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I really tried, but WvW is unplayable

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


If the point is casuality + having fun, gather 4-10 people and play adventurer in foreign lands. You will get to cap every camp you come across and even defeat small groups.

That would require switching server because no such guild exists on this server. I partly agree with you that something like that would slightly increase the fun, but it would not fix any of the points I made in the first post. The main issue is that WvW is currently totally broken..

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I really tried, but WvW is unplayable

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Join a guild or find one during your playtime that gets things done.

And how do you get things done?

And how does a guild fix ANY of the things I listed?

I don’t understand, someone please explain to me. If I join a guild, will my server population increase to 24hr coverage? If I join a guild, will there be no more invisibility bug? If I join a guild whose zerg I’m following, will my XP and silver rewards increase? If I join a guild who doesn’t zerg because they only have 3-4 active WvW people, what then, do you run around taking camps endlessly and PvEing or what? And when these 3-4 people go to sleep, will Towers and Keeps be impossible to PvDoor by the enemy?

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

WvW sucks now

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


" You get a couple kills, you get killed when you over extend, you get great exp."

This basically means “stay with the zerg and assist with damage”, and if you happen to be away from the zerg you’ll die. If you also run into 2x smaller zerg but with good gear, you die.

“I dont understand ppl waitin to reach lvl 80 and get exotic gear before do wvw -.-”

Because there’s absolutely huge difference between your lvl2 and my lvl80 in exotic gear, all traits, elite skill, and utility skill. My lvl80 in exotic can kill 4 of your lvl2, and if not, can outrun so you’ll never catch me anyway. Oh, I also have almost permanent 33% speed boost which is a huge deal in WvW.

“and I get A LOT of xp in there”

That’s a total lie, and I know because I was in a WvW for a few hours today. I gained no more than 1 lvl in the entire hour, on a lvl2 char. That is in an average WvW situation. If you’re in an ideal situation where you follow the zerg and constantly take over towers and keeps, you can level a bit faster but that’s by no means average situation. It’s quite often a situation in WvW that your zerg is trying to take some Keep and it takes forever, and even then maybe fails. Or a situation where your server is losing – which means good luck.

And I’m not even going to go into how equipping the character for max gear and getting the char to lvl80 in the first place, is such a nightmare in GW2. For us who came from GW1 it is a bitter experience.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

I really tried, but WvW is unplayable

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


I just realized I spent the entire evening in WvW, and can’t remember 5min of good fun gameplay. Or rewarding gameplay. And this wasn’t the only evening.

  • Invisibility
  • ALT+F4
  • Extremely low rewards compared to PvE, with some losing money. Yes, I’ve heard of few people boasting how they get a lot but mathematically it’s not possible (unless they got Golem blueprint drop), and certainly not the average income of 1 month.
  • Defensive siege weapons and Keep/Tower upgrades being completely pointless. unless your server has 24hr coverage.
  • Population battles instead of tactics/skill battles.
  • Outmanned buffs in prime time; outmanned buffs being worthless.
  • Server transfers causing ridiculous and imbalanced matchups.
  • Downed state (as if groups with bigger numbers didn’t have enough of an advantage).
  • Combat and out of combat speed need to be the same. Current system favoring a game of numbers.
  • Lower levels are just food. But okay this is supposed to be a Gem bait.
  • Too high burst damage on some combos across few classes.
  • No bug fixes, no skill and profession balances. Unlike GW1.. Has everyone gone mad and working on Mad King content?
  • Hacks of all kinds.
  • Lots of animals blocking tactical places (I assume intentionally, god forbid we leave the zerg). Half of WvW consists of trying to dodge and evade all these animals trying to bite you. It doesn’t give me a sense of action, it’s just annoying. Especially with Thieves going into stealth all the time, you have to keep pressing “1” on ranged weapons so you find them once they’re out of stealth (but didn’t render yet). And chances are there’s an animal in range that you will aggro..

There are other issues but I believe this is how much short attention span can take so I won’t post more.

I think I’m not the only one who said last week: “Let’s wait for new week it might be better”. And now that we have a new round and it’s not better, we have no other option but quit.

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WvW Profession Rankings

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Just a bit of a clarification here. People mention Mesmer mostly because of a few tricks it can play from time to time. These tricks are actually fully dependable on how good the opponent is (much like the profession itself). As players are more aware of these tricks, the viability rapidly declines (or vanishes).

Mesmer lacks a spammable AoE which is a serious handicap both in PvE and in WvW.

I lack experience with other professions to rank zerg professions, but Thief is the best roaming profession.

PS: You will notice even in the forum a rather casual approach to WvW. Not the usual “min-maxing” one can see elsewhere. When people talk about best farming professions, they go more in depth. When they discuss sPvP, they go more in depth. Unfortunately, for WvW majority goes with “bigger zerg wins anyway” mentality or “better nightcapping wins anyway”. While this does have merit, there is still imbalance present, and some professions always end up being better for something.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

(edited by Ianervan.3415)

How do you teleport in Moa form?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


No skills are available but Moa from what I remember when I was turned into Moa. If you could use other skills you could heal, I could stealth as a mesmer etc.. but all I remember is you have nothing and have to run.

I think there is no other explanation here but hacking. People hide hacking until their life feels threatened and then they do crazy stuff like super-speed and teleports. And the better they are, better do they hide it.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

WvWvW has been a complete, total, comprehensive failure

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


I still have a lot of fun in WvW

I’m still having fun.

Interesting how all “having fun” posts come from servers who are winning current matches and got tons of server transfers.

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Dead in 1,5sec

in Thief

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


“The diffrence between full berserk ele and thief is only that, i got chance to heal up and run from ele”

A difference between life and death. My point exactly. 27 second “very dangerous dmg”.. Yeah, you know, I wouldn’t have a problem if Steal+Backstab etc hits for 20k dmg over 27sec. I would laugh at it.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Dead in 1,5sec

in Thief

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


“You got hit by a Backstab, but you get hit from range. What?”

There’s a difference between a warrior or guardian who has to walk close, and a teleport that instakills.

“For all we know, you’re wearing level 1 gear on an elementalist.”

Nice try. Almost full exotic. 20k damage in 1,5 sec is 20k damage. Try that on some other class.

“2/10. Bad troll is bad.”

I hope they nerf Thief to the ground. Not only is it totally imbalanced class from any point of view, but thief players are also not humble players glad they are playing OP class. Instead, they even have to insult others and pretend “all is well and balanced” when clearly it is not.

Pointless to continue this discussion in Thief forum. It’s like going to mafia HQ and preach morality.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Dead in 1,5sec

in Thief

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Ok the thread was moved to Thief forum so now it will be eaten alive by sharks.

Therefore I’d just like to say one thing: I have no problem with Thieves outside of these constant 1,5sec assassinations (this did not happen once). If I see Thief coming, I can prepare. But there’s nothing I can do vs this silly combo.

Even the so called “perma stealth” is not as big issue to me. Why? Because I use a ranged weapon and if I keep pressing “1” it will target the thief as soon as he’s out of stealth (even if he didn’t render yet).

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Dead in 1,5sec

in Thief

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


This is not L2P issue.

Thief needs 1,5sec to kill someone in full berserker gear. From distance. From stealth.
All other professions need 10+ seconds to kill someone in full berserker gear. Guardians and Warriors can hit hard, but they still need to travel the distance.

And do you think thief will die in 1,5sec to full toughness full vita profession? Do you think thief will die AT ALL to full vita full toughness class? It won’t. It can run away.

Do you think a full berserker thief will die in 1,5sec to full berserker non-thief profession? No, it won’t. Nowhere close that time.

What if my profession instakilled everyone in a radius of 600? I know, you would type L2P. “Oh, just keep distance, you know, you can outrun him, or teleport away, or cripple him.” No. It would be silly. It would not be a L2P issue. I would be a BUG issue. Therefore I’m reporting it as a bug.

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Perma-Stealth During Combat Thief Glitching

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


You were hit for 5,743 damage by Unknown using Steal.
You were hit for 13,782 damage by X using Backstab.

- RiP -

How can this be fun for anyone? You kill people in a second with quickness.. you’re not even enjoying dueling or a battle. It’s just 1-2-RiP. Where is gameplay in that? And how can it be fun for dead person? You die instantly before you use a single skill.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Dead in 1,5sec

in Thief

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


You were hit for 5,743 damage by Unknown using Steal.
You were hit for 13,782 damage by X using Backstab.

- RiP -

Hello, I am reporting this bug. This cannot possibly be a feature of once great franchise called Guild Wars. In Guild Wars Prophecies when frag Mesmer could kill (spike) someone in 6 seconds that was considered overpowered and it was nerfed.

I refuse to believe that a Thief using quickness and killing me in 1,5sec is a game feature, so I’m reporting this as a bug. I just refuse to believe that this is intentional design and game balance by Izzy and others.

If I am simply in a state of denial and this is working as intended please reply so I can make Thief as well. Why work on killing people with other classes when I can just press two buttons.

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Downed-State is here to stay

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Bunzy: “I think the only people that like the downed state are either thieves or mesmers because it gives them an advantage.”

Uh no. Downed state is horrible for thieves. What if you jump on someone and kill him, but oh wait, his friends prevent you from finishing him off? You want to pick people off as a thief, much like a predator in the wild, you attack the herd and take someone down. But with downed state it’s not as ideal.

As for mesmers, I also fail to see why would downed state give them an advantage. I play as a mesmer and really don’t know why I should look forward to being downed or having downed enemies. I don’t like downed state, I think it’s negative to the gameplay, and want to see it gone completely from both PvE and PvP. I much more enjoyed PvE in GW1 where dead was dead. Quests and missions were so much more interesting. GW2 PvE and WvW PvP is just graveyard zerging.

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Perma-Stealth During Combat Thief Glitching

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


That video is amazing.

(I’m all for nerfing overpowered stuff but it’s not Thief’s fault they can’t see him, it’s the engine.)

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let the enemy W3 players be able to see our /s

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Ranc: “I know that the server spying and other things are prob the reason why Anet decided to not allow us to speak to the enemy.”

No. That’s not the reason. The reason why you can’t speak to the enemy is so that people who grew up in the jungle or in the street, and thus have no manners nor civilization values, cannot trash talk polite cultured and noble enemy players.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

On what armor black looks black?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Tried dying Heritage and Black dye looked less black (in preview at least) than Ebony. Was afraid to even purchase Abyss and preview it.

What Mesmer armor can really be dyed black?

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Does anyone actually like "Downed State"

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


It feels like a waste of time if you down the enemy and have to kill him again.
It helps zergs and penalizes fighting when you’re already outnumbered.

It feels depressive and humiliating when you’re down and then you have to watch enemies approach you and finish you off while you’re helplessly laying on the ground.
Because of this I’d like an option to perform harakiri. I want to kill myself instantly when im downed. Let that be one of the downed skills.

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dry toast pvp, harcore pvpers from daoc/warhammer bored. couple of ideas

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


So WvW isn’t good because you can’t trash talk as much as you want?

And I thought jumping on dead bodies, using /laugh and /dance was bad enough and a display of primal monkeys, and that such behavior belongs to the jungle and not to 21st century.

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Seafarer's Rest v Arborstone v Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


This doesn’t have much to do with score. It started last week when we were winning, because so many people got tired of invisibility, constant daily orb and other hacks, and the fact that you can’t even play siege in WvW because all your keep upgrades will disappear few hours later when nightcapping starts.

What does this mean? It means you can’t play in a zerg, because 40vs40 invisible people battle is no fun. It means you can’t play with keep defenses because you either stare at invisible armies in front of the gates, or you spend gold upgrading keeps in vain because it all vanishes in the night. Same with siege – I would have fun building trebuchets, ballistas, catapults, all for fun defense.. but the enemy doesn’t even need to attack. They only need to wait few hours and take empty keep. So what’s left? Roaming. You can roam around trying to solo others while constantly bumping into enemy zergs and sooner or later you get tired of it and quit or as you see people switch to sPvP.

This is a global issue.

And about the score – competitive players quit after first 12-24hours of the round because by if enemy was stronger then, after that it’s even stronger. 3 orbs mean +600 stat points and +15% max hp to every enemy player. That’s huge. Then fully upgraded keeps and even camps. WvW at that point stops being competitive, which means competitive players have absolutely nothing to play for.

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Only thieves solo?

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


But he can’t solo with any profession, not in WvW. There’s a huge imbalance in ability of professions to solo in WvW, because of one very important reason:


When you enter combat you are pinned down. You are trapped. Either you kill your opponent or you die. And until you kill enemy player you have to pray no other enemy approaches because you can’t escape. You are trapped.

Professions that can free themselves from this trap have a huge advantage that goes beyond pure numbers.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Only thieves solo?

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


joshisanonymous: “I’ve also been playing a mesmer which is really fun but all the suggestions in the forums that they’re omnipresent and nearly as difficult to deal with as thieves made it seem like I’d just be playing an overpowered FOTM profession (which I’d find unrewarding, personally). You people are making it sound like they’re only overpowered against weak players, though.”

As a mesmer player I have no trouble dealing with other mesmers. Actually, don’t even remember dying to one (WvW). I have even considered abandoning mesmer class because I believe they are noob bashers, but vs skilled people nothing but average.

Unfortunately, you and I play WvW in a same way so I will tell you this: Thief is the profession best suited for soloing, IMHO. Huge spike damage is one reason: the ability to quickly engage and disengage. Long fights increase the chance for allies appearing. Stealth is another. The ability to choose whom to fight and get out of fights, is extremely important. Mesmer is second only because of few escape/invisibility skills. I am not sure how well elementalist can use his teleports to escape so can’t comment on that. The problem with other professions is that they’re not good at escaping. Guardian seems super strong, if he pulls me into melee the damage is brutal. But no escape skills (to my knowledge).

Also, regarding mesmer, this is not sPvP. In WvW you will need to sacrifice and take Centaur runes. If for some reason you also decide that you want to participate in group combat, you will do poorly. Forget what others are telling you. Mesmer is weak in zergs. You will get more badges and kills as ele or engineer than as a mesmer. It’s also very weak in PvE. And not the best roaming class either. Benefits of being a mesmer are really not that great.

In short, I don’t know how it is in sPvP but mesmer is not overpowered class. It has so so many weaknesses, and the biggest strength is “good vs newbies”. Long-term, that’s extremely poor advantage.

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Mesmer downed State vs Ele Downed state

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Wow, your mesmer’s downed Phantasm skill starts on a cooldown of 20 seconds, while mine starts on a cooldown of only 7! You must be so unlucky!

Dude, why bother lying?

Look, I’m not a psychiatrist, if you have mental issues go elsewhere. I wrote how mesmer downed state works. And that’s exactly how it works. When you’re downed, you can’t just instantly cast a phantasm, but have to wait 20 seconds. Competing whose 20-sec skill is better is just pointless because it’s irrelevant 99% of the time. Ele skill enables one to move for 5sec while mesmer skill causes damage but only if an enemy is in range. If you’re on the ground for 20sec it just deepnds on circumstances whose downed skill is more useful. 5sec movement might be just enough to get out of AoE showering on you and into safe (keep defense for instance).

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Think bigger: Free Transfers are not the problem...

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


You cannot have balanced server populations.

Unless you eliminate the ability to choose a server and do a merge on current servers.

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Rightful player discrimination

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


There are also three ways out of your spawn area, that branch off in some other ways too.
I doubt one can close all of that ways to effectively prevent you from leaving spawn

Actually they could, and quite easily as well. Whether it really happens somewhere or not is another question.

If you’re being outzerged and have outmanned buff, enemy can put just 5 people on side exits and everyone else on main exit. Now, your own zerg could penetrate through these 5 people but if your team had a zerg in the first place, you would not get trapped. So what you have then is a bunch of solo players who try to play with outmanned buff, but are being blocked from the entire map.

Now, it’s true that outzerged and disorganized groups should not do well in WvW, but current situation is not healthy for casual average player (for whom WvW was designed anyway). That leads to a massive exodus that we witness right now across the servers.

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Mesmer downed State vs Ele Downed state

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


As a mesmer player I’ll tell you mesmer downed state isn’t as great as you make it to be. It’s not bad either though.

The phantasm you are talking about (high damage one) is almost never cast by a downed mesmer. Why is this? Because of a cooldown. When a mesmer is downed, he needs to wait for a long time (20s) to cast that skill. Because of this, 99% of downed mesmers never have the chance to actually cast it. If within 20sec you can’t kill him off, you can at least go out of range so he can’t cast it (and keep shooting at whoever is near downed mesmer because someone obviously is).

As for the clone skill, others have said it already. This confuses new players, but not experienced ones. A huge red arrow is only above the real mesmer. As a mesmer player I never have a problem with this. As I’m about to Finish Off the mesmer I already look around for real mesmer because I expect him to use this skill. The skill is only mildly annoying in that you need to stop and walk and repeat Finish Off… but this is in no way different from some other downed skills, such as necro one that inflicts fear.

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How do you make a difference in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


I’ve seen a lot of small numbers turn away larger numbers by intelligence and occasionally bravery.

Not saying numbers mean nothing, but a good player can fend off a group, an organized well played group can fend off a smaller zerg, and most importantly an organized server can react quickly to commands to put the right amount of people in the right place, rather than strictly zergforce reaction to every call for support.

It only takes 1-2 to capture any unguarded camp, but 1-2 player can fend off 3-4 times their numbers, for example.

How so? Any specific tactics that you are thinking of that are effective in this way?

Yea, you’re in top gear and your enemies are lvl10.

Other than that, no, not really. Except if 5-10 people decide to chase you for 10min (true story and can happen). But that’s running away not “fending off”.

Tactics and strategy help, but it only goes so far. Maybe it helps 10%, maybe it helps 20%. Sure. But beyond that, it’s a pure numbers game. And with current differences in WvW population, it’s always numbers game when it comes to end score.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Seafarer's Rest v Arborstone v Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Let me laugh yesterday night, from 18:00 until 00:00 we had minimum 300 pts and you guys were you’re laughing because you were winning in “prime time” because SFR had OUTMANNED at Saturday evening?

Are you proud of your achievements or something?

TO ALL WHINERS : Stop complaining, and go on playing. Because it’s a game. And even if you loose this week, maybe next one you’ll win.

And you still don’t get it do you? People are not having fun. That’s why they are not playing. Not just in SFR but elsewhere as well.

It’s not even about the winning. It’s about WvW becoming pointless, fast. You say “go play, points don’t matter”, but how can I play? Wherever I go, I am overrun by superior numbers and there’s nothing I can do. I’d like to not just PvP, I’d like to become involved with siege and keep upgrades. But I can’t, because I’m not wasting my money on something that will 100% be gone in few hours when everyone goes asleep.

And if forget about WvW (keeps, upgrades, siege) and just go and PvP.. I will keep running into overwhelmingly bigger numbers all the time. Even the middle lake that’s usually calm end empty had French zerg in it. That’s not fun.

You say “this is a game”. Yeah. And we’re not payed to play with you. If you want to PvE vs Kraits (as your bots yesterday from EPIC etc, in a ball, until I killed 5 of them alone without their reaction), if you want to PvE vs door and walls – go ahead.

And funny that you mention how score isn’t important, when you’re the ones who only care about the score. Why else would you PvE in PvP?

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Shatter mechanic is unfun

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Yeah… Shatters are wery weak and not fun at all… or? Before you flame the mecanic realy try it out. Its in my eyes alot stronger than phantasm build as it alot harder to counter. ESPECIALY if you go for a hybrid. yes shatter a phantasm can be good.

Say a 20-20-20-0-10 build. Sword clone hit for 5k while bf go for 3-4k 0,1 sec after while bf still going 3 clones hit in mindwrack for 1-2k each and then you chane to staff to end hes suffering. I talk pvp now ofc not pve.

Diversion btw is fantastic if you use it on right time / place. spread yopur clones out in diferent ranges and they hit in a chain.

I don’t get it. Do you have a problem reading or just like to read selectively? Shatter is fine in sPvP, as has been said in numerous posts above. But it sucks in WvW and PvE. Yes I’m sure you can video a 1 on 1 in WvW that shows you can beat someone with shatter. I can do the same with just about any other skill combination. Shatter is overall bad in WvW and PvE, which is why no one uses it except people in videos who cut 30 days of their gameplay to 3 minutes of what they want to show.

Of course, I already said this 3x in previous posts so I’m sure someone will reply again with “What? Shatter bad? Look how cool I am in this sPvP video”.

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Shatter mechanic is unfun

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Carighan: “and there’s tons of Mesmer (and I don’t mean in sPvP, I mean in WvW)”

Strange that you say that, because Mesmers are the rarest class I see in WvW. And if not, certainly near the bottom. And I’ve maybe seen 1 mesmer in entire WvW from the beginning, who uses shatters.

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Are Mantra's way to awkward? (possible improvements)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


“Also MoP charges in like half a second underwater.”

That was in patch notes as “fixed” so I assume it’s normal charge time now.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

How do you teleport in Moa form?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


I’ve seen few people who do “Blink” effect in Moa form. How do you do this? Does Moa have a skill like that which I was unaware of?

Last time someone used that was half an hour ago, an elementalist.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Are Mantra's way to awkward? (possible improvements)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Mantras reset when going in and out of water. This alone makes them completely useless for me.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Shatter mechanic is unfun

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Carighan: "Interesting. So the Mesmers you PvP with don’t capitalize on AE debuffs in WvW? Or even PvE?

Because that’s nearly the strongest aspect of our Shatter mechanic, the sheer area coverage."

Theorycrafting. Anyone who plays WvW or difficult PvE areas can tell you why Shatter is pointless. Even in normal PvE areas it’s pointless because it requires too much effort compared to a simple spam of “1” on classes such as Engineer etc, so average player doesn’t bother. What you typed in theory sounds great – more mobs more dmg from AoE shatter. Until you actually try it in practice, when you see why and how it completely fails.

The difference between theorycrafting and practical value is best seen when you compare this forum to the game. In the forum everyone has an opinion, but with empirical data from the gameplay it is easily seen how much the opinion has to do with reality.

It was a common thing even in GW1.

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Seafarer's Rest v Arborstone v Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Well, main reason for me is still invisibility. I tried playing yesterday. I see 1 enemy player and go to attack. Then suddenly… more pop out of thin air. And again and again, and one gets tired of it and repair costs. I thought it would be easier not following a zerg but obviously it wasnt. Once I attacked 1 person on the middle island.. im rushing him.. and suddenly as I get into melee range I realize I charged into a horde of enemy players. When I follow a zerg.. of course I don’t see anyone except marker. Fighting TAB is no fun for me.

Then all this nightcapping makes you wonder “whatever for”.. I would upgrade Keeps and Towers with my own money but whatever for? Few hours later there will not be a single soul to defend them vs entire enemy zerg. And with how downed state and ressurection work, you either kill their entire zerg or they don’t lose anyone. None of them even has to go back to spawn and run back to the frontier, he just gets rezed on the spot.

And then the Badges. I kill several of enemy players fair and square, from 100% to 0% of their hp. Don’t get a single Badge. But if I joined zerg and semi-AFKed and just tagged someone I would maybe get a Badge or two.

And then there are Hacks.. numerous and daily occurence. Last week was completely ridiculous. But Orb hacks and teleport hacks are just the most obvious. Other people hack in less obvious ways. The last guy without Swiftness (or any visible buff) outran my character in the water, when I also used 2 weapon skills to increase speed and had Swiftness all the time. He wasn’t teleporting. So what non mesmer class has this super speed underwater? I am talking about the entire length of a lake race, not 5sec sprint.

And finally, people ALT+F4ing to avoid getting killed, as well as people teleporting to waypoints when they see you are closing in and about to jump them. Even some in the forums consider this “perfectly ok” when it’s nothing but abusing game feature meant for something entirely different. No matter what someone says, this is not fun.

There has been activity drop last week already and now it just continues. Currently WvW has so many issues that for many of us it’s unplayable. Fort Aspenwood in GW1 is 5x more fun to play, and if I haven’t played it so much already I’d play that instead. If GW2 and GW1 were both released today as different games, I’d play GW1 as I consider it superior in every way: gameplay, story, tactics, design, skills and skill system, music, skill icon graphics, immersion, social aspect (I know!), PvP modes, PvE design and balance, less bugs (can’t think of any important ones and certainly not on the level of gw2) etc.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

(edited by Ianervan.3415)

Shatter mechanic is unfun

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Like where? …..

And as for fun part, I am not saying no one finds it fun, I am saying no one except few forum people finds it fun. Because whenever I play ingame, absolutely no one uses a single shatter. And that’s the same thing others report in the forums: “None of my friends uses shatter.”

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

(edited by Ianervan.3415)

My god Mesmer is bad in PVE

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Sabbathius is speaking wisely, but I’m afraid we have the same situation as in GW1. “Mesmer is not bad because you can finish the storyline with a mesmer”. With a mentality like this ANet sees that Mesmer players are satisfied and doesn’t matter buffing until they need promotion for next sequel.

Also, ironically, “L2P” people here are the ones who need to “L2P”. When you L2P you see clearly differences in classes. To a newbie, it might all seem ok and fine, but the more experienced and skilled you become, more glaring and obvious imbalances are. Even if imbalance is just 10% and not 50%, no powergamer will tell you “L2P”. They will tell you “This class is stronger”. It is not possible in theory for classes to be equally strong.

Claw Island is easy on all classes, no idea why anyone would bring that up as a mark of respect.

It’s a great example actually. Of problems of Mesmer in PvE, and of bad and illogical story.

On Claw Island, enemies spawn out of thin air. You’re in a fort with a line of cannons but.. it’s all useless. Enemies spawn right behind you, on top of you, no matter where you are. Why don’t they just spawn behind the Queen and end the war?

With Mesmer, this is even worse because on Claw Island enemies completely ignore your illusions. Every time they go after you and you alone.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

(edited by Ianervan.3415)

Shatter mechanic is unfun

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Shatter is unfun.

That’s not even deniable. The amount of mesmers using Shatter is extremely low.

Also, Shatter is useless (apart from rare F4) anywhere except in sPvP.

If Shatter was a fun mechanic people would use it (much like pets in GW1), and if it was a powerful mechanic people would use it. But go to PvE and WvW and observe random people. You won’t see anyone whole day using Shatters.

From a design/lore standpoint, the last thing a Mesmer player expected in GW2 was having core abilities focused on.. disillusionment. Having a Utility skill that shatters? Fine, but core mechanic?

Osicat: “Hi I rolled a thief the other day and I dont like to stab things or use a bow. I want to throw fireballs. Stabbing is boring. Devs need to change the thief class”

Before GW2 came to being, Mesmer was.

Everyone expects a thief to steal, and to stab. So don’t be silly. People don’t read manuals before picking classes. When average MMO player picks a ranger, he expected to be able to shoot from a bow. Now imagine if GW2 ranger was designed to fight with a sword and a torch, you know, like Aragorn. Then imagine Elementalist class was about laying traps and using bows, no magic. You could say “it says on GW2 wiki what the class is about, doh!”, but who cares? There’s a flawed mechanic no one uses, and a mechanic that doesn’t meet expectations. And that’s a problem. People are not satisfied, and forum is here to voice that dissatisfaction.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Outmanned - 10pm Saturday! Merge servers.

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Why would I abandon my server, it’s currently the second strongest English speaking EU WvW server.

I’m merely saying how drastically the situation changed. I had to wait few hours before and now not only do I enter instantly but with outmanned buff.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Outmanned - 10pm Saturday! Merge servers.

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Someone has to say it: merge servers.

Ghost armies, constant orb hacking and other hacks, free server transfers, nightcapping, game being past first month.. all this has contributed heavily to mass exodus from WvW.

Before I had to wait few hours to enter WvW and today it’s Saturday prime time and not only do I enter instantly but we have outmanned buff.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Logging out on downed State needs to be fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


I thought I was going crazy with everyone disappearing around me just before they’re about to die. I thought: “Sure, one would go offline.. but all of them??”.

Sadly, that seems to be the case. Now that queues are gone, people are doing this en masse. It’s really a massive phenomenon and it will increase as many more become aware of this nice feature that avoids repair costs and doesn’t reward your foe.

Yes ANet should fix this, but I’m more concerned about the state of the general population.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Kodash/Seafarers rest/Desolation pvp

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Desolation certainly improved in activity last few days.

I was kinda sad to see Kodash give up early, spoiled the fun.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Nice to see Blacktide doing well. I enjoyed fighting you last week (SFR). Was fun. And don’t mind others commenting your “nightcapping” – you fight in your prime time or whenever you want.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Low populated server is getting drained for players.

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


You’re doing “everything you can to promote the server” instead of doing everything you can to promote the gameplay of the people in your guild? Wow, I wouldn’t want to be in your guild.

The entire point of having so many servers with free transfers is people choosing where to go, not having every server being great and satisfactory. The other guilds and players on your server understood this, you did not.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

28K in two seconds...

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


That’s completely wrong. ANet has always strived for balance in all game modes, although it’s true some will be more important than others.

Also, stop posting myths such as “it’s ok to two-shot because you die in 2 shots”. Mind explaining to me how does thief die faster than professions with weaker armor, with no defensive skills being used? You’re talking nonsense and probably playing thief.

How about this, give me a profession with 1 hit point, and ability to one shoot anything. Don’t even need stealth. Would you consider this balanced? Do you really think this would be balanced? I would be able to slaughter entire zergs in no time.

Seriously, I might as well delete my thief because it seems the profession attracts braindead people with superiority complex “look at me im super turbo cool awesome and skilled, I kill people in 2sec i rule”. It’s like that guy hacking orb who thinks he’s a Superman. Except he isn’t, it’s just the mechanics he uses that make him powerful.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

28K in two seconds...

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Judas: “Thief is a very hard class to deal with but so are they all if played properly (freakin’ unkillable necromancers!). The first thing to do is create a thread in your class forum titled “How In The World Do I Take Down A Skilled Thief?””

I think you’re mixing things. A mesmer is a hard class to deal with in the beginning. But you can learn how to do it, and then fighting a mesmer becomes much easier.

Thief on the other hand is simply overpowered. There’s nothing to learn here. Look at your own advice: “look around yourself”.. as if everyone is constantly supposed to play like a human radar. And as if we can see through walls and cliffs. Any good thief will hide behind obstacle and once you pass instantly Steal+Backstab or something like that. And you’re dead before you can react. WvW isn’t sPvP. WvW battles are long and endless. No one is holding his finger on stun break the entire time, even during standard travel, and with 100% mental focus.

If I see a thief, I have no problem killing him. Again, nothing to learn here. But then there’s another problem I mentioned: stealth, lag, rendering, speed boosts. If he sees I’m stronger he will just perma stealth and that’s it. I can’t catch him.

This is simplified. In practice, other situations happen such as you win 1 on 1 and are at half health and suddenly thief jumps on you from out of nowhere and.. yeah you’re dead in a sec. Fun? Not really. Balanced? In comparison to what?

Again, I don’t really know what Warrior can do or someone else, because I don’t have these issues (in practice) with any other class. Maybe because players who like instakilling play a thief and if it wasnt for a thief they would spike on another class.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Kodash/Seafarers rest/Desolation pvp

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Another day.. Kodash fights with honor, no problem there. But Desolation continues with trash gameplay. Their players closing game to avoid death, quick-teleport to waypoint once they see they’re about to be caught and killed etc.

I thought two week vs Kodash and can’t remember a single bad thing about their players, but for Desolation percentage of bad gameplay is really high. Not all, of course, but definitely the highest of all servers I’ve fought so far.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

28K in two seconds...

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Did you count in quickness when calculating time?

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

28K in two seconds...

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


“Uhm, you can kill 50 thieves with 30 guys and some siege, maybe don’t even need the siege if you flank correctly. It’s really not that big of a problem. Learn2 WvWvW.”

Who needs to learn to WvW if you’re talking about a zerg consisting of 50 thieves?

Besides, WvW is not only about zerging; learning to WvW isn’t learning to zerg.

Your post is another example of facepalm thief comments. So this time to defeat imbalanced thief we have to get entire zerg. First it was get full vita full tough go Guardian, then get a squad and now get an entire zerg.

Also, recommending siege to fight overpowered classes? “It’s ok, it’s balanced by siege in WvW.” !!!


No honestly, I’ve to stop reading this..

“This is exactly why I usually stay away from the forums”

Yeah, it’s not good for health I don’t mind people who come and say “Yeah, this and that needs work”. But pretending that all is well and balanced while it’s obviously not, that’s not okay. The problem with the thief class right now is that some players think they’re really that awesome player while they would suck with any other class. There are, of course, good thieves that would be good with other classes too or with balanced thief class.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

28K in two seconds...

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


" If thieves are that dangerous, get a squad"

This is getting ridiculous. One thief suggests we get full toughness full vita and go Guardian. The other thief suggests we get an entire squad to get one thief.

Again, are you people serious or you really don’t see a problem with the class you play?

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.