Showing Posts For Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582:

[TACR]New active ranger guild NA & EU

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I put my name down at [WIND] but no love, so I’ll take an invite please, would like to do some all ranger stuff.

I really want to see an all Ranger zerg ball in WvW, all with LB/GS and Traps, Piercing arrows, Eagle Eye, Fire sigils and canines. Glorious!

Steps to reduce Zerk Meta will increase it.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

So guards, thieves and eles get less dodge and wars get 80% more than them?

Vitality is actually equal across all professions: everyone has a base of 916.

Health, however, is not. That Vitality only accounts for 9,160 health. The rest is base values.

Good point…

Steps to reduce Zerk Meta will increase it.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

So guards, thieves and eles get less dodge and wars get 80% more than them?

Steps to reduce Zerk Meta will increase it.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

61% crit dmg from zerk armor/trinkets, but 44% of that comes from trinkets. If they spread the stats to even them out across the board, then the trinkets only setup loses 14% immediately. Then take into account the general nerf and you have a lot more than a 10% DPS loss.

The reason I do not run full zerk is that I cannot rely on the game to not lag enough that during encounters where timed dodges are required, that it will happen at the same time that I do the dodge. It just leaves leeway for being able to survive content and dealing with lag at the same time. And lag is a big problem with this game atm.

I play with setups like this in WvW mostly also, my thief runs PVT with Zerk/Valk trinkets so that is going to be hit hard also, don’t even get me started on my main Ranger in full zerk, he’s just going to be even more of a wet noodle now.

Steps to reduce Zerk Meta will increase it.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I play my War in Knights armor with zerk trinkets and my guard as knights armor with zerk/valk trinkets and I think it gives a good balance between dmg and sustain, but with the upcoming change to the crit dmg, I think ill be pretty well forced to swap to zerker armor as well to be able to keep the damage near the same, if the large amount of crit damage on the trinkets is balanced to be similar (50%) of the total, then its a large dps loss for these characters.

Its all well and good trying to decrease the prevalence of the zerker, but the trinkets made it so that you could actually run different (support) armor and runes and keep a decent amount of crit dmg. Balance.

Also concerning is that we may not be able to run 40% or more boon duration on the runes, which will really hit support guards hard, if that’s the case, my guard will probly get shelved since a large loss of crit dmg and also boon duration would kill the build I love to play, Boon Support.

I think that they could have done this very differently, in that, they could have increased the damage that support builds do, as I see it now, they will do the opposite.

Learning how to play ranger in PvP

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

What a kittenhead.

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I don’t think its an “exploit” nor a design flaw. That’s like saying a zerker war with 25 might, 25 bloodlust, frenzy, fury and 100b is exploiting the game or a design flaw because he can kill vets in a few seconds.

You can do some serious damage with that axe setup, anything that can be interrupted can be killed like that. It is very situational though, you can’t spam it and you need to stay in a straight line to the mob, or the axe will not hit them multiple times.

ranger abilities

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Sorry to burst your bubble but, you cannot do that. You may be seeing Norn rangers using one of the Norn racial elite skills that allow you to take on the form of an animal.

Build help

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I had a play and while trying not to change much gear (you must have plenty of coin anyway to be using Garlic Kale Sautee, oh fancy!) I think I have come up with something that will suit your purposes. 100% regen up time, 95% swiftness, more tanky etc. Let me know what you think.

Your original build

Modified Build

(edited by Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582)

Suggestions on ranger pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

1) Wholeheartedly agree. Sometimes I name mine when I know I wont be swapping for a while, but in WvW, I just forget it as I change out pets so often, renaming is a total pain. I want them to have names though, it just doesn’t fit the role to have any old juvenile w/e.

Also, here is a post from the 1st page of the Ranger forum, over a year ago…
Saving pet names

2) To quote myself from another thread…

We should have the ability to choose pet skins, stats and F2 skill separately, depending on family.

In the Pet selection screen, they would need to implement four drop down boxes with Family, Skin, stat set and F2 Skill. Like choosing stats on a legendary.

So, any pet can have any stat set you want, but the F2 skills and skin must come from the same family.

ie If you choose Feline, then the next drop box lists all the feline models/skins. Then you can pick the stats you like and an F2 skill from that family, eg Feline-Snow Leopard-Rabid-Rending Pounce. Or Canine-Wolf-Assassin-Howl of the Pack. Or Bird-Hawk-Soldier-Chilling Slash.

These changes would open up a HUGE amount of variety for the Ranger and make it much more enjoyable to play as having customisable pets is a big part of the fun!

3) Agree! I’d love to see the GW1 Black wolf back and the Coyote and a ROCK DOG!

(edited by Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582)

How about a return to the roots? BM

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I really liked pure BM builds in GW1 too, even in PvE. My PvE build was Enraged Lunge, Scavenger Strike, Brutal Strike, Otyugh’s Cry, Great Dwarf Weapon, Feral Agression, Comfort Animal, Strength of Honor. 16 BM, 11 Expertise and 8 Smiting. Did amazing damage and was so fun to play!

Ranger class question

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

You know, I dislike the word ‘should’, I think its impolite. I don’t like Warhorn much, its just clunky, has long CDs for a weapon and no aoe. I much prefer to have LB/GS and LB/Sword-Axe.

If I use a Moa for a buff that I can get from a utility slot that I don’t need anyway, well, all the better since otherwise I’d be wasting that F2 slot on something I would use to do dmg. I use the River drake a lot for the Lightning Breath F2 or Hawk because its F2 is on the same CD as Maul or Lynx for BM builds and having that fury on demand is great for when I let the pet kill things on its own while I gather mats

You get fury on swap for fights that take a while, ie, not PvE so that also seems clunky to me to have to start on one weapon set and swap just to get a boon that I wanted before I started battle anyway. And most PvE fights are just seconds anyway.

Ranger class question

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I much prefer 30/25/0/15/0 over 30/30/x/x/x as you can trait NM for either more power or spirits or Nature’s Protection. Your pet is also then getting the boons you have, which it often misses out on due to the 5 person rule. You are also getting the extra 1500 health too.

If you like GS, I would go 30/20/0/20/0 so you can grab 2H Training.

Jon Peters confirms Stowable Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

HAHAHA Good one!

Ranger class question

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

…perfect for short encounters and spiking mobs down….

So what do you suggest? Use RaO? Or get in combat, then swap weapons to get fury for a trash mob encounter? Or maybe trait into NM and use 2H Training with a GS?

I’d rather just use Battle Roar, since for PvE, you don’t need any utility skills really. For me when roaming PvE its Battle Roar, QZ and SotW with RaO for vets and ^. Most things are dead by pressing 7 and then 1.

If 2H Training affected bows as well (which it should, imo) then I would consider dropping Battle Roar, but until then, its a staple for me.

Ranger shouts

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

While they’re at it, please make “Search and Rescue” do something.

Yup agree. Increase the res speed to the normal 100%, currently its at 33% so its near pointless. To justify such a long CD, it should be 100% at least and maybe another effect, like giving the pet stability so they cant be pushed back and/or shadow stepping to the nearest downed ally.

"Protect Me" suggestion

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I would like an icon that I alone can see and not have it pop up under my bar for enemies to see and save their good skills to use on me instead of waste on my pet.

Also, the pet should continue attacking and get prot and regen for the duration.

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

A/A Karka Spike -



Oh, yah, its all zerker. Pretty well works on anything, but Karka are especially tough so I like to use them as an example.

Gear Stats

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I would just stick with zerker if you have that already, assuming its for PvE. Celestial is a PITA to make and you end up with stats that are neither here, nor there.

I have zerker, condi/bunker and soldiers sets for my ranger and want for nothing. Soon we will be able to swap armor and traits on the fly for true versatility. Armor is so cheap on the TP now too with everyone selling off the exotics they made to get leatherworker up to 500. Apothecary and soldiers armor pieces are like 1g or less! Use the Settlers trinkets until you can get pink apothecary, they are super cheap too.

Imo, its better to specialise in one area (find your niche) than spread yourself out and be a ‘Jack of all trades’ but a MASTER OF NONE.

Healing/Support/Control Staff weapon

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I would like to see a staff weapon with ground targeted traps on it, so we can play Staff Ranger Trapper like GW1 again Would have our utilities free for support stuff then too, like all 5 spirits.

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I added my Karka spike build to my signature for those interested.

Ranger class question

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Charr are great, you get Battle Roar!

This is a great skill for Rangers who do not have a short CD Fury skill, perfect for short encounters and spiking mobs down.

Wat lol? You’re funny.

I’m talking about utility skills, not weapon skills…

Surviving the thieves

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I don’t generally have too much drama against them, except for them continually stealthing, then it becomes a stalemate. Then their friends usually turn up. Either that or they take too much damage and run away. Reeks of cowardice to me when you initiate a duel from stealth and then figure you are outmatched and run away.

Axe/Dagger w/ Sword/Torch is a good set against them, lots of evasion and movement debuff, and Bonfire is great for when they shadow refuge or when you think they will attack. You want Lightning Reflexes imo, its a great gap opener combined with sword. Vigor is also great as you will be dodging a lot against them. Its going to be hard to conquer thieves with a LB though, mate.

Try SB and Sword/Torch. Also, “Sic Em” can be good against them, IF you time it just right, as 4s of revealed is pathetic. It should be more like 12s. Snow Owl pet and Snow Leopard are my fav two for them, the chill really slows them down.

Edit: I think I came across as making out like I never lose to thieves with this post, but in general I only die to them if I’m outnumbered or get insta-downed by basilisk venom and a burst. I don’t really count that as a fight though. If I can survive that, I usually fight them into the ground. I may just be encountering hopeless thieves though too, but it makes for fun fights anyway. That Basilisk Venom is the hardest thing about them imo.

One note on the LB, its so much fun in EotM for shooting them off the edges!

(edited by Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582)

Rapid Fire doesn't make sense

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I think they should truncate RF’s damage into a shorter time period and give it a stealth ability, ie

Normal – Reduce arrows to 6 and double damage per arrow, 2 stacks of vulnerability per arrow, 3s cast time. (essentially a 20% increase in damage over a shorter time period)

While Stealthed – “Sloth Hunter’s Shot”, Channelled 4s. Marks target. This arrow does
same dmg as ‘maul’ and applies 6 stacks of Bleeding and Torment for 3s. 60s CD. 1500

Thoughts on Sword

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I agree with making the AA go, Pounce/slash/kick instead of slash/kick/pounce.
Then you have a small gap closer to start battle, just make it fail unless you are in range.

The only changes I’d like to see are: reduced pre-cast on sword #2, and make the AA chain interruptible

Agree with this also. I’d just like to see another 1s before #2b swaps back to #2a.

Then, all they would need to do is improve the pathing of #3 so that you hit your target most of the time, make them actually path to the mob, not away. Mostly a problem on uneven terrain, but it seemingly dodges away from your targeted mob a lot of the time. Same problem with Dagger #4. Then it would be perfect weapon!

Actually, I think it needs two stacks of might for the pet per AA cycle, not one. Think about it like this, if your pet has 25 stacks of might and you have none, its like a anyone else having 7-8 stacks. Assuming the pet is alive that is.

How to fix pets with two simple changes.

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

They are just hitting the area where you were or thought you may go in the hope they would get you, and succeeding. Maybe try and be less predictable. I think 3s is maybe 1s short, but you don’t want to be making stealth on Rangers too accessible. You can use a pig pet and get the feathers from forage to gain stealth also.

Ranger Dungeon Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I virtually always run with a GS and Sword/Axe in dungeons, its the best dmg for sure. I have a little sweet spot for two handed training so I use this build.

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

The “Standard Bar” build above that I listed also works really well with Point Blank Shot and Zojun’s Shot as subs for Sundering/Penetrating Attack as the animations and recharge allow you to just spam one then the other. It just gets you too close to “snipe”. When Asuran scan still gave the +big% dmg to attacks, I ran with PBS and ZS for most gameplay.

Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

The Master of the Nameless has 680 health so yeah, it kills him in 1s. Technically its not a 1 shot and you cannot use it in PvP as it contains broken PvE skills.

But less than 1 second is close enough to a 1 shot in my book

I just logged on to GW1, first time since forever, it was something like;

Favorable Winds
“I am the Strongest”
Glass Arrows
Ebon Battle Standard
Triple Shot
Savage Shot
16 Marksmanship
15 Expertise
Hornbow with 20/20 and +1 Marks 20%

For FoW I used;
All the +1 cons
A full con set
Birthday Cupcake

So its not like you can repeat it over and over, you need a big setup, then, BAM! SPIKED! Then you have to setup for the next one.

The Mo/P with 16 in Smiting for Judges Insight was great for the extra 20% AP and Holy damage, plus Great Dwarf Weapon is 40% chance to Knock Down and +20 dmg, Succour also for the +1 energy regen. Also with 12 in Command for movement buffs to get us around.

Was just a fun build for FoW where you could snipe everything. Or Shards of Orr.

The point I was trying to make though, is that spike dmg has ALWAYS been a part of the ranger. RSpike had to be continually nerfed because it was so effective, (dont even get me started on 50 copies of Favorable Winds in back-in-the-day HoH, rangers one shotting players haha) I always played spike ranger in PvE whether that was Splinter barrage or Holy Damage for Undead (FoW Book trick or Duo with monk). Or just for fun, repeat the Undead Hordes quest in Beetletun solo and just never take the reward. Or Duo trapping the Underworld, that’s spike also, even though its applying conditions at the same time.

My standard bar was [ OgcSc5MTnSOG5WqGwGzk5irg ] in case anyone still plays GW1. That’s Sundering Attack, Penetrating Attack, Prepared Shot, Savage Shot, Read the Wind, “I am the Strongest”, EBSOH, Shadow Sanctuary. You could just cycle the 1st three skills forever hitting everything in the game for 150+ dmg per shot and the CDs go 4s, 4s, 6s. That is sustained spike.

There were only certain occasions that I even used conditions as, lets face it, they just take too long to kill things. You can shoot something with an arrow to make it bleed, then poison it and kite around waiting for it to die, but you can also just shoot it in the head and kill it. A master archer can certainly shoot with extreme precision.

Maybe they should make RtW give +XX% crit dmg also.

Sorry for such along post.

bye bye boon duration builds

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I think they will add a boon duration set. Since you have to give up a lot of stats to actually get the +45%, I think (hope) that they will just make a set that is something like;

(1) +10 to all stats
(2) +5% boon duration
(3) +10 to all stats
(4) +10% boon duration
(5) +10 to all stats
(6) +30% Boon duration

Since there is a cap at 90% boon duration, you have to assume that they want people to be able to hit that cap. Because if they make a cap that is not possible to reach, its redundant. You just have to give up a lot of other numbers to get there. Also, they are trying to increase the viability of support builds and nerfing boon duration, which is a core mechanic of this play style, would kill them.

Pet Evolution : Is it ever gonne happen?

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

We should have the ability to choose pet skins, stats and F2 skill separately, depending on family.

In the Pet selection screen, they would need to implement four drop down boxes with Family, Skin, stat set and F2 Skill. Like choosing stats on a legendary.

So, any pet can have any stat set you want, but the F2 skills and skin must come from the same family.

ie If you choose Feline, then the next drop box lists all the feline models/skins. Then you can pick the stats you like and an F2 skill from that family, eg Feline-Snow Leopard-Rabid-Rending Pounce. Or Canine-Wolf-Assassin-Howl of the Pack. Or Bird-Hawk-Soldier-Chilling Slash.

These changes would open up a HUGE amount of variety for the Ranger and make it much more enjoyable to play as having customisable pets is a big part of the fun!

Ranger class question

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Charr are great, you get Battle Roar!

This is a great skill for Rangers who do not have a short CD Fury skill, perfect for short encounters and spiking mobs down.

Plus, Charr just look AWESOME!


Official-New Traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

…In Guild Wars 1, bow rangers did most of their damage through conditions like poison, bleeding, and burning. The few builds that were more centered around direct damage didn’t have “instant bonus damage,” but made bows into more “turret” like builds, which could achieve a high output of constant damage, but that damage in Guild Wars 1 would have been considered a pressure/spike assist build, and not a spike build…

…Is it perfect in Guild Wars 2? No, but the ranger class as seen be ANet has never been a high damage 1 shot sniper.

Just a history lesson to end the bickering.

My Ranger Spike build from GW1 on the Master of Damage on the Isle of the Nameless. I think you will see that the 1 shot sniper build is certainly possible with Ranger in GW1, this damage is with a +1 marksmanship grip, you should see the damage I get if I get a monk to buff me with judges insight and use a +20% vs Undead grip on Undead foes in FoW. Usually got a monk friend to buff me with Judges Insight and Great Dwarf Weapon and we would duo the FoW battlegrounds for shards. You could kill stuff from outside range and never get aggro.

Oh, and btw, Ranger was one of two classes (other being assassin) that could complete the FoW solo.


(edited by Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582)

Ranger shouts

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Also, remove the cast time from “Guard” please!

About read the wind and other traits

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Yeah, it should affect all projectiles, including pet ones. But axe at 1200 is not good, as Durz stated, I would prefer;

Honed Axes
Main hand Axe attacks deal +10% damage, cause torment for 2s and bounce to one
additional target.

New Trait Review

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I suppose RtW could be good, but ONLY if they make it affect pet projectiles also, currently, they are just too slow to actually hit anyone.

If they implemented this, then the spiders and devourers would be great pets and synergize perfectly with LB rangers. I’d consider dropping Eagle Eye for RtW then, as your pet connecting with a vast majority of its ranged attacks would be a great increase and well worth the loss of +5% dmg and 300 range.

How to fix pets with two simple changes.

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

So, the main two issues with pets is survivability versus AoE and them not connecting with attacks on human players. To remedy these two issues, there need to be two simple changes made to them.

1. Instead of pets having to connect with their hits, make them do PBAoE damage with say, a 120 radius. This way, they are likely to do SOME damage to kiting enemies and we get a bit of aoe.

2. Give the pet 2s of Evade on dodge. Then when the ranger dodges AoE, the pet also can avoid this damage. Would have to modify the Companion’s Defense trait then to give the protection after the evade.

This couldn’t be that hard to implement and would DRASTICALLY improve pets.

Question for the Ranger Community

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582


in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

If one day the Ranger is where it should be, I’d be singing…

Favorable Winds [Wind] -- Ranger Guild

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Sea Of Sorrows

15% to block while wielding ranged wep?

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

You are right actually, after more consideration, a 15% block chance to all attacks, unconditionally, is probably pretty reasonable. Its not going to save you from a zerg or a perma stealth thief, but it would help sustain. Its also not on demand like guard or war blocking, so I still say it needs Sig of Stone added to it also, at a higher health level than 25%.

For that to be good, signets would need to be applied to the ranger all the time, which is something everyone is crying out for and for good reason. Sig of the Beastmaster could be changed to something like “Signets last 50% longer and apply fury for 5s on activation” and then we would have a killer build imo.

15% to block while wielding ranged wep?

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I’d like to see something like;

Strider’s Defense
You have a 15% chance to block ranged attacks while wielding a melee weapon.
You have a 15% chance to block melee attacks while wielding a ranged weapon.
Activate Signet of Stone when your health reaches 33%

This is only marginally better assuming the stone sig part works like enlargement does now.

Better to have the attack type match the weapon type we have equipped. I’m much more likely to be taking melee damage while using a melee weapon just as I am more likely to be getting hit by a ranged attack while ranging.

I have to disagree. If you block melee attacks while in melee, that’s far too OP, what’s the point of aegis when a ranger can block 15/100 attacks? CD on aegis is long for a reason.

When you do it this way, you are either in melee, trying to close the gap on a ranged user, or taking dmg in the back. Or, if you are trying to stay at range and melee is attacking you, you can block, in these situations I think its pretty balanced and more to do with skirmishing than survival.

I would the stone signet to be the same as enlargement now. So you can trait for full DPS with signets and have reasonable defence too. Its not like the other classes don’t already have these kinds of traits/mechanics.

15% to block while wielding ranged wep?

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Durzlla, yeah, that’s the idea. Its pretty good imo as is, but if you trait into signets too, for a full DPS build, you get great effects, add in runes of resistance and you have your aegis.

15% to block while wielding ranged wep?

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I’d like to see something like;

Strider’s Defense
You have a 15% chance to block ranged attacks while wielding a melee weapon.
You have a 15% chance to block melee attacks while wielding a ranged weapon.
Activate Signet of Stone when your health reaches 33%

Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Here’s my Charr Ranger, named him Tsubodai after the legendary Mongolian General who won Ghengis an empire.

Greatsword is my tanky setup, Longbow is full zerker.


A few ideas on improvement

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582



Opening Strike
Affects both you and your pet

Alpha Training
Pets apply weakness for 5s on Opening Strike.

Beastmaster’s Bond
Add functionality, your pet gains protection for 10s

Read the Wind
Add functionality, causes torment 2 stacks for 2s with each hit. This trait should
also affect pet projectiles.

Eagle eye
Should affect the shortbow.

Signet of the Beastmaster
All signets last 50% longer and give fury on activation.


Strider’s Defense
You have a 10% chance to block ranged attacks while wielding a melee weapon.
You have a 10% chance to block melee attacks while wielding a ranged weapon.
Activate Signet of Stone when your health reaches 25%

Honed Axes
Main hand Axe attacks deal +10% damage, cause torment for 2s and bounce to one
additional target.

Pet’s Prowess
Pet gains +30% crit dmg, +100 precision and +150 toughness.

Companion’s Might
Pet attacks grant the ranger 3 might for 1s and Ranger crits grant the pet 1 might for

Quick Draw
Add functionality, 10% faster attack speed with bows.

Agility Training
Pets Move 50% faster.

Carnivorous Appetite
You and your pet are healed for 5% of your pets critical damage.

Furious Swap/Tail Wind
Fix duration bugs, it should scale with boon duration.

Wilderness Survival

Companion’s Defense
Your pet gains evade at the beginning of your dodge roll. You both gain protection at
the end. Pet Evade: 2s Protection: 3s

Oakheart Salve
reduce CD to 10s

Poison Master
Add +250 condition dmg and your pet does +20% more dmg to poisoned foes.

Nature Magic

Reduce CD to 20s

Two Handed Training
Should affect bows.

Fortifying Bond
Remove the durations and allow stability to be transferred but don’t double up on boons from skills that affect both you and your pet.


Instinctual Bond
Add functionality, Your pet also gains fury for 5s.

Master’s Bond
Since its called masters bond, not pets bond, the buff should be applied to the pet but counted/recorded on the player. Like a kill stack sigil. Shouldn’t go away on pet swap, still lose it on ranger down/death and changing to different pets, but not on pet down/death/swap.

Change all pet family specific traits to include all pets, not specific types. ie Vigorous/Intimidation/Stability training and Rending Attacks should affect all pets.


Ability to choose pet skins, stats and skill set seperately (depending on family),
four drop down boxes with Family, Skin, stat set and F2 Skill is all that is needed, like choosing stats on a legendary. ie Feline, Snow Leopard, Rabid, Rending
Pounce. Canine, Wolf, Assassin, Howl of the Pack.

Make pets dmg appear on combat log.

Set cast time on all pet skills to 1/2 second, remove channel. Animations can last
longer, but the skill has to go off immediately while in range.

Remove 60s CD on pet swap after death. Should be 30s.

Make pet names persistent.

Make boons applied by the pet ALWAYS apply to the ranger, if in range.

Make an area in the pet screen that has an inventory slot that you can add food to
which the pet would automatically use on recharge if outside a town. Good way to use up all the cheap food on the TP and buff pets a bit too. You need to feed your pet too. Either that or make Food/Utility buffs apply to the pet also, since we are really only getting 70% value from cons anyway.

And, or, a sigil slot for the pet. Maybe.

Other pets to add;
Coyote, Rock Dog, Mistfire wolf, Hound of balthazar, raptor pets, GW1 Black wolf.

A few ideas on improvement

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Long time lurker, first time poster.

I have spent a lot of time reading the posts on this forum and wanted to put in my $0.02 with ideas for improving the Ranger, which is by far my favourite class but is so disadvantaged compared to a few others in GW2. I played my ranger for over 3000hrs in GW1 but this new incarnation is just not as fun, here are my ideas for making it so again, whatcha think?


Long Range Shot
Add 2 stacks of Torment for 2s at ranges below 500.

Normal – Reduce arrows to 6 and double damage per arrow, 2 stacks of vulnerability per arrow, 3s cast time. (essentially a 20% increase in damage over a shorter time period)
While Stealthed – “Sloth Hunter’s Shot”, Channeled 4s. Marks target. This arrow does
same dmg as ‘maul’ and applies 6 stacks of Bleeding and Torment for 3s. 60s CD. 1500

Hunter’s Shot
Normal – Arrow moves twice as fast. Stealths more reliably. Cancels AA.
While Stealthed – “Called Shot” You fire an arrow that moves twice as fast and cannot
be blocked, if you hit, your pet shadow steps to target foe and gains an attack of
opportunity. 12s CD. 1200 range.

Point Blank Shot
Normal – Add 3s of vigor and swiftness on hit.
While Stealthed – “Debilitating Shot” Applies 8s of Cripple and weakness. 12s CD. 1200

Normal – Drop 1/2 second off the cast time, allow movement but at 50% speed.
While Stealthed – “Ignite Arrows” Preparation. Your next 3 arrows explode on hit,
dealing damage and applying Burning and Blindness for 1s to foes in a 240 radius. You
are revealed. 60s CD (cancels AA)


Remove condition for bleed, make it 2 stacks for 2s base.

Concusion Shot
Add 5 stacks of Confusion for 5s on interupt.


Whirling Defense
Increase base Retaliation to 5s
Cause AoE weakness for 5s.
(See traits for main hand improvement)


Make the AA go, Pounce/slash/kick instead of slash/kick/pounce. Make chain break more responsive to #2,3 and dodge and movement. Improve the pathing of the other skills so that you hit your target most of the time, make them actually path to the mob, not away. Mostly a problem on uneven terrain.


Blast finisher.

Make the skills path correctly.


Stalker’s Strike
Increase damage significantly

Crippling Talon
Increase cripple to 8s


Throw Torch
Explodes on hit dealing dmg and causing 3s of Blindness and Burning to foes near
target foe. Blast finisher.

Increase size to 240, ground targetable, more damage. Removes Weakness & Chilled from allies and give them 25% endurance.


Reduce cast time on both skills.

Call of the Wild
Increase might to 3, add functionality remove immob. Reduce CD.

Hunter’s Call
Add 1s of torment per hit, make dmg AoE with small radius.

Elite Skills

Rampage as One
Halve Durations and recharge.

Nature Spirit
Halve Durations and recharge.

Utility Skills

Sharpening Stone
Make this skill affect 6 arrows and always critical. (so it fits with the improved rapid fire above). Reduce the CD by 20% base.

Remove cast time. Add functionality, Your pet gains an attack of opportunity.

Protect Me
Add functionality, your pet gains protection and regeneration for 6s.
Make this work when a shout is used or the pet is given an order, pet should still
attack during.

Search and Rescue
Reduce CD, give pet stability for the duration and make revive 100% speed not 33%.

Lightning reflexes
Remove damage and instead Confuses foes in a 240 radius, 8 stacks for 2s. Remove
Cripple, chill, immob and weakness.

Sick Em
Stays on the pet until duration ends. Remove need for targeting, applies the revealed
if there is a target. Revealed duration needs to be substantially longer, like 12s. Then it would be an actual counter to stealth.

Should always affect the ranger.

Speed Run Dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

So I get that speed runs in the current dungeons will be nerfed at some point, so I was thinking, its actually fun for some ppl to complete things as fast as possible and therefore gain more gold per hour doing it, so why not make a couple of new dungeons designed around this?

Somewhat akin to challenge missions in GW1, there would be either a count down timer to race against or a timer that ticks up. The faster you complete the content the better the end rewards you get. Should take about 10m or less to complete.

You would put gates in to prevent people running past content, so all groups have to complete the same thing to finish.

Should also display the monthly/weekly/daily best times for groups which could award laurels or if the team was 5/5 same guild, then guild commendations instead.


Ascended Ring Choices

in Suggestions

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Knights, Clerics, Magi stats also pls.

Idea for improving pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Since the model of a pet is essentially a weapon skin, why not allow us to change their skin and stats at will?

I pretty much always use a Hyena for the F2 skill, to have a 2nd Hyena and swap to an Arctodus for its tanking if the Hyena goes down, but I dont like either animal, I would much prefer to have a Alpine Wolf or (PLEASE MAKE THIS) Coyote with the same skills as the Hyena and then be able to swap to an Alpha wolf that has the same stats as a bear. It would be pretty much the same as the GW1 system where you could have a Hearty animal or a Dire animal (Or w/e in between) of any type.

There would be a set list of the stats that pets have now, and the animal types you have unlocked. You can then choose the animal you want with the skill set you want also. There would obviously be restrictions on amphibious skills and ranged skills so they only suit those creature types.

So its no different to what we have already, its just allowing us to use different skins for different skill and stat sets.