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Evolution of 1 year: PvP :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


People that insult leaderboards being a complete joke tend to be the worst players on it, just pointing that out.

Evolution of 1 year: PvP :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Since launch we’ve had.

1. Reworked PvP rewards, introduction of arcane converter.
2. Spectator Mode.
3. Leaderboards.
4. One on One Tournament Team Matches.
5. 3 PvP maps introduced.
6. Solo Queue.
7. Permanent finishers.
8. Several UI polishing, including displaying PvP rank and minimap adjustments.

Things coming out by the end of this year:

1. PvP Legendaries
2. PvP reward system completely reworked.

Vs Mists of Pandaria expansion which only added

2 BG maps
2 Arena Maps

PvP updates are faster than any other MMORPG game.

PvP players want more ?(more than nothing)

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


ArenaNet has launched a ton of new content for PvP in one year, far more than any other MMO I have played. It may seem like we have nothing, but it isn’t like World of Warcraft where you have to wait until the next expansion to get anything new for PvP.

Finish Him in PvE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Because they added finishers to the store. They were trying to sell them. That is the exact reason why.

Except that finishers don’t show on anything other than PvP; and finishers were originally designed to display PvP rank.

THere was a time when you couldn’t see the rank of a player unless they used their finisher in PvP, before they did the updates to add spectator and ranks displaying on scoreboard.

Stop making ArenaNet seem like a greedy company, this is just ridiculous… especially when stomping clockwork doesn’t even show the finishers EVEN if bought from the store.


They also work in WvW which means they can and will work in PvE if they enable it. It’s fairly obvious the direction they were going with that design.

No one is implying Anet is greedy about anything. Other than maybe RNG boxes. They can make a dollar however they want. I myself spent 80 dollars in support of them since champ loot went live.

WvWvW involves PvP /facepalm

I have spent over $1,000 in this game. Not because I was forced to do so, but because I support the company.

They are still two different things. WvW is actually considered PvE.

I’m glad you support the game. People should if they like it. I have no idea what that forced part is about.

So killing other players is considered PvE? Who came up with this madness?

I don’t consider WvWvW serious PvP, but to consider it completely as PvE is non sense.

Finish Him in PvE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Because they added finishers to the store. They were trying to sell them. That is the exact reason why.

Except that finishers don’t show on anything other than PvP; and finishers were originally designed to display PvP rank.

THere was a time when you couldn’t see the rank of a player unless they used their finisher in PvP, before they did the updates to add spectator and ranks displaying on scoreboard.

Stop making ArenaNet seem like a greedy company, this is just ridiculous… especially when stomping clockwork doesn’t even show the finishers EVEN if bought from the store.


They also work in WvW which means they can and will work in PvE if they enable it. It’s fairly obvious the direction they were going with that design.

No one is implying Anet is greedy about anything. Other than maybe RNG boxes. They can make a dollar however they want. I myself spent 80 dollars in support of them since champ loot went live.

WvWvW involves PvP /facepalm

I have spent over $1,000 in this game. Not because I was forced to do so, but because I support the company.

Finish Him in PvE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Because they added finishers to the store. They were trying to sell them. That is the exact reason why.

Except that finishers don’t show on anything other than PvP; and finishers were originally designed to display PvP rank.

THere was a time when you couldn’t see the rank of a player unless they used their finisher in PvP, before they did the updates to add spectator and ranks displaying on scoreboard.

Stop making ArenaNet seem like a greedy company, this is just ridiculous… especially when stomping clockwork doesn’t even show the finishers EVEN if bought from the store.

PvE - What is actually challenging ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


PvE is a community event, very rarely is it challenging in most games. I don’t think people play it for a challenge, because if this was true then every game would be difficult. It just simply does not make sense to make a game very challenging to the point where it becomes a chore to play it.

PvE is fun because you can group with your friends and achieve something together, if you want something more challenging you can try fractals or PvP.

From 50% to top 1000 in a day

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Btw, little info on what classes are on leaderboards. Anyone had the time and energy to find out most represented ones?

In order:

1. Necro
2. Guard
3. Engi
4. Warrior
5. Ranger

That’s for people over 100 games in the top 500, but it’s from a couple days ago, and I only know about 75% of them.

You must be going crazy if you think guardians are more represented than rangers.

Looted a blc key - New?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


I’m sure more people have looted a precursor as opposed to a black lion key.

USD10.00 Guild Wars 2 Starter Edition

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chase.8415


I’d like to keep this game in business.

If people are too cheap to pay for a game, they are most likely not going to buy anything in the gem store anyway.

The current price is fine.

Gems price after a year of release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Everything in the cash shop is optional and not required.

Paying gold for cash shop items isn’t possible in many games, especially considering all items in cash shop are useless.

I am a PvP player and I have over 200 gold, earning gold in this game is not that difficult.

ArenaNet does not set the prices of gems, the players do. If less players trade their gems for gold, the price of gems goes up until players start selling their gems again.

Tournament Ticket merchant gone?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


The tournament tickets awarded virtually even if you did exchange them.

Why did you make your guardian?

in Guardian

Posted by: Chase.8415


I rolled guardian because it was the closest class to a Monk from the original series.

Soldier Rune and Pure Of Voice.

in Guardian

Posted by: Chase.8415


It should also be noted that PoV is bugged atm in that it flips a condi and cleanses another, have fun.

I think that’s more of a intended fix, just like how they mysteriously broke the poison condition.

Guardians Vs Warriors

in Guardian

Posted by: Chase.8415


Solo roaming as guardian is near impossible. The only two builds I know of that work to some extend are A ) Full glass instant-kill builds or B ) Full heal spec builds where you can only kill them if they let you.

As for zerging, I feel that guardians bring a little more in terms of group utility while also being about to fill a similar dps role, but warrior is becoming a valid option for sure.

Verdict: I have to say warrior. From the way ANET has been pushing that profession, it seems they will be top tier in everything in a matter of months.

There are far more variants of a guardian for DPS, and I have yet to see an “instant-kill” build in PvP.

The biggest problem with a guardian is mobility. Anyone who’s decent can easily kite you and spam conditions to the point you are dead.

I got some news on the next update.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


I was actually thinking about the drop rates, but now that you mention it…
Thieves are the most overpowered class out of any game in the history of mmos/rpgs/mmorpgs. Please nerf as you do with every patch.

You haven’t played enough MMOs. Truly OP classes get played by everyone. In sPvP most thieves are the easiest kill…

Unfortunately there are far more bad players than good ones, it’s just the nature of PvP. Many will think thieves are overpowered, but the good players know this is not true. Thieves are rarely represented in PvP in tournaments.

I got some news on the next update.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Nerfs to necromancers, rangers and engineers?

Nah, to much to hope for.

I will pay gems to drink the karma pots.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Try winning over a thousand tournaments and having to salvage 5 items with a confirmation message per win.

how many living world event?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Oh no! What will I do without that Infinite Watchknight tonic and mini’s?

They should slow down the progress of the entire game, because I feel forced to do living story events because I have a wife/girlfriend, school, work, and a goat.

Texas Hold'em Solo Q Leaderboard

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


I hate solo queue, your enemies either outrank you in rating or you outrank your own enemies. And this isn’t a simple 50 or so leaderboard positions ahead, it’s generally several hundred and it’s quite annoying.

There’s no possible way for me to win, the teammates I get are just so beyond bad I cannot do anything; especially when the enemy team is full of top 300 players.

Ressing animation bugged?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


I think it only happens when you are on a low end device. I have animations set to low on my Macbook and it’s probably working as intended. THis patch increased framerate for low end machines.

Birthday Gifts and Headstart

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


There’s a good chance that the rewards are account related, being that everything in this game is very alt-forgiving such as account bound items and the account wallet. So it’s most likely going to reward you for being 1 year old since account creation, rather than 1 year old for characters.

If it was based off character, I will have 8 presents on the 25th

My Plea: stop pre-releasing info to fansites

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


The fansites are essentially the quality assurance and bug testing. They test the bugs out in advantage to release information to the public for publicity. Both ArenaNet and the Fansite benefits on this.

I’ll say it again in every pointless thread like this one, you are not forced to read the guides. If someone in map chat asks for help, don’t be upset that people are willing to help and to spoil the experience for you.

ArenaNet does an effective job to keep spoilers hidden, there’s not even a public test realm! IN other games you would know spoilers MONTHS ahead.


in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


I agree there should be an option! Unfortunately players who go back to the old map will not have a great middle ground between the old a newly added functionality. In any case, it was wrong of us to not leave an option many people have gotten used to.

Keep up the good work, no matter what you guys release people will complain.

I a more tired of ArenaNet apologizing for something they did when there was nothing done wrong.


It's official, Map rotation is bugged!TEMPLE!

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Temple is the best map to test the skill level of players, they really should just remove the other maps/

Guild Wars 2 Dead? (Culling)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Invisible thread bug.

Zerg Farming: Needs to be stopped.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


I find farming in a massive zerg much more fun than farming alone. You guys need to keep in mind that if the gold inflates, so will the crafting materials. All you got to do is invest and your problems are solved.

Or you can just buy gold with gems, $1o gives you like 30 gold. You could spend 1 hour ingame to farm 5-7g or with $10, get 30 gold instantly.

New minimap

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Ya’ll just like to complain for no reason at all. This minimap is a great polish to the old one. The bugs go away after a few days after it is released. Be patient and stop complaining about a free update.

Why is it always temple?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Temple of the Silent Storm is the most balanced map in the game. It takes a true testament of skill to succeed in it; why is everyone complaining about it? What makes Temple of the Silent storm so bad?

Just to let you know the issue is fixed tomorrow on the next patch.

Top 10 Utilities?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Without question, the best utility skill in the game is Signet of Mercy, followed by Mimic and then Prayer to Lyssa.

NAH just kidding, the best utility skill is Box of Nails.

I just got an email saying this.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chase.8415


You should have realized it was a scam when it said “Greetings!”

I mean seriously, what e-mail starts off with that especially when it’s trying to claim you did something wrong?

SoloQ, what percentage is 1001?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Solo queue is not a representation of personal skill level over team queue. It’s more like who had the better comp and who gets faced against a lower rank team (vs facing a team that will obviously destroy you, such as getting Stunningstyles, etc)

Also, being as a person who frequently maintains top 1000 you don’t simply lose your rank overnight. You’d have to lose against a really low rank team in order to destory your personal standing.

SoloQ, what percentage is 1001?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


No it varies.

If you reverse the rating it starts at 0% and there are 40 pages of people (1000 more) to go to 38% or so.

My spot was at 964 yesterday, falling about 20 a day while not playing, and this morning it was at 68%, which I am guessing is about 1050 because I lost a game.

What are you talking about? You’ve never been top 1,000 or even close. Ever since LB came out you have been 38% or lower. I’ve had you on my friends lust to see. Even if somehow you claim to have climbed out from that hole you have not. shows everyone who has EVER been top 1,000 if you type their account name in.

The odd thing is why would you even care to lie to prove something like this? That’s ridiculous.

You’re not correct, gwshack,info does not show anyone who has been in top 1000. They must maintain their rank, once they drop below top 1000 they are unlisted from the website. The only way to prove you’ve been in top 1000, is to be in the top 1000.

Legendaries in PvP be tournament onlys?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


I sure hope not. I have zero interest in tpvp, and it would be quite a shame if I had to grind tournies to get a legendary.

So basically, you want Legendaries to be farmed in hot joins? Do you now see how this would be an issue for players? People will be running bots that ruin the experience of others just to get a legendary.

i think they already stated they dont want legendaries in SPvP, due to animation changes and additional effects

Who said that? Their blog post directly states that implementing legendaries in PvP is in the works because they wanted to have PvP progression rather than just grinding ranks.

Won a game But registered as a lose..

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


I can definitely confirm on the grace period when someone disconnects. I’ve had a few games where our bunker dced out and got back in 3 minutes later and it still counted as a win for him.

Won a game But registered as a lose..

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Unfortunately your best solution is to simply not disconnect. It’s intended to punish leavers, and a small minority of the game has been affected by this system.

Legendaries in PvP be tournament onlys?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


I was just wondering what people’s thoughts would be upon this? With the recent announcement of PvP getting legendaries by the end of this year, a lot of people are hoping that it’s something hard to achieve like 1 million glory points or something ridiculous.

I am afraid they are going to make it just a grind, which will indirectly hurt tournament players since it takes significantly longer to rank up in tournaments then it does in hot joins. THe extra 200 glory for a win really doesn’t help when you have to wait 6 minutes in-between matches for them to start.

If they were to make legendaries a grind, then everyone would start running bots in PvP since it’s a mindless grind that a computer can do.

We are also running into an issue where solo queue has killed participation in Team Arena. A lot less people are playing and the queue times are really long and sometimes you are forced to play against a top 50 team because there is no one else playing.

Do you think it would make more sense to restrict legendaries to team arenas only? This would increase participation in tournaments. INstead of making it only possible for the top 1000 make it that so it is possible for someone to grind a legendary at the 30% bracket, but just significantly slower.

For example, a top 50 player could grind a legendary much faster compared to someone at the 70% bracket.

I think this would prevent botting in hot joins and increase the participation in PvP for team arena significantly.

ooc vs stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


This is just in, another stealth QQ thread.

THe best solution is to get better. Thieves are one of the most under represented classes in High End PvP; yet in hot joins and in WvWvW thieves are the most popular? Do you see the pattern here?

Bad players die to thieves, while good ones do not.

SoloQ, what percentage is 1001?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


It depends on how many play, a few weeks ago 70% would get you top 1000 now its probably higher around 90%.

Few weeks ago is an understatement, getting top 70% would get you top 1000 back in April when the leadboards came out. It now requires 96%, it just recently went up by a percent.

Quality of salvage kit irrelevant for ectos?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Your guildy is wrong. You will get significantly less ectoplasm on a basic salvage kit versus a masters.

What player suggestions have Arenanet used?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Nothing much because in 1 year we still have nothing challenging all the ‘hardcore’ crowd been asking since first month of game’s release.

Have you beaten Liadri yet?

For what, an ugly mini and 20 AP? I did not beat her after my 20 tries and i won’t bother anymore because fps is atrocious and so are the camera angles. I want something challenging done in co-op, rewarding and with long last appeal, not a spam fest npc that kills you in one hit while you’re trying to dodge her stuff at 20fps.

Get top 1000 in PvP when there are roughly 40,000 active members on it.

Why is so difficult translate GW2 in italian?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chase.8415


It’s not that simple, you can’t just simply translate the game that easily. They would have to hire voice actors otherwise it will look incredibly cheap.

Furthermore they have their hands tied up with releasing it in China.

Server caps just lifted again [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


IMO 1k+ gems for transfers still high a price to be paid.

It’s the exact same price every other game charges for, the only difference is there is really no reason to transfer a server other than WvWvW.

It’s nice being linked all together cross server, PvP would be a lot less participation if it was otherwise.

The fuss about Condi > DD

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


I don’t play a condition necro, I don’t find them strong enough in 1v1 to cause any reliable pressure when assaulting a far point.

Mobility problems in wvw (meditation).

in Guardian

Posted by: Chase.8415


Guardians have no mobility, you are essentially forced to take some type of mobility, such as retreat to be viable in PvP.

Dps Guard > Bunker Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Chase.8415


@Entioch LOL lies!!….. has anyone made use of vulnerability stacking with symbols and scepter? I still haven’t made a build that could make use of it

I Have and it doesn’t make much use because eveveryone lies on conditions and there’s no effective way for guardians to apply vulenarbility other than blinds which has a large cooldown compared to the amount of condition cleanse.

just a guide…use or don’t :P

I have nothing against you, but if you’re going to make a guide make sure to review what you’re doing.

Everyone already knows you are one of the best dps guardians in the world, might as well spend time to edit your video more accurately.

Don’t inflate Stunning’s ego, we already have 9 rank notifications on every video he puts out as it is, isn’t that right stun :P


I know this, hense why I pointed it out. He spent more time shouting out to everyone that he is rank 9 and every match he joins he spams twitch than making an effective guide or "what I did’

Because it seems to me “what you did” was just spam cooldowns.

Dps Guard > Bunker Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Chase.8415


just a guide…use or don’t :P

I have nothing against you, but if you’re going to make a guide make sure to review what you’re doing.

Everyone already knows you are one of the best dps guardians in the world, might as well spend time to edit your video more accurately.

Dps Guard > Bunker Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Chase.8415


Don’t forget to mention that you hang out in manvil rock and everyone communicates via teamspeak against the enemy team. Immediate resses isn’t something that takes skill, also there is no way you could have cleansed poison on that corspe; during the time of the video you’ve already spammed condition cleansing.

It makes no sense to use virtue of resolve and then use save yourselves, you essentially wasted a cooldown.

(edited by Chase.8415)

Playing GW2 on a Tablet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


I own the Surface Pro, Surface RT and Ipads. Personally if you are going to be playing Guild Wars 2, I’d suggest getting a macintosh. The macintosh client support horizontal scrolling, which allows you to move the camera with two fingers… you can effectively mouse turn.

There’s a patent on the mouse touch drivers in macintosh, windows machines can’t achieve full duplex… so you’ll notice you can’t use the mouse and keyboard at the same time.

Just keep in mind though the mac client is really bad in framerate, on my macbook air you will be lucky to get 15 frames in WvWvW. It is still playable and by far the best option in terms of mobility, since playing without a mouse is virtually impossible in Guild Wars 2.

Meta Build 1v1 Matchup Chart Project 8/12/13

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Warriors hard counter rangers, PERIOD.

Rangers do not have any stun breaks.

Jasher is a rank 400 Spirit Ranger.