blackmarket/piracy always wins and legitimate get canned. This applies to books, movies, and now games ^.^
If they allowed me to change the colour of my Mesmer animations from pink/purple to blue/red/green… something more manly.
So the only reason you don’t like it is because you perceive it as something not manly?
Are you serious?
How about this, remove some red color palate from your monitor and the problem is solved. Red is too feminine, so it would be perfect! It would remove all feminine colors on your screen.
Never had this happening even with groups. Noone even kicks me for playing fractals 30+ with no agony resist.
I have a hard time believing this, agony at level 30 completely destroys players without agony resist.
You have nothing to complain about, some of us payed $80 for the digital deluxe edition which arguably has nothing worth of any value. I can’t complain about the price dropping because I have played the game far earlier than those who had just joined.
Furthermore people complaining about you cant get a price drop on an item that went on sale a few months later clearly have not tried it at their local store. I have got games discounted from Best Buy from sales literally two months apart.
It’s been known since beta that the servers do not base off the amount of players online. They were always full even when the servers first restarted. People insisted that this was not true and there were other problems to resolve first.
It’s a shame, I was called a troll for pointing out such an issue. Many guilds have been divided by it because perks and bank doesn’t share between servers.
The minimum requirements are pretty much minimum, I’ve had a computer close to the requirements and it ran fine on the absolute lowest settings. Anything lower than the minimum would almost make this game unplayable in certain areas.
each of them have a role to play.
but the Hammer is what most consider to be your “best” weapon at max level for PvE, because of it’s amazing auto-attack and Blast Combo.
you should be using Greatsword to level with.
I beg to differ, I find the hammer too slow to be that effective. I use greatsword and mace shield.
I imagine they are probably working on something similar to the original Guild Wars I game where if you said LFG, LFM and such you were automatically put on a list viewable to the whole town very much like
I am completely against the dungeon finder idea entirely, this is one of the only games I have played that felt like it had a sense of community. Especially with world verus world, you just know certain players. Ontop of that, people don’t vote kick each other for dumb reasons.
There is no sense of community when it comes to Dungeons. That’s like saying you’re against LFGing in Overflow servers because you lose a sense of community. The only reason your server even matters is because of WvWvW, which is completely separate from Dungeons. What makes GW2 so great is that Dungeons can be done with anyone on any server. So why would they limit their LFG system to a smaller server base when they could have a booming Dungeon player base across all servers? Think about the Trading Post and how it’s across all servers. It’s booming, full of items, money and it’s active. That’s how their Group Finder should be.
Regardless, I didn’t mind the GW1 system but it is outdated. Anything would be an upgrade from their current system imo.
LFG tools damage the game. Instead of having you try to find a guild and get to know people, you prefer to stand in town queuing and grinding dungeons. But here’s the thing, what happens after you get all of that dungeon gear?
You’ll have nothing left to do and then you’ll want to queue into fractals. There’s no win scenario here.
Also, I have several friends from overflow so I do have a sense of community in overflows and my own server.
I use and never need to spam chat, the mobile app even eliminates alt tabbing.. Anet should hire the guy who made it or buy it and make it a tab in the trading Post…. Call it mercenary work or something
They wouldn’t even have to hire him, because they made a system very similar built right into the game in the original game.
I imagine they are probably working on something similar to the original Guild Wars I game where if you said LFG, LFM and such you were automatically put on a list viewable to the whole town very much like
I am completely against the dungeon finder idea entirely, this is one of the only games I have played that felt like it had a sense of community. Especially with world verus world, you just know certain players. Ontop of that, people don’t vote kick each other for dumb reasons.
I think the issue is the spawn timer should be slightly increased, because certain classes are not able to kill monsters very quickly. A Mesmer for example may take a few more moments compared to a ranger.
There’s an event in the water in kessix hills that involved killing krait that was pretty much impossible to do alone because every time I got to 1 krait left, they respawned again.
I’ve also had troubles with certain events, much like the rock dog event that the respawn timer and the amount of monsters was just too high and make it really difficult.
I think you need to read the thread more Chase.
You have two options. One would be to wait until the paid techs figure out a solution to the problem, or troubleshoot yourself.
It’s always faster to troubleshoot by yourself, especially with windows 8.
From what you are describing, I’m afraid I may have some bad news.
The very first thing I would do is to make sure you uninstall and completely reinstall windows Direct X. Please make sure you do this and try the game again, before doing anything else.
I would try doing a system restore, if you have this enabled in windows vista and beyond. Unless you disable it yourself manually or ran out of ahrddrive space, there will be snapshots of your computer before major driver updates.
My suggestion would be to restore back to the of the driver and uninstall it completely and then install the video cards drivers.
If this doesn’t work, then I would suggest testing your video cards memory. If certain addresses on the video card is corrupted, textures will start to disappear and cause crashes. Not only that, textures will vanish and reappear depending on the rendering type and angle.
I believe that if its not software related, the video card itself is at fault… most likely from faulty memory. Memory issues are annoying because certain games will work perfectly while others will not; they are hard to troubleshoot.
You are caught in a bind because you have an issue that no one else is experiencing and unfortunately even the paid techs in support can’t give you much information other than update your drivers or reinstall. If all else fails, you’re just going to have to reinstall the operating system or get a new card.
Most tech problems are user related and the paid techs are simply there to help customers who aren’t familiar with computers the best they can. There are several issues that could cause this problem out of the scope of basic techs, because the tech support simply solves problems that happen often; not ones that apply only to you. I’m sorry that you had to experience this; but it won’t be the first time.
(edited by Chase.8415)
What difference does it make? You have 24 hours at 4pm game time.
I had the impression that the walls were a bit thin near the crafting station.
I had the same issue with Halloween, I spent about sixty dollars in the cash shop and all I got was complete trash. I wish arenanet gave us more rewarding things in those boxes. They’re starting to get notorious for charging way too much
One thing haloween did do right was selling the mini’s in bulk in the store.
I feel cheated out, I bought the festive hat and some chests and ended up getting more hats. If I had known it could drop hats, I wouldn’t have bought the hat to begin with. What a waste of cash
I also noticed that the toys were ridiculously strong.
I was under the impression that they could change the projectiles and sound effects, because legendries themselves do that.
I play my guardian just fine, I don’t know why people are claiming it’s the end of the world….
id stay away from guardian too if i were u, they buffed our underwater combat (kitten pointless if u ask me, im underwater 5% of my gaming experience)…and stealth nerfed the kitten out of our most viable build (AH)…im goin thief or warr no matter what nerf comes their way they still own on all aspects.
Holy words, Stay away from guards world for now, roll something else.
I was planning to return to play with this patch, but the AH stealth nerf, really dropped my enthusiasm under my shoes.
AH? What’s that?
You walk into a shop, and buy something, for the purpose of this thread let’s say you buy an Xbox.
The next day, or the next week, whatever, you walk past the same shop and see that they are now doing a 20% off sale, and/or that the Xbox is now being sold with an extra game as part of a special package.
Pray tell, what would happen if you walked into said shop and said something along the lines of
“Ohai, I bought an Xbox here yesterday/last week and I see you are now selling the same Xbox for 20% and with an extra game – any chance you can give me 20% back and give me the game?”
Let me tell you what would happen.
The manager or other member of staff would politely apologise and say that, because you bought the item before the sale, you were not entitled to 20% of your money back and the free game. Then, after you’d left the store, they’d go out back and say to their store colleagues “Guys, you would not believe what this idiot customer just…”.
Then they’d all laugh at you.
Understanding that this is how sales work in the real world, I cannot FOR THE LIFE OF ME, understand why so many of you are crying that you are not getting a wizard hat.
The most common ‘argument’, if you can even call it that, is that, we are here and have supported this game, thus, we should get the wizard hat, not some guy who buys the game in the sale.
When you really think about this, this line of thought is absolutely absurd and completely defeats the purpose of the sales pitch.
The whole point of this ‘promo’ is that it entices people who were maybe on the fence about buying the game, to actually buy it. It makes these people think
“Well, I was thinking about getting the game, might aswell buy it now seeing as I can get a limited edition unique hat.”
Let me tell you something, if Anet were to pitch the sale saying
“Buy the game now and get this free Wizard Hat that everybody in the game also has”, it would not be successful at all.
I can only conclude that this train of thought is a product of this obscene self-entitlement generation that currently plagues the Earth.
To think, for a second, that you are entitled to this Wizard Hat on the grounds that you have played this game for however many weeks… Anet doesn’t owe you anything.
You paid them the 60 bucks and they gave you the game you paid 60 bucks for, along with free content that costs thousands of dollars to develop.
It’s like you buying the Wii U on the day of release for full price and then get butt hurt when 3 month down the line they are selling them at reduced prices and with game bundles. You are not entitled to the cheaper Wii U and the free games, just because you bought it and have supported the console since launch.
Use some god kitten common sense. And get over yourselves.
Time for you to find a new store. I’ve had several cases where my local computer store has price matched a sale within a week of purchase.
It’s a gold sink for a reason.
I do not find the waypoint costs ridiculous. A dungeon run alone can grant you over 50 silver itself, just off trash.
Basic necessities such as bank slots and equipment should be standardised even though the exchange rate is going up.
600 gems for 30 extra bank slots equates to about 8G at the moment. This, in my opinion , is not reasonable.
And why is that? You can get 8g of gold easily in about a week without even trying. Even in one day if you’re super serious about it.
Are people seriously buying the keys? Why buy the keys for a 99% chance to get some useless junk like ooze tonics rather than buying what you actually are hoping to get from the chests?
People are buying the keys because of the chance of getting a permanent trader items. You also get a chance of Black Lion Salvage Kits.
(edited by Chase.8415)
That looks like a shaders/filtering problem.
Are you sure you have the latest drivers for your card? Are you using the absolute default settings for a gaming profile through the AMD Catalyst control panel?
Do you know how to use device manager to completely uninstall a video driver?
I had discovered this as well, I gave up upon it within seconds.
Nothing much we can do.
How about you implement a CAPTCHA when mining, this should fix the bot problem :p
If it works well, you can implement it on looting anywhere
Bots can defeat CAPTCHA with OCR, unless the captcha uses multiple colors and odd shapes. This would cause more harm than good, because in order for CAPTCHA to truly work, everyone would be affected.
I just did the 2d fix and got a significant performance boost, from native max settings running at 30 frames to supersampling at 60 frames
I’m running a crossfire 6770.
You don’t have to take your gear off to avoid damage, all you have to do is switch to town clothes.
Unfortunately, that is the way to do the dungeon. If it was intended or not it does not matter, because it could be taken as a unique mechanic.
I also highly doubt you got kicked, getting a run started to begin with is very difficult. You cant just simply kick someone and go on (like World of Warcraft) In this game I have personally seen very bad players carried through content without even being insulted.
I’ve never ran into this problem, so I guess it was a lot better than the original games spam suppresser XD
I’m sorry to hear about that disability, I’m not sure I could imagine what that would be like, what about maps, can you look at a map and see what place to go to but then can’t remember what you saw on the map?
I hope you don’t mind me asking.
I can look a map and try to memorize it, but as soon as I close it I immediately lose all memory associated with that map. Which means world maps in games are useless to me, and I have to rely on cardinal directions. When I open my map in the game, I gain my sense of location based on the direction I went (like east).
If the game does not include a built in Dotted line trail, I have no sense of location period.
This condition also makes it impossible for me to drive without assistance because I am unable to remember stop signs. I have to use specialized gps that assists me with that by configuring locations of stop signs. Someone else has to configure those, because I cannot do that by myself. It is very unsafe for me to drive without help!
While it is true that arenanet probably didn’t intend the feature to help my certain disability, it is true that they implemented visual aids to help people who have a less severe form of my condition.
Hi everyone, I suffer from a condition called Topographagnosia! For those unfamiliar with the agnosia spectrum (Prosopagnosia, etc) it simply means that I have extreme difficulties remembering in a specific area of the brain; in my case it’s the visual spatial spectrum.
Someone with Prosopagnosia for example would not be able to recognize faces, even family! The only way for someone with prosopagnosia to recognize anyone is through other means such as smell, complexion and clothes.
Agnosia is not bound to intelligence and applies to different areas in the brain, which explains why I’m not “slow” and able to read and write.
In my case, I cannot recognize anything geographic at all. This means I get lost in parking lots, groceries stores and especially hospitals. It is impossible for me to remember anything, judge distances or make a cognitive map of anything related to topography.
I am a huge fan of the original series of Guild Wars, and when Guild Wars 2 was announced it seemed to focus on exploring. I was very afraid that my favorite games sequel was going to become impossible for me to play!
I am here to say that this game is well aware of people with this condition and even other forms (such as DTD and “no sense of direction”) I can actually do endgame content and even explore, without getting lost as much.
I want to thank the developers for including several visual aids for people like me!
While it may not seem its a necessary feature, the developers have decided to implement several very helpful visual aids such as:
Sparkling lines in certain dungeons.
Dotted line trail in map
Minimap is integrated with the real map, seamlessly… in other games the mini map was either too simple, or didn’t match with the real map.
Personal Story waypoints acknowledging elevation and guiding you through it.
All hubs are connected via roads, “quest” npcs are instead highlighted on the map.
Red circles on area effects
While other games have tried its best to make it disability friendly (notable example is world of warcraft) I have yet to see a game, other than guild wars to acknowledge memory disabilities.
Thank you so much for your exceptional work and help, these features have helped me out so much. I am able to participate in tournaments and endgame PVE.
Please keep up the good work!
(edited by Chase.8415)
I haven’t encountered any game breaking bugs since release. I don’t know why people Are so upset. The mists launch on world of Warcraft was even worse with several infinite gold exploits and to top it off instant deaths to any player or npc
You mean the games were everyone botted to max level because all it was is a mind numbing grind?
Sorry, but if virtual intelligence can get max level even in the “hard” games, the game is not “hard” but time consuming.
I don’t think that those sPvP screenshot scores prove that much. I’d say it’s easier to get more points in PvP with necromancer. I just follow the zerg and “tag” as many as I can with wells with whatever and wait them to die. I even may get killing blow because of tick of bleed or something. I just kind of bring support and hard hitting warriors and thieves do the actual killing.
Now when I played some mesmer I can actually take out players with burst and still bring awesome support with staff, though mesmers seems to lack some aoe.
It’s incredibly easy to kill with a necromancer, with proper positioning you can easily drop 10 stacks of bleeding within seconds.
Necromancers are more for groups because of the frost and weakness, yet I’ve had no troubles at all 1v1. Matter in fact most 1v1 I win, unless it’s someone within my level (Tier 3 {gold}Tournament)
When it comes down to it, it all comes down to the score board. If you’re a weak player and can’t position properly or acquire glory, then you are no use to the team.
I actually think they are the best sPvP class, with tons of mobility and health and crowd control.
It’s all in the matter of how you play your character.
That’s one thing I love about this game, I can log in any class and still get top player… because when it comes down to it, it really does come down to you. I’ve never had any other game be that way.
(edited by Chase.8415)
I got Moaed 4 times in a single match yesterday.
Killed a lot of phantasms, not so much Mesmers.
Lots of fun.
Mesmer sure is strangely popular nowadays.
Wonder why.Bad PvP Players complaining, what’s new? There is this mechanic called “Dodge” and there is this thing called “movement”. Pay attention and you will have it much easier against mesmers
Pro Up and dominate in game or stay Bad and QQ on the forums, which choice will you make?
I have won gold several times in tournaments, and my hardest class to kill by far on my guardian is a mesmer. Even the ridiculously bad rank 5 mesmers can still kill me with half a brain.
I honestly think this is not needed,just pay more attention to when the match is about to start or target a player.