1. The dreamer.
2. Got all the gifts besides Mastery and fortune due to lack of shards.
3. Just need the precursor and Icy runestones.
Will be my 4th legendary, I just couldn’t resist after seeing the new improvement of this weapon. My thief is already trolling with Quip, so this will be a match made in heaven.
Would say I’ll finish it by the end of the month, taking it easy this time. (burnt out)
First they want more skill added to gain a precurosr.
Then they complain about daily dodger.
kitten logic
You should be able to tank anything in a group with 5/30/30/5
AH, healing symbols, VoR’s effect, regen pie and dolyak rune set.
Even legendary class bosses will take a while to bring you down.
Best part is that you still got sustained dps.
He must’ve used cryptonite!!!
I remember the days when 800g was enough for me to farm for Sunrise…
Now it is hardly enough for a precursor and some mats + ectos.
This will be the first outrageously priced precursor I ever bought.
Wow, a server actually got its own forums and community “management” by the players themselves.
I’m impressed!!
Might pay a visit to you guys.
All the complaints about the legendary short bow are so amusing.
Shooting rainbows to kill your foes would be hilarious and is definitely on my list if they ever make Lodestones less difficult to obtain.
How are lodestones and the dreamer related at all?
Well to start with you are making poor choices for weapon combos. Focus is a better for most situations for defensive guardian with a shield being used situationally, and axe/axe or axe/mace is consider better and proven to do more DPS than GS for warrior.
HB and whirling are still better than Axe / mace or axe.
Axe used to be nice until they “fixed” the 3rd chop combo that cannot be canceled effectively anymore.
Best to use GS + Axe as secondary for a quick single target adrenaline dump.
Sunrise, mace sucks.
Scavenger hunt AKA lips service.
There should really just be a single account bound quest for a precursor per account.
At least allow each account to obtain one legendary, and anything beyond will be through more heavy gold spending.
Not even saying some extreme skill challenge, something simple like storyline quest, get it over with since the mats will still cost a ton after that update anyway.
There would be nothing wrong if the precursor’s chances were significantly raised at MF to obtain.
Even a solid 1% will be pretty good and keep the weapon over 200g worth.
This thread shouldn’t be how we feel about the combat system.
Because what you’re aiming at are the the skills actually.
The combat is fine, even great, it is fluid, fast and requires self awareness.
The biggest problem is the lack of skills which additional skill slot or a 3rd weapon set will solve.
Love this forum, on the double now to farm them.
azazil – stop whining and get whatever it is you want.
Such might and pride won’t get you anywhere.
Just imagine if no one could resell these lodestones.
Anet’s system is flawed, abused and in pieces.
I gave up on trying to deal with this.
Thanks for the guesting Anet, now I can make tons of $$$$$ in peace without having to worry about this nonsense anymore.
Regardless of what the casual poor sod thinks..
Owning a legendary puts you at a higher status than the average Joe, period.
% wise, every player will confirm you that the legendaries wielders are spread out and scarce, even if they get to see 3 or 5 standing at the same spot in LA.
Soon they will become like FoW armor in GW1, when not everyone had it, but a dedicated portion. Which the armor acted as a status symbol.
Sweet, even I’ll use it for non-profit purposes!!!
Nice job man, keep it up! +1 from me
As soon as you begin referring to luxury goods as an inflationary issue I start skimming instead of reading. Within the last hour I’ve specifically said that you’re mistaking inflation for what is not inflation. Precursor prices aren’t changing due to inflation.
There’s an important fallacy at play here that is an important distinction to make between a virtual and a real economy. It’s a game. There are no necessary goods, and by that same token there can be no explicitly defined luxury goods. Every item in the moving economy is a luxury good, it’s an entirely luxury-based economy. You can’t separate out some types of items as “not mattering” just because you decide that they shouldn’t matter. The highest priced Legendary or Precursor on the TP is no more a “luxury good” than a level 5 white sword or a lump of copper ore going for a few copper (less if there weren’t a floor).
If some items available in the marketplace are going for far more than the players believe is reasonable (determine whether that is true or not however you feel necessary but don’t just assume that it’s not true), then something is wrong with how the economy is functioning. Either wealth is too concentrated in too few hands, or the quantity of certain types of items are far too limited to approach demand. ANet has a lot of levers they can pull to balance this situation out, and so far you don’t seem to be doing so. Yet.
You’re off topic.
comes back after 1 day to check topic
This isn’t a thread about RMT vs gold hoarding!!
Topic changed
It was added every month buddy.
Time for a change.
They wont.
Far too many people (including me) make easy money in this game.
They need cold cash, and gems won’t cut it.
Not so bad really, considering I’m working on The dreamer soon, I still need to get some tokens. Events will naturally follow as well for karma grind.
Works for me.
Name: Midas.
Description: A jewel, gold and silver decorated rifle.
Effect(s): Anything you touch will temporarily dye itself in a golden color, including golden footfalls as well.
Gun gives off a very bright shine.
Shoot gold coins that make a cashier register sound upon a defeat of your opponent.
Each hit will produce a blast of coins with dollar symbols as aftereffect.
Optional: can add a coin sound like in super mario per shot.
Less than 4s is expensive?
I can direct to some good ones I’ve been running for karma in Kessex hills and Brisban wilds.
Brisban Wildlands wiki doesn’t show the whole list of events, but you should look around the center to Northern areas of the maps.
Lots of “defeat X” events that are fairly simple and fast to do.
The dreamer is still cheaper to make than Sunrise / Twilight / Juggernaut / Bifrost.
I don’t see the problem here.
The effects were upgraded, so the hype increased towards getting it.
And guess who’s working on his 4th leggy thanks to that?
Let’s analyze a simple situation here:
Person X got over 20kg. More than enough to fulfill all of his wishes in the game.
Person X continues to make money, question is, why?
What can you possibly do after you broke the limit already?
My point – people with too much money make large scale investments, on the most expensive items in the game. Only to make even larger profit.
And what do they do with all the money?
Well…. first they tell you how much they love you….
Anet is delusional if they think RMT are composed of bunch of bots.
The laurel system acts like a veteran rewards. (the longer you own and active in the game, the more rewards you get)
But I’m very curious to find out what they have in store for the permanent achievements.
As it stands right now, we’re looking at some unrealistic numbers.
And this is how legendary precursor should be obtained, other legendary components in similar fashion. Well played
If it was the case, then tomorrow it’s mine.
I’m baffled how some people see this as achievement.
So many players with 0 motivation to even start something like this are capable of doing it.
If this is what you had in mind for skill to get rare items, then boy am I gonna be rich or what.
Are you and team using:
1. Warriors using greatswords as their main attack specced into DPS Traits?
2. Everyone using a powerful potion vs undead
3. Everyone using a +Power food nourishment buff
4. Everyone using a Bloodlust sigil that was charged to 25 before fighting Simin
5. Having the least DPS be the main tear person (I.e. Non- warrior)
6. Ensuring these people who claim to be zerker, actually are zerker with gear checks
7. Wearing Ascended Rings and Backpieces
8. Running proper warrior builds: (FGJ, OMM, Banners)No? Didn’t think so. And not that you need all these, I have done her with less but if you do have problems, try using some of these.
Yeah, I tried it last night, but one of our warriors didn’t have ascended gear.
Needless to say, we failed miserably because of his crap gear, health too low… barely DPSing anything.
We kicked him and got one with ascended rings, what can I say… HEAVEN AND EARTH!!
The 20% gold infusion. I play dungeons alot and this would jump my money pile greatly.
You need the utility jewelry first.
As for me, Endless cat tonic.
The reason why Twilight and Sunrise are popular is because it’s a very simple design that’s flashy enough and it doesn’t cater to a specific taste. That’s the concept they should’ve implemented with every Legendary weapon; to try and cater to a “neutral” audience with the intention of being flashy/showy/all else that comes with bragging without having people say “it looks like it came out from —- and it’s why I like/don’t like it”. It’s also the reason why all the other Legendaries get some sort of criticism: staff doesn’t go with Necromancers, pistol sounds like it’s made for trolls, short bow has unicorns, etc etc. Anet clearly messed up with the Legendaries, no argument about that, and they’ve only made it worse with the short bow with this new update. Taking the unicorns as an example, it would be great if it was sold in the gem store as a Legendary-only skin effect that can be purchased as an option so that only the people that wanted it can have it. But either 1. have the default Legendary be much more neurtral like Twilight and Sunrise or 2. have an opposite version of the Legendary (ie. shoots black acid instead of rainbows or what have you) so that people don’t have to be forced to choose between a rainbow legendary shortbow or no legendary shortbow. In fact, I predict here and now that Anet will eventually release new Legendaries that will be “oppositely themed” and will eventually please both ends of the spectrum, but until they do they’re simply going to continue getting legitimate complaints.
And honestly anyone that defends a ridiculous rainbow/unicorn shooting shortbow as an ultimate end-game item in any MMO is just another teenage girl. NOT a purchasable skin, NOT an event item, NOT another exotic luxury. Get it through your heads.
Cool man.
Still getting it in Feb, tell me which server you on, would love to do some confetti and unicorn action on you <3<3 Kawaiiii ^_¬
Tell them next time to get behind the frigging shields.
Just found the EASIEST way to get this in about 90 seconds: Go find an Ember, and dodge through the lava fonts it drops. Some of them will proc Evade several times per dodge. Easy-peasy.
Good call, will do on Guardian of Light.
2 Birds in one stone. (or 3)
I carry both weapons in WvW.
Both upgraded with Hydromancy.
The extra unexpected CC is great, especially on cliffs for the hammer, or if you want to golf a player into your zerg.
At this point it’s more worth it to throw a bunch of random rares to the forge rather than specific type.
You can sell most of the existing precursors to buy another one instead.
Only underwater and minstrel aren’t really worth it yet.
Well at least the gift of the dreamer is fairly cheap.
But precursor price pushes it to Top tier legendary value.
My Quip got a sweet purple aura around it (same color as the pistol’s aura)
Confetti footsteps
Burst of confetti and all the crap that comes out of the gun whenever you pull it out or switch to it while in combat.
No changes to Sunrise and The Juggernaut. (You can create a leaking animation off The juggernaut, shame it’s not permanent )
The new effect sucks so bad that it became the most expensive precursor.
kitten logic.
Who cares about fractals anymore?
Besides the backpiece, the real worthwhile jewels are the laurel utility ones.
Just wait until we get the rest of the laurels through permanent achievements update.
If I want a dynamic challenge, I’ll go play single player games, or multiplayer FPS.
Anet can make a sub-daily: “Run in a circle around a tree”
And players will open threads “which tree is best suited for this?”
Seriously, this is one of the most trivial dailies….
Gather 3 mobs, and dodge whenever they get close to you, if you can’t even do that much then please leave a comment so I’ll make sure to never party with you. ever.
I use the same build in everything.
0/5/30/30/5, all shouts
+3k attack and armor
41% crit rate and 70 crit dmg
+18k hpRun the greatsword and hammer. I’ll switch out my hammer depending on the situation.
Very solid build.
OP, you should try that with knight armor + ruby jewels that he didn’t mention.
I also like to run a selfish build of 10/25/30/0/5.
Just enough to heal myself, but deals greater damage than a supporter.
Think what you want to do, +damage or +support?
But do yourself one favor – never go hybrid.
More laurels will be given for permanent achievements later on.
Also, it takes 10 mins tops to do daily what’s your complain?
I find this a great way for everyone to experience everything the game has to offer.
Doesn’t protection decrease the damage of the ticks as well?
I’m not 100% sure.
Very nice!!!
gz on buff ^^
Just so you know…
You take no damage from agony with Renewed focus as guardian.
So perhaps try that after you rid of the first 2 tentacles?
Oh my god after reading all this I’m going to dump this game!!!
This post opened my eyes!!