Anyway a long time ago i learned that there’s no reason to argue with arrogants, so I will let you to be happy in your bubble,
But be carefull, bubbles tend to explode and the downfall is directly proportional to the size of your mouth,
Maybe i’ll do a video soon,
You are blinded by your own delusions of grandeur, you are not even reading,
I don’t get caught by 10 guys auto attacking, sometimes I do get caught against a single good player, and that’s just fine because each time I got killed I learn a lot and I become better player,
I never said there’s rules on WvW but instead of killing a couple of loners in the middle of nowhere I’d prefer to run supplies to a tower to build ac’s, to take camps, kill yaks, disrupt enemies havoc squads, try to take a tower with a small group while our zerg is away from us, disrupt enemy zergs with supply traps, etc
It’s called efficiency, in a t1 server while you are doing nothing there’s another guy waiting to get in, if you claim to be that good then do something usefull to your server,
And you claim to be that good, you don’t need 5 guys to kill 1… each time we see a loner we send one of us to kill and the rest keeps on the objetive, we don’t need to be 5 to 1,
You let me know how often it happens that we run with more then 5 and we’re not fighting in an area where a lot of zergs are active, ok?
90% of the time,it’s not common to see a group of 5 RIOT’s or Opp’s roaming alone, and when it happens we destroy them with ease… at that point they start calling more and more guildies and the roam squad becomes a mini zerg… pretty shameful in my humble opinion,
Wedo, [oPP] and [Riot] share a lot of players so it’s not really that strange that you’d find [oPP] members running with [Riot] and vice versa. Even as the guildleader of [oPP] I have a [Riot] tag, the guildleader of Riot has an [oPP] tag too.
I’m not surprised,
Before Anet added orbs we were forced to find fights at the spawn-points because nobody wanted to come out and play on the map. If we stayed at the spawn long enough, zergs would show up and that’s how we got our fights.
Thanks to bring this to the discussion, I saw you guys killing noobs at the spawn a lot of times, (and dancing over their bodies, but I guess shame is not something you care about) and when another guild appears I saw you dying // fleeing away,
We don’t claim to be the best at all (others label us that) but it’s fairly obvious that we are high on the kill-on-sight list by every one and we love playing with that pressure.
Thanks for the laugh,
To be honest, we play in tier 1 and you just can’t expect your ‘fair’ fights. We might run 6-7 groups during NA prime because we have zergs chasing us but the majority of the time it’ll be 3-5 players.
I don’t care about fair fights, but there’s a clear difference between a shameful kill and a unfair fight, and the fights you pick are shameful or while having a big edge, if not… you run away,
How can you be good if 95% of your fights are while having the advantage? To get better you need to push yourself,
Again… a kill is a kill.
At the end you said it all, what’s the point of a kill a couple of loners?
Welcome to WvW, it doesn’t matter at all…
I’m not a pro runner, as I said we are used (and we enjoy) fights when we are outnumbered,
We are something we call “a roaming squad” consisting in 2 – 3 – 4 up to 5 skilled players whose objetive is to take campaments, run supplies, defend objetives, disrupt enemies roaming squads, etc
And for self pride we don’t chase loners and we don’t waste elite and croud control skills in order to kill one poor guy,
Maybe you heard about this sometime,
Simple as that, i’d love to be able to salvage my ascended stuff,
Right now, (I’m sure i’m not the only one), I got like 12 rings and one trinket,
Despite the legitimity (or not) of the picture both RIOT (who calls himself an guild specialized in facing enemies much larger) and Opp are well known due their “roam squads” with 10 or so guys chasing and killing lonely roamers, and their low skill level,
Opp is even worst, I saw them using 5 or more croud control skills and elites against a single guy,
I faced both guilds and most of the times they fight if they outnumber you 2:1 at least, if no they run back to the “mini zerg”,
I mean… you even “zerg” to argue guys…
And i’m not defending jade quarry, we got a lot of bad guilds… as an expample MERC, TKG (the kelly gang but i think they move to another server) whose only objetive seems to be kill loners instead of taking camps, defending towers, run supplies, etc
Just my honest opinion,
EDIT: And don’t forget the karma trains, every time I see 30 guys taking a camp I know its MERC or RIOT, make them split with my thief to chase me around the map its really funny,
(edited by Engels.8537)
3 months ago,
Welcome to LagWars2,
Maybe i’m starting to be a bit paranoiac but some of you guys seems to be Anet relatives… I mean surely Anet is following this thread, (even when there’s no official answer yet),
L3 is crap, nobody is arguing about that, but this is the only game i’m getting this huge lag,
I can post a screen of a tracert playing tera throught L3 and having 200ms and another one while playing gw2 with 450, (in fact i’ll do when I go home i’m at work right now),
Problem is not lv3 on his own, problem is Anet and they can’t even say “oh yeah we are aware about l3 issues”,
God kitten you Anet, hidding your head in the ground like an ostrich won’t solve the problem, at least put your pants on and come here to explain what the kitten is happening and what the kitten are you doing to solve this issue,
What infuriates me the most is the lack of compromise of the company, there’s no official answer and the support team job is to copy and paste the same cliché “It’s your ISP”
The servers are garbage, the game worked for the first 6 months flawlessly and then the “budget cut” started, that’s the only reason game works awfully bad,
There’s f2p games with better infrastucture than this, if Anet would drop some money on servers the problem would be solved,
This game is an epic fail and I blame myself because I defended and supported this game since day one against all odds,
And the tournament was a shame with players getting disconnected while the sponsors were watching,
Servers has been downgraded in order to save money, that’s the reason game works as kitten, sadly I wasted a lot of time until i figured this,
Every game of this company lag as hell, and Gw2 was the exception for a couple a months,
As I said after selling a lot of accounts servers has been downgraded, they have our money and they don’t need us anymore because there’s no subscription,
The new model rocks, isn´t? Pay once, play a couple of months and then kitten yourself,
It’s actually not uncommon for ISP’s to have an issue with one specific program but not others. Granted, it’s a chat client, but my ISP has issues routing mIRC… which is a pain since I use it for Star Trek role playing. Yes, I’m a nerd, lol. I can also say that certain European ISP’s had huge issues with the GW2 client about 5 months back. Some are still having issues.
Problem is that “speedy” “fibertel” “telecentro” and “arnet” (the biggest ISP in Argentina) are having issues with Gw2,
I’m aware of this because my whole guild is having the same issues and we all are from south america,
Thanks for your time mate at least I have the feeling of being listened,
Sorry, I tried to post a link but apparently the forum isn’t taking HTML tags from me. anyway, go here, download the diagnostic tool, and post results to that forum. It’s possible someone will be able to help you from there.
My sister did it, (she lives with me at the moment), and they said to her it was the ISP which is not true because my girlfriend plays tera on this computer with no problems at all,
I play CoH, Bf, Warz (and Warz servers are awful) with no problems either,
It’s possible there is an issue specificly with your client. That being a possibility, you may want to re-install the client
I did but thanks anyway
I purchased the game one year ago and since 5 months has turned unplayable,
It’s not my rig because I can play any game at max settings, it’s not my connection because I can play others mmo without any problem, don’t ask me to send a report, a ticket, a log,
At that moment, (5 months ago) I’ve purchased an WTFast subscription and the game was not lagging “that bad” (it was barely playable, but playable after all),
After the last patch I got disconnected every 10 minutes, my fps dropped to 25 and the lag is worst than ever, (other games still works flawless),
I’m being honest, the game is by any means unplayable, I like this game but after paying 5 months of WTF and the game itself it did cost me 10 bucks per month and it’s not fair, I feel scammed,
I’m not talking as a customer, I don’t want a refund… I just want an honest answer, I’m playing from Argentina and a “Game is not supposed to work in south america” would be enough, I’ll gift the game to some friend in the EEUU and that’s all,
Worst than ever since last patch, even with wtfast game is umplayable,
Yeah we all know that the matchmaking system is great,
Agree with the OP.
There is no real reason to focus that much on e-sport and cash tournament when the game is clearly broken and people are not interested/involved into.Get real, PAX regional Finals had 4k viewers at best over a pool of 3 million GW2 buyers at least. I think it is time for ANet to check their priorities.
People is not involved in Spvp at all for several reasons,
a) Want to play Solo Tournies? Get eady to be frustrated the matchmaking sucks balls hard, game can be either easy or imposible,
b) Want to play in hot joins? Wellcome to the mini version of WvW,
c) Want to play tournaments with 1 or 2 friends? Get ready to be paired against 5 guys in the same guild, and probably this people who spend a lot of time in Spvp,
d) Balance? What’s that?
e) Guardians running in circles and facerolling the keyboard,
e) Balance?
f) No game modes besides holding points,
Seriously, Spvp in this game is by FAR the worst and less popular part of the game and Anet balance the game towards this,
And sorry for bad grammar, i’d love if someone send me a pm with the “english version” of this,
a) Spvp
The balance on solo tourneys is awful, I’m not familiar with the matchmaking algorithm but each time I lose winning becomes harder and harder, dunno why dont ask me why but it’s pretty common to win // lose 6 games in a row,
75% of the games are a boredom, either the enemy team is helpless or your team has no clue about what to do,
The balance is bad, (and i’m being generous saying bad) therefore roles and classes are simplistic and repetitive, there’s no reason to not be a mainstream class, instead a holy trinity we got an “you can’t do that with that class”,
Public games are stupid as hell, its like a mini version of WvW with everybody spamming AoE in order to “touch” as much oponents as they can to farm glory,
b) PvE
No high end PvE, no reason to farm anything besides gold in order to get a legendary weapon,
No raids,
Drops in this game are awful and predictable, don’t even care to see what i’m picking,
Some dungeons are extremly easy,
Getting gold is way too easy and there’s no real use for it,
How many currencies this game has? It is necessary?
Crafting should be renamed “spend money to level up”
Legendary weapon should give a perma title named “farm hero”
c) WvW —-—-> Only reason I keep playing this game
Should be renamed Zerg vs Zerg, it rewards the less skilled players and it ends in a game of numbers,
Structures are laughable, there’s no benefit to defenders in the top of a tower (seriously its not that hard to give perma protection and a couple stacks of might to people on the top of a tower in order to balance this issue)
Attackers should be much more in order to being able to take a structure, Gw2 is not the case and flipping maps is common,
Golems are stupids, period… taking in consideration the price THERE’S NO REASON TO USE ANY OTHER SIEGE WEAPON,
Being able to ressurect on WvW is stupid, due this there’s no point to defend an structure when you are outnumbered, even if the defenders manage to kill a couple of invaders they will be revived in seconds, the point to defend an objetive despite knowing you are going to loose is to delay the enemy,
Maps except EB are identical,
Masteries are stupid and utopic to get for most players except for those who join the zerg train,
WvW has not seen almost any improvement since beta,
Mobs on WvW?
Camps are utter easy to take, one player is enough,
Outnumbered bonus gives nothing to the defenders, besides siegerazer there’s no bonification,
Balance on WvW is outrageous, is Spvp balance is bad this is epic, (if someone cares i can elaborate),
Things I know not gonna change but i still hate,
Gear is way too simplistic, 3 stats per prefix with no special // unique abilities to personalize your style game, some prefix doesn’t even exist,
Minor traits and stat points attached to major traits was not a wise decision in my opnion but I know this is not gonna change ever, instead some trait trees should be looked at,
Thing I really hate on this game,
The lag is still atrocious, I forgot to start WTFast today and it was awful, I started the program and everything went smoothly,
As I said hundred times problem is only with Gw2 and paying for this program in order to play just one game starts to feel pretty disturbing, (and yeah I play other online games and my girlfriend plays another f2p MMO on this computer without any issues),
Are you guys at Anet aware of this issue?
If they are condi – i pretty much run. we have terrible condition removal compared to the fact that can just pretty much reapply all the conditions in the next 10seconds.
Stay at range, keep an eye out for Staff and Marks. Not alot that you can do, VERY high health as well as DS combine that with all the conditions and utilities they have.
Best bet would be Moa and hope you can burst them down time. Try to get them down to 50% or so, go stealth pop Moa and then full on nuke
Excellent advice, i’d like to add
a) Watch out for terror, remember that you can clean this condition with a break stun, and remember that we can do a lot of damage damage with it due our trait named “fear”,
b) Don’t use stability if you are low in health because we can transform it in fear, (preferably don’t stack many boons at once),
c) Watch out for spectral wall, remember that you can dodge through it, (it looks like “line of warden” but green), watch out for marks, you can dodge through them too,
d) With my mesmer and due our horrendous condition removal i use runes of melandru, this should give you the edge on the fight,
Regards !
I’m at work so I can’t watch the video,
kitten I miss roam with my necro,
I’ll check the video to see how you did,
Care to post your build? I always favor Power build with my Necro in PvP, but I want to bring this in WvW also. Someone had been telling me that Necro is really bad in 1v1 and roaming, so I’m curious at what build are you using to make Power build in WvW a possibility.
Thanks in advance.
Omg this guy… Why god why…
I told you that a decent thief should be able to beat a necromancer 90% of the times in WvW due the ability to restart fights and the inherent incapacity of the necro to not be able to sustain himself,
And your advice to a condition necro was “just use DS and retaliation and the thief will kill himself”,
And I didn’t told you that necros are bad 1v1, a 30/20/0/0/20 necro is good in duels but it will become useless in a group fight when 5 players focus on him killing him within 5 seconds,
PD: And according to you “necros can suck life yo, l2p nuub l2p, they have a whole tree dedicated to SUCK”, i’m still waiting the build and the videos mister dracula,
(edited by Engels.8537)
Thieves are actually a bit below average in 1v1s and way below average for anything group related.
Cool story son,
As a condition mesmer you’ll have a hard fight against a condition necro, in fact my best advice would be to avoid the fight,
You can recognize a condition necro by his weapons Scepter + Dagger and Staff,
On the other hand, if you are using blink traited with far reaching manipulations you can give it a try and if things gets too hot you can retreat with ease,
You need to be carefull of putrid mark, (he will send all his conditions back to you), plage signet, (idem as putrid mark) and deathly swarm, (will transfer conditions too),
On top of this he can clean all conditions and heal each 25 seconds, and he will heal more per each conditions removed,
Watch out for marks, you need to equip at least one stun breaker to stop the fear, (it will do a lot of damage),
He’s probably running 30/20/0/0/20,
Mesmer condition removal is pretty poor and necromancer base health is pretty high, (only by passed by warriors), and if the necromancer is wearing carrion it will take you ages to kill him with conditions,
As I said, a good necromancer should be able to kill you with ease,
Why is it not valid? I killed pretty much all warriors prior to this patch, and after patch I lost to quite a few warriors, don’t you think this is strange and suggest that they were overbuffed?
Because we all know that a game is balanced when you kill “pretty much all the enemies”, but if we get killed a couple of times is not balanced anymore… I mean, what kind of balance let you win some fights and lose some others? That’s insane… such blasphemy,
As a nerfed to the ground necromancer i have no problem to deal with warriors, most of them end running barely alive,
On the other hand thieves are a pain in the kitten , (and save the l2p bullkitten because I have a thief),
It’s balance, paper rock and scissor… get over it, you are trying to kill a heavy class with high burst and control in melee range, maybe you should try pistols? But then maybe a necro would be able to kitten you up using pistols, paper rock and scissor,
You guys are used to have it easy, each time you face a challenge it’s like “OMG THIS IS IMPOSSIBRU!!!”
l2p issue, in fact i have no problems dealing with warriors with my thief… roll a warrrior and learn how to counter, or even easier run away,
BUT i do agree that the movement speed of warrior is ridiculous, this needs to be looked at,
Jon said that it is because of technical limitations.
There’s nothing that can be proved mathematically in this game except critical chance // critical damage // power ratio (at some degree because there’s a lot of factors involved as well) and stats distribution on the equipment,
Nonsense. The defensive side of the direct damage paradigm works off formulas as much as the offensive side.
Sorry If i destroyed your math bubble, but countless hours playing worth a little bit more than “math theory”, and vitality on necros will just delay our death a couple of seconds,
As far as play time, type /age into chat the next time you log on.
You’re free to sneer but anecdotal evidence is notoriously inaccurate. It’s good to start with as objective a foundation as possible, and in this case, math can go a long way towards helping derive general principles. I don’t necessarily disagree that Toughness is a better stat, I just want to be able to say whether it is or not with more certainty than “some guy on the internet said he lives longer with toughness gear.”
As you wish, obviously we got different ways to approach a problem, I’d rather to test than theorycraft,
I’m saying that we have the best condition control in game, that we start with a lot of hitpoints, and that we have almost no tools to avoid direct damage,
I’m telling you that hitpoints that are gone are useless, on the other hand toughness will help you the whole fight, i’m telling you necromancer has no way to regain hit points as a guardian, ranger or elementalist, i’m telling you that a necromancer can’t burst his oponent no matter the build (even if you focus that way there’s other classes more suitables to burst down enemies)
You are trying to calculate the best way to stop a cannon shot with your face and i’m telling you how to avoid it,
I’m out gl with that,
What’s that you say? Can thieves do anything other than spam stealth and massive damage? Of course they can. It’s called sucking, and they have a plethora if versatile means to suck, all of which should suit any sucky play-style. There’s the “I’m really trying guys.” support build, the “excuse me sir but could you remove your boot from my rectum.” bunker build, and the “Where’d my HP get off to? I swear it was right there a second ago.” non-stealth roamer.
I almost fell from my chair laughing hahahaha xD
I’ll put it even more easy,
You want enough vitality to not overextend on your heal, after that point toughness is going to be better, specially on necros,
Some classes and play styles may favor vitality instead of toughness for example burst classes as thieves,
That’s because vitality scales much better than toughness (10:1 vs 1:1) and classes like this needs to be alive just enough to burst down an oponent and run,
Plus this classes has a lot of mitigation tools as stealth, vigor, dodges, etc
And this classes are fast enough to retreat if things go bad,
The necro (supposedly) is an attrition class, with no movement at all, with a huge base vitality and awesome condition control,
1) Illusionary Persona —→ Probably on of the best major traits in game synergizing perfectly with our class mechanism
2) Deceptive evasion —→ Because shattering people to hell is what we do
3) Mental Torment —→ Same as 2
4) Illusionary Invigoration —→ Same as 1
5) Blade training —→ Because I wield dual swords :P
Toughness without any doubt,
Hello, all. The purpose of this thread is to determine mathematically whether Necromancers should prefer stacking Toughness or Vitality
There’s nothing that can be proved mathematically in this game except critical chance // critical damage // power ratio (at some degree because there’s a lot of factors involved as well) and stats distribution on the equipment,
The vast majority of the damage that I receive comes from direct damage, damage I can’t avoid due no vigor, no blocks, no invulnerability, no stability,
Sorry If i destroyed your math bubble, but countless hours playing worth a little bit more than “math theory”, and vitality on necros will just delay our death a couple of seconds,
On the other hand toughness, condition managment and smart use of our few dodges with plage form right after our first heal will make us last a bit longer and be usefull in a group // solo fight,
(edited by Engels.8537)
That would be extremely OP,
To compensate other classes should be able to push all enemies away from them, teleport away, become invisible, be able to be resuscitated by npc’s companions while able to interrupt and even stand up again and fight as normal…
oh wait…
Toughness without any doubt,
Our sustainability is crap, our damage avoidance is crap, our base health is high and our condition management is excellent,
Stacking vitality will give you literally two seconds at most before you are helpless in the ground,
Life force in my opinion is an offensive asset and it should not be used to suck damage,
Unfortunately no vigor, no blocks, no invulnerability, no stability, no regen, no life steal and light armor make us to use it that way,
So the TL;DR here is that you’re going to just insist that everyone that the thief is playing against are idiots and so stealth is therefore impossible to counter. (Also that Heartseeker spam is the strongest thing in the game?)
Standard fare for these forums. Carry on.
I think that he’s trying to say the opposite,
Thieves (well… some of them because most at WvW are trash) are NOT idiots and while stealthed they are not going to take unnecesary risks and act in a predictable way,
At least when I play my thief I try to be the less predictable I can, and i’m not THAT good,
And a smart use of stealth in my humble opinion is the closest thing to invulnerability, (or impunity if you wanna put it like that) BUT you can also deal damage and use your skills, (contrary to endure pain or renewed focus that also just last for a few seconds and are abilities with high cooldowns),
(edited by Engels.8537)
When I roam with classes with poor condition removal (as mesmers) it’s like “come on please please bring your guardian” hahahahaha,
After all that hours, you are here to tell me that;
- necromancer defense is ok is stupid
- vitality =/= defense in this game
- necro don’t have any way to mitigate damage
- In 1v1 necro has no way to sustain himselfExactly, this and stability access,
This is the current state of the necromancers, this has been saw in the last tournament and every veteran necromancer is aware of this,
But a thieffabboy knows more I guess,
As I said, stop giving advices as “acting as a clone to counter a mesmer”
And don’t talk to me about “life stealing and regeneration on necromancers” because is arguably the worst part of the necro, is beyond useless,
Vampiric Precision —-->
Steals 31 health when triggered at level 80.
Steals 51 health when triggered at level 80 when traiting Bloodthirst.51 hit points per hit
AND YOU NEED TWO MAJOR TRAITS, not scaling with healing power plus the eternal cast times of the necromancer is awful,
Please, shut up dude,
Do you even know what “eHP” is?
And WTH? Vampiric Precision? lol, that’s your basis? No wonder you have that kind of perspective.
Major L2P issue.
Show me a necromancer able to sustain himself, and i’ll show a D/D thief doing that x4 better, doing x4 damage with x4 mobility,
Use this build editor,;9;9;9;9;9;9;4Fh
The monstruosity you’ll create will be epic,
After all that hours, you are here to tell me that;
- necromancer defense is ok is stupid
- vitality =/= defense in this game
- necro don’t have any way to mitigate damage
- In 1v1 necro has no way to sustain himself
Exactly, this and stability access,
This is the current state of the necromancers, this has been saw in the last tournament and every veteran necromancer is aware of this,
But a thieffabboy knows more I guess,
As I said, stop giving advices as “acting as a clone to counter a mesmer”
And don’t talk to me about “life stealing and regeneration on necromancers” because is arguably the worst part of the necro, is beyond useless,
Vampiric Precision —-->
Steals 31 health when triggered at level 80.
Steals 51 health when triggered at level 80 when traiting Bloodthirst.
51 hit points per hit
AND YOU NEED TWO MAJOR TRAITS, not scaling with healing power plus the eternal cast times of the necromancer is awful,
Please, shut up dude,
(edited by Engels.8537)
Almost a year we suggested hundred of ideas and Anet didn’t pay attention to none of them, in fact the did the contrary,
So my advice is stop wasting your time, Anet just pay attention to the top Spvp players, because the E@sport is meant to be played like that,
Vincent saying that necromancer defense is ok is stupid, and only shows that you are another thief fanboy telling others l2p and having none to zero knowledge of this game,
I will to assume you understand that vitality =/= defense in this game,
Necromancer defense is inversely proportional to the number of people involved in the fight, because necro don’t have any way to mitigate damage except DS which is not enough,
In 1v1 necro has no way to sustain himself, and the necromancer’s mobility is the worst in game therefore the “attrition class” ironicly ends dying by attrition,
Against the king of “restarting fights” (even when D/D thief is not that kittenty as D/P by any means) the necro has little to no chance, it may take more or less time but in the end the thief will kill the necromancer, (at best case the thief will run awayand the necro won’t be able to catch him),
And I’m not talking BS as you, my main is necro and I have a thief to roam in WvW therefore unless you have a lot of hours invested in a necro which obviously is not the case please do me a favor and shut the kitten up and maybe you will learn something,
Have a nice day,
Heil to the troll of trolls, Zacchary is among us
There’s proper way to react against cloak and dagger, against a D/D awakeness should be enough,
Backstab damage is ok, what is not ok is that a backstab to Anet means everything but “in the middle of the eyes”,
Real men roam warrior!
You’re joking, right?
Tell me, sir: what’s the difference between a Warrior and an Elemental?
None: they both run away from fights.
Well, I think we can all agree that warriors using GSM and one handed sword have less testosterone than justin bieber,
Aww, but the funnest part of being a Mesmer is leaving your corpse inside an enemy structure for a long period of time as the enemy huddles around you nervously anticipating a res from a perma-stealth Thief. I’ve had 10 people camping my corpse before: that’s 10 less people that my guild had to worry about that evening ;-)
You are a very very bad person… shame on you :P
Do you play singleplayer games? Did you play Civilization V? At first I was playing in difficult 2, now I’m playing in 6,
That’s the reason to roam with another class,
Unless you like the “easy mod” forever that’s the reason, and because killing a D/P thief with a stealth trap and dance over his dead body is the most funny thing i did in this game,
Shadow signet, regain initiative faster in stealth, gain 2 initiative after when stealth, gain health while you are stealth. Yea, they giving you a lot of initiative, that gives your perma- invi.
For that build, you will spend 30 point on toughness.
Do you want more initiative point?
spend 20 points on acrobatics, you gain 2 initiative every 10 seconds.For black powder, heart seeker combo, you spend 9 point of initiative for it.
At this point, black power, heart seeker combo should be sufficient when your initiative is full.
If you spend 20 points of acrobatic, 30 point of toughness, how do you expect your damage come from?
perma-invi, so what? That build is completely harmless.
Zerker thief with heart seeker, black powder combo? They are not perma invi. A thief can only do 3 times of heart seeker after a black power shoot. In that sense, zerker thief only can do heart seeker black powder combo for 2 times.
Balance build?
There is a balance perma- invi thief, you get average attack power, sufficient initiative to keep you stealth.
A zerk warrior get kill balance build thief in 3 second with quickness.What do you expect from thief?
No stealth, use a greatsword or hammer?
Stop complaining, why don’t you make a thief toon, and try to outnumber in wvw?I bet you will make another topic,
You are shameless as hell or either a freaking noob,
Damage comes from backstab, the “hardest part” is to time your heartseeker through black powder in order to stack enough stealth, and it’s not that hard,
Then all you need to do is connect a backstab which is extremly easy, if your oponent is on berserker now you just need to spam heartseeker as a kitten,
If your oponent is above 50% go stealth again and backstab again, shadow refuge, blinding powder, shadow refuge or even hide in shadows will do the trick, otherwise repeat the Bp+Hs combo,
And nobody told me this, i did it by myself with my own thief,
The amount of effort you require to kill another player with this class / build and the low risk versus reward is insulting to the rest of the players roaming or trying to acomplish something with a small group,
Only drawback is trying to take a camo by yourself, at least for me mainly because i’m not the best thief out there,
(edited by Engels.8537)
To promote mindless zerg and a friendly enviroment so noobs and unskilled players may think they are good pvp players,
I disagree. With Necro’s high Health pool, they can invest all their gears and items to improve their Power. Also with their Death Shroud mechanic, they really don’t have to worry much about their survivability, thus they can focus more on improving their damage output.
This phrase is hilarious,
a) Necromancer is by far the class with less survivability in this game,
How so? Care to elaborate?
If not, then have a nice day.
Yeah sure,
a) Necromancer has no access to vigor,
b) Necromancer has no sustainability mechanism,
c) Necromancers has no blocks, invulnerability, invisibility,
d) Necromancers has no reliable access to stability,
e) Necromancers has te worst mobility in game,
f) Necromancers has close to zero access to boons,
That’s the reason that any competent group will target a necro first, in GvG and Spvp fights,
Have a nice day,
Or you could be aware of which classes frequently carry retaliation, know what to look for in terms of buffs on the bar & FX on the actual target and lay off the mad button mashing of multi-tick skills when you see any of those things.