Showing Posts For DrDivine.5378:


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Yeah idk whats going on

We LOVE the Eotm map!

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I recently just tried it and I’m having a blast! It was also kinda hilarious the first kill I ever got was spartan kicking someone with my warrior off the stage xD

Are mesmers one of the more popular classes?

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Sound like you’ve had some rather lucky encounters in WvW. I mostly come up against Warriors, Guardians and more Warriors, even whilst roaming. I sometimes perceive that I’m seeing lots of Mesmers and Thieves (usually because they’re more memorable encounters), when really I’ve just spent most of my time wadding through hammer Warriors.

It’s gotten bad, I started playing tonight and every PVP group has been a team of all mesmers for the past hour, no guardians in sight. Mesmers are flooded everywhere lol

Are mesmers one of the more popular classes?

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Mesmers are the “late bloomers” of the game. The class lives and dies on its traits, probably more so than any other, before you get those trait points it is a fairly unforgiving and very weak class. For that reason, they were extremely unpopular at launch, turning most people away.

Yeah I kinda experienced that, my mesmer was the first character I ever made and he was such a pain for me to level. Once I educated myself a little bit when it came to choosing talents and looking at builds, he became a lot of fun to play as.

I just found it funny as I’ve recently been playing WvW and I keep noticing the abundance of mesmers. I think warriors come in close second, but I see a lot of mesmers and engineers now. Whether it’s in a party or a zerg im facing against, it’s always a bunch of mesmers xD

You mean a party of 5 consisting of 2 wars, 1 guard, 1 ele and 4 identical mesmers?

Sometimes, this is going to sound strange, but I don’t see guardians in WvW as often as people imply. I see them a lot in PVE and dungeons, but in WVW I mostly encounter mesmers and engineers, warriors too.

Are mesmers one of the more popular classes?

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Alot? Where?!

In WvW at least there is about 20-30 warriors and guardians per mesmer. Guild groups of 20 are sometimes lucky to have 1 mesmer. That said, they are still one of the better roamers. Its the same thing with thief. Is that a popular class? You meet one every other meter if you run alone, it must be popular… But really, its in little better shape than the mesmer.

In PvE, it doesnt really matter what you play. Warriors and guardians still rule dungeons.

In PvP, they are common in the lower brackets, incredibly rare and disliked on the higher end.

I just found it funny as I’ve recently been playing WvW and I keep noticing the abundance of mesmers. I think warriors come in close second, but I see a lot of mesmers and engineers now. Whether it’s in a party or a zerg im facing against, it’s always a bunch of mesmers xD

Are mesmers one of the more popular classes?

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


When I originally made my sylvari mesmer at launch, it seemed to be one of the more unpopular classes for some reason. However, I’ve began to notice that there are a lot of mesmers now. Did they spike up in popularity?

Heavy armor helmet suggestions?

in Charr

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I’m looking for a heavy helmet for my warrior I could use for my warrior that looks nice, I’ve been using the tier 2 cultural helmet but it seems to be a little common.

Here’s charr lol


Items disappearing in Safety Deposit Box

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Got it. And you had updated your old ticket and made a new one, so I was looking on 307013 and it was and it was actually updated on 247685.

I’m glad we were able to help you out.

And by the way, I’m not a “he.”

Wow I did get my replacement, I just checked my account and got my Mr. Sparkles back. Thanks!

lol I apologize apparently I also fail at getting genders right. In all seriousness though, you’ve helped me a lot and I really appreciate it!

Items disappearing in Safety Deposit Box

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Well, I can figure that out. What’s your ticket number?

It should be under ticket 247685, which was originally the ticket helping with activating the pet in mid january, but I think they just updated it.

Items disappearing in Safety Deposit Box

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I’m a little worried that someone may have access to your account, although generally when this happens more than a few items are missing. Are you sharing the account with someone? Have you activated authentication, and have you gotten any notifications of remote access? Did you happen to delete a character recently that may have had the mini in its possession?

If the answer to all of these is “No,” then I suggest you look at every possible storage space: character, collection, bank, bags, boxes, tote bags, refrigerated coolers…. oooh, new item ideas! But seriously, most of the time when someone notes just one or a few items missing the agent is able to suggest places to look and the item was simply placed somewhere other than where the player thought to look. So I’ve given you the list. If you still cannot find it, do submit a ticket and an agent will be happy to help.

Thank you for the helpful advice, I went through everything (characters, all bags on each characters, refrigerated coolers lol etc.) but no luck. Me and my friend thought it may have been hacking, but I find it unlikely since all my gold is still there and I would think that would be the first thing they would take. Plus, my password is really long and convoluted xD

I submitted a ticket just in case, is there a possibility I will be able to get my items back?

The team will do everything they can to make that happen, after they can track down what took place. There should be game logs that show possession of an item and then what happened to it, so it shouldn’t be impossible to get this all sorted for you.

Thank you, I doubt it was hacking, it was either a technical glitch or I could’ve just really messed and didn’t notice it until now. I just thought it was really bizarre that both items went vanished.

If yours is the ticket that the team is reviewing at present, it looks as if you deleted the character that held the mini. ~ahem~

You’ll get a response real soon, and the team will see what they can do to help!

Hopefully it is the same ticket, as I would rather it be an accident deletion rather than an obscure glitch or hacking. xD I guess I forgot to check as I play after I get out of college and may have forgotten where my items were stored.

They said it might take awhile to get back to the ticket as they have to find out the exact day it was lost. I took it into PVP a lot with my charr so I gave them an estimate day and time.

Items disappearing in Safety Deposit Box

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I’m a little worried that someone may have access to your account, although generally when this happens more than a few items are missing. Are you sharing the account with someone? Have you activated authentication, and have you gotten any notifications of remote access? Did you happen to delete a character recently that may have had the mini in its possession?

If the answer to all of these is “No,” then I suggest you look at every possible storage space: character, collection, bank, bags, boxes, tote bags, refrigerated coolers…. oooh, new item ideas! But seriously, most of the time when someone notes just one or a few items missing the agent is able to suggest places to look and the item was simply placed somewhere other than where the player thought to look. So I’ve given you the list. If you still cannot find it, do submit a ticket and an agent will be happy to help.

Thank you for the helpful advice, I went through everything (characters, all bags on each characters, refrigerated coolers lol etc.) but no luck. Me and my friend thought it may have been hacking, but I find it unlikely since all my gold is still there and I would think that would be the first thing they would take. Plus, my password is really long and convoluted xD

I submitted a ticket just in case, is there a possibility I will be able to get my items back?

The team will do everything they can to make that happen, after they can track down what took place. There should be game logs that show possession of an item and then what happened to it, so it shouldn’t be impossible to get this all sorted for you.

Thank you, I doubt it was hacking, it was either a technical glitch or I could’ve just really messed and didn’t notice it until now. I just thought it was really bizarre that both items went vanished.

Items disappearing in Safety Deposit Box

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I’m a little worried that someone may have access to your account, although generally when this happens more than a few items are missing. Are you sharing the account with someone? Have you activated authentication, and have you gotten any notifications of remote access? Did you happen to delete a character recently that may have had the mini in its possession?

If the answer to all of these is “No,” then I suggest you look at every possible storage space: character, collection, bank, bags, boxes, tote bags, refrigerated coolers…. oooh, new item ideas! But seriously, most of the time when someone notes just one or a few items missing the agent is able to suggest places to look and the item was simply placed somewhere other than where the player thought to look. So I’ve given you the list. If you still cannot find it, do submit a ticket and an agent will be happy to help.

Thank you for the helpful advice, I went through everything (characters, all bags on each characters, refrigerated coolers lol etc.) but no luck. Me and my friend thought it may have been hacking, but I find it unlikely since all my gold is still there and I would think that would be the first thing they would take. Plus, my password is really long and convoluted xD

Thank you for your help, I have submitted a ticket just as a back up plan, hopefully Mr. Sparkles and my experience scroll isn’t in a magical cooler of some kind!

(edited by DrDivine.5378)

Items disappearing in Safety Deposit Box

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


There is a known glitch where items disappear from the bank or Guild bank when depositing or withdrawing said items. (I understand this is not what happened in your case, but…) They usually show back up after either re-logging, or after a day or two. Hopefully, the items you are missing will show up, again, as well. Good luck.

I checked this morning and the missing items are still gone. I feel bad because Support had just helped me unlock Mr. Sparkles on the 11th (Someone gave me a region locked code for Christmas). I ended up depositing it because I wanted to keep it with my rytlock mini, and i actually did see it there in my bank this week. I’m not sure if anything else missing, I noticed the experience scroll and Mr. sparkles because they were both items I had planned to take out for my asura. Thank you.

Items disappearing in Safety Deposit Box

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Do you mean one of your bags on your char? Or the bank collections tab?

The bank, with the exception of my rockfur raccoon which I can duplicate with the HoM, I don’t carry pets around because they take up space so I just deposit them.

Items disappearing in Safety Deposit Box

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Also what do you mean by vansihing?? are they really gone? or just not showing.

Have you tried a different location to look into your bag or bank??
I happens to me from time to time (specially in LA) that the lag is so bad that the items are where they supposed to be, but just not showing in the inventory cause the icon hasnt loaded yet. Trying a different town to access those things always solved this for me.

They’re gone from what I’ve seen, I’ve tried opening my bank in a location with less lag as LA gets kinda crazy, even tried it on different characters but the items are actually gone. I found this out after making an asura sentimentalist I wanted to use the scroll on, so I went to my bank and noticed it wasn’t there. I scrolled down and noticed a few other items had vanished completely as well. I’ve never had this problem before so I hope it’s just a glitch.

Items disappearing in Safety Deposit Box

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I logged on today and after looking at my mini pet collection, I noticed the Mr. Sparkles pet an admin had helped me activate this month has vanished completely from my deposit box. I thought maybe this was from my own doing, but then other items started vanishing too, such as the Experience Scroll I was about to use on my Asura Elementalist.

I stopped using the box until further notice because I keep noticing items that are vanishing, but those two were the first to go.

Suffering Through The Story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


The story was forgettable, there were a few stand out moments. I particularly liked the beginning of the charr story where you challenge the leader in the pit, if the whole story was like that I’d be sold. xD

Oh yeah, and Tybalt, probably my favorite character in the personal story. He’s the comic relief and ironically had the most impact.

Which Sylvari face(s) do you use? RELOADED

in Sylvari

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I use number 5 male for my sylvari, as it has the hilarious effect of people not knowing if my sylvari is a male or female. xD


First humans I've actually liked in an MMO

in Human

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


The voice acting in this game is good in some place, but sadly for a lot of the actors…their voice director appeared to be sub-par, because while they’ve shown great talent in other games, in this one, sometimes they’re a bit lackluster. Sadly, human female, I feel, is one of the worst examples.

Which is sad, because she does great in other work. She does a number of voices on South Park, SWTOR, Empress in Dishonored, the antagonist in inFAMOUS 2: Festival of Blood, voices the female Dragonborn in Skyrim (while there’s not a lot there, she did well on it)… she has some good credits. This, sadly, was just not one of them (imo) and wasn’t really her fault either (again, imo). cause she’s not the only one that this shows for.

Yeah I won’t pretend like it’s all good, but for what I was expecting going into making a human, I was pretty impressed for what I got. Customization wise, I think one of the major differences for me was versatile customization. I could make a human that looked like a standard warrior that’s a big rugged, or I can make a ridiculous looking anime-ish warrior with strange features and armor sets. I liked having the option of diversity compared to other MMOS where humans are usually sidelined as this bland, one type only with forgettable qualities.

Critique my Sylvari? I NEED ZE' OPINIONS

in Sylvari

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Wait.. that’s a guy?

It begins.

Rate my Charr? I NEED ZE' APPROVAL

in Charr

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Errr….. Smilodon mean anything to you?

Also, I guess it’s just my server, but the things you guys talk about just aren’t that common on mine. /shrug.[/quote]

There’s still animals that function with over sized teeth, it’s pretty bad I didn’t think of smilodon, I was thinking more of a Fangtooth fish. The teeth are so large compared to it’s body size that it can’t even shut it’s mouth.

I guess I have a black charr server xD

Why I'm leaving gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Because I’m going to bed now, goodnight.

That will be fixed in the next patch where they are reducing sleep 10%.

Burnout and You....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Have you tried out the two PvP modes yet?

I quit GW2 because of boring PvE. Came back 10 months later because there were no other good MMOs at the time, tried out WvW and am absolutely having a blast nowadays.

That’s exactly what happened to me, while I think PVE can be fun sometimes, playing WvW is just so much fun with my friends and guild mates. xD

Critique my Sylvari? I NEED ZE' OPINIONS

in Sylvari

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I have always been very sad that the antennae face is not available for female Sylvari’s
but then we have the awesome thorn face

I’m surprised it wasn’t the other way around, the males getting the thorn face and the females getting the feminine fairy antennae face. xD

Lack of Sylvari Armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Absolutely agree with you Morrigan. Find it funny to see Sylvari in human armor, and I wonder why would you do that? And to make it worse they cover themselves completely, so unless you know the standing animations of a Sylvari, you could easily mistake them as human.

I too ensure all my Sylvari have cultural armor, but would love more choices now for maybe two styles more for each tier per armor type for cultural.

The only thing creepier, seeing a charr in sylvari armor, probably the worst thing I’ve ever seen lol

First humans I've actually liked in an MMO

in Human

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I’ll be honest, usually I can’t stand when playable races in a fantasy game are humans, elves or dwarves. There’s certain examples where people have made them interesting, but they mostly come off as bland and generic to me.

Strangely enough, this is the first MMO I’ve played where I’ve actually liked the humans as a playable race. I’m not going to go as far as to say they’re “realistic,” but they have an interesting style that feels more original. I like the hairstyles and how some can bizarrely look like anime characters. They have good animations and the voice acting for the male I actually enjoy so far (haven’t made a female character yet so I can’t judge that voice acting).

Critique my Sylvari? I NEED ZE' OPINIONS

in Sylvari

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


He looks quite feminine (especially the face) which is not necessarily a bad thing since that’s probably what you were going for. He is very unique indeed.

I originally intended to create a Sylvari where the gender wasn’t as easily identifiable. I get a lot of players asking me if it’s a male or female lol.

Very colorful, but he/she seems angry looking.. Is it a male or female? o.O I made my Asura to be like that. XD my Sylvari’s all manlytreeboy tho~ enough to needs /flex emote.

Probably male cuz I don’t know if that face exists for females~ not many males use it though still so not sure. XD

LOL I get that same question every time I play this character, most people don’t know if he’s male or female and it’s either enlightening or frightening. xD

Do you have any caps of your sylvari? And yeah, I picked a weird face, the feminine looking one with the antennae. The sylvari just felt more open to it because gender isn’t that important to them, it’s a more spiritual connection.

Critique my Sylvari? I NEED ZE' OPINIONS

in Sylvari

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


He looks quite feminine (especially the face) which is not necessarily a bad thing since that’s probably what you were going for. He is very unique indeed.

I originally intended to create a Sylvari where the gender wasn’t as easily identifiable. I get a lot of players asking me if it’s a male or female lol.

Convince me to make an asura

in Asura

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


They are small, and pack as much punch as a norn.

They don’t get their clothes dirty when they dodge; they never let anything but their feet touch the ground—they’re too good for that.

Their animations are amazing. Staff guardians pole dance, they do amazing somersaults through the air with their hammers. Warriors 100b is simply delightful.

All skills on elementalist look stunning.

All necromancer sayings are just hilarious

“I’ve made life! …of a sort.” (Summoning Minion)
“Each more hideous than the last!” (Summoning Minion)
“Now there’s a good monstrosity!” (Summoning Minion)
“Arise, my brainless, arise!” (Summoning Minion)
“I should work on making those last longer.” (A minion dies)
“I suppose I can make an another one.”
“I will miss you always… You nameless thing.”

They have some of the best cultural armors.

They are little Napoleon geniuses. They are brutal, calculating, and largely under estimated.

Their infinity ball story line is extremely entertaining. It’s not goodie goodie like humans and they’re not dumb like Norns.

Mini pets are often larger than they are. Ranger pets, apart form birds, are always bigger.

They’re the best.

Long love the Asura!

Need anything else?


You have made a good argument, so I will follow up with another question! If I were to make a midget, what class should Ibe out of these choices? Ele, Necro or Ranger?

Convince me to make an asura

in Asura

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I got one of those items that boost a character to 20, this will be my third character (first was a sylvari mesmer, second charr warrior) and I want to place a different race and looked at asura.

They seem neat, but I’m not totally sold yet, CONVINCE ME AT ONCE.

What class should I play next?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I know this is a stupidly vague question, this will be my third character and I’ve been thinking of what class I want it to be.

RIght now I’m kinda torn between an elementalist, necromancer and ranger. Suggesting a race choice would also be cool too haha

A good community makes for a good game!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Despite criticisms I used to hear, it hasn’t stopped me from enjoying the load of content and interesting designs this game has to offer. However, while people I’ve played with in previous mmos have been a little hot headed, but here it’s much different.

I make good friends, hear good criticism (most of the time lol), and going crazy in WvW with a bunch of friends and guild mates is some of the most fun I’ve had in an mmo. I think the content is well worth it and keeps me coming back, but it’s the community both on the forums and in game that help tremendously. So I’m going to say thank you everyone for giving good criticism, helping others and building an overall good game community.

Rate my Charr? I NEED ZE' APPROVAL

in Charr

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Hi fellow Charr,

I saw your post a few hours ago and though I would give you my insight on “charr design”.
Though its seems you already did quite an awsome job gratz! now thats a true Charr!

Not the mainstream black or white… I was about to suggest precisely that set of cutted horns. I agree big teeth simply looks silly… imagine an animal with that teeth size… despite what some might say, the animal would starve to death because they were too big for the mouth, even when it’s wide open, to get any food down his throat.

I think different in that matter of horn size… (no I dont like big horns but…). horns can fit in a male status of dominance and sign of virility. Thus I favor the cutted horns, they give the “illusion” of greatness, of gigantic and imposing horns that for some reason (role play might apply here) where cutted off.

About the overall face, I see you avoided those most common templates which is also pretty cool. There are only two faces in my opinion that fit a true charr, a machine of war… the one you choose and another one from the vanilla templates.

attached you’ll find my own Charr (with the vanilla face I mentioned)

Thank you! While my Sylvari looks Mesmer pretty awesome, it took a little more to figure out designing a charr. After you guys had pointed out the cliches to me, I walked around Lions Arch and WvW and noticed that most, if not all male charr players were large, panther black, had over sized teeth and horns. It kinda bothered me because I don’t like looking the same lol

I saw the new faces and liked the rugged look of that one, the cut horns you mentioned I felt matched and weren’t quite as common. I think the cut horns make a charr look “experienced” in that they have been scarred from battle. It was REALLY hard picking colors that weren’t cliche, as I didn’t want to pick the same shade as Rytlock, black or white. I found a red brown I thought looked really nice and made the fur pattern chocolate instead of black so it’s more subtle. I just hoped it paid off lol

Rate my Charr? I NEED ZE' APPROVAL

in Charr

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I’d give you 10/10

Armor looks good so does coloring.

I disagree with most of CMStorm’s critque and how some people say that you look like everyone else.

Although I do see the horn type often, I don’t see them usually that large. I see them at default size and most often smaller. The same goes with the teeth. I hardly ever see them oversized on charr. Again, I don’t see why people here are saying that large horns and teeth are common because in my experience, its uncommon.

Fur color might also be considered common, but I also don’t see the common factor that much when I play. I see a wide variety of fur colorings, so you being black furred is no biggie.

The body size is fine to me as well. I think you look muscle bound rather than pudgy. When creating a Charr, there’s skinny, tone/muscle, and then pudgy. You’re toon does not look like it has the pudgy form. For some reason people prefer the skinny body type and to me they look scrawny, like starved kittens.

Anyways, I think you have a nice Charr there.

I did kinda notice a lot of people were variations of black, nasty looking charr, so I used a leftover makeup kit I had to try him look more aged and battle scarred. xD
It’s starting to grow on me now, but here he is. The head looks a little less cat-like, but I like the ambiguity.


WvW appeal to usual non pvp players?

in WvW

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


More Strategic???.. you really haven’t played WvW a whole lot for sure.
Strategic WvW passed into the ether a year ago.. today all that is left is Zergwars and PvD. there is nothing more than someone shouting “X” server is at “Y” tower 30+ and a blue tag answering on our way, stack and go…

move to a competitive WvW server

This is my opinion, and I’m someone who doesn’t normally play PVP in mmos, but some of these extra elements in WvW really do make it more strategic. Yes there are zergs, but it has to be organized. S Imply going to the gate head on got us killed by the enemy faction who were using the castle mechanisms to kill us. I joined a guild that does competitive WvW regularly and I’ve learned a lot of what I know from them. Even when we’re outnumbered, we still come out on top half the time because a well organized team is much more deadly.

Critique my Sylvari? I NEED ZE' OPINIONS

in Sylvari

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Hi there, I’m not exactly sure what you’re after, if you want someone to say you look cool; You look pretty cool nice work.

If you want idea’s on how you could improve your colors, I would suggest using an analogical spectrum scheme for a Red rather than a complimentary (with is just Red + Green accents /Christmas), which you have actually almost done already.
The analogical spectrum scheme (I hope I used the right term) will be centered on red but only reaches out as far as the pinker side of purple and deep orange. Your scheme has quite a lot of purple and yellow.

If you did plan on trying to add some greens, I would suggest adding some aqua blues in between.

Here’s a funky tool you can take aid from;


Thanks for the advice! I originally did had a greenish color for the wings, but I couldn’t quite find the right shade yet

I like your Sylvari a lot- I like the yellows/oranges and purply/ pink with the red- makes it look a lot more vibrant than greens with red imo.

the only thing I would change if it was me- would be the eyes – I would make them more yellowish/amber.
And the leaves on the branch hairstyle- I would go for a more orangey/yellow colour on those.

oh and I would hide the mask since it hides the awesome face you have chosen

Thanks for the good suggestions! lol I picked a weird face (the one with the antennae). xD

WvW appeal to usual non pvp players?

in WvW

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Word. The reason I bought gw2 was for the gw part. There isnt quite anything like seeing 60 red names all charge at you.

I feel somewhat disappointed I never gave it a chance before because WvW is awesome. I thought it would be more similar to a standard pvp match, but it’s a lot more strategic.

Critique my Sylvari? I NEED ZE' OPINIONS

in Sylvari

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


After recently discussing the lack of red sylvaris, I tried mixing armor sets to try to make my red sylvari look unique. What do you think?


WvW appeal to usual non pvp players?

in WvW

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I recently decided to try WvW for the first time, I usually don’t play pvp in mmos, the closest I’ve gotten to that was in Warcraft and even then it wasn’t my main focus.

After playing WvW for about a week so far with friends and guild mates, it’s quickly becoming my favorite game mode. xD

Rate the Sylvari above yours!

in Sylvari

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


7/10 Like the overall look, but the color puts me off a bit.

Anyway my Mesmer.

8/10, I like the design as it feels more barbaric, I feel it needs a slight more variation in color though.

Here’s my mesmer, a red sylvari (I suck at taking pictures lol)


(edited by DrDivine.5378)

Rate the Charrmor (Charr Armor) above you!

in Charr

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Sorry I can’t quite see enough of the armor in the above screenshot to rate it. But you all get a 10/10 for pose coordination!

Here is my Engineer:

9/10, I don’t particularly care for the tasset, but it all comes together very nicely.

Here’s my totally original charr warrior


Rate my Charr? I NEED ZE' APPROVAL

in Charr

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


A few helms that look pretty good on heavy armor charr: T2 helm, Scaled Helm(draconic), Plated Helm, Kodan Helm, Dark Helm, CoF helm, Vigil Helm, maybe the Barbaric Helm(crafted). that’s about all I can think of for decent looking helms, if ur still looking

Thanks for the suggestions, I’ve been having a hard time looking for a good helm to use for heavy armor. Thankfully my next character will be a female charr in light or medium armor.

Charr Tier 1 armor best looking cultural set?

in Charr

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


This is what my warrior used to look like. Nowadays he uses the T2 shoulders as they apear less bulky and he doesn’t spear himself in the eye when firing his rifle. I’ve loved the T2 helm ever since I first saw it in beta. It’s the only one that really covers the back of the neck well AND still looks like it affords the user some range of movement.


T2 Chest, boots and Helm ( and now shoulders) T3 Gauntlets and Tasset. Currently toying with the idea of T3 chest but it clips with the tip of the helm and the plunging V collar doesn’t make sense for armor…

Your character looks pretty awesome! I had just remembered I have the HoM sets and even though it’s not at big and bulky, I went with it hoping the HoM heavy set isn’t as common.

I’ve been told o nthe forum my character follows a lot of “Charr cliches” such as the big size, big teeth, horns, black fur, flames etc. but idk, it just seemed fitting and there’s always human characters when I play with others xD. Here’s what he looks like currently


Rate my Charr? I NEED ZE' APPROVAL

in Charr

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


from a charr point of view, he looks okay. sorry, but I just have to critique him now, cuz whenever I see a charr these days, it’s all the same: Enormous horns, huge head, big teeth, everything is pretty much just awfully big.
But, on a scale of 1-10, i might give your char a 7/10.
Teh horns are a bit big, so are your teeth. Maybe it’s just the armor that makes your charr look pudgy XD especially the leggings.
It doesn’t look bad, but I have seen much worse features. I’d say that if u have a makeover kit, make the horns a little smaller or choose a new set and make the teeth smaller too, because they do clip through a few helms.

And 1 more thing, u might wanna go with a different fur color, though black looks cool, so many people use it, same with white and tiger orange. (if u really do want a cool looking charr that stands out)

lol it’s all good, that pretty much sums up my choices though. As cliche’ it is now, I made a Charr originally because I wanted a character was big and ferocious looking (I don’t like playing as humans xD). So far I’ve seen one helmet that the over sized does clip through, and that’s the tier 3 cultural helm, but I’m sure there’s more. I wasn’t aware of what was cliche and wasn’t (I didn’t even know people used flames a lot) but that shows just how much I know. I mostly see human characters when I play so it’s hard finding good charr.

Mr. Sparkles!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Rumor has it that Mr. Sparkles is the mastermind behind Scarlet.

They were sent out to brainwash players.

Mr. Sparkles!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Quick question: other than the name is there any difference between the Mr. Sparkles mini and the Miniature Blue Siege Golem?

The two designs, though extremely similar, are a little different. Probably the most notable is the face and chest area, Mr. Sparkles is merely a modification of that golem model as it is in game.

Mr. Sparkles!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


How dare your Charrness abduct Zojja’s golem!

Meanwhile, I’m babysitting.

Your character is smaller than the golem, perhaps it is YOU who is the mini pet.

Rate my Charr? I NEED ZE' APPROVAL

in Charr

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I’ve been trying to make a cool looking charr that stands out, I used to use the tier one armor set (which I really love), so I made this charr with some HoM stuff and made his teeth completely oversized lol. I didn’t like the helmet though.

What do you think?


Mr. Sparkles!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Finally got my Mr. Sparkles mini pet, I was wondering if it would be bigger than the Servitor Golem mini pet and it is!

With this golem, my charr will take over ZE’ WORLD!


How do you feel about GW2 right now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I always find it strange when people say “no end game content” because i nthe least, it’s the same as other mmos. When I played Warcraft (a game I still respect), what were my end game goals? Doing raids and dungeons of course, but for what? Rare armor and rare weapons.

It baffles me sometimes when other games do the same thing but aren’t criticized for it as much. I still feel like this is a great game well worth my money and more. As far as raids go, I feel like World Versus World is a spiritual successor to that and it’s really fun.