Showing Posts For DeathPanel.8362:

Best WvWvW sigils for one-handed

in Guardian

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


Sigil with power\precision stucks I keep in Staff.
Sigil of fire at off-hand.
Question: the best www sigil for main-hand is?)


If you have enough crit chance then Bloodlust.

Otherwise go perception.

Feeling pigeon-holed, possible solution?

in Guardian

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


Some passionate debate and opinions here, but I did want to throw out the following link on crit damage versus crit chance:

So 30% crit damage with 5-10 crit chance provides a 1.040-1.080 increase to dps.

0% crit damage with a 10-15% crit chance provides 1.050-1.075 increase to dps

about on par with each other, but I would probably argue with more crit chances as better since our traits provide boons on crit, thus providing more dodge rolls, AH heals, and/or might stacks.

But yes, AH is selfish for the Guardian, versus a boonway/healaway Guard who still gives out shouts/boons but maximizes healing and duration.

AH just wants to throw out many boons quickly and its biggest return is via crits/symbols and not so much shouts. Could almost do away with shouts and use other utilities since they are not the primary source of AH heals.

It’s true that the healway/boon variations that are viable and I’ve stated that many times before.

However being viable is not the same as being “better”.

You can go 0 0 30 20 20 and have nearly identical support(only 5% less boon duration) to boonway build for example. (As well as all other major traits of that build) This is because the boon+ duration and support for those builds are mostly centered around gear and not traits.

Meanwhile, you have 30% more crit damage, 300 more toughness over the boonway build as well as the trait AH which gives you vastly superior survivability.

I fully support theorycrafting for builds for guardians, it’s because of that I swapped from Meditation build to AH build in the first place.

What I don’t support are people who misrepresent the facts and data to make their own rogue builds look better than they actually are, because that create misinformation and confusion for new players who read these posts and is dishonest.

(edited by DeathPanel.8362)

Level cap: if increased, what are the impacts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


I’ll only support a level cap increase if they give the trait points for those levels and have a straightforward way to obtain gear for the new top level. (New tier of gear added to the dungeon vendors for tokens that cost alot more tokens for each piece for example.)

Feeling pigeon-holed, possible solution?

in Guardian

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


Lol, buddy. I know how FOTM works. But my knowledge of FOTM doesn’t even matter in this case cause all I did was use your logic. It is either retaliation works well along with AH, or neither works. Do you even read what you type?

Since you didn’t get it the first time, I guess I’ll have to spell it out for you. Your argument was that retaliation is trivial because mobs 1-2 shot you meaning you only get a couple reflect off. From this, if you die in 1-2 shots anyways. How does a lot of mini heals help in any way if you still get 1-2 shot; it is not like the mini heals will do an instant 10k heal.

Basically, it is either retaliation works well along with AH or neither works since retaliation is based off of how many times you get hit.

Wrong. You failed to understand my logic and by extension failed to leverage it as part of your argument.

You also show you know nothing of higher lvl fotm.

I already pointed out that you can only dodge so many attacks and that you WILL be hit. I’ve already pointed out AH makes the difference between dying and surviving when your main heal is on CD.

Between the virtues, shouts, and staff #4 you can easily heal from 10% to full even while not using full cleric setup so you either don’t know much about AH build or you are purposefully not being honest when you talk about “mini-heals”.

Also, you’ve failed to provide a better alternative build as I’ve asked. Is your purpose just to troll and be contrarian?

Feeling pigeon-holed, possible solution?

in Guardian

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


… how about you provide a build that exceeds AH build in effectiveness for supporting role so we can all see for ourselves how right you are?

Remove trait points in Valour 30, put them into Honour 30. This is one example of many. Any build that replaces a trait that gives no support with one that gives any will meet your challenge. I don’t see how overhealing yourself is going to fit within the best support build.

Having 30 points in valour is not mutually exclusive with having 30 points in Honour. There are AH variations that have both.

Seems you misunderstood my post. ‘Remove’ is a key word in there. The builds that remove the points from Valour and put them into anything else that gives support are better support builds because 1) you spend more points in supportive traits and 2) you don’t waste any points in non-supportive traits , i.e., AH. I doubt I can be more clear than this. If you don’t get it, then I don’t really have much more to add.

Perhaps overheal is the wrong word, though it can happen. Simply put, I use my other inherent damage mitigation tools less If I have AH. There is much to be improved upon in any build that substitutes the use of elements that are very effective and free with other elements that are less effective and costly. I have a difficult time convincing myself that a build that does this is a ‘best’ anything build.

No, you are the one that misrepresented the facts. You said you had to remove from one if you have the other, when obviously there are variants of AH that can have both and don’t require that.

GS or Hammer?

in Guardian

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


Simple question…. whats better? The greatsword or the hammer?

Both have many purposes in PvE and PvP for both aoe and single target but generally which one is better? Just wondering what opinions people have and what are their reasons for thinking so.

Hammer for pvp, GS for pve.

Control matters more in pvp, dps matters more in pve.

Why do bounties punish condi specs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


here i’ll make this dungeon related. Why are most bounty bosses stronger than Zhaitan? In particular Half-baked Komali. Frog > Elder Dragon.

There are world veteran mobs stronger than Zhaitan, not a valid question.

Feeling pigeon-holed, possible solution?

in Guardian

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


Again, retaliation is not useful in dungeons. Mobs have a bazillion hp and the retaliation dmg they take is completely trivial and high lvl fotm mobs will 1-2 shot you so dodging is the norm anyway.

You realize your arguments that you provided are pretty flawed? High lvl FOTM mobs will 1-2 shot you so retaliation is useless yet healing through AH is somehow almighty? Tell me, how do you heal with AH when you get 1-2 shotted? lol.

You realize you sound like you don’t know much about FOTM?

Plenty of fights are prolonged in FOTM. You can’t dodge all attacks since you are limited by your endurance and the sheer number of mobs attacking. You WILL be hit regardless and AH means the difference between being killed because your main heal is on cooldown and surviving.

All you people are so contrarian because you are just disgruntled that cookie cutter builds work and your own little rogue builds don’t work as well.

There’s a REASON cookie cutter builds work, because they’ve been tried and tested in real gameplay by the community and the consensus is that they are the best choices.

You are free to provide a better support build so we can all see. As I’ve stated before I’ll be first in line to respec if there’s actual convincing evidence of a build that is better than AH for supporting roles.

(edited by DeathPanel.8362)

Feeling pigeon-holed, possible solution?

in Guardian

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


… how about you provide a build that exceeds AH build in effectiveness for supporting role so we can all see for ourselves how right you are?

Remove trait points in Valour 30, put them into Honour 30. This is one example of many. Any build that replaces a trait that gives no support with one that gives any will meet your challenge. I don’t see how overhealing yourself is going to fit within the best support build.

Having 30 points in valour is not mutually exclusive with having 30 points in Honour. There are AH variations that have both.

You have yet to provide an actual build in which it would have more support than an AH variant.

How about showing us your “experience” and my lack thereof by actually doing so since that’s your central premise of all your posts? I’ve already called you out on this many times and you’ve failed to deliver.

FYI. There’s no such thing as overhealing yourself. In end game dungeons and wvw zerg fights or sieges you can easily get tons of consistent damage stacked on you.

Best boss in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


Toad Tyrant in SAB is definitely best boss in game.

GS or sword and board???

in Guardian

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


pve focussed. dungeons, fractals, exploring. current setup for greatsword and scepter/focus swap for the range….
so the question, what’s the overall feel for sword/board over greatsword. looking to keep up the dps (as best I can) but thought might be worth exploring shield option. don’t want to go down that road if its not worth it. thanx for replies

I’d recommend sceptor/shield and staff since you mentioned fotm.

At higher lvls trying to melee is very dangerous and you can easily be insta killed if you try to use GS attacks in close range of multiple mobs not to mention most of the bosses in fractals have deadly melee range attacks that require fighting from range.

Sceptor+shield/Staff is less burst damage but it’s more consistent damage as well as much safer, and the damage is respectable if you run bloodlust sigil and build up a good number of stacks.

Bounties can be fun, but often frustrating

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


The timer on these bounties is a bit ridiculous. Not only does the event timer need to be increased but the overall time of the bounty needs to be increased.

The difficulty I can deal with, but the short timer combined with annoying mob mechanics that artificially extend the encounter just creates frustration.

Will Guardians get a viable ranged attack?

in Guardian

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


Only thing they need to do is make sceptor projectile homing or at the very least increase the projectile speed by 50%+.

Story time - kicked :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


1 day anet will Over buff COF p1, p2 and nobody will do it. All “handless” zerker warriors will start to cry bcoz they cant do anything in other dungeons/zones.
But then, we see a lot of ppl creating oceans of tears bcoz they cant make gold.
Will be funny.
Just wait.

Actually berserk builds do very well in any situation as long as the player knows how to dodge.

Feeling pigeon-holed, possible solution?

in Guardian

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


You claimed AH was the best for support build absolutely. Regardless of whatever evidence you think you provided to support that ‘fact’, your biggest problem is that practical experience of other players proves it wrong. Ignoring that doesn’t validate your claim.

We know there are support builds that don’t need AH and be even more supportive than one that uses AH. That’s not theory; people actually have these builds. They are better because they don’t need AH in addition to the heals we already have intrinsically. That overhealing is wasteful stuff and if it’s waste, it’s certainly not the best.

So far you have not provided a single shred of evidence whereas I’ve already provided reasoning as well as based my argument on data for traits to support my claims.

If your experience is soooo vast and mine is so lacking then how about you provide a build that exceeds AH build in effectiveness for supporting role so we can all see for ourselves how right you are?

If you can provide the data as well as a valid argument for a build that exceeds the AH build, not only will I agree with you I will be the first in line to respec.

Either that or you can continue your trend of making unsubstianted rant posts filled with personal attacks.

Feeling pigeon-holed, possible solution?

in Guardian

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


If you actually presented facts and evidence, tone wouldn’t be relevant. Here is a nice fact:

Anyone that thinks AH is the pinnacle of all support builds does so because they don’t have the skills to use or understand their intrinsic damage mitigation to dump it when they don’t need it.

That’s not a fact. That’s just a random useless rant with implied personal attack thinly veiled inside.

I pointed to data on the traits of the build and fully articulated my points when I discussed why AH is better than the “Boonway” build, whereas all you’ve done so far is complain about my “tone” and contributed nothing to the discussion except personal attacks.

Feeling pigeon-holed, possible solution?

in Guardian

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


It’s helpful to speak in absolutes when the reality is in absolutes.

There are no builds for guardians that outperform the AH build in support period.

Respectfully, your experience is not enough to solidify this as a fact, nor does it lend itself to an objective discussion. You may want to consider that your view isn’t absolute based on the feedback of other players who do not agree with your opinion.

AH itself doesn’t support the team at all and therefore, if you want to have a discussion about the best support build, one would have a very simple case to argue it wouldn’t include AH.

Where do you get off telling me whether my experience is enough or not? You don’t know anything about my experience.

I said AH build, not AH the trait. AH build is built around support. There are many variations on the AH build it’s just simply known as AH build because it’s the trait that is the most memorable in that build.

I answered you with respect the first time, you reciprocate with an aggressive response. The tone of this post will be more aligned to your apparent favoured tone of communication.

Frankly, I get off easy telling you your experience isn’t enough because your ego isn’t a replacement for an omnipotent and authoritative view of the game.

Despite your self-promotion as a person that can speak about Guardian builds with absolute authority, your more objective Guardian gamefellows aren’t sold. Therefore, my original reply doesn’t change. There are builds that outperform the AH “whatever you want to call it” as support because the necessity and effectiveness of AH are not absolutes in every situation.

Oh please, what does “tone” have to do with facts and evidence?

I have already presented and backed up my ideas, all you can do is complain about my “tone”.

It’s clear who’s lacking in experience here. (ie you)

Feeling pigeon-holed, possible solution?

in Guardian

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


I’m not going to argue with you, I’m just going to state a few facts as I have them.

  • This build was never intended for sPvP, and isn’t even possible to duplicate there.
  • I don’t require killing blows to keep up retaliation, even in WvW; I get 9.5 seconds from Stand Your Ground every 24 seconds (39.5% uptime), 19 seconds every 48 seconds from Save Yourselves (39.5% uptime), and trigger of Virtue of Justice on cooldown (no kill refresh) nets me 5.7 seconds every 24 seconds (23.75% uptime). That’s a sum total of 102% uptime, truncating the decimal. Without weapon skills, combo fields, or activating my other virtues, which should obviously be done as needed.
  • I end most fights with 30 seconds or more of retaliation left over.
  • I go down on average about once per fractal run (3 fractals + maw).

Again, retaliation is not useful in dungeons. Mobs have a bazillion hp and the retaliation dmg they take is completely trivial and high lvl fotm mobs will 1-2 shot you so dodging is the norm anyway.

The only conceivable place where it is useful is in pvp and if you can keep it up without renewed justice then why would you bother putting the 15 points into radiance for Renewed Justice? That seems to be a colossal waste if you don’t need it for 100% uptime on retaliation.

Also, since 0 0 30 20 20 variation of AH only has a 5% difference in boon duration to your build it can also keep retaliation at 100% using the right runes so your build’s boon advantage for 100% retaliation goes out the window completely.

Meanwhile, you have 30% less crit damage, 300 less toughness, and no meditation or AH to heal yourself which means your personal survivability takes a big hit not to mention your dps.

Like I said before, this build is not bad but it’s simply not as good as AH. This is not just my personal opinion, it’s a statistical fact given all the data presented here.

(edited by DeathPanel.8362)

Feeling pigeon-holed, possible solution?

in Guardian

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


The thing you run into when you run AH is that you can only run deep into the Honor line or the Virtues line, not both. If you run the Honor line, you lose boon duration; say goodbye to perma-swiftness, infinite retaliation and vigor, significantly superior Stability uptime, and a lot of extra might stacks. If you run deep into the Virtues line, you’ll need 10 points in Honor anyway for reduced shout cooldowns—but that eats up most or all of your trait points. Say goodbye to your reduced heal cooldown, might to your party when you crit, healing on dodge, more vitality, a bit of extra damage for a few seconds after dodging, half of your condition removal, AoE blind on VoJ active, and VoJ refresh on kill.


You can have 20 in honor and still have empowering might and reduced shout cooldown as well as 20 in virtue for the boon duration and 30 in valor for the AH. Your examples are not valid.

And btw you can’t have 100% retaliation unless under ideal circumstances with your build as I’ve already pointed out in the previous post.

I’ve also pointed out retaliation is not useful anyway in end game instances and you can’t keep it up in wvw or pvp because that requires you to be dealing the killing blow on players to trigger renewed justice.

Your build while not horrible is simply not as good as AH, no matter how you try to spin it.

In the best case scenario it’s basically the same support as AH with longer retaliation but vastly inferior survivability.

(edited by DeathPanel.8362)

"LFM Berzerker Wars ONLY!!!"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


If enemies didn’t have so much HP, then the high burst done by 100B wouldn’t be so noticeable.

Why do you want to hurt one profession while ignoring the issue affecting ALL professions?

…What? Less HP would mean more effective damage (damage unto death).

The damage on 100b is too high, but let’s not stray off topic to debate that. Plus, it’s a fact anyway, and I’m not up for debating facts unless you want to argue about how the world is flat.

Every skill has tradeoffs. You have to stand still to use 100hb and mobs or players can simply walk out of the way.

Just mindlessly saying it has high damage without taking into consideration any of the actual factors of the ability is useless.

Feeling pigeon-holed, possible solution?

in Guardian

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


I have to disagree with you there, DeathPanel. I’ve been running a non-AH build since beta that’s made parties used to AH guardians ask how what I do is even possible. Looking at it in perspective, I can either get extra personal healing via AH, or….

  • 33% uptime on every boon on the game for myself, along with permanent vigor, retaliation, swiftness, and 10-20 stacks of might
  • 33% party-wide uptime on Stability
  • 100% party-wide uptime on Retaliation
  • 66% party-wide uptime on Swiftness
  • 5-15 party-wide stacks of Might
  • Potential for 100% uptime on Protection in combat, not even dropping off when using other hammer skills or swapping to another weapon
  • Ability to swap traits to improved consecrations and spirit weapon duration for anti-projectile work whenever necessary, without a respec
  • Near-complete party-wide immunity to everything that can impair movement, as well as damaging conditions
  • An extra 6-10% damage most of the time
  • 100 extra health per dodgeroll for any ally affected (depending on what AH build you’re comparing to)

The way I see it, that’s better support than AH could provide.

I read your build and was dissapointed.

Almost nothing in your build cannot be done by an AH build and more.

The boon duration of your build comes from gear and points in virtues, which variations of AH can do anyway. (Empowering might, superior aria, all the virtue line traits in your build can be taken by AH making your central premise of the build being boons moot.)

The only thing you have over AH build variations is arguably being able to chain retaliation, but that requires you to be killing things to trigger renewed justice so it’s not consistent in pvp or wvw. Also, retaliation is not useful in end game instances where mobs can 1-2 hit you and dodging is more important anyway.

Meanwhile you have neither Meditation nor AH to heal yourself with aside from the regen from virtue and your base heal, which decreases your survival greatly.

Also, you have 30% less crit damage and 300 less toughness which comes from taking the valor tree(AH build) not to mention the traits from that tree.

All in all it’s a viable alternative but please don’t pretend it’s somehow better than AH, because frankly it’s not.

(edited by DeathPanel.8362)

Feeling pigeon-holed, possible solution?

in Guardian

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


It’s helpful to speak in absolutes when the reality is in absolutes.

There are no builds for guardians that outperform the AH build in support period.

Respectfully, your experience is not enough to solidify this as a fact, nor does it lend itself to an objective discussion. You may want to consider that your view isn’t absolute based on the feedback of other players who do not agree with your opinion.

AH itself doesn’t support the team at all and therefore, if you want to have a discussion about the best support build, one would have a very simple case to argue it wouldn’t include AH.

Where do you get off telling me whether my experience is enough or not? You don’t know anything about my experience.

I said AH build, not AH the trait. AH build is built around support. There are many variations on the AH build it’s just simply known as AH build because it’s the trait that is the most memorable in that build.

Guild dungeon group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


Dungeon groups with mostly guild members are the worst group to pug with. especially groups with 3 or 4 members of the same guild. I would rather play with fresh new players than to play with Guild Dungeon groups. Why? *They are kick-happy. *

In a few of my personal experience, I was in a group with four members of the same guild for Ac. They complained about how Kholer was hard. We wiped against Kholer one time. Then, they complained more. Frustrated, I said, “I agree, this group isn’t strong enough to beat Kholer.” Then, I got kicked instantly with no reply and no warning.

A second experience, One member was afking for a long time. It was really rude that this player was afking even when four players beaten the boss. It was really rude to afk this long. So I flagged him for a kick. Instead, I got kicked because they were all members of the same guild.

A third experience, which is not mine. We had two successful fractal run. At the third final boss, the host said, ‘Does everyone know the glitch/exploit?". The party member said, “No.” He got kicked after saying that. One of the party members that were in the same guild said, “What a prick.” I couldn’t say anything after that because I wanted my relics. The party did say that they wanted experienced members. But the guy that got kicked was experienced but didn’t know what the glitch was.

I could say something about how Guilds kicked players at the final boss so they can get players in, but I never experienced that. There are multiple players that experience this.

What if the experience above were completely all pugs?

  • Saying, “I agree, this group isn’t strong enough for Kholer” would get me a few scorns, but we would just skip straight to the next part.
  • Flagging the afk person would get that person kicked for good.
  • Saying “I don’t know what is the glitch,” will get that player a short explanation.
  • You would have to try really really hard to get yourself kicked.

Here is a tip for the community: Don’t join guild dungeon groups unless it is your own. If you accidentally did join one, you better leave as soon as possible. The reward is the same as joining a full pug group but the risk is higher.


The reason is people who are in a guild team know they are less likely to be kicked for acting like a jerk so they are far less inclined to be respectful to outsiders.

It’s best to avoid guild teams if possible or at least make sure you are the one creating the instance if you are stuck with a guild team.

Praise and controversy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


So after a bit of thought, and moving about these forums for months, something occurs to me regarding Arena Net’s posting habits. While this is only a generalization and there are of course exceptions, it seems that the majority of Arena Net’s responses are either in threads that are simply praising them for this or that, or in threads dedicated to controversial topics wherein Arena Net did or said something stupid and is now in “damage control” mode and trying to save face.

Has anyone else noticed this, and if so why do you think it is?

Because people in the middle are usually off playing the game instead of making posts in forums.

Story time - kicked :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


Sort of Zerker war here – I just got kicked out of a group because I have a knight’s chest and legs because I’m incompetent and having a little bit of defense makes me feel warm and fuzzy. Everything else on me is exotic zerker. Groups usually don’t mind, but I was kind of kitten so I went to join a normal group. After waiting two minutes camping on gw2lfg, I found a non-speed run group.

I joined it, did p1, was a bit slower but I didn’t care. We did p2 – it was meh, but when we got to the final boss, it was kittening uncoordinated as hell. Every time I’d call “kill”, I’d kill my acolyte and somebody else would kill theirs. Then the other two would just stay up for a minute before dying, and then our acolytes respawn. I kitten you not, in ten minutes it was barely below half health.

For the entire dungeon, I was silent. I decided then to crack a joke, “Geez, are you guys all pvt or something”, somebody else responded “Stfu, you can leave”, and I said “Woah, touchy much”, said person responded again with “Yes, I’m in a kitteny mood” and I was kicked.

I’m kind of kitten . The kick function needs refinement and people are kitten. Okay, I’m done.

The moral of your own story is don’t be condescending to people and they won’t get annoyed and kick you.

Feeling pigeon-holed, possible solution?

in Guardian

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


There are NO other builds that outperform AH in support.

Not sure this is entirely correct though I think what is worth reminding here is that it’s not really helpful to speak in absolutes. I personally don’t feel that AH is the pinnacle in a support build if that is indeed what you are trying to say. If you use your other heals, dodges, blinds and blocks, you can easily dump it and take those points into other traits that enhance typically lackluster aspects of Guardian support builds.

AH is just Guardian 101. It’s there to get your foot in the door. It doesn’t take too long to get the skill needed to get past it if you want to explore of builds that are more interesting with a different focus.

It’s helpful to speak in absolutes when the reality is in absolutes.

There are no builds for guardians that outperform the AH build in support period.

AH build is guardian 101, 201, 301, …8901. There’s simply no other viable build for guardians that has greater overall effectiveness.

Getting kicked from Jade Maw Fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


What should i have had reported them for its not illegal for kicking people?

it’s illegal to kick a person at the last boss chest.

We should have a chat about the definition of “illegal.” It doesn’t mean what you think it does.

well it is a bannable offense, so in the game universe “illegal”. Nobody will arrest you over it though.

It’s not a bannable offense unless you are doing it to grief someone and that can be proven. Even then ANET isn’t too clear on what actions will be taken.

if you throw someone out without any valid reason at the boss chest or at the boss itself it’s normally considered griefing. Anet has data of the party chat so they can check if something actually was going on.

There’s always a reason. The only difference is what that reason is.

If they are doing it to grief someone on purpose or so their own friends can get the reward and it can be proven from the chat logs then ANET can probably do something about it.

If they are simply doing it because they dislike the person they are kicking or that person is bad and it can be shown in the chat logs, then it’s perfectly valid.

Getting kicked from Jade Maw Fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


What should i have had reported them for its not illegal for kicking people?

it’s illegal to kick a person at the last boss chest.

We should have a chat about the definition of “illegal.” It doesn’t mean what you think it does.

well it is a bannable offense, so in the game universe “illegal”. Nobody will arrest you over it though.

It’s not a bannable offense unless you are doing it to grief someone and that can be proven. Even then ANET isn’t too clear on what actions will be taken.

You dont need the intent to grief. Clearly even if there was no chat going on, no overt expressions to grief, and I play fotm 10, get kicked @ Maw. your “kitten” sure thats griefing.

It doesn’t matter, it’s still not a bannable offense despite what you say.

Unless there’s clear evidence that the intent is griefing from whispers or party chat log it’s not against the rules to kick someone.

Feeling pigeon-holed, possible solution?

in Guardian

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


If you stop relying on Altruistic Healing, a slew of new builds will open for you =].

A slew of new less effective builds you mean.

An AH build is the best hybrid build for a guardian because it has strong defense, decent support, and average damage. There are a lot of builds that are pure builds that out perform AH in either support or damage.

Meditation build outperforms in damage but it’s far inferior due to the fact that it has little to no support and it’s damage is lackluster compared to some more dedicated classes anyway. I used to run that build when I was new to the game.

There are NO other builds that outperform AH in support.

Ideas for a WvW Survivability-Support build?

in Guardian

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


I typically travel with a guild group of 5-7 with the main focus of being tower defense and camp capturing. I’m not fond of zerging and usually shy away from it unless working to take SM.

I like the rampager bunker guardian build that State of the Art posted for solo-3 persons, but I also wanted to gauge for a mostly defensive build as well for when I get the slightly larger group.

Let’s say we’re siegeing a tower; with 5-7, it’s very possible, as long as alarm bells don’t go off, bringing people in to resist. Obscure towers, further away from waypoints, won’t get a full zerg for defense, usually – but a party or two often trickles in. I’m looking for a survivability-support build – maybe conditions (, finishers (“Stand Your Ground”), party boosts for fights/moving (“Retreat”), and heavy ability to tank, to handle these parties and the respawning NPC guards.

Looking for:
-High-to-very high survivability
-Low-to-moderate damage output
-Possible group support (speed buffs, healing, boons, etc.)
-Possible condition output

It does not have to include the skills I suggested, these were just examples.
Ideas, please?

0 0 30 30 10

Full clerics.

Staff/sceptor + shield. (Or sword + shield)

Superior Sigil of Perception in shield, staff. Superior sigil of energy in sceptor or sword.

Feeling pigeon-holed, possible solution?

in Guardian

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


If you stop relying on Altruistic Healing, a slew of new builds will open for you =].

A slew of new less effective builds you mean.

Getting kicked from Jade Maw Fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


What should i have had reported them for its not illegal for kicking people?

it’s illegal to kick a person at the last boss chest.

We should have a chat about the definition of “illegal.” It doesn’t mean what you think it does.

well it is a bannable offense, so in the game universe “illegal”. Nobody will arrest you over it though.

It’s not a bannable offense unless you are doing it to grief someone and that can be proven. Even then ANET isn’t too clear on what actions will be taken.

Too damage focused.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


They’re working on making bosses having a strategy but you’ll just see people complain. Just look at AC.

Well if you looked at AC you’d see 1/10 of the people run it nowadays than before.

So if their strategy is to get people to stop running the content then AC would be the model.

Still getting griefed every other dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


When are you going to fix the system so 2 people cant boot you…

Im so sick of this bs i cant even play pugs anymore.

Just got kicked at the end of arah… wast of an hour…

ofcourse they probably kicked me for directing them what to do, ex.

not all rushing to a downed person at giganticus, and ofcourse i beat lupi by myself while they were downed, i rez them then i get kicked right at end…

I don’t buy your story. While griefers exist they are not that prevalent. It’s most likely due to your own bad attitude that you are getting kicked that often.

Even if they do change it so it takes 3 or even 4 votes I doubt it would change anything for you unless you change yourself first.

Patch updates for CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


O yes I see quickness has been NERFED from 100% to 50%. What a horrible change.

Yeah that’s a bad nerf.

Re: Free Medium Population transfers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


They should just merge the medium sized servers.

Dungeon Etiquette: Attitude and Behavior

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


I join a lot of groups these days and leave them soon after and make no apology for it.
The exploiting in the game related to dungeons is rife. I can’t stand it. I want to enjoy the challenge of the dungeon for the bosses etc in there, not run past/glitch/etc or otherwise exploit any situation available just to get to the ‘lootz’.

It’s almost impossible to find a group that’s willing to do things properly.

You mean it’s almost impossible to find a group that will do things YOUR way.

Most people just want to get the dungeons over with since they’ve done the same run a thousand times already and don’t feel like wasting any more time than they have to.

Opinion on +Plus all stat ascended trinkets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


im saying using only a few plus all stat items, i already know my dps/support a.h might stacking guardian uses every stat (hes a tanky dpser, with shouts).

Probably won’t work too well then. The total bonuses you get from the other stats that are you not main stats in your +all gear won’t be sufficient to make much of a difference in those areas.

Opinion on +Plus all stat ascended trinkets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


Going +all stats is conceivably viable if we had full ascended armor pieces with +all stats as well so one can have +all stats to everything gear.

However currently you can only do that with jewelry so it probably won’t work very well.

Optimal War & Mes Gear for CoF path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


There is no gear pinging unless you are planning on starting farm team, in which case it’s full berserkers.

Most people go there in order to get geared in the first place and are after tokens.

Captain Ashym and Fiery GS

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


I don’t know if this has been discussed before, but is it true that if you use fiery gs (ele elite) when his hp < 50%, it will trigger him to switch to gs as well?

I have not tested this formally, but before one pug told me about this, I used fiery gs elite all the time and he switch to fiery gs a lot of time. After being told, I never put fiery gs vs Ashym and I have yet to see him use it on me.

Can someone confirm?

He starts using that sword at around 20-30% hp.

He starts casting meteror shower at around 50%.

At least that’s what I observed.

PvE Commanders getting out of hand?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


Commander army for the win.

The meta-game revealed!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


This is why as a casual player with no strong guild ties would love to have a LFG Tool. That way we don’t have to sit around for ages trying to find a group that isn’t “elitist” and looking for specific professions/builds.

Granted, I’m sure that even with a LFG Tool, there will be some people that will bail at the sight of the PUG they were assigned to, but overall, I think this tool would help most casual players such as myself.

Twilight Arbor Knights just hit too hard

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


You should’ve seen it before they nerfed them and reduced the number of spawns.

What to do after getting all you want?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


I got my legendary weapon and shiny back piece and other stuff.
Whats next?suggestions?

Infuse all your ascended jewelry.

Do that for all your other characters.

Upcoming patch will also add wvw progression system that give you bonuses.

New Password rules = far to extreme

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


GW2 does not have extreme pw rules.

Not being allowed to use an existing password or a past passwords is the minimal basics of industry standards.

It’s not even remotely close to government password standards.

Dungeon Etiquette: Attitude and Behavior

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


We’re not gonna kick you for being a Longbow ranger or a Scepter guardian. We are however going to be watching how you utilize those skillsets and note if you’re doing it properly. If you aren’t, then we’re not gonna want to have anything to do with you after the run.

Just out of curiosity…

You say you won’t kick a sceptre guardian just for being a sceptre guardian, but would you:

1) Say between fights “can you swap to weaponset x/x, and try to do more x”
2) Wait until the end of the run, then say “hey, that would have been better if the guardian had done x; shall we go again?”
3) Say nothing; laugh at the pathetic guardian in guild chat; then add the player to your blocked list.

I ask because I enjoy playing a guardian, (and I’d like to think that I am not completely awful at playing the class.) I carry all weapons; but I have not memorised all dungeon routes, and I occasionally end-up with the wrong weaponset for the situation.

Sceptor is the optimal weapon for guards in alot of boss encounters.

In fact in higher fotm it’s the weapon of choice.

Rejoice Small Guilds! Guild Mission Blog Post

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


As long as you still get 2 recommendation tokens for the kill there will be no problems.

Dungeons... grindfest

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


A solution is easy: makes those dungons way harder, fix every single skip when possible with a wall until area is clear, balance every class so everyone is able to perform the exact same result, analyze with an Anet spy joining this kind of teams how they perform, why, how to fix and remove what they do so their quick run grinding is impossible. Hey i’m talking about proper design and proper programming, and a company who cares of their product and the community. Wrong game, sorry, lol

What qualifications do you have that allows you to presume to know what “proper” design and programming is?

Dungeon Etiquette: Attitude and Behavior

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


Here is my experience with people in dungeons, screenshot below.

Carried a guild team through AC, solo’d the queen because they all died to circles in seconds, solo’d pretty much everything else as they never dodged anything, we get to the last boss, wasted 10 mins to explain it, we kill it and they kick me.

I’m done with being nice to people and will be a complete elitist from now on until Anet stops allowing this garbage in the game.

So much for a grief-free game, I have never been subject to such a big griefing in any MMO I played in the last 20 years.

To be fair according to your screenshot the person said you were kicked for going afk. Either for maybe too long or without notice.

Don’t go afk without notification or too long would belong on the list of dungeon etiquettes wouldn’t you agree?