Showing Posts For Gord.8654:

Had a rough time last night

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gord.8654


Sorry to the OP but most of the stuff (aside from poopie loot) is not Anets fault. This is an MMO, Orr is not meant to solo ever. It stinks but it’s fact. I understand where you’re coming from I have had similar experiences but they were mainly my fault thanks to rushing.

There is a solution for everything you listed. Patience, practice, and Google/Wiki. I hope tonight is better for you!

Host of SOTD Podcast

So much awesome.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


I have played since pre-launch and I still think that this game is the most awesome game I have ever played. Yes like all games it has some problems.. that is expected. I still log in everyday and I still have fun!

Don’t get me wrong there are things I don’t like and things I still want to see fixed but at the core I still feel this game is a huge chunk of awesome!!!

Host of SOTD Podcast

In my view, the Trinity Needs to Come Back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


What do you mean ‘needs to come back’?

Its not like you bought it knowing it has a trinity system, and then they changed it. This game never had a trinity system as far as I know.

Do you know what is the cost of redesigning the classes to become a trinity system (assuming you are right that trinity is better)? Might as well make a new game.
That being said, I still don’t understand why would you force yourself on GW2 if you liked the trinity system and you know that this game doesn’t have it.

I didn’t force myself onto anything. I knew this game wouldn’t have the trinity and I was naive enough to think Arenanet would be capable of making it work. Clearly my hope was misplaced.

Clearly it was.

So what are you still doing here?

As a dissatisfied customer it is my right to voice my dissatisfaction and advise the creator of said sub-par product how to improve and maybe win back my support.

Sure it is. But to think for a second that Anet is going to totally revamp the fundamental game mechanics that the game is built upon is just totally naive. If you truly believe the game is broken because of the lack of a trinity then don’t play. <shrug>

“No criticism. No questioning glorious leader Arenanet. Find the game perfect or leave.”

Sounds like the SWTOR forums. We all saw how well that game did with fanboys touting this kind of attitude.

This isn’t a “fanboy” thing. The devs have openly talked about the “no trinity” core mechanics since before the game was released. It is how the game was designed there is no debate!

Host of SOTD Podcast

Hall of monuments outside ( Glitch) :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


I would have looked for Gwen’s garden! Very neat tho. Nice glitch. er feature.

I did it with my thief last night and I looked for the garden but it wasn’t there! Boo!!! It may be added later though, the area is not polished at all at least what I saw. It went pretty far though… I almost made it to the Blood Legion home lands but everything just stopped… I’ll edit in some screens when I get back to my PC

Host of SOTD Podcast

Guild Wars 2 lore ???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


Ebonhawke has lore books scattered around the fortress but I think it is just the story of how Ebonhawke was founded.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


Yes but did you feel that way from launch or after 2 campaigns and an expansion? The game has been out for 4 months…. let’s ask this question after the first year or at least after the Jan and Feb updates. They are supposed to add content equivalent to an expansion!

I know you weren’t asking me, but I played GW starting from a month after launch. I was not bored in Proph by the time Factions came out.

I recognize that things change as the game goes on—and obviously I still care, because I’m still visiting the forum—but for real, it isn’t like GW2 is reinventing the wheel here. There are obvious things, 100% no-brainer things, from GW that people expected. Guild halls, gvg, guesting to name a few.

I wasn’t bored either…. this is a night and day comparison between GW1 and 2. They are completely different. From what I heard (not confirmed) guild halls and guesting are coming in an upcoming patch. GvG on the other hand was never planned to come to GW2 and I believe that the devs were clear about that too.

Don’t get me wrong there are obvious flaws in GW2 right now… but think of where it COULD be in 5 more years!

I don’t think anyone is wrong here just answering the OP with my opinion. Thanks for sharing yours!

Host of SOTD Podcast

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


I Have played a lot , but its not a patch on gw1 atm , i have to say its lacking in many ways , mainly end game , crafting , loot drops , dungeons , pvp . all those arent as good as gw1 imo

Yes but did you feel that way from launch or after 2 campaigns and an expansion? The game has been out for 4 months…. let’s ask this question after the first year or at least after the Jan and Feb updates. They are supposed to add content equivalent to an expansion!

Host of SOTD Podcast

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


I like GW2, but it’s just SO far away from the original. And not just a technical stand point, even lore stand point, it is a little too far. (I miss my mesmer hexes!)

I love Guild Wars (original) and will always be my favorite game.

I agree the game is WAY different but like I said it feels the same to me. I know it sounds weird and I can’t explain why but it does (underscore to me).

I like GW1 but can honestly say I won’t play it again because I feel despite it’s problems GW2 is far superior.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Question to Guild Wars 1 players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


Maybe it’s just me but when I play this game it still kind of feels like GW1 to me. Don’t get me wrong the game is totally different than GW1 but it feels the same to me somehow.

I do agree with Ath though, I don’t like the overwhelming feeling that all roads to success pass through the gem store but I don’t think Anet is that type of business and this is just growing pains for the game.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Stealth Modification

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gord.8654


Just learn to fight like a man, take the hits and live with the outcome; and don’t try to tell me that I am playing some OP class and I just want kills to be easier on them, because I am playing a sttihy necro.

It is not that they aren’t beatable, it is just extremely annoying.

Lol that is funny! Are you saying everyone should roll a Warrior and stand still? I hate Thieves, Mesmers, and even Necro’s in PvP but they are not OP and do not need to be nerfed. I need to develop my skills and find a better counter!

Host of SOTD Podcast

Cultural Ascended and Legendary Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gord.8654


Ok so in order to max out your Fashion achievement you have to buy all 3 armorsets. Not horrible but what to do when you’re done? How about making forge recipes for ascended and legendary cultural armor .

For the ascended set it could be all 3 tiers of one piece (T1 helm T2 helm T3 helm) and 250 essences (or whatever makes sense) then for legendary it could be the ascended piece and 3 gifts. Makes it more worth while to buy all 3 sets and everyone is happy!

Host of SOTD Podcast

Am I the only one who hates Risen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


The level 80 areas are impossible to solo. I think that this is part of their “anti-bot” strategy. It sucks because I solo alot to since I prefer open world over dungeons but I don’t think it is going to change. It is well documented that Anet expects players to party all the time. There are rewards (additional drop rates) for being in a party as well. No room for “lone wolves” in GW2!

Host of SOTD Podcast

Dont buy from Shouters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


Geezus, this is why trading should have been implemented at launch, why the hell isn’t it in the game yet? >.<

I’m sure you’re not the only one that’s been scammed too :/ Does Anet really want to waste their time dealing with scammers? I mean, implementing a trading feature would make scams like this non-existent.

No using the TP and not trying to avoid the gold sink tax, which is needed in this game, is the answer. There will never be a trade channel in this game and I for one am glad for it! Keep GW2 spam free!!!!!

I kind of have sympathy for the OP because it seems like he made an honest (but expensive) mistake! In general though (in my opinion) if you’re willing to trade via mail to circumvent a system you’re likely to exploit, buy gold, or run a bot. Not saying the OP would but if you’re willing to circumvent one part of the game why not all? Especially if you can get the decision reversed because it was an “honest mistake”.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Story completion reward is a joke

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


The items you get from that token sell on the TP for 1g+

They have some nice skins/models on them

But the OP is right… the reward for killing the most aggressive ELDER dragon (at this time) is FAIL!!! Zhaitan should drop the pre-cursor for the legendary you want (you would pick) since part of the “end-game” is a Legendary weapon!

Host of SOTD Podcast

Bots, again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


Wow… protecting botters rights?? LoL that is laughable! Where is that in Frostgorge? I’m going to start camping it and reporting!

Host of SOTD Podcast

Drop rates really aren't good enough

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


Everyone should know by now, it is to control the Bot population. If you look around, you never ever see bots in this game. GW2 has the Best Bot control of any other MMO I have ever played.

The economy is already pretty solid and always has been. Just make a crafter and sell your wares, you will make a ton of money! Also please ensure you have a full set of MF gear and run dungeons, it is very easy to make money in this game if you do it the right way.

Not trying to be rude but do you play? Crafting is extremely unprofitable, there is no discernable increase in drops with magic find in fact the general concensus is that it’s broken and I don’t want to be limited to playing one aspect of the content to make money. The only dungeon that hasn’t been nerfed is Fractals!

Host of SOTD Podcast

Drop rates really aren't good enough

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


If you look in the stickies up top there is a thread that was started by Stephanie Lopresti (I think) about this issue… “Post data on perceived loot drops” or something like that. There is real data there that has been presented by players to support this as an issue. If you have any facts I would suggest posting there. Not trying to be a jerk I agree with you 100%. I just feel like if we keep putting solid data in there they will have fix it. Thanks!

Host of SOTD Podcast

Dont buy from Shouters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


I hope you learned your lesson. I for one hope nothing bad comes to the player you reported. It is no ones fault but your own for trusting them.

I agree, always blame the victim! /sarcasm

The only victim here was common sense.

It is common sense but it doesn’t mean the scammer should get away with it. I just use the TP unless it is a trusted friend. I hope Anet would fix this but then again it is a gamble and if you roll craps in a casino you don’t get a refund!

Host of SOTD Podcast

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


ok ok wait a min i see some people talking about 160 hours of game play and whining about not getting any good drops ok heres mine !!

My warrior that also my first character that i created in the first day of this game got 389 hours of game play with only 2-exotic drops and like no any other and overall my whole characters thief80 / ele 80 and //41 engi/25ranger/ i got 785 hours of gameplay and also i tried to beat the story that was bugged like hell, when all other peep farmed WvW trains and instances all i get was notthing till you guys decided to send pact tokens like 3 weeks after my 2nd character finished the story, and i get only exotic drops from map completions that usually give either non-usable by my character or low level than it suppose to be

Ty again for failing me in ever aspect that game offers !!!

But dont worry i already kinda solved the problem its all because i dont buy gems with real money right ? because it unlocks a limitter on magic find and luck right ? thats what i will believe till i think every player in this game is equal but they are not and never be …

I can say that this isn’t true because I have dumped a ton of money into this game buying gems and I get the same crappy drops as everyone else. I got two exotic drops since launch (early access actually) and one was a harpoon and the other a speargun.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Please make Legendaries unsellable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gord.8654


I Agree Make Them Soulbound On Acquire

I don’t feel that strongly about this, but I can see that having legendaries on sale adds incentive for some people to use gold sellers etc.

But I’d rather see them account bound, not soulbound. At least this way you’ll have the option to swap between characters – especially if over the long term you come to favour a different character, or new races & professions are released.

Twilight is listed at 9500g…. rediculous but whatever it will serve as my example!!

My math MAY be off… it is Saturday after all! But as I figured it 9500g = 63,333 Gems (if the gems are trading in at 1.5g/100). 63,333 gems from Anet costs about $791.66. To buy 9500g from the gold sellers costs $2,965.69 o.O (with the added stress of almost certain banning…. that is a lot of gold!!!). Please feel free to correct the math if needed that just seems to be obviously rediculous to me!

Even if my math is off… no way is any weapon worth that much real money!!! I don’t think you have to worry about that!!

Host of SOTD Podcast

A non-raging civil question about Precursors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


I think throwing endless swords into the mystic forge is just a horrible and disheartening way to get a precursor,

I agree…. I’ve wasted a lot of gold trying my luck in the forge…. but like many other players… RNG hates me!

Host of SOTD Podcast

(edited by Gord.8654)

Forgot my Legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


Legendaries were tainted a bit but I think they still meant something. Now that they are on the TP they are meaningless.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


Holding the jumping puzzle allows the team to create free access for their entire server to get the chest loot with almost no trouble. A couple of siege plans may not be worth a lot overall, but if people respond to map chat announcements that the puzzle is held that constant stream of players adds a large number of free siege plans to their side.

Holding the puzzle also denies this source of plans to the enemy.

OP’s argument seems to hinge around intent. It’s griefing, because it’s being done to harass. It’s very easy to project intent onto other people, but what evidence is there that this is some malicious need to harass other players, rather than a way to lock down that siege plan source for their team?

And how do the people camping the puzzle know that the OP is just one harmless PvE player trying to get badges? How many lone, harmless players are they expected to mercifully allow through?

Like many others have said, the jumping puzzle is a PvP area, and an PvP resource. Complaining about it being camped makes as much a sense as complaining that a PoI somewhere in the battlegrounds is being camped.

I agree… in all honesty It is just as unfair for me to expect people to “carebear” in the jumping puzzle as it is for people (IMO) to camp it.

That was not the point I made in the OP. If you go back and read my posts the “argument” here is that I feel that in the context of the situation that I experienced in the Borderlands (not EB) jumping puzzle was griefing. What you offer as an explanation Gibson is also a valid argument and is hopefully what the case was. I personally don’t see it because when I tried to leave the area I was swarmed. They also would have had a much easier time in their own map.

I have never said that I should be handed anything in this game. I fully understand that PvP happens in PvP area’s. I don’t mind a little attrition when trying to accomplish something. If I have to fight my way through the jumping puzzle then so be it. But no one anywhere in this game can take on and beat 30 people at one time. If they harassed me until I backed off and kept me away fine. If they tried to keep me away and I kept fighting them fine I deserve ir. It is not likely that all 30 people got a drop from me. It is not likely that all 30 people got badges for killing me. It is very likely (IMO) that all 30 got a laugh out of it though.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


I have zero sympathy for JP carebears. I hope you get griefed non-stop. Actually do something useful on the WvW map if you want my sympathy

This is really a good point actually. I don’t care about WvW other than 50 kills a month and badges. But I am being forced to use up space for this guys crew (and others) to actually do something productive in the PvP game that they do care about.

The JP does not impact the PvP game. Since there is no tactical advantage or score associated in that area, camping it is greifing. If you want people like me to shut up, put it in a keep or tower so then we do have to fight for it and contribute to WvW or make badges available in a PvE zone.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


PvP happens in a PvP area? Sounds horrible.
You didn’t attack because you wouldn’t have had a chance anyway and expect the enemy in a better position to act like carebears?
No one forces you to do the jumping puzzle. You do it to get badges for PvP rewards. It’s part of the battlefield.

Nowadays ppl cry that they get killed by the enemy in an area especially labeled for PvP? Dear Santa…

I’m not crying because I got killed. I got jumped by 30 players.

The point is that when a group of people go out with the sole purpose of harassing other players it’s wrong.

Somebody further up said that if I cannot collect 500 badges I don’t deserve the legendary. I don’t agree with that. The badges of honor are the only PvP exclusive item in the whole recipe. There is nothing that you have to buy with glory is there? Every other mat is available in non PvP zones so why do I have to get badges to craft a legendary?

I’m sorry but I feel that the issue is being watered down. I don’t care about competitive play. I do it when I want for fun. When I’m not having fun I move on. Point is people should not have a pass to harass players just because it is a PvP zone and a PvE player should not be forced into a PvP zone for a PvE reward.

You are on their turf, they can do whatever they want to you. If you lack the numbers to fight back, that’s your problem, not theirs. You may as well complain that you invaded a foreign nations government facility just to go through the maze of rooms and get some intel or national treasure at the end, and the people of that nation shoot you for it. It’s the same kitten thing.

That’s a war zone. The jump puzzles out there were meant to be difficult. Don’t come in here and complain that you are being killed off by enemy players in a player vs player area.

You may as well also complain about zergs coming at you because you’re hitting their keeps. Again, I see no difference in the two.

This is a waste of time. I went for the JP. Didn’t follow the Zerg, didn’t try to take a keep, didn’t do anything to affect the PvP Game. It isn’t right, fair or in the spirit of competitive play for 30 people to attack one person who is in no way shape or form a threat in any situation.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


PvP happens in a PvP area? Sounds horrible.
You didn’t attack because you wouldn’t have had a chance anyway and expect the enemy in a better position to act like carebears?
No one forces you to do the jumping puzzle. You do it to get badges for PvP rewards. It’s part of the battlefield.

Nowadays ppl cry that they get killed by the enemy in an area especially labeled for PvP? Dear Santa…

I’m not crying because I got killed. I got jumped by 30 players.

The point is that when a group of people go out with the sole purpose of harassing other players it’s wrong.

Somebody further up said that if I cannot collect 500 badges I don’t deserve the legendary. I don’t agree with that. The badges of honor are the only PvP exclusive item in the whole recipe. There is nothing that you have to buy with glory is there? Every other mat is available in non PvP zones so why do I have to get badges to craft a legendary?

I’m sorry but I feel that the issue is being watered down. I don’t care about competitive play. I do it when I want for fun. When I’m not having fun I move on. Point is people should not have a pass to harass players just because it is a PvP zone and a PvE player should not be forced into a PvP zone for a PvE reward.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


When you kill another player, you get XP, loot, and badges of honor.

There doesn’t need to be any map points at stake for players to be motivated to take any opportunity to take you out.

And of course if you get discouraged about WvW after getting jumped, that is a tactical advantage for the opposing server.

And so the debate of opinions begins….

“Griefing is the act of chronically causing grief to other members of an online community, or more specifically, intentionally disrupting the immersion of another player in their gameplay.” (from Wikipedia)

Huge norns are chronically causing me grief in the mkct and this jumping puzzle with their big char sizes causing me to fall over and not see where im going!

… see how ridiculous that sounds?

Apples to oranges….

That guy that made the toon did not specifically make it the tallest Norn he could to make you fall.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


Map completion and legendaries are two of the longer-term objectives in the game, and both have WvWvW components. I would have preferred there be long-term goals that are PvE only, with similar-length and separate goals for WvWvW and for sPvP. This would have given players who want to play in only one of these arenas, more to do, AND given people who want to play in more than one arena more things to do.

Instead, we have players who don’t want to be in WvWvW but feel forced to be in order to complete those long-term goals. It’s a design flaw that is unlikely to be addressed.

OP, you have two choices: abandon the goals; or embrace them fully. If you embrace participation in WvWvW, then use chat, get players from your server to go with you, outnumber them and you’ll get the kills, not them. However, abandon or embrace, don’t try to participate half-heartedly and then complain about people killing you in a PvP map.

I really do appreciate everyone’s opinion here and I really do feel both sides of the coin are right. There are things that need to happen in WvW naturally (intel, communication, etc). That is not the point of this post.

Again, the point of this post is that a group of people went out to specifically harass players. I posed no threat to anyone there, did not take an aggressive stance with anyone there, and there was no tactical advantage or bonus for them to hold the area. I have also played WvW and we all know that probably no one in that group got a badge let alone a loot bag for killing me. I’m not looking for anyone to get in trouble, I’m looking for a solution. Is it really that hard or horrible to allow people to pass by and complete the JP if they are not trying to attack opposing players or affect the battle? Especially when it is 30 on 1. Come on really?

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


What??? As I said… We …. MY SERVER…. owned the area where the JP is located….

Your server “owned” the jumping puzzle but there were 30 players from an opposing server there? What does that mean?

Seems to me that you just thought your team held the area, but actually they didn’t. That’s an intel failure on your part.

The solution: communicate better with your team. Organize. Scout.

The solution is really Anet should stop trying to force players who do not want to play PvP….(ME)… into PvP area’s for a PvE reward.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


When you kill another player, you get XP, loot, and badges of honor.

There doesn’t need to be any map points at stake for players to be motivated to take any opportunity to take you out.

And of course if you get discouraged about WvW after getting jumped, that is a tactical advantage for the opposing server.

And so the debate of opinions begins….

“Griefing is the act of chronically causing grief to other members of an online community, or more specifically, intentionally disrupting the immersion of another player in their gameplay.” (from Wikipedia)

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


If you were on my server then I would just run through the puzzle and port you up. If you time it correctly (depending on when their mesmers port their server players up) you can get the chest without them knowing.

I have actually done the JP with opposing server players before. It happens. I’m not trying to muddy this up or start a 10 page debate but here are the facts:

1) My server owned the area
2) I was by myself
3) I took no aggressive stance when I saw the enemy
4) I was knocked back before I was even in range to attack
5) There were 30 people directly below where I got knocked off
6) They attacked me as soon as I hit the water… ALL 30 OF THEM
7) I was dead in no time
8) I was not a threat, they had the numbers
9) The JP does NOT contribute to the WvW score or give any tactical advantage on the battlefield

It’s greifing, plain and simple.

Its not greifing hahaha. Its a valid tactic. You will not get a response from a dev and you will not change anything in the game by whinging here on the forums. Sorry.

Tell me, what is the tactical advantage that camping the jumping puzzle creates? How does it change the tide of the battle? I was jumped by 30 people in an area that is irrelevant to the PvP game. They were there purely to harass players, that is greifing. Because you feel it is ok does not make it ok… that my freind is you’re opinion. Because I don’t agree with you’re opinion does not mean I am whining either.

I will agree though … a dev won’t see this and it will change nothing, sad really. But hey, keep up those 30 on 1 beat downs in irrelevant areas though, at least you’ll feel better!

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


If you were on my server then I would just run through the puzzle and port you up. If you time it correctly (depending on when their mesmers port their server players up) you can get the chest without them knowing.

I have actually done the JP with opposing server players before. It happens. I’m not trying to muddy this up or start a 10 page debate but here are the facts:

1) My server owned the area
2) I was by myself
3) I took no aggressive stance when I saw the enemy
4) I was knocked back before I was even in range to attack
5) There were 30 people directly below where I got knocked off
6) They attacked me as soon as I hit the water… ALL 30 OF THEM
7) I was dead in no time
8) I was not a threat, they had the numbers
9) The JP does NOT contribute to the WvW score or give any tactical advantage on the battlefield

It’s greifing, plain and simple.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


Lol banned for holding a jumping puzzle… yep.
Ever thought that maybe they are there to PROTECT their own teammates from you killing them whilst they run the puzzle themselves? No i bet you didnt. Because that is a common happening. Cya buddy. Good luck on the battlefield!

Ha ha … one doesn’t pose a threat to 30…. it’s greifing.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


. If that type of behavior is not allowed anywhere else in the game why is it allowed in WvW?

Because there’s a PvP solution to your PvP problem.

How does that make any sense? I wouldn’t be in the PvP content if I didn’t have to be. Really I guess I don’t have to be but does that mean I shouldn’t pursue a legendary weapon because people think it is funny to camp out and kill people 30 on 1? 30 on 1….Really?? How can you even feel good about that? The JP is the only reliable way to get badges or else I would just follow the Zerg and it wouldn’t be a problem.

Would you rather have them remove the jumping puzzle and you have to earn it by actual pvp? I only did a few hours of world vs world, and unlike what you said badges actually drop in pvp. Just very slowly.

Maybe I’m not being clear… if I go into a JP and fight an invader one on one or 2 on one or 5 on 5 and I lose… fine! I don’t deserve to finish the puzzle. I should try again or move on, play more, get better etc…. no problem.

What I am saying is that it is GREIFING when 30 people from a Guild camp an area and kill people that are obviously just trying to get a reward from a puzzle that has no bearing on the WvW score.

I am not complaining because I got out played in PvP… I am complaining because it seems to be an acceptable pastime for Guilds to go out and harass other players for fun.

You think world vs world is ever fair? I can’t get my world completion too. The jumping puzzle is a reward for the server/group of people who take over the area. You are suppose to take over the area and get reward. I’m missing world completion just because my server havn’t been the top server for a while. All I can do is pray on the match making and my server come on top, or change server.

And the only thing you can do is hope your server is winning and you get lucky to do the jumping puzzle ( like everyone else is ). I’m not saying you are wrong. I’m saying you QQ too much. If your server never can take over the jumping puzzle area change server. That is the only thing you can do.

What??? As I said… We …. MY SERVER…. owned the area where the JP is located…. If the opposing server owned the area I wouldn’t have bothered and would expect to be ROFL stomped for trying. I was in JQ borderlands in an area where JQ controlled. That is not the issue…

The issue is that the battles and the attention of the Server Zerg was well south of the JP. A Guild Group from the opposing server managed to get up to the JP and camped out waiting for people to come. They were harassing players who assumed that since their server owned that area they could do the puzzle… what would you call that behavior?? It’s greifing … which is the point of this post.

Why bother, I wasted enough time on this. The problem with this forum is that even when someone posts something factual and logical it becomes a debate of opinions. If people in a Guild are organizing to harass other players whether it be in PvE or PvP it is greifing. Fact …. nuff said…. you should be ashamed of yourself if you engage in that type of behavior and it should be investigated by a GM and if found to be true you should get the ban hammer… period.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


. If that type of behavior is not allowed anywhere else in the game why is it allowed in WvW?

Because there’s a PvP solution to your PvP problem.

I tend to agree. It’s a PvP jumping puzzle after all. You really have to complete it in a PvP context. Take the area, then do the puzzle. Having played on a PvP server in another game, cooperation sometimes happens between factions and I personally am OK and prefer that for some tasks with objectives, but I understand the dynamic the PvP area entails and I’m not surprised or offended when the opposing faction/server wants to kill me for whatever reason.

I agree…. My server has the whole northern area of the map and were pushing south of Garrrison.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


. If that type of behavior is not allowed anywhere else in the game why is it allowed in WvW?

Because there’s a PvP solution to your PvP problem.

How does that make any sense? I wouldn’t be in the PvP content if I didn’t have to be. Really I guess I don’t have to be but does that mean I shouldn’t pursue a legendary weapon because people think it is funny to camp out and kill people 30 on 1? 30 on 1….Really?? How can you even feel good about that? The JP is the only reliable way to get badges or else I would just follow the Zerg and it wouldn’t be a problem.

Would you rather have them remove the jumping puzzle and you have to earn it by actual pvp? I only did a few hours of world vs world, and unlike what you said badges actually drop in pvp. Just very slowly.

Maybe I’m not being clear… if I go into a JP and fight an invader one on one or 2 on one or 5 on 5 and I lose… fine! I don’t deserve to finish the puzzle. I should try again or move on, play more, get better etc…. no problem.

What I am saying is that it is GREIFING when 30 people from a Guild camp an area and kill people that are obviously just trying to get a reward from a puzzle that has no bearing on the WvW score.

I am not complaining because I got out played in PvP… I am complaining because it seems to be an acceptable pastime for Guilds to go out and harass other players for fun.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


. If that type of behavior is not allowed anywhere else in the game why is it allowed in WvW?

Because there’s a PvP solution to your PvP problem.

How does that make any sense? I wouldn’t be in the PvP content if I didn’t have to be. Really I guess I don’t have to be but does that mean I shouldn’t pursue a legendary weapon because people think it is funny to camp out and kill people 30 on 1? 30 on 1….Really?? How can you even feel good about that? The JP is the only reliable way to get badges or else I would just follow the Zerg and it wouldn’t be a problem.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


Ok, so I tried to complete the jumping puzzle for JQ Borderlands today so I could get my LOUSY 3 to 7 badges. I end up running into a Mesmer from another server that knocks me off into the water where at least 30 players from the other server are happily waiting to kill me. This has been brought up in the forum before and is usually met with the typical “It’s PvP deal with it” or “stop QQing” or some other juvenile comment.

Look I understand that WvW is a PvP area and if I get jumped while running around alone it’s my own fault but what I just experienced is greifing. There are no structures in that area that give any advantage to the overall WvW score so why are so many people camping it?? So that they can stomp on anyone that wanders in there and laugh about it. If that type of behavior is not allowed anywhere else in the game why is it allowed in WvW? It’s not like I got jumped by 3 or 4 enemies, there were at least 30 people camping this site. I don’t want to accuse but it looked like it was a guild activity!!! That is rediculous!!

There are a ton of complaints on this forum and I don’t want to add to them but this is unacceptable IMO.

Screenshot attached…….


Host of SOTD Podcast

Gamespot: RPG of the Year: The Winner

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


Grats to Gw2 it is a great game and it does deserve it hands down!

Host of SOTD Podcast

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


There is one thing all of you complaining about not getting the hat are forgetting.

This is Guild Wars.

Guild Wars 1 or 2, it’s still the Guild Wars franchise.

Guild Wars has ALWAYS had exclusive in game items, 7 plus years of exclusive items.
Some available only to players living in specific countries, some only available to players purchasing specific magazines, players who attended real world events, players who purchased real world items, players who purchased specific expansions at specific times, players who subscribed to specific online mailing lists, the list goes on and on, and on. This has always been a part of the Guild Wars franchise and probably always will be. To be perfectly honest, if you do not like exclusive in game items, this may not be the game for you

Guild Wars 1 announced yesterday via twitter (and probably the website) that they will be giving out all previous years Wintersday hats as part of this years Wintersday festival. That makes 7 years of “hats” available to anyone playing right now.

The purpose of these exclusive hats are to show how long a player has played a game. If I throw on my ball cap a year from now people will ask me He where’d you get that hat? Then i can brag about how I got it… that is the point of giving us the hat in the first place isn’t it? Anet is confusing that with a hat that is only available if you bought at a certain time.

Host of SOTD Podcast

So... World Completion... one POI too many?!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gord.8654


Go to the Chantry of Secrets…. That was the last one I needed… funny thing was I already had it. Hope that helps!

Host of SOTD Podcast

6 servers Very High, 18 servers Full

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


Arenanet response that server population is tied to accounts registered to that server:

It fluctuates because people switch server either very late, or very early.

This can’t be used as an argument because this is why overflow servers were made. If they are in place it shouldn’t matter how many dead accounts are on a server. Server pop should be directly related to players logged in concurrently not accounts.

This is Anets way to keep server pops balanced… it will go away…. the game is still new and the first year is always the roughest.

The overflow is map based, not server based.

You join the overflow if the map is full, not if the server’s concurrent connection has been reached.

Please read the official anet answer here:

Sorry but you’re wrong. The overflow system is for the map that is on that specific home server and activates when there is high concurrency in that map on that server. This is why if I play on JQ and you play on HoD we cannot play on the same map unless we are on overflow. The whole purpose of the overflow system was designed to compensate for high concurrency on a server.

The servers maximum population was set to preserve the player experience by ensuring there were enough players to play with but not too many to deplete system resources and cause lag/crashes/ etc. It doesn’t matter if the number of players on a server reaches it’s limit if only 20% (random number) of that population is playing concurrently. This is a conservative approach by Anet just in case 100% of the population of a server comes back at the same time (probably like this Friday). At any rate I am not saying Anet is wrong for that approach, but I do agree with the consensus here that it is hurting the game.

So to everyone please read and understand the entire post. This is a valid issue and 10 pages of debate slows down the process for the devs to fix it. If you don’t agree that is fine but at least get you’re facts straight before starting a debate.

Not trying to be a dick, just saying.


Host of SOTD Podcast

Famous last words.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


Somewhere in Queensdale….

“Well yeah it’s a Champion but it’s only level 12…. I can solo it”

Level 50 Dual Sword Warrior 3 days after launch… sigh

Host of SOTD Podcast

6 servers Very High, 18 servers Full

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


Arenanet response that server population is tied to accounts registered to that server:

It fluctuates because people switch server either very late, or very early.

This can’t be used as an argument because this is why overflow servers were made. If they are in place it shouldn’t matter how many dead accounts are on a server. Server pop should be directly related to players logged in concurrently not accounts.

This is Anets way to keep server pops balanced… it will go away…. the game is still new and the first year is always the roughest.

Host of SOTD Podcast

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


It is just a little bit ridiculous especially if you consider that many of the posters like myself are actually adults.

Did you pre purchase?

Yes I did.

Cant wait for the response now this should be good

Oh snap you got me!! No but really my point, as I thought I made clear in my op is that as a pre purchaser I feel jaded that the digi deluxe version is free after 3 months. I am not “owed” anything but I will be more careful with my purchases. I asked you the question because I was curious. I don’t want to add to the drama but I feel it is a valid point.

Host of SOTD Podcast

(edited by Gord.8654)

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


It is just a little bit ridiculous especially if you consider that many of the posters like myself are actually adults.

Did you pre purchase?

Host of SOTD Podcast

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


You mean to tell me because we didn’t wait to buy a product since we were anticipating it and wanted to show how much we wanted it; means we get less stuff than someone who wasn’t buying the product until it got cheaper?
Yikes, I better wait a few months after ANet releases But seriously, If this is only for those buying it now then that’s hilariously depressing; I will definitely have to reconsider buying things on launch and waiting until they start passing out exclusive items to spite those morons who bought to soon.
So much for trying to get every item, teaches me to be a moron.

I think that is the real issue here! I also waited up til 3am my time to get my digi deluxe version on April 10th and yes I got to play in all 3 BWE’s and stress tests. Anet still gave out a ton of keys to people who didn’t pre purchase. I pre purchased to support the game which has been out for only 3 months and the digi deluxe is already being given away for free? I paid 20 bucks for it which is 1600 gems which right now would get me around 28 gold which translates to about 14 hours of farming mobs give or take. Maybe to some it is a funny little hat but to me it is a slap in the face. I really don’t care what people think or say about this post this is my opinion and maybe alot of others who also pre purchased.

To be clear I am not “owed” anything… and I won’t quit but I certainly will be more careful how I spend money in this game

Host of SOTD Podcast

Eternal Battlegrounds jump puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


[Quote]It’s a PVP map, it’s not surprising that PVP ends up being part of doing the jumping puzzle xD[/quote]

I agree 100%! I am a casual PvPer and generally I prefer PvE however there are these things called legendary weapons that force non-PvP players into a PvP situation where they don’t really want to be. If it weren’t for legendary weapons I don’t think anyone would complain about this.

That being said, I think that their should be a non-competitive mode for PvE players where as long as they are not attacking or doing things to impact WvW they cannot be attacked. If PvP players are camping and killing other PvP players, no harm no foul. And those that just want their tokens can stay out of the way! Easy!

Host of SOTD Podcast

Ancient Karka Box Survey

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gord.8654


Attended/looted/ no mail

Host of SOTD Podcast

Karka Chest Distribution [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gord.8654


Being as positive as I can be I think alot of us should be ashamed of the posts here. This is a sensitive issue and I am not saying anyone is wrong for being angry but really… relax! The sheer volume of players and guests that were on during that event is mind boggling and yet Anet is trying to do the right thing just like they always do! Not at all trying to give a pass here I think Anet did make some mistakes but what alot of people are not recognizing is that in a situation where Anet could easily say tough their devs are busting their butts to make it right. How many subscription based games would do the same? Good luck to everyone I really do hope you guys get your chests and a pre cursor at this point. And thanks to everyone at Anet for going above and beyond for your fans again!

Host of SOTD Podcast