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Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Thanks Dr for bringing this to the forums cause I was feeling the same way.
Somehow I’m not surprised that it’s Pyros build. Thank you for indirectly helping, again.

What I like about the build,

-Great damage via phantasms
-it has solid defensive options available almost at all times (between stealth, 2 blocks)
-In fight mobility
-It’s versatile as I can switch up just a few utilities depending on what I am doing
-With centaurs+10 sec mantra I can roam around the map quite fast
-I don’t need stacks so there is no prep time needed, I just play.

Thank pyro, this build wrecks like no other I’ve tried, it’s just a blast to use. It’s almost like the inversion of my old build. While PU is tanky, does average damage and relies mostly on stealth, this build is sort of squishy, has impressive damage and relies on a variety of different escapes (blocks, stealth, etc.)

Necro, Mes or Ranger?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I am trying to decide which is of these to level, I already have an engi and thief and I want a good pve/pvp/wvwvw toon to go with, I like playing all ranges and I prefer having options open. Also, I want to cripple then nuke my enemy or at least build up to heavy burst. Also I want to be able to quickly shift from range to melee and vice versa when I need to. Lastly, I want to be able to strike first from a distance, then if needs be coming in for the killing blow.

All three can actually do a bit of that, though the necro really you’d only come up close for the dagger. My personal favorite is mesmer but I play all three and love playing them all for different reasons. Though my mesmer kinda lacks in pve right now, people love mesmers in all three because they have so many useful utilities.

-Portals are the biggest one, you can port WvW golems, let your friends skip through obstacles in jumping puzzles, port them from diff points in pvp. Another desire trait is time warp, which is good for things like world bosses.

-Variety is another good trait, you can be full zerker mesmer and have really good burst at both close and range, you can go condition or shatter and blow up your clones for team support, or you can go PU and rely on lots of stealth.

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Mobility helps with positioning … positioning is critical

I didn’t realize how important swiftness could be, but sacrificing only a little bit in each stat (-2 in all stats) I get increased duration for bleeding, permanent +25% movement speed, shorter cd on sceptor block and increased torment damage on sceptor block.

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Honestly, I just went with Travelers in the end for the movespeed. It has some +all-stats as well as a little boon and cond duration as well. Doesn’t specialize, but I move faster and it fits everything at least somewhat.

I often take compounding celerity as my 3rd trait in inspiration, so travelers become somewhat redundant.

So I don’t know if this is recommended or not, but I tried slightly tweaking the build for tpvp and it’s prettykittennto use there too. I changed for rune of the traeveler and switched celerity for the reduction on sceptor dcs and more condi damage to sceptor so the block has more punch on the torment and it’s pretty fun. You kinda sacrifice a little bit of power for more mobility

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Have you tried a phantasm build yet? It’s better 1v1 than PU, but you need to be on the ball to win a 2v1 and 3v1 its gg. But honestly if you won a 2v1 as PU you were playing against semi clueless people, and you will also be able to 2v1 them as phantasm.

I’ve been running a CI phant build that is fun, you give up some dmg for some control, but somewhere Pyro posted a pure phantasm build that in my experience just trashes absolutely anyone 1v1 and is solid 1v2. Give it a try, once you get the hang of it nobody should take you out 1v1. An added bonus is that you wreck thieves almost the most out of any class you fight.

No I haven’t, do you havea build for it?

Here is link to thread

The post is old, the build still works. Tweak as needed of course, but you get the idea. Pyro spells it out too: Summon phantasms, run in circles, your target dies.

I’ve been trying this one today and like the playstyle, though the phantasms aren’t hitting as hard for some reason. Necros in particular are really walling them, especially minionmancers. Any tips?

Hmm not sure about the phants not hitting hard. Really you just use all your skills defensively except phantasm skills. BF is on a pretty short cd, you should be able to mitigate a ton of dmg. Not sure what to say It’s day 1 so keep at it I guess, I’m pretty sure this build does not have a real counter 1v1.

So after a few games I started getting a lot better and I really than kyou for showing me this build as it’s a lot of fun, I guess I have two problems I need advice on:

1: a good skill rotation

2: how to deal with particular builds that use AI (minionmancers, turrets, etc.)

My problem before was that I kept using my skills offensively and either destroying one of the phantasms or leaving myself open xD.

I’m not the authority on this build, but here’s my take on those:

1) I don’t know if there is really a rotation more than just maintaining phantasms and your HP. What I mean is get your phants out, and make sure you have 2 out at all times. There is no need to resummon them if you already have 2, and usually the third will get overwritten from your blocks, which is fine. So you may go through many fights where you phants skills are just sitting there after the first summon, which is totally fine.

For the rest of your skills, you basically cycle through them defensively along with dodges, so you space everything out, blocks, Blade Frenzy and dodges to get as close as you can to constantly mitigating their attacks. I don’t mean cycle through no matter what is happening, I mean cycle through as they cycle through their attacks. Your job is to mitigate their dmg while your phatns rip them apart.

2) This goes into 1). The name of the game is don’t die, so as you make sure your phants are up, you are just kiting/dodging/blocking/BF to avoid their dmg from their turrets/pets/whatever. Phants don’t need LoS, so back off that turret engi a bit, no need to get in his face. Sit back and let your phants wear him down. Not sure on specific advice re minion master. Just try to time your blocks/BF to eat big attacks. It’s tougher I suppose because your block can get eaten by a tiny pet attack and then you get nailed with a big one. But that’s it mostly.

Glad you like it! I can’t take credit for anything of course.

So I kept going with this build and I;m starting to win duels again, once you get the rotation down it really wrecks! While I still need to learn a bit how to deal with AI such as minion and clones with this build, I definitely feel like my mistakes are more user error and that my mesmer is back where he used to be if not better. In fact, he deals much more damage than my old PU build with sort of the same survivability so I really gotta thank you for showing me this build

kitten ya man, stoked you are stoked! I also love this build. I wanted to get into it for a while, but never really did until recently. Unfortunately it scales terribly with number of people in the fight, so I tweaked mine to be a little more lockdown to add some control and utility (and fun cause MoD is the best). But ya it is a very very fun build for hot join, solo Q and roaming.

Really you should thank Pyro (aka Fay) for coming up with it (or at least posting the good guide I linked).

I tried posting on that forum but it wouldn’t let me, what rune would you suggest? I noticed how fay said divinity rune is no longer viable, is that true?

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Have you tried a phantasm build yet? It’s better 1v1 than PU, but you need to be on the ball to win a 2v1 and 3v1 its gg. But honestly if you won a 2v1 as PU you were playing against semi clueless people, and you will also be able to 2v1 them as phantasm.

I’ve been running a CI phant build that is fun, you give up some dmg for some control, but somewhere Pyro posted a pure phantasm build that in my experience just trashes absolutely anyone 1v1 and is solid 1v2. Give it a try, once you get the hang of it nobody should take you out 1v1. An added bonus is that you wreck thieves almost the most out of any class you fight.

No I haven’t, do you havea build for it?

Here is link to thread

The post is old, the build still works. Tweak as needed of course, but you get the idea. Pyro spells it out too: Summon phantasms, run in circles, your target dies.

I’ve been trying this one today and like the playstyle, though the phantasms aren’t hitting as hard for some reason. Necros in particular are really walling them, especially minionmancers. Any tips?

Hmm not sure about the phants not hitting hard. Really you just use all your skills defensively except phantasm skills. BF is on a pretty short cd, you should be able to mitigate a ton of dmg. Not sure what to say It’s day 1 so keep at it I guess, I’m pretty sure this build does not have a real counter 1v1.

So after a few games I started getting a lot better and I really than kyou for showing me this build as it’s a lot of fun, I guess I have two problems I need advice on:

1: a good skill rotation

2: how to deal with particular builds that use AI (minionmancers, turrets, etc.)

My problem before was that I kept using my skills offensively and either destroying one of the phantasms or leaving myself open xD.

I’m not the authority on this build, but here’s my take on those:

1) I don’t know if there is really a rotation more than just maintaining phantasms and your HP. What I mean is get your phants out, and make sure you have 2 out at all times. There is no need to resummon them if you already have 2, and usually the third will get overwritten from your blocks, which is fine. So you may go through many fights where you phants skills are just sitting there after the first summon, which is totally fine.

For the rest of your skills, you basically cycle through them defensively along with dodges, so you space everything out, blocks, Blade Frenzy and dodges to get as close as you can to constantly mitigating their attacks. I don’t mean cycle through no matter what is happening, I mean cycle through as they cycle through their attacks. Your job is to mitigate their dmg while your phatns rip them apart.

2) This goes into 1). The name of the game is don’t die, so as you make sure your phants are up, you are just kiting/dodging/blocking/BF to avoid their dmg from their turrets/pets/whatever. Phants don’t need LoS, so back off that turret engi a bit, no need to get in his face. Sit back and let your phants wear him down. Not sure on specific advice re minion master. Just try to time your blocks/BF to eat big attacks. It’s tougher I suppose because your block can get eaten by a tiny pet attack and then you get nailed with a big one. But that’s it mostly.

Glad you like it! I can’t take credit for anything of course.

So I kept going with this build and I;m starting to win duels again, once you get the rotation down it really wrecks! While I still need to learn a bit how to deal with AI such as minion and clones with this build, I definitely feel like my mistakes are more user error and that my mesmer is back where he used to be if not better. In fact, he deals much more damage than my old PU build with sort of the same survivability so I really gotta thank you for showing me this build

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Have you tried a phantasm build yet? It’s better 1v1 than PU, but you need to be on the ball to win a 2v1 and 3v1 its gg. But honestly if you won a 2v1 as PU you were playing against semi clueless people, and you will also be able to 2v1 them as phantasm.

I’ve been running a CI phant build that is fun, you give up some dmg for some control, but somewhere Pyro posted a pure phantasm build that in my experience just trashes absolutely anyone 1v1 and is solid 1v2. Give it a try, once you get the hang of it nobody should take you out 1v1. An added bonus is that you wreck thieves almost the most out of any class you fight.

No I haven’t, do you havea build for it?

Here is link to thread

The post is old, the build still works. Tweak as needed of course, but you get the idea. Pyro spells it out too: Summon phantasms, run in circles, your target dies.

I’ve been trying this one today and like the playstyle, though the phantasms aren’t hitting as hard for some reason. Necros in particular are really walling them, especially minionmancers. Any tips?

Hmm not sure about the phants not hitting hard. Really you just use all your skills defensively except phantasm skills. BF is on a pretty short cd, you should be able to mitigate a ton of dmg. Not sure what to say It’s day 1 so keep at it I guess, I’m pretty sure this build does not have a real counter 1v1.

So after a few games I started getting a lot better and I really than kyou for showing me this build as it’s a lot of fun, I guess I have two problems I need advice on:

1: a good skill rotation

2: how to deal with particular builds that use AI (minionmancers, turrets, etc.)

My problem before was that I kept using my skills offensively and either destroying one of the phantasms or leaving myself open xD.

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Have you tried a phantasm build yet? It’s better 1v1 than PU, but you need to be on the ball to win a 2v1 and 3v1 its gg. But honestly if you won a 2v1 as PU you were playing against semi clueless people, and you will also be able to 2v1 them as phantasm.

I’ve been running a CI phant build that is fun, you give up some dmg for some control, but somewhere Pyro posted a pure phantasm build that in my experience just trashes absolutely anyone 1v1 and is solid 1v2. Give it a try, once you get the hang of it nobody should take you out 1v1. An added bonus is that you wreck thieves almost the most out of any class you fight.

No I haven’t, do you havea build for it?

Here is link to thread

The post is old, the build still works. Tweak as needed of course, but you get the idea. Pyro spells it out too: Summon phantasms, run in circles, your target dies.

I’ve been trying this one today and like the playstyle, though the phantasms aren’t hitting as hard for some reason. Necros in particular are really walling them, especially minionmancers. Any tips?

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Have you tried a phantasm build yet? It’s better 1v1 than PU, but you need to be on the ball to win a 2v1 and 3v1 its gg. But honestly if you won a 2v1 as PU you were playing against semi clueless people, and you will also be able to 2v1 them as phantasm.

I’ve been running a CI phant build that is fun, you give up some dmg for some control, but somewhere Pyro posted a pure phantasm build that in my experience just trashes absolutely anyone 1v1 and is solid 1v2. Give it a try, once you get the hang of it nobody should take you out 1v1. An added bonus is that you wreck thieves almost the most out of any class you fight.

No I haven’t, do you havea build for it?

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Yeah, I get you. This is going to sound redundant, but the best thing I would do is adapt my play style. I was posting on my phone so making a build link from the editor would’ve been quite annoying, but I am on my computer right now so here:

I find that this build is pretty enjoyable and effective to my play style in PvP, but don’t just copy it. Well, you can if you want to, just helping a fellow Mesmer out. But, my point in posting my build is for inspiration, maybe you can take my build and adjust it to your play style. Maybe make it more defensive, since you used to run PU. That’s what I’ve done, I use builds that I see from other people and adjust it to be my own. Sometimes I just think builds up myself, considering the situations I will encounter and what traits can synergize with each other, my weapon skills, and my utilities. Also, consider what combos you can do. It is all trial and error. Best of luck!

I tried tuning it, but my mesmer just can’t get good damage or survivability.

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Well your first problem was you were running a PU condition build. You are too used of the (no offence to you) faceroll cheesiness of a condition PU build. Now that it has been nerfed, as well as Dissapation traits being nerfed, your build took quite the blow. Of course you are going to lose more when you try out new builds, you aren’t accustomed to them just yet. I know when I dropped PU on my power build and traited more offensively, I died so much that I wanted to switch back. But now, I am more accustomed to the play style and know how to handle certain situations with my current build and it is really fun to play as (mind you, I dropped PU a long time ago). The patch has only been out for a few days, just keep trying to find a build that will suit you. Be it another condition PU build or maybe even a power build. Keep in mind, I am talking about a WvW standpoint.

I run 4/6/4/0/0 (Mix of Phantasm/Shatter) in WvW, Sword/Pistol – Greatsword.
I run 4/4/0/0/6 (Glkittenter) in PvP, Sword/Pistol – Greatsword.
Both are power builds.

EDIT: So GW2 forums censored “Glass Sha (Don’t Mind This) tter” in my PvP build for whatever reason, so that is what it says.

I don’t take offense to that, it was faceroll, the reason I am a bit dissapointed is my celestial axe warrior and my PU mesmer were my two best pvpers and they both got hit kinda hard this patch so now im really, really struggling in 1v1s where before I was considered “good.”

I’ve been messing around with several weapon types, traits, etc. still kinda struggling, hopefully I can figure something out.

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I’ll get this out of the way before I begin, before this patch I was punning PU with sword/pistol and sceptor/torch. While it certainly didn’t kill the fastest, it was without a doubt my most useful character. Great in 1v1s, took 2-3 people to take him down in tpvp, condi damage was good, he was just really useful and my favorite character to play.

Since this patch though, he seems to have suffered a bit. For some reason, he’s been having a lot more trouble in 1v1s especially, I’ve been trying out shatter and zerker builds but no build so far has even come close to what he used to be and tends to lose a lot now.

Any tips on a really good mesmer build?

Celestial axebow or mace/sword?

in Warrior

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


So I’m caught between these two builds I’ve tried, the first is the celestial axebow with max traits in toughness and rune of strength. I like this build a lot, for some reason with the patch though I’m having a harder time surviving and getting the burst to land. xD

Second is this “cheese” mace/sword with lb or hammer someone showed me and the blocks and stuns are pretty insane, a bit easier to use with this patch but not sure.

Which do you like?

"100% adrenaline decay" needs to be dropped

in Warrior

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I originally welcomed the idea of smarter adrenaline management but the increased decay I think is overkill and unnecessary. I want to be rewarded for managing adrenaline smartly, not have the rug pulled from under me no matter what after combat.

Please consider removing it.


Is celestial axebow still viable?

in Warrior

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


The warrior class in general got hit hard. It’s still pretty good though. Just gotta be more careful with your adrenaline.

I suppose you’re right, I think I changed one trait to signet mastery so I could pop the signet and go through the 50% increase a little faster.

Is celestial axebow still viable?

in Warrior

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Or did it get hit too hard?

Adrenaline nerf hits hard :/

in Warrior

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Are the Rangers shooting you down before you get to them? Use some blocks/dodges/interrupts/line-of-sight/etc. and you’re golden.

MH Mace Block, OH Sword Block, Shield Stance, and Endure Pain are great for this. If you want to troll them, trait to reflect when you block. Most of those rangers are bad players trying to play what they think is the new FotM. Punish them.

Although rangers were sort of a problem, I could kill them, but I definitely struggle a lot more. Before my warrior was one of my best dueling chars, but for some reason as of today he really struggles against most class besides thieves now. I sued to be really good at least competing with guardians or killing them, now they just wall me. Same traits, same utilities and stuff as before, but the output just isn’t competing anymore. The ranger rapid fire is also a problem, but I can still somewhat kill them, it just takes A LOT of effort now.

Maybe I was just spoiled before, im just a little disappointing because my charr warrior was really good and pretty balanced, now he just struggles to survive and inflict damage. He was my favorite character and now he is severely outpaced by my ranger, ele, mesmer, etc. so I need to find out what to do to get him back and adapt.

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I gotta agree, my warrior had great 1v1 potential, now he can’t even kill most classes because of the kitten adrenaline nerf and nerf to utilities. My warrior was one of my favorites, but I may have to put him away for awhile.

Adrenaline nerf hits hard :/

in Warrior

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


So I posted earlier about how it didn’t seem like a big deal, but when I started doing more 1v1s I’m really starting to notice how it hit my warrior pretty bad. I use to tear up meditation guards and rangers, now they just stomp me.

I guess I need to learn the changes but I’m running lb/axe and sword with a celestial build

PvP or WvW?

Pvp, Idk why cause its not like they nerfed they direct damage for anything, but rangers, guards and engis so far I can barely get damage on now. I used to have no problem with them but it could just be trying to adjust to all the changes including the ones with other classes.

Adrenaline nerf hits hard :/

in Warrior

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


So I posted earlier about how it didn’t seem like a big deal, but when I started doing more 1v1s I’m really starting to notice how it hit my warrior pretty bad. I use to tear up meditation guards and rangers, now they just stomp me.

I guess I need to learn the changes but I’m running lb/axe and sword with a celestial build

Is shatter better than PU?

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Let me be the first to say I’ve run many mesmer builds, and in teams shatter is probably the better option. I guess I was kinda curious if a PU build using sword/pistol and sceptor/torch would still be viable.

Warrior "nerf" way overexaggerated

in Warrior

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I’ll admit, when I first read the changes on dulfy I thought it was going to break my warrior, but after playing a lot of games I found something strange, my “nerfed” warrior played just fine.

He was still building adrenaline just as fast, hits just as hard, could still kill most threats just like before, in fact, endure pain had another second added to it so he has another second of invulnerability. I barely noticed the “adrenaline loss” because I was already used to it draining after combat, and when I do 1v1s I never enter a fight with full adrenaline.

The changes sounded way more extreme in text rather than in game, I thought I was going to be having a difficult time building adrenaline but so far it hasn’t been much different.Maybe I’m missing something here idk

for the people that like to enter combat with a burst skill, the nerf turns their strategy on its head.

Berserker’s power is now affected on burst whiff.

Adrenal health is now affected on burst whiff.

Cleansing Ire is now affected on burst whiff

Greatsword has had majorly nerfs and cleave added to the old arcing slice.

In combat, using a burst sacrifices both zerker power and adrenal health immediately, whether you hit or not. for builds centered around those traits or that rely heavily upon those traits, Warriors are forced to give up spike damage and cleaning ire to maintain adrenal and zerkpwr, because whiffs will kitten all four of those burst aspects.

at the same time. (Referring to: spike damage, cleaning ire, zerker power, adrenal health)

You may not be using a build that focuses on any of those traits for sustain (which is hard to believe), but there are lots of warriors that expect the spike damage to put pressure on their opponents, and suddenly losing it renders them a sitting duck, whereas refusing to use it would cause a loss as well.

but hey. In the name of balance, let’s sandbag warriors. My playstyle hasn’t been affected, and I now get perma fury on top of it, so this was an overall buff for me (notwithstanding the fact that I cant enter a fight with a fire field). I understand why the moaning is happening though; not everyone plays like me.

I suppose it hit particular builds pretty hard, can you name one or two builds in particular this hits really kitten? I kinda wanna check it out now so I have a better understanding.

Warrior "nerf" way overexaggerated

in Warrior

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I’ll admit, when I first read the changes on dulfy I thought it was going to break my warrior, but after playing a lot of games I found something strange, my “nerfed” warrior played just fine.

He was still building adrenaline just as fast, hits just as hard, could still kill most threats just like before, in fact, endure pain had another second added to it so he has another second of invulnerability. I barely noticed the “adrenaline loss” because I was already used to it draining after combat, and when I do 1v1s I never enter a fight with full adrenaline.

The changes sounded way more extreme in text rather than in game, I thought I was going to be having a difficult time building adrenaline but so far it hasn’t been much different.Maybe I’m missing something here idk

Frost spirit nerfed, what?

in Ranger

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Yeah, this change to Frost Spirit makes the skill 100% useless.

Still, HotW is not a spot for boon-hate, since the only boss that uses them (path 1) has 3 second reapplication rate. No use in burning the cast time of a boon strip skill for the purpose of boon stripping in that situation. Underwater damage, though, I will agree with you entirely. Necros are gods underwater.

I’m going to sound stupid for asking this, but what exactly is the change/makes it useless? Some of these abbreviations I do not know lol

Frost spirit nerfed, what?

in Ranger

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I keep hearing all this stuff recently about the frost spirit got nerfed or something, what exactly happened?

Good GS/staff build for WvW?

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I’m kinda curious, but im looking for a good WvW build that can make use of the staff and GS, any suggestions?

I like staff more than d/d in pvp?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Staff is very viable in tpvp given the right spec and team setup. I’ve run it many times instead of d/d and s/f depending on what team we are facing and what my team is lacking.

For the longest time most people have stressed it with me that D/D is the meta so I never tried staff until just recently. I kinda stitched together a build using traits and utilities from past builds and the staff and icebow damage is absolutely insane.The icebow AOE absolutely devastates light armor classes especially.

Staff all the way:) D/D survivability is like non existing, if you don’t play full defensive build, Scepter is very strange, so, yeah, Staff is my favourite weapon: great survivability, dmg is not bad either + 1200 range. Attacks are a bit slow but that’s the only minus here.

I tried the meta D/D build since it was “user friendly” to new ele players, I’m sure it works very well for some people, it just didn’t click for me like staff did. I died almost immediately from any heavy hitter and had an even harder time dishing out decent damage at best haha.

I like staff more than d/d in pvp?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Keep in mind I’ve only been playing ele in pvp for a little over a week now, have been trying several builds including the meta D/D, a crit sceptor/focus build but I was never hitting hard enough or had much surviviability.

So I finally got to staff, spliced together traits and utilities I likes from different builds I just hit tremendously harder with some decent survivability and good healing. I mostly specced him to be a full zerker ele, the icebow especially hirts way harder than I thought. The AOE attack just does insane damage in most cases compared to what I had.

Anyone else use staff in tpvp?

Need help making Mawdrey

in Crafting

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


You would need leatherworking at 500 at the very least (or armorsmithing or tailoring).

All other things can be bought or outsourced.

If, however, you want to craft everything yourself, you will need:

400 Artificing
400 Huntsman
400 Chef
400 Jewelcrafting
500 Tailor/Leather/Armor

and I may be missing something.

May I ask, why do you need 500 instead of 400-450 to make it?

Need help making Mawdrey

in Crafting

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I have a question, I don’t have any profession maxed, really want to make the mawdrey and ascended spinal blades (have all materials for spinal, most for mawdrey). If I maxed my leatherworking to knock out both back pieces (I bought the leatherworking recipe), would I be able to make mawdrey with only leatherworking maxed?

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Some of the “nerfs” I understand such as the reduction on bleed stacks, the addition of might and swiftness, but the whole being able to block, evade, etc. major conditions really concerns me.

Unblockable trait conditions helped me condition mesmer deal with threats like bunker guardians and thieves especially. On one hand, it may force other professions to use their blocks and evades so it might be good, but I have a feeling there will be ways to block out the conditions or evade them a little too well. This might actually force more people to play PU just to hide in stealth until your conditions can hit.

Clone Death Changes are a Terrible Idea

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Oh…Well..maybe next time the mesmer community wont cry about a buff…

You asked for a nerf, you cried about a mesmer spec despite the devs throwing you a bone, this is the outcome. Maybe next time the devs decide to be nice to us. Instead of throwing a tantrum and following someones blind crusade against there own profession. You’ll sit back, and enjoy the buff.
You asked for this, deal with it

Where are these people that voted for a nerf? Was it the last CDI?

Also I’m seeing people only talk about PU… What about other mesmer builds affected by these changes or was this community more stagnant than I believed…

I think it’s because some people really want to see PU mesmers nerfed, some of the changes are ok like the bleed stack and adding swiftness and might, but the whole being able to block and evade conditions leaves me a bit concerned. That was how my condition mesmer handled certain bunkers and thieves rather well so im not sure how this is gonna play out. Maybe the torment will help with that but leaves me a bit concerned since I’m a condition build

So whats going to happen to PU mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


At first I saw the torment change, then as I saw the necro changes on dulfy I noticed they squeezed in sort of a nerf so some major traits on PU mesmers. Do you think this is going to make them no longer viable in 1v1?

Help me 1v1 as an ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Does anyone know of a guide that is relevant and current on d/d ele for spvp? I’ve recently came back to the game and decided try an ele out. I’m running a cookie cutter d/d celestial build and I’m having a really hard time. I usually start fights trying to stack might which I get to about 10 stacks and then I just fall over dead or get chained cc’d/knocked down/back all over the place. Or in the case of fighting hambow warriors or guards I just can’t seem to put a dent in their health bars.

yeah same here, still having a hard time finding a build that is effective. So far mine severely lacks in DPS and “tankiness” lol

Help me 1v1 as an ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


D/D 02066 or 00266 for starters who still need to learn the skills, combos and mechanics I’d say try cleric amulet, sigil of battle, sigil of doom, signet of restoration, armor of earth, cleansing fire, glyph of elemental power and pick FGS if an opportunity arises to use it.

Thank you, I’ll have to try this one out. Some class click with me (mesmer, engi, etc.) while others don’t (Thieves lol), I think ele is somewhere in the middle

Help me 1v1 as an ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I think you meant scepter/focus. I always recommend players that are still not familiar with the Ele to start with daphoenix bunker d/d build. Bunker builds are very forgiving in this game. These builds provide many ways for you to recover from multiple mistakes you will make as a beginner on small scale battles like 1v1. Even if you are like me that come from other mmos playing Mage type of classes with high damage/burst builds . In gw2, it is just easier to start as a bunker and then once you get familiar with the Ele and knowing what to avoid from the other profession skills and playstyle only then you should start playing with more risky yet still very effective builds like fresh air with scepter/d, s/f.

You’re gonna have to link the build because I tried the D/D build on the meta wiki and it didn’t fair very well.

Help me 1v1 as an ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I recently started playing ele in pvp this week and one thing I really like about the profession is it does seem to really punish you for making mistakes and the play style is fun overall.

However, I feel like I’m ALMOST there to playing well as an ele, but fall short on a few combos. I’m using sceptor/focus on a particular build that has 6 in air that is supposed to use lightning flash ,mist form, arcane shield and glyph of the elementals. typically the stretgy is to roll through the air skills, then blind with earth, then tune to fire and use all those skills for more dps, I think it’s when I attune to water I get messed up.

The damage output can vary drastically, sometimes I feel like I pop a lot of dps, but in 1v1 not only do they heal all my damage (including most rangers lol), but I struggle to survive.

Any advice on what to do in 1v1 if this is a good build? I would really like some input.

(edited by DrDivine.5378)

People "DDOSing" the servers

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Please remove that link. The are already aware who and what is going on. By posting the link you are encouraging more people to visit, and give them more of the attention that they seek, encouraging more attacks.

I removed it

Best D/D pvp ele build?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I run a build close to that except with soldiers amulet and sigil of force instead of doom.

I’ve been trying it today but I can’t seem to get the build to do much, I die extremely easily (about 2-3 hits) and while it’s ok for crowd control, I can barely deal enough damage to most players. Any builds that are a lot tankier or higher damage?

Marjory's dagger animation on ele

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


When using the fire attunement while wielding dagger mainhand, I noticed that using auto attack will fire three tentacles instead of actual fire regardless of settings. Funny bug, but though I’d bring it up xD

Best D/D pvp ele build?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Thank you, I really like this one I just gotta learn how to use it to its full potential, any tips? xD

Best D/D pvp ele build?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Long story short, started ele, looking for a fun and effective build that uses dual daggers. Any advice on a current build?

Will Axe/sword and LB still be viable?

in Warrior

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I don’t see how it will not. It will be lot harder to play but there aren’t any significan’t changes that throw the build to the trash i think

On one hand it might be nice if warriors are harder to play, I guess I’m afraid my warrior might have become obsolete. I suppose a lot of people will be using axe/axe now?

Will Axe/sword and LB still be viable?

in Warrior

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I’m sure there’s an actual name for the build, but I run a condition crit build that uses axe main hand, sword off hand and longbow. I kinda understand the new changes to warrior coming in September, but at the same time I’m kinda nervous about if my warrior will still be viable or not. I do use utilities such as the berserk stance, rage signet, etc. so I was wondering.

Best 1v1 guardian build?

in Guardian

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


This is the best overall. Some builds can be better against certain stuff but this build is the best if you don’t want to change your builds between 1v1s.

I’m running this with different sigils. Works extremely well for me. Sword is better over scepter in quite a few duels but in general scepter is better.

Thank you for the replies! I have a pretty good bunker support build, but I don’t have an efficient build for dueling as while my current build is very tanky, the damage output is average to below average at best.

I'm kinda nervous about the new patch

in Warrior

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Axe offhand is getting a pretty big buff though, but cleansing ire needed tweaking anyway, so more of a fix than a nerf.

Really? can you tell me what the buff is? xD, and yeah, even though I LOVE cleansing ire, it did need some work. I guess I was a bit spoiled.

Axe 5 is getting 17% damage increase ( I believe thats the number) and I think a CD reduction, not 100% sure of the CD change, but I do know the damage was increased quite significantly.

Even with the buff axe auto attack is still likely going to provide better dps.

But yes, they are lowering the cooldown to 15 seconds.

I believe the intention was to have Axe offhand to be used as Adrenaline builder. Axe 5 plus Major trait for Axe CD reduciton and Adren bonus. I still find blocking better.

Do you still thing longbow/ axe main hand and sword off hand will still be viable as an adrenaline builder?

How to upgrade mysterious vine?

in Living World

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


May I ask, let’s say I have completed and made the first backpiece already, what is required to upgrade it? How do I make it?

Exotic creation

in Living World

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


May I ask, let’s say I have completed and made the first backpiece already, what is required to upgrade it? How do I make it?

Best 1v1 guardian build?

in Guardian

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I have a pretty good team support build I like, but when it comes to dueling people 1v1 in private rooms I don’t really have much of a viable build. Any suggestions for a good guardian build that could take on a necro, warrior or mesmer?

I'm kinda nervous about the new patch

in Warrior

Posted by: DrDivine.5378



I use LB/ sword and axe and the new changes attack a lot of the utilities and stuff I use, I understand balance, but do you think this will severely hurt warriors?

Honestly it’s hard to tell without testing. My thoughts for now:

  • In PvE, the challenge has shifted a long time ago from clearing obstacles to clearing them as fast as possible. If anything, the changes can only introduce new inter-classes rotations to accommodate for better DPS. As for the warrior retaining his prominent role in these, only those bothering to min/max could tell – and of course they’d need more info about the changes to come for other classes – but I cannot see the warrior thrown out of an optimized party yet.
  • In PvP, it’s harder to predict. The change to adrenaline suddenly makes burst errors less forgiving against good players, so I’d say things could become harder for mid-level players. High-level players might not see a change, because they already manage their bursts well. However, note that Conquest Mode heavily relies on the longbow, with its burst being legitimately preemptively activated on nodes as often as possible, so it’ll actually depend on whether shots not hitting opponents still trigger Cleansing Ire (i.e. still allowing for automatic condition management).
  • In WvW, it would depend on your roles. I suspect that frontline warriors won’t see too much a difference because it’s harder to miss when in zerg melee, and a miss can somehow be compensated by the performance of teammates. Roamers, on the other hand, could see some change, because they’re bound to fight duels or small-scale combats, where missing is more critical. Again, good players already manage their adrenaline and prepare their bursts, so this would primarily affect less experienced players.

IMHO, and that remains to be tested, the changes look good on paper, because:

  • They somehow require that the warrior now manage his adrenaline in a more subtle way than simply attacking as much as possible. If warriors could eventually come to active management of conditions and health, then things would become even more interesting – we’re still not here though, despite the patch.
  • They try to improve underused skills, thus increasing build diversity. Still, these changes sadly remain very minor – for instance when compared to introducing a secondary class system…


I will say though, one change I really like is when you miss your burst attack, it does not use the adrenaline. Combine that with the fact that signet of rage grants 50% adrenaline and I think it will still work, its more of just skills that got shifted around.

You may have made a typo.

Missing a burst attack -does- cost you all adrenaline.

if you whiff a burst, you lose your adrenaline and any chance at proccing cleansing ire.

You’re right though. with signet of rage building adrenaline twice as fast, we have compensation for it.

Can’t tell how that makes me want to use [Rampage] though.

I may have read that part wrong, it seems like signet of rage is gonna be one of the primary adrenaline boosters which I’m okay with because I usually open a fight with that signet. As much as I would really like warriors to stay the way they were, I’m trying to keep in mind that this isn’t to make another class superior, it’s to make it an even fighting ground.

“We reworked how the adrenaline works. Currently, your adrenaline is only consumed if you hit with your skill (i.e. if you miss with Eviscerate, your adrenaline is not consumed). Now If you miss your adrenaline dump skills, you will lose adrenaline.

“Berserker Stance – Previous this skill gave just under 5 full bars of Adrenaline which was a lot. Adrenaline gain reduced by 40%, you can only get a full 3 bar of adrenaline.”

“Impale – This offhand sword skill previous had over 100% upcoming on Torment, we felt this was too much. We have reduced torment duration from 12s to 8s.”

These are the three that will hit my warrior the hardest, but I feel like it still can be worked around. That other half of adrenaline boost you get from berserker stance is getting moved to signet of rage so you still have access, its just spread out lol.

Now If you miss your adrenaline dump skills, you will lose adrenaline. < —-

Also, if you want the adrenaline from Rage, you can’t use it. The Adrenaline pulse only works if its inactive, so opening a fight with it will not allow you to gain adrenaline from it.

So I guess someone might have to alter their rotation a bit, perhaps starting the fight building adrenaline and then using the signet for your main burst damage?