Thief already have 2 melee weapons but only 1 ranged and its 900 range. Rifle make sense because bandits use them. I like to have GW on thief too but first i want 1200 range weapon.
Thief has 3 technically
Pistol MH
Pistol OH
Short Bow
What Samurai have to do with Thieves? They were basically Japanese equivalent of Knights, highly trained warriors of noble birth in service of a lord (or small feudals themselves) with strict code of honor (Bushido). While thieves are honorless criminal scum (just look at Steal ability).
Never said it had to be Thief Role, could be Warriors, just said “samurai Spec would cool”
Shiro full story is one of my favorites (Pawala Joko is my fave then Shiro).
A amazing Body Guard manipulated and mentally torture into devastating Evil power enough so to even harden the Sea over!
Lol… I think Samurai be cool as a Elitespec
EDIT: I know Cantha is Asia, but isnt it more so Chinese than Japanese? And if so Samurai are Japanese
(edited by Faux.1937)
Can you take a chill pill and see it was a joke (due to GS is dominating weapon for gw2 so took the less lickely class to get it and joke about why they are getting it).
I feel sry for you that you took this much time out to justify reasons against a joke that wasnt meant to be true or wanting to be true.
Most players and I too think it will be LB or Rifle (even said it at the start that I think its Rifle/LB and this was a joke topic).
I know that this is a joke thread..however, you aren’t the only one in here, who ever talked about this kind of wishthinking “samurai concept”, if now joke or not is regardless for me and i just wanted to make sure, that this kind of “concept” doesn’t and is visually already possible with skins and outfits that the game offers for those, that like to run around looking like a Samurai, but lorewise they simply have no place in this game.
Its a Fantasy game we have Ninja’s we can have Samurai…. its just for looks Anet can do what they want, IDK why youre so kitten about samurai lol.
Shiro will be DPS with Sword
Right now, the only thing I can’t do with a thief is taking down key targets while defending from the battlements in WvW. I don’t always have supply to build something, or siege disablers. And I don’t want to go down there against the zerg.
The shortbow just doesn’t work for that, and the pistols have too short range.
So, the best weapon for a thief right now would be a rifle. So I can take the rifle out and shoot at those guys trying to build siege in front of the door, or the guys manning the rams and catapults.
Then we can look into something more interesting, like “torches for juggling”: and a melee staff to go better with acrobatics themes
Just remember the themes of thieves: Rogues, scoundrels, assassins, hitmen, acrobats, tricksters…
So for a 2h melee weapon, nothing fits better than staves for thieves.
LB can work too, 1200 Range, here are some examples/ideas for LB
1) Keen Eye: 10% chance to gain 100% chance to crit next hit
2) Explosives Bola: Blast Finisher, Cripples all enemies -10s CD
3) Incinerating Coals: Combo Field Smoke – 15s CD
4) Hidden Archers: Summon 2 Thieves to fire a volley of shots on target foe
5) Single Flare: Stealth you (3sec) , AoE that will Reveal stealth players (doesnt break stealth) 30sec CD
These might not be the Best ideas, but just saying it doesnt have to to Rifle. I’d rather is be LB personally, but wont complain if it is rifle
While I’m up for the trinity I don’t want GW2 to break word on its promise of people being forced into roles just to complete content. If I can clear content as a tank , healer then I should do able to do it in a all DPS group to as well.
Well as it is, it’s virtually only DPS. If there’s not going to be a trinity, then things besides dps need to be able to complete content as efficiently as a bunch of dps characters.
Gear doesnt make a role. IDK why you think this.
It’s part of what makes a role. Glass cannons cannot be glass cannons with nomad gear, just as healers cannot be healers with berserker gear.
But a Zerk can still support or CC or Heal, a Zerk ele traited correctly can still heal for 500-700 HP.
Gear makes it more effective not defines it, Traits, weapons sets and utilities defines it.
LOL imagine a Specter thief A Magical stealing mage 0.o
Whats with all these peopel and their unrealistic dreamthinking about Thieves getting Great Swords ..
Won’t happen, not this time, not anywhen later.
Great Swords don’t fit to Thieves at all.
Thieves are an agile medium armored class, that sets worth on swift and graceful athletic combat moves, they would never fight at all with a slow, heavy and clunky to handle great sword.There exist absolutely no Samurai in the lore of Guild Wars, not in the past, not now, so dream implementign them isn’t the way how it works to give it a reason why Thieves should get out of a sudden Great Swords..
This round especially not, because Necromancers receive them already and every Class gets with their E-Spec a different weapon.So from all options that are left, Thieves will either receive:
- Maces
- Axes
- Torch(es)
- Rifle
- Scepter
- Focus
That are the weapons from land combat, which curreently have no class assigned to for their E-Specs. And from those 6 Options, basically the first 4 are the only ones, that make any sense, unless ANet wants to make the first Thief-E Spec become more of a physical/magical hybrid , then could Focus work (i.E. Assassin in a kind of Ninja Style with improved Shadow Arts through Focus – i.E Shadow Clones for example with Mantras).
I just hope for gods sake, that if it ends up to be the Rifle, that it won’t turn out as garbage like a Sniper, but instead ends up as something alot more useful and creative, like a Saboteur, what would be a concept, that could work very well with Mace, Axe, Rifle or Torch.
After this I want to see first a Quarterstaff wielding Martial Artistical Thief- E-Spec to happen and a Rogue with either Mace, Axe or Longbow.
That are fitting E-Specs, not such nonsense like Samurais that have no place in this game world.
Samurais were nothing else anyways, than “Warriors” and thats exactly what we already have. GS swinging Warriors… so everythign you basically ask for is an samurai armor skin, and that basically already exists also to in the form of an Outfit.
That Dragon Armor Outfit as a Warrior used with greatsword suits perfectly fine the image of an “Samurai”, when combined with the delaqua family blade skin that is that katana of marjories sister.
Can you take a chill pill and see it was a joke (due to GS is dominating weapon for gw2 so took the less lickely class to get it and joke about why they are getting it).
I feel sry for you that you took this much time out to justify reasons against a joke that wasnt meant to be true or wanting to be true.
Most players and I too think it will be LB or Rifle (even said it at the start that I think its Rifle/LB and this was a joke topic).
But hot and rev arnt making a trinity at all… Just b.c 1 Spec is healing based doesnt mean anything at all, its the nature of the class to have different dominated specs as a play style.
But you can say the same for all other classes, its clearing visible with Condi vs not condi.
Taunt again other classes are getting it, a Zerker can add taunt to the bar doesnt mean he is a tank.
Nope I dont think it is moving that way, GW2 ALWAYS had support builds/rolls.
The game getting harder (maybe) doesnt mean it is still needed, Aegis/blinds/walls for 90% all fights will still be used.
Blinds/Protection boon/Walls/Aegis/Time warp ARE the Support sets for PVE Wvw/pvp is a different monster, but for PvE in order to NOT be forced into a Holy Trinity anet will keep it about the same, better AI and Mechanics doesnt me Trinity.
Those aren’t builds or roles, what you described is utilities. Every full zerker DPS can use blinds/prot/walls/aegis/time warp, there is no build or role required. Those are full dps characters who have the right utilities.
A healing rev will have to spec for healing and wear healing power gear in order to do enough healing for the entire party, that is a role. Currently nothing like that exists, everyone can run full zerker gear and still provide the exact same utility as someone in full nomads gear.
Hopefully we’ll see a similar role develop for tanks where they get a build that gives them tons of taunt and prot and they will benefit from full soliders or nomads gear.
Gear doesnt make a role. IDK why you think this.
A Mesmers Roll and a Guards roll blurr alittle but still have huge differences (In dungeons as for this example).
Doesnt matter what gear they have on, a Mesmer has the ability to give, Reflects, Quickness, Restack boons, Portal, Condi removal and Boon Stripping.
A guard can do these too, but isnt as good as Mesmer by far, a guard tho can Stack more boons, give better ones and Keep Protection up 100% (If wanted to) Uses Walls/blocks to protect players.
A Guard doesnt have to spec into healing to be a good healer, There is the Book to do that, Protection+Regen also is a very strong Combo (this is fitting the Roll of a guard)
The Difference in GW2 is ALL PLAYERS need to pull their own wieght in BOTH DPS and Team Support. A team or a player CAN use difference gear to HELP fill a void the team is missing, this doesnt mean it defines that roll or sudo forces a player to gear for this roll.
Nope I dont think it is moving that way, GW2 ALWAYS had support builds/rolls.
The game getting harder (maybe) doesnt mean it is still needed, Aegis/blinds/walls for 90% all fights will still be used.
Blinds/Protection boon/Walls/Aegis/Time warp ARE the Support sets for PVE Wvw/pvp is a different monster, but for PvE in order to NOT be forced into a Holy Trinity anet will keep it about the same, better AI and Mechanics doesnt me Trinity.
Ohh Hand Sword Held backwards! More as Defensive weapon XD
Since it’s based around support, the odds are it won’t be high DPS. That would make it quite OP.
Yup. There is another weapon set more focused around ‘High" DPS, but can’t talk about that yet.
I hope you realize by saying that you’ve condemened it to disuse in any serious PvE content.
I think we’ve been through this for the past 2.5 years, but you guys don’t seem to understand why nobody stacks healing power in PvE and even with those traits they still won’t.
A damage output loss of that magnitude only increases fight duration that much more, which means more damage output from the boss that far exceeds what little benefit you gained in healing power by sacrificing DPS.
I mean, have you learned nothing from guardian staff and mesmer staff in PvE? Nobody uses them for a reason.
Pve isn’t the only game type.
new class needs to be fully balanced within all three formats. Your examples need some work as well. Plenty of players use guardian staff in pve and while it’s true that few use Mesmer staff for anything, that’s because it’s bad for everything, not because it’s full support.
Ok, let me correct. No good guardian that isn’t asking to be kicked from a speed run uses staff in PvE because an elementalist or warrior can already might stack for the group without messing up their damage output. Bad guardians use staff in PvE.
And if your idea for balancing across game formats is making a bunch of weapons which are useless in one of the formats, the design needs reconsideration.
Both Mesmer and Guardian Staff weapons are brilliant in sPvP, WvW etc, so please don’t use corner stacking excuse of a dungeons as an example how weapon is useful.
And like someone already said, they are revamping the PvE, so your corner stacking max dps spamming might not be so viable in upcoming content.
Its funny… B.c I cant remember that last Time we actually needed Corner stacking lol. most “speed” groups no days dont even use corners, it takes to long for the mobs to run to them, its faster to run out in the open and just AoE mob them down, if need to, a Guard or Mesmer will pull them together.
Call it whatever you want, the “stack, dps burst spam” point is the same.
Yeah, because killing weakling NPC camps or dolyaks, or standing around beating at some inanimate door or wall or zerging spamming 1/AOE for bags around is so much more skillful or thoughtful game format.
Your smug self importance is adorable.
This made me laugh so hard XD
My thief is so thin. I wonder how he will carry a greatsword on his back.
Um… its fantasy, he will have a way XD
If you were a ranger you be able to XD
Necro already got GS, i don’t find this amusing in any way
Didnt you read it :o (JK) Thief stole it from Necro XD
Great Sword on thief
We all know its either getting a LB or Rifle errr I mean We all know Thief is getting GS
Why you might ask a GS?
1) Its a 2hd melee, thief needs 2hd Melee
2) Its a Samurai/Ninja Katana Theme
3) Not enough Classes has GS in the Medium Weight compare to Other Wieghts
3a) Light: mesmer/necro/ele (FGS IS A GS DONT JUDGE ME!) Heavy: Warrior/Guardian, see only 1 Med has GS so Med needs one.
4) Every class needs a GS (Lol dont hate this joke please)
5) B.c Anet loves GS’s
6) Gs’s
7) Again…. GS
8) Why do you keep questioning the GS?
9) GS
10) B.c its a thief… Duh, it can just steal it from the Stupid Necro
Since it’s based around support, the odds are it won’t be high DPS. That would make it quite OP.
Yup. There is another weapon set more focused around ‘High" DPS, but can’t talk about that yet.
I hope you realize by saying that you’ve condemened it to disuse in any serious PvE content.
I think we’ve been through this for the past 2.5 years, but you guys don’t seem to understand why nobody stacks healing power in PvE and even with those traits they still won’t.
A damage output loss of that magnitude only increases fight duration that much more, which means more damage output from the boss that far exceeds what little benefit you gained in healing power by sacrificing DPS.
I mean, have you learned nothing from guardian staff and mesmer staff in PvE? Nobody uses them for a reason.
Pve isn’t the only game type.
new class needs to be fully balanced within all three formats. Your examples need some work as well. Plenty of players use guardian staff in pve and while it’s true that few use Mesmer staff for anything, that’s because it’s bad for everything, not because it’s full support.
Ok, let me correct. No good guardian that isn’t asking to be kicked from a speed run uses staff in PvE because an elementalist or warrior can already might stack for the group without messing up their damage output. Bad guardians use staff in PvE.
And if your idea for balancing across game formats is making a bunch of weapons which are useless in one of the formats, the design needs reconsideration.
Both Mesmer and Guardian Staff weapons are brilliant in sPvP, WvW etc, so please don’t use corner stacking excuse of a dungeons as an example how weapon is useful.
And like someone already said, they are revamping the PvE, so your corner stacking max dps spamming might not be so viable in upcoming content.
Its funny… B.c I cant remember that last Time we actually needed Corner stacking lol. most “speed” groups no days dont even use corners, it takes to long for the mobs to run to them, its faster to run out in the open and just AoE mob them down, if need to, a Guard or Mesmer will pull them together.
Um… He is saying Ventari+Staff will have a Place OTHER than PvE, and yes we do have 3 Formats and yes there will be some spec’s…. made for different formats.
Nothing is wrong with that lol.
Since it’s based around support, the odds are it won’t be high DPS. That would make it quite OP.
Yup. There is another weapon set more focused around ‘High" DPS, but can’t talk about that yet.
Ok tyvm for.
FYI Im so keen on staff is B.c Ive been doing martial arts staff/bo for 15 years, in and out of tournaments, kata/Fighting, ive been in Martial Arts sense 1994, out of the 20+ weapons Ive learned and practice over the past 20yrs Bo is by far my favorite.
Not everything has to be high dps power weapon to have a use.
I’m curious about that new AI they developed. If they’re smart, it’s quite possible that we will see a need for bonus healing and support in PvE beyond reflect walls.
AGAIN….. NOT asking for ALL weapons to be high DPS and AGAIN I’ve said weapons have/need rolls, Axe/Mace are Condi on Rev so far.
AGAIN I just want STAFF to be the Zerk choice of weapon NOT all weapons.
Wow, somebody’s feathers are rather ruffled.
On topic, I would have preferred staff to be a DPS weapon as I wanted to use it in PvE and I just don’t see a huge need for that kind of healing and knockback (which are often counter productive in PvE) support. I would love to use melee staff for the idea of it, but will likely have a different weapon set for my time in PvE.
On a somewhat related note, if we could have weapon swapping I’m sure staff would have use in PvE, but without it I think it will be a rarely seen weapon in that game mode.
Not mad at all, just making sure ppl fully understand where i stand is all so no “miss quoting” will happen.
There is a possibility of replacing agony infusions, but I doubt people would be happy about that
As a person that has sold 3 +10’s and has 100 of them atm, NO I will NOT be Angry at all, I actually would LOVE no more agony Infusions and I would LOVE account Bound Agony.
Not everything has to be high dps power weapon to have a use.
I’m curious about that new AI they developed. If they’re smart, it’s quite possible that we will see a need for bonus healing and support in PvE beyond reflect walls.
AGAIN….. NOT asking for ALL weapons to be high DPS and AGAIN I’ve said weapons have/need rolls, Axe/Mace are Condi on Rev so far.
AGAIN I just want STAFF to be the Zerk choice of weapon NOT all weapons.
Uh, there are things in the game that is more than just dps….
As a melee Weapon so Far for Revenant Mace and Axe are Condi weapons not direct damage weapons, We dont know about the other so far.
All Im saying/asking is for the Staff to be the DPS direct Damage weapon instead of Sword/Dagger/w.e the rev is getting.
I never said make all weapons Direct damage. Every class WILL have a set dedicated more so to Direct, support and Condi.
With HoT coming out late August/Early Sept (just rumors and predictions), HoT will be a HUGE amount of content, and I mean HUGE!
Will there be any other content till Halloween?
What about SAB ? :’( And if it is Only Halloween can we please get that Mad King Dungeon back again?
given the spec is a support spec, I doubt it will have high damage.
People seem to be highly resistant to the notion that there’s something other than Berserker DPS in the game.
Given that all the specs thus far have a very specific role, is it really outside the realm of possibility that HoT’s content will be designed with more than DPS berserker mindless pew pew involved?
I strongly believe that they are giving us these specific roles because we will be in need of them with HoT
Hell, a very strong argument can be made that there’s already a lot of content in the game that requires something other than full out zerker builds for the 99% of the playerbase that can’t play completely perfectly, it’s just that no one is interested in doing any of it, because it can’t be beaten with the ‘meta’ builds, and the rewards for the content that can be ends up being substantially greater for the same time investment.
Frankly, I think the only part of the game that truly pushes people toward zerker is Dungeons. Silverwastes, as an example, really rewards build diversity.
<<< Zerker day one, Again I love DPS play styles I hate support rolls.
I personally just like Aggressive play styles that wrecks.
Nothing is wrong with zerk in gw2, the simple AI, blocks/reflects and blinds just makes it meta/easy to use, This will change in HoT for sure but there will always be DPS’ers no matter what.
So that means there is still hope for it to be a strong DPS weapon
Now wait a sec, is it 100% confirm that You MUST be in Ventari to use staff on Revenant?
Please let melee staff be the “High” DPS weapon…
Its my dream to use a Martial Staff in GW2, but I only play Zerk (B.c I love that style, I play DPS in WoW, I max out DPS in all RPGs, I hate support rolls).
And (I thought I read) we will be able to use stolen skills 2 times, This F1/F2 QoL will be VERY wonderful
I remember I when I made my account it said Your Display name/Account name will be Visible for everyone to read.. it was Loud and Clear, it wasnt knee deep in text, I remember b.c I dont read knee deep text.
I just made a 2nd account and again I remember it somewhere saying this is a public name…..
If you are told its a public name and you chose to ignore that, then that is your fault.
All skins from past events are still available at the Black Lion Weapon Specialist and can be bought for Black Lion Claim Tickets. Most of them can also be found on the Trading Company and be bought for gold.
Not true, some have been completely removed.
Well.. my Ranger is doing fine as ROBIN HOOD! but yeah Rangers are left in the dust.
Just let us Buy passes until it gets update… 35gems 1day, 150 gems 5days.
We cant get SAB and you’re asking for Armor? :-/ GL
OP: “QQ I cant brag about being a special snow flake”…. Personally for me…… I LOVE THE NEW TRAIT CHANGES AND I CANT WAIT FOR THEM.
I agree with you. Having to choose from a poor grandmaster (or master) because you like the other options in the line sucks. I will have to deal with it of course but that don’t make me any happier seeing as five of my current builds are not meta but have traits I am used to playing. Builds that incorporate more than the three lines will unfortunately be a thing of the past.
And change can be good, I honestly cant wait and wish we could have them now after seeing some of the new traits we have figure many new optional builds for fotms/dungeons/pvp. There hasnt been a Meta build that isnt going to benefit from the changes.
Some out of the box builds can be effected by the change, but over all its a good change, Remember Even if we could still pick where all 18 points went, builds still wont be the same, 4-6 Traits are being removed from each class, many are being doubled up and new trait are coming out.
We’ve always been limited to three trait lines.
No we are not atm, you can do 2/2/2/2/2 if you want, for like Guardian for alot of players, 4/5/0/0/5
but, NOW Guardian can do 6/6/0/0/6
Also, some traits are being Completely Removed and Others are being Added, traits as you seen will be more powerful than before. many reason for doing 4/5/0/1/4 type of builds was for silly reasons like Vigor on Guard.
There is no way to know if it will have any negative effects until they are release.
But Until then Im 100% sure 3 FULL trait lines is better than the ability to put any number of limited traits into/upto 5 different trait lines.
(edited by Faux.1937)
It will actually add ALOT more build diversity
Not everything needs to be as flashy and obvious as a bright neon sign. Subtlety is important, too, and I find that it looks quite good, especially on some of the more multi-hit flurry skills. If there are some slash animations that don’t actually trigger the whip animation, then that’s a bug and something they should look into fixing.
Um… subtle can be, but not here…
The just need to be more visible. I wished that Anet tested them on all Classes/races/Combos before putting it out.
And if they truly are happy with the outcome then that makes me sad
I wish that sword and Jet pack came back…. They are some of the best Pieces in game and it “SAD” how few are out there.
First of all… Dulfy is nice to show us a few animations. havent bought the sword yet but after looking at dulfys Video I think I will buy it. I don’t think they skills where that chabby. Keep in mind that if Anet do the changes OP want’s some other player might not like it and want a refund. Sorry Faux.1937 but I think you should be prepared to ask for a refund then.
One shouldnt have to look outside of game for info on a Gem store item is what Im saying.
I know dulfy had it, I looked. But when you mix and match different Races with Different Classes you get combos that makes it even harder to see the animations.
It should be as visible for each race and each class as each other.
Interesting because some are saying ranger has it the best of all, followed by mesmer, with thief and warrior losing out
Try and keep feedback subjective. It is not “atrocious”, that is the wrong word to describe this in so many ways. I’m not a big fan atm, but it’s a long way from being as bad as described.
Also, why not use one of the 2 existing feedback threads on the front page?
Go try it on ranger.. its not good.
And I do feel it the animations are atrocious in its current state. I’d rather spent those 600gems on anything else. This is the 1st Gem store item I felt was completed waste of my gems. Even the SAB Infinity Coin in my bank I felt i got my gems worth of.
I liked that it is not always “stretching”. It’s not only a whip, after all, but a sword too. And I like the fact that it’s not look grotesque and giant in the hands of my norn (at last). Totally love this piece.
(But sick of ranger’s sword auto attack howbeit)
But its a Chain-whip so it will and should Whip on ALL SLASHING animations.
It doesnt need to be giant, it needs to be visible. There is a Difference. Your on a Norn, go try it on any small Races or heights of Asura, Human, Sylvari, on my Sylvari Mesmer I cant even see the animation at all due to how small it is and how large the Color from attacks are (the purple color). And why even have a weapon skin with an Animation if it doesn’t even do that animation? Looking at you Ranger.
Here is a list of bad things with it that I would like to be fixed… If nothing changed with this weapon (B.c CANT PREVIEW in game before you purchase it) I will have to write a ticket for a refund.
- Most autos dont work (if not any)
- Due to classes color swing, cant see on most skills that it does actually work for.
- Asura is almost not even visible.
- The overall animations are small… way to small
- The sword for a whip is very short… animations dont go past the color of the swing.
- The animation isnt on all Slashing skills (Thief S/P #3 compare to Thief S/D #3 b.c It doesnt have a Slashing Animation)
After testing it out on all classes.
Thief PW, Warriors F1 and Guard 3 are for sure the best.
Ranger…. oh ranger is by far the Worst, If I main ranger I would ask for refund right away.
Over all Anet… Please fix this ATROCIOUS Gem store weapon.
(edited by Faux.1937)
Wanted to run a potential idea past you all. Comments welcome.
Tome of Courage -> Signet of Courage
Passive: PBAoE Heal every 10 seconds.
Active: Light of DeliveranceTome of Wrath -> “Feel My Wrath”
Shout that grants Quickness and FuryWe like the idea of tomes and if we did this we would hope to bring them back in a future Elite Specialization.
Thoughts? Comments?
Please make this happen, This is the 2nd guardian update that I LOVE, the 1st was Retreat change
I was saying it doesnt matter if it fixed or not, there are ways to cheese it. Anet needs to learn to make REAL mechanics and not just stand in one spot ones.
If it fix cool, Will just stand slightly in front of door and press 1 button… If its not fixed.. Will stand at door pressing 1 button because we are bored.
I Like the idea of the room Keeping you in combat,
but what needs to happen is this:
The Adds would stay and all the adds would use those weapons (The weight stomp, fire tornado’s, fire balls) and we had to work as a team to stop the adds, while pressing a switch/blocking them from pressing a switch and killing the middle all at once !
(edited by Faux.1937)