Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace
I have been out on T7 a few times and didn’t see that much coverage out there, but it has been a few days will check it out again when I can
I have a toon on HoD thanks to the new transfers and hate to say it but whichever server comes down to T8 is going to be pushed to the bottom. I never believed before that ET and FC would be a good match for T7 before the transfers….but I think I was wrong. Now with the transfers, I don’t think there is a team in T7 that could compete in T8. Once we get out I see the other servers following suite after blowing out the T7 servers that get replace by huge margins.
I don’t totally understand why everyone is not happy about being in T8 right now. From what I have seen you just got AGG,FOE and if rumors are true VOTF. FC is getting vastly better at open field/meta. So really, I mean, those guilds are really good. When we move back to T2 we won’t even get to see the likes of those there. AGG/FoE are classy guilds from my experience as well which makes the fights all the more enjoyable if you ask me.
You got a couple weeks of awsome fights ahead of you.
The transfers have been the best thing to happen to T8 in a while imo. There are people to fight everywhere, awesome battles, and finally get to really use defensive siege again. Could really do without the lag when it gets too zergy in certain maps. For the people that says SF has no skill that’s a joke though…we haven’t had any competition in nine weeks so for people to come from T1 or T2 and say that is kind of silly, since you guys have had crazy battles all the time.
Most of us just play for fun in WvW and just in for the thrill of the fight, some of the best battles are when you are on the losing end of a keep defense. I really don’t care about moving up a tier as long as there are good battles, unfortunately I still think we have to many people for T8 (maybe even T7 for that matter). I just love those on ET that try to take credit for stuff out of their control. I was running an ET toon befofe BC went to HoD and he knew who I was and maybe he left because I was more helpful on ET than 75% of the people there. Aside from the new recruits there was nothing special there before, Zero map communication, people not ressing people, and when the walls come down…god kitten just run past the npcs and just head for the keep lord. Well hope you guys learn from the transfers, people like Jenkar, and other Older commanders you have.
I wonder between VK and KWBH (i think? something like that) which zerg guild is stronger.. I’d like to see them fight each other, since so far I’ve seen they have similar style of play
Zerg guild… sure.
Would you prefer, an organized ball of death? lol gotta lot of respect for VK on FC you guys came in and instantly made them a contender, grats! Glad they gave us free transfers to the medium pop servers, really worked well imo.
Lol…stop trying to belittle FC they had a lot of skill before and many other transfers aslo. They were pushing ET out before all the transfer when ET had a ton more people than FC. And there are a lot more people than one guild that are there
as far as SF is concerned. WAY to much glass. thats the glaring first thing we noticed. We melt you guys so fast its ridiculous. I am just going to assume its a lack of running toughness gear.
You also seem very scattered. Do you not have a community ts3 running? If you don’t, get one. its a MUST to have in higher tiers. I mean you seem to have the sheer numbers to be a couple tiers up, which is leaving me to think that the pvp skills/knowledge and communication must be the problem. Thats my honest opinion with only having played 1 night in wvw against you guys.
Improve alittle on any of that, you will move up. You got the numbers.
Thank you
We have been trying to tell this to SF for a long time now, and our reward was to have what we said met with snark, attacks, rage and hate, and.. well. lets just say they did not take it well at all, which is why, 9 weeks later, they are still here, they are still stalling, and T7 is laughing at them.
Maybe they will listen to you, when they would not listen to us.
Lol…this is funny, first off we are here because of the almost unbelievably low scores of the other servers when we got here and the glicko system. And how are we supposed to improve when we are winning by so much that there is nothing really to take. This is the first week that we have had any real opposition in 9 weeks.
Nice back to the days when we lose stuff in the morning….makes for some good fights.
Pretty funny to see the HoD person guesting on SF and recruiting for HoD in LA last night…GL with all that and do not think it went unnoticed by the majority of our server…..
I have an account on HoD and just switched there, seeing the numbers they have we are going to smash right through them and T7
I know I will get flak for this but this is something I posted on our server forums also, we need to enlighten our PvE groups to WvW, and show them what server pride means, I am sooo happy we were able to get PvE players to try WvW and them notice its so much fun that they do not want to leave. This is the reason [PVP] have so many online in WvW.
Ok, here is the flak you asked for: I’m sure it’s easier to make PvE players like WvW when you server uterly dominate the oposition…
On ET and FC, you won’t get this chance… You WILL face some huge SF force at some point and lose… Then you’ll head elsewhere and there is SF again. And when you look, all the map is green, and SF have people waving at you from Woodhaven. I don’t think a player would ever return under this circunstace unless he is a masochist.
Paint me a masochist then.
P.S. stop hatin on BC cause he left, he got frustrated and moved on, everyone else should too. Tired of seeing all the people talking about the guy who spent two all nighters with me this weekend to get the lead back from FC(for 2nd anyways). I didn’t see any of the major guilds on at all this weekend doing anything about the lead SF/FC put on us. Call it hide and seek if you want(and your childish) but those of us that pulled all nighters this weekend to get the points bac,k were runnin with him cause he actually wanted to take the lead back instead of letting SF roll and get a free boost up to T7.
If he wants to leave, that’s fine. He’s done a lot for the server, and it’s sad to see him go, but he will play as he wants to play. My problem is that he is recruiting for a guild on another server in ET. We are already struggling as it is, we don’t need him convincing people to follow him….
I was leveling my other toon on ET and after the second attempt at bay that failed is when he left. And have seen him and others on HoD, by the way after being on HoD I really haven’t seen anything special from that tier and wouldn’t be surprised if when we move up the server that moves down may get beat up down here.
the only reason they are doing transfers is to take away from lag on the top servers due to the culling issues.
But still SF needs you…
(edited by FilthyRat.4652)
Yarr? are they on either SF or ET?
if so im sure our guild leader would love to organize some GvG
hope you enjoyed our debut today. all of us at [VK] had a lot of fun.
Looks like some of the transfers came over and just took over FC
People on ET thinking about fleeing to HoD: I’ll help carry you there if you want… Here is the first one i’m taking.
LOL…thats to funny
ET has the larger WvW population currently hence why we are holding second even if there are entire organizations on SF that make it a point to attack ET every chance they get, so it would make the most sense to move to ET in mass and build a solid WvW Server that could hold it’s own. maybe all the people on FC that had taken a break could take this moment to come to ET for a few days, check it out, and see if you want to stay, you have the whole week to decide and you could just transfer back to FC if you did not like it.
Atho, if we really wanted to be mean, Et and Fc could just jump to HoD, and shoot them up, and thus leave T8 with 2 dead servers.
Think it is only one free trasfer that you get
I bet cause every time they mess with culling it messes up the game and the top tier servers are going to be lagged out.
makes face at SF
nyah!For the next week, all the medium population servers will be free to transfer to. Might be worth giving one of them a look!
So much rage at ArenaNet right now. Instead of actually fixing the Glicko Ghetto, they instead give free transfers to our T8 enemies and the T7 server that we’ve been trying desperately to swap places with. So this is our “reward” for dominating for 2 months straight? Such bullkitten.
Well I’m just getting worried that they are expecting an increase in lag from the new culling change. I hope this isn’t the case….but if they were worried about the lower pop servers they would have done something many moons ago.
Set up a bunch of trebs and started wrecking havoc around with the fiery rocks (We even took AH outer wall). Had some nice fights today… Defending Stargrove against SF. Defending Greenwater against Fergs and then Greenwater again against SF. Also had a nice duel with everyone’s favorite Forum Troll… And my armor is broken…
Now, back on the game coverage…
You would have had me at the end there if they didn’t jump in but what a good fight. I think we downed each other at the exact same time. Good fight man!
Just seems weird to be fighting a server full of up leveled toons the weeks before a major stealth patch is coming in….thats all I’m saying.
Well seems like one server has been playing on up leveled characters all week….maybe to prepare?
and as for you, ratty.. you need to learn to count if you think there’s 50 there…. unless there’s that many more again off screen. i counted 25-26 in that shot. try again.
There were people running supply from camp and around corner.
25 of them?
XD i was with that group till i lagged out. no way in heck we had 50. i’d buy that at that point we had 30-35. ( >le gasp!< did an ETer actually admit to having a decent force on the field? omg! write it down!!!! >eyeroll< )
i woke up extra early to catch the fun
Oh lets not forget the high amount of thieves that ET fields also (maybe 50%), so there were probably a lot of people invisible.
I would also like to put ungood, it was 3v1 to start with, so i really dont wanna hear any of that.
LOL. It was just you and me buddy when I pinned your backside to the wall, the other two were not involved. One was downed thanks to that Thief and the other was reviving them. Which, explains why that Thief could take the moment to take a cheep shot at me from behind and thus saving you.
But meh, such is the nature of WvW.
i think you missed the part where i came behind the gate you just took down at bay and jumped into atleast 3 running in :/
nope in fact we all kinda laughed that you did a jump attack and then ran past us and though the green door while the gate was down
So it was a 3v1 at first then some one came out and then it was a 3v2?
Yeah i ran behind their zerg and jumped on the stragglers and then a thief came running in after during the 3v2 part it was prob more along the lines of 4v2
That I would believe but the contradictions in the other responses just didn’t add up. And I know you to well to believe that….I swear those other guys were just watching.
I would also like to put ungood, it was 3v1 to start with, so i really dont wanna hear any of that.
LOL. It was just you and me buddy when I pinned your backside to the wall, the other two were not involved. One was downed thanks to that Thief and the other was reviving them. Which, explains why that Thief could take the moment to take a cheep shot at me from behind and thus saving you.
But meh, such is the nature of WvW.
i think you missed the part where i came behind the gate you just took down at bay and jumped into atleast 3 running in :/
nope in fact we all kinda laughed that you did a jump attack and then ran past us and though the green door while the gate was down
Sound like from the last response it was 3v1…since the three of you guys were amused. Then another person came to make it a 3v2 in the end.
and as for you, ratty.. you need to learn to count if you think there’s 50 there…. unless there’s that many more again off screen. i counted 25-26 in that shot. try again.
There were people running supply from camp and around corner.
You make these threads on a public server then you have to deal with people voicing their opinion. The guy does have a point when there are 3o threads in a month about how terrible T8 is…and now it is made to seam like a wonderful place.
Also, question for PK, what is the point of standing still when you see Invaders and subsequently dying without doing anything? Some sort of ‘giving up’ message perhaps? That seemed to be a recurring theme with your members…
Lol…think we just figured out why ET can run around with zergs but not bring up orange swords (they did here, but there was like 50). Look close at the right side and you will notice people standing there with their hands in their pockets.
(edited by FilthyRat.4652)
We weren’t to mad…4hrs after reset.
HoD is actually in the Lead in T7 so doesn’t really make any sense, if anything proves the opposite of what is being said.
Here is our secret on SF
Think some of you guys out there may have forgotten your fire breathing fists this week
I am the winner!!!! Not only do I have my own thread but the most thread responses and I am the most read about topic on the ET forums. Lol…I got 200 kills the other night from a server with population problems, so all the stories just makes me laugh.
Thank you for posting the link to your forums on here though, guys. don’t know if the person was trying to embarrass me but had the opposite effect.
I’m sure you’re just simply flattered.
I’m going to have to make that forum regular reading now. :p
The trash talk and insults make me laugh cause I just look where they are coming from….but the fact that I am the most talked about think on their server makes me so happy, they just can’t stop thinking about me.
I am the winner!!!! Not only do I have my own thread but the most thread responses and I am the most read about topic on the ET forums. Lol…I got 200 kills the other night from a server with population problems, so all the stories just makes me laugh.
Thank you for posting the link to your forums on here though, guys. don’t know if the person was trying to embarrass me but had the opposite effect.
(edited by FilthyRat.4652)
That coffin is going to be my tomb if I can’t stop laughing as hard as i am ..
Oh and talk of commitment from SF player….please spare me the details LOL
@rat – you do realise i wasn’t whining in that and making an observation…2hours of constant attacks on our BL from both sides while your BL had no red and FC had no green for 2hours or a single contest raised eyebrows….
Either way i enjoyed it last night, killing both sides and….sadly RTLing off cliffs again (nerf cliffs)
So no whining for me, i was fighting when posting that btw (multitasking ftw)
I never said anything about that just by the time I logged in there were multi-colors on all the BL’s and eventually our’s went all blue and you guys took SM from us for a while too.
FC has a lot of talented people out there, being the server with the least amount of active players out of the three servers they still stay pretty competitive for second place.
I think ET might have had more people than us for a while after reset, but then tapered off about 10-11 eastern time
(edited by FilthyRat.4652)
Probably the worst reset for SF tonight.
But hey, love you guys, fergs included, focusing on our BL and we are still 2nd place while you are both on our BL (and leaving each other bl alone) so cute <3
Also SF…may wanna check your own BL…its full of blue
Only makes us stronger =]
Sorry try again nobody was teaming up on you guys. Seems like you guys had more than enough huge zergs out there to put to rest the ability for ET to put out the numbers when they want. You were able to hold your own in your BL, take our BL, and have a zerg of at least 40 people in EB at the same time. Maybe these people will show up more often after the update.
Score update
(edited by FilthyRat.4652)
Pretty sure just the Glicko2 system that is keeping us here.
Wait how is the 200PPT going to keep SF in T8 forever. Even so with all the new changes to WvW we will have a fun time together
(edited by FilthyRat.4652)
sorry there are so many other posts talking about leveling alts and just giving up I was under the impression that it was really only a fight between FC and SF….there are so many different explanations here…but until I hear one explaining ET’s view I will never understand
You talk like playing with alts on WvW isn’t actually fighting… OFC underlevels can’t 1v1, and a big zerg of underlevels can be done quick, but they still can man siege and carry supply, which is the root of WvW.
Also there are some level 80 noobs on SF that died to my upleveled engineer in 1v1. You never know who you will find around…
Sorry I didn’t make myself clear….there is nothing wrong when people level alts in WvW. I have leveled four toons in WvW, I’m just confused when I see a response on the forums like most of us on a server level alts.
Lol….people can say we aren’t a T7 server. I’m fine with with being a T8 server but where does that leave the other servers here with us in T8?
While we wait for our Janthir friends… Gotta level dem alts!
Probably going to need to open up a few more character slots to level up, because it doesn’t look like anyone is getting out of T8 any time soon.
sorry there are so many other posts talking about leveling alts and just giving up I was under the impression that it was really only a fight between FC and SF….there are so many different explanations here…but until I hear one explaining ET’s view I will never understand
It’s cute, Sf think they are doing really well right now because Fergs gave up and ET has secured 2nd place. CUTE. Hey SF you’re still stuck here forever. foooorevvvvvverrrrrrr.
LOL…we are doing well cause our server works together and never afraid to fight. I see a lot of post from people just talking about leveling alts as if that may be some sort of tactic for us winning.
(edited by FilthyRat.4652)
We also don’t fight with a guild style mentality, we fight as a server, a legion of one, no matter what the guild tag may be. We raise, defend, and follow command, anyone willing to fight for us. This the people we put on the field, may as well all be in the same guild, even if our tags are different, we are all Eredon Terrace Defenders, and we will fight, to the very last one of us.
Noble sentiment and I wish this was actually true, but while most will do this not all guilds work together or for the good of the server on ET.
No server will be free of jerks, trolls and drama queens. I understand that losing and throwing money at a pointless fight can be hard, and stress with drama builds undue tension.
I say.. lets all take next week off. Seriously.
We have been at this 2 months non-stop, I think we all earned some R&R, so Lets just take the week off, FC and their new alliance can get their licks in against SF, and we can sit back, slog a brew and laugh at the chaos as it unfolds for the week.
SF is free of all of those things…and we work very well together. Don’t hesitate to try us out, we are everything you hoped for and more.
Here’s to hoping they force you guys to transfer and join us on ET, making T8 a 1v1 so we can actually try to match SF’s numbers. I’d gladly have you guys as cannon fodder
Lol…If ET didn’t vastly outnumber FC there would be a different conversation. As stated before when ET was red there was only talk to have an alliance with FC but now things have changed once they pulled into second. Well if anything FC needs more recruits going in and if any FC transfer out….we will welcome you guys as our own and not consider you cannon fodder.
We also don’t fight with a guild style mentality, we fight as a server, a legion of one, no matter what the guild tag may be. We raise, defend, and follow command, anyone willing to fight for us. This the people we put on the field, may as well all be in the same guild, even if our tags are different, we are all Eredon Terrace Defenders, and we will fight, to the very last one of us.
Noble sentiment and I wish this was actually true, but while most will do this not all guilds work together or for the good of the server on ET.
Lol…my little birdies have told me stories for months about how things run. Just know we welcome every new player to SF as if they have been here for a lifetime, and there are plenty of guilds to join to help the cause. We will move out of T8 and not certain what will be left behind but friend or former foe there is an equal voice for everyone here on SF.
This fight is pointless, I’m done commanding. It’s not just the horribly uneven fight that is never going to end; some other commanders I have expressed my opinion to know the reason. I’d ask that none of them or my guild mates to bring it up on the boards. Best of luck all.
Come to the dark side where we all get along in WvW….we will welcome you with open arms. No need to continue some sort of ill fated loyalty that will just perpetuate this sad dance for an eternity. Even when SF moves up will the problems on other servers work themselves out or just continue to fester
some people are not fans of the pinpoint precise jumping required by some of the puzzles in game… hence the “mario brothers bullcrap” comment
Jumping puzzles are part of WvW and if people can’t perform the precise jumping required of such in game puzzles then maybe they are not experienced enough to handle the more experienced levels that are open to enemy players…in my experienced opinion.
I think the plan atm is to level out everyones ranking in T7, await IOJ and completely freeze out SF
Lol… worst mistake in the world since I was thinking T7 would be a match for us, now i realize how much they really don’t want to fight us. Seems like T7 as a whole is affraid of us if this is true. Would be funny if NSP plunged down to T8 for their arrogance, well as long as we see the plan and know one of you will be doomed in T8 and SF will smash the rest of T7
Can’t wait to jump in just passed 8,000 kills thanks to ET and hope to get a whole lot more in the next week to come.
Wow…you guys outnumber FC by a longshot, … you guys have a ton more people than them…..FACT
somewhere about 2 weeks ago he really changed his attitude and totally roots for fc now
i think im gonna start +1’ing his posts cuz its really funny
Lol…have made a few friends on FC and thought most the people I didn’t get along with left, guess I was wrong.
If the Glicko system allows me the tons and tons of badges and kills that I get from ET then I am all for it. The sad thing is that ET outnumbers FC by some really substantial numbers but they are hovering at the same score right now.
Personally, I am rooting for FC. I hate ET lol.
I would root for kitten’s before I ever rooted for SF. I have seen more BM behavior from them than I have ever seen from any other group ever. (and I’m an XBox Live user.) Sadly, it’s become my expectation of them.
I’d wager there are a few diamonds in the rough but I’ll be darned if I’ve run across them.
I love the matchup between FC and ET because it’s such a nailbiter. It seems to be a very even match. I would love to see a third server that was equally as populated and tenacious as we two. Sometimes, I feel as if they are a kindred spirit, I guess to the extent a “red” could be considered a kindred spirit.
Good luck ET and FC.
Wow…you guys outnumber FC by a longshot, and yet they hold about the same score as you, that isn’t an even match just to bad for them you guys have a ton more people than them…..FACT
(edited by FilthyRat.4652)
Well FC is outmanned by both of us but still stays on same level as ET…hmmn
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