I think you’re looking to far into things. While a lot of outfits are based on LS stuff (though its probably more because they want to monetize what assets they create if possible, so if they make a look that can be turned into an outfit for some NPC they do an outfit as well), they aren’t all like that.
The Ghostly Outfit wasn’t based on anything in terms of the LS or anything, and that was only released a couple months ago. So clearly they still make standalone outfits. The Ice Encased outfit is probably the same thing, simply a winter themed outfit for the winter season.
If it was going to be based on anything happening in the LS episodes, they’d probably wait until after it actually happened.
I would love to see “play anything” removed from Bell Choir. Only on extremely rare occasions do you even get people playing anything, its usually just spam or people do nothing and just wait (myself, I just Alt-Tab out after playing a note and watch for my GW2 icon to start blinking, which indicates the new game has loaded). Its not even about farm efficiency (though that would benfit as well) but rather just overall enjoyment. Its no fun waiting around for 2 minutes when all you want to do is play the songs.
But its been requested basically since Bell Choir was added 4 years ago and never happened, so I’m not holding my breath.
The recipes for all the other HoT-stat gear are just fine. Only Commander’s has the problem of being excessively overpriced. Its not really a problem of being account bound, as all the others are as well and they’re fine. The bigger problem is that the Commander’s recipes seem much rarer than the others, probably since they only come from Dragon’s Stand chests, which are smaller in number than all the other HoT zone chests and basically require you to beat an hour-long meta to get in decent numbers.
All that said, if jewels are your main issue then look into the Bloodstone Fen / Ember Bay / Bitterfrost Frontier ascended items. You can pick Commander’s stats from those.
The LS3 maps are different than LS2 and HoT, yes.
I don’t agree that its a bad thing necessarily, though. While you may like grand meta events and map-wide events, not everyone does. I recall plenty of complaints from people specifically about how every new map was a big involved event chain that required long periods of time to feel like you’re making any significant progress, or at the very least you need to log on at very specific times just for the big meta finales.
Some people just want to log on whenever they have time, play for half an hour doing a few small events, harvesting, ect, and log out again. Either because they just don’t have time for longer sessions, or just prefer their games in small chunks. The LS3 maps seem to have been designed with those players in mind. Frequently repeating events, map-specific dailies, and smaller scale all make those maps more friendly to players who don’t want to spend long periods of time playing GW2.
And I think that’s fine. The last 5 maps prior to LS3 were all meta-event oriented, and so naturally a lot of those “small dose” players started to feel left out. Sure, they could always go and play older maps, but everyone wants to enjoy new things and not just repeat the old stuff. The fact that the devs are making some maps that move in the opposite direction for a change is a good thing.
I’m sure its not a permanent change to all new maps going forward. Especially when it comes to the next expansion, I’d be shocked if they didn’t go back to HoT’s method of incorporating the maps into the overall story, because its a pretty cool approach to storytelling. But they can’t JUST do that.
As someone who actually uses Sigils of Mischief on one characters’ weapons…
Agreed, they need to add the sigils and runes back into Wintersday Gifts. Either as straight drops or in the form of the Conquerer kits from last year. It seems weird that they removed them in first place, maybe a simple oversight. If they for some reason wanted to make the Winter’s Presence items harder to get (which I don’t believe is the case since they did other things to make them easier to get, like adding the Rare quality drinks which give 10x credit towards the drink achieve) then Sigils and Runes aren’t the way to go about it.
Probably won’t happen this year. I don’t really expect they’re going to be doing much changing to the Wintersday content this year. But certainly something for next year.
Copper-fed is the better of the two IMO, simply because you get a lot more use out of it. Even in event chains where you get lots of rares, you’re still getting many times more salvage items, blue and greens (and you definitely don’t want to waste the Silver-Fed on blues and greens). So you get a lot more convenience and use out of the Copper-Fed simply because you use it so much more frequently and in greater quantities.
Plus, Mystic Salvage Kits are a very realistic alternative to the Silver-Fed. 250 uses goes a pretty long way unless you’re one of those who just does nothing but high Rare yield stuff (like AB Multimap). Whereas there’s really no viable alternative for basic Salvage Kits. You either have the Copper-Fed or you’re stuck filling your inventory with 25-use kits.
When the patch first hit people in-game were saying it was an 80% difference. Which would have been absurd. 40% is fine. Brings them more in-line with the rest of the S3 currencies, which come in smaller quantities from vendors and not in guaranteed harvests like the others. And helps with future maps too, since we know UBM is going to be a season-wide currency, having a way to get huge amounts of it was never going to be good for the life of new maps.
Berries are still the best way to get extra unbound magic without a lot of RNG blessing (especially with the new “Consume All” option for convenience). The difference just isn’t as dramatic now.
As for Auric Basin… you can’t seriously be comparing the two. Changing the amount of Unbound Magic you get from using a berry is a much, much, MUCH easier change to make than changing the entire mechanics of a map reward system. And we already know they’re looking into AB anyway, but being a much more complicated change its going to take a while.
Eh, I like the green gem(s). Adds a little variety to the weapon beyond just “ICE ICE ICE ICE”. And I’m a sucker for slow pulsing effects, so I like that they also pulse a glow.
I wouldn’t mind if the shade were a bit darker, though. Maybe a bit more of a turquoise than the pure green they are now. Might “fit” better.
But they almost never change a skin once its in-game, for good reason (people who like the current version would be upset if it got changed). So I’m certainly not holding my breath.
The devs originally said they weren’t necessarily going to do elite specs only with expansions, when they were first revealed. But the next year they seemed to change their minds and said that they would be purely for expansions only. That was the last word we’ve had about them from the devs, so I’m assuming that’s the current plan for them.
She doesn’t really even have a core class (at least not one related to any of the core classes player characters have) considering she only fights in her golem. So I don’t really expect her to get an elite spec at all, or again at least not one that players can share.
I don’t see anyone being rude to the PC with no reason.
Marjory didn’t even seem rude at all to me. She simply pointed out that the Commander has no right to forbid her to shadow Lazerus. Its not a combat situation where the Commander needs to be fully in control, and despite the suspicions around Lazerus he’s done nothing to suggest he’s an immediate threat. Even if the thought is that he could be a threat down the line, better to keep an eye on him than leave him to his own devices unchecked. Marjory knows the risks and accepts them, its not like she’s flying off with no foresight or thought. Heck, if anything I’d say its the Commander acting out of character here, since the Commander himself has done some risky things in the fight against the dragons as well as allowing others under his Command to do so. I don’t see the Commander trying to forbid Taimi from investigating the Chak, for instance. And who knows what a war between Dragons could cause, but the Commander is all on-board with exploring that plan as well.
As for Braham… yeah. He’s being a jerk to the Commander. But he has reasons. They’re childish, short sighted, and misplaced, and he’s obviously going to screw stuff up. But nonetheless, there’s certainly reasons there. Braham wants someone to blame, Mordremoth is already dead, and the Commander is the next best “surrogate” for that blame. Braham made it quite clear during the early parts of HoT that he wanted to search for Destiny’s Edge exclusively and to heck with everyone else. The Commander rightfully took a stand against that to avoid getting slaughtered while in enemy territory, taking the time to make new allies and help the Pact. But at the same time did end up delaying looking for DE. Which delayed finding Eir, which made her weaker and could have contributed to her death. Anyone thinking logically can see the flaw with being angry about that, but blinded by grief and anger the logic isn’t going to be there. Especially not for Braham, who’s not exactly a “think it through” sort in the first place.
The only oddity I see with Braham is that he didn’t display any sort of anger with the Commander during HoT. Like, yeah, Mordremoth was still alive so he’d be more focused on Mordy than the Commander. But there should have at least been a little blame, a side comment here and there, if they wanted to make the buildup to Season 3 Braham seem more natural. It kind of comes out of left field as it is.
The closed off area itself is nothing special, true. But the elixir also prevents all chill of any kind, which comes in handy when just running around the area. Dunno why it doesn’t also prevent you getting frozen in ice blocks by some enemies, that’d also be a nice bonus to using it.
I’ve never seen the issue happen anywhere except Bloodstone Fen, and I drop onto nodes and immediately start mining all the time, so I’m sure I would have noticed it elsewhere if it happened.
As for why it happens in Bloodstone Fen… probably something related to the air combat skills. The air combat skills are treated as a bundle by the game (the devs themselves confirmed that), which seems to cause some issues with animations. The game seems to have some delay in swapping animation sets from the bundle back to the normal animations.
It actually happens even mid-flight in Bloodstone Fen if you just stop and start gliding quickly. That also makes your character animations go all wonky for a few seconds, with your body going stiff and attack animations not working properly.
A lot of people expressed a lot of displeasure with how much of a role the Sylvari / Pale Tree had in both the original storyline and the buildup to HoT (and HoT itself with Sylvari, though the Pale Tree was out by that point). Due to that, I frankly wouldn’t be surprised if we never see her again, and the most we ever get is a few lines from Caithe saying she’s finally recovered. Especially since Taimi seems to be taking over the “knowing a lot about dragons and advising the players” role more and more.
I do hope its not the case. I’d like to see some closure to the Pale Tree at some point. But I’m not holding my breath.
Seems to me that its more like a small bit of a “refund” for making an elixir, which you have good reason to do if you’re going to be spending time in Bitterfrost Frontier anyway, than something you should do for a reward.
Yes. The stat change recipe works for any ascended item, no matter where it came from.
However, do note that the item you get in return will be a generic ascended item with the matching generic crafted skin (Antique with the appropriate color for weapons, and the crafted Light / Medium / Heavy appearance for armor). So you’ll need to use transmutation to get your skin back if you want the skin of whatever item you threw in.
Legendary weapons are meant to be aesthetic only, not offer an advantage over other weapons stat or mechanic wise. That was always the stated place that the weapons were meant to be, straight from the devs themselves.
The only reason they gave them selectable stats in the first place was because at the time there was no such thing as forge stat swapping and having a 1-time stat selection would mean people could never change their mind without crafting a whole new legendary. A hugely restrictive concept considering the cost of legendaries.
Having a sigil drop-down menu goes against what legendary weapons are meant to be. It gives them a very distinct advantage over normal weapons.
And no problem exists that a sigil swap mechanic would solve. Stat swapping was added to solve an issue of being locked into a stat combination forever. No such issue exists with sigils. You can swap your sigil any time you want. You may not like having to spend gold on doing so, but you can.
Unbound Magic lost forever for Vanilla acc?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Electro.4173
I’m guessing they removed the display from the wallet because its basically a useless currency for a free account (in an effort to reduce confusion), but since you can still get it as a drop from nodes that its still counted.
That said, outside of a direct developer answer the only way to know for sure is to find someone with a free account, use some nodes, then upgrade and check the total. Or find someone that’s already done so, but I’d say the number of people who actually notice something like that AND who actually share other players’ home instances for harvesting AND who hang around the forums would be pretty low.
Many of those seem rather unlikely due to not sharing player animations, as per the quote that EW posted. Like, there are a variety of Grawl using a variety of weapons, but each of those are very specific, and even if there are a decent number of them there’s nowhere near enough to match all the player skills.
Off the top of my head, Largos would work. 99% sure the game just treats them as humans with a specific appearance. Maybe Tengu, not really sure on that one. I know they share the skeletal structure with Charr (well, at least the old hunched-style Tengu) but not sure on the actual animations. They could probably rig it to work on Charr animations just fine, though. Although I’d be sad to see Tengu and Largos getting combat tonics because it’d probably be the final nail in the coffin on never getting those races as true playables.
Mordrem Guard could probably work. I think they actually have their own animation subset, but they could probably just assign them the Sylvari animation set without them looking too off.
Obviously any of the enemy types that are literally the same race as a playable one would fit. Flame Legion, Ghosts (though there are already some tonics and such that give ghostly effects). Undead could also work. Like Mordrem Guard they have their own animation set but could just be set to use the normal player animations.
Some of the Halloween creatures could become combat tonics, namely the Skeleton (and Hellfire) and Mummy. Could be a nice new reward for next year.
From what I’ve read in-game, on Reddit, and here on the forums, it seems that they accidentally made the Petrified Wood node reference the Bloodstone Node instead.
So the game is looking at your home instance, seeing that you have the Bloodstone Node (which is what the Petrified Node currently points to) and removes it from the vendor, as it does with all account-bound one time purchases. And anyone who doesn’t already have that node and buys the Petrified node just gets the Bloodstone one instead.
That would explain a lot. Explains the other bug where people who already bought the Bloodstone node can’t see the Petrified Wood node on the vendor. If they accidentally tied the Petrified Wood vendor purchase to the Bloodstone node instead, then the game would be looking at players who already have the Bloodstone node and thinking they already have the item, thus its removed from the vendor list as all one-time account purchases are.
The description for at least one of the blindfolds when creating a new Revenant says something along the lines of the fact that blocking out the sight of the physical world makes it easier to see / commune with the legends. That’s probably as close to a “lore” reason as you’ll get.
I’m feeling we can meet Braham
.I play charr,however I’m happy we are going to the north.I don’t get one thing…..why our characters are called ’’Commander’’?.In episode 1 they’re leaving The Pact.Now time for Jormag….interesting.
Right after your character says they’re leaving the Pact, Almora says its a “title for life” and you’re welcome to keep using it. So that’s the lore explanation.
The game-mechanics explanation is that your character has to be called something generic (since they can’t have the voice-acted NPCs calling you by your actual character name), and Commander seems to be the one most people like. They tried using “Boss” for a while in Season 2 and I remember a fair number of people complaining about that one.
Is it a male or female Asura? Only females get the “You’re dumb” line.
The lines are definitely still there. Can’t say for sure if they’ve been toned down or not, but its possible. It does seem that buff quotes seem to take precedence, so its possible the buff lines and other quips are just blocking the normal combat lines.
It seems to be tied to simply taking your weapons out, so if you want to hear it you could probably stand around stowing / readying your weapons.
It was only a matter of time before Quaggans infiltrated weapon skins, considering they’ve gotten into basically every other part of the game already. I’ve never gotten the appeal of the doofy looking whale things, but apparently I’m in a minority there.
I’m quite frankly surprised it isn’t an entire weapon set and not just a single skin. And also surprised its a shield and not some sort of shooting weapon that would be able to shoot dozens of quaggan shaped projectiles. Because more quaggans.
The quaggan itself is animated, since its in a different position in each pic. Either that or it just changes positions when stowed or wielded, I guess. I definitely expect them to make it a “live” quaggan and probably make noises, since the way they speak is half the reason people seem to love them.
You can only put Enrichments in amulets. The Magic Find “infusion” (they’re not called infusions any more, they were changed to be called Enrichments a few patches back) is one of 4 you can choose.
So there’s no question of “if they stack” because you can only use one at a time anyway.
You have to use normal infusions for backpieces and other Ascended trinkets.
I assume they’ll continue the trend they started with the 4th anniversary pack, where the next dye pack contains all of the dyes introduced between the 4th and 5th anniversary, maybe one or two from earlier, and they just keep going like that while leaving the older packs alone.
As above, if they updated the packs then it would effectively punish players who used their kit earlier, particularly if they used it on something they didn’t absolutely love, as holding on to it for another year would have given them more options and perhaps one they like more. It would encourage people to hoarde them for the future rather than use and enjoy them for the present.
A new playable race (namely Tengu or Largos, but I’d take anything not human-esque) is still probably one of my most wanted additions to the game.
Yes, I recognize it would be a huge undertaking in development time and resources, and for some people it wouldn’t be deemed “worth it”. Especially with the whole “human meta” and the fact that a lot of people probably wouldn’t even touch a new non-human race anyway.
But for me, as a player who plays the non-human races exclusively, a new race would be a fantastic addition. New customization options, new armor options, new voices… all these things are a big draw for me. Especially considering I’ve reached the point where I’ve already used every race / gender combination of the 3 non-human races and have had to start “doubling up” .
And even if its a lot of work, I still think it has benefits for the overall game even to people not playing that race. New cultural weapons work for all players. A new capital city would be open for all to explore. More variety in the overall races you see players using is nice. A new race also opens up more in-depth cultural lore towards that race. Maybe still not “worth it” to some, but its not as though a new race adds ONLY that race and nothing to the game as a whole.
Would love. Have suggested before. Make it happen please!
I’m not sure where you’re getting all the complaints about the name. I haven’t seen any complaints about it.
Also not sure where the idea that the player character chose the name came from. They specifically say they didn’t choose it, that they just “knew”. Which probably means the dragon named itself and told the player via telepathy, albeit subconsciously.
In any case, Aurene is fine by me. It sounds sufficiently fitting for her lineage (it fits with the shine / light theme) as well as where she was born.
They could combine older currencies with new ones in different ways, I suppose.
But I doubt they’d ever introduce a new zone with only old currencies, even if it was a combination of multiple currencies. They need a new one in the mix to get around the “someone with a huge stockpile of stuff can just buy everything” issue. For example, if they did, say, Bandit Crests + Unbound Magic, I could easily buy everything in the zone without doing a single piece of content in said zone. I have a crap ton of bandit crests saved up as I enjoy running SW events for fun but rarely do shovel runs so the crests just pile up, and I have enough Rubies and Wood that I could salvage for Magic.
Of course, I probably wouldn’t do that because I actually enjoy doing new content (plus I’m saving my Rubies / Wood for accessories). But any time someone could just get everything the first second a new area launches, it’d be a big problem for overall retention of interest in the zone. Which is what all these map currencies are meant to reduce.
I want that forum mastery line!
I think this one would fix a lot of complaints on the forums.
~ Legendary Effects Mastery ~
- T1 – Legendary footfalls now last 2 minutes.
- T2 – Legendary auras are now 3x the size of your character. Also effects infusions and other visual enhancements.
- T3 – Legendary sounds are now 5x louder. All legendaries which have no sounds now do.
- T4 – All legendary effects now stack with one another, including the second weapon set. All combat-related visual effects are now on 100% of the time.
- T5 – Equipping a legendary now places a giant “NOTICE ME” sign above the player. All weapon trails and footfalls become arrows pointing back to the player using the weapon. Auras become a cloud of arrows pointing to the player. All of these are exactly the same to ensure that no legendary is considered “better” any longer.
- T6 – Any player attempting to rotate their camera away from a player using a legendary will have their screen automatically pointed at that character and locked in place for 5 seconds. Using a positive emote (like /cheer, /bow, or the new /worship emote) will break this effect.
You seem to be mistaking my post for a rant. I don’t care if we don’t get it until next year, I’m patient and am fine with what we currently have and Wintersday. I don’t even care if they “break their schedule”, as it was never stated as a fact but rather a goal. I’m just stating that I don’t feel its very likely we’re going to get Ep.3 this year any more.
I certainly can’t see them releasing anything on the 20th of December. 5 days before Christmas, really? The entire studio will probably on vacation by that point.
Almost everything that actually “needs” a secondary identifier already has one. Equipment all has a rarity listed in the description if you mouse over the item. Runes / Sigils have different names based on rarity / level. Crafting materials the rarity is often misleading anyway and will likely just be deposited. Dyes have different thumbnails that denote rarity. The only major thing I can think of that might need a differentiator and doesn’t have one are mini pets or tonics, but its not like those drop in large numbers so its easy enough to just check the price on the TP.
TC specifically said “bags”. Which I assume he means champ bags and other such loot containers which drop. But rarity means very little for those unless you’re specifically trying to research drop rates or something, you can’t do anything with them except open them.
Anything is possible, but I doubt it. Unbound Magic is pretty generic. All of the other currencies are rather specific to their respective zones.
Plus, Unbound Magic isn’t the only currency in BF and EB. You’ve also got Bloodstone Rubies and Petrified Wood, which are zone-specific. Which acts as a “limiter” to keep players who have stockpiled a lot of Unbound Magic from just buying everything without ever needing to do content in that area. The devs don’t want players to be able to bypass content with previous grinding.
(edited by Electro.4173)
Starting to seriously doubt we’re getting Ep. 3 this year. The “likely” time I stated earlier in the thread has basically come and gone (was thinking mid-November at the latest, and given the lack of teaser I think we can safely say its not coming this week). Thanksgiving “officially” starts the holiday season and we won’t get another patch before that. And with that comes busier schedules for Anet employees as well as vacations. Which makes getting a major release which would probably require at least a good week of bug fixes increasingly unlikely. Even if they released the content within the first week of December, that would still take them halfway through the month once you consider the inevitable fixes that would be needed, and that’s cutting it awfully close.
While colorblindness is certainly a thing and there’s always an argument to be made for more options to alleviate it, I’m not really seeing why you need to differentiate between different rarities of bags. There’s minor differences in the loot you can get from them, but its not like knowing that is particularly important, since you’ll just open all of them anyway.
Adding an option for a single thing would be rather silly. But I definitely agree that this gets on my nerves. It seems to happen a lot in the Havoc’s Airship. Seems like every other time I go there, there’s someone using tomes en-mass. And they always seem to be using them as slowly as possible, I guess probably grabbing rewards between levels, so its guaranteed I’m going to be listening to that sound for a while, and there’s nowhere in the airship you can go where you’re far enough away to not hear it and still be able to access any of the facilities like the bank, TP, crafting stations, ect.
It wouldn’t really help much, but I feel like there should be a Ley Line Crystal node for your home instance like how there’s an Aurilium node.
Obviously you can’t mine airship parts (and they purposely made airship parts the most common to get from chests), so I can understand the absence of that one. But crystals should be mineable, and I’ve always felt it was odd that only one of the 3 currency types from HoT has a node.
I don’t think you really need to make enough of them for it to be a priority. And heck, promoting Evergreem and Mordrem items is already FAR easier than promoting other Rare crafting materials where you have to use the Forge and additional items.
That said, the code is already there (Snowflakes use the exact same upgrade system and they have a “Use All” function) so it should be easy to implement. So why not.
I can see the logic of making FB baseline in terms of opening up builds (I myself run NM almost entirely for FB, while often just picking other traits in NM just because and not because I want them bad enough to take NM), but its also such an incredibly powerful trait that just making it innate would be way too much. And I don’t want to see it nerfed into the ground in order to make it reasonable as a baseline ability. I’d rather take NM and have it good than have it baseline and neutered.
Maybe they could make a “lesser” version baseline, but then keep Fortifying Bond as-is with its current power level in-tact.
I have so many characters with different weapon themes utilizing so many weapon skins (not to mention just the sheer number of weapons in this game in general) that its nigh impossible to actually choose favorites.
In terms of Black Lion sets or just weapon sets in general, I have the largest number of Dreamthistle and Dragon’s Jade weapons. So I suppose those two fit. I also have a lot of Ambrite weapons, partly because they look awesome and partly because they fit the themes of multiple characters. Priory weapons are very cool. Halloween weapons are up there just because I love Halloween (though this years’ offerings were kind of lackluster to me. I prefer spiders and pumpkins and bats to the more gothic stuff they added this year with Onus and such. Gargoyle skins were nice, though). I really like the overall color scheme of the Zodiac weapons, but a lot of the individual weapon designs are “eh” so I only have a few of them. Godskull and Beaded are pretty nice sets as well.
For individual weapons that aren’t part of sets, Arthropoda is great. A giant bow made from Karka legs, I like that idea of using animal parts like that. Ebb and Flow are really neat. Delusion is nice. Jormag’s Breath. All 3 of the anchor hammers are cool, and a big part of the reason I decided on “ocean stuff” as the theme for my Revenant was so I could use them.
I could sit here naming skins all day, so I’m just going to stop here.
It says the price adjusts to account for shared inventory slots, so I’m guessing no, it doesn’t let you go beyond the current limit, and the price of the pack will be reduced if someone is already at the limit.
You can’t even USE salvage all on them. Because they’re exotic, and salvage all only goes up to “Rare” quality. That’s the reason they’re exotic and they need to stay as such. Keeping the confirmation box on them as well is a pointless layer of protection that just makes it less convenient to salvage them for Magic.
And I suppose having the vendor give a bag which opens into a random amount of unbound magic would work to keep the variable aspect. But it doesn’t make it any more convenient to salvage them. You’d still need to double-redeem them to get your unbound magic (once at the vendor, once in your inventory). So in terms of convenience, its better they stay as items and just lose the confirmation.
What I’d suggest is to unlock it today. Verify by checking the wardrobe that it is actually unlocked. Take a screenshot of it unlocked in your wardrobe. Then keep an eye on it (its a recurring bug according to your topic here), and if it ever disappears from your wardrobe again then you know for sure its a bug and can report it with screenshot evidence.
I’d also like it if they were rare quality so I can right-click / salvage all rares.
Now, see, THAT would be a bad idea and make it very easy to accidentally salvage entire stacks of them. You accumulate a lot of rare items going through Bloodstone Fen (not so many in Ember Bay, but still some) and people are going to be clearing out their inventory using salvage kits frequently at the same time they’re accumulating Rubies / Petrified Wood. That I don’t think should happen, they need to stay exotic so you can’t just accidentally “salvage all” and lose a bunch of them.
Just removing the confirmation box would be fine.
As for the person who suggested just making them tradeable to the vendor and then making them currency… the problem there is that you get a random amount of Unbound Magic for salvaging them (seems to be between 25 and 50), and I don’t believe you can get random amounts of stuff from vendors. They’d have to change it to a fixed amount to do that. Which I wouldn’t be opposed to (as long as it wasn’t the low-end, I’d say 40 would be a good number) but the devs might not want to go that route.
Plus, the devs have said that they have further plans for Rubies (and by extension I assume Petrified Wood also), which may involve actually crafting with them at some point. Or doing something else with them which requires having them as items and not currency.
As Rose said, merely crafting or even obtaining a skin doesn’t unlock it in the wardrobe. You need to either equip it (soulbinding it if its Green or above), Right Click “Unlock Skin in Wardrobe” (which makes it account-bound without equipping it), or salvage / mystic forge it.
Basically, the way the devs set up the wardrobe is such that they want you to “remove the item from the economy” in order to unlock it. They don’t want people unlocking skins then selling them afterward. Merely acquiring the item isn’t enough to unlock a skin unless its an account-bound item in the first place.
Blue items are the exception, since they don’t account-bind on equipping. You still need to equip them or manually unlock the skin though.
I know you said you had the skin equipped before the wardrobe, but if you’ve never equipped one since that point and were just crafting and selling them thinking that was unlocking it, that would explain your issue.
Salvaging one bloodstone ruby / petrified wood accidentally isn’t going to matter in any meaningful way, limited supply per day or not. For something you need in the hundreds, one doesn’t amount to anything.
And no one with any sense is going to accidentally salvage multiple Rubies / Petrified Wood. I’m sure there are a few special souls out there who could manage such, but they need not be horribly inconvenient for everyone else on account of those few.
Agreed. They aren’t so precious that they need to have a confirmation box, and it makes it a major PITA to actually salvage them in any amount for unbound magic, since you have to confirm every…. single… salvage…
The comparison to ectos is basically perfect. Ectos don’t have it, ditch it for Rubies / Petrified Wood.