Another happy ranger here!
I really liked the new changes and might level a ranger for the 3th time ^^
The state of this forum reminds me of how it was months ago, but at this point it’s even funny.
If you answer is to join a premade team and do things like 3rd party tournaments or Mist League then pick the role you are interested in an when soloq-ing ALWAYS play that role.
If you are trying to rank up…. your in the wrong place. Hot join will rank you up so much faster.
If your answer is “fun” and doesnt fall under those categories then your never going to have “fun” right now, and thats ok. The game just isnt ment for you. Sorry you spent your money on it, but its time to move on.
Your answer honestly shocked me,
Do you play to rank up despite being an awful experience?
Do you play tournaments to earn money?
It’s a game, it’s meant to give you fun…
And to be fun a game needs to be fair to both parts…
I play for fun dude, don’t you?
My god is necessary to explain those things?
what’s wrong with those people…
PD: And don’t tell me the majority of the community is enjoying Spvp… I’m completly sure not even the 1% of the community play it,
(edited by Engels.8537)
You should be experiencing much smaller rating deviations in games without a terrible sacrifice to queue time.
Ba Da Dun Tss !
Seriously, each 10 games 1 or 2 feels balanced and are fun to play,
The rest are either imposible or boring,
Many times I’ve faced 3 or 4 guys on the same guild with ranks between 40 and 50 against 5 pugs with levels behind 20, (and i’m saying many times),
A random matchmaking would be even better than this, not allowing people to choose their teams, it would be fair at least,
That’s how good is your matchmaking system, worst than random,
I’d like to recomend a handicap system to avoid high queues, but the result would be hilarious take in consideration the actual matchmaking system you did guys,
Sorry if i’m being mean, but it’s the absolute true,
I come to realize that anet caters to premades, you have to realize that the people on sotg are premade players and don’t solo que.
Most of the complaints here are from solo que players and you have premade players coming here saying “oh ya I’m loving the change, I face so many solo que’ers and win now, hope it stays like this forever because I don’t stand a chance against another premade”
Actually, coming from a player who IS facing those top players, often times they are playing in solo or duo q. I have played against players on the top premade teams but I have NEVER faced a full top premade team.
I think the area of issue is the 70-80% range of rank where premades start to form and bad soloq players remain. Past that range the soloq players are better, communicate and play builds that arent trash and below that players are generally more ‘experimental’ with their builds and there are fewer premades.
This are is especially dicey because as premades from this range get better they start going up, but because they face tougher competition its very easy to drop back into the 70-80% range due to a string of loses to better players, while bad players can get carried pretty easily into the 70-80% range where they dont belong and they finally are too much a burden that the team cant overcome it.
To counter your statement, I think its not premade players that are happy with how its going because they are beating soloq players, but bad soloq players that think they are better then they really are losing games and not liking it.
Edit: I am in top 90%+ on both this account and my alt account.
^^ Got to love biased opinions ^^
You should be experiencing much smaller rating deviations in games without a terrible sacrifice to queue time.
Ba Da Dun Tss !
Seriously, each 10 games 1 or 2 feels balanced and are fun to play,
The rest are either imposible or boring,
Many times I’ve faced 3 or 4 guys on the same guild with ranks between 40 and 50 against 5 pugs with levels behind 20, (and i’m saying many times),
A random matchmaking would be even better than this, not allowing people to choose their teams, it would be fair at least,
That’s how good is your matchmaking system, worst than random,
I’d like to recomend a handicap system to avoid high queues, but the result would be hilarious take in consideration the actual matchmaking system you did guys,
Sorry if i’m being mean, but it’s the absolute true,
Thank you so much guys !!!
Burning, which is a condition damage, in the spite tree which gives power. Is this real life?
Sadly in the real patch it’s going to be exactly like this
Maybe it’s downloading the patch they just released?
This !
Guys I need some advice, I’m doing this question here hoping to avoid a @fight between amd & intel fans,
I’m playing with this rig,
Fx-8350 black edition
Sapphire 7950 OC Boost Vapor-X 3GB
The rest is not important, i’m sure it’s not the problem…
I’m running the game at maximum with 45 fps on most areas, 35 in lyon archs and WvW… and everything seems to be fine,
When the zerg starts my fps drops to 25+
My main concerns is that after setting my graphics on medium with no AA I don’t see much difference on the fps, this is due my cpu? I mean, it seems like my gpu can handle this game easily but my cpu is struggling and doing a bottleneck,
Somebody is running with my vga but instead an FX-8350 an I5-3570k?
I’m starting to believe this game is very cpu dependant… i played metro last light and a lot on games and i never had any problem,
Thanks in advance !!
If you guys really can’t catch a stealthed thief in WvW, after all these months…
… I usually try to avoid saying this, but really, L2P.
Actually, the situation is quite different.
The one who needs to learn to play is the Thief who gets hit by random swings and AoE, not the one who can’t hit an invisible entity.
Just half a brain is needed to avoid the damage dealt by some people throwing their skills randomly, not even skills.It is actually harder to get permastealth combofinishing into smoke field than avoiding the attacks.
I’ve read that thief has an easy time going full berserker and still have a lot of survivability with the stealth skills.
You heard wrong. But thief is amazing at crushing bads dreams that theyre good and making them QQ on forums.
Jade Quarry Guardian. Jade Quarry Thief
Strike Force [SF] Spam Force [SF]
w/ an alt thief and warrior I just play thief cuz is great
Fixed for you
Definitly thief are mainly used to roam on WvW due how easy you can get kills and because you need to be kittened to get killed, (some people manage to get killed anyway)
You won’t see many thieves on Spvp because you need some degree of skill (not talking about hot join, talking about tournaments) and because in this mod you need to hold points, runners are useless
Anyway i’d recomend to roll and play a thief, so you’ll be more familiar with their abilities and weakness, (if you are aiming to be a good player you need to roll all classes)
Retaliation used to be really strong, in fact many builds were created around this… an example would be the inmortal mesmer,
Nowdays is good, but has been nerfed by 50% on WvW and Spvp so it cannot be anymore your main source of damage, is more like a support to your regular dsps,
The necro is able to keep retaliation 100% of the time,
Anyway you can try it as many times as you want on Spvp for free, just stay away from tournaments while you do this hehe,
6K with a single strike… on 2600+ armor… plus you are taking up two boons from your enemy for 3 Initiative… totally fair yep,
What i was thinking? Sorry sorry guys, i’m so sorry,
EDIT: Please post a screenshot from your car panel, and your tpvp level zummy,
I just wanna know if you are ignorant or just hypocrite,
Actually it is four init. Dont be sorry mate, just L2P and stop embarassing yourself all over this forum.
No screen?
6K with a single strike… on 2600+ armor… plus you are taking up two boons from your enemy for 3 Initiative… totally fair yep,
What i was thinking? Sorry sorry guys, i’m so sorry,
EDIT: Please zummy post a screenshot from your char panel, and your tpvp level,
I just wanna know if you are ignorant or just hypocrite,
(edited by Engels.8537)
There you have your balance dude,
I’m talking about balance because I know this game, and because I play all classes, including the thief,
I’m sure the only class you play is the thief, that’s why you will defend it at any cost,
That looks like the thief was wearing soldiers and critted on LS.
I was wearing rabid, so what?
There’s always an explanation, isn’t?
Do you have any idea of how much time takes me to do 6K damage?
This is why i’m able to complain…
Now go and roll a necro,
(edited by Engels.8537)
There you have your balance dude,
Stealth has to reward you the better YOU are?
How you dare you infidel !!!
CC’s? Cleanses? Stunbreakers?
Wtf are you talking about dude, I’m a WvW hero… all I know to do is to spam a few keys and running away when i kitten it up !
And yes, it’s completly unfair that I’m not able to run away from 20 guys 100% percent of the times, I mean… I’m a thief you know, i should be able to catch everybody and at the same time able to escape from everybody, that would be really fair and funny for everybody else,
I don’t know what’s more hilarious… the suggestion or the guy saying “this is a great suggestion”
This is hilarious xD
I’m leaving… hope to see you again,
Thanks again man xD
EDIT: Stop editing like a maniac dude !
“They can escape with ease” take a breath and read, i’m starting to feel pity for you, but yes, a mesmer builded with that intention can run away too,
(edited by Engels.8537)
So tPvP is necroparadise and facerollcountry. Because everything is about crowd control and corrupting boons.
This is going to be my new signature !!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA thanks for the lulz man, this was epic xD
lol saying that Guardians, Mesmers, Eles can’t come back from their mistakes is blatanty false..
the only 2 classes that still need some love, at least from my thief point of view, are Warriors and Necro atm
I didn’t say that,
(edited by Engels.8537)
WvW is casual PvP. WvW is so casual, that they remove everything that makes it somehow competitive on a Player vs Player environment.
Many good roamers like to play Thief, Mesmer, Ranger and Elementalist.
If these players meet the average casual WvW-PvPers even outnumbered, rage and tears will come.In Warhammer it was less about nerfing than here. And that game had some really broken builds. Still it was a real PvP game so ppl tried to improve their gameplay instead of getting others nerfed.
GW2 is a little more about carebears.
That is ok. It’s what it is and it will stay like that.
And this is why the QQ and cry for nerf wont ever stop in this boards. Because it works.Everything possible is done to protect unskilled players from above average ones. So dont worry, thief will be nerfed again.
Not because it is Op. But because it produces many casual tears.
Whatever you say, no point arguing with someone so blinded by his own interest,
I’m not even talking about Spvp, thieves are ok on it,
I’m talking about WvW where thieves, as roamers needs a tweak to become fair and fun for everybody else,
Obviously you just think about yourself, life is not win or tie… sometimes you lose,
Gl and hf,
EDIT: Bunker necro? lol…
Go play some Spvp instead farming all day dude, seriously… there’s a class called engineer and another one called guardian…
I have played and mained every class you have in your signature and they are all a faceroll.
Because GW2 is a faceroll when it comes to PvP.But the biggest faceroll for me was mesmer. So big, that I only used her for crafting since november.
For you it is thief.
Please tell me now, what of those: “Lv80 Guardian, Mesmer, Ranger, Warrior, Thief” is challenging in any way?
If you now say ranger, Imma slap you in the face <3.
PD: Yes, I like to show off my legendaries so that ppl know that I am not only better in PvP than they are, but also better at trading. Because I am smarter. And more handsome.
My main class, the necro perhaps? Take a breath dude
4 stacks base at 15 seconds would be more reasonable. Even 3 it would still be a better skill in practicality.
The main point of it right now is mostly the might.
5 stacks at 10 seconds seems fair,
And this is where Engels is telling us, that mesmer is the real challenge in PvP.
Hahaha, haha, ha.
Take it easy… I play a lot of classes, “legendary guy” hehe
backstab is more “dodgeable” this is harder to see it coming, (and i hate thieves as i said don’t get me wrong),
This ability followed by 2 x terror would be insta kill,
Sorry if I seem to be obstinate but I could kill almost any player at any time with this just by putting attention to my enemy condicion removals,
EDIT: Maybe if they “change” the animation to be a little bit more obvious and therefore more viable,
Anyway the idea of making our cast times even more long gives me chills,
And please take in consideration you are not doing 11520 damage, you are literaly ripping apart 11520 hit points, this would be awful for some classes as a guardian,
(edited by Engels.8537)
Don’t get me wrong I love my necro but with 100% bleed duration this would be overkill,
120 per bleed x 16 × 6 = 11520 hit points in 6 seconds,
Maybe I’m wrong,
Yep as i said invisibility is a broken mechanism who allows players to run literaly with no toughness at all and abuse it with outstanding damage,
As a thief the only skill you need is recognize when you must stop wasting iniciative in order to retreat and find another less skilled player to kill,
If i’m able to outperform by far a thief i feel like i should be rewarded and the thief punished with a repair bill,
Nowdays any thief with half brain is able to escape, that’s why i’m playing my mesmer more and more, just to kill and dance over this guys,
If one day the thief profesion becomes a challenge I will play it again, until then it will just gather dust,
Yesterday I got jumped by two berserkerthieves in WvW.
I downed 1, SR -> Ress -> 2x Basivenom and as soon as I was under 50% hp, they Heartseekered me to death.I could cry about this. Or I could think about what happened.
I knew there were 2 Zerkerthieves and after downing one it was me who decided to stay near the Shadow Refuge. It was me who decided to fight near their Blind and Stunspamming NPCs and it was me who only played with one stunbreaker.
It was also me who was to lazy to change condiremove against Iniregen on Stealth before re-engaging.I made 4 fatal errors and that got me killed in PvP.
I moved on and so should everone else.
Yep pretty sure all thieves do a lot of fatal errors, only difference is that they can escape with ease… the “non thieves” players can’t,
Good puppy, you are understanding the point !
This is not DAOC and that is exactly how DAOC stealth worked.
I much prefer stealth the way it is now. It’s WAY more engaging and it feels WAY more thief/assassin to me.
This is would be literally useless in spvp and practically kill the class in spvp.
> sPvP – R44 | WvW – R29 Thief <———————
Got to love biased opinions
It’s not engaging instead it feels cheap and boring,
I stop playing my thief when I did realize how easy is to achieve something with this class,
I prefer challenges, not rewards for abusing an stupid mechanism as stealth and key spamming,
Dude… did you ever tried other class?
My guardian has…
1) Great survivality (3200 armor) and around 16k hp’s and on top of this aegis, vigor, blind, protection and invulnerability ( and I don’t even use a shield),
2) Good offensive power, 50% crit chance with 75% crit damage and 2K power, any class who dares to fight melee against me will find a stonewall and a lot of pain,
3) Great condicion cleansing via shouts and runes of the soldiers, purity and my signet,
4) Awesome group support,
5) Gorgeous traits as HA and purity of voice, (I love the guardian traits),
I don’t use to say this (except on the thief forum) but this is a l2p issue, my main is a necro but my guardian is my 2° favourite profession by far and i’m in love with it, we DON’T need any kind of tweak at this moment,
if they don’t fix the loot tables for T6 mats within the next month or so, people will be gone to other games.
Pfffffff of course, champ !!!
Oh come on i’m a kitten,
Thanks for doing the best game i ever played you motherkitteners !!!
Seriously, you did an awesome job and i love the necromancer,
Love you guys !
i’m having fun
iam i the only one that think that the game gets a little repetetive at the EndGame content ? yeah the new content that will come " Dragon Bash " will be great but the game is 10 months old i think , Anet when are you guys thinking of making a expansion for the game ?
i read that you guys dont have any plans for a expansion but its getting repetetive and players are getting tired and tired of playing , most players now log 5 mins do the daily and leaveSo iam i the only one that thinks that the game needs a expansion right now ?
Because most of them must be 12 yrs with a lot of free time
If you are looking for something monotone to do everyday in order to progress i’d suggest to find a job
I cannot stand the idea of farming everyday to be in pair with the others, my strenght comes from my skills not my gear
You want something to do? Get better and do some PvP
But then weapons should be replaced with a pan and a spoon, kidding kidding please don’t hurt me !!!
Pretty much indeed with Dolan,
No offend but i’m expecting a little bit more…
Your post is disheartening and if that’s the solution to the necromancer then you have not a clue about this class,
Ups ok ok now I understand,
Thanks for the clarification,
Ignis fatuus? Go and google it, you will love it,
This could very easily become overpowered. To have it even as a major trait in the Blood Magic line, and if they did end up making all the lifesiphoning scale with healing power, you could potentially build a virtually indestructible Apothecary’s Necromancer since your sustain is being bolstered by both your condition damage and healing power.
I disagree with this entirely.
I love when people disagree even without reading,
We are supposed to outlast our opponents, and this is one of the best inputs i ever read on the forum,
Sign me up….
Lets think…. 20 stacks of bleeding maintained on a mob… with 140 average damage per tick (conservatively), would be… 2800 damager per second, or 140 health per second. Even if I was to epidemic that to 5 additional targets, it would only go up to 840 health per second for a few second before it would start to drop off…
2) Numbers can be changed. Yes we need to look at the idea of Epidemic, but frankly it is so insanely rare to get a good Epidemic to hit high amounts of bleeding that sticks.
(edited by Engels.8537)
Sad part is that i’m almost sure he’s able to kill players on WvW with such skills using a thief…
@Sir Vincent III You definitely don’t play mesmer so sit back on this one. I am serious about this. Acting like a clone is not going to help vs anyone playing more than a week.
Did you even understand what you read from my post?
Obviously not.
If you can’t tell what’s the real mesmer you are pretty kittened up,
Act like a clone just gonna work against a complete noob,
If they add burning to life blast i’ll cry tears of joy,
But is not gonna happen in my opinion,
1) It’s a challenge believe it or not.
jokes aside please,
Our access to burning better not be crit-based, hitting like a wet noodle is not worth it.
Burning via trait will be activated via critical hit for sure, I can’t imagine other way,
Dagger is really hard to use on mesmer, because they are the hardest class to “pindown”.
A Good shatter mesmer won’t often stay in your dagger range.
Condimancer have a easier time again Shatter mesmer, because most of them don’t have much condition removal.
I also use Flesh Worm and Spectral Walk to get out of their combo.
Anyway, unlike Psygate, I find any fight again mesmer being a good challenge. They are a really strong class with a lot of invul/defence mecanism. And they hit hard.
1 vs 1, phantasm mesmer are a lot worse tho. They hit like a truck.
I love when people say what i want to say, so i have not to write in engrish,
My advice would be to disengage if you meet a phantasm mesmer,
Due you won’t be able to disengage, my only advice is to fight until the bitter end or until support arrives,
We are going to get burning on the spite tree because this tree sucks so hard for any condition mancer and they need to give us some reason to invest points on condition duration,
It will be perfectly balanced, in fact i’m almost sure it won’t be worth to invest 20+ points on this tree to get burning,
On Spvp 2 or 3 seconds of burning it won’t change the fact we don’t have stability, our cast times are slow, we run slower than a turtle, etc etc etc
Outside Spvp i’d prefer to have a 2 seconds terror instead a 2 seconds burning, plus more life force and spectral armor,
Any condition necro outside Spvp will remain 0/30/20/0/20,
As I stated to the Engi asking this: You will not beat a competent Thief in WvW. You simply cannot. They own it, they control it. Unless the Thief is stupid, or wants to die. You cannot kill him.
Guild Wars 1 stealth was never implemented because they said “It would be impossible to balance”
Guess what, the new AA never learned from GW1.
Wise words,
So you are suggesting that the GAME SHOULD TELL ME WHEN TO GET SLEEP? What is it, a game or my mother?.
Your mom tells you when it’s time to sleep?
That’s much better than your wife, trust me lucky one,