9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Most Dangerous Game deal 10% extra damage to nearby foes, receive 5% extra damage.
No offense but nobody would pick this trait.
Its a flat dmg increase but it has to compete with Quickdraw and light on your feet.
Loyf is not a real conpetitor atm but quickdraw outperforms this trait automatically.
The dmg increase is not significant and the traidoff is bad.
What i would suggest is: Get 1 stack of might when you get struck or evade an attack.
Gain fury at 50% health.
This way it would emphasize in melee combat and standing in enemies range for more power. The evasive aspect would keep it “a game” and it would be an interesting addition for evasive builds.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
I thoroughly enjoy playing with Ventari as well. It took some time to get used to and I hated it at first, but it’s certainly unique in the function.
I simply want revenant to be be able to provide something completely unique to a group that would warrant its place in something like a raid meta. I know you can still take a rev, like condi, and still do just fine, but the hyper elite attitude of the PUG raid meta, at least that I’ve seen, won’t take anything but meta stuff despite most not being able to play them properly.
Perhaps if Shiro would stop being such a selfish legend, or be reworked to a state that would fit his role as the intended power dps legend we’d find a bit more wiggle room.
Just my thoughts.
Every legend has its place. Ventari is the healing selfless legend and shiro is an egoistic power legend.
One thing though what i would prefer for the revenant is improvements to its elite spec.
If the F2 would change from legend to legend it could increase the Revs support cappabbilities.
For Ventari it would be more heal based effect.
For shiro power based.
For jalis more defensive oriented.
For mallyx all about condis.
This was suggested several times now and still no changes in sight.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
To jeep it short: Yes it does get better, but its difficult to master.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Say fire air tempest maybe the best aggsive aura build but you got to question might on auras vs +10% dmg / 20% cdr when in fire. So your aura will give you fury swiftness might (2 if its fire) reg and vigor your just going to be super easy to cc down.
I want to put shocking aura on CC and want to use “eye ofthe storm” and only 2 shouts with auras. Probably i substitude EotS with lightning flash for more mobility.
I mainly ask for gear advice. Skill wise i am covered^^
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
IMHO in PvP playing as support its not a bad option, but it IS absolutely sub-par compared to soldiers.
1 sec more of shocking/frost aura is not worth all of that lost condi cleanse. (focus has a ton of ranged hate for 1 sec of magnetic to be worth and fire aura is just fire aura). Heck I’m not sure that even 2 secs would do it.
Its mainly for PvE not PvP. Sorry that i havent clarified.
I dont main ele, so if i would pvp i would die in seconds ^^’
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Huh?? Where did you get the idea that the shortbow will be a condi weapon?? You’re saying it like it was confirmed. Not sure about you, but I have zero idea what the shortbow skills will be. And saying it because ranger and thief shortbows are condi, this is no proof. Rev utilizes weapons differently than other profs, for example warrior axes are power based and swords condi, while with rev it’s the opposite.
Its not confirmed but its the only niche missing. Power Ranged, power melee, condi melee are all in the game now. Condi ranged isnt. In addition to that is the legend the granddaughter of fierceshot if i remember correctly. He was very fire heavy themed if i am right .
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
I think Nefarious Momentum would be another one to add to this list. Two might for ten seconds seems a really poor return for using some rather expensive skills.
What if this was a flat damage boost for using a skill with an energy cost, but following the same idea, it is better (either more damage or longer boost) when you use an assassin stance skill?
Example: Gain 250 power and 150 ferocity for 5 seconds when you use a skill with an energy cost; gain 500 power and 150 ferocity for 10 seconds when you use an assassin stance skill.
I don’t know to what level this skill should boost your damage, but seeing as it is more of a ‘selfish’ trait than assassin’s presence, I think it should give you a larger personal damage boost.
Idea is good but nubers not really^^
But whatever: They should make these traits more interactive.
I want to use the resistance trait but i dont want to use mallyx.
And i want to havr might on skill use even when not in assasins stance.
I’d say get 2 stacks of might when using a legendskill.
Get 3 stacks of might and fury when using a shiro skill.
Because shiro has so high costs this could work very well with this stance.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Yeah because of this kitten resummon mechanic it actually has not a real CD. Its just drop the bomb and resummon.
After 10 energy is up again you can activate it again.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
As it looks like the new E-Spec will get a new mechanic with F1-3. This could influence shiro playstyle pretty significantly.
I was myself dissapointed from the Herold. Its a boonbot with pretty no interaction with the core class. The most annoying from this class is the class mechanic witch is just 1 other skill. I am happy that the new e-spec will bring more diversity and interaction.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
The concept of the tablet and managing it is fine and welcome as it’s different from generic shout support. It lacks polish and can be improved upon, but it’s enjoyable once you get used to it and I’d like it to stay.
Other means of support can be provided by other legends.
+1 This.
It is nice that it is unique. It needs polish i.e. The resummoning removed as i mentioned.
In projectile heavy encounter its a sanctuary of pure joy and has very good sustain.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
The durability rune sounds good. I thought about radiance but i could dump the concentration on the stats if i use durability.
I use probably maradaur and dura. Because getting two hittet as a on-off non main ele player isnt the best for play fun^^’
For an all arround balanced build ou still could use celestial right?
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Regarding these two i would go with strength. It provides more dmg than air.
Accuracy is only neccesarry if you want to soft cap precision. Force is mainly the best for pve but kitten expensive.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
the PvP build is not in metabattle but it does seem to becoming more popular.
It has similar builds to orient on i assume. But building themself is still my prefferred way.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Is radiance rune still viable for auramancer or are there better options?
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
I apologize for not being clear enough. I thought about a selfish auramancer build. With aura heal on self, vigor, regen, fury, swiftness and might on auras.
Its basically more focussed on self sustain and dmg.
Gametype is open PvE and WvW roaming.
I cant find useful gear that includes vitality, concentration for a good power spec.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
(edited by InsaneQR.7412)
The only thing that bugges me the most on the tablet is the summon and resummoning part. Elite should destroy the tablet and it should be resummoned automatically near the rev. The condicleanse skill should work as a stunbreak to cover that on centaur stance.
The tablet is totally unoffensive. Ventari was a pacifist and thats what ventari playstyle symbolisis.
It could give defensive buffs and reduced condi duration and so on.
The problem with a bound tablet is that it cripples range and it cripples mobility of the support. A bound tablet does not work with its design.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Transfer would be neat. Atleast something that we could use to cleanse condis.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Because we dont have any decent condi ranged weapon i would suggest to change Field of the mists on hammer to be a icefield to have synergy with abyssal chill.
1. ridiculously useless, Hammer is physical damage. End of sentence. Why change it.
2. Revenant gets Shortbow in next expansion, which will be condition damage based. So why change something we have now, if we get what we need anyway?
Well i think you dont get what i am.suggesting. It is just an icefield. It will give more control in range and could have some use for condi revs.
It just opens more build diversity nothing more. It is still not a condi weapon.I think the renegate weapon is a shortbow and will be condi. A ranged pure condi weapon is missing on the spec and a SB wasnt featured in an E-Spec so far.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Because we dont have any decent condi ranged weapon i would suggest to change Field of the mists on hammer to be a icefield to have synergy with abyssal chill.
For what it’s worth I kitted out a rev and traited Malyx, Shiro, Glint and did well enough. Just rampagers exotics, berserker runes, and a few pieces of condi ascended jewelry I’d had lying around from playing other professions(coudl have got by with rampagers or some other set for the accessories and probably the weapons as well). The weapons were crafted exotic Sinister(two swords one hammer).
I used Superior sigils of blood and superior sigils of frailty for the dual sword set up and then superior sigil of Ice and superior sigil of frailty on hammer.
Superior Sharpening stone and Plate of Orrian Steak Frittes.
Ice triggered regularly enough on hammer to get the second torment proc off. Frailty(with a ten second duration proc on low cooldown) did a better job than crit procs of keeping the life leeching from Shiro up and running. Between the food, the runes, a little self might, and the other kit there was well in excess of 2300 power or better. With Glint aura’s up there was over seventy percent to crit. That’s more than enough to do respectable power and condi damage at range and that – apart from the runes(24 gold giver or take these days) was done on the cheap.
Sword number two proc’d chill so that was easy too. It wasn’t a world beater but on a rev what is? The big drawback was condition cleansing but that’s a rev problem no matter what. I ran with Glint and Ventari for legends. Ventari for light group support/projectile blocking, and sporadic condi cleanse, but admittedly I hate the stone and even though I’ve grown proficient with it I still find it too fiddly to want to use it as opposed to needing to use it.
That said, I could see why you’d want an organic chill on the hammer for pvp where gear is restricted but that’s about the only instance. Otherwise having organic chill with the ability to go for a blood or another damage sigil(fire or Air) on the hammer would be nearly having our cake and eating it, but that’s just my opinion.
It was not even a PvP idea actually. Just in general. Because revenant has these distinct weapon roles and legend roles some cross play possibilities could benefit the classes build diversity. Ofcourse in PvP and WvW it would give Rev a decent range condi option. And for PvE it would give a good Range option for Beginner who try condi.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Has anyone made an offensive Fire/Air/Tempest Auramancer build after the fire aura trait buff?
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Staff has a weak power co-efficiant as far as I am aware, so if you’re looking for damage, you’d be looking at Sword/Axe, with Longbow for quickdraw burst damage with a 2-5-2 combo (filling the remainder of your weaponswap cooldown with the Celestial Avatar rotation for GOTL).
Unfortunately, it’s fairly difficult to heal as a Druid without Healing Power – for a power build, you’re maintaining your rotation for the group buffs, not the sustain.
If you’re looking to play healbot, Magi + Superior Rune of the Monk (From Ascalon Catacombs) will allow you and 5 others to outheal most content. For this build, I prefer Sword/Warhorn + Staff. Doing this allows you to focus soley on group buffs (FURY FOR DAYS!), as you have a larger sustain buffer.
I was dreaming of self sustain soloing PvE and roaming WvW. But i dont seem to outheal damage dealt to me. Alone switching to staff i just cant keep myself alive. In the process i am mostly dead after a few seconds.
Druid has some sweet CC and condi cappabbilities.
Use axe torch/dagger for dmg and evades and staff to disengage and projectile defences.
Use traps and trapper rune and some glyphs for CC and stunbreak. Entangle as elite and you got a very strong WvW build.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
You can find more builds for difficult content on metabattle.com . But try them out yourself. In an unranked match or a custom arena optimally.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Lately I have been seeing revs using mace/axe and staff, which works pretty well. Anyone know of the build setup for it?
In which game type?
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Its a blinded eye. Revenants can see into the mists. They use blindfolds to keep distraction away from tgere eyes.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Like every elite speak there is some flaw in design. And for DH its the new weapon you het picking it.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Ahh the only source I saw said longbow.
I hope it isn’t a condi weapon personally, but seeing as revs current ranged is power the bow will be different.
Well it is actually not mentioned once what kinda bows we will get. SB is the more probable choice because of the new legendary and it is currently just used from 2 classes.
The condi ranged is pretty much clear because it is the obly niche we havent filled yet.
Thats actually why i suggested this to give us a little bit more wiggleroom for condi ranged and bit more controloptions on hammer.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Because we dont have any decent condi ranged weapon i would suggest to change Field of the mists on hammer to be a icefield to have synergy with abyssal chill.
1. ridiculously useless, Hammer is physical damage. End of sentence. Why change it.
2. Revenant gets Shortbow in next expansion, which will be condition damage based. So why change something we have now, if we get what we need anyway?
Well i think you dont get what i am.suggesting. It is just an icefield. It will give more control in range and could have some use for condi revs.
It just opens more build diversity nothing more. It is still a condi weapon.
I think the renegate weapon is a shortbow and will be condi. A ranged pure condi weapon is missing on the spec and a SB wasnt featured in an E-Spec so far.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
I dont know why people would say this would be overpowered. I mean mesmer and ele have a similar skill on 30ish CD and a stunbreak in one package.
I would say you heal.yourself for a medium amount and teleport on target area and heal allies (only allies) for a decent amount.
With about 40s CD this would be justified and support guard has more options and more mobility.Mesmers and eles are completely different classes.
The problem is that not only support guardians would be using it if it was buffed. Meditation guardians would obviously use it 100% of the time.
But it still would be a justified change. Do you know a PvP mesmer that isnt using blink for retreat?
Of course all classes are kinda different but a mere skill comparison is still justified.
Its a similar skill and has still a higher CD with lower accesibility. With about 40s CD no stunbreak and my described effect it would be a good mobility skill but not OP.
PvE, WvW and PvP could benefit from it.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
its open map, anet reaaaally shouldnt be wasting time regulating that rubbish. its good to quickly test out some build variants but thats it, keep warm between matches and just ignore the salt okay?
I just thought that its more noob friendly and ensures a better testing environment.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
I tried the new brawling arena out yesterday. Its really fun but chaotic as hell. I understand that this was the intent, but people get salty very fast if you attack them while they try to 1v1 or 2v2.
My suggestion is basically that you can go into a squad/group and all of the players in that group can attack eachother the other can’t.
So a group.invite in the brawling arena is basically a challenge proposal.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
TL;DR – pvp is toxic
Anyone have similar experiences?
Jupp. I dont play PvP very often and every time i am repelled by the PvP community.
Openworld and Harder Content is always like black and white.
PvE is actually a very friendly environment, but as soon it gets difgicult people get salty. And because PvP is never an easy cake to bite people get very salty very fast.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Most of the pvp changes will have an effect on the balance and is basically a microenvironment for testing. If the balance changes are good they will make into PvE and WvW probably.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
I dont know why people would say this would be overpowered. I mean mesmer and ele have a similar skill on 30ish CD and a stunbreak in one package.
I would say you heal.yourself for a medium amount and teleport on target area and heal allies (only allies) for a decent amount.
With about 40s CD this would be justified and support guard has more options and more mobility.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
InsaneQR.7412, shield dome is mandatory. :P still needs to happen when i take the damage.
You basically have a dome on shield. Something like a ranged version would be nice. You throw the shield on a target location and produce a dome tgat applies aegis and morphs projectiles into healing projectiles.
to fight druids, and some range spammers i really need both…. since i dont play damage gimmicks on my guard.
Guard cant loose the SW dome, not my fault if people dont know how to use it, and its a stun break and a block, that can be traited to heal and remove condi as well.RabbitUp.8294, its a an abosrb, if was a blocks it would make use loose condis with the DH trait :P, the pve players alredy QQ with the blcoks guard has since they cant spam lol…
And in WvW is a anti omega golem weapon in pair with WoR, and the off hand shield dome.
But rethink again my suggestion. It would be a dome that can be ranged (so it can be used either defensive or supportive). It is against projectiles and can be used with every weaponset. Together with shield and sword you shouldnt have any problems against projectiles AND you could control the dome at will without the risk of your SW to die.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
InsaneQR.7412, shield dome is mandatory. :P still needs to happen when i take the damage.
You basically have a dome on shield. Something like a ranged version would be nice. You throw the shield on a target location and produce a dome tgat applies aegis and morphs projectiles into healing projectiles.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Because we dont have any decent condi ranged weapon i would suggest to change Field of the mists on hammer to be a icefield to have synergy with abyssal chill.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Spiritweapons are easy to rework. I would say scrap the minion aspect and make them like a bonus weaponskill without any summoning component.
You just get the active ones and you cast them yourself.
Hammer: Spirit hammer materializes in your hand and you leap to the target and knock him down. Like hammer 2.
Sword: Ram a spirit greatsword into the ground to burn enemies in the target area. Works like mindstab.
Shield: Throw your shield to the target area dmg foes. The shield applies protection and aegis to allies. Works like phoenix from ele.
Bow: Heal and cleanse at area. Like bow 5.
They are like a bonus weaponskill and get a cd similar to normal weaponskills.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Great ideas from both.
I like the idea of the cross legend traits with benefit to a certain legend.
Actually they could function similar the goid weapon traits work. Give a certain benefit that is useful overall but more beneficial for a certain skill line pluas a CD reduction or in this case energy cost reduction.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
I love the hypocrisy of saying Ele doesn’t have enough blast finishers when the entire guardian profession has 3, and one of them on a spirit weapon.
Sums this balance patch up basically.
The changes they made where good but sadly only pvp. Hope they unsplit some of the buffs.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Sun spirit, frost spirit are good.
Storm spirit could use a buff and stone spirit needs another boon in the trait.
The activation of the spirits need a ground target.
It would be interesting if the spirits could work like minions but when entering combat they become immobile and start buffing like they do now.
No limit on time. The actives teleports them on the target area and activates the effect.
This could give spirits some.mobility in combat to save them from dying while gives them mobility outside combat for convenients.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
The problem with Poison Master is that it competes with Empathic Bond and Wilderness Knowledge. The other two will always have preference over PM because of the utility and defense they offer against conditions.
Aside from this, a measly 2 stacks of poison every 16-20 seconds and a 25% buff to poison damage is not worth a Grandmaster trait regardless.
A good change would be to move Poison Master to the Grandmaster Minor trait and instead make Bark Skin the grandmaster in its place.
Bark Skin:
Reduce the duration of all conditions on you.
You and your pet take less damage as long as you have none of these conditions.
Duration Decreased: 33%or it could have a more interesting effect to fit the name:
Bark Skin:
Immune to damaging conditions.
When a condition is applied to you, take 200 damage
I like the idea of the GM barkskin but i would swap empathic bond with barkskin.
I would improve poison master to poisonfields generation and boon steal on petswap.
For barkskin i would suggest: Everytime you get a dmg condition you get some seconds of resistance on some reasonable ICD. You take less dmg while under the effect of resistance.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Spirit build was a great build – and not used often, I think buffing the spirits to move ONCE AGAIN would be a great way to reintroduce some build diversity among rangers.
Keep it up boy, this is probably the 100th time this was suggested again.
I agree with you that it would improve spirit gameplay, but keep your hopes low.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
It offers chill+bleed stacking, which has the best condi potential for necro. You can play core necro but your damage will be halved.
Actually kitten sad. They should give this trait to a core necro spec and change the trait a power based tick over time, tgis way reaper would be a pure dmg spec and not a condi spec it wasnt supposed to be.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Revenant was originally unable to weapon swap, which was changed in the beta phase thanks to player feedback. They probably only designed this 1 underwater weapon, because there wasn’t really supposed to be a second one at all, as you had a “complete” underwater set with spear.
The second slot is most likely still there because Revenant could potentially weapon swap (now), but simply has no weapon to swap to.
Are Revenants as good as the other classes underwater? I’m not familiar with this class at the moment.
Actually rev is very good underwater dmg wise. You have 2 autoattacks and a condi and dmg option for each other weaponskill. Sadly rev is very limited skill wise because you only have 2 legends and 1 weapon which basically leaves no room for build diversity except for traits.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Predator’s Instinct
Gain Predator’s Instinct (5s) when you apply or strike a foe with cripple, chill, or immobilize. Buff effect: +2% attack speed per stack. Stacks up to 5 times.Steady Focus
Deal +10% more damage when your Endurance is full or while under the effects of stability.Read the Wind
Longbow and Harpoon skills pierce, recharge 20% faster and deal +10% more damage. Barrage inflicts immobilize (2s) on the first strike.Strider’s Defense
Add +10% damage modifier while wielding a sword.Most Dangerous Game
Gain pulsing might (3 stacks, 3s) and fury (3s) every second while you have quickness.Light On Your Feet
Deal +10% damage and condition damage while you have vigor. Shortbow arrows explode (120 radius) and recharge 20% faster.Refined Toxins
Poison you apply deals +25% more damage. When you or your Pet poisons a foe, also apply vulnerability (5s).Poison Master
Corrupt 2 boons when you poison a foe inflicted with poison that matches or exceeds the threshold. Stack threshold: 5. ICD: 10s.Empathic Bond replaced with Edge of Extinction
Transfer 1 condition to your Pet every 3-seconds. Your Pet consumes conditions on itself with [F2] commands and release a miasma that poisons (6s) surrounding foes. Poison stacks increase with each unique condition your Pet consumes. Radius: 300. ICD: 20s.Instinctive Reaction
Change stat conversion to 7% of Vitality is converted into Healing Power.Windborne Notes
Warhorn skills recharge 20% faster and have additional effects. Hunter’s Call reveals (4s) a foe and Call of the Wild applies regeneration (10s) to affected allies.Nature’s Vengeance
Spirits’ passive range is also increased by 50%.Resounding Timbre
Shouts recharge 20% faster and grant boons to affected allies.
Heal as One: Regeneration (5s), Protect Me: Vigor (4s), Guard: Retaliation (3s), Sic ’Em: Fury (6s), Search and Rescue: Protection (4s), Strength of the Pack: Quickness (5s)Go For The Eyes replaced with Wilting Strike
Feral Aggression added as a new Master trait in Beastmastery
When your Pet taunts a foe, cast “Sic ’Em!” on that foe. ICD: 40s.Two-Handed Training
Gain fury (3s) when you stun, daze, knockdown, or knockback a foe with a weapon skill. Greatsword and Spear skills recharge 20% faster and deal +10% more damage.Honed Axes
Axe skills recharge 20% faster. Winter’s Bite explodes on impact (240 radius) and Path of Scars cripples (3s) foes on the outgoing strike. You gain +10 Precision for each stack of might you have. Your Pet gains +10 Precision for each stack of might it has.Celestial Being
Gain access to Celestial Form, wield a staff, and gain Astral Force.
Astral Force on Hit: ¼%. Extra Astral Force on Hit per 1000 Power: ¼%
Astral Force on Heal: 1%. Extra Astral Force on Heal per 500 Healing Power: ½%Lingering Light
Celestial Form recharges 20% faster. Summon an Astral Wisp that orbits around you when you heal an ally. Astral Wisps that pass through foes also blinds (2s) them. ICD: 8s. (Cooldown reduced with Primal Echoes)
I like your feral aggression trait and the improvement of two handed training.
I am.not a fan if the wilderness survival trait changes though.
The idea of the poisonfield and the boon corrupt could be incorporated into poison master trait. Empathic bond emphasizes on condi clear something very prominent in tgis traitline. What if you clear a condition every time you evade an attack (not just dodgeroll) and you deal more dmg and condi dmg if you havent any condition on you?
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
You can finish the collection if you mean the herald shield, but if you deleted glints bastion with the rev together this thing is gone.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Zephyrs speed: This trait gets a 30s ICD (2 pet swaps) and activates Quickening Zephyre on pet swap instead of just plain quickness. This synergizes with survival trait and breaks stun.
I like the idea of Quickening Zephyr activating on pet swap a lot. The problem with a 30 second cooldown is that only 1 pet would ever really get the quickness. The 15 second cooldown synergizes with our current pet swap cooldown and it feels smooth because of this.
If I had to choose between Quickening Zephyr on a 30 second cooldown or our current Zephyr’s Speed, I’d choose our current one unless they made Quickening Zephyr on a 15 second cooldown with 3 seconds of quickness, super speed, and break stun to match the duration on the current values.
I thought it could be kinda OP but if you consider the kitten short stunbreaks on rev legend swap plus the fury and the condi cleanse they can get from this in one traitline i thought this would be fine with 15s^^
I also changed the axe trait and put it together with vanilla companions might. I added a new trait called feral combat that emphasizes on duality.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
Nature Magic:
Bountiful Hunter:
The effect also increases condi dmg.
Instinctive reaction. Move the healing power to power converter to vigorous training.
Vigorous Training:
Get the healing power to power converter from Instinctive reaction. Gets the heal on pet command from invigorating bond. swappes places with invigorating Bond and is new GM trait.
Invigorating Bond:
Dmg you deal heals your pet for a percentage and vice versa.
(This isnt much for the ranger, but it synergizes well with druid and it keeps your pet better alive).
Natures Vengeance:
Trigger effect on death. Bigger AoE and more life gets baseline.
Moving Spirits should either get baseline or the AoE get ground targeted baseline.
Stone spirit should give stability and nature spirit resistance.
Go for the eyes: Pet gains expertise instead of toughness. F2 also applies some bleeds.
Companions Might:
This trait is now the new axe trait. Keep old effect plus axe MH CD reduction (OH reduction is in the new ambidexterity trait). Wintersbite AoE is now baseline.
Loud whistle: The dmg buff is vice versa. So the rangers get benefits of keeping the pet alive.
Wilting Strike: Add some vulnerability.
Two handed training: Increase fury duration up to 5s instead of 3s.
Natural Healing: Also increases the rangers healingpower.
Beastly Warden: Pet gets increased toughness if it is under the effect of protection. Pet taunts enemies on activation and gets protection.
Zephyrs speed: This trait activates Quickening Zephyre on pet swap instead of just plain quickness. This synergizes with survival trait and breaks stun.
Feral Combat: You give your pet a stacking toughness buff and yourself a stacking precision buff. And vice versa.
This emphasizes on pet ranger synergy and if one does dmg it increases dmg of himself and survivability of the other.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
(edited by InsaneQR.7412)
WIlderness Survival:
Natural Vigor:
Gain vigor after a dodgeroll. Basically keeps its function. It is no longer possible to stack endurance regeneration with this plus vigor but it increases synergy with my other changes.
Soften the fall:
This should get into the wilderness knowledge trait. Some replacement would be needed. I am still figuring on this one.
Expertise Training: You and your pet have increased Condi dmg and duration. You and your pet apply more burn and poison stacks. 2 stacks per weapon/pet skill. Swap places with refined toxins.
Ambidexterity: Increase crit chance when wielding an Offhand weapon. Offhand skills recharge faster.
Shared anguish: As someone suggested above. Your pet gains 5 seconds stability every 10ish seconds while in combat. Plus the old effect.
swapped places with empathic bond.
Empathic Bond:
Clear 2 conditions when swapping pets. Pet has decreased condi duration on itself.
better control over clearence and better accessible.
Poison Master: Create a Poison field (about 3s and pulses 1 stack every second) on your location and on the location of the pet when swapping pets. Poison duration is increased.
->The fields can stack so you could apply 6 stacks of poison plus the combostacks from the field.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
(edited by InsaneQR.7412)