Showing Posts For Inimicus.7162:

Magic is totally broken.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


Without reading this entire thread, keep in mind that being in a group of 3 or more helps the loot drops far more than any gear you could possibly put together ever will… And also keep in mind that you should not expect to be rolling in drops if you are farming orrian zergs on a character who doesn’t put out some decent aoe spike damage because of how fast the things tend to die and the way the system accredits participation in a kill for drops, quest/event credit, etc… The “tagging mechanic” that Anet says doesn’t exist actually doesn’t, the apparent effects are caused by the way the participation and shared credit system works.

SO, for best results in loot off raw kills:
1) Group up
2) Try to choose a farming character who can spike AoE dps hard, and repeatedly as much as possible
3) Magic find gear doesn’t hurt, but as undoubtedly stated, 200% better chance on a 1/100 drop is still only 3/100, and while the numbers look large, it all depends on what it is you are after.
4) Remember you are still dealing with something probably resembling a random number generator, and if they hate you like they hate me, my best stuff comes only when I’m partnered with someone even more cursed by the fates than myself, otherwise I’m the only fool in the party who doesn’t walk out a “sure bet farm” with something to show for the time (and frequently the $%!%(@#$&s I’m with get 3 or 4 of the target items and call it quits before I even have 1) because that’s how RNGs work -.-

[February] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


Separate of armor, quite a few hair styles have an annoying tendency to clip through the character models.. Without knowing names, the general description of the culprits are the female model’s hair styles that involve long ponytail-like graphics that flow… during swimming especially, they fall through the character’s body and hang out through her belly, few times i wondered if she was packing the wrong kind of pistol in her shorts :P

On a similar note, especially on human and norn females (only really observed it on them) they seem to be “impaled on their shields” when carrying one on their back (sheathed) as the shield model hangs too close to their backs. The best way to fix this would be a more realistic way of slinging the shield: (straps aside) when I have visited groups who do reenactments, I’ve seen a number of them carrying the shield slung the same way a standard backpack might look if you only wore it over 1 shoulder instead of putting your arms through both the backpack’s straps… On a shield this might also make a little more sense for being able to rip it off your back and be at the ready in a hurry.

[February] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


With the title saying “issues” I would like to list out a bunch of armors that I would like to see either weird placement issues fixed, or another form of the same model become available. And there are far too many of them for screenshots, so here it goes:

Human Female, T2 heavy cultural boots: needs actual boots behind the metal “armor” for those of us who mix armor sets, in this case gladiator legs.

Norn Female, Vigil legs: has a very annoying clipping issue at the bottom of the leggings where they cut off, preferably the leggings should extend to the ankle, and the dyes should effect what appears to be trim on the piece separately instead of the blanket top/bottom options currently.

Norn Female: Vigil Shoulders: I would like to have a form available where the female models get the same skin as the males, currently the female humanoid (human, norn, sylvari) have an asymmetrical…thing… happening which is just eye bending for me, either add a symmetrical variant or build up that dinky leather thing on the opposite shoulder.

Norn Females: Shoulders in General: When mixing armor sets the vast majority of shoulder armors are either suffering from the:
Asymmetric Wtf Syndrome:
Norn Tier 1 and 2 medium shoulders
Norn t2 heavy shoulders
Vigil shoulders
Prower shoulders
Superior Studded
Whispers medium
Barbarian heavy
—It’s not that the shoulders have to be identical, but at least carry a similar appearance of bulk (the named armor set’s heavy shoulders are perfect examples of what I’m trying to say here), as I would use a lot of those in my mixed sets if it didn’t look awkwardly unbalancing.

Issue number 2 that especially strikes the Norn is the result of how the armor skins are both made as sets, and how they wrap around the Norn models… generally putting the shoulder pieces floating very strangely off of the character, made far, far worse when trying to combine sets. The biggest culprits:
Shadow (karma/crafted light)
Drake scale
Vigil medium shoulders
Priory Heavy
Whispers Heavy
Norn T2 cultural
—All these suffer from one or a mix of:
>The piece doesn’t hang over the shoulder (as on human and sylvari), and instead extends directly out, making it look awkward and frequently out of place.
>The piece is disproportionally large, probably a scaling issue from the Norn’s height
>The piece sits too far off the shoulder, either not touching at all with or without the rest of it’s proper set, or it was set awkwardly to fit onto it’s set, making it hang awkward when trying to mix armors.

Does Anet get info in windows crash reports

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


Title says it all, but in case they don’t I have a nice, long (and probably multi-post) set of things I would like some more info on…

Client build is 16419 (101)
Manifest build is 16419
Verifying contents of archive…
Verify failed: [0×00011bc6:0×00011bc6] CRC failed
Verify failed: [0×0000ebd2:0×0000ebd2] Load failed
Verify failed: [0×000123e0:0×000123e0] CRC failed
Verify failed: [0×00037ce2:0×00037ce2] CRC failed
Verify failed: [0×00019717:0×00019717] CRC failed
Verify failed: [0×00037fd1:0×00037fd1] CRC failed
Verify failed: [0×00014c87:0×00014c87] CRC failed
Verify failed: [0×00014a7d:0×00014a7d] CRC failed
Verify failed: [0×0001322f:0×0001322f] CRC failed
Duration: 301 seconds
Examined 228432 of 228432 files.
Deleted 9 bad files.
Skipped 4 files (local files, different versions, etc).

What are these mysterious 4 files? I wish to hunt them down and kill them since i wager one of those is a source of issues, this is always the case in the VerifyResults.txt file…

and now for some specific error reports that I’ve never seen anyone post…

—> Error Logs <—
t exist propId=‘1600445909372535354’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1600446046811488827’
Model ‘0×0121ec’: Missing anim or fallbacks: zeropose
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1600446291624624696’
Model ‘0×03ad12’: Missing anim or fallbacks: wgtrunfidl
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1600446424768610873’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘loAhc.dMYcv’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1593720270732926492’
Model ‘0×00f4ed’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×019837’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtrunfidl
Model ‘0×00f3d0’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×00f4ed’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1593720270732926492’
Model ‘0×0052b9’: Can’t link child ‘0×00ced3’ to parent bone ‘mouth’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×0052b9’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00ced3’ from parent bone ‘mouth’, there’s no bone with that name.
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1600446424768610873’
Model ‘0×0121ec’: Missing anim or fallbacks: zeropose
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1600446291624624696’
Texture missing mip chain: 0×063d44
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1600446046811488827’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1600445909372535354’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘loAhc.dMYcv’
Model ‘0×054cb0’: Missing anim or fallbacks: rgtrunfidl
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘loAhc.dMYcv’
Mem Arena ‘Collision’ capacity exceeded. Attempted alloc category: ‘Collide Havok’ Size: 1048576
Map load hang on STATE_MODELS_STREAM detected: MapId: -1, Position: (-16729.298828, -22383.386719, -370.937469), Completion: 0.000000
File 0×7ebe0 stream 0×0 is corrupt
Raw file 0×0007ebe0:0×0007ebe0 has CRC 0×60f77573.
Deleting file 0×0007ebe0

Does Anet get info in windows crash reports

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


Title says it all, but in case they don’t I have a nice, long (and probably multi-post) set of things I would like some more info on…

Client build is 16419 (101)
Manifest build is 16419
Verifying contents of archive…
Verify failed: [0×00011bc6:0×00011bc6] CRC failed
Verify failed: [0×0000ebd2:0×0000ebd2] Load failed
Verify failed: [0×000123e0:0×000123e0] CRC failed
Verify failed: [0×00037ce2:0×00037ce2] CRC failed
Verify failed: [0×00019717:0×00019717] CRC failed
Verify failed: [0×00037fd1:0×00037fd1] CRC failed
Verify failed: [0×00014c87:0×00014c87] CRC failed
Verify failed: [0×00014a7d:0×00014a7d] CRC failed
Verify failed: [0×0001322f:0×0001322f] CRC failed
Duration: 301 seconds
Examined 228432 of 228432 files.
Deleted 9 bad files.
Skipped 4 files (local files, different versions, etc).

What are these mysterious 4 files? I wish to hunt them down and kill them since i wager one of those is a source of issues, this is always the case in the VerifyResults.txt file…

and now for some specific error reports that I’ve never seen anyone post…

—> Error Logs <—
t exist propId=‘1600445909372535354’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1600446046811488827’
Model ‘0×0121ec’: Missing anim or fallbacks: zeropose
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1600446291624624696’
Model ‘0×03ad12’: Missing anim or fallbacks: wgtrunfidl
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1600446424768610873’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘loAhc.dMYcv’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1593720270732926492’
Model ‘0×00f4ed’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×019837’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtrunfidl
Model ‘0×00f3d0’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×00f4ed’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1593720270732926492’
Model ‘0×0052b9’: Can’t link child ‘0×00ced3’ to parent bone ‘mouth’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×0052b9’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00ced3’ from parent bone ‘mouth’, there’s no bone with that name.
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1600446424768610873’
Model ‘0×0121ec’: Missing anim or fallbacks: zeropose
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1600446291624624696’
Texture missing mip chain: 0×063d44
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1600446046811488827’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1600445909372535354’
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘loAhc.dMYcv’
Model ‘0×054cb0’: Missing anim or fallbacks: rgtrunfidl
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘loAhc.dMYcv’
Mem Arena ‘Collision’ capacity exceeded. Attempted alloc category: ‘Collide Havok’ Size: 1048576
Map load hang on STATE_MODELS_STREAM detected: MapId: -1, Position: (-16729.298828, -22383.386719, -370.937469), Completion: 0.000000
File 0×7ebe0 stream 0×0 is corrupt
Raw file 0×0007ebe0:0×0007ebe0 has CRC 0×60f77573.
Deleting file 0×0007ebe0

(edited by Moderator)

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


I would like to add one extra thought to this: It dawned on me to think back to something I tried to do earlier at the trade post, which was to see if it was feasible to buy up cheap, junk items and either forge the green ones for yellows (to salvage for ecto) or buy cheap yellow gear outright to salvage for ecto… I only gained about 1g (and lost 100k karma) from what had to have been 500+ greens and 8-10 yellows bought at about 25s per from the auction house: There are mind numbing numbers of yellow items, and even more insane numbers of green items out there, all level 80, and all absolute junk, sitting on the AH uselessly awaiting buyers who I really don’t see coming for them…

Two issues here: These things are junk, ugly skins, unwanted stats, but also too expensive for someone like to risk trying to buy up portions for ecto salvaging (This is a gamble that fools might take in a game, or the truly insane in real life) since the cheapest of these pieces are typically right over the cost of 1 ectoplasm, and using the easily available master salvage kits, a 25% chance of any are poor odds on the start, and even getting as many as 3 of any individual salvage attempt can’t make up for the 75% failure rate since you are receiving an item that costs less than the original one.

Second issue is that if this is where ArenaNet derives any kind of automatic drop rate adjustments, then it’s no wonder the drops are falling through the floor, as the system would read it and say, “010001010111101001110101….” or in human terms, “Hey, look at all this stuff that’s crowding the markets! Time to hit those drop rates.”
Somebody once mentioned that they had items on the AH that had been sitting there for months, and if the above holds any truth, then there’s a possible problem source, yes?

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


As with everybody else, I don’t keep any real record of what I get in a given day’s play, but I will agree that something has happened to the loot. That said, I’ve had some really lucky drops here very recently in one FotM dungeon run, which consisted of 4 or 5 rare crafting materials (lodestones and the like) varying from 300-400 level. Previous to this, the last time I felt that my time was being spent well trying to run a dungeon or “farm” anything was before the timer adjustments to the Plinx event line. My main thing was that I expected there to be some level 80 “zerg” type farms going on constantly from day one and planned my endgame gear grinds around this… issue being that (at least on the Maguuma server) all of Orr, yes all three zones, are almost always nearly devoid of other players. The largest group I’ve run across in Orr was while trying to farm nodes for lack of a group, they looked to be about 5-7 strong for a while, and things felt good, but it didn’t last, and they have not been back as far as I can find since. A part of the drop rates off Plinx was from being in a group, and since those groups don’t appear to exist anymore, those bonuses are lost, thus: Less loot.

This I ran head first into when the FotM dungeon came out, and things have been getting steadily worse for me, who prefers world event types of farms to dungeons (frankly, I’m only really in a guild to get groups for dungeon tokens to buy gear to salvage for ectos since gear and cash both are so hard to come by otherwise anymore.)

And I assume all this is a response to the “botting problem,” which has not gone away, only morphed the behaviors of the bots (I don’t see mobile ranger zergs and such anymore, now they remain stationary in secluded areas of Orr where the mobs respawn nearly instantly). But then there is the trade post too, where prices have skyrocketed on everything of any value… There are two concrete examples I can give:
Number 1 is all the exotic level 80 armor sets that were named for Guild Wars 1 NPCs… The prices have not really moved an inch on any of these since September, as most are still in in the 5-7 gold per piece range… but I seem to recall 5 gold wasn’t such an awful chore to make 6 times to gear a character out.
Number 2 being the costs of other stuff like crafted exotic armor and weapons who’s prices have soared through the roof with the cost of ectoplasm especially… but do not appear to have come down by much considering the major price fixes that came from the drop rate adjustment to things like powerful blood or armored scales.

To conclude: I don’t have any numbers because I never expected this would become such a serious headache, but I offer to players in the Cursed Shores that some of our woes may be the lack of regular and large scale activity in those zones, but otherwise I do see an overall lack of appreciable loot in the fact that it feels like so much more of a chore to make the same amounts of money as before, and those “money making” events going from all day plinx runs to the dragon-hop or being forced into the LFGroup-a-loop for dungeons that I don’t really like as much anyway, and the fact that the vast majority of much more fun and beautiful zones (basically everything except starter zones and high end zones except for a very few specific events like dragons) are almost always empty, and have events that sit for days on end with some champion that nobody will ever go kill since he isn’t worth the 10 minutes and 6+ silver spent on waypoints at 80 (3 if you cheat it) to zone over there and back to whatever… Something is clearly very, very wrong.

I want fishing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


Actually there IS fishing of sorts out there… I don’t remember which zone exactly, but there are fishing poles around a lake in the branded zone, pick one up, reel it in and stomp on it lol

Armors, skins, prices, etc

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


I noticed I forgot the part about the prices… tier 3 culture armor. enough said :P

While I understand the stuff is supposed to be all about looks, I think an upgrade to Exotic quality for the price of something near 130 gold would be in order… 130g is enough to buy a full set of any exotic armor off the trade post (I would like to know if there is any armor that costs more for all the pieces), and a complement of almost any weapons other than precursor or forged gear to go with that armor… Mr Anet, have pity on the working class! :P

Improve rewards for zone completions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


Actually on that level I’m more offended by the gear rewards for finishing the Cursed Shores (and Frostgorge Sound map iirc) which was mithril (instead of oricalcum, ancient wood or such), and exotic quality gear… at level 74 or 76 in an 80 zone XD


in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


It would cause anet to eventually litter all the zones with mobs that cause every kind of mobility kill under the sun since I bet it’s main use would be for running away or past things.

That said, there have been many a day that I’ve found myself jonesing for a non-attack sprint key xD

Melee Staff

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


the fun thing is that a swords master would be at a hardcore disadvantage to a staff master in real life… the simple staff has 3 very obvious areas to strike you with, the length can be used to block, sweep, strike with the tips, change direction of the attack, springboard other moves, etc etc… the only thing a sword really has going for it against the staff is the blade, though even that is useless if the staff guy breaks the swordsman’s wrists before he even gets in range of his blade

Disable Rally/Downstate

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


I like the downed state functions, but i do wish there was a quick command or somewhere to click to just kill yourself… I’ve had a number of instances where moron NPCs trying to rez me and improperly resetting mobs kept the downed agony going for 5 minutes… sometimes I also just want to get it done and move to the next thing because it’s frequently very obvious right away if you have the slightest chance to pull it together.

That being said, the system is quite nice overall, always a rush to go for it when you think you can make it xD
This does bring up a pretty harsh point from real life, knowing your screwed and that it won’t be fast or light as a feather must REALLY be a terrible feeling…

Weapon sub-classing moar skillz

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


OH also, add in the Thief’s “Light” weapon skills, where you are carrying just 1 handed and the second weapon is empty to all classes who can dual wield (everyone afaik) maybe with some stuff like a haymaker punch, a kick or some such so that skill slots 4 and 5 aren’t sitting there unfilled

Weapon sub-classing moar skillz

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


I hit on this idea in another post I responded to, think its worthy of it’s own suggestion post.

Weapon sub-classing, Keep the current system of weapons and skills, but add more types of those same weapons.

So take a weapon like the sword, pretty simple weapon, but in real life, there are different kinds of swords that are used very differently from each other: take the rapier, a sword for thrusting, maybe swiping at someone with the tip… the sport of fencing replicates a little (very little, but it fits the broadest of form) to how the specific skills for this weapon might animate or function: parrying and thrusting mostly, maybe some slashing with the sword tip for flavor and bleeds. The short sword, fast and maneuverable, the most generic form would be able to slash and thrust, with emphasis on rapid attacks rather than power. A long sword is somewhere in between, meant more for thrusting at weak points in armor, it is perfectly capable of a little hack & slash. And the Scimitar, a true 1 handed slashing weapon, no thrusts here, maybe some could hack, symantics, etc… point being almost every weapon the ones represented in game can be used in very different ways depending on shape, and I think the game could represent this in a fun way while also allowing for more flashy skills, or maybe at least a change in graphics without doing something drastic like going from sword/shield to hammers (And typically suffering painful death for want of something different)

Example varieties with generic names (disclaimer: some might be incorrect):

Swords: rapier (thrusting/parrying), scimitars/khopesh(slashing/hacking), long/short sword(thrusting/slashing)

Greatswords: Katana (typically swung 2 handed, gimme a break…slashing[only]), claymore(yes, generic name…hacking, and big swinging), hand and a half sword (kitten sword if it survives the censors… quicker variety of GS, maybe parrying, or rapid attack dps)

Daggers: Knives (slashing attacks), shanks/spikes/piercing(thrusting), parry daggers

Hammers generally are what they are, maybe a variety with less knockdowns, and more for applying weakness or vulnerability with faster attacks…. so instead of a massive hammer head, you might have something as small as a mace head on a 2 handed weapon model.

Maces: generic mace(be it morning star or what, easy), flail(just because this is fun, maybe imobilize, or other conditions), chain whips(for lack of anywhere better to put them, they go along the lines of the flail type weapon, but a different extreme of size vs speed)

Spears, Tridents, and Spearguns are all hammered down pretty well except that the guardian’s spear auto-attack is ranged compared to all others in that set which are melee only… and I honestly wish I could skewer some fools on land since everyone hates the water

Bows are also nailed down well enough, GW1 had more distinctions in the types of bows, although I don’t see that being an issue in gw2 yet.

Pistols: considering we are already firing flintlock looking things at full auto, it cant hurt to make a distinction between a dueling pistol and something more along the lines of a service pistol (the dueling pistol has longer cooldowns, but hits harder, and the service-type pistol is more about that rapid fire)

Rifles: Fun stuff… sniper/hunting rifles (ranged, single target), Assault-type (rapid fire, medium range), and shotguns/blunderbuss/hand cannons(melee range, cone effect)

Staves: have a Mage/Wizard/Thaumaturge type for casting ranged spells and such, and a quarterstaff, bo or maybe cudgel for some melee action, talking parrying and some knockdowns, daze or confusion, and so forth.

Scepters: Looking for Scepters (for general physical bashing, but not quite a mace, but something to get physical with for those with soft arms), and a wand (for those times you just want to shove a lightning bolt where the sun dont shine)

And the Foci: Tomes/librams etc(defensive variety of skill choices), and focus/symbol/icon etc(offensive abilities)

Remember these are all on top of what is already there, which is typically a fair selection of a variety of what the name’s archetype does… but as said, adds some specialization, new flashy moves, moar gearz, etc. Would also go well with a second drop box in the auction house to further narrow search results (so go Weapon > Greatsword > Claymore > quality…etc, which would also help some when searching for something specific like just light armor, looking for item skins to try). Also it doesn’t need to be so in depth, maybe just break the class in half for the moment and make new skills… dying for the feedback, good, bad and ugly

The third Heavy armor class :offensive caster

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


The issues with heavy armored casters are all centered around balance, function and lore.

A heavy armored caster, especially at range, would cause all kinds of mayhem with balance issues, and you would be seriously stepping on the toes of the Elementalist’s core function… to make such a thing balanced, it would be an ele wearing plate armor but not having even the already harsh restrictions the ele’s have on self buffs/heals vs dps.

A heavy armored caster at medium to melee range is already filled by the guardian class in many ways, the only place I see going from the guardian is making a magical warrior in simplest terms.

As to the idea of “Divine magic” or some other faith based system, this sounds like the warrior’s adrenaline system, or possibly like the thief’s initiative in some ways.

Short end of it, at the moment I don’t see a role for a third heavy armor class except perhaps to allow some different graphics (as the magical warrior concept) without making something either far too powerful, or something unwieldy or shoved too far into niche roles to be accepted. And actually some of those thoughts could be fixed with the current system by adding weapons of the same type, but that attack differently, so a guardian carrying a special type of staff weapon that focuses more on single targets…even melee, or a warrior picking up a type of greatsword that has less dps related skills, and more along the lines of parrying (so basically sub-classing weapons rather than making whole new classes)

Ideas for that line of thought:
Swords: short/long sword, falcion/scimitar, rapier, etc
greatswords: hand and a half, claymore, katana, etc
daggers: knives (slashing), thrusting, parry
pistols: dueling, combat (dueling pistol vs soldier’s sidearm type)
rifles: sniper/hunting, assault, shotguns/hand cannons/blunderbuss
staves: quarterstaff (melee), mage (ranged)
scepters: wand (ranged/caster), scepter (melee)
foci: tome (defense), focus (offensive)

all I’m pointing out is no need to reinvent the wheel, as many of the things you’ve suggested are or could be done without need for something brand new

WvW Should NOT Be A Part Of PvE World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


This page bugged and can’t display for me without this post for some reason, sry

WvW Should NOT Be A Part Of PvE World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


My map just says “World Completion” not “PVE World Completion.”

He’s correct. You should actually have to visit the whole world in order to complete the world map.

im terrible with lore and stuff… but isnt the mists; the area that connects worlds? and not part of the world itself?

This man wins. Although from the perspective of language and definitions, you would technically be obligated at absolute most to explore just your own borderlands. ;P

But overall I agree, no harm in 100% map completion without WvW, as to those Gifts of the Traveler, make 100% of both be required, or even just 100% of WvW for those specific things.

The “this isnt a xxx centric game” and such, You can enter WvW at level 2 and never actually do any other pve content ever with that character, even eventually getting an armor set that is only available afaik though wvw tokens. SIMILARLY you can make your pve character and never ever ever set foot in anyplace at all ever where another player is your opponent in combat, and there is no need to penalize either group as again, THE MISTS aren’t really a part of any “world,” unless you want to subscribe to a belief where all servers and the mists are part of 1 larger world in which case you would need to explore every zone fully on every server in the US and EU, to include all possible wvw combinations, all spvp, and all points in every dungeon, etc on every single server separately for 100% completion of “the world.”

Back to those borderlands; This one I am on the fence about to be honest, while yes, they are 3 identical maps, in any given setup there are very small differences, the largest of which is ofc, the fort from which your server loads into… Other than the annoyance of doing the exact same zone 3 times on 1 character, this does force the issue that anyone who wants completion currently will be forced to put a crew together to go take down towers and keeps that are very hard to hold onto, which could be given as the idea.

One other thing that could alleviate a lot of it without changing much might be to put all the fort/tower and castle points somewhere else that people can reach them, this will still pull them into the zones to get their feet wet, but it also doesn’t exclude anyone who happens to play on a server that basically shuns WvW, or lock them away from easy access to friends for a week waiting on the server xfer to become available again.

Dungeon Lobbies

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


Actually I agree with several things in here: Dungeons need something better than just spamming in guild, LA, or the local map chat… and the idea of a physical location to congregate isn’t bad either, but I think that to solve the issue of some dungeons falling defunct totally for lack of ability to conjure the groups, being able to queue up cross server and then go do whatever, similar to getting into a crowded wvw map. Though I think these places to go ‘que up’ should be located somewhere as physically close to said dungeon as possible.

Someone mentioned the story modes; It’s not that they are unimportant, but I have yet to do a story mode that wasn’t stupidly long and difficult compared to the worst of what I run into in explorer modes, also there is no real reward for suffering through it if you’ve already done it, and frequently everyone is cranking it up to nose bleed levels about only wanting level 80 characters for even the explorer modes.
And on a similar issue, My experience with the Destiny’s Edge guild has been as poor as that with Trahearne in my personal story and Kormir (i hope to spit on her godly corpse some time real soon) from gw1… they are a soap opera guild of drama machines who sound like a bunch of shattered glass ego nerds instead of hardened combat vets who were ultimate gladiators and lost a comrade in battle to the horrors of the branded, etc. While the zones the dungeons take place in are very cool, the story of those louts really doesn’t pull any interest or sympathy from me, especially for the duration and aggravation of story modes :/

Real Time Combat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


Not sure I understand… you sound like you’re describing guild wars 1 where Tab + Spacebar = Win.

If TES is anything like all it’s single player versions; first it will fail for epic bug issues, second the only real difference in that game was the first person perspective and that the auto attack never existed at all.
Here in GW2 yes there is an auto attack, but it’s easy to foil, you have to chase your target down, keep them in front of you, and pray your kitten character doesnt shoot that veteran/champion death machine across the way you’ve been trying your level best not to aggro when you kill your current target…

Remove "Kick from guild" from party popup?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


YES. Although this seems to exist in every single MMO I’ve played that had right-click options for names in chat etc… the guild kick option is ALWAYS right next to the add to party/raid option… I further suggest adding this fix to your MMO Manifesto once it has been implemented.

Add option to HIDE off hand...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


actually i assume you are talking about foci or shields, and i tend to agree, those are frequently things that i wish i could hide when they are sheathed, as to the focus items, there are a few good looking skins that are easy enough to get your hands on for transmuting.

And to the comment about the thief and the off-hand pistol, any character who uses off hand weaponry is going to be carrying it around do absolutely nothing with it until they use a skill that calls on it… so maybe a ‘quick draw’ animation would be in order for a lot of things (carrying 2 swords or axes and never really swinging the off hand on warriors and mesmers, dual pistols on thief and engineer only to fire the second one kinda sometimes lol) it does look awkward frequently so i tend to agree with the OP to an extent here

Alt + F4 = Automatic Victory?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


If the other quits, it doesn’t mean you won. What you’re asking is a true automatic victory since you’ll be able to get your reward without any effort.
For a system to be fair the, lets call it cheater, should be punished, but the other really shouldn’t be awarded for doing nothing…

actually, cheater does get punished for both the attempt to cheat the victor of his win and for trying to skate on the cost of repairs, they really do deserve it. I’ve seen similar situations in other games where a full d/c (intentional) in mini games or other structured types of pvp resulted in draws for both teams.. thus not a loss for the cheaters, and double the loss (cheated of goodies for winning AND screwed out of the time it took to get to the d/c point) for the other team.

As for those pve explorers in wvw, I’m still miffed at that being a part of the process, but I can live with it because the repairs issue is easy to fix: do your wvw exploration either when your server is top dog in the area, or do it buck naked and carry weapons and skills for evasion… and if you are truly weird and paranoid about having your pixel representative of your true self appear naked, roll a lowbie and buy a set of level 5 armor (cheap to buy, cheap to repair, and its typically some of the most unflattering gear in the whole game) and have at

Countering Stealth

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


To be honest, I’ve run into stealth a lot, and the only issue I truly have with it is that the character model for a hiding opponent rarely loads before a 4-5 second window in a wvw environment has ticked by and I’m dead, since the “target nearest” function only seems to work for things in front of me (this needs work too) finding that tiny little hit box circle while its dancing over top of my head and all the other whacky moves is a bit much. The only place I would like some kind of forced non-stealth to happen is for enemies inside taken towers etc in wvw… otherwise the whole mechanic would be turned into some kind of bad joke (see age of failnan for a prime example of useless stealth).

Armors, skins, prices, etc

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


Main suggestion to this thread is to do with Vigil Heavy armor pauldrons on female characters, and to request a version with the proper form of both pauldrons to be available for purchase at that order’s armor vendor. I think the Vigil heavy set is great, but the imbalance caused by the almost total lack of anything on the 1 shoulder throws me off, and makes me acutely aware of all the women I’ve seen wearing a purse on a quazy-moto shoulder (thanks to horrible posture issues caused by constantly and/or repeatedly carrying a bulky object on that shoulder).

Along the same lines, a few other armor sets might benefit from the same thing, including Norn Tier 2 heavy, and more medium and light armor sets than I care to spend the time naming lol. I’m not asking for 100% symmetrical shoulders on everything, some sets, like the named heavy exotic armor sets, are actually quite well done overall (the helmet is a different story, but i can live with it). I’m just looking to have the option for a much more balanced look in the ‘bulk’ the shoulders (main culprit for offending my sense of fashion) add to the body. And in many cases, this amounts to the male and female armor models really should have the option to use the same skins as the other.

Other suggestion goes to said “named” level 80 exotic armors; and that is only that I would like to see the actual armor skins worn by the characters to whom many of those sets owe their names, and those just to be true would need to be as exacting as possible to the characters who wore them just because it would be neat to see (And make the hefty auction house prices a little easier to stomach in a few cases).

Again to the shoulders: Need the ‘bulk’ of the piece to be more even, doesn’t always have to be 100% exact unless the skin is already done properly on the other gender, and options to buy either would be ideal to suit those people who have the unfathomable need to use shields so often for any clipping issues to be such a deal breaker ;P