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Anything being done about Broken DH trapper?

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


How does an unblockable skill like deflecting shot promote low skill play when i can time it with mesmer shield block, rev hibernation or warrior shield 5 to counter their blocking? That’s the opposite of low skill. That’s reactive, not passive play. Furthermore, using deflecting shot to combo it along f1 to bounce a target on test of faith has nothing to do with low skill play.

Has the definition of low skill play changed in the last second or something?

Also, why would you even bring up DD? That’s another class accused of being cancer. Hey, you know what’s low skill play?

Dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge etc

Did I say it requires low skill play? No. Did I say there are no skillful ways to use Deflecting Shot? No. I’ve been on the receiving end of that exact use vs. mesmers, I agree that in that particular use case it’s skillful when intentionally saved for that exact purpose.

I don’t agree that using an unblockable to break blocks is generally skillful, and the fact that DS can hit multiple targets via a radius + pierce means that it could easily unintentionally break a random person’s block and CC them in a node fight, which is just dumb. It could also be changed to remove piercing, that would also be reasonable. But like I said, it has far too much packed into one skill, in fact it has 4 non-damage components along with potential double damage (5 if you count the AoE as a component). Seriously Kuya, find me another weapon skill like that. There are very few unblockable CCs in this game and DH has an AoE unblockable CC on a 10s recharge. This is the definition of powercreep and it’s wrapped up into a regular weapon skill instead of a high-CD utility.

As to your comments about dodge spam, I agree it’s low skill. The issue is that it can’t be fixed without simultaneously overhauling thief utilities and traits to allow them defense, especially against condis. Thieves need the dodges to stay alive. Doesn’t mean the dodge spam is good design, but simply getting rid of it would make the class even more unviable than it is.


in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Excuse my English……

dear admins!

Have a question He played this ranger And it’s good that way the balance….

Amanovik what other languages do you speak? Somebody who speaks it might be able to help you.

Do something with peoples going afk conquest!

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


if the team lost mid fight in 5 secs its reasonable to afk since the match will just be a blow out anyway. its better to go afk and wait for a balanced match instead.

Stupidest post of the day. Ive won plenty of matches where my team has lost the first mid fight. And also lost plenty of matches where my team won the first mid fight.

Idk if it’s a stupid post, but it is defeatist. Ultimately you can only rely on yourself, and Emdrix has a loser’s perspective on the game. Neither Anet nor MMR have a responsibility to make a match balanced. They should do it anyways, but clearly they don’t. If you have a bad team, then the only way to balance the match out is by being better than your team. MMR apparently ain’t getting any better so Emdrix’s belief that you can just wait for a “balanced match” (whatever that means) is nonsense.

Anything being done about Broken DH trapper?

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


My suggestion, would be to nerf Puncture Shot. That’s part of what makes fighting Meditrapper difficult even on a ranged build, that they crit for over 1k damage just on autoattack. I tested out Demolisher’s power mes against DH dueling with a friend and it would be 1.1k to 1.2k damage for each PS. Lowering the base damage to 280 and reducing the power coefficient to somewhere between .5 and .66 would make it more reasonable. It’s silly that they should have such high damage off of AA, that’s what True Shot is for.

On top of that, Deflecting Shot either needs its radius removed (making it single-target like Ranger LB 4), not pierce, or be blockable. Not all 3, but 1 or 2 of these changes would promote better play. I think that it should be blockable, unblockable weapon skills promote low-skill play that doesn’t require prediction or anticipation of what the enemy will do. I don’t have a problem with traiting it to be a CC, that’s fine. But when traited it blinds, destroys projectiles, pierces, CCs, is unblockable, and doubles damage if it destroys a projectile. And that’s on top of a full 1.0 power coefficient. This skill does too much by itself even without traiting.

(edited by Huskyboy.1053)

Anything being done about Broken DH trapper?

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


This is a problem in S4. Also will happen in S5. The balance patch can’t easy to fix it. It also like condition stacking and boon spam problem. They came from design, not balance. This a irresponsible design and a fail teaching material for game designer.

This image was made before the nerf.

Yeah and the nerf didn’t change anything that’s still true in the image. The whole attack and defend at the same time point is very true, F3 is built-in (unlike Warrs’ Endure Pain, which requires a utility slot). I don’t think DH is “broken,” that’s the usual QQ response from people who don’t know how to analyze. However, DH does continue to need minor nerfs to bring it in line, and its non-longbow weapon sets deserve minor buffs. Scepter is currently lagging behind LB for a ranged option, though it has its place.

One main issue with the DH specialization is that it brings, with no trait investment, upgrades to all 3 virtues, which tbh are pretty unimpressive on core Guardian. Compare this to Thieves’ Daredevil, which brings a measly 50 endurance on steal. And thief only has 1 profession mechanic to work with, one that only synergizes well with Dagger or Sword main hand. Not to say that DD is a bad specialization, but the built-in upgrades to all professions mechanics, along with the addition of longbow and traps (which make DH very dangerous both at 0 range and 1200 range) overtuned Guards. Longbow was the biggest mistake of the specialization, not traps like people think. And building a CC into F1 was a mistake, it’s only to make it synergize with Test of Faith rather than with the specialization/build as a whole.

We’d be hearing the same complaints about Rev if Herald added a 1200-range weapon like LB or Rifle. As it is distance limits Revs tremendously without Shiro, and Phase Traversal is an immensely costly skill for a Rev to use. And of course a mes/thief/ele can teleport away after the Rev teleports to them. What is DH’s tradeoff for using LB? Not having a different weapon, which is no big deal since LB is an amazing weapon. Traps are predictable, easy to spot, and don’t require a brain to counter. It’s their combination with a max-range weapon that makes traps look amazing, whereas in fact they are not.

(edited by Huskyboy.1053)

Eliminate Stacking

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Lol ithilwen strikes again. Do you have any idea what it would take to generate 5 unique classes on 2 teams while also keeping the teams skillfully close to each other.

You guys need to forget about stacking being fixed in gw2 unless the population is ridiculously high all the time. If everyone who plays pve and wvw played pvp often then maybe. Even then at higher levels of play there will still be disastrously high queue times.

Just blame anet for creating an unbalanced 5v5 system and move on.

It wouldn’t be so difficult if they didn’t have the stupid daily bonus for winning on a specific class. The pool of classes would be much more diversified.

Eliminate Stacking

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Seen plenty of matches where the team with 3 dh fails miserably. It looks like the op is just complaining because dh generally counter mesmers. If it were a mesmer daily, you’d see more people such as power revs whine about class stacking.

I’ve seen plenty of matches where 3 of anything (including DH) rolls another team too, not particularly a good argument. Played a match Monday night where I was 1 of 3 Mesmers (along with 1 Druid and 1 Thief); didn’t go well for the other team. Just because DH generally counters Mesmer doesn’t mean OP cannot point out the fact that stacking is, in their opinion, bad and just used that as an example.

Personally speaking, I think sPvP community complains entirely too much and mostly about worthless things instead of just enjoying the game (yes, its not perfect but its really good imho and I am okay with it being a work in progress). Besides, can anyone name another type of competitive anything where you get to pick your opponent, or field of play, or composition of enemy, and even some times, your own team? I have played all sorts of sports on all sorts of teams, my job is to give it my all with whatever role I am assigned by my coaches/staff. I have been on plenty of good teams, and some poor ones as well, but never have I met so many so called “competitors” that whine as much as we do in sPvP.

Yeah that’s all true. Coach Bik got u

Eliminate Stacking

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


There is nothing at all wrong with stacking in ranked and unranked.

Lol this is the problem with making absolute statements. Of course there’s an issue. You are certainly correct that thieves can win against DH, for example, but there must be a very significant skill gap in that case. Sindrener even avoids 1v1s against DH in matches because it’s not a smart use of his time. When the best thief in the game conclusively decides that fighting DH is generally a bad idea, that tells you a lot about the skill gap necessary to win on thief. Just an example though, there are other similarly imbalanced matchups, such as Condi necro beating DH, DH being power med ms, condi warr beating Druid, etc. If your team is stacked in the wrong direction against a team stacked in the right direction it’s usually a guaranteed loss.

Regardless of whether you can outskill the other team’s DH on thief, you can’t make the same guarantee of your teammates. In my experience if there are 2-3 thieves in my team, 1 is usually pretty good and the others are permadead trash. At the point where MMR intentionally gives the high-skilled team the class-stacking disadvantage, then your argument will be relevant. At this point there’s no reason to believe the disadvantaged team will be able to outskill the advantaged team.

greatsword domination mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Any and all massive burst builds where you go from like 95% to dead in one shot are annoying. 14k unblockable gunflames on a heavy armour class with multiple invulns and large hp pool. 14k backstabs on jihad glass cannon thieves.

Im not sure why you are singling out the mesmer. It’s probably the hardest burst to pull off with the most moving parts.

Because he plays weird off-meta builds on Mes and doesn’t like the fact that other builds are superior to his.

It’s true that I don’t copy my build from websites or other people. I come up with my own that suits my playstyle. Don’t make me out to be some bitter person who is upset about about certain builds having an advantage over mine. No build beats every build. Doesn’t matter how good of a build you make, there is one that will be superior, cause when you take traits, you’re also passing up on certain traitlines and those traits. You’re extremely petty and I can’t help but feel like this is coming from a source of spite. I stand by what i said in that forum still. Especially the part about some people jumping in the thread just out of some spite toward me, not because they have anything to actually say about the topic. I gotta say tho, even at my job, the name Hot Boy sure attracts a lot of resentful people. “Conform or we will hate you.”

Anyways. I stand by what I said in this post. It is unfun to play against. And it is broken.

This is a cool video I saw earlier this month. Well made and fun to watch. But nonetheless, show cases the issue with this build.

There’s nothing wrong with playing off-meta, there is something wrong with implying that flawed builds need to be nerfed further. Shatter mes has glaring weaknesses in the form of no condi removal (unless you’re running Inspiration, which is not recommended and reduces offensive sustain), high CD defensive utilities, and a completely predictable and blockable burst. It fails against any equally-skilled DH, condi thief, condi mes, condi anything really, D/P thief, and of course Endure Pain-using macebow warriors. It just doesn’t have enough sustain to work in most 1v1s in sPvP.

As to whether it’s unfun, it’s not fun to lose to, as is the case with any build. It is certainly fun to play against if you regularly beat power mes players. Your complaints about the build are a combination of L2P issues as well as a misunderstanding about one of the most basic aspects of the Guild Wars franchise: it really should’ve been called Build Wars. Power mes has few good matchups and many bad matchups; it’s certainly not OP. If you see a known power mes user like Mime on the opposite team and you think you can’t handle it, switch builds or toons. The counters are blindingly obvious and well-documented, you should be able to play at least one other build competently.

And no this isn’t coming from a place of spite, you’ve done nothing bad to me. What you’re sensing is my disapproval of the fact that you intentionally cripple yourself by playing a subpar build, but then turn around and complain about others making common-sense decisions by building off of the successes of others. If you want to be stubborn and play a subpar build, fine, but try a little harder than saying that a flawed build like power mes is “broken.” The word doesn’t really mean anything by itself, and there’s a glaring lack of build analysis in your post that would justify that characterization. And no, the video does not make your point for you, it’s an edited video that showcases the strength of the build; what did you expect?

Condi Mesmer needs to be toned down

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


As a relatively new player I cannot judge yet if condi mes is op or not; but since the topic is somewhat about countering it I have to ask – how do one sees/evades their shatter? Phantasms/clones approach on different time and shatter upon contact, I just cannot manage to dodge that stuff properly as a scrapper sadly :C Best thing I can do is blocking with hammer4 but its cd way bigger than the next mesmer burst. I’m reading that scrapper should counter mesmer but still cannot manage to do that. So if you wise guys can share any tips I’d really appreciate that =) cheers.

Do you have your utilities, especially your heal skill, hotkeyed? You’ll need to use your heal skills while moving, you can’t stop and stand there while using it. Mash your heal skill hotkey then pick your turret right up and keep running. Make sure to pick it up, as it recharges faster if you do.

To beat any mes you need to keep up offensive pressure, including using your autoattack when your other weapon skills are on CD. This is true for power mes and especially true for condi mes. You will have to dodge or block probably 2 shatters, your heal skill and purge gyro can easily handle the rest of their condi application. Your block is an excellent offensive tool because of the vulnerability application, so ideally use it to block a shatter when you’re in melee range of the mesmer.

It’s ok to use your heal skill to remove damaging conditions even if you haven’t lost any health yet, the sooner you use it the sooner it will be recharged for the next use. Also, remember that hammer 3 is an evade, so you can use that to approach the mesmer and also evade a shatter at the same time. You’ll lose if you don’t force them to use their defensive CDs early on.

Can we make Ranked PvP have a purpose?

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Not really sure that I agree off-season ranked is where you find people with a similar skill level. Realistically you just have to be dedicated to self-improvement and try your best to carry the team in the off-season. Not that you shouldn’t do that during the season, but in the off-season you’re going to have to carry no matter what. If you want better teammates then you need to queue with them rather than expecting MMR to do it for you.

The new Ranked Season coming out will be solo/duo queue so no more actually queueing with a team for a team game mode….

Yes, I’m aware. I’m responding to his concerns about off-season.

Can we make Ranked PvP have a purpose?

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Not really sure that I agree off-season ranked is where you find people with a similar skill level. Realistically you just have to be dedicated to self-improvement and try your best to carry the team in the off-season. Not that you shouldn’t do that during the season, but in the off-season you’re going to have to carry no matter what. If you want better teammates then you need to queue with them rather than expecting MMR to do it for you.

greatsword domination mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Any and all massive burst builds where you go from like 95% to dead in one shot are annoying. 14k unblockable gunflames on a heavy armour class with multiple invulns and large hp pool. 14k backstabs on jihad glass cannon thieves.

Im not sure why you are singling out the mesmer. It’s probably the hardest burst to pull off with the most moving parts.

Because he plays weird off-meta builds on Mes and doesn’t like the fact that other builds are superior to his.

Decimate Defenses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


it means 2% per stack of vulnerability on the target

for clarity: if your target has 1 stack of vulnerability it increases your crit by 2%. if your target has 25 stacks (max) it increases your crit chance by 50%

How sure are you about that? Your explanation makes sense, but the wording of the trait implies that as a result of hitting someone with vulnerability, my crit chance increases, and that the amount my crit chance increases depends on the number of stacks of vulnerability on that foe. Your explanation says conversely my crit chance on that foe is increased as a result of them having vulnerability.

My interpretation of events: Hit foe w/ vulnerability -> crit chance increases
Your interpretation: Foe has preexisting vulnerability -> crit chance on that foe is determined based off of number of stacks of vulnerability.

I’m not really sure who’s right but I’m going strictly off of how the trait is worded. Would be nice to get some dev clarification.

Decimate Defenses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Here are the results of my testing to see if this trait functionally increases crit chance, due to lack of any HUD indication that it does.

Buff Reaper's Touch

in Necromancer

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


The only thing I would really complain about is the aftercast of Reaper’s Touch. Other than that, it is a great starter attack for a fight (stack 12 vuln if you’re fighting 1 foe).

Weeeeell if you’re in 600 range yeah. The bounce doesn’t extend beyond that. Which defeats the purpose of a 1200 range skill.

Decimate Defenses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


There is no HUD display/popup that shows you how many stacks you currently have. Nor does the tooltip say how many stacks are maximum. So right now it’s impossible to tell if this trait works at all.

Buff Reaper's Touch

in Necromancer

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


This skill really isn’t useful for single-target damage, and yet that’s exactly what Spinal Shivers is for. Focus is actually the least-focused (pun intended) weapon that Necro has, in terms of how it should be used. Why vulnerability, and why only 4 stacks? The sole reason the vuln is useful is because of Unholy Fervor, and that pigeonholes it into being paired with axe.

More importantly, why regen?? It’s difficult to use this skill in a way that’s useful either for damage or for healing, it’s like a Winds of Chaos that has no place in any build. If this were to become a higher-damage skill then I think it would be ok to nerf Spinal Shivers down to 2 conditions removed. But right now Focus has 2 skills, but only 1 useful skill.

Condi Mesmer needs to be toned down

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Mesmer has been hit repeatedly. Most recently, Moa took yet another strong nerf. This is a learn to play issue, not a Mesmer problem.

Very dismissive response. Yes, Moa was nerfed, no, it’s not required for condi mes. That does not at all address the main concerns about clone generation (Chronophantasma doubles your phantasm generation with no downside), condi stacks, and condi duration. The OP provided actual numbers to prove his point, where is your fact-based counterargument that condi mes isn’t OP and is well-balanced?

Location-based targeting

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


What we need is a personal and a team target. You could solve your problem plus a lot of other situations

That’s pretty true. It would complicate things for the player a bit, but outside of that it would work quite well. There’s definitely times where my current target is invuln/blocking for 3-4s and I’d like to quickly switch to another good target and use AA or a low-CD attack, then switch back. Having 2 target options would be useful in that situation.

Location-based targeting

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


In my mind there’s no reason why when someone is targeted at home, if a team member then calls a different target at far, that my target is switched to the one at far. I understand the point of targeting is to help the team focus on targets, but it’s self-defeating when the target isn’t even visible from your current location.

My solution to the problem is a bubble around each cap point (not necessarily literally circle-shaped, don’t have to be even sizes). If you call a target within that bubble, when your allies (within that bubble) try to take a target, that one will be the one they take. If another target is then called in a different bubble, then that will not affect target-taking in the bubble you’re currently in. Your target should not be switched if you walk into another bubble unless you try to take target again once in the new bubble.

Curious case of Sindrener's Syndrome

in Thief

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


No, it’s not. Vault is where you get your insane AoE yet it’s one of the most telegraphed skills in the game. Fortunately it has evade for 2/3 of the cast time, but the non-evade frames are easy to memorize and shut down. That’s not a problem in non-tournament pugs, but you’re specifically talking about high-level pvp, you might get the jump (pun intended) on some skilled players in the very first skirmish, but after that you’ll get focused and interrupted very fast.

Staff lacks stealth, and so it lacks the escapability that D/P offers. You are correct that Staff allows dueling, but so does condi mes or trap DH. Thieves are strong not because of their DPS or ability to hold their own, but because of their mobility, speed, and unpredictability. Staff has less mobility, less speed, and is highly predictable. Everything a thief should avoid if they want to beat well-organized and prepared players.

Scorpion Wire: Buff+Discussion

in Thief

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


I agree scorpion wire needs a buff, however we don’t need another spear of justice or magnet. If it could be unblockable and increase with a speed increase it would viable. Also removing the damage would be nice (considering its f***ing useless) so you could have synergy when in stealth or using basilisk venom.

Tbh if you just removed the damage then it would be completely viable. Still difficult but since you could use it in stealth your enemy would be less likely to dodge/block at the wrong time.

Who will the next legend be?

in Revenant

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Next Legend: John Cena

For those Revenants that literally can’t see you.

Personally voting for Randy Orton

Power Shatter Mes Montage!

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Here you can see one of the classes i was talking about in other topic that is out of control and have way too much of everything.

It shows mesmer able to instagibs while also very hard to kill.

I see that you are skilled one but also see that your class is too powerful and when the 2 meets this what happens. So easy and fast kills not really fun to watch.

Video and gameplay nicely done.

Power shatter mes is the opposite of hard to kill. It plays marauder ammy and scholar armor. As already mentioned, mes has lowest number of passive defenses in the game. And high-level players don’t usually play Inspiration, meaning that outside of their well they have absolutely no condi cleanse. If you can’t figure out how to beat a no-toughness, lowest-armor, no condi-cleanse build then man the issue is not the build. To make up for this weakness they have port (easy to see) and Blink. That’s it. Blink is one-use. Just learn the build and its glaring weaknesses, and countering it will not be beyond you.

QoL: Fix teleport skills

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Let me be more specific in meaning.

All but one of your ideas for the teleport problem assume that the location of a teleport are constantly checked in the same manner that a player’s position is checked.

But as far as I can tell by observation they are not. Player positions can be easily displayed on a map because the game has to constantly check the player’s position for obvious reasons. However with teleports there is no indication that the game bothers tracking the teleports position until the player actually calls the teleport. And it makes sense that teleports would be implemented in such a way since it would cut down on the amount of work the game has to do.

Perfect, thanks for clarifying. While you are correct that the game is constantly logging where a player is, as even other players need this information in an MMO, is that not also true of ports? Shadowstep and Portal Entre’s exits are constantly visible even before they’re called, it’s a small white ring for Shadowstep. And other players can also see these. So on some level they are logged, although it might not be handled the same way as a player’s location, as the latter is more dynamic. As to whether the server is re-checking the location of the portal or simply logging it at the time the exit is created and then continuing to display the exit’s location based on that single initial log, I don’t know. However clearly the game has some sort of record of each of those skills’ exit location, as that’s necessary to continue displaying the graphic that’s shown. Shadow Trap also has a generic thief trap graphic shown on the ground.

Making competitive guild for ag's etc

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


I’ll message you later today.

Mesmer vs. Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Its tough. Power mesmer in my opinion works better against DH. Given unlimited amount of time and space condi mesmer should win against DH, but that is never the case in sPvP and as mesmer it will be difficult to stay on point. TBH, as someone who plays primarily DH I struggle to kill good mesmers, but mesmers rarely can put enough pressure to kill me in time before I can get support. I can also push them easily off point.

If you are defending a point take shot fighting the DH. If I am entrenched on the point do not waste your time.

Yeah DH has too much sustain when they have prelaid traps. I’m looking more for advice on specific combos to watch out for and their tells. When do you usually use SoJ? How can I pressure you off of LB? I prefer power mes tbh if that helps, obviously condi and power are played differently.

Mesmer vs. Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


I’ve been trying both condi and power mes lately and haven’t had much luck against DH, especially when they’re using LB. What should I focus on to beat them?

QoL: Fix teleport skills

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Yeah I highly doubt that the 3 solutions I proposed are all technically complicated. .

Never say that about anything programming related.

Generalization is general. I love Xkcd but I don’t use it as a reference point for reality, it’s humor. Randall is popular because he panders to programmer’s feelings and experiences, not their facts. If you want to be realistic, nobody outside of Anet knows how much budget, how many employees, and how much time are being spent on PvP-related fixes, so that comic could either be completely on-point, or this could be a simple fix that nobody at Anet cares enough to fix. Based on the current ToL team population compared to past numbers it’s clear that interest in sPvP is waning and that can only be attributed to Anet’s decisions.

At this point I’d at least like to hear/read the explanation for why nothing has been done about this, Shadow Trap is somewhat obscure but Shadowstep and Portal Entre are perma-meta. You’d think there would be a solution by now, these are all core skills.

QoL List 3

in Ranger

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Maybe I need to make a “What is QoL” post. QoL implies making the game easier and more enjoyable without enhancing a character’s existing abilities, i.e. not making them more competitive against other professions. That’s the general meaning anyways. So an obvious QoL change would be fixing bugs, such as permataunt if you’re taunted mid-air. QoL is NOT buffing skills, which involves enhancing a particular class’s abilities, hence reducing QoL for people playing other professions in a competitive setting such as sPvP or WvW.

Calling skill buffs a QoL change is like someone making < $30k a year saying that a tax break for people making < $30k a year is a QoL change in the tax code. It’s not, because it results in less tax money being available for public services, but only specifically benefits those who make < $30k a year. If there’s a relative negative effect on other professions then it’s not a QoL change.

ANET: Class Stacking for Season 5?

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Though not always the problem, I think profession dailies contribute to the class stacking issue a fair amount. At the very least, if profession dailies were removed (and replaced with something else) I think that would help.

Can I +2 this? The dailies aren’t a horrible idea, Anet keeps players on by encouraging them to explore the very cool and unique possibilities that each profession offers. But they should be excluded from ranked, even during the off-season. In unranked I don’t really expect good teams either way. healing prohibited?

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Yeah this stuff is hurtful and unnecessary. The best thing I can think of to say is that this person is unskilled if they think healing is “unfair.” Anet made it part of the game and chose to allow amulets with healing power, so they intended it to be a part of the game. There’s no shame in playing an effective build, which seems to be Pew Pew’s complaint.

The better you get, the fewer complaints you get. I now get an angry PM about every 50 games or so, it was more common when I was worse. Just keep improving and play with friends and the toxicity will decrease.

QoL: Fix teleport skills

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


No the portal marker on the minimap was definitely one of the things that the devs said would be a ton of work to implement and not at all worth it. I just don’t remember if they said the same about marking the skill icon when you went out of range

Oh yeah I believe you when you say they said it, I just don’t believe that they’re being truthful. Anet doesn’t put much resources into sPvP development, and the only skill in this category which would actually be useful in PvE would maybe be Portal Entre. Shadow Trap isn’t used at all, and even if you use Shadowstep, it’s unlikely that you’ll be pressured enough to forget where you put it. This is largely a sPvP issue and that’s why they say it’s too much work; because relatively speaking, the benefit outweighs the burden on their limited resources.

ANET: Class Stacking for Season 5?

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


And so here again I see the classic thread about the class stacking ‘issue’ and again I cringe.

1) Class stacking restrictions were added to ESL as a result of the season 1 meta. Teams could compete with only 2 builds, bunker mesmer and condition mallyx. ArenaNet has vastly improved their game since then in terms of balance and the builds that were simply broken in season one such as cele ele, scrapper and the ones mentioned before are now balanced. The only exception being bunker mesmer which was overnerfed out of the game.
2) There is no class in this videogame worth stacking more than 2 in one team. Sure, maybe running 4 dragonhunters or 4 reapers can get you out of amber quickly but I’d say at around Sapphire people have already learned how to dodge and the setup stops working. Complaining about multiple dhs, necros and pretty much any class but revenant is just a l2p issue.
3) Being able to change your team’s setup accordingly in the pre-game is one of the better features we have in PvP, I suggest you learn how to use it.

Yeah no, dealing with stacked DHs is not a L2P issue. Their traps exploit the core of conquest, which is defending points. I don’t find myself bothered by 1-2 DHs on a team, but 2-3 on a single point is overkill. Perhaps a similarly-stacked FA ele team could beat them if they properly dodged SoJ, but in general fighting multiple DHs on-point is a no-go, that’s an issue of game mechanics not skill. Foefire’s large midpoint would be the exception.

QoL: Fix teleport skills

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


I have to mention that we already had a dev answer (in the mesmer forum I believe) saying that for some reasons, it was complicated.

AFAIK that dev was responding to a comment to display a portal marker on the minimap, not to showing a red bar or disabling the skill when you are out of range.

Yeah I highly doubt that the 3 solutions I proposed are all technically complicated. The portal marker shouldn’t be hard though, in PvE there are all sorts of markers on the map. The technology is there, I think what’s difficult is that Anet doesn’t put much resources into sPvP development in the first place.

QoL: Fix teleport skills

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053



Making ST Unusable when not in range is a nerf.

Yeah actually you’re right, I use it as a stunbreak too. That wasn’t my top suggestion, I think that distance units on the map is the best way to go. Because right now “5000” or “10000” means nothing to me because I can’t actually see how far away that is so I can’t estimate it. I know how far 600, 900, and 1200 are instinctively.

How To PvP?

in Warrior

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Neojozzen is good, I’ve played against him a lot. You can always PM him and see if he responds.

QoL: Fix teleport skills

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


I have trouble with knowing whether 5000 or 10000 range teleport skills are out of range. Portal Entre and Shadow Trap are examples. When you activate them out of range, they have an unintended effect: Portal summons a portal that can’t be interacted with, and Shadow Trap teleports you in the right direction but only up till the first obstacle, such as a building.

Although distance units on the minimap would be ideal, like you can see on this map, they could also just make these skills unusuable outside of the range. Same for shorter-range teleports like Shadowstep. Since these distance units are arbitrary and we can’t even get a little indicator on the minimap of where we’ve left the entrance, something should be changed. This isn’t buffing the skills, just a QoL change.

Thoughts on Skyhammer

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


This map hasn’t been talked about as much as others in the past due to it being outside of the ranked rotation, but now that it’s being included we all have to start thinking about it. Here’s my observations:

  1. Like Temple, the Z-axis is important on Skyhammer. Unlike Temple it has jump pads, making it easier to get up and down.
  2. Is smaller. Makes AoE that much more useful, and leads to mindless AoE spam at the mid-point
  3. Has limited room for movement on all points. At mid, it’s easy to fall off the sides or down the hole in the middle of the platform. On the sides, the pillars get in the way of escaping (and the camera) and the recessed wall allows well-placed AoE to trap players against the wall.
  4. Jump pads at points allow extra option for escape as well as sniping. For example, at Henge in Forest you need a teleport to get up on the side walls, but in Skyhammer anybody can do it.
  5. Hammer: similar to Tranquility in Temple but does damage and is much more predictable/evadeable.

Screenshot FPS [Requested by Haise]

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


I mean his name is Troll what did we expect?

Please allow resign as an option.

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


It opens up the possibility for players to troll matches or perfectly winnable matches to fail because players gave up too easily.

Well they could just eliminate any reward for the match if your team resigns. Or reduce it to like 5 silver and no reward track progress. It would make resigning pretty uncommon, but at least having the option would be nice. And if everybody (not counting DCs) has to resign then I don’t think it would result in trolling.

Who would resign at all if you won’t get any reward? In that case it wouldn’t matter at all.

And if all players agree to resign, the match is really fast done if the enemy got 3 points – if that’s still to slow, be stomped and speed it up

Actually I have one more point on this topic: the biggest reward we all get out of this game is fun and a sense of accomplishment. Reward-track progress is nbd in my mind compared to fun. And spending time in a game that’s already 100-300 is not fun unless you like dying. I’d rather get out as quickly as possible and into a better-balanced match.

Improving at PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Hey I think there are good guides on each of the profession forums, so I’d start there. There’s a sticky at the top of this forum that’s also for newcomers. Message me in-game and I can also help you.

Ineptitude too weak

in Mesmer

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


I think it is a pretty competitive trait.
Its CD is in line with other blind GM trait from other classes(druid’s healing one and ele’s burning one).
Confusion on blind is also a nice offensive power buff. It has good synergy with Blinding Dissipation.

Idk about that. Meta Druid has access to more blind in general via Smokescale F2 and Celestial Avatar 2 (which can be spammed in a group fight), and actually has 2 traits that cause blindness. Go for the Eyes is silly on Smokescale but very useful on Bristleback. Overall these classes are not terribly comparable in this regard. Ele’s blind on burn is decent with an 8s CD, and actually more useful than Ineptitude, as Ele has high access to burn in Fire attunement. In fact an Ele running Fire is defs condi and therefore is quite possibly also using Signet of Fire, so overall has quite a bit of access to burning. But overall yes there are some other comparisons to be made, in terms of the trait Ele has it better than Mes while Ranger has it worse.

That being said, Ele needs this trait and the lower CD; lowest health pool and lowest armor, notwithstanding high Protection uptime (which can always be stripped). And Fire makes Ele even more squishy than usual, hence the defensive trait for compensation.

Druid, however, has equal health to Mesmer, higher armor, amazing self-healing, high condi-cleanse, a pet that’s like an OP phantasm with a special attack that can be insta-switched if it dies, etc. etc. Basically Ranger has much better 1v1 and 1v2 survivability on its inherent profession mechanics, thus it doesn’t need weird stuff like a Blind on a GM trait. And like a Mesmer the pet attacks even when the Druid is on the defensive, that’s actually where a lot of the Druid’s damage comes from.

Condi and power mes are super fragile and could use the boost. I don’t think 5s cooldown is insane, that’s not spammable like Druid’s CA 2 skill. And it’s definitely not “competitive” in the sense that people use it in a competitive context. Feel free to prove me wrong, I’d be interested to find a decent streamer who uses it. Doesn’t have to be Helseth, just someone who’s made it to Legendary.

Your last comment about confusion is reasonable, but even on condi mes I wouldn’t take it over Malicious Sorcery if using a Scepter or Master of Fragmentation if not. A single 4s stack of confusion will not proc very much, make it 3 stacks or lower the CD and then you’ll end up with some decent damage.

When you take a game hiatus

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Any help is appreciated.
I’m looking for the highest dps/burst builds no matter how glassy. I posted 2 of them directly above this (though I swapped to… Destroyer I think? (Power/Precision/Ferocity/ConditionDamage) and moved 2 traits) that I have so far.

Well 100-0 in 1 second necessitates a power/precision/ferocity build. Destroyer will give you lower DPS than Berzerker. The kind of build you’re talking about isn’t really a good fit for GW2 though they do exist, post HoT there’s a bit more passive and a lot more active defenses floating around, and they counter power builds harder than condi builds. So basically your ideal build is less effective than it was in the past. I’d suggest looking at old pre-HoT builds for some ideas, most core builds weren’t really nerfed (despite all the QQ posts to the contrary) and pre-HoT was more power-focused. That’s a huge generalization but it will take you in the right direction. Metabattle has plenty of highly and not highly-rated builds that might interest you.

(edited by Huskyboy.1053)

Ineptitude too weak

in Mesmer

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Title says it all: for a GM trait, I have 10s cooldown on a blockable 3s blind. And the 4s single stack of confusion which is barely worth mentioning. I understand that this is probably intended to reduce its use for bunkering in sPvP (sw/sh mes has 1 block and 1 evade skill built-in), but 10s? Too much. That would be fine for a minor trait, but this is in no way competitive with Malicious Sorcery or Master of Fragmentation.

Reduce it to 5s and we’re talking. It’s not like once I switched to that set I’d be able to land a block, evade, another block, and 2 dodges with a 5 second trait cooldown before switching to my other weapon anyways. But I might be able to land 2-3 ineptitudes and that would make the trait worth it. I don’t think that would be OP. As of right now the necessary July 28, 2015 nerf (which made sense, why was it previously unblockable/unevadable) without a compensatory buff to CD made this uncompetitive. I think it should also trigger on misses, that fits the theme of Ineptitude even more than trigger on block/evade.

To put this in context: mesmer is best used in a 1v1 or 2v1 situation. This is not an elementalist or a Guardian, mesmer is the top dueling class. The 10s CD per-target sounds good, but only being able to blind each person once every 10s is essentially a 10s CD in sPvP, as you should only be fighting 2 people maximum at any given time. More people than that and the trait isn’t the problem. But effectively this is far more limiting atm, especially considering that I can take advantage of MoF’s shatter boost twice via Continuum Split, whereas that is not the case with Ineptitude. This is a cool trait and it deserves a nice buff.

(edited by Huskyboy.1053)

Why hasn't condi chrono been touched?

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


1v1 a condition chrono?
DH destroys them if you know how to play. Can survive easily as long as you spam traps, symbols and blocks since they cleave out clones in less than half a second.

Know how to play DH… lol, sadly its the only dumb way we have to play with that class.. besides poop traps… useless.
A decent mesmer will not fall for trap poop spam…

Ur playing DH wrong, because DH straight up nerfs Mes.

I dont play with traps.

Welp, you can play how you want all the time or you can play how you want some of the time. If you see a condi mes and want to win 1v1, the symbolic build is your best bet. At least have ToF to kill one burst. Guild Wars 1 was often referred to by the players as Build Wars, and to a lesser degree GW2 retains that aspect. Adapt or die.

Please allow resign as an option.

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


It opens up the possibility for players to troll matches or perfectly winnable matches to fail because players gave up too easily.

Well they could just eliminate any reward for the match if your team resigns. Or reduce it to like 5 silver and no reward track progress. It would make resigning pretty uncommon, but at least having the option would be nice. And if everybody (not counting DCs) has to resign then I don’t think it would result in trolling.

Who would resign at all if you won’t get any reward? In that case it wouldn’t matter at all.

And if all players agree to resign, the match is really fast done if the enemy got 3 points – if that’s still to slow, be stomped and speed it up

To finish the match more quickly, that’s the point of this post dude. You’re not wrong about getting stomped and allowing 3-caps and such, resigning would just speed up the process.

Please allow resign as an option.

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


It opens up the possibility for players to troll matches or perfectly winnable matches to fail because players gave up too easily.

Well they could just eliminate any reward for the match if your team resigns. Or reduce it to like 5 silver and no reward track progress. It would make resigning pretty uncommon, but at least having the option would be nice. And if everybody (not counting DCs) has to resign then I don’t think it would result in trolling.

Conditions need toning down

in PvP

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


Condition is balanced.
Right now only 3 classes can kill you with condis (engi, mesmer, warrior), the necromancer focus on a hybrid build to inflict average damage (evade7block/move-away from his Rs5+4 combo and you’ll avoid 75% of the global necromancer condition damage output.

Then, conditions was an attrition damage time ago and No One wanted to use them , simply because no one was able to win with a thing that don’t inflicted enough damage to kill anyone.

Now almost all the builds in game run direct damage and only few mesmers, some warriors and even lesser engis use conditions and they’re the only one you have to fear.
Necromancer us conditions and direct damage (with that 50% crit rate in shroud) to try to kill you, but if you learn some tricks you will kill every single necro on your way fast and easy with any dps class.
All the other classes and builds use direct damage.

I agree with some of this; not every class is condi-viable. And the meta has shifted a bit away from S3’s condi meta. That being said:

  1. The top and most common mes build is condition hands-down. It’s the top-rated mes build on Metabattle, so that’s where new players are going to go regardless of whether they know what they’re doing or not. It’s quite rare though not unheard of to run into a power mes in your everyday matchups. Not going to comment on pro-level, that’s a small sample size with constantly shifting strategies, so it’s not worth generalizing. I know Helseth runs both.
  2. If by “some warriors” you mean that you’ll run into a condi warr once every 2 matches then yeah, some warriors run it. Because I encounter them all the time.
  3. And yeah totally agree, condi engi isn’t so common though it’s making a comeback.

Condi rev has been forced out by Retribution nerfs, burn guard isn’t as viable atm but is used occasionally, condi ranger and condi ele are silly. Condi thief though; man I hate that build. Anet is trying to push it, that’s the only reason I can see for them buffing venoms in the last patch and making venomshare baseline a few patches ago. It’s not something that will ever be played at pro-level, but it’s becoming more common due to how easy it is.

As for whether condi is balanced, I think that some classes have too much access to too many conditions, nobody should be able to stack 7 different kinds of conditions in a short period of time. But I don’t generally feel as if condition is out of control, the OP probably needs to practice some more.