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I am mesmer, fix Phantasmal Berserker

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


As much as I love trolling people with this skill, I also don’t like being the target of it. This skill is broken. Completely. There are numerous complaints about it and for valid reason.

Ever been in WvW inside a tower under siege? If enemy sees you once and manages to target you (lock onto you), he can spam this skill constantly on you without any line of sight. There’s no where you can escape.

If you’re in an organized party you can do this together.. pick one player and spam him with Berserkers. The target will spend the rest of his miserable days healing and chasing berserkers and won’t be able to use any siege weapons. Because if he uses any siege weapons he’s not fighting off Berserkers.

I have no doubt this skill will be fixed by Easter judging by current fix/balance rate, so I’m creating another thread on this issue very early to make enough time for the fix.

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KISS leaving Gunnars Hold

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


In gw2, easymoders are divided into 2. Players moving to successful realms to swoop up free xp/loot, or guilds moving over to higher ranked servers because they cant handle losing.

That’s both false.

If you move higher up rank you’re not going be getting easier xp/loot. Let’s say you have a decent guild. Where is that guild going to get more loot? On a server where there are only pugs running around in small to mid sized groups, without food, and PvE guilds / casual guilds – or on a server where that guild is going to fight hardcore enemy guilds/players?
As a player who was doing a lot of roaming, you can’t possibly tell me that moving from lower tier to higher tier is for easier xp/loot. Have you even played anywhere else but on your own server / current tier? I can tell you tier1 is no easier loot/xp. A lot of players from Vizu/Deso are dedicated thieves who know how to play. When I roam, I have to deal with these players, and not just upscaled lvl80 in bad armor. Also, their smaller groups use everything to their advantage; especially invisibility bugs.

Your second point is also wrong. You’re not going to move to higher tier to avoid losing unless you move to a server that is going to be #1 and you know it will stay #1. And these days that changes often. Tier2, tier3, tier4 and so on – all servers there have about 33% chance to win, and 33% chance to lose. Give or take. That’s a mathematical design of the game.

just wanted to add that im kinda confused why a guild like RG need to go the easymoders way

What? RG works hard to win in battles. Your definition of easy mode is complete nonsense. For you, someone who moves to more competitive tier is easy modding.

Easy moding is about preaching morale etc. So much crap in one text..

It’s true, just admit it. Who is here fighting and who is preaching in the forums and constantly insulting and demeaning others? You’re talking about easy mode and loyalty to server as if people bought GW2 with the mindframe: “Let’s marry our first server till death do us apart.” You do understand people bought GW2 to, you know, play it and have fun?

You talk about challenge and “hard mode”. Then why do you complain about guilds leaving? Why? You want hard mode, there you have it. Shouldn’t you be happy these guilds left so you have even less of easy mode? It doesn’t seem that way.

Fact: Tons of guilds move to the top servers. Is that because they are competitive?

It’s because:

More fun.
More challenge.
More opportunity to win.

Of course that some move to top servers to have more opportunity of winning (in every way). This is the definition of competitive player/guild. You play, in a way that will grant you victory. If you don’t play in a way that will grant you victory, you are not a (hardcore) competitive player. You are casual player. That’s all I have to say on this.

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KISS leaving Gunnars Hold

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Another guild going for some easy mode WvWvW,

Please stop with that. You know what’s easy mode? It’s all those casual people on bottom servers who login to WvW for 1 hour a week to kill raptors and want others to pour time into WvW and win for them so they get crafting bonuses. That’s easy mode.

Have you ever seen what stronger servers do? They use tons of their own money for siege equipment, for keep upgrades, for food/nourishments. Some even change their sleep schedule.

Easy mode is being on a low ranked server and preaching morality to competitive players and guilds who want nothing but competitive environment where others put in effort too, instead of switching/staying on low ranked server to “prove” something.

Competitive players/guilds have nothing to do on low ranked servers, it contradicts the competitive nature. The only reason why someone would be on low ranked PvE server is because there is no invisibility there, and thus you actually see people you’re fighting (which can be fun).

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KISS leaving Gunnars Hold

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


there are three reasons to transfer

3) moving down to a lower bracket to prove that your wvw focused guild can make a difference.

This is not what competitive guilds/players do. Not even those who just want more casual WvW. You will move somewhere where there are a lot of people who focus on WvW and competition exists. You will not move to the last tier where are people who kill raptors in WvW and there are no commanders in prime time. And no mature guild/player will transfer to “prove” something. Many guilds also like to be a part of the team/server, not just a one-guild-army.

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KISS leaving Gunnars Hold

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


so why go too a US server even when so many servers having troubles having enough numbers in cet prime time?

And where are they going to go? Top EU eng servers are Full almost the entire time. Some other EU servers are already full in prime time; and could use more off-time guilds (NA, Oceanic..) and not more prime time guilds. You said so many servers are having trouble even in prime time CET – which ones did you have in mind?

Moving to NA is logical if you want to WvW, as well as it would be logical for NA to move to EU. It’s just how things are atm.

Besides, being a GW1 player, I’m pretty sure Kiss players also have a lot of NA friends. Many of us from EU actually played on NA in GW1.

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9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


In RUIN’s mind they’ve done what they’ve set out to do and all the insults in the world aren’t going to change that.

And what did they set out to do?

RUIN joined one of top2 English servers in EU, enough to tip the balance a bit, and managed to get to #1 for 1 week only. Now that others are consolidating RUIN sees they have no chance and they call it mission accomplished.

How is that an achievement?

Especially considering that RUIN only tipped balance because of PvDoor, and now when they have to fight actual people, it’s not working anymore.

Is that what RUIN set out to do? “Let’s jump top2 eng EU server and the one with highest population before anyone else from NA gets this brilliant idea, get to #1 and as soon as real competition comes jump the ship switch the game.”

Who plays like that, seriously?

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9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


By looking at the score and seeming its only 2 days in, im pretty sure SFR did better against BT than what these T1 servers are doing right now?

If IRON and GOD came to SFR it would be a smashing server. Plenty of room in the Medium server. Looks like we will be T2 again soon

SFR is a High server not Medium one. Haven’t really checked it lately?

SFR would not do better than Vizu and Desolation. Quite honestly, there’s a reason why these servers are tier1 and SFR is not strong enough yet for that.

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9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


It just shows you that Deso lacks the large, strong organised guilds it needs to pull its own weight.

Wait, what happened with: “You don’t think we did proper scouting prior to our move? That’s why we didn’t move to Far Shiverpeaks.”

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9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


And you know why Blacktide would probably beat Deso last week? Because BT itself is a “mass transferred” server. And this fact makes it all the funnier. Instead of massive amount of americans, you have a massive amount of russians.

You mean, instead of massive amount of NA people we have EU people as we’re supposed to have? How is that the same?

And of course Blacktide had transfers, every server who wants to be on top needs to have transfers, what do you expect, Blacktide to beat Deso as a Medium server?

So much for packing your queues to 40mins – 2hours just to beat T1 and know that in the end it was all about population. Congratulations

No it’s not, Blacktide is now full server, just like Desolation. Blacktide was Medium in the beginning FYI (as far as I remember) while Desolation was the initial bandwagon of many people in GW2. Population-wise, both servers are equal so please..

Only reason why vizunah overtake us now is because blacktide hasn’t been attacking any of their keeps

No. Whenever I check the map Blacktide is holding (or trying to hold) either their own side of the map, or goes for both Hills and Bay. And it has been like that since beginning.

No one buys your conspiracy theories anymore. I didn’t buy them even last week. Two servers uniting vs yours and doing that poorly? Impossible. It was obvious they are just tired of what RUIN is doing.

The reason why Desolation is doing this poorly now is because RUIN is blocked from doing their usual PvDoor, and Vizunah is finally again motivated to actually fight.

It is no secret that Desolation expected even easier victory once Arborstone was out, and it would be free for all 1v1v1. Once Desolation players saw exactly how strong Blacktide was, I’m pretty sure some of them lost motivation.

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9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


(Post is a reference to NoShelter post that has been removed/deleted and was about how RUIN “won” EU bracket and is going to switch to another game. lolz)

lol dude, Blacktide was stronger than Deso even last week. What are you talking about? You didn’t beat EU bracket. You mass transferred before anyone else, and flipped the balance in your favor. Then when other servers started mass transferring suddenly it’s “ooops we can’t win anymore in EU, so let’s call it a win and flee”.

If Blacktide was in T1 last week you know what would happen? Same thing. Blacktide would prevent RUIN from nigthcapping, and Vizu would beat Desolation in other times. You would not win. But you did, thanks to slow World balancing method ANet uses, where servers can’t climb/fall as fast as their strength can rise/drop.

You know what you remind me of? Comments I read on GWGuru from Henge of Denravi. “We beat the game, cya”. And what did they do? A bunch of competitive guilds jumped on one server before other servers consolidated and did the same. Then they called it quits real fast. Such heroes.

Just admit it, even with your huge RUIN presence you can’t win EU bracket. You were not the strongest server last week, you’re not this one. And it shows, by far.

I defended RUIN many times on this forum, but frankly, after reading your psots I see why Americans don’t like you (not to mention EU people). First you switch from NA to EU to win, then now when you can’t win even in EU because someone beat you to your own game – you’re “switching to other games”.

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Wouldnt it be ironic? Necros in the future.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Barbarian was always OP in Hardcore D3, by a lot. The only reason DH was considered good was Softcore graveyard zerging.

Haven’t played D3 in a long time but I bet Barbarian is still OP in HC and DH still underpowered in HC.

D3 SC is much like GW2 PvE: just graveyard zerging. Boring, without challenge or difficulty, monotone, repeatable. I much more enjoyed GW1 missions and quests.

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Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


To the guy who said “we beat the game, no one left, so quitting” – this is the same thing I read on GWGuru from Henge of Denravi. There we had a situation where a bunch of competitive guilds jumped on one server and “beat the game”, and promptly abandoned the ship before other servers could consolidate, mass transfer as well, and fill timezone coverage blanks. Such heroes.

Let’s see what happens with Desolation.

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Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Where is RUIN?

To be fair, I see plenty of Ruin, but this is my first time fighting them so I don’t know how many I should be seeing.

You can’t expect that much from Ruin this time. Have you ever seen Blacktide zerg in the middle of the night?

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Rendering Issues

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


HellsMachine, on what server do you play?

It’s easy not to have rendering issues on some servers. I know when I test-transferred to some other server I didn’t have rendering issue either. But that’s only because it was less crowded.

I find it hard to believe forum is swarmed with threads “thief delaying camp capture”, which means out of 20-50 people no one sees him, and you say you have no issues. That doesn’t make any sense. If 10% of population did not have rendering issues there would be no situations where thieves delay camp capture.

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Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Can someone post the actually score please?

Blacktide: 33,785
Desolation: 15,446
Vizunah: 13,193

Current points:

Blacktide: 295
Vizunah: 215
Desolation: 185

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Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


What is this “wall jumping” btw?

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Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Didn’t want to say it before the battle started, but Blacktide is a counter for Desolation’s RUIN nightcapping. This will make it extremely hard for Desolation this week as they are used to getting many points thanks to this, but now that will be down to few hours only. We can expect some very good battles this week. Oh, and I don’t have a problem with RUIN, it’s just adapting to game mechanics, a normal thing competitive players do.

Alliances? When I was in the game Blacktide simultaneously fought on Borderland with both Vizunah and Desolation on purpose, massively attacking in two directions. That was right after reset. Don’t know about other maps.

Thief preventing cap is something we have to deal with. It’s not the only thief problem – invisible thieves who switch to dagger storm or spam dancing daggers can kill many players in few seconds before these players even see the thief. But I would not blame servers or guilds for doing that, but ANet. They have done nothing, and are the ones who should be responsible for this. Not players who play to win. It is not a hack, just a bad and broken game feature.

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Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


The war has begun!

1,5 hours after, the score:

1,940 Blacktide/Redtide
1,558 Desolation
1,427 Vizunah Square

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WvW worth it?

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


PvP is for fun and competition. If you want to amass gold, game already supports that. Just take out your credit card and buy as many Gems as you want.

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Boredom Setting In For Anyone else?

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Did you read the first post?

Did you?

It says: “it gets pretty stale because I can’t make my character any more powerful”

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Boredom Setting In For Anyone else?

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Where do you all come from, WoW?

Do you never actually PLAY any game? You know, instead of endless stat increasing you play the game? Like some people play soccer IRL or bowl?

I have a great suggestion I posted few years ago as well: make Excel sheet and keep adding +1 to the current number. Make new entry for each day, and roleplay the sheet is your character. You will always progress.

ps: And you’re not in PvE section, this is PvP section. Or more precisely, WvW. So if you want to progress invest all your gold for siege weapons and keep upgrades etc.

If you want to instantly kill everyone else in PvP because you played longer, then you came to the wrong game, and I warmly suggest creating Excel sheet.

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(edited by Ianervan.3415)

Best 5man roaming setup?

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Well you can say there are some good engineer roamers and skirmishers, but we never see them. I’m a mesmer and roam often, and I can’t even remember when was the last time I saw roaming engineer, let alone die to one.

But this is a 5-man thread. What synergy does engineer provide? I honestly can’t think of anything when going through his skills.

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Best 5man roaming setup?

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


I was fighting right now against a group that had 2 Guardian, 1 Thief and the rest I don’t know what.

This is basically what you want. Guardians will be invincible for a while and will absorb damage, buying time.

During that time (and it’s plenty of time) the rest of the party (which will be Thieves) can kill in seconds. For example, I was killed by a Thief I never saw, had to check the combat log to see it was dancing daggers spam for 4-5k per hit (yes, I’m glass cannon but still it’s a lot of dmg).

Thus you have the best defense and invisible offense, which is very important because your enemy will not know when to use defensive skills, when to retreat a bit, etc.

In my personal opinion burst damage needs nerf across the board but particularly Guardian and Thief are very overpowered in WvW right now (and everyone uses them, much more than mesmers). Rangers for example are always food, you can tell that profession needs serious fixing. Engineers I can’t even say, they are so rare (outside of keep defense).

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Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Looking forward to this and testing the real strength of Desolation.

High tide.

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2/11 - Blacktide vs Elona Reach vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


If you don’t achieve victory by fighting in prime time, perhaps change your warfare methods, or politely admit defeat.

Blacktide was using guerrilla warfare.

When enemy massed forces, Blacktide avoided combat. When enemy was not vigilant, Blacktide attacked.

This tactic is superior to servers who put all they have in 4 hours of “prime time”.

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Catapult - Boulder vs Gravel

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Gravel doesn’t work (as intended). It does nothing.

Shoot x5 with Gravel.
Shoot x1 with Boulder.

That one boulder will do more damage to enemy mob than five gravels.

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Thank you for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Now I need to make a bit of a clarification about culling being fixed.

Culling cannot be fixed with the current game engine.

That’s unpleasant but honest answer although I understand why it cannot be said in public. I assume it would take some drastic trade-offs to “fix” culling, such as downgrading the quality of appearance of players, but this is a tricky solution as aesthetics form an endgame that also drives gold sales.

For this reason I’m not disappointed by this news, but as GW1 veteran I am disappointed by lack of attention skill balance is getting in GW2, lack of so many bug fixes, and generally speaking lack of PvP quality. I would be more forgiving if this game was called otherwise, but GW1 was absolutely brilliant from the very start in every way (both PvE and PvP). I must admit I thought that later on rare skill balance updates in GW1 were the result of game being old, and not a new trend that would continue in GW2.


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2/11 Miller's sound [DE] vs Baruch Bay [SP] vs Far Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


To everyone who is complaining about “fair weather” guilds and players:

Why did many guilds and players choose FS as a server to join in GW2? Do you think all the guilds you had looked at a server list and randomly selected FS? That there was no fair weather organization prior to game launch, a in a way that went like this: “Hey guys let’s all group up here, so we have the highest chances of winning”?

We didn’t have equal amount of guilds and players joining all servers randomly.

There were guilds and players who were jumping on the bandwagon before game launched, and those who jumped now recently. What gives those early bandwagoners moral right to criticize others?

There are many competitive guilds and players in WvW, and because of how ANet designed WvW there is only so much that skill can do. Sooner or later you have to join the bandwagon if you want to win and have persistent fun where everything you invest isn’t destroyed few hours later when you go to sleep. There is nothing moral or immoral about that. In other games you could learn to play better or something. In this game, you also have to jump the bandwagon, because no amount of skill will make you win while you’re sleeping. In your dreams..

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IS there like a beginners guide

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Talk to the NPC..

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'Commanders' should be elected, not bought.

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Elected? It reeks of democracy. Commander should be achieved regardless of the popular vote.

The reason it costs 100g is so that ANet can make a living. That’s the only reason to be honest. It’s not perfect or anything but it’s quite OK. If you play on 1 server for longer time you already can decide whom to follow and whom not to. Bad commanders existed even in real life and if someone wants to have a bit of fun being a commander – why not? He payed 100g for it. On competitive servers people will know whom to follow anyway, and on non competitive people should be glad someone is a commander (it’s better than no commander).

But if you want elections and democracy – in every democracy a commander is the one with the most money behind him (he wins the election). He might be completely clueless, but he’s still the commander because he got the money.

Anyway, people payed 100g, let them enjoy the time.

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The Class for WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


The problem with previous comments is that they focus on one special situation and then generalize it. This makes it sound like some professions are much better than they actually are. Peak performance does not equal average performance.

The best example for this is Mesmer. Peak performance: great. You can Portal people inside the keep. You can teleport Golems. You can teleport your voice comm guildies.
Average performance? Just how often does keep-portalling succeed for you personally? I’ve done it once in a lifetime, few other times I tried I’ve been found and killed. How much time do you sit in a keep, idling, waiting? Then, how often do you really teleport golems? And when your group is teleporting golems, are there enough mesmers already and do you feel wasted?

With Feedback, how often does this give satisfying results? Peak performance of Feedback is great. At choke points, the skill is amazing. But how often in your playtime do you fight at choke points? For me, out of 100 uses of Feedback, one might be at a choke point. Other times damage is average to useless.

Temporal Curtain. Oh wow this skill is super-cool… yeah.. Peak performance? Fun. You can pull few people down, maybe push them off the cliff. How often does this happen in practice? Almost never. People learned you can pull them down. I don’t know how it is on low tier servers but in tier2 enemies are just not stupid enough to stand on top of the tower. Some professions like Engineer or Ranger don’t even need to. The best use of this skill is when fighting people in jumping puzzles. And even then it won’t kill them, they will fall into water.

And before someone says I’m biased: Mesmer is my main profession, has been since GW1. I am merely trying to give unbiased opinion based on my own experience (might as well be wrong).

There is a huge difference in Mesmer performance between small-scale warfare and bigger battles. 1 on 1 you’re good to go, 20 on 20 and I’d recommend some other profession. But since this is WvW and not sPvP, I don’t think 1 on 1 performance is that important unless someone specifically requests a roaming profession.

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The Class for WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Terrahero: “hello, +100% dps”

Just to correct you slightly here, Time Warp doesn’t increase group damage by 100%. It’s far less than that. It would increase damage by 100% if everyone only had autoattack on their skillbar.

Personally, I think that Mesmers are slightly overrated in WvW, in that having few of them in a zerg is great but above that number you’re better off with another profession.

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(edited by Ianervan.3415)

ARB getting to first palce this time?

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


I’m on BT and certainly not going to gank the French, so far no issues with them. My personal experience with Deso however has been less than favorable, as they had a high % of bad mannered players.

That, and tactically it’s just bad move for BT to gank the French server.

I think that if BT goes into T1 it will be a normal 3-way battle. What will happen in a month or two, who knows.

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ARB getting to first palce this time?

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Stop complaining, please.

VZ and AR play the game as it was intended. If they ally, it should be commended for good play.

Tiers are not 1 on 1. WvW is not prime time battle. Nightcapping is allowed. Mesmer portals are allowed and intended and not an exploit.

The entire reason why there are 3 teams in 1 battle is so that 2 gang up on 1. That’s the intended feature of GW2. Personally, I don’t like it, but if I’m going to have to listen endlessly how 2 teams ganged up on 1, I’ll go nuts.

If you don’t like 2v1, spam the forum, petition ANet, whatever, but blaming others for playing good to win just doesn’t make sense in a competitive environment.

All these Desolation vs French talks are about 1 server using huge NA guild(s) to get the advantage others (like these French) can’t/don’t have and then complain that others (French) use other means (allying) to defeat Desolation. Cmon..

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Orbs will be removed from WvW in an upcoming build.

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


dirtyklingon – I checked 3 videos on that link you posted and what you were saying is a complete lie (no surprise to me). At no point were you fighting 3 orbs vs 0 orbs. In 2 videos your team had an orb (how many I don’t know, the icon was there) and in 3rd video you didn’t have the orb but neither did enemy you were fighting.

You mentioned fighting under outmanned buff and didn’t mention the fact that in actual battles your group was heavily outnumbering enemy players, and in few cases numbers were equal (at which point I notice huge amount of enemy players being under lvl80).

I did not notice any actual tactics in these videos other than standard zerging. There was certainly no cooperation visible to me from party or guild members.

In short, just a waste of my time proving to myself what I knew before even watching these videos.

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Removal of Orbs was a success IMO

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


my guild never had an issue fighting and winning battles out manned against servers with more orbs than us or all 3 orbs.

I don’t believe any of that, seeing as your guild is on Tier 7 server.

You also speak about glory killing enemies who have 3 orbs, when T7 is probably full of PvE PuGs who are casually playing WvW with non lvl80 chars. How glorious you are. If you want competitive WvW move to WvW servers where you will see just how much of a difference 3 orbs make. It’s 15% hp and 600 stat points. It does not make someone invincible but it’s a huge difference.

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Camping the Jumping Puzzle... what are you even gaining?

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


The fact that so many people are bothered by this in the forum tells me that it’s more than 1 badge every 2 hours. I’ve camped Borderlands puzzle alone and was able to kill far more people than that.

Don’t know about EB puzzle but Borderlands puzzle area is very fun to fight in. A lot more tactical options there than in the first of the WvW. When you try fighting there you realize just how boring the rest of WvW is, at least for roaming.

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Removal of Orbs was a success IMO

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


It is quite obvious that orb bonuses were a mistake and bad for gameplay. I’m quite enjoying it now.

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Thief in wvw can stop the war

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


How can you not kill that Thief? Even if he does not render you can still target him if you know how, as long as he’s not really 24/7 in stealth which I don’t think he can be.

Hint: AoE is not how you do it.

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Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Funny how Desolation is trying cheap psychology by calling Arborstone slaves with no respect Well who knows, it might work.

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Tactical WvW: Orb-like items

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


WvW could use some variety, here’s my take:

  • Orb-like item that gives some local bonus instead of server-wide. When placed inside a tower/keep it would give bonus for that fort only.

This would mean there is a fallback-keep for outmanned servers, but it’s just one place on the map – nothing gamebreaking. Would be really nice to have one keep to defend during the night, when facing more numerous enemy zerg, and not seeing every tower/keep fall in a matter of minutes.

The bonus itself can come in various forms but it has to be useful to smaller outnumbered team. Stronger walls and gates, more resistant siege, actually useful NPCs..

There could also be orb-like items that are environmental weapons. They don’t have to be imbalanced, not even necessarily stronger. One per map, or few per map, or lasting temporarily and bought with badges. I’m not sure about this one, might be bad idea, but it would sure make things more fun.

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Orbs will be removed from WvW in an upcoming build.

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Good temporary solution.

But I’d like to ask about hacking in this game. Is it really difficult to fix known hacking or the staff is undermanned in WvW department? I am not a programmer so I have no idea of how complex the task is, but in this game it seems to be more frequent and “deadly” than in all other games I played so far. GW1 hacking was almost non-existent, and when detected fixed within 48hrs.

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Orbs will be removed from WvW in an upcoming build.

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Orbs as an idea are fine, it gives another objective. But the current bonuses are not healthy for gameplay, especially when combined with hacking.

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Tier 7 / Tier 8 = Wv3 working just fine.

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


First thing I noticed in lower tiers: I CAN SEE EVERYONE. Even entire big groups of allies and enemies. Not 100 big but certainly the place was crowded. No rendering issues. It was really enjoyable just to see people.

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Culling issue with Thieves but never Mesmers?

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


In wvw glass cannon is just something you must avoid doing.

Off-topic but.. you play a Guardian so this is understandable. As a mesmer, glass cannon is pretty much the best build. Yes, in some cases you’d wish you were built defensively to fight alone 1v2 1v3.. but for a typical WvW situation you should be in, I just don’t see an alternative to glass cannon mesmer. The problem here is that mesmer defense should primarily come from illusions, but in WvW that doesn’t work, so why fix what’s broken.. the only option is to go full offense and that’s it.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Culling issue with Thieves but never Mesmers?

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Eh.. I play mesmer as a “ganker”; that is, pretty much full berserker glass cannon.

Eh.. I play mesmer as a “ganker”; that is, pretty much full berserker glass cannon.The reason why you don’t see complaints about culling with mesmers is already explained above but I’ll reiterate.

Eh.. I play mesmer as a “ganker”; that is, pretty much full berserker glass cannon.The reason why you don’t see complaints about culling with mesmers is already explained above but I’ll reiterate.Most mesmers have something like 1 stealth skill on a long cooldown. Perhaps elite with stealth on even longer cooldown. That’s it. It’s nothing like what thief can do.

Eh.. I play mesmer as a “ganker”; that is, pretty much full berserker glass cannon.The reason why you don’t see complaints about culling with mesmers is already explained above but I’ll reiterate.Most mesmers have something like 1 stealth skill on a long cooldown. Perhaps elite with stealth on even longer cooldown. That’s it. It’s nothing like what thief can do.Another thing is that Mesmers can’t really burst.. not like some other classes. They have to prepare offense. And while preparing (phantasms..) these are visible. Or at least more visible. So on one hand Mesmer can’t just invisible-gank people before entire zerg notices what’s going on. And on the other, phantasms and clones increase the chances you’re seen. What I mean by this is that if enemy zerg is attacking the tower, a thief can jump down and gank someone, then run away. All this without being seen (being rendered). Mesmer simply can’t do that.

Eh.. I play mesmer as a “ganker”; that is, pretty much full berserker glass cannon.The reason why you don’t see complaints about culling with mesmers is already explained above but I’ll reiterate.Most mesmers have something like 1 stealth skill on a long cooldown. Perhaps elite with stealth on even longer cooldown. That’s it. It’s nothing like what thief can do.Another thing is that Mesmers can’t really burst.. not like some other classes. They have to prepare offense. And while preparing (phantasms..) these are visible. Or at least more visible. So on one hand Mesmer can’t just invisible-gank people before entire zerg notices what’s going on. And on the other, phantasms and clones increase the chances you’re seen. What I mean by this is that if enemy zerg is attacking the tower, a thief can jump down and gank someone, then run away. All this without being seen (being rendered). Mesmer simply can’t do that.Basically speaking, Mesmer stealths (cloaks) for defense. Thief for both defense, offense, and then extra unused stealth goes on pure trolling

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

(edited by Ianervan.3415)

Any guilds using themes in battles?

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Ok, not a huge fan of pirates and they’re everywhere. How about Witches?

If I could get a group of town-cloth witches flying around and then morfing as combat begins..

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Any guilds using themes in battles?

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Hey everyone,

Are there any guilds (preferably EU and preferably active and skilled) who like not only to win but to do it with style?

By that I mean guild runs with for example same professions, same clothes or some same key skills, or interesting combos.

Winning alone for me is not good enough unless it’s done with style. And winning by having the biggest zerg is just meh..

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WvW: Why I haven't logged in for a month.

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Actually I have more of a problem with cosmetic stuff than enemy names not shown. I don’t like how I can’t see how enemies look, or they can’t see how I look. This is also tied to showing a name. In some other games as soon as you see someones armor you’re pretty sure who it is that’s coming to face you. Even when you don’t see a name, you can recognize the style. I would prefer red outline or better yet just red name without armor being red as well. It serves no purpose, which is especially seen now when half of the enemies are invisible.

As for names shown itself, yes, at first I agreed with you. I thought it’s stupid not to see the names. Actually, my first WvW battle – I thought these people are some NPCs. But reading this forum convinced me it’s better not to show names. Forums would be full of “I beat ya nubcake!” and stuff like that.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

WvW is to much walking

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


I don’t want mounts although I think an alternative could be having a stable at supply nodes. You can get a horse and ride it for a price but lose it when you dismount and knocked off when attacked.

They could just give a speed buff similar to what they do in cities that goes away if you’re attacked.

So.. how would other people attack you while you’re traveling from your Base to wherever you want to go?

So.. how would other people attack you while you’re traveling from your Base to wherever you want to go?You wan’t to eliminate half of WvW and just leave the trench warfare.

So.. how would other people attack you while you’re traveling from your Base to wherever you want to go?You wan’t to eliminate half of WvW and just leave the trench warfare.Basically what you’re suggesting is this: let’s have 10×10 square meter big map, tower on one side, tower on the other. Instant respawn and enemies duel it out in the middle.

So.. how would other people attack you while you’re traveling from your Base to wherever you want to go?You wan’t to eliminate half of WvW and just leave the trench warfare.Basically what you’re suggesting is this: let’s have 10×10 square meter big map, tower on one side, tower on the other. Instant respawn and enemies duel it out in the middle.That’s not WvW. You want another mode that’s called Clusterkitten.

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