They did not say no new content. Just no more living story content. Still I don’t expect anything really new, but I hope we get some old stuff back.
Leather yes. But silk? No way. Always out of silk. How I envy you.
Hey! My new friend also played Everquest at the end of last millenium.
I didn’t have good enough a computer for such games then, so it was MUDs for me.
Welcome and have fun! Never hesitate to contact me.
G’grief. I am not a dungeon expert, but unless I am extremely busy, I will volunteer as a member of the party to the story dungeons. Well, busy or needing to sleep.
And either region is fine.
Hmm. while I prefer armor over outfits I think uniforms could work well as outfits. One is not supposed to personalize a uniform, after all.
If one plans to eventually craft Ascended gear, one might consider also crafting the Exotic one wants to use. Exotic gear is lvl 400 craft and making a set will help towards the goal of lvl 500 and Ascended.
Crafted gear is also salvageable, so if you invest in runes/sigils you can get them back and put them in the better gear.
Sell. If it were a rich node, I’d say keep. But 3 plat a day vs. 130 gold: no contest.
Hi again!
I am naturally inclined to be partial to Piken Square. I am not sure how these early mornings are in WvW. Evenings there are lots of players.
I get off work in about two hours. I’ll check to see if you are on when I get home.
Yes. It is scam. Report and delete.
Here is more on the issue:
Welcome to the game. I am on a coffee break, so keeping this short. I know you’ll do great with all your experience.
I live in Finland and play on both regions without problems. Whichever you pick, l’d be delighted to help show you around.
The point was not to entertain you. It was to test how the content behaves under pressure.
With the taxes i pay Black Lion i could have rebuilt Lions Arch ten times already.
And what makes you think Eveon wouls have spent any significan amount of that money for rebuilding the city? Pfft. If he wanted to, he could fund it now.
Yes, please. This would be very helpful. Sometimes one needs to make room in the bags and put soulbound things in the bank.
Well..sometimes the accounts are very cheap.
I paid for my second what is not the regular price and I am still content. I got five more characters for less than it would have cost to buy slots.
I can play on both regions.
If my bags get stuffed somewhere I cannot leave, I mail things to my other account.
There are always people around in PvE because of the Megaserver system. Sometimes a bit too many people….
WvW has, in my experience, quieter times even on the full servers. But if you are just looking to run in a zerg, Edge of the Mists is running 24/7 with 5 min breaks every 4 hours.
Someone will probably chime in with the information which servers have concentrated OCE/Asia population for WvW purposes.
Before transferring, you might try to find the guild. If you think it were better to transfer, seek for EU guilds and ask to join. Yes, guilds can have members from both regions now. You cannot meet ‘in person’ or do things together at that point. Hang in the Guild Chat and get to know the people. If you feel that you fit in well, then you may wish to invest in transferring. Also do the same in NA.
Some guilds can be found here:
I have two Forgemaster’s Armor Chests just taking space in my bank. I’d like to put them to use. What classes could use Rampager’s (Precision, Power, Condition Damage) stats best?
A few more good suggestions here:
I think there is a story mission that tells you to go to that region. The story instance starts actually near the gate in Divinity’s Reach. Entering the real Fields of Ruins map is not needed.
I have never considered winning a game like this possible. I just win little victories each day.
Hmph. Only great PvP players or very lucky spectators could get the llama.
Actually it were nice if all salvage kits stacked.
You got extremely lucky. Grats!
For a WvW oriented server choose one of the top six or seven.
In PvE server does not matter. If you see very few people, it is probably because starter maps aren’t very full right now. Try saying something in mapchat though, you might get several responses. The maps are not small and pwoplw are spread out.
Playing in a party is awesome. It is fun and in some cases it can help to get a drop from World Bosses. No open world content requires a party though. Any player near can help complete stuff.
But parties are fun.:)
They are random as Trogdor said. But don’t remove the post. Others may have wondered about it too.
Is it stuck on ‘Initializing’? If so open task manager and end the process. Then go to your Programs , Find GW2 and delete the ‘Bin’ folder.
Delete Bin folder.
Me too. My daughter’s computer 1.5 m away downloaded everything nicely.
They have raised the number of people on each server before. That could happen again.
It is interesting to see this request as we usually get the opposite ones.
- There is always something for you if you complete a daily. Do it if you can. If you can do three, you get 10 Achievement Points.
- I cannot say about the PvP, but I can tell you that you can have totally different build for PvP and PvE on the same character.
- Dungeons were meant to be part of the whole story. When you are at a certain point in the Personal Story (if you do that) you get a letter inviting you to a dungeon. These are the Story Mode Dungeons. If you can find a group that takes people who are at the level of the dungeon and does not mind Rangers, it can be a fun thing. It can also be awful in the wrong group.
- PvP gear all have the same stats. Only appearance can be chosen. The very top tier of gearfor PvE (Ascended) is most reliably crafted, but it is not really needed by most players. Many still want it. Exotic is perfectly fine for everything except very high level Fractals.
- No open world PvP. But there is WvW. Try that.
- You have your skins in the wardrobe. To put a skin on any piece you have costs a transmutation charge (which you will have a lot if you PvP). If you outgrow your equipment and get new, you can skin them again for another charge. Or if you get bored with the skin you have, apply another for a charge. There are also skins that can be applied on armor directly. You got those in the chest. If you use them, they will disappear from your inventory, but there is always a copy in the wardrobe. Only first application is free.
- For salvaging you need to buy a salvaging kit from a merchant. Usin it braks the equipment into materials, which can be stored to use for crafting or sold and Essences of Luck. Consuming essence of luck raises your Magic Find.
If you want CoE berserker gear, you can also get it from PvP. If you have done the story, the reward track is always selectable.
Hi there!
Are you a person who would like to do the PvP dailies but hates being yelled at? Or maybe you really want to make an Ambrite weapon, yet no insects ever come from your chests? Or maybe you want something else from the PvP reward tracks?
If you are such a person, we could help each other. I have the arena, but dragging my daughter into game to do the dailies is a battle most days. I don’t play at NA prime time very often, but the arena is open as long as its days last even when I am not in game.
So, if you think you could help either me or each other, please, drop me a line. Either pm me here or contact me in game. Check to see if either of me is online for a quicker response. Accounts in the signature.
Oh, okay. Thanks. Sorry they just had similar names. I’m new to the game…had my eye on Wrappings of the Lich. Unsure how easy/hard it is to get..
Wrappings of the Lich takes 1390 Shards of Zhaitan. At minimum it would take 6 days of running all 4 paths each day to get the full set.
You can also get it from the PvP Arah reward track. The fastest way would be, of course, doing both. The reward track will be opening next for everyone, but just doing Arah story makes it permanently unlocked.
It took me about 2 months to craft the light armor set. Timegating was not even a hindrance. Silk and linen were the real culprits. The other two were faster, but even they took a month. I guess I just don’t get the hurry: the game will be there for years.
I saw two different ones. Was there more?
I watched the panel today from EGX Rezzed. On the Borderland Map drawing there was this adorable Charr with a sword drawn. I’d really like to see more of them! Rawr!
I’ve never made very much gold. There was one time when I had a goal of depositing 3 gold every day, so probably that was it: About 100 gold a month
There are very likely people who speak English around at all times. If you need to know something, just ask. Almost always someone will answer.
I don’t know if I am odd, I just feel it would be rude of me to start chatting in English in the middle of a conversation in another language. I know I have just as good a right to talk as the next person, but knowing it is not feeling it. Or maybe that is the Finn in me: Interrupting is considered impolite here.
You can have more than two crafts, but only two are active at the same time. Switching active crafts cost a small sum.
You have five character slots so you might consider creating an alt to take two crafts. Personally I have four chars with two crafts each. There is also an item in the gem store that lets you ha e more crafts active per character. It is for convenience so it costs a fair bit.
The real fun (for me) begins when I get to play with others. This is not level restricted.
This n
eeds to be base game, not expansion stuff.
It is against the forum rules to ‘name and shame’. You can post the pictures if you black out the name.
Hello! I hope you don’t mind me replying even though ‘brother’ soesn’t work very well.
Welcome to Tyria! Keep chatting. Sometimes people answer and sometimes they are busy. The best way to get people to react is to ask questions. Yea, some will tell you to look it up on the wiki, but many will try to answer.
I am nearly always up for a chat. After playing a few thousand hours, I also know some things. But not nearly all.
I have noticed this too. Even if I want to do Kegbrawl even less than Southsun Survival, it should happen sometime.
There is no way I could ewxplain how crafting works better than the wiki. So, here is the link:
If you don’t understand something, ask.
Easiest is to do it when you log on. Just pick one from the login reward panel. Click on the little eye.
Also they can be found in Hero→Achievements→Dailies
It is one of the Norn female hairs in the makeover kit.
1. I am not sure what you mean.
2. They are in cities and each starter zone has one too. The Crafting Crier starts to harass you at lvl 10. But you can start crafting at level 1 if you want to.
3. Pets remain the same. You can name them. I don’t think there is a level restriction. Push the Pawprint, there is a line above your pets picture to give it a name. You tame a new pet by walking up to it and intercting (F). Only Juveniles can be tamed.
4. Your armor takes damage and you may have to Waypoint. Waypointing costs a tiny bit, armor repair is free now.
5. You can mark yourself AFK. That means no-one can whisper you. It is best to AFK only in safe places or just go to char selection.
6. I cannot help without seeing what is wrong.
And…Part One: I have no idea what that Apexis is. These hearts have been the same for 2½ years. You fill a bar, but there are generally several choices as to what to do to fill it up. The hearts were added because players felt lost without some indicator where to go. Often events happen near them.
Part 2: Quests (I take it you mean hearts) are not the main XP source. The Dynamic Events are. You also gain XP for gathering stuff, killing stuff and simply walking to a new place.