People’s only leg to stand on here is apparently Anet’s promise that legendaries won’t be exclusive for hardcores only… but at the same breath they did say that they expect only 5% of the community to have them.
With your silly little quests and challanges you’ll have 99%, so no, it won’t happen.
Now imagine yourself as the owner, knowing that if you drastically change the gain of legendary weapons you result in less people bringing in more revenue to the company.
The players that actually quit the game because of the current situation are minimal, that don’t bring in money anyway, but guess what?
This game is B2P, and you or anyone that “quit” will keep buying expansions and whatever else comes out in the future.
But keep the optimism, it’s a good thing, a drive to keep you going.
What really gets me is the hate that comes with these gold sinks. Look at what the commanders are going though, everyone hates on them, lol. Starting to be that way with legendaries too “Oh you must have bought that, RMT, hacker, etc”
Oh well. I still am going to craft my Twilight and swing that kitten like there is no tomorrow ^__^
Careful bro, a lot of people here will accuse you of hacking or buying gold on this forum!!!
It was yes a few months ago. If you saw one it was 99% and exploiter or gold buyer. But now since about month ago most are legit now. Things have become so legit that they are openly traded and not via RMT by shady website.
casuals should take 5 months to get for a time frame and HC 2-3 months was the time frame for it.They are far beyond vanity now as they will be constantly BIS and perpetually raised to that level forever. That removes all grind in the future for a weapon slot upon release of a tier.See Lindsey Marshalls post for specifics.
And yes you can just buy one at level 1 by converting gems ->gold.
You completely forgot about power traders in that post.
You do realize that if it wasn’t for the gift of mastery, quite a few would have the whole set of legends, aye?
Too little can be done already at this point, if certain players amassed enough gold to monopolize any item on the market.
Unless reselling will be completely blocked.
TsukasaHiiragi.9730 – you’re focusing on bots while the power traders are the real problem here.
Fluctuating precursors, doubloons and lodestones (list goes on) due to players who got way too much gold at the moment and can literally buy every single piece of precursor that will pop on market, driving the prices to complete new levels.
Even I start to wish for 100% way, as steep as it may be, to get a precursor, just to set a fixed price on the item. Power traders who abused the market should not have monopoly on the whole community.
I agree that cheaters need to be dealt with, but at the moment you can simply not focus on farming the same mats they do, such as T6 mats. which will actually result in you saving money (even buy a whole stock of them, and wait for next ban wave to make a profit).
Maybe instead of being a sheriff and chasing hackers and botters, you should focus on your own legendary.
Not once whenever I roamed, did events or just gathered, did I even bother to follow bots around or even report them, it is not my kittening job to keep the game clean of them. And in those 5 mins of jerking around I could actually do something more productive for myself.
Just sit at a zone entrance for 10 minutes, or even better at a Ori node for 10 minutes and tell me your not shocked at the amount of botters that’ll appear, and how many of those are hackers and not just bots? There is a difference after all ~
The other problem is like Vol said, Because its so long after launch, it is near impossible to tell the legitimate owners of Legendary from the hackers or gold buyers. I posted a few months ago that for $30, you could buy 100g, if you used anet you would be lucky to get 30g for that $30.
The entire setup for right now, is just wrong.
Players like you scare me.
So anyone that afk in entrance is a bot? or just stands there for a moment and waypoint?
Get a grip.
As followup to one of the threads posted at the time this topic was made..
Expect a player to show us a gallery of all legendaries equipped on his characters.
This is not a hate topic, but rather to demonstrate the sheer gap in gold acquisition between players in this game, how the economy was driven to the ground by such players, creating an upper, middle and lower classes of players.
I will bump this thread again (if won’t get infracted beforehand for some reason), when the time comes.
More or less an “inb4” topic.
Don’t you guys have some sort of traders guild, that make a competition who gets all the legendaries in the game first?
Whoever hits 50kg first or anything like that?
I’m pretty sure you got nothing to do with the game by now besides hoarding gold and making such threads
If he wants he can have the whole set of legendaries
Time to rip the fruits of trading eh Riaky?
Kacigarka.5176 – One does not play for the skin, but for what it represents.
Myself, will soon own a 2nd as well.
In my guild, anyone hardly ever checks the forums.
As much as I agree with everyone, the forums are a complete minority of the population and does not even represent 1%.
They might be replying in a normal account defending the game without you realizing.
If this works the same as Karma then every 30mins switch between characters and avoid the DR.
Just make sure the alt is just as good as your main stats-wise.
That’s what I did to avoid the karma cap to get my legendary.
Don’t waste your time trying. Instead invest your gold on gathering mats and wait for the prices to rise after the bots are banned.
If anything, they act as stock options.
When the bots stock crash, that’s the time to cashout.