Showing Posts For DrDivine.5378:

Are Rangers actually bad?

in Ranger

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Rangers aren’t bad, it’s the mindset of the majority of players who play them. “Ranger” typically infers ranged combat, however it’s not the optimal playstyle, so many uninformed players are kicked off the cliff and bring the class as a whole down with them. In my opinion, ranger’s definitely the hardest class to master when you realize that we really don’t have a focus of direction within our traits and have very awkward utilities that don’t function like any other class’s in the game.

So are rangers kinda like engineers in that if their skills aren’t used properly, it’s very easy to mess up?

for your own sake, do not ask such questions on these forums. 99% of your answers will be provided by the doom and gloom crowd that inhabits this place.

Any class is strong, if it suits your playstyle and mentality. The limitation of a class is first and foremost a physical and mental limitation, and you will reach those limits long before you reach the mechanical limitations (99% of the players here will try say otherwise, simply because they cannot overcome their own shortcomings and learn to approach things differently)

I understand that, people once told me on the forums that necros are only ok and kinda squishy, yet mine is extremely tanky and one of my favorite classes to play haha

Are Rangers actually bad?

in Ranger

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


After maxing a mesmer, warrior and necro I kinda wanted to make a ranger next since I have the black widow pet and never got to use it. Similar to WoW with Hunters, I’ve always kind of heard Rangers are the bottom of the barrel, but recently I’ve seen a few in PVP that actually did very well.

What do you think of a trapper ranger or the class in general?

Can you still get blade shards?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Long story short I need about 50 or less more blade shards to get to the ascended piece for the spinal backpack, is it still possible to get them? If so, what would be the easiest way?

Tips for beating Liadri?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Projectile reflect during phase one, kite like a boss and range down in phase two. Make sure to kill the orb things that pull you.

I wanted to say that just now after almost 100 tickets I finally beat her (yeah I suck haha), I used a condition warrior build with the rifle and basically bled her to death as auto attack is the most effective to use with rifle. Thank you all for your help!

Tips for beating Liadri?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I have three characters I use, a minion necro with warhorn/axe and dual daggers, a custom condition mesmer with staff pistol and sceptor, and a typical condition warrior with dual swords and bow with all the signets.

Can someone help me find out a strategy to beating her?

Which reward should I pick for 1600?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


  • Watchknight Tonic lasts 5 minutes and then has a 30 minute cooldown; I use it only for my charr and then only for JPs that take less than 5 minutes, but are easier if I can her feet.
  • The mini panda has all the issues associated with minis: it doesn’t persist when you zone (or sometimes when you die) or when you relog. This one is a swimmer, which is nice (and fun). It is one of the best minis in the game imo.
  • The Dolak Tonic doesn’t allow jumping or work in combat, so it’s a momentary bit of silliness.

I chose the panda, but I had all the skins I wanted from earlier events.

a 30 minute cool down? That is kind of a deal breaker it seems.

The panda does seem like an interesting choice, but all the quirks aside of minis, I think it does look pretty nice!

Which reward should I pick for 1600?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I got the metaachiev yesterday. I still can’t decide.

I kinda like the Tonic. Being a Dolyak is cute!!
But the Panda is tempting…

I thought about the dolyak, but the cool thing about the watch knight tonic is that you can actually stay in combat and have access to all your skills while transformed

Which reward should I pick for 1600?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I’m having a hard time deciding if I want:

The Gas Mask

Mini Panda

Infinite Watch knight Tonic

Does the mini pig expire?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Removed. They are week long items and they will be gone sometime within 24 hours of now.

Thank you for the information

Does the mini pig expire?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I’m curious if the mini pig will expire at that price, or will be it removed from the gem store completely?

windcaller kieldia broken

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


One method is to get her down very quickly, so she can’t spawn too many tornados.
Spec for more dps and throw everything on her as you go in.
that worked for me at least.
If you take too long, you will not be able to escape the tornados with a mesmer and Mantra of Concentration does only help soso.

I have tried my condition mesmer, which cant kill her because a lot clone skills move or port you into tornadoes and you’re done from infinite juggling. I tried my necro with lich form but it doesn’t do enough damage in time so the tornadoes just kill him. Tried my warrior just now, used dolyak signet. He does the most damage but once the signet is gone he just gets juggled infinitely too.

There’s no way to get out of it, you keep getting bounced back and forth and have no way to respond.

windcaller kieldia broken

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


This is probably my frustration talking, but I was doing good in gauntlet until I got to the third boss, windcaller kieldia. The boss directly is easy to kite, but the tornadoes are a different story.

I’m always fighting the camera because if I run from a tornado and go close to a corner, it zooms in, if I get hit by a tornado it bounces me back to another tornado and goes into a loop until I die. They can’t be blocked and if I dodge with my mesmer the camera zooms in every five seconds and can’t see in time before it’s too late. Any tips?

If I buy a mini pet now, can I gift it later?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


That’s right – if you purchase it for yourself, it will become acount bound and you can’t send it to anyone. The only way to gift it is via gem shop directly.

Thank you! That saved me some money in case I made that choice haha

If I buy a mini pet now, can I gift it later?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I want to get my friend the pig mini pet before it expires for a birthday but the offer expires the day before, if I buy the pet instead of choosing the “gift” option, does that mean I won’t be able to gift it afterwards?

Do teammates share points for kills?

in PvP

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Yes, as long as you did sufficient damage which is around 5% of their health I believe. But you should also know that your score does not affect you reward at the end of the match, The only thing required to get credit is 5 points. You shouldn’t be concerned with your score as focusing on it doesn’t necessarily benefit the team; like standing on a base that already has someone standing on it would not benefit your team in any way.

Thanks for the advice, that seems to be our problem. I use a mesmer and while I’ve gotten pretty good at killing people, me and my team have a hard time holding bases as we tend to separate and the opposing team will pick us off zerg style haha

Do teammates share points for kills?

in PvP

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


This is a pretty ridiculous question as I recently got into PVP, but let’s say you’re helping a teammate kill an enemy, he uses a finisher right by you, do you get points as well?

Rate my charr?

in Charr

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Scooby Doo, is that you?


So I made my first asura

in Asura

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Not sure if I did it right, but he adventure begins with a zombie chicken.


Rate my charr?

in Charr

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I’ve been trying to make an original looking charr warrior, what do you think?


(edited by DrDivine.5378)

The Charr is my favorite race?

in Charr

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


There are a lot of reasons I like Charr. Mostly because they’re like D&D’s hobgoblins, but even more awesome.

Their appearance is also great, but the clipping from their armors is absolutely unacceptable. I don’t mind the knee-length kilts, but I wish they were rigged to the tails properly, like several of the ‘worn’ armor meshes.

I like that, unlike a lot of games where the animal race is primitive/tribal/shamanistic/primal, the Charr are technologically advanced, incredibly intelligent, well-organized, and extremely ‘modern’.

Second favorite race has to be the Norn, because they have so much fun. On the other hand, Charr and Norn get along very well – I wonder how much of that friendship is from them trying to kill each other first (Like two guys forging a friendship over a bar brawl).

I agree, in the first game they were more of tribal savages, in this game they’re a lot more technologically advance and that really does make them scarier that these hulking beasts have intelligence to back up their brawn.

The relationship between norn and charr are funny, they are so close in strength, yet so far apart in personality. My second favorite race has to be the sylvari, I just really love the design of the race and it’s home world.

The Charr is my favorite race?

in Charr

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I love charr too. I agree that it’s because they are cat not cat girl/boy like you see a lot of other places. I love that they run on all four paws and that their tails are animated while standing still. My charr almost instantly became my main once I finally made her.

The biggest thing that bothers me with trying to clothe charr is that there are so many skirts and coats…like I want to be running on all fours and have that hanging off my waste to trip over. I’d like to see more pants that are just pants and nothing dangling off them.

I do understand the concern with skirts and coats, hopefully they will come out with more suitable pants in the future haha

Are asura necromancers common?

in Asura

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Asura are not exactly known for politeness or high moral standards, I imagine Necros are quite common.

I suppose you’re right, this is a picture of my asura necro. This isn’t a phase mom, this is who I really am. (zombie chicken pet helps)


Are asura necromancers common?

in Asura

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Oola from GW1 was a ‘famous’ necromancer as I recall, but rather nasty to everybody :P.

a good example lol, do you think they’re common as player choices?

Are asura necromancers common?

in Asura

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Anything spellcaster is going to be more common then warrior, ranger, thief, or maybe guardian (unless more magic focused instead of martial) in the lore sense.

Necromancers? Unsure, but it could easily work. Exploring how bodies work/flesh and bones interact if you wanted to be sciencelike.

I don’t think it’d be SUPER odd, but perhaps not as common as eles.

Yeah I guess it does make sense they would focus more on magic, I always wondered if they actually did practice necromancy.

The Charr is my favorite race?

in Charr

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I have seven level 80 Charr, and two sylvari at 80. Leveling an additional one of each. I figure we can’t be too different, OP!

I personally love that Charr run on all fours. Maybe it’s as much due to my potential OCD as anything, but I always sheath my weapons after combat.

And yes, I can live with some of the tail clip, it’s the helmets that drive me insane. I have exactly two (Charr) characters with shown helms, and one is just a goggle eye piece. I’ve similarly given up on a lot of shoulderpads – I tend to reuse a lot of the same ones that don’t magically float or aren’t the size of a mini cooper.

Yes helmets are the biggest problem right now, it’s a good thing they can still look just as kitten without a helmet lol. I actually do like some of the warpaint/scar skins on the charr better than helmets.

The Charr is my favorite race?

in Charr

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


-They feel less humanoid than other races, A lot of people will probably disagree with me on this, but I like the all on fours running animation of the charr. I love Skyrim, but the designs of the argonian and khajiit bothered me because they seemed a little too human-like for my taste. The khajiit, another feline-like race, looks like a human with a cat head, not messing around with anatomy and behaviors too much. That’s what I like about the charr, they possess human-like qualities such as speaking english and using technology, but they also have different anatomy and behaviors that mix qualities of both man and beast.

That’s something that’s always bothered me about Elder Scrolls games. Their beast races don’t just look like humans with beast heads, they are reskinned humans with beast heads and tails. For whatever reason they’re too lazy to do another animation rig.

I’m not really a fan of the charr gait, but I’ll give Arenanet credit for trying.

I’m really glad this didn’t bother just me lol, I love the idea of the argonians and khajiit, I just wish they were more beast-like. You could argue this was so armor would look good on all races without clipping or stretching, but they look too humanoid to me.

The werewolf is a good example, the anatomy is slightly altered so it’s humanoid, but still very beast-like.

Are asura necromancers common?

in Asura

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I was kinda curious about this, I recently started my third character and I liked the idea of a asura necromancer (not sure if that fits lore wise though lol).

Are they kinda like elementalists in that they’re a common practice for this race?

The Charr is my favorite race?

in Charr

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I agree on all of your points, expecially the" running on all fours" and “not being a human with a cat head” ones. On the other hand, due to the charr’s unique anatomy my main character hasn’t changed his armor’s looks since a few months after the game’s release. (Mix of T2 and T3 heavy) EVERYTHING that comes out of the gem store doesn’t apply to charr. Most helms in the game saw off your horns and let’s forget about tails.

I have a few human characters and they get the complete opposite from in game items and gemstore ones. Suddenly I have too much choice! It’s kind of depressing because I would love to support the game more.

I agree, the gem store does have some pieces I think that look good such as shoulders, chestplates, etc. where it all falls apart is the helmets. With the exception of masks, most helmet choices just look very awkward due to clipping issues.

I have two charr out of my 11 characters so far, but I really want a Charrdian to go with my Necro and Ranger. I love all of my characters and would in a heartbeat change my engie from human to charr if race change were a possiblity.

The worst part about the helms is when your horns get removed. So for the most part helms stay hidden on my charr. I can deal with tail clipping issues…that’s fine, not great but not the end of the world. But why oh why does Charr cultrual have clipping anywhere? If they only fix the clipping problems with Charr cultural armor I’d be happy.

The tail clipping never really bothered me that much, it was more of the helmets. I don’t like the removal of horns or hair when I put on most helmets. Charr are probably the most difficult race to make armor for, the other playable races are mostly share the same general anatomy with an erect posture. The char are hunched over, have things like tails and horns.

Are Norn taller/larger than Charr?

in Norn

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Now they are the same height with the horns making the charr taller.

That must be a small norn. While Charr are taller than humans, Norn are still taller.

The Charr is saluting, which makes them stand fully upright.

Normally that Charr would be shorter :P.

Yeah I know for a fact the charr are shorter because of their hunched position, I was just curious who was taller if both were standing fully erect (not counting horns).

Are Norn taller/larger than Charr?

in Norn

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Now they are the same height with the horns making the charr taller.

Oh so they’re the exact same height? xD

Are Norn taller/larger than Charr?

in Norn

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I’m kinda curious, I know the charr are hunched over so it’s hard to tell, but when comparing a full sized norn to a full sized charr, which is taller?

The Charr is my favorite race?

in Charr

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I guess I have weird taste, but in most MMOs I tend to play as the ugly, beastly race. I have a sylvari and charr and I find they both tie as my favorite race. The choice is simple for sylvari, they’re like humans only much more creative and appealing to me, but why the charr?

-They’re the most intimidating playable race to me, I suppose according to lore the norn are physically stronger, but the charr have that savage, yet tactical nature I very much like. They’re not just scary because they are large predatory beasts, but they have the intelligence to back up their strength to strategize and conquer using technology.

-They feel less humanoid than other races, A lot of people will probably disagree with me on this, but I like the all on fours running animation of the charr. I love Skyrim, but the designs of the argonian and khajiit bothered me because they seemed a little too human-like for my taste. The khajiit, another feline-like race, looks like a human with a cat head, not messing around with anatomy and behaviors too much. That’s what I like about the charr, they possess human-like qualities such as speaking english and using technology, but they also have different anatomy and behaviors that mix qualities of both man and beast.

-The armor, let me get this out of the way, clipping is an issue in some sets, I hate how when I want to wear a helm my charr magically goes bald, floating shoulder pads too. Despite this, maxing my first charr I didn’t experience many horrendous clippings with the exception of the helms, but I always liked having my helm not visible because the face of the charr is scarier than any mask. Mine wears heavy armor and it really does look because things like shoulder pads and back items are much larger and make your character look more intimidating in size. Sometimes it can be a task to find the right armor, but I mixed and matched and when I finally got my mixed armor set together it really did look great.

I don’t hate human or born players, I like all the races, these were just some of my personal thoughts on the charr.

So A Norn That Doesn't Drink...

in Norn

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


How would that work out? I want to RP a Norn that only rarely drinks and joins moots. How would other Norns treat him and such?

Also, would be in line with the lore?

“Guys, I don’t know how to tell you this, but I’m sober.”

throws norn off mountain top

The wait was not worth it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I’m pretty happy with it.

Love the renown hearts splash. Love no cost repair and free trait changes.

Don’t mind the wardrobe, UI, World boss timer, trait changes at all.
Don’t mind the Champion train or Dungeon nerfing at all.

So, overall, it was worth the wait.

I have to agree, although some updates came in rather late, what I got for $40 was insane, worth it.

Are Marjory and Kasmeer a gay couple?

in Lore

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


There are many other gay couples in GW2 (the most prominent being, apart from Kas and Jory here, Caithe and Faolain).

Well, unless you play on the Chinese client, it seems.

Thank you guys for verifying that for me,I always kind of thought it was true, but a lot of people I know who play the game say they aren’t romantically involved.

Are Marjory and Kasmeer a gay couple?

in Lore

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


In all seriousness it seems to hint strongly that they’re a romantic couple, even sharing a kiss in this latest content. People keep telling me though that they’re just friends and there is no gay couple in Guild Wars 2.

I wanted to ask to make sure I’m not crazy haha, aren’t they a romantic couple?

Yeah so this new content is kinda AWESOME

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Out of all the new content Anet has pumped out, this is my favorite next to the Super Adventure Box. Good rewards, good story telling and a good payoff that exceeded much of the living story previously.

I’m going to try keep spoilers to a minimum as there may be some people who haven’t finished any of the new content yet, but it’s really good and I hope it gets better from here.

Do I have to upgrade my spinal back pack?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: DrDivine.5378

DrDivine.5378 this is the one you need.

Spinal Blade Pack is the right one

Thank you guys for clearing that for me, when I heard “blue spinal” I thought of ascended colored spinal blades.

Do I have to upgrade my spinal back pack?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


All you need is the blue spinal backpiece. You do not need anything more than that. Go and have fun!

That’s sucks, I only have the “Spinal Blade Pack”…..

Isn’t that the blue piece? The one you craft with 50 Irons?

You mean the first version you make? I hope so, like I said, I have the materials to make ascended, just not the gold xD

Do I have to upgrade my spinal back pack?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


All you need is the blue spinal backpiece. You do not need anything more than that. Go and have fun!

That’s sucks, I only have the “Spinal Blade Pack”….. I was hoping I could just fight her lol

(edited by DrDivine.5378)

Do I have to upgrade my spinal back pack?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I want that new helmet, but someone told me you have to have the spinal back back to get it. I have the first version of the spinal back pack but can’t upgrade it due to a shortage of gold (I have all the materials), can i still get the helmet even with the weakest back pack?

Can we get blade shards tomorrow?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Pretty straight forward question lol

Will my blade shards still exist?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


This might be a dumb question to ask, but let’s say I have enough blade shards and all the materials needed to make the ascended back piece, but I can’t right now due to not having enough gold.

If I have all the materials, will I still be able to make the back piece after this is over?

Help with new charr faces

in Charr

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Hi all , I have an Total Makeove Kit and I found an face that i liked alot. Does anyone know how to make this face?

Thank you

I use that face lol, when you use the makeover kit, go to the face options like you normally would when making a character and you’ll see the three special faces exclusive to the makeover kit, which includes that face.

Rate the Charrmor (Charr Armor) above you!

in Charr

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


i’d rate it at 6/10
feels like all your armor is in the upper area where as your legs look like some tanned leather pants. other then that the armor looks above average

now cause i feel evil, my ele has 4 armor sets(each filling a different role, much easier changing armor vs changing traits and armor to match)
rate em all MWAHAHAHA

7/10, I actually do really like your color choices and overall design, I just feel like it’s missing something luminous that pulls everything together.

Here’s my charr, a victim of mixed armors lol


RATE MY CHARR? (The sequel)

in Charr

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I like the face, it gives the look of a war vet. like you’ve seen many battles. I also like the fur colors, they look great on you. I give u a 8/10 because im stingy about armor xD

Its cool lol, this is a mixed set so results may vary xD

RATE MY CHARR? (The sequel)

in Charr

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Although I’ve had some success making an original looking sylvari, charr seem to be a little more of a challenge. My original charr kinda followed a lot of the cliches (black fur, big horns, big teeth, etc.) so here’s a second attempt at mixing armors and such to make something maybe original?

I wear the back pack for fun, but what do you think of the overall charr design?


Lion's Arch under attack, I LIKE IT.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Strangely enough, this has been some of my favorite new content of the living story. The marionette was good, but this is the first time I feel like something drastically changed that made you feel like you’re in actual danger.

It reminds me (in a good way) of Cataclysm. Whether the expansion had below average content or not, the way some of the main areas I started my characters in being completely destroyed was actually kind of tragic because you do grow attached to some of these cities. This is what I think of when I hear the term “living world,” as it’s something that has permanently changed. On top of that, the loot and the events are both good here, I felt like I was getting appropriate rewards for my actions that were actually useful.

I’m not saying a city has to be destroyed to have a dynamic change, but it changed something we’ve been used to for so long.

Bad helmet clipping on new charr face?

in Charr

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I’ll be honest, up until now I have not had any clipping issues with my charr. I’ve been very satisfied with how most armors looked!

However, I recently changed my charr with one of the new faces as I thought it looks cool, and while I do really like the face, but it’s suffering from a lot of helmet clipping. I’ve tried a few helmets I liked so far (such as the heritage warhelm) and it seems like the nose of this face is too big and sinks through. I thought maybe it was a problem like if the teeth are too big and they clip, but this is on the default size setting.


Purposeful severing of ties to GW1?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Not really… The LA you knew in GW1 has already been destroyed. Only a few remnants remain, but other than that it is barely recognizable. LA has withstood many attacks, starting in GW1. It will rebuild as always.

Kinda like on Futuruama with New New York lol