(edited by Faux.1937)
only 2 tabs?
, like many I’m waiting for something to do with them other than grab 4silver. (sitting on about 160 of em myself)
Well…. Had more, but no reason to kept till now.
Fotm…… 35 relics = 1
Please at least let me know if I need to hold onto them for 3+ months, b.c if so, I cna get back those 2 tabs full…. Im tried of saving this junk
:) any word?
This is funny! XD
We was doing the GM Blightwater Shatterstrike.
At 1st when was was getting the Crystals to 10% it was all fine Right when we killed the 1st one, the Event Up scaled way above normal.
We had vetrans Mobs 5+ levels, just 1 hit killing players left and right, at least 60-70 Mobs at 4+ levels making it insane.
As you can see in the Pic its 5lvs up.
To the Best of my Knowledge it isn’t suppose to scale this high.
Where you take the bladders in Camp Resolve he doesnt seem to be there.
Others in map have confirmed.
Edit: he also cant be seen on the Map either at this location.
(edited by Faux.1937)
In Fotm Snowblind map, 2nd event, the Giant crystal will not break, It does still have its Death Animation but will simply reset.
They said to Hold onto rings…. Im just wanting to know for how long?
When will this Ascended Rings thing come intot play? I dont want to hold onto Tabs of rings.
Just something simple like “when HoT comes out” or “before HoT comes out”
Nope, I think its fine.
The Lines are specialized now, and they actually feel like it, I love the updates.
I cant wait till we get more Specs.
I would ove this more than anything!!!!!!!
We got an increase to armor/stats due to trait points removed.. Why not an increase in Hp?
Just wondering.
If your in the Party when it resets just let them back in….
A friend crashed (Due to new patch bugs) and they couldnt get back in…..
I’d rather have just 1 amulet, it makes balancing a lot easier.
I don’t think people realize how miniscule the effect some of the stats have on their character in certain situations. The people this would oddly hurt most are like WvW roamers, which are probably the smallest segment of any player base. People who GvG or pug zerg would also be affected but it wouldn’t be as big of a deal if they couldn’t slot a couple pieces here or there than say like full soldier’s.
Probably would cause less drama in PvE too.
People are scared of change and Dont look at all the Pros and Cons, also they dont try to see it any other way.
The stats that they say give more build diversity wont change, You still have your armor, weapons and trinket. The 15% difference in stats from using 2-3 different trinkets wont make a difference over all in most places.
So with the new info > https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/combat-changes-dotsanddashes/
Vul letting condi hit harder, and condi over all getting a somewhat boost. Without See all the updates (there still many updates and trait changes coming so this isnt 100% final).
But I feel Condi nades will be the main go to build, Nades stack Vul like mad, with p/p or p/s (Love shield so fun) Its looking like the meta over Cele rifle, Static D or bombs.
Just some Speculations
I see, But if you get the (block) you KNOW RIGHT WHERE THE THIEF IS.
So what am I missing?
neither your nor your allies can target them
@Faux: no passive heal? you ever heard of shadow arts? you seen what that thing is becoming with the changes… ohhhh boyyyyy
I said good…. having little and ALOT are 2 different things.
Look at Ele, Engi, War and Ranger at least to see what I mean.
you can grab both shadow protector and shadow’s rejuvenation. on it’s own is 293 base, which is solid compared to 362 from the hated healing signet. both of the traits combined with the now free resilience of shadows is a huge survivability boost.
Which is funny when thieves try to relate SR to Healing Signet and say it’s somehow not as bad. Note: Thief still has a heal (And instant cast for that matter, for whatever reason) and… How do I put this… Basically any amount of healing on a thief is more impactful as it equates to a higher amount of effective HP because of their design based around not getting hit as often. SR is way more potent than I feel Thieves will give credit to. Especially when the new traits hit.
But its not passive, and a thief has to give up alot for that healing, what the thief gives up vs the healing is questionable, compare to other classes that just gets it and other things that they want.
Also those other classes like Warrior, engi and ele have sometype of Immune skills.
Thief healing skills is amazing I will give you take. But saying the Passive traits are good I wont.
Thief is a more balanced class IMO.
The ONLY thing that id worth talking is the Whole Block vs Revealed.
But IMO I rather it be a soft counter and BS has a 3sec CD with it is blocked.
I see, But if you get the (block) you KNOW RIGHT WHERE THE THIEF IS.
So what am I missing?
neither your nor your allies can target them
@Faux: no passive heal? you ever heard of shadow arts? you seen what that thing is becoming with the changes… ohhhh boyyyyy
I said good…. having little and ALOT are 2 different things.
Look at Ele, Engi, War and Ranger at least to see what I mean.
1 more thing, there are MUCH more hard counters to thieves than many other classes have against them.
Thieves dont have unblockable attacks Nor do they have Blocks at all.
They dont have any Invul skills or Skills to stop Condi/damage other than Blind
No high passive heal (running away while being healed)
Thieves make up for this by having Stealth, Blind and teleports
I see, But if you get the (block) you KNOW RIGHT WHERE THE THIEF IS.
So what am I missing?
but I like it lore based :o
Panic strike thief is like the strongest 1vs1 build in this meta.
If u give a thief enough time it will even kill almost all cele builds aside shoutbow ( debatable).
I’m seriously questioning the skill level of the average poster in these forums, altough it’s not really that much about playing the game but mostly about knowing it.
I’m not sure I agree with you. I feel that cele ele and especially cele engineer have the upper hand in a 1 v 1 situation, shoutbow… true, debatable, med guards… x.x
jumping on them after they’ve been fighting for a while… that’s another story no?
add passive aggressive comment here
I don’t agree with condition 4, but 6-10 need to happen. you are bad at the game if you using your burst skill when you are under those conditions and you deserve to fail. aegis, blind, block, evade- those are all ways someone can out play you.
I do actually agree with you. If they made it so if you missed a backstab, the 1 key would just turn back into a normal auto attack, that would make a lot of sense to me. To lose stealth or even gaining revealed in that situation seems too much though.
the thief should be absolutely revealed from stealth. they landed an attack on the enemy, an act that under normal circumstances would remove stealth. however since their foe managed to mitigate the damage though a blind/block etc the thief is allowed to stay stealthed. the thief is being rewarded because they are playing badly and their foe is playing well, which is completely the opposite of what should happen.
it’s blatantly unfair mechanic where a bad player is not punished when they make a mistake.
This change is totally kittened. Skilled thieves currently wait out your blocks because if you were skilled yourself you’d know that blocking lets you know the thief’s position. Change that and yeah you’ll kill scrub thieves i guess. Though you should be able to takeout scrub thieves even now because they don’t think much.
The following week the good thieves will stab you brutally again and because you don’t know how to protect yourself properly you’ll come to the forums again begging for backstab nerf.
Maybe create a thief and see how “ridiculously OP” it is before judging?
i’m posting because i disagree with the mechanic, not because i have trouble fighting the class. i don’t.
Well I love the Mechanic, the reason w hy I played Rogue in wow and why I main thief in gw2.
Can we take away Warriors Berserker/Ignore pain then?
What about Rangers pets? I dont like them, can we nerf them?
How about Clones, its to hard ot find the real mesmer, lets remove clones.
I personally cant wait for Revenant in Pvp, I feel it will be very strong with Celestial (unless the nerf makes Celestial unplayable) if that is the case then I would look at Rabid/rapagers/carrion
Either way I feel Revenant Weapons arnt there to make the Class and weapon are a Part of the Legend, I feel the legend makes the place style and with it the Weapons.
I mean Shiro wouldnt be seen with a Focus or hammer XD
Soon ™
15 kitten
We know its coming soon, very soon, at least wait for E3 on the 16th-18th lol, thats like a week away.
It is not a very large request.
They’ve got two choices:
1) Give a date, which will be an ‘initial’ date, then something won’t quite be ready, and it’ll have to be put back a little. Then something else will have been unforeseen, and will have to be put back. All while this is happening, people will be complaining about it being ‘delayed’
2) They don’t give a date until it’s ready. No broken promises, at the request we loyal and humble players be patient.
I prefer the latter.
Whats better a Broken promise with great meaning and understanding or a Promise of Empty trust and unsureness?
To settle this debate I have 1 word for you…………
Veni, veni, venias, Gloriosa
Ne me mori facias Generosa
Veni, veni, venias, Gloriosa
Ne me mori facias GenerosaSephiroth!
Sephiroth isn’t a Thief.
He stole peoples lives in the game…. thats a form of stealing
But it was meant for the person hat said In Fantasy you cant have a AGILE person with a GS.
I think you’re all looking at the small picture. Between accessories, weapons, and armor, we have 12-13 simultaneous slots for items that each use the same possible stat sets. Yes, that is mechanically an example of overkill.
It doesn’t add to diversity at all, since 3 or 4 would be enough for us to mix up our desired attribute recipe. What it does, though, is feed the economy, and create material goals and a gold sink. These are important, but could be handled without bloating the hero panel with superfluous equipment slots.
You know what else Feeds it? Legendary.
Legendary Trinkets Be awesome.
but making 5 just sounds stupid.
To settle this debate I have 1 word for you…………
Veni, veni, venias, Gloriosa
Ne me mori facias Generosa
Veni, veni, venias, Gloriosa
Ne me mori facias Generosa
Also would make the game less confusing in same aspects for players.
Im not sure i buy that argument. I mean seriously how dumb do players have to be to get confused with what to put in 5 slots. If you want zerk put 5 zerks. You want all soldier trinkets put 5 in there. Reducing flexibility for other players so as to cater for lazy, 2 brain celled players is just silly.
Im more or less talking about as a Whole. There are Rings/Trinkets/Ascended ones, some are Infused others arnt, You cant Dbl CLick to add to the open slot, and You cant really view them, Then there are some that changes your colors and add auros.
Also What about Legendary Trinkets? I dont want to make 5 of them for 900g each :o
Having 1 to work for a legendary will feel right.
Wouldnt that make all those ascended trink drops in chests useless? Some people like the feeling of getting an ascended ring in WvW chest etc. Or simply the progression of working for gear and slowly building up to full ascended set giving a sense of accomplishment.
When i make my builds sometimes i have a specific armor stat or power stat or crit chance stat that im targeting and i am able to get to that by tweaking my accessories much more easily (and cheaply) than having to tweak armor or weapons. Removing that just makes it a lot less flexibile and to be honest, more boring.
The worst thing about sPvP is that you get locked into a specific stat set. Most of the time i dont want all that condition damage from using a Carrion Amulet for example. I would rather have some condition damage and more vitality or power or whatever. sPvP is the dumbed down version of WvW and much the worse for it imho.
Only reasons for Ascended is FOTM’s. there is no other reason to have other than waste of materials (not armor or weapons but trinkets). The extra stats you gain ONLY reliable work in level 80 areas and even then the Stats are some minor it wont give you an edge over other players.
No trinity is the way to go. If this game ever goes trinity i will leave. I got sick and kittening tired of having to wait for a godkitten healer or tank in GW1 for content, before heroes where added, and even after it was annoying as hell.
I like being able to swap to a healing guardian or ele if i need to. I also like being able to be a tank ele or warrior if needed.
Even if they change the content i dont see Trinity ever being a thing. They just need to introduce monsters that have different aggro mechanics, different ways to beat them. See the husks. My condition ranger and necro melt them. My full zerker mesmer does not, at least not as fast. That is all it would take for you to see more people running these other armor sets in PVE.
I never had a Fully Dedicated Healer after Factions hit, it was played like GW2 is played, You have necro/Ele/monk all have some Healing, some utility and then Aoe Burst.
At least thats how I played and never had any troubles other than Speed Clears, and you cant count those, b.c They were Special Team builds per area. UW was different than FoW and Topk was different than Slayers and that was different than DoA.
Also would make the game less confusing in same aspects for players.
Im not sure i buy that argument. I mean seriously how dumb do players have to be to get confused with what to put in 5 slots. If you want zerk put 5 zerks. You want all soldier trinkets put 5 in there. Reducing flexibility for other players so as to cater for lazy, 2 brain celled players is just silly.
Im more or less talking about as a Whole. There are Rings/Trinkets/Ascended ones, some are Infused others arnt, You cant Dbl CLick to add to the open slot, and You cant really view them, Then there are some that changes your colors and add auros.
Also What about Legendary Trinkets? I dont want to make 5 of them for 900g each :o
Having 1 to work for a legendary will feel right.
I personally think it would HELP builds by Balancing the Trinkets into 1 slot it would be easier for anet to balance the game. Also would make the game less confusing in same aspects for players.
(FYI I want challenging conent, but I also know the value in something being over convoluted aka… Agony, Just b.c something is broken down simpler doesnt mean it is simple or easy)
I don’t even think that Ventari will be that good support.
It lacks HoTs
Wait, so HoT won’t have HoTs?
Guard, Ranger, ele.. oh wait, every class has Regen (aka Hot)
This isnt about Pug groups and kicking, its about the option of 1 trinket.
Which means it’s a viable way to play, correct?
It’s just not optimal. Most groups want optimal these days because there are a lot of bored players that have ‘experience’, e.g. have memorized the encounters and can pull it off in optimal gear.
Other gear is still viable, just not popular, and that’s entirely due to stale, first generation mechanics that haven’t been touched since launch.
Was just explaining a Few things about it and why it is viable. never said it wasnt
And this is WHY gw2 DOESNT need trinity, the game is actually balanced really well for build diversity, just players dont want to explore and try new things, or even play this way. They think its All or nothing ALL THE TIME, and that is just not true.
Some fights you dont even need high dps, and some are DPS races, thats why we can change traits while out of combat in Dungeons/Instances. Otherwise Anet wouldnt have let us in Instances.
They want us to change utilities/weapons/builds when it sees fit.
I have a question for the people that think Berserker is the only viable way to play this game, where are you getting this information from?
Look up [KING] FOTM tournament. The tournament was about who can run FOTM the fastest and had top speed running guilds participating, aka some of the best players in PvE participated in this event. The 2nd place guys ran a bunker PTV AH Guardian. So how is berserker the only viable way of playing this game?
What makes a Bunk Guard with good rotations better (for some teams, not for all) Is that the Other players DONT have to dodge/res/get down/waste utility for D-fens skills and focus ONLY on straight dps.
But again this is not for everyone and not all teams will like this, They are the only ones Pushing for records, but I bet the more players that push for fotm records you would see a few different team just like we do for Dungeons.
Longbow will be out because Guards got them. Anet won’t use the same weapon twice.
So staff and LB out. Wasn’t against either
Nothing anywhere said they cant/wont use the same weapon for different classes elite spec.
They have enough weapons to not make one redundant, so yeah, there’s little to no chance we’ll get two specializations with the same new weapon.
But we will get more than one Elite Spec down the Road, they will have to overlap weapons (if they keep making Weapons a Part of it), no there is no reason to wait to overlap if its a good idea for them atm.
I see nothing wrong or Redundant with using 2 of the same weapon atm.
Longbow will be out because Guards got them. Anet won’t use the same weapon twice.
So staff and LB out. Wasn’t against either
Nothing anywhere said they cant/wont use the same weapon for different classes elite spec.
Anet please lock this user from ever using a greatsword again and only allow him/her to use a rifle. K thanks bye!
What? I mostly dont even play with gs, I cant care less XD Its all fun and games
I’m playing
Anet please lock this user from ever using a greatsword again and only allow him/her to use a rifle. K thanks bye!
What? I mostly dont even play with gs, I cant care less XD Its all fun and games
Like in pvp there is only 1 trinket, the amulet.
What if we had that for pve too? 1 Amulet and 1 Back.
How would you like this?
Please note We are not talking about the Past money/gold you spent on trinkets but just the idea as in would you like it or would it be good? And why?
While I’m up for the trinity I don’t want GW2 to break word on its promise of people being forced into roles just to complete content. If I can clear content as a tank , healer then I should do able to do it in a all DPS group to as well.
Stop catering to cry babies over imagined slights ANET. Balance your game on numbers and facts…not forum balancing. Recognize the game dynamics you created (that we purchased) and stop trying to nudge us into a trinity.
The problem though is having no trinity creates the other side of the coin where elitism exist since a single play style (zerk meta) can clear pretty much all content and many develop the attitude of “no zerk gtfo”. The game needs to rebalance its current content to have better variety catering to some condi or support builds required to have a smoother experience rather than zerk always being the meta for everything.
Do you really think having a Non trinity/zerk meta made players Elitest force ALL OTHER PLAYERS to be elite?
You have MANY options to NOT play Zerk or be Elitest
Here are a few ways
- Join Fun/non elite guilds
- LFG with FUN play ANY build
- Meet like minded players and FRIEND THEM
- Dont join Elitest groups
etc… etc….
This game is one of the ONLY MMO’s that you DONT have to be FORCED to play a certain way. Other MMO’s with trinity YOU HAVE TO have 1-2 Tanks, 1-2 Healers and 3-6 DPS, and Raids you HAVE to make sure raid buffs are up blah blah blah, and your very limited on the builds you play, some games you DON’T have any options other than Tank build, DPS build, Heal build. Then you have some games where your weapons ARNT even an option.
At least in GW2 you can change your traits, weapon sets, utilities and gear stats.
Stop pretending like you dont have options, b.c from the ACTUAL games point of view You have MORE options than any other MMO I have ever played.
Great Sword on thief
We all know its either getting a LB or Rifle errr I mean We all know Thief is getting GS
Why you might ask a GS?
1) Its a 2hd melee, thief needs 2hd Melee
2) Its a Samurai/Ninja Katana Theme
3) Not enough Classes has GS in the Medium Weight compare to Other Wieghts
3a) Light: mesmer/necro/ele (FGS IS A GS DONT JUDGE ME!) Heavy: Warrior/Guardian, see only 1 Med has GS so Med needs one.
4) Every class needs a GS(Lol dont hate this joke please)
5) B.c Anet loves GS’s
6) Gs’s
7) Again…. GS
8) Why do you keep questioning the GS?
9) GS
10) B.c its a thief… Duh, it can just steal it from the Stupid Necro
Just perfect with that Image XD
:( dont be mean and laugh, i paid for this game and deserve an opinon. im just like you
you dont think this means trinty? why not? ventrilo can heal a tank that has taunt to holed agro on mobs for dps
this absolutly opens up trinty gameplay
all theyd need to do is nerf self heal abilites and we have a trinty meta!
But is doesnt open it up at all………….
Ele and Guard can both heal an AMAZING amount, we never had trinity before that.
And Taunt is like a 2-3 sec Reverse fear that Many classes are getting. Taunt I see more as a way to help please res or be able to get the mob off them for a short time to heal/wait for a cool down.
As far as I know the best healing before now was a staff ele… which had 3 heals. a 200/s heal on auto attack, geyser, a burst heal which heals ~3k + 800/s for 3s (20s CD) and healing rain which grants 12s of regen and curse 3 conditions (45s cd)… That gives 200/s + 270/s + 60/s = 500-600/s.
Rev gets 1400 healing on 3rd auto attack (2s combo), 1500 healing (15s CD), heal skill that heals 900 on 2s CD, passive heal that heals 100/s, unlimited projectile reflect, 1900 healing every 2s, condition removal (35s CD), 1200 healing fragments (no CD, high energy cost).
That gives 700/s + 100/s +450/s + 100/s +950/s = 2300/s plus burst heals and condition removal
That of course doesn’t use the fact that rev can get traits for plus 40% healing increase plus 1.5% healing output per 100 healing power, bringing the total to 3200hp/s without healing power gear…so yeah it seems rev is 5x better at healing than any current healers, and that doesn’t even count the HUGE boost they will get from healing power.
With a healing rev you could have the rest of your group facetank the entire game. No need to waste time dodging or moving out of fire, just DPS it down!
You need to do ele stats again with the correct traits…..
:( dont be mean and laugh, i paid for this game and deserve an opinon. im just like you
you dont think this means trinty? why not? ventrilo can heal a tank that has taunt to holed agro on mobs for dps
this absolutly opens up trinty gameplay
all theyd need to do is nerf self heal abilites and we have a trinty meta!
But is doesnt open it up at all………….
Ele and Guard can both heal an AMAZING amount, we never had trinity before that.
And Taunt is like a 2-3 sec Reverse fear that Many classes are getting. Taunt I see more as a way to help please res or be able to get the mob off them for a short time to heal/wait for a cool down.
Agreed on rifle, but disagree on any weapon. Let’s hope they fit weapon choice into lore. GW2 Thief is based completely off of the GW1 Assassin.
Longbow is out, so is Staff. I hear whispers of War getting pistol. Are we sure its rifle?
Why would LB be out and not rifle? LB fits MUCH better (IMO) and it is somewhat based off of the SIN, but not the class itself just some of the Weapon attacks and utilities. To me the Sin is NOTHING like the thief in anyway.
Im laughing at the fact you really think Ventari+taunt = Heal/Tank role…….
kind of coming back to the difficulty issue. Full-offense melee works because there’s very rarely anything that puts sufficient strain on the available active defenses and control.
Agreed, we need content that brings forward an importance to other roles/playstyles/skills
all thatwhich is why were seein trinty come back with venti healer :-)
But we arnt seeing a trinity, trinity would break the game, Making players as a whole use a different set of weapons/utilities isnt making of a trinity…..
You think gw2 is easy now, if we had a trinity dungeons and pve be MUCH easier and more boring :/