later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
Personally I think the AOE nerf has been blown way out of proportion at this stage. I mean people don’t really think about how many AOEs there are in this game. Nearly every basic melee attack in the game is AOE. You can take that to mean that February patch is doomsday or you can realize they probably aren’t going to nerf 25% of the game’s skills. They could! However it’s extremely unlikely.
Instead they’re likely going to look at scenarios like Arcane Wave vs Arcane Bolt where most players are using Arcane Wave in favor of Arcane Bolt. Why would they ever use Arcane Bolt when Arcane Wave does similar damage and getting up melee obviously isn’t an issue. In this scenario they may consider the Cooldowns and consider them balanced, but they’re probably going to take a look at it.
You mean they finally buff arcane blast? Yes pls!
Seconded. And Signets too! And Glyph of Renewal. And Tornado. I know it’s AOE but man, it’s a suicide elite. Why on earth would I want to transform into a giant useless easy target? For the love of the kitten god, fix these skills.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
I’m won’t let speculation change my fun. And I don’t think they will change things so much that the ele will become worthless.
I won’t let my hopes up either. The devs do seem eager to tweak bunker eles and AOEs, which eles are loaded with, in the upcoming patches. I sense destruction when I think about this.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
yea, more often than not, you go invisible and never see the animation. add to that the Z-axis of underwater combat, most of the time i don;t know where i am. damage ticks on enemies will be my basis for my toon’s location when transformed to this awesome elite skill.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
Moving Zephyr’s Boon to Master Trait seems fair. As long as other useless traits get improved even a tiny weeeeenieeee little bit. With this, people can move away from 0/10/0/30/30 builds. If one really wants awesome boons from auras, they’d either max Water for Aura Share OR max Arcana and not both
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
5 months in and still bugged. Oh well..
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
Not all players try to min/max but everyone can tell what works and doesn’t work, and will always migrate to what is working best.
THIS. Other ele builds seem subpar in the eyes of most players but there are working builds. However some builds are too specialized to even stand on their own. Majority of successful builds for almost all classes are those that can stand up on their own and does not need some sort of cooperation or dependence on another player or class. And this is what everyone wants to play at the moment. End all, be all sort of thing. And this fotm ele build is successful at it, it does seem to go beyond what is balanced. It can be countered, yes, but I don’t think anyone is daring yet to go beyond the boundaries of their specific classes just to counter the “What’s Hot and Fresh” everyone and their nanny is playing.
And in before anyone says: So you mean I should spec specifically just to counter one build? Then that means that build is OP!!
My reply: It’s not OP. It’s an opportunity for build diversity. However, it does seem that certain builds that hard counter this fotm ele build are still lackluster at the moment maybe that’s why no one tries them out yet. Read: boon ripper builds, confusion build, daze-lock builds.
But well, it’s way easier to qq on forums and cry for nerf than doing all this hard work just to counter the fotm. Ele OP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Q.Q
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
I’m pretty sure every profession has been accused of being OP at some point. Except maybe Necros, which just means they’ll be next. (When GW1 came out eles were considered too squishy even for PVE and warriors/guardians were OP. Now apparently eles are OP tanks.)
The same happened in GW1. Every month a new profession/build was “OP” and “over-used” and desperately needed to be nerfed because it was ruining the game for everyone else. Then either it was nerfed, someone invented a counter, or people just got bored with it and it switched to another build being accused of exactly the same thing.
It’s the same in Pokemon too for that matter, and probably any game with any sort of PVP.
The only interesting thing about it is that every time there are people like the OP who act as if this is a new problem and completely unique to this profession/build and no one could possibly have concieved of it happening before and if it’s fixed it will never happen again.
Fotm build is like fashion trend. One moment, the trend setters (a.k.a. people who know so much about a certain build, and becomes successful using the said build, and sharing it with other people) would say: "This is in, that one is out. And everyone will follow suit. And the more people follow suit, the more people will notice the good and bad about that trend since heck, everyone is wearing it, who on earth would NOT notice it? And Anet is the fashion police. Once the life of the fotm is drained dry to the point of being a useless piece of crap, another fotm emerges. The next big thing will come around once the current flavor dies. And like fashion, old trends become in again and the cycle continues. You will NEVER see a time when no one will EVER complain about a certain class or build or whatever. This is true for all games. I hope Anet gets this done correctly, but my hopes are not that high though.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
Human racial utilities are useless for eles, but the human racial elites are wicked.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
one word: BLAND.
i hope the next expansion would have major improvements on personal story. i say next expansion since i highly doubt this will be looked into and improved sooner in upcoming patches.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
Who would say no to instant 4k karma? o.o
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
care to share your dyejob on each of your set?
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
and I couldn’t even manage to complete a full exotic set for my ele. how did you manage?
WOW. haha
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
Human. The voiceover for male human is nice and not annoying. It fits nicely for a noble, fine looking gentleman.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
Your logic falls apart around one simple facet: you presume that making it so that an item has a 1 in 200 chance of dropping is about the same as making a player collect 1 token 200 times. But they are not even remotely the same thing, and the reason is because one relies heavily on luck and the other is a system of rewards you build up over time.
Think of it this way: suppose you want a $2000 TV. Is it more efficient to get a job and earn that money, or is it more efficient to enter into every single contest that offers that TV as a prize and hope you win? Pretty sure most people would agree that it’s lovely to win free stuff in a contest, no question, but if you’re being realistic then you’re probably filling out applications for a job.
RNG systems are horrible in this regard because earning the best loot doesn’t boil down to hard work, it boils down to luck. Yes, it’s entirely possible that you’ll get that 1-in-200 drop rate item to drop multiple times in 200 runs. And if you do, hooray, good for you, you beat the odds. But it’s also possible for you to run that mission 1000 times and never see it once, in which case all your hard work has gone completely unanswered.
These two systems work just fine in tandem with each other. But if we’re talking about getting rid of one, I’m not sure why anyone would want to get rid of the more reliable option instead of the other, far more luck-based one.
And I especially don’t know why any GW1 player would want to cut down on token systems considering they were used VERY often in GW1, and to great effect at that.
Regarding the TV analogy, I for one would be more ecstatic in winning the TV compared to finally buying one with my earnings. I believe that was the point the OP was trying to say.
However, I do agree that these two systems, when implemented correctly, definitely work just fine in tandem with each other. But as of now, I see most unique looking stuff come out from the Mystic Toilet. That’s RNG. But that’s not what I meant regarding epic loot drops.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
It’s a bit different from all those slayer achievements which require you to kill xxxx number of this and of that. At least with this kind of achievement, there’s a “hunter” type of accomplishment going on. And the TITLE! We wants moar titles!!!!
And also, I like the bounty suggestion by NinjaEd.3946f
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
I’m not sure what you guys think of it, but I for one don’t enjoy it so much.
Did you ever go hunting in real life?
Imagine you shoot a turkey, rush to recover the body just to find a ticket in its place that says “Collect 743 of these to exchange with a real Turkey at your local market”.
Now imagine the reaction of the hunter.Similarly, I get more enjoyment to hunt mobs for the hope of rare loot (good old req8 golds?), rare skins, rare materials.
The shift nowadays seems to be that you need to complete X a specific number of times to get an item, there is no real epicness about this.Why can’t the Ice Elemental boss drop a rare Ascended Icy Dragon Sword/Staff with an unique built-in mod, or the colossus boss drop his Ascended Cultist Hammer with his own mod?
Nah, they’re just things to kill fast so you get the tokens.“Hey look, I looted this Shaman Staff off the Grawl Shaman himself! Very rare!”
“Hey look, I got this Shaman Staff from the vendor for 837 token I gained by rushing fractals”
There’s a big difference imo.TL;DR Please add a minimal chance for bosses to drop epic unique gear.
because RNG is an archaic kittenty system, designed to reward only the biggest of biggest farmers that play for hours and hours on end, I for one don’t see that as fun at all and (imo) most gw2 players feel the same
If a rare weapon drop is luck-based and RNG reliant, and you kill a certain mob that drops it over and over again to acquire such drop, it is farming, no?
But if i do a specific dungeon run, or doing daily achievements over and over again to finally get the xxx amount of tokens in exchange for that rare weapon, is it not farming still? yes?
RNG can be bad for some systems like gemstore boxes and chests since you paid for it, you can’t just rely on stupid RNG to get what you want.
But RNG seems to be an okay system in loot drops, since as stated by the OP, it gives that feeling of epicness when you loot a rare drop from a boss or something.
Farming for tokens however DOES make sure that your efforts payoff and you know that someday, you will get the amount of tokens needed to finally exchange for the weapon or armor you like, but it doesn’t seem to be different from what you are stating to be hours and hours of farming designed to reward only the biggest of biggest farmers that play for hours and hours on end. Think about it.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
I want the title of this thread to be an actual obtainable title in-game.
The requirements? Simple. Defeat each of the existing Champion mobs in the open world at least once.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
I do believe Burning Speed distance traversed, like other gap closer skills, are reduced by cripple (and chilled?). Not entirely sure, need mo confirmation or testing.
But we are deviating from the topic. Blind is a very tricky condition. It’s effective for one-hit damaging skills like BS or killshot and targetted casts like Mesmer phantasms, but is pretty much useless to multi-hits like HB, unload, and Burning Speed.
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More options for effective boon removal builds for other classes. Let’s see some build wars here guys!
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
However, stay the hell away from an imob ele since you’re gonna eat all of the point blank AOEs he has and Burning Speed Being one of them will hit like Nicki Minaj in American Idol.
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Is this another veiled attempt of a nerf-cry for d/d eles? Anyway, just be thankful it’s not an auto-targeted attack like HS or steal.
With regards to blind, it only makes the first attack miss. It’s a multi-hit trail before the final blast at the end. And don’t trust the combat log too much, there are a LOT of things it does not record or take into account at the moment.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
We need creativity here guys. I think this is the meta evolving. Maybe a few weeks from now, since double ele as you are saying is basically becoming a standard “cheesy” build in paid tourneys, can we not wait for some group decent and imaginative enough to make a counter comp instead of just swinging the nerf bat here and there? Yea, it may seem to think that since everyone else does it, it’s downright OP instantly for that matter. Try to think that this is not always the case. Perspective, guys.
And about the thief not having some sort of decent aoe damage/support build, yea they do seem to suck at support roles in conquest mode. lol
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
*Reduced damage from dagger skills by 30%
*Reduced healing from dagger skills by 30%Engineers used to have the same problem as Elementalists. One specific kit (weapon set in the case of elementalists) was overpowered to the point that it overshadowed other kits in utility that practically everyone who wanted to be effective used it. The answer to that problem was to nerf said kit’s damage by 30%. I can see a similar scenario coming soon for d/d.
While this would be good for the intent you have mentioned, would it not be better to improve other weapon sets, traits, or utilities so that they may become useful, effective, and not overshadowed? I mean with what they did to the Engineers, that class went from functional to a total plague in tPVP comps.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
Why would you use the arrow keys? :O
Yea, keybinding will be very helpful. You can check this out:
I find this guide very helpful. Will get some time to get used to. Give it a few days or even a week. Works wonders. You can also modify it a bit to your liking, but I find this setup very very effective and not stressful for my hands.
It works for any class for me. Well maybe except for Engineers since I tend to use more than 1 kit and kit swapping makes me crazy it takes one hell of muscle memory effort to get used to. :O
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
(edited by Gallrvaghn.4921)
Nerfed healing: check
Nerfed condition removal: check
Lowest base hp: check
Lowest base armor: check
melee range: check
Long CD on stun breakers: check
No class specific damage mitigation mechanics: check (except auras maybe)
Obvious burst sequence that doesn’t hit as hard as other burst: checkOk I get it now. Eles should be free food like they were a few months ago. Oh wait a second, they can still run away. Silly me.
QFE (quoted for emphasis)!
If eles run away, it means they need breathing room (aka about to die). Should say something about their current state. Pay attention to how often it happens.
This is unacceptable! No one else should be able drop the bomb, and getaway so easily and reset the fight other than the thief! The thief should only be the most annoying class! Why are you d/d eles taking that away from thieves????
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
wow. i didn’t know about the projectile reflect while target is sinking. :O
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
the mob has spoken. D/D 0/10/0/30/30 cantrip specs are gonna get nerfed. there is no stopping them! :O
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
no to attrition build!
yes to extreme bunker build!
yes to extreme burst build!
more 2-3sec instakill!
these are more fun!!
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
December’s patch was was supposedly oriented around balance and we did not get very many changes at all. My expectations are quite low.
This. Other than some tweaks in damage numbers or CD increase or decrease, I doubt we will be expecting anything else.
Bug fixes? Nah, they just bring in some MORE bugs.
Oh! The negativity! Sad but true. True true.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
I hope they just fix the tooltip rather than remove the Confusion.
It’s freakin epic.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
Anyone else in love with creating clones with the trident? I just gotta love those Confusions and Bleeds stack like there’s no tomorrow. Add to the fact that I get free buffs when the attack bounces on me.
However, in PVE, my mesmer is just level 40 without the traits whatsoever that say clone’s auto attack with trident causes Confusion. Am I missing something here? Can someone enlighten me as to how clones generated underwater while using a Trident does this?
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
My list won’t be expected rather suggestions while we wait for what we are expecting to be just some random number changes here and there for some skills like heal reduction or duration increase of some sort.
Improvement on Traits especially Fire and/or Air to make a decent non 0/10/0/30/30 build with any weapon set. I am tired of all these “D/D eles are OP” whines. Someone please make a new fotm for eles and post it here on the forums! I seem to fail at this attempt.
Please buff Cojures some more. Or better yet, redesign or improve some of them so they don’t feel clunky and gimmicky to use. Why not make it usable in a way that it becomes some sort of an extra weapon swap for its duration or number of charges.
Example: I cast conjure frost bow and change my weapon skills bar to that of the frost bow, but when i swap to any attunement, i will enter that attunement’s skillset. and i can still press the button for conjure frost bow to go back to the frost bow’s skillset much like an engineer’s weaponkit as long as the timer isn’t over or all the charges haven’t been consumed yet. the problem here will be that the conjured weapon skills will no longer be under the effect of any of the attunement’s bonuses for that matter but at least it won’t be: conjure weapon, cast skill 2,3,4,5, drop weapon. I get to keep them longer and use them inbetween my attunement skills.
And while you’re at it, Glyph of Renewal. We all know it’s tooooooooo situational to the point of being useless compared to other revival skills of other classes except Mesmers. Theirs are as trash as this one. lol
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
no to hp pool increase! yes to fire and air traits improvement! i wanna see big numbers! i want to be an actual glass cannon! survivability traits in these traitlines would be a better solution IMHO rather than an increase in hp. i want a working build that is not just another x/x/x/30/30. :O
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
Just don’t change any water and air skills on trident. They’re all awesome.
Maybe fire for fireshield or earth for magnetic aura since I almost never use almost half of the skills on those attunements.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
it’s called balance.
with my build, i have 20k+hp, just one cantrip in my utility (okay sometimes two), and decent amount of toughness, heals for a crapload, and stacks 18-25 might in one rotation to deal some serious damage. i’m no pro, but with this setup, it makes me feel like one. an ele’s hp is the least of your worries my friend.
And that’s the only build eles can take, which you seemed to miss the point on.
Points on Arcana and Water are NOT optional in pvp. Boon duration boosting runes are NOT optional in pvp.
You can’t build a full berserker ele in pvp without being heavy on cantrips. And guess what? Every ele and his mother is running cantrips because they are NOT optional utilities as a result of crappy baseline survivability.
Try running a full glyphs berserker ele and see where that gets you. Try running conjures. Try running 30/fire/30 air or anything with lower than 10 points in arcana and water.
Regarding your argument, i can say that people choose not to go full Fire/Air spec is because the risk/reward is a joke. What i meant to say is increasing ele’s hp pool will still not make Fire and Air trees viable since the traits are just very underwhelming compared to the Water and Arcana traitlines. This is not the solution we are looking for, IMHO. I think it will only worsen the problem on bunker builds for eles. I believe same goes for other utilities in a way. I don’t use glyphs, signets, and conjures not because I have low hp hence I must always bring the “oh crap” utilities but because these other utilities are just not that worth it at the moment. Maybe if some traits in Air and Fire, heck even Earth, like those in line with certain utilities in that aspect were to be imrpoved, only then will we see some other viable or unique builds. Ones in which I can sacrifice my already crappy survivability, i.e. not slotting three cantrips, and choose to fill those slots with utilities which are actually useful.
No, you bring that cantrip and trait into water/arcana because otherwise a cloak&dagger+steal will 2-shot you at 13-14k hp, as will a mesmer shatter or a frenzy 100b.
Guess what? All our shorter cd stunbreakers are cantrips, with armor of earth having a monstrous cooldown compared to, say, my mesmer’s 32 sec stunbreaker cd.
Even if you could increase ele damage by 100% people would still not run the builds because mesmers and thieves and warriors can burst you before you can burst them, anytime. Immunities via Frenzy/Distortion/instant MI shatters, stealth and teleports, stuns and immobilize with haste. You would die before you could even go into an Updraft>Burning Speed>Firegrab combo.
They have means to mitigate your burst on their core weapon utilities and avoidance mechanics/base hp, whereas outside mist form you do not.
It’s the same reason burst rangers and necros are garbage (besides the horrible damage they do) — they cannot land burst in safety or heavily control the target to assure the delivery of burst while avoiding any burst themselves. Their burst is not instant, and both can’t remain offensive while using defensive measures (which blurred frenzy/distorion, stealth, and warrior high base health and armor allow them to do).
Yea, ele burst is not that instant compared to Thieves and Mesmers. BUT we do have damage mitigation skills in our weapons. We also have CCs in them. CD differences might seem to be the issue and increasing ele hp pool is still not a good solution.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
(edited by Gallrvaghn.4921)
it’s called balance.
with my build, i have 20k+hp, just one cantrip in my utility (okay sometimes two), and decent amount of toughness, heals for a crapload, and stacks 18-25 might in one rotation to deal some serious damage. i’m no pro, but with this setup, it makes me feel like one. an ele’s hp is the least of your worries my friend.
And that’s the only build eles can take, which you seemed to miss the point on.
Points on Arcana and Water are NOT optional in pvp. Boon duration boosting runes are NOT optional in pvp.
You can’t build a full berserker ele in pvp without being heavy on cantrips. And guess what? Every ele and his mother is running cantrips because they are NOT optional utilities as a result of crappy baseline survivability.
Try running a full glyphs berserker ele and see where that gets you. Try running conjures. Try running 30/fire/30 air or anything with lower than 10 points in arcana and water.
Regarding your argument, i can say that people choose not to go full Fire/Air spec is because the risk/reward is a joke. What i meant to say is increasing ele’s hp pool will still not make Fire and Air trees viable since the traits are just very underwhelming compared to the Water and Arcana traitlines. This is not the solution we are looking for, IMHO. I think it will only worsen the problem on bunker builds for eles. I believe same goes for other utilities in a way. I don’t use glyphs, signets, and conjures not because I have low hp hence I must always bring the “oh crap” utilities but because these other utilities are just not that worth it at the moment. Maybe if some traits in Air and Fire, heck even Earth, like those in line with certain utilities in that aspect were to be imrpoved, only then will we see some other viable or unique builds. Ones in which I can sacrifice my already crappy survivability, i.e. not slotting three cantrips, and choose to fill those slots with utilities which are actually useful.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
it’s called balance.
with my build, i have 20k+hp, just one cantrip in my utility (okay sometimes two), and decent amount of toughness, heals for a crapload, and stacks 18-25 might in one rotation to deal some serious damage. i’m no pro, but with this setup, it makes me feel like one. an ele’s hp is the least of your worries my friend.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
I’m not going to comment on Issues 1 and 2 yet. I’m going to wait to see what the blog post later this week says.
Issue 3 – Skipping
Tone Trash Down to make clearing easier and faster – I’m not a big fan of nerfing content, to be honest. If anything, Bosses need to be made more ‘boss-like’ so they differentiate from trash. Toning them down would just mean that it’ll be an AoE fest.
Improve Loot – Depending on how it’s balanced with open-world loot. If it’s better, then you’re still stuck with issue 1.
Remove Trash Mobs – Eh, that would make the dungeons seem too empty. Ascalon Catacombs? Isn’t that where the Foefire happened? So where’s all of these vengeful spirits?
Additional Suggestions:
- Vanquishing – Vanquishing a dungeon means killing every single mob in there, and would grant loot at the end (such as additional Tokens, gold, Karma ect), possibly an additional dungeon title track "Vanquisher of (insert dungeon here).*
Mechanic: Call for Help* – Skipping the trash in the surrounding area would result in the boss calling for help. All the trash you’ve missed would then swarm, making the fight a lot harder for an unorganised group.
The improved loot in dungeon trash mobs is a big no no in most cases since people will also eventually find a way to farm/rerun initial mobs in the first area of a dungeon if these loots are better than the open world loot.
I like the Vanquishing suggestion. Clearing a dungeon will be a lot more exciting/challenging than skipping the entire dungeon and just killing the final boss.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
just spend them. i highly doubt an increase in stack or making them or other mats into collectibles will ever happen. bank spaces are in the gem store
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
You now realize Guild Wars has centaurs but has no horses.
Strange eh?
All the black cows ate the horses
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
1/ Fractals should be more accessible. This will be changed as per the update notes
2/ all exotic items should be upgradeable to ascended with an MF recipe requiring crafting profession “gifts”.
3/ Many MF recipes should be ascended quality per default. I’m thinking of Ilya/Lyss, Triforce Amulet and other extremely expensive MF skins.
4/ Requirements should be both dropped and spread out. 20 karka shells/passion flowers are more than plenty. Ecto requirements should be rebalanced too. Making specific gems over crafts would also be a good idea.
5/ Every zone in the world should have an internal goal that leads to a unique ascended piece of gear. EG: 250 green wood plank + 250 copper + gift of nobleman + 100 centaur gems (1 per event in queensdale) should lead to the Crown of Queensdale.
6/ Personal Story should give you all the materials for an ascended class item. Not required to save them up, you can make gold of them but the drops should be tailored to your character, not random.
I so love this suggestion! Open world will possibly become more alive with a lot of players in every zone once again. This is what I am expecting when they say that they will make improvements on the core of the game, i.e. open world and dynamic events.
Heck, make every champion or veteran monster drop unique loots necessary to forge or craft a certain Ascended piece would give purpose to these mobs that have useless chest with loots no better than what we get from killing thousands of normal mobs at the moment.
I just hope that they make it so it would not feel like crafting a Legendary wherein one needs to farm for XXX number of this, and XXX number of that. Something more in the line of a bit difficult to accomplish but easier than making a legendary, and not brain-dead farming materials, or earning crap load of gold just to buy all the mats from the TP.
Another problem I see here is how much time the devs will need to create so many unique pieces for each and every PVE zone. I know we already have a lot of skins, some of which I believe are not even discovered yet. But, the more the shinies, the happier the skritts, no?
Should they try to implement this, I’m sure both VP and HP players will be happy. It’s a win-win, IMHO.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
9/10 since i love that movie! well, second to Spirited Away
Britney Spearshadow
Female Charr Ranger
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
Use skill 3 of Tornado to get a chance to see a COW flying to your opponent.
This is the reason this is the BEST and most used ele elite in the game prior to the stability bug fix.
Tested. Not kidding.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
i ROFL’d really hard with this one! am i the only one to get this post?
and on-topic, no this is not the correct translation. read: lord of the rings
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
curios question. why S/D particularly for going 30 fire? will staff and other weapon sets be equally viable with this new and improved traits or..?
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
North American servers comprise of bandwagon morons, 2 months ago you would be lucky to see a elementalist in Spvp, now everybody and their mother plays one. what a shame.
This is mainly the problem I see here. The community will likely focus their attention to eles right now because they are starting to come out in sPVP like mushrooms, most of them using D/D cantrip builds. And this I think was mainly due to daphoenix’s post in the forum about mastering the D/D ele. He was able to use his build to its full potential. I learned a lot from his guide.
When this same guy or another exceptional player discovers an amazing build that leans on becoming OP and shares it with everyone, and bandwagoning starts to move to a different meta, we will see the same threads like the BS thief OP, mind wrack shatter mesmer OP, etc.
I am eagerly waiting to find a good ele build using D/F, Sc/F without using cantrips which is equivalent to the performance of the current D/D cantrip build which is indeed quite strong in almost every aspect – mobility, survivability, DPS, and control – and is very powerful in the hands of a good player.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
(edited by Gallrvaghn.4921)
And i have no clue Gall, at armor of earth it also used to say the protection and stability lasted 11 seconds and then armor of earth stopped after 8 seconds, removing the boons.
They fixed that. It was in the patch notes.
And by fixed, you mean nerfed the actual skills instead of putting them where the tooltip said they were supposed to be.
Blame the tooltip encoders, I say!
They are the reason for all of these misunderstood nerfs to the ground!!
On a side note, Tornado’s longer stability duration compared to the transformation’s actual duration still annoys me.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
Good job only being viable with an Bugged build OP, surely it says alot about the profession if thats the only viable thing at you,
NotI will ignore the bad grammar. I’m just sad that you were not able to enjoy the fun that is Evasive Arcana before it got fixed.
Then I am happy for you that you can start enjoying other fun aspect of elementalist, now that it is fixed.
Really? Seriously? The bug in evasive arcana is the only fun thing in elementalist?
<— dungeon elementalist here. Stopped using evasive arcana long ago. Do dungeons just fine with no problem of suriving.
You’re putting words in my mouth. I said EA was fun but never did I mention in that post that it was the ONLY fun thing in elementalist.
If you did fine without EA, good for you. But for the rest of us who relied on it and thought it a fun mechanic will definitely take us some time to get over it and move on with such a loss. I am happy with bug fixes, since they are meant to polish the game. However, when realizing that this trait provided fun for ele playstyle, and of course it was an obvious bug, I am expecting some nerfs or polishing, but to completely obliterate such fun mechanic for some of us, it basically not only nerfs exploiters but handicaps those who enjoy using it. They could’ve adjusted some ICDs and maintained the blasts so that it does not become abusive, or made the correct bug fix since Flame Burst and Cleansing Wave were not supposed to be actual finishers in the first place. But to remove the blast finisher from Churning Earth too which was described as a blast finisher from the off-hand dagger weapon skill, I cannot simply comprehend why this one was an UNINTENDED blast finisher.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
Also, the timer in the icon for the buff for Frost Bow seems to be stuck at 1min. But it disappears together with the other icon when the charges are all consumed or the timer for the Bow ran out.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”