PVP has always been a detriment to this game because it’s an additional layer of complexity when balancing is concerned. There’s zero chance this game will be an e-sports game ever anyway because the market is so saturated already with far better mobas. They should either completely split the abilities between pvp and pve/wvw or just remove pvp completely and be done with it. Let’s face it pvp is not the draw of this game for a majority of the players anyway. If I wanted a structured pvp 3d game with interesting strategies I’d go play Smite.
(edited by DeathPanel.8362)
[spoilers] That gliding phase was a bad idea
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DeathPanel.8362
I never got hit by any of those. O_o
You were either lucky or he threw it at someone else then.
[spoilers] That gliding phase was a bad idea
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DeathPanel.8362
Wait… Stuff can hit you while gliding during the gliding phase?
He throws rocks at you which knocks you to the ground and starts hitting you with dark energy bolts in the last phase in mid air.
I saw comments on Reddit today saying how Guild Halls were great but felt a little empty.
I know the idea isn’t new, but wouldn’t having your guild mates’ characters there in the hall would be better than some random NPCs?
Location in the hall could be based on Profession, Race, Crafting disciplines or even the Title equipped on the character. They could also assign some conversation choices based on those or even let us set an “Away text” on our characters.
As a similar feature, it would also be fun to have your own “alts” show up in their racial Home Instance.
It will lag the zone because it will end up with something like 400+ npcs standing and walking around.
Maybe if they only have a limited set number of players be npcs that are officers with a specific assigned npc role in the guild that would work.
The only thing they said was more elite specs down the road, probabely next expansion.
Would be cool if they released 1 with each living story update for a total of 9 over 9 episodes tho.
ANET really shot themselves in the foot by trying to add dedicated pvp to this game because it now means that they are forced balance each and every class for both pve and pvp and makes adding new skills and specializations to this game far harder to implement.
They should just remove pvp all together and move on. It will never be an E Sport and never be played by more than a fringe group of players. Frankly if I really wanted to play a 3d based pvp game I’d play Smite.
Hey guys
It’s been a few days since I fully unlocked Daredevil and now… well I have the same problem as pre HoT, unspent Hero Points…
I know Anet gave some information on how to spent Hero Points apart from Specializations, I just can’t find it anywhere.
Any tips?(Currently working on Scrapper because I want the Runes for a Daredevil Solo Roaming Build, so another question):
Any way to help my Scrapper Unlock with the Hero Points I got leftover on my Daredevil? I know about unlocking Hero Challenges via WvW but maybe there’s a direct way?
You can always start working on alts.
Also, when they do come out with new specializations for each profession you’ll have the hero points saved to unlock it before anyone else.
I don’t like Logan Thackeray. I hate him. He leave Destiny’s Edge because his little Queen Jenna needs help. Killing an Elder Dragon vs. your puniy little Queen. It’s all about priority saving the world or a life.
Express all your hate against Logan in the comments!
Logan is literally the embodiment of the friend-zoned white knight beta male.
No need to be rude, I agree. However, a couple of hours a night every night, plus all weekend long – that’s 10 hours a week + say a good eight per saturday and sunday? So that’s 26 hours a week?
I would say that might be the average for a young person with no other obligations outside of work. It’s really not the average at all for people at most other stages of their lives.
It does not take that long.
While you say game shouldn’t adjust to people you describe, it also shouldn’t adjust to people who have no time to play yet want to have everything in the game.
Gating elite specializations behind a hero point wall by itself is a bad idea because you’re gating a core class mechanic of HOT such that by the time someone unlocks the specialization they are already mostly through the HOT pve story content already. It’s counter productive and not fun. Not to mention it’s extremely punishing to people with a lot of alts. It’s a poor way to add progression to the game.
I for example have 27 characters and it will take me forever to unlock elite specialization on them even at 250 points.
So… don’t?
That’s a nonsense argument. The point is people with alts will be punished with a bunch of unfun grinding. “So Don’t” is not a valid solution. I can simply say “So Don’t” when it comes to requiring a lot of hero points for elite specialization as well.
Define casual. I’m “casual” and 400 didn’t bother me. Probably because I play PvE and map complete every character so I needed only 190 to unlock the Elite fully. Hard core WvW and PvPers who can’t be bothered to play the core PvE game as well as Alt speed levelers, they are the ones who are screaming bloody murder. OMG they have to go and rub shoulders with PvEers and do … content.
Eeewww! Wash it off, wash it off.
You are not casual. Someone who map completes every character is by definition not casual.
I know that many people is excited for that, because they want their Revenant running around as Herald or even a new player/character wants their hands on the elite spec, but for those who completed Central Tyria Hero Points, 250 points means almost full elite specialization unlocked… Which means that for those who explored the Core Guild Wars 2, unlocking the elite specialization will no longer be a challenge or even feel like an accomplishment. Thanks all
You’re perfectly free to only unlock your stuff when you get to 400 points. You don’t get to decide what other people prefer.
It’s like if you said you’d rather work 80 hours a week but instead of choosing to work 80 hours yourself you want to change the law to require everyone to work 80 hours a week.
I have 27 characters. Even at 250 points it will take me forever.
Please please please ANET. Stand your ground. Weren’t Masteries and Unlocking Elite Spec supposed to take longer than getting to level 80 in the base game? Why are you folding to the elite spec complaints and not doing anything about the mastery farming?
Because it’s just fundamentally unfun grind that ruins the experience. It’s especially punishing to people with a lot of alts.
I for example have 27 characters and it will take me forever to unlock elite specialization on them even at 250 points.
No I am not talking about Doomsday Preppers with their bunkers and canned food stockpiled. I am talking about something more important. HOT Prepping.
As the release date grows closer I have been getting more focused on trying to prep my Rev. From getting gear ready, leveling tomes, runes, sigils, weapons, etc. I even dedicated a area in my bank for Ascended items that will be yanked from my poor Guardian and Warrior to be used for my new and shiny Rev.
On top of playing with Builds on websites, reading over forums posts and waiting for the next beta to try things out, what have you been doing to “prep” for your Rev?
I got 3 char slots, more than enough tomes to level up 3 new chars to 80, and enough crafting mats and laurels and guild tokens to fully gear 3 characters.
Main problem with a spec like druid that focuses on heal utility is the only time it’s effective is when people play badly or if mobs have hard/impossible to dodge attacks. Either way it doesn’t promote good play or fun. There are some usefulness in mass organized wvw battles but in pve it’s core design is flawed.
The other problem I can see is that the abilities lock you into a certain build type, which is one centered around healing power. So aside from being a heal bot for your wvw zerg train while putting off some minimal conditions there’s really no other effective way to build a druid.
(edited by DeathPanel.8362)
I was just thinking, with all those healing skills and ways to buff your heals…druids might not even need to worry about having healing power on their gear…thoughts?
Depends on the healing power scaling on each skill. Base healing is not anything effective to justify. Aegis/Protection offers far more mitigation than just flat out heals.
So, how are on swap sigils going to work now, will they get proc’d with legend swap, weapon swap, or both?
Swap sigils never proc’ed with legend swap.
Yes they do, I tested it last weekend and the proc’d every 9 secs on legend swap.
In that case I must’ve missed it when I played last week.
From a strictly DPS standpoint, Sword 3 isn’t worth casting either unless you need the might. It will work as a gap closer, and will certainly allow you to burst down an unsuspecting foe in PvP, but in PvE content on static mobs, it would be a DPS loss to use.
Exactly, and this is why Shiro despite being a dps legend is actually still sub optimal in pve compared to other classes like Guards and Warriors which both have cleaving large dps aoe attacks.
It’s possible that they are building Shiro to be a single target dps legend. But it would only be acceptable if it can deal more single target dps than other classes that do more aoe dps.
Sword #4 block
Sword #5 can be used semi defensively (hit someone and shadowstep 600 range back) although you then pull them too you.
Shiro #7 to evade back
Shiro #8 to port to enemy that outside the burst area (takes a little more skill mind you)
That just ways to use todays released information to avoid burst. Shame it hasn’t got a smoke field though to blast for a bit of stealth. That would have been nice to have on Shiroedit:
I do feel they need a little bit more in terms of defensive abilities or some access to protection, even if it is something as simple as trait that gives different boons when changing too the legendsprotection – Jalis
Swiftness – Centuer
Resistance – Mallyx
Fury – Shiro
xxx – “Glint” (based on what they aiming glints style at)
My main problem with sword #4 is that it seems that you are locked into place while blocking and maybe moving will interrupt the block.
Yeah, it was skill 3on hammer, sorry.
Sword 5, as said in the stream, can be used with skill 3 to docus damage on one target
Sword 3 is not that great for pve despite looking great. It’s damage get’s watered down the more targets there are, and even if there was just one target the max damage isn’t all that.
For example Whirling Wrath or 100 blades aoe cleaves and hits repeatedly all targets in range for essentially the same max damage or more in the case of 100 blades.
The sole advantage it has is that it’s a homing attack that hits targets in a much wider range. This skill is probably far more useful in pvp. In pve where stacking is the norm this skill is far outshined by things like WW or 100B.
For solo or small group roaming in WvW this skill would be a very good skill to use. In pve it’s not as optimal.
or the ability to channel more than 2 legendary stances. Three legendary stances would be great, so that we can match the 3 specializations accordingly.
I was rather disappointed myself that we could only use 2 Legends at a time. It would be nice if they changed it to more than two.
The abilities on the legends are specialized to certain gear affixes like shiro for berserker/assassin, Jalis for Soldier/Knight/Other tanky gear, Mallyx for condition based gear, etc so you’d probably end up using only 2 of them at most anyway depending on your gear choice since the other legends would not have abilities that synergize with your gear choice.
It would also be too much to manage and also since energy gates your abilities you wouldn’t be able to take advantage of all those legends anyway.
I would rather prefer sword 2 to cleave 3 targets instead of shooting out a piercing bolt. Or alternatively if that bolt chains to 3 targets like an arcing bolt that would be great. Not having cleave on 1 out of 3 of the auto attacks really hurts the dps.
So, how are on swap sigils going to work now, will they get proc’d with legend swap, weapon swap, or both?
Swap sigils never proc’ed with legend swap.
But what about all those poor people who claimed that weapon swap is not needed for the Revenant, have proposed overly-complicated weapon-swap alternatives, or have threatened to cancel their pre-orders if Revenant gets it?
Obviously those people are not enough in number compared to the vast amount that called for weapon swap.
For maybe every 10 posts wanting weapon swap or attunement like system I saw maybe one asking to stay with only 1 weapon set and none of their arguments were insightful or valid.
No way, because I want to run Shiro/Jalis, and I will use Jalis to keep sustain while still putting out damage through my sword/sword
Plus, the customization are intense now, choosing trait lines, legends and weapons. Mixing and matching is going to be super
Sword/sword is probably not great damage in pve since the first attacks in the chain are only single target. It’s maybe good for pvp if you build that way.
the boon on heal mechanic plus the condi convert on elite skills seems like it would be hugely beneficial to the Revenant. every 40 seconds you can convert condis to boons and every time you heal you get a random boon. since revs can heal twice this seems to posses real synergy.
Rev heals is still gated by energy so it’s not going to be too much more effective. The stats for that rune set is also not optimal. It may be useful for some specific rev builds but probably not overall that good.
Only part of the autoattack hitting 3 targets makes it not very good for pve. Maybe it will have some practical applications in pvp.
Someone in LA mentioned that ToK will be limited to use once every hour in an anet live stream to limit the rev being leveled up to quickly.
I call BS but thought I’d check here to be sure.
Never heard that from any official source. If true it would be really stupid and a poor way to gate content since the new zones in pve are all level 80.
WvWs are dead zones usually on certain server tiers on certain times of the day. There just doesn’t seem to be enough incentive for people to go there over pve or EOTM.
Raising the rewards for doing various things in WvW may alleviate the problem.
It would be also great if they raised the player caps while merging certain server tiers together in a system similar to EOTM so that there will be more activity at all times.
Core revenant still not fully announced!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DeathPanel.8362
Whenever the Revenant goes underwater he becomes mist and can’t attack nor be attacked.
Whenever Revenant goes underwater he drowns because Revenants can’t swim.
All of the weapons were doing terrible damage in the preview. Add that to the fact that there was very little trait support for doing damage, and there is no surprise that the damage output was underwhelming.
It probably doesn’t help that these were exotic weapons when nearly everyone is used to primarily ascended weapon damage levels at this point.
Ascended weapons and exotic weapons are not that different in stats.
I don’t know if it’s in the works or not for HoT, but I hope so. I’m kind of bored of the current races…played them all 2-3x through the same tired stories.
I’m hoping some new races are coming out soon, ideally at least 1 in the HoT expansion.
Some examples: Skritt*, Hylek*, Centaur* (Tamini), Tengu, Largos*, Orge, Ettin (with more developed heads), Krait*, Imp (Fire, Ice, Poison, Etc), Harpy*, Margonite, Dredge, Grawl, Giant, Twisted*, etc
*: Starred Items are races I really really like and would love to see in the game at some point in the future.
Let me know what you guys think? Other races and ideas?
Skritt: !http://media-ascalon.cursecdn.com/attachments/1/409/634802672608434104.jpg!
Tamini: !http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/gw2-mini-harathi-sharpshooter-set2-minis-2_thumb.jpg!
Tamini 2: !https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/4/4d/Tamini_Archer.jpg/240px-Tamini_Archer.jpg!
Tengu: !http://i.imgur.com/xJkFC.jpg!
Ogre: !http://wiki-fr.guildwars2.com/images/a/af/Ogre_femelle.jpg!
Ettin: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/de/33/f4/de33f41f05ce0299144dae5ef5ac498d.jpg
Krait: !https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/96/5f/59/965f597748d827a3875666bb5ec8c4f7.jpg!
Krait 2: !http://media.spokesman.com/uploads/2015/02/04/gw2-6.jpg!
Imp (fire): !https://344cbfb0b82bcaf3ab4c-870e77779efd63f7bd6c2ee08d8cfae6.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/images/SC2fZIS1sIMM.878x0.Z-Z96KYq.jpg!
Imp (ice): !https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/8/88/Ice_Imp.jpg/240px-Ice_Imp.jpg!
Imp (poison): !https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/f/f8/Mini_Storm_Imp.jpg/170px-Mini_Storm_Imp.jpg!
Harpy: !http://40.media.tumblr.com/77bc2e6317041e1901c29f5cdde3a11c/tumblr_mk0sdmkWJ61rtdsh3o10_1280.jpg!
Harpy 2: !http://media-ascalon.cursecdn.com/attachments/1/412/634802674313317460.png!
Margonite: !https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/73677/800px-_Margonite__concept_art_1.jpg!
Dredge: !http://guildwars-2.ru/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/33.jpg!
Grawl: !http://www.blogcdn.com/massively.joystiq.com/media/2011/10/hurr-rb-1018.jpg!
Giant: !https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/146236/Giant_concept_art_2.jpg!
Twisted: !https://biobreak.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/scorpio.jpg!
Adding a new race is in some ways a lot more difficult than adding a new class.
Because ANET would need to animate all the different skill animations for all the classes and all the weapons for those classes for the new race.
They would also need to create a new home instance for that race that is adjacent or having access to a newbie zone of some sort for consistency.
In addition ANET would probably need to do an entire racial personal story instances that leads up to shared order and pact missions.
Hardest of all they would need to come up with all the skins of all the armor sets as worn by that race.
The most likely race they could do is maybe the Kodan, since they already have those animations worked out due to the EOTM Kodan transformation. The only problem will be that the home city will be adjacent to a level 80 zone in the Far Shiverspeaks.
(edited by DeathPanel.8362)
A 33% boost would make it the strongest Auto Attack in the game. I don’t disagree that the damage is low on the staff, but most of that is a function of the traits, and not the numbers for the weapon itself.
I fully expect that Shiro will come with some goodies that bring things closer to the other classes, but if they don’t pack in some damage increases into the other lines, even Shiro won’t be enough to save the Revenant as a DPS class.
The cleaving range seems to be shorter than other weapons and similar to a dagger instead of greatsword or hammer. So it would not necessarily be the strongest attack in the game even if 33% stronger.
Shiro legend is not going to make that big a difference without boosts to base staff damage. If it did then no one would use other legends.
Currently, Staff cost 45-55% Energy
which is way too much for a weapon like this. It doesnt provide good damage nor does it heal well in bursty environments such as SPvP.I say reduce the Energy cost of Staff by half. 25-to-35 energy max like mace/Axe.
———————————————————————————————Also this was an idea from somebody else, but since Staff 1 auto attack 3 drops healing orbs, I been seeing this as a argument against this weapon getting a damage boost.
realistically 280ish heals arent a good compensation for the limited damage, but for sake of this argument lets say that is the case.
What was suggested was to make Staff 2 our primary damage skill on Staff.
Instead of how it currently works, make the skill reset cooldown if enemy is using a skill, and add a self protection to the skill. Increase its current damage numbers. Can leave the cast time to keep its counter.the trade off, is that while using Staff 2, the Staff 1 auto attack chain would be broken, meaning we trade Healing Orbs for added damage.
Seems fair right?
———————————————————————————-Staff 4 need to be changed to allow use to move. I also suggest adding a field or blast finisher to it.
Maybe even add bonus heals for each condition removed. Or bonus Protection for each condition removed.
Adding these changes, will make the Staff more useable around all legends and roles.
I would probably say that the staff attack damage need at least a 33% boost to make it competitive. Or if not have some additional useful boon effects to make it worth while.
I’ll try and keep this extremely brief and to the point.
Problem 1: No weapon swap means legend 1 may be using a proper weapon, but legend 2 may be stuck with a sub-optimal weapon.
My Suggested Fix: Allow Rev to equip 2 weapons. Weapon 1 is linked to Legend 1, and Weapon 2 to Legend 2. Whenever Rev Legend Swaps, the Weapon is automatically swapped at well. If only 1 weapon is equipped, it is used by both Legends.
Problem 2: Energy regen is based on spamming Legend Swap every 10s to recharge up to 50 energy. This makes Revs predictable, and is limiting.
My Suggested Fix: Increase energy regen to 8 or 9/s. Make Legend swapping no longer bring you up to 50 energy if below, but it will bring down to 50 if above.
Yeah, its brief, but I was intentionally trying to avoid writing a book here. Thoughts?
The best and easiest way would still just be to implement normal weapon swap.
This is because even if you tie the weapon to the legend the utilities of the legend itself may still not work with the gear you’re using.
For example demon stance is not useful when you are geared for dps.
Centaur stance is not useful when you are not geared for support.
The best way is just to simply let people fully customize the utilities and have a normal weapon swap and have the utilities behave according to the stance taken.
Or if they don’t want to do weapon swap and have enough time to develop I would prefer them implement a system similar to elementalist attunement where the one weapon set you have equipped behaves totally differently according to the current legend.
For example Hammer #1 could be ranged under Centaur and Demon stance but turn into cleaving melee under Shiro and Dwarf Stance. etc.
That would make the 1 weapon set more versatile and less restrictive.
If they don’t implement a weapon swap or ele attunement like system and keep the core overall system like it is now I will personally not be very pleased with the Revenant.
(edited by DeathPanel.8362)
Time to not let people play anyway they want
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DeathPanel.8362
I think designing instances by allowing content to be clearable by any group comp has lead to less build variety as one piece of the holy trinity far outclasses the others.
I think its time to divide the roles once again in instances. I would be interested in fights that require both heavy condi and heavy physical dmg along with support and control. maybe a boss that has loads of toughness and physical dmg is not very effective. this boss is immune to all damaging conditions and requires 3 ccs to land in a short window. the boss reacts to the first cc by ccing the person who threw it, or hunkering down and blocking attacks for a bit or leaping away. After the ccs land the boss will be stunned and a significant amnt of physical dmg in a short window will then remove his immunity from condis which do a crapton of dmg to him.
I really think its time to provide roles for individuals rather than simple positioning mechanics and dps whenever. this increases accountability and in turn rewards. for instance if your job was to burst hard in a specific moment and you failed, you would be the one that let your team down. conversely if you succeede in a really hard fight, you get the credit. you feel like the team actually couldnt have done it without you.
I really hope theres a future with new and much more difficult/rewarding instanced content. I also think its time to return to well defined roles and required team comps to complete content. I totally support the omission of a healer though. thoughts?
No. One of the main selling points in this game is no waiting around on required class or build “x” for 30 minutes-1 hour before evening getting to content.
that (4) bonus isn’t really going to work all that well in large pve events.
It would cap to the 5 nearest allies. But party members is priority.
It would trigger way too often. Unless there’s an ICD.
I suspect swords will come if shiro is indeed the 4th spec, which strong indications show
Remember, the beta isn’t the full Rev, so plenty to be added yet
That’s pretty fair. I know it’s a beta but I thought all the specs were released/revealed already for it.
We have not released all weapons and legends for the Revenant yet. Right now there is definitely a gap in the playstyles offered as we haven’t discussed the more pure DPS focused setup yet. soon tm.
I’m curious. Does the intense criticism of three alternate play styles (bunker, condi and healing/support), leading to a near consensus dismissal of the revenant as it is, concern the design and balance team about the state of GW2 PvE?
Each profession has five core specialisations and revenants have access to three (four?) of them currently. Despite this, the simple fact that the play styles they have (despite equaling the build power level of a meta DPS build) does not include the one single play style (DPS) has completely lost player’s interest. This comes after demo criticisms that the revenant needed to be in zerker gear.
To me this is a massive red flag that the game has a big problem with zerker as the only desired build type and the diversity and depth offered by numerous other weapons, traits and stats is not being tapped into.
Do you see this as a revenant problem, or a PvE problem? Personally I’m falling on the later.
It’s not a matter of the zerk meta. Revenant is comparatively underpowered in any build type. Condition, support, dps, tanking, it’s underpowered across the board.
That’s easy to tweak though since it’s just tweaking damage or support numbers or adding an aegis effect here and there.
The core flaw is the fact that it only has 1 weapon which locks it into a very restrictive build The swapped utilities don’t help either since those also favor specific builds which means you will end up having a lot of useless utilities.
The only way this can be solved is either by adding weapon slot, or allowing for people to customize their utilities and have utilities have effects based on the stance rather than just getting the full set of utilities preset for that stance when most likely most of them will be useless to your current build.
Alternatively stances can follow the logic for ele attunements and grant different attacks based on stance based on weapon.
(edited by DeathPanel.8362)
Is it me or do Revenant’s in fact got better support potential than Guardians? Laughing right now…
Just look at the Invocation line and staff at least.
It’s just you.
Burn on block doesn’t do well in zerg fests at all. Your 3 burn procs on Focus, a max of 3 burn procs on Shelter, will get split up amongst 20+ different people.
That’s just a minor part of the build. Most of the burn comes from traited VOJ.
REV IS NOT GETTING WEAPON SWAP. so stop asking for it.
And you know this how exactly?
I mentioned it before, but I think than rather than having weapon swap or completely different skills, I think the same skills should have variations based on the legend.
A skill may have a longer range under a certain legend, or have an additional effect like healing or conditions. But it’ll be essentially the same skill, and keep the same name and icon.
For example, right now staff #1(3) creates healing orbs. What if that was the effect under Ventari, and the other legends made those orbs do different things?
- Shiro: Explode on contact with enemies, dealing AoE damage and vulnerability. If traited for staff mastery, also gives might to allies.
- Mallyx: Explode after 3s, dealing random DPS and Control(chilled, blind, etc) conditions on both enemies and self. Also gives resistance to allies if traited.
- Jalis: Give protection to self or allies. Also gives stability to allies if traited.
- Ventari: Heal self or allies. Also give regeneration to allies if traited.
This is basically what i though would be best solution without changing too much, and would at the same time make the class way more interesting.
Basically most skills would have a
Some components that changes based on the legend.
I would be ok with that as well except that’s probably a huge change and it’s not too likely they will do it at this stage.
Weapon swap in the meanwhile is probably very easy for them to implement.
I like the idea of the class… it needs weapon swapping for starters to improve it. The damage is real poor and so far there’s 1 trait that gives damage modifiers based on self condition counts.
This is not really ideal in group play, my teammates are never going to let condi’s just sit on me and that’s not even counting light field whirl cleansing bolts occasionally being thrown around.
Exactly. In a dungeon team with others it’s near impossible to keep conditions on since a lot of classes have aoe condition cleanse so that mechanic while different and new is not a good one.
In a wvw or pvp setting it’s the same problem that groups have except magnified and it’s also not helpful to have too many conditions on you because if your zerg isn’t good enough to cleanse conditions off you’re going to wipe regardless.
There’s maybe some minor practical applications in solo roaming in wvw but that’s about it.
The main problem I see is that the devs went overboard and focused too much on innovation and new mechanics that they don’t realize that just because something is new doesn’t mean it’s better. And as a result they came up with something that is thematically great but broken when it comes to practicality or quality of life.
(edited by DeathPanel.8362)
Well, not all classes can do solid DPS in dungeons. Look at Ranger and Necromancer. Even Warriors are bad when compared to Thief and Elementalist when it comes to damage.
This tells me that you really don’t know what you are talking about. Zerk rangers and zerk well necros do a lot of dps in pve. Warriors far outstrip Thieves in DPS with might stacking Phalanx builds.
All of them have higher dps than Revenant at the moment in any revenant build.
Note that the Revenant is the only class that can switch their skills #6-#0
They can’t customize those slots, so it’s actually far more restricting. No matter how you focus your build, like Condition, DPS, or Support, you will always have at least half of your utility skills totally useless since those utility skills themselves are specialized for specific builds. Swapping to Demon stance is not going to help you much if you aren’t geared for condition for example.
I worry that some lottery item (like a pre-cur) will drop while testing the rev so I really can’t be bothered playing it. It’s kinda cruel mixing the test up with the live game and not letting you keep the loots/karma/exp gained while playing. It’s unrewarding. Maybe it’s just me.
So what if it drops? Statistical probability of it dropping will not change for you even if it drops in beta.
No beta I’ve ever heard of actually let you keep the stuff that drops.
It being an Aura would remove a lot of the ways it could support though. I honestly like moving it around, i like standing somewhere else and giving my allies a projectile counter.
I like being at one end of a battlefield and healing on the other as is needed.An Aura would remove the Legend from the ranged fight where it actually belongs,
that’s why i said that the Staff-Trait should be moved.
Not that the Staff can’t be supportive, but as it is it would fit more with Invokation than Salvation.Does the Tablet need some tweaks? Sure it does. But the groundwork, in my opinion at least, is solid.
The way it supports is irrelevant. This game isn’t a trinity so the healing doesn’t really help. Aegis, protection, and blinds are far more useful.
Also, the way it works now with having to constantly manually move the tablet makes it not viable for WVW when you are constantly on the move.
The only place you can viably use it is in pve and in pve most encounters are melee so ranged support is again pointless.
The most important ability for the tablet is basically the shield which would be far more effective if it was always centered around the player so you can move while blocking.
With the way the revenant works, weapon swapping would be annoying, unfun and clumsy, even if more balanced than the current state. There’s a much better solution:
Customisable utilities.
You haven’t explained how it would be “annoying, unfun and clumsy” with the way revenant works.
Both things are also not mutually exclusive. You can have customizable utilities and swapping both.
Without weapon swapping or some sort of attunement change type mechanic 1 weapon is far too limited.
It’s time you realise that pumping out volatile and unpractical 800-1k heals every once in a while isn’t in any way useful while dungeoning and does NOT compensate for awful personal dps, limited access to ccs (in particular soft), clunky blasts, little offensive utility and absolutely no group buffs.Y’know, tanks and healers aren’t really all the rage anymore.
I was able to pump out almost 2k heals every 3-4 seconds as long as i was managing my energy properly.
Which is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
I’m not even sure if that’s what’s going on here. It’s just how some designers think. Game designers often think very differently about a problem than gamers do.
On what evidence can you claim you know how game designers think? Did they say this? Are you a game designer?
Also game designers don’t get to ultimately determine whether something gets implemented. It’s the business side that has to sign off depending on what type of effect it may have on the business.