Speculation and flipping are not the same thing. Flipping is market making, you are not speculating on a price change, you are providing a service and capturing the spread by cashing in on a time/risk premium. If anything you are hoping that the price doesn’t change in the short run.
My analysis on bubbles in relation to speculation was far from mistaken.
Tbh it seems you are using a massively generalized and massively vague coverall for “speculation”.
The act of buying goods from the TP is not meant to add gold into the economy, it is meant to act as a service/exchange and gold sink.
I don’t think you have this right at all. You keep throwing out back-of-the book vocabulary and buzzwords, but you are not offering much of a case.
You are blatantly ignoring the phenomenon that is flippers selling to each other. There is no doubt this happens. I would gladly bet you are actually selling your assets to other flippers, without realizing it. You think you are providing a service, because you have no way of knowing the difference.
This would all be well and good if the flipping eventually found a real foundation, in players who actually consume what they buy. But I think there are enough manipulators and actual speculators that there is no such foundation.
The point is there’s no good way to solve it. In the real world the government (supposedly) regulates speculation in the markets but in GW2 ANET simply can’t have a whole financial bureau looking into cases of speculation and punish players with some virtual set of laws depending on the extent of their speculation. They may be able to programmatically cap certain transactions to mitigate it but that would just lead to other problems and limitations.
I find it interesting that all these posts from people that were kicked seem to consistently portray themselves in an innocent light and the ones that kicked them in a really bad light. While I’m sure there are such bad people out there with all this complaining you’d think the problem was some rampant plague.
Im currently running 30,30,10,0,0 for traits and for armor i am using cavaliers so i have 1,753 toughness yet i feal squishy as hell and usually die from 2 hits from a thief.
I run with about 1,500 toughness on my necro (yes i know Death shroud helps alot with survivability) and i dont feal nearly as squishy.
The question is: Why am i dieing so fast? What do i need to change?
Necros have DS and a bigger hp pool. Rangers don’t.
The last 2 fractals I did with rangers were with a typical longbow ranger that sits back and shoots at the enemy.
Didn’t switch out of longbow a single time during the the fractal.
That ranger was using Eagle Eye, Signet of the Hunt and Signet of Stone during the entire time. Refused to take Spotter to help the team.
That’s why rangers get a bad name, because of bad rangers who don’t know how to play.
Sure, you’re the last one alive cause you were hiding in the back, avoiding being useful.
There was a ranger in fractals that stayed on ground level below the thaumanova reactor boss shooting at it with his longbow at 1500 range. I don’t know whether or not it’s actually possible to hit the boss from below but it was still hilarious that he still died first from being pulled to one of the portals below and killed by mobs.
There’s something about the class that pulls the most terribad pve players to it in dungeons. I’ve never ever had a good ranger in my team for any pve content. At best they were tolerable.
I play mesmer and i once again got instantly killed by an ele. He zapped at me and killed me with 2 sequential hits. I am not exaggerating here, 2 hits is all it took and they both occurred within a 0.5 sec time span. So what part of instagibbing, or in other words, a damage output that equals 23 k in 0.5 sec => 46 k/sec is not viable in pvp?
Don’t go full zerk or learn to dodge/blurred frenzy.
The traits are fairly cookie cutter. The gear choice is terribad.
Not exactly mindblowing considering:
You have 25 might stacks from team buffs.
You have glass cannon traits.
You are fighting a mob that has low toughness.
The mob has 25 stacks of vulnerability.
You have empower allies buff from warrior.
You have banner of strength and discipline from warrior.So basically you are getting 875 + 150 + 170 = 1190 additional power,170 precision and 15% crit damage from team might buffs, team traits, and banners.
We don’t have empower allies.
So you ONLY had an additional 1040 power, 170 precision, and 15% crit damage then.
Not exactly mindblowing considering:
You have 25 might stacks from team buffs.
You have glass cannon traits.
You are fighting a mob that has low toughness.
The mob has 25 stacks of vulnerability.
You have empower allies buff from warrior.
You have banner of strength and discipline from warrior.
So basically you are getting 875 + 150 + 170 = 1190 additional power,170 precision and 15% crit damage from team might buffs, team traits, and banners.
I believe the main problem is that it creates a TERRIBLE first impression of the game for anybody who begins with a human character. (Which is the plurality choice.) Those champ train folks can get rather nasty in map chat.
To you maybe. The map chat isn’t any nastier than Lion’s Arch or anywhere else where larges amount of players congregate. Whenever there are large number of players it’s inevitable you’ll see some bad apples and they are usually the most vocal. That’s just a fact of life.
Death Shroud should root you in place and poison you and give you 25 stacks of vulnerability.
Also, necromancers should not be able to equip breathers and take constant unresistable agony drowning damage in water.
I have 2 warriors and therefore according to the logic of this post I am entitled to post twice the amount of rubbish as normal.
Interesting, for roaming spirit builds, which would be preferable? Dire? Rabid? or Apoth.
I certainly hope so. Maybe I’d start a 3rd guardian just to build a condition guard.
I have 2 character of every class except for ranger. (which I have 1) That’s about all you need to know.
This sounds like a good idea but it should not be implemented because it is actually terrible. Speaking from experience I played a warlock in World of Warcraft from vanilla to panda land and everyone complained about pet AI. So what did they do? Made a talent that sacrificed your pet for a buff. Guess what? Every person in the entire game picked this talent so they nerfed it to hell and I think it is going to be removed. It was a fiasco for the entire pandaria expansion pack.
A band-aid solution like this doesn’t solve some of the core problems with the ranger profession. So while this sounds good on paper I guarantee it would be detrimental to the class in the long run. And anyways rangers without pets are basically just warriors with less survivability. I love rangers in this game and honestly it’s the only profession I ever want to play despite having to micromanage the pet, the bugs, etc.
I am unfamiliar with WoW since I’ve never played it but sounds to me like the ranger pets were terrible there too.
I don’t think this is a band aid solution since the idea is that it’s optional. While a lot of people would probably take it over the pets that just shows how broken the pets are right now.
Also, I believe the differing stat bonus buffs based on the pet type would encourage for more diverse builds, even if 90%+ of the players spec towards no pets within this set of people would still have a lot more diverse builds due to the stats of the buff and the pet ability in question. This is unlike now, where pets are mostly an afterthought for 90%+ of the builds.
Honestly, the pet in most situations is more of a hindrance than help and the only thing that makes them remotely useful is maybe search and rescue shout in wvw.
Also, if the rangers can manage is approach the effectiveness of a warrior with less survivability as you state, then that’s sadly still better than where it is at now.
(edited by DeathPanel.8362)
I’ve never liked how ranger pets work. They require micromanagement and a lot of the times their skills fail to activate.
How about an optional trait that turns whatever pet you have currently slotted into a large ongoing stat buff similar to food buff in exchange for not having the pet out there depending on the pet being slotted? And rather than the pet doing the F1/F2 skill that ability will come from the active player instead?
This could be a wereform or combine trait that allows the player to take on the aspect of the pet slotted. (Of course no graphical difference, only difference will be the buff)
I think this would encourage a lot of diverse builds centered around specific pets and be fairly easy for the devs to implement and test.
Been a long time since I’ve played my ranger, thinking of coming back to it and even making a second one for a different ranger build. From what I’ve seen so far there seems to be the following choices for specs in wvw.
Spirit Roaming condition/regen.
Shout based bunker.
Trap Conditions
Zerk longbow Glass.
What are the currently community opinions of these specs and what would be the optimal traits/gear setup for each of these?
It’s more fun than spending 5 times as long to finish fights in a dungeon that you’ve already done 1000 times.
All classes should be able to use all weapons with their own set of skills. We can understand why an elementalist wouldn’t use a heavy weapon like a 2H hammer, but let’s think again. Look at the mesmer for example, do you find strange that he can use a 2H sword ? No, because the mesmer uses 2H sword like a magical weapon, and we could do the exact same thing with all other weapons. Stafff for example, for warriors, could be used as melee fighting staff. 2H sword for elementalist could be used as a magical weapon. Rifle or bows for guardian could be used as support weapons or something else etc.. All classes could be able to use all weapons and at the same time the skills would stick to the spirit of that class. This would give a lot more different choices to players. What do you think ?
The main reason is simply because it would take a lot more development and testing to implement skill sets for weapons that are not normally used by existing classes. It’s likely they will allow for more useable weapon types for different classes in the future but it will take time.
Redoable hearts has 2 problems.
First of all hearts go towards map completion so it would be difficult to modify the system to account for that.
You make it so re-doable hearts only activate when a map is cleared.
Secondly, it would encourage people to camp certain hearts that are easier to do than others, which will lead to a lot of stagnant gameplay.
a) Randomise the hearts that need to be done in order to get the reward. These can be picked up at a bill-board at the home cities.
b) Introduce log-books, where players complete hearts, and receive rewards based on how much of the book they complete, with bonuses based on a) completing an entire map, b) number of maps completed and c) the level of the maps completed.
What you are talking about is complicated system that the devs will most likely never even consider implementing due to the dev hours and QA hours involved.
Adding a daily event reward chest with mats for world events however is very easy to do and something they’ve already implemented for shrine bosses.
So Just got my mail and received a free copy. Weird part is, they said I wasn’t a winner yet they’ve given out a copy just for trying. For that I’d like to thanks Anet.
Sure call the submissions lame, silly or even cringe worthy who cares, when’s the last time you’ve heard of Harlem shake? Aye? No other game has given a chance like this so once again thanks GW2! ~ Not sucking up to them (I might for now tho =P), GMs rarely bother reading forums in any and all games, it’s just that I’m really happy! ^^,Newbie question; Which server should I join? I don’t mind getting PVP’d 4857892 times, I just want a populated server once I hit level 80. Or what server is best for a PVE? I’ve played Tera Rising, DC Universe so don’t really mind any grinding. Read the entire thread to build a Minion Master; http://www.guildwars2guru.com/topic/70874-chunxs-minion-mastery-guide/ .. Want opinions is it smart/productive for the team being that? Thanks either way!
Well anyways, anyone else who won visiting the forums? Do shout out here!
There’s no open world pking in this game. PVP and World Vs World are separated from PVE. Any server is ok however if you want to focus more on WvW you’d want to look up the wvw rankings and join the top wvw servers.
No. The only thing that will do is add wasted time in traveling. I don’t want to waste a hour of gameplay time every day just to run across the world map to get to where I want to go. There’s absolutely no upside to that.
I’d rather have events give t6 mats once someone hits 80. This would encourage people to roam in open world and keeps things fresh.
Redoable hearts has 2 problems.
First of all hearts go towards map completion so it would be difficult to modify the system to account for that.
Secondly, it would encourage people to camp certain hearts that are easier to do than others, which will lead to a lot of stagnant gameplay.
Having events reward T6 has advantages. This is because events by nature are redoable, but also they are not always up or situational and spread out across the world maps so it would encourage people to migrate around the world map and keep things fresh rather than what it’s like now with the dead lower zones where you only occasionally run across people.
The reason people skip content in arah is simply because the whole design is bad. If you don’t skip the dungeon paths could take 2+ hours and a lot of people simply don’t have that much time. I don’t mind challenging content but arah is more about quantity and less about quality when it comes to difficulty.
They should be allowed to sell whatever service they want. The only caveat is that buyers need to beware that scams are rampant and they buy at their own risk.
I keep on hearing these stories yet I never get kicked from fractals groups and I’ve done fractals since the first day it came out. I’m sure at some point it will happen to me but the extreme rarity of it tells me that this is not a common issue. The fact that it happens very commonly to some people implies that either they are extremely unlucky or they are at fault in some way.
I have also run many guild groups as well and we never kicked anyone just so we can invite another guild mate for credit. Frankly I wouldn’t want to be part of a guild that does something like that.
(edited by DeathPanel.8362)
I actually had a very similar issue a long time ago. It took about 3 months before I was able to get a specific poi in the green keep.
Celestial is only useful depending on certain class and weapon choices. Some weapons are specifically dps oriented meaning having additional cond stat is useless and some weapons are specifically cond oriented meaning having additional dps stats is useless. In those situations having better all around stats but lower stats of the weapon focus would actually hurt you.
Some setups benefit from having celestial like D/D setups for elementalists because their weapon skills have a hybrid of both cond and dps orientation.
So the bottom line is celestial only work well for certain class/builds.
id recommand trying a cond build if you feel uneasy with critical damage. Cond is somewhat way more durable and it aint like if mob could cond cleanse you either.
What mathers is that you play what you want and feel confortable to. Just because some meta says you to play something doesnt mean you have to. As long as your doing very good
Utility and dps are king in fractals, even more so higher levels. Condition builds are doable but not recommended. It will not make life easier.
Personally, I’d prefer they get rid of the pets all together or have some trait that when taken gets rid of the pets but rather grant you always on buffs(similar to food buffs except always on while that pet is slotted) depending on which pets you have slotted as well as the F1/F2 attacks of that pet as an attack coming from you instead.
It could be some sort of “wereform” skill that lets you take on the attributes and gain the attacks of that pet as the F1/F2 skill.
That would make for tons of build diversity based on specific pets.
(edited by DeathPanel.8362)
What pets do you have slotted?
Right, because once you create a guard or war you are prevented from creating the other, thereby cementing your bad or good player status for the rest of time.
Because in Pve yes this heal can be useful with mobs that don’t run away from you. In tPvP it can be somewhat useful since it is all about capping the points. In wvw it is utterly useless…
So you dismiss the skill SOLELY based on lack of wvw applications when you admit yourself that it has a role in pvp and pve? Tunnel vision much?
There needs to be some 100 point achievement for that. It’s just so hard to pull off.
I’d recommend against taking any type of condition builds into fractals.
This thread is about the heal so why woudn’t i mention the heal? Also if you use meditations in pve content such as dungeons fractals or world boss fights…. You are possibly the most selfish guardian in the game… Meditations are great for DPS pvp, open world pve, solo wvw. Thats it. Using it in zergs, dungeons, boss fights etc… There are so many great and “imaginative” builds that use other things besides meditations because they provide group support something meditations completely lack.
It’s irrelevant that you don’t want to comment on pve. The topic does not make that distinction so I commented on it. Also, I’ve already stated this numerous times. The heal is an addendum, and therefore you can choose not to use it if it doesn’t work for you. Therefore it in no way magnifies any problems.
The most useful aspects of the guardian is in the reflects, blinds, and virtues and those are in tact in any meditation build and one of the meditations can be swapped out for consecration or stand your ground for specific encounters that require stability so your statements regarding meditation group play is invalid.
(edited by DeathPanel.8362)
The stat difference between exotic and ascended is laughable. unless you have too much gold to spend or you are into high level fractals.nothing wrong with wearing knight armor, if you do pug alot like me, you will realize wearing berserker pulls lots of aggro/damage if you are in the party full of cleric/valkyrie etc.
that is why i have both knight and berserker set in my bag. depends on the party, i will either wear full zerk, half zerk, or full knight.
Actually the difference is noticeable if you consider the infusion slots. Each infusion slot can grant +5 stats of the chosen infusion on top of the natural difference is stats.
If someone sees us CASTING our meditation, they run from us. Since we don’t have any soft CC…they get away and we have a useless heal.
Please, please, please, get off this idea of Guards ‘holding points’ and letting people get away from us. Its gotten old and there are many problems with the Guard. Fix it quickly.
This change in no way “magnifies problems”. First of all you don’t need to take the heal if you don’t like it.
Secondly you are talking from purely a pvp/wvw perspective, and ignored pve applications.
This skill is very good for meditation guards in pve since it is a meditation and will trigger additional heal and fury as well as very good sustain against multiple mobs due to the life gain on damage.
If you run meditations anywhere but open world… i just…
You can run meditations anywhere. Most roaming guard builds are meditation based. And I’ve already stated before, the heal is not required. You can use whatever heal you were using before so this whole post about how the new heal “magnifies” problems makes no sense.
The heal magnifies the problem because in order to get the most use out of the heal you have to do damage. In order to do damage you need to be on your target. In a pvp environment where people don’t come running at you and stand there for you to bludgeon them so you can heal you need to have good gap closers and good snares…
Guards have a laughable amount of either. You can not have a class with only one legitimate and very predictable ranged weapon, have terrible gap closers.
I already mentioned but you apparently refuse to actually read. The heal is NOT required. You don’t even have to use it so it does nothing at the worst case scenario since you can just use your old heal.
I also mentioned pvp is not the only scenario you can use it in. Mobs don’t evade you or kite you in pve so if you are built as a high dps med guard with heal and fury on meditation it will be a viable heal for dps centric med builds. As for those dismissing med guards in pve, bads with no imagination will always be bads with no imagination.
10/10/0/30/20 cantrip based build.
20 is needed in arcane for elemental attunement, 10 in fire for spell slinger gives 3 stacks of might for each cantrip. 10 in air for bolt to the heart. 30 in water for obvious regen/cleanse effects.
If someone sees us CASTING our meditation, they run from us. Since we don’t have any soft CC…they get away and we have a useless heal.
Please, please, please, get off this idea of Guards ‘holding points’ and letting people get away from us. Its gotten old and there are many problems with the Guard. Fix it quickly.
This change in no way “magnifies problems”. First of all you don’t need to take the heal if you don’t like it.
Secondly you are talking from purely a pvp/wvw perspective, and ignored pve applications.
This skill is very good for meditation guards in pve since it is a meditation and will trigger additional heal and fury as well as very good sustain against multiple mobs due to the life gain on damage.
If you run meditations anywhere but open world… i just…
You can run meditations anywhere. Most roaming guard builds are meditation based. And I’ve already stated before, the heal is not required. You can use whatever heal you were using before so this whole post about how the new heal “magnifies” problems makes no sense.
If someone sees us CASTING our meditation, they run from us. Since we don’t have any soft CC…they get away and we have a useless heal.
Please, please, please, get off this idea of Guards ‘holding points’ and letting people get away from us. Its gotten old and there are many problems with the Guard. Fix it quickly.
This change in no way “magnifies problems”. First of all you don’t need to take the heal if you don’t like it.
Secondly you are talking from purely a pvp/wvw perspective, and ignored pve applications.
This skill is very good for meditation guards in pve since it is a meditation and will trigger additional heal and fury as well as very good sustain against multiple mobs due to the life gain on damage.
1.Higher player capacity for WvW.
2.Alternate ways to get ascended armors besides the crafting grind, like with dungeon tolkens, commendations, or honor badges.
3.Account wide WvW rank progression, and wvw rank reset system.
4.Actual Buff effects for commander tags to zergs.
5.Allow different classes to use more types of existing weapons, and come up with skill sets for those weapons.
6. Create a world boss version of Zhaitan in cursed shore, and have him be as tough as a last boss should be.
7. Open up the locked zones like far Shiverspeaks, crystal desert, Blood Legion Homelands, Ring of Fire. Etc.
I usually play WvW so Im in the habit of only using tanky gear. Now reading the forums it seems that the only armor to be used in Dungeons is Berserkers. So am I better off just using my PVT set or should I get some green bersekers? (I want to get exotics bersekers off CoF and dont want to pay any more gold).
Don’t listen to the hype. Dungeons can easily be done with any gear setup. Zerk makes dungeons go by faster typically, but it doesn’t make or break a team.
So I tried running this again today. Posted an LFG for 80 zerkers for all 3 AC paths, 10 minutes of waiting andI had a level 64 ranger join then leave, had an 80 warrior join then leave, and that was it. Changed the post to no clerics or soldiers gear, 10 minutes…nothing. Joined a PUG, got a pug with 2 other warriors, a ranger, and an ele. We wiped at spider queen, the ranger pet (which was a dog or a fox) was wandering around doing who knows what which may have led to the wipe. The ele got killed even before that due to “lag” and i noticed that one of the warriors was running sigil of sanctuary. In case you didn’t know, thats the sigil that gives you invuln for 5 seconds on the 26th stack. Do people just figure, “oh I’m just gonna go into the dungeon and do whatever”? Play how you want, but come on, google “gw2 dungeon [your class] build” and take some pointers. Don’t screw your team cause you “play how you want”. You don’t need invuln, super heals, or tankiness if you whole zerk team gets together, shuffles some skills around and kills bosses in 15 seconds. Your own heal+dodging should be able to get you through 15 seconds. Please, someone give me a reasonable, rational explanation for running clerics or now sigil of sanctuary. Convince me, and maybe I will buy a set of gear, FROM YOU!
You can run AC naked. As long as mechanics are understood gear doesn’t matter in AC. Any team with titles like “zerk only” or “no noobs” in easy dungeons like AC I avoid like the plague. It just indicates to me that the person running it has attitude issues and that’s not someone I’d want to team with nor would I want to team with the type of people that join those teams.
And it seems like based on your example a lot of people share my opinion or else your team wouldn’t be waiting forever to get players only to fail.
Respect and cooperation goes a long way.
You do realize now they will not only patch that bug but overreact with more nerfs next patch right?
Deathpanel might not be able to win 1v1 with staff in wvw but i can. Haven’t tried it out after patch yet but before patch in full celestial and bunker I can win 1v1 roaming wvw solo, and no i am not talking about just taking out that are low rank.
Lol and then you woke up. Staff elementalists in wvw alone are free loot bags. Those in full celestial are even more helpless since in addition to having a bad 1v1 weapon you hit like a sponge. That fact that you try to deny this shows you are either outright lying, or just don’t know what you are talking about.
My 4k average lava font, 6k lightning surges, 5k ice spikes, 2k fireballs, 2-3k chain lightnings, 5k eruptions, and 8-12k meteors disagree. But thanks for coming to the forums.
Do you also have 5k armor and 30k hp and a magic pony? You can’t get damage numbers like that without zerk centric gear, and if you are in zerk centric gear as a staff elementalist I’d love to run into you roaming for the free loot bags. Disagree all you want, but the facts are on my side. Staff elementalists have a role to play in zergs, but 1 v 1 you’re most likely a free loot bag.
(edited by DeathPanel.8362)
Staff elementalists can win 1v1. That’s a fact, you can not deny it as it happened. It even happened again to me a few minutes ago.
Possibility is not probability. As since we are talking about personal experiences here my D/D elementalist destroyed a staff elementalist earlier tonight in wvw. My hp never went below 90%. The guy rage quit before I can stomp him.
The video you edited your post with is also extremely unconvincing. The first guy killed was ungeared, the second guy killed took like 10 minutes and was a zerg hammer warrior, which is also terrible in 1v1. (Timestamp also suggests this is prior to the stun warrior meta fyi in case you want to bring that up) A D/D elementalist in the same situation could’ve killed everyone in that video 10 times as fast 1 v 1.
The fact is the Staff has it’s role to play, but that role is simply not 1 v 1. To pretend it is dishonest.
(edited by DeathPanel.8362)
Calm down DeathPanel. He’s not alone as I’m in the same case as Cobalt, and several of my elementalists mates do the same. Maybe staff ele isn’t just your thing.
Wrong. Staff Elementalist in fact IS my thing. That’s why I don’t appreciate people spreading misinformation. I have two elementalists, Staff and D/D. Both fully geared and in wvw. I know how they function and what the limitations are. People like you like to spread tall tales and end up misinforming players and cause them to lose valuable time and resources gearing up to your mythical stories only to be disappointed.
The fact is unless the opponent is totally ungeared and upleveled, afk, or another staff elementalist there’s nearly 0 chance you will win 1 v 1 as a staff elementalist. It’s simply not what the weapon is designed for.
(edited by DeathPanel.8362)
Deathpanel might not be able to win 1v1 with staff in wvw but i can. Haven’t tried it out after patch yet but before patch in full celestial and bunker I can win 1v1 roaming wvw solo, and no i am not talking about just taking out that are low rank.
Lol and then you woke up. Staff elementalists in wvw alone are free loot bags. Those in full celestial are even more helpless since in addition to having a bad 1v1 weapon you hit like a sponge. That fact that you try to deny this shows you are either outright lying, or just don’t know what you are talking about.
(edited by DeathPanel.8362)