To me, if’s obvious. Multi-hit combos cause one number that centered over our target to get bigger. Multiple hits that aren’t linked are all off-center and appear almost anywhere in the area immediately above our target.
The only way I see it being fair to dodge Phantasm Summons is if blind and block no longer negated them.
About a month ago, I started a reworked concept of mantras. I may finish it up and post it soon.
I do he opposite of Carighan. When being chased by a zerg, I drop an exit portal and keep running. You’d be surprised how many people will stop at it and wait for you to show up. If I’m chased by one person and they don’t fall for it, I can drop the entrance, take the portal and run the other way. I usually use blink or a stealth afterwards to further screw with their heads.
Guys, I have pugged this dungeon before. Usually it takes a pug 30 minutes, which I find completely acceptable. I personally would prefer to play with my guildmates but they always do the dungeon while I’m either asleep or at work. Because of Anet’s changes, I’m the odd man out and pugging is my last recourse, save soloing it and that is just madness.
Above all else, I have never ran into a pug this bad before. Not even during pre-release when everyone was trying to figure out how to beat dungeons.
I have nothing against shortbow rangers. I have everything against shortbow rangers that auto attack IN MELEE RANGE! Granted, I’ve barely played a ranger so I don’t know how the mechanics work but I’m pretty sure their attacks don’t get stronger the closer they are so there was no point in being beside me.
I have a heal-spec guardian because I want a heal-spec guardian. I’m not playing to be the most proficient player ever. I play to have fun. I’m that one guy that stands IN FRONT of dragon champions and actively dodge their attacks because that’s more fun than standing on the side, auto-attacking and then complaining about how long and boring the fight is.
I’m not going to go into all the details as that would take way too long. I’m just going to cover some highlights.
- First, it’s HotW p1 and thanks to Anet’s infinite wisdom and my work schedule, I haven’t been able to get a party for over a week.
- The LFG entry stated, “no quitters”. I acknowledge that the bulk of the blame now rest on my shoulders because I ignored that huge red flag.
- The first boss manages to hit me and ONLY me with at least 2 other people in melee range. Thank God I had a ridiculous healing spec for my guardian.
- We get to those stupid dog things. A ranger does her best Leeroy Jenkins impression and I, foolishly, run in behind her.
- On hindsight, she runs into melee range but continued to use a shortbow. I should have known how that was going to end.
- The ranger dies and, for the next 7 minutes, I’m barely staying alive while tanking 7 to 9 of these dogs. When I miss a crucial heal and finally die, I notice my party hanging back and spamming auto attacks. My grief was strangely alleviated as the mobs made short work of my team.
- When we finally respawned, I asked what was the plan. I was greeted with 4, “I dunno…” A smarter man would have quit then and there.
- Finally we get a gameplan. The leader targets a champion I run in, tanking like a madman. A minute goes by and I’m struggling to survive against the champion and 12 dogs now (yes, they multiplied) while my party seems mysteriously absent. When I finally succumb, I note my party, on the roof but this time only half of them are auto-attacking while the other half still ask what the plan is. Again, a smarter man would have quit.
- One of them finally decides to charge in and meet death one minute later. Another disconnects while the leader damages the totem before dying and the last runs around for 14 minutes, trying to lose aggro.
- We respawn and some are still wondering what the gameplan is. The leader takes down the totem and opens the way for us. We’re sill missing a teammate so, while waiting for her to come back, another decides to go afk and have a dinner break. Our last member goes afk and doesn’t even tell us. At this point I balk at Jonah’s patience but clearly I don’t have Solomon’s wisdom because I stay.
- The next 20 minutes has the leader and I taking care of all the dogs, mostly because we have nothing better to do than twiddle our thumbs.
I’m going to stop there for the sake of my sanity but this sort of thing goes on for 3 hours and only marginally gets better. When we finally beat the last boss, I get 1 gold and 40 tokens. Yes, 40 tokens. Somehow, some way, diminished returns has lasted over a week of resets and hit me with 40 tokens.
Have you ever been so mad that you don’t even know how to express it?
My reason for voting Kiel is simple – there’s no way to properly show the fall of Abaddon in a 20 minute dungeon. That’s like stuffing the entirety of the Lord of the Rings in 20 pages. For it to work, it NEEDS an expansion or, at the very least, about 6 months of living story dedicated to telling the story. Another point is we already know about Abaddon so, unless they go into minute details (again, my first point) there is no point is revisiting the story.
On the other hand, Thaumanova we know next to nothing about. The reason behind the explosion can be told tastefully within the time limit. We may even get it sooner than later because the art assets are already in the game.
The only other factor was reduced waypoint costs verses cheaper black lion keys. I’ve already written novels about my opinion of RNG so that was a no-brainer. Now, if they guaranteed a few T6 crafting materials in each chest as well as a chance of something rare, I would perk an eyebrow. Otherwise I’m saving my money and cheaper waypoints certainly will help with that.
It’s been 250 years since Guild Wars’ time. Think about that relative to our time. What was the level of technology in 1763? If we have progressed so far beyond that, why are you guys against the level of advancement presented in this game? There are still dragons, knights, queens, giants, magic, mythical races and the like. There just happens to be technology as well.
what about she reveals she is pregnant, from logan, and the npc gossip is true:P
That I doubt. I get the feeling she’s waiting on him to make the first move and he’s too “noble” to make any move. Some times I just want to shout, “find a dark corner, flip her skirt and GET IT OVER WITH!” I hate when people drag their feet when they obviously have feelings for each other.
It would serve little to no purpose as accessories aren’t visually shown but I would probably waste transmutation crystals on this as well. I would rather have mesmer-centric fashion statements than half of the ascended items that I don’t even know, or care, for the stories behind them.
I want to know that too. It already has a strike against it for not being able to recover upgrades.
Neither do I but I now know there to keep my World War Z weaponery.
I’m more bothered by the inconsistency between the two events. In the short story, it was clear that Rox knew there was bad blood between Logan and Rytlock but, in the game, it seemed as if she was hearing about it for the first time. That’s a huge error and an amateur one at that.
I would suggest that you level your first character up the normal way. While crafting can get you levels fast, the very first thing you need is an understanding of how the game works. Having a level 80 and not knowing how to proficiently use a level 80 character will only cause you, and everyone you party with, heartache.
You can gather the basic components now and save your gold to buy a precursor. All legendaries use the Gifts of Magic, Might and Fortune. That will keep you busy for a while. If you still need something to do, you could collect 500 of each dungeon token but don’t buy a gift with them.
This is a lot to take in so I will only reply to the basics. First I have to chiming in with the others on a well thought out suggestion. I also believe this should be a scholar class, not soldier. This is clearly magic manipulation and has little to nothing to do with “frontline confrontation specialists” like the two present soldier professions. Considering that time and space are intertwined, I could incorporate more aspects of teleportation, reflection, deflection and suggest that positioning be a huge part of the classes effectiveness. I would also use less directly time-related terms in my naming convention but that is a matter of personal taste.
I like the idea of Continuum Shift but I would do it slightly differently. For example, the F1 skill would be Time Loop and would work slightly differently. Working off of your Millennium Slash example, I would have players hit F1 at the trigger and have the animation repeat itself. For balance, Time Loop would always gain the cooldown of the skill it was used on. If Millennium Slash has a 12 second cooldown, the time-looped version would make the Time Loop skill go on a 12 second cooldown that’s independent of Millennium Slash. In this sense, it could be used to repeat a very powerful skill at the risk of putting it on a very long cooldown.
My ideas for utilities
“Event Horizon” creates a dome similar to Feedback. Enemy projectiles fired through it will always fly in a random direction, causing them to miss their target. Allied projectiles fired through it will be sped up and do more damage.
“Worm Hole” teleports the Chronomancer from their previous location to the targeted location as well as leaving vertical portals that others can pass through.
“After Image” creates a clone of the player, similar to a Mesmer clone, however, this clone mimics every action the player does one second after they do it.
“Flashback” reverses the last action the target made. If they healed, it removes the healed HP. If they attacked, it removes any damage and effects caused by that attack.
“Fast Forward” grants swiftness and a few seconds of quickness.
“Universal Constant” is an elite that makes any affected by it only take 1 damage from any attack for the next few seconds.
And, no matter what, there HAS to be a trait called “Bullet Time” that increases the speed of all the Chronomancer’s projectiles!
As much as I like this idea, I don’t think I would use it. It would only work for nearly instantly casted AoEs. It wouldn’t help elementalists much.
I don’t see a point to this. If you’ve just created a new character, you REALLY shouldn’t be going anywhere near Orr. Level restrictions exists for a reason and I have to admit, it’s really not hard to level characters in this game. For about 60 to 80 gold you can craft from 2 to 80 in about 6 hours. There are even self-updating guides that will show you the cheapest way to do so. In any other MMO, doing that legitimately would be considered ludicrous.
I feel you on leveling multiple characters. I’m on my 7th one right now and I really wish I could just rush to 80 and starting working on gearing her up but patience is a virtue. Slowing going through zones, learning weapon skills, gaining skillpoints and reaching waypoints is teaching me how to use that character and what build best fits my playstyle. Without this system, you’d get players in high level areas that don’t even understand the basics of their class. You do NOT want that!
Guys, they already are working on proliferating every weapon to every profession. I imagine this will be a monumental task as, with Elementalist alone, they have to come up with 4 sets of skills for each new weapon.
I’m wondering how we’re suppose to get so many kills blows with a shield when most shield skills are defensive?
I am finding it highly annoying, i can never tell if when i will use it the attacks will be evaded or if i will actually get hit by them. I am even now considering maybe swapping it out and changing my build, i like the fact that the clones run to the targets to melee and i like the gap closer but BF is becoming to much of a liability as you (or at least i) just never know if when using it i will be damaged or not.
Anything that triggers an “on hit” effect will be a liability. A few examples are Shock Aura, Chaos Armor or anyone with retaliation. As for environmental hazards, the jury is still out. I’ve successfully evaded some while others have hurt me anyway. In my opinion, the skill is still good, it’s just not great.
The greatsword is for sniping and you simply don’t snipe much in duels. To compound the problem, the staff is designed to take a few hits and it’s true attack power comes from bounces and all illusions, not just phantasms. Traited properly and the clones will be the biggest threat.
If I were to duel with a greatsword as my primary, I would go full glass cannon with a hybrid of interrupt and shatter traits and then I would try to burst my target down in 2 to 5 seconds. After that, whether I succeeded or not, I would run. Another way would be to use the staff as my secondary, go for a rampager build and focus on phantasms and clone abilities. Then I would open with a greatsword burst and then duel with the staff. In either case, I would avidly avoid prolonged dueling with the greatsword.
As much as I love the look, the idea and the affects, the greatsword just isn’t made for dueling.
The change was necessary. As much as I loved the skill the way it was, being able to attack and dodge at the same time was too powerful. Even after the nerf, I still use this attack as a third “dodge”. Now that it’s not complete immunity, you have to rethink when to use it and against whom. More thinking is ALWAYS a good thing! That keeps the game from becoming a mindless button-masher.
What wasn’t warranted, however, was increasing the recharge time along with nerfing the “invulnerability frames”. Anet should have waited at least a month after the live patch to see if it was necessary. This is Anet we’re talking about though. They make a LOT of stupid changes with little to no explanation. and overnerf things quite often. The fact that they claim to listen to their community is laughable. They don’t even discuss major changes with us before they happen.
I would say one of the biggest pros for us is it is nearly impossible to pin a good mesmer down. Just Blink and Phase Retreat are enough to annoy anything trying to use stuns but there’s also all the clone swaps, Arcane Thievery and even Portal making it very hard to keep us in one place. Basically, anyone whom even hopes to defeat us better have a ranged weapon. If you include all of our reflects, then they have to know when to strike too.
I heard from a guildmate that using it with 3 greatswords could produce a weapon that’s not a greatsword. Shaking my head at yet another instance of RNG stupidity, I decided it’s best not to use my stones in that fashion. Instead I use them to turn regular salvage kits into mystic forge kits.
I have a problem with it too. I recall early on in the human storyline that, near the end of a mission, an npkittenerally appears out of no where and tells you about a locket relating to your parents. It had no connection whatsoever to what you were doing 10 seconds ago. I also recall Logan introducing Countess Anise at random. She’s not given a reason for being there or even excused as just walking by as you happen to be talking to Logan. Flowing from one arc to another felt extremely rigid.
I’m still stuck on the fact that Mad feels killing off billions of smallpox viruses isn’t genocide because they’re not human, even though they are a racial group by definition of their classification. That’s like saying it’s okay to kill anything that’s not human simply because it’s not human.
I wish we could choose which dailies we will never do. I, personally, see no reason for 3 wvw dailies to be on my list everyday when I don’t do wvw. I don’t need to choose which three replace them but I would love the option to switch them out.
It still would be nice to get more interaction. We hear them say “we’re listening” but we don’t see them enough. That’s the problem. Imagine a parent always hiding from a child while “raising” them. That’s what it feels like.
The thing is, you are looking only at the goal. If you just want to get to the top of a mountain then climbing it will feel exhausting. If you climb that same mountain because you like mountain climbing, you’ll have fun.
I, personally, like the Claw of Jormag fight. I’m not there for the daily treasure chest. I’m there to see how many people I can res before the chill downs me. I’m like to stand in the middle of the action and dodge his attacks instead of standing somewhat safely on the side. I pan up and religiously watch him get shot out of the sky, bounce off a mountain cliff and claw his way onto another. I look forward to seeing how many ice columns I can take out so the bomb golems can get to him. I don’t do this fight every day. I do it when I want to be impressed by it.
If you want to know what a real grind is, try Ragnarok Online. As much as I love that game, I can’t be bothered to level a character up past 3 classes, be reborn and have to level them up all over again just to reach another class. And, if you think the legendaries her are bad, try getting them in that game. You have to collect the stuff and hand over all the materials to a blacksmith then hope he can forge what you want. There’s a chance that he will fail and you’ll lose all your materials.
I still wonder why they are doing more socializing on other sites than their own. I don’t frequent Facebook or Reddit and even though I’m on these forums at least 5 days out of the week, I have yet to hear of any news here first.
Here’s a picture of what the Great Collapse looked like earlier on in development:
That is gorgeous! I could get lost there!
He didn’t because portal would have been nerfed to hell and back during the Hobbit.
Also get Sharper images as soon as you can. This causes your clones to bleed on crit. The highest Sigil of Earth helps too as that makes your critical attacks bleed on crit precentages.
If you really want to level with condition damage, you have to find enemies that are a higher level than you. I’m talking 7 or 8+ levels higher. You’ll be able to do it because precision allows you to hit them and conditions ignore toughness and possibly level differences. The down side is enemies that far above you can down you in one hit so you have to bring your A game with dodging.
We need a proper aggro management system. It would be helpful if I could pull a champion off of guildmates that are downed and currently getting mudholes stomped into them.
This is the best forum thread EVER! And I agree. Hills are overpowered. When I can die from them but survive jumping off a cliff from the same height, there’s a problem.
I’m thinking global cooldown reduction. It would be hard to balance but anyone with high cooldown skills would flock to this armor set.
In my opinion, if people want standard abilities over elites then there is something seriously wrong with the elites.
Odd thing is, I thought it was the “Distinction in Applied Jumping” title but I have all of them and didn’t get it.
(edited by Crossplay.2067)
What I mean is, I go to Queensdale because Queensdale has just about everything I need for my dailies. I don’t even bother with Orr unless my guild is taking a temple because farming isn’t a profitable or as fun as it use to be.
I loved it when events happened more often because there was always people around me. We formed impromptu parties and I even made a friend or two because we joked a lot to make the farming hours go by faster. But these days I’m lucky if I see more than one person. I will admit that the Cursed Shore does feel cold, lonely and uninviting now but for all the wrong reasons.
I’ve never seen anyone cry doom louder than Reed Richards.
1. The reading post is very unlikely to crakitten didn’t when meta event bosses dropped rares, even before the fix. It just caused an increase of supply which dropped prices slightly. Considering it also encouraged more to flush them down the mystic toilet, nothing really changed.
2. Gold find is wasted on dungeons. If you really want to make use of it, farm meta event chains. A lot of smaller enemies will give more gold than one or 2 champions and the events leading up to god temples are great for it.
3. This is hyperbole akittens worst. I’m not even going to touch on the fact that your numbers are flat out wrong. While there are a lot of people running CoF1, there are actually better ways to make more money. Example #2 has one of them.
4. There are ways to make 10 gold an hour. You don’t have to take my word for it. Just look around the forums. This change won’t make much of an impact.
5. If you want people to take you seriously, you have to to a lot better at presenting your arguments. Use proper grammar. Look up your facts. State accurate statistics. Give at least two reliable sources. Don’t jump to conclusions without even testing the matter at hand. Without these things, you’re just another boy crying wolf whom will be hard to hear over the countless others doing the same thing.
To me, speculation is pointless. I’ll try out the changes and decide if taking on the champions are worth my time. I do have one concern though. Tying everything to the end of a dungeon will just make the leader-dropping/party-kicking issues worse.
Will there be a use for these infusion?
Getting more gold.
To get more gold you need an actual enemies that drop it. And after removing guaranteed dungeon gold drop there’s not many places you can actualy use it.
Are you sure you aren’t taking the phrase “gold find” literally? All enemies have a chance to drop “gold.” Gold being the mainstream in-game currency; equaling copper, silver, and gold respectively. The concept is very simple. The more gold find you have, the more of each of these 3 you’re able to gather per drop. So gold find will have the exact same uses as it has before the patch.
please equip it and farm DE , then you will not saying the same thing again.
the only reason we buy it is for dungeon champion. and how much silver normal mob drops? 1s? congrats ! now you have 1s 20c ! wow what a efficient use !Welcome to Guild Wars 2, where 10 times the work=1.0000000000001 times the reward.
That’s because you’re comparing a common mob to a champion. The fastest time I’ve seen a champion go down is 15 seconds. The fastest I’ve seen common mobs go down is less than a second.
You only kill 2 champions on a CoF1 speed run so magic find is what’s really earning you money. On the other hand, the shelter’s gate event spawns at least hundred. I would say at least a third of them drop money. 1.34 silver here and there add up quickly, especially if you have gold find.
I would do the math for you but, really, it doesn’t take a genius to realize that gold find is mostly wasted in dungeons. Yes, you see bigger numbers for the gold you receive in dungeons but you skip most of the common mobs while doing so which is why you’ll make less than you would at any “defend this area” dynamic event. But don’t take my word for it.
I have a guild mate that can make 3 gold from half of the meta event chains for one path leading up to Balthazar’s temple. Compare that to CoF1.
This game is never going to be balanced and it is BETTER for it. You do NOT want balance. True balance can only be achieved by giving every class the same skills, armor, weapons and stats. On paper it sounds great but in reality, it’s boring.
The way they are trying to balance things is by giving every class a different way of handling similar situations. This is like trying playing Jenga with an 8 meter tall tower. to make matters worse, the perception of balance differs from person to person. One infamous example is how the mesmer class gets nerfed with almost every patch update. many proponents say they are over powered and it’s nearly impossible to kill one yet way too many whom say that have never put in the time to learn how a mesmer works. They are “judging a book by its cover” and getting mad because a class that specializes in dueling, misdirection and subterfuge is excelling at dueling, misdirection and subterfuge. And then there’s the constant argument over Portal. I don’t think any one skill has been nerfed as much as it has and some people cry for even more nerfs.
To be honest, if you really want to balance the classes, you must first balance the players’ perceptions. Good luck with that.
I’m okay with them using Facebook and Reddit to reach a wider audience but these forums should be the first and foremost authority on information pertaining to all things Guild Wars 2. While it’s great to have the option, I shouldn’t have to go to mmorpg to get the latest information on an upcoming event or head over to Facebook to find out the reason behind a hotfix. I should hear about it first from this website.
It wouldn’t even take much to implement a proper system. Just create a scrolling hotbox on the main page and give it the headings for the latest news topics with links to forums threads for more detailed information. That’s all you guys have to do! How hard is that?
Actually I wonder if there is a dagger. There is an iRogue afterall.
I think the gates work in a totally different way. I think they are always on but in “standby,” as seen by them always being active. Now imagine if everyone has a “gate key” that the can program to tell the gate where to send them. If you want to go to the Black Citadel, you program the key, walk through the gate and arrive at the Black Citadel. You could then reprogram the key for Lion’s Arch, take a step backwards and arrive there. Theoretically, certain codes could be blocked. If you programmed the key for Fort Trinity and don’t have clearance, it won’t take you there.
To sound in on this, I don’t see the dragons as any more evil than rival servers in WvW. Granted, there are some big, wet, sloppy bags of kitten that use wvw to justify harrassing other players but it’s basically kill or be killed and both sides understand that.
You may say that the dragons are committing genocide but I could argue that humans irl are doing the same thing. Every time a tree is cut down, we are killing a living creature. Every time we consume chicken, steak, beef, pork or fish, we are eating one of millions that was raised and slaughtered for the sole purpose of feeding us.
Here’s another case to wrap your head around; smallpox. It is virtually extinct, by the hand of humans, with only a small sample in cryogenic stasis, which is used for study. It was a simple organism that was feeding and reproducing, just like we are, but we killed it because it it uses us for food. Considering that 3 million could fit in the punctuation ending this sentence, can you even imagine how many were slain for our peace of mind? Even worse, the elimination of smallpox was celebrated.
But I can still go one step further and this one is controversial. Bin Laden’s death was celebrated. People literally danced in the streets when we received confirmation that a man has been slain. Yes, he did horrible things but I, personally, am just as horrified that others can celebrate his death. But even then I asked myself how I felt and “relieved” was the answer, which made me question my own morality. Am I evil too because I’m glad a man is dead? He had his opinion and we have ours. I can’t even say he’s purely the villain because it’s very hard to believe he would pick on a superpower and really believe he would emerge victorious. It makes more sense to think he may have been provoked and brazenly upped the ante until the escalating “global gang war” came to his demise.
To bring this full circle, I don’t see the dragons as good or evil. I see them as threats which must be neutralized and how we do that shows our morality. If I was in control of the lore, I would have the Pact send representatives to the next dragon and see if we can work out a truce. Saber-rattling the fact that Zhaitan lost (I personally don’t think he’s dead) while trying to extend a loving hand and a kindred heart just might be enough to get them in the negotiating mood. It would be quite the twist if we help an elder dragon go on a diet. It would be even better to have one on our side when we eventually have to go up against another. An even more interesting twist would be a new profession coming out of it: being a dragon minion!
All I can do is facepalm. And now I must play devil’s advocate for a dev team I’m not particularly fond of.
You guys don’t understand what you’re asking. In layman’s terms, you’re want them to link 3,000 Christmas lights together in a single circuit. You do know what happens when just one of those lights burn out, right? Do you know how hard it would be to find the right one and replace it? That’s exactly what would happen here!
Yes, it is possible to interweave dynamic events together and even to involve all the events in the entire game but it would be a living hell to debug! We’re already seeing events that don’t trigger because another event, sometimes one that aren’t even related, have something go wrong and break the chain. It could be a dead npc, a mob that’s out of place or even a frog that has one too many toes! I’m not exaggerating. It doesn’t take much to break something this complex and stop EVERY dynamic event linked to it!
Now you have to remember there are over 3,000 events in this game. Hell, I’ve played since pre-release and I’m STILL finding some in Queensdale! I swear everyone is playing mind games with me because I have yet to meet this mythical Champion Spider mapchat raves on about! Can you imagine it failing to spawn and thus the Butterfly Effect happens and inevitably stops all the meta-events in Orr? Do you realize that such a feat could keep people from entering dungeons?
To make matters worse, no other MMO has this system. Yes, Rift has dynamic events but they are not linked together like they are in this game. Anet is pioneering and they are going in blind because there is no status quo to follow. Hell, they are creating the status quo as they go! It’s very wise of them to only link a few events and constantly monitor for and work the bugs out before even thinking about expanding. Just like you wouldn’t build a mansion on quicksand, this system needs its foundation to be sound before they can even dream of building upon it.
As for the meta-event bosses and the dragon champions in particular, they spawn in specific spots because they aren’t like normal mobs. If they have any AI at all, I certainly don’t see it. As far as I can tell, they aren’t even targeting specific players. They are just cycling attacks. This makes sense because it’s extremely difficult to create a monster that can effectively take 5 or 50 players into consideration when attacking. That takes some extreme computations and a lot of processing power and that’s on top of keeping track of everything else going on in the zone. They can’t just spawn anywhere either because the areas they spawn in are tailored-made for fighting them. Sure it would be epic for the Claw of Jormag to spawn in Hoelbrak but them they would have to rework Hoelbrak to accommodate fighting him and that takes time.
And these things are in the works. Even though they could shoe-horn Jormag into Hoelbrak in 2 weeks, I guarantee you guys would be bored with that new battle within days or hours for some of you. They have already acknowledged that these meta-event bosses aren’t as epic as they want but it would take massive resources to bring them up to standard. We’re talking new animations, actual AI, new abilities and it has to be balanced so that players will actually want to fight it instead of just ignoring it because it’s too hard or not rewarding enough for the effort involved.
TL;DR – Be patient. It’ll happen. Maybe not this year or even the next but it will happen.
Now, if you want something to complain about, the constant loss of legitimate farming areas, the repeated insistences of limited-time skins in RNG treasure boxes, dumbing down WvW and supporting zerg tactics while claiming to be against them, killing more builds than creating and having to find out future plans for this game from other websites instead of these forums are all valid arguments. Lock and load and knock yourselves out!