The best is yet to come.
So more massacres, mayhem, and destruction in your words. Why is that since the start of this Living World (although I may risk saying that there were signs of this in the vanilla game as well) the only way you guys seem to be able to drive the story forward is through mass killings and calamities (that often draw parallels with real life modern attacks on innocents)?
Remember this picture attached to the Story Journal reveal page? I can’t decide whether it’s hilarious, ridiculous, or outrageously imbecile and depressing that it’s a spot-on summary of your entire storytelling to date…
What sort of stories would you like to see?
Tell us a story, that is worth telling. Ah, and don’t hold back on new maps, like real ones, not map teasers…
Vague answer is vague.
The kind of storytelling I’d like to see is where we can actually feel a connection to the characters. The problem with the races right now is most NPC’s do not stand out as individuals. Arenanet painted themselves into a corner when they decided “Well the Asuran are very smart and arrogant, the Norn are proud and competitive The Sylvari are quite ignorant, excited and in tune with the natural world , the Charr are similar to the Norn but also tend to be pessimistic and finally the humans – well they can be just about anything they want to be.” The way the other races have been stereotyped by design makes it difficult to find them interesting. Every NPC you talk to of a particular race doesn’t feel any different than when you talk to another NPC of the same ilk.
In our personal story we are introduced to secondary characters so frequently that you don’t have any time at all to feel any kind of bond with them, even the characters that are suppose to feel like your mentors. I only cared slightly about Tybalts death, but only after completing that storyline for the third time. After playing the storyline over and over again I thought “I’ve done this x times, and I still have no idea who the hell this person is”. I vaguely remember a norn lady being turned undead towards the end of the storyline but since I had little interaction with her it didn’t affect me as a player, and it should have, especially after having done it multiple times.
I’ll go as far as to write you could kill off Destiny’s Edge and the “Destiny’s Orphans” entirely and most players wouldn’t really care. We’ve been given very little personal interaction with them and their personality’s feel very flat. Characters like those should have their story intertwined with the players more frequently and in every facet of gameplay. The dungeon story line’s feel very bland after the second or third time going through, let alone the 50th.
If you really want to have epic storytelling consider working on your technology where we can have dynamic events cross over between zones. One example for such an event would be to have a quirky skritt who travels between zones trading goods, visiting friends and family and fighting an awful lot of enemies along the way. Something like that where you can have plenty of different 1on1 experiences helps build a relationship that players can invest their emotions into.