(edited by Josh XT.6053)
- Revenant running dwarf has a lot of stability.
- Elementalist running Earth line can have an AOE stability when they attune to earth.Guardian isn’t great at much, it was nearly replaced by Revenant as a driving class and would have been if Revenants AOE stability was more practical.
Well if there are plans in the works to improve revenant AOE stability so it’s practical in wvw, I hope this thread doesn’t ruin it.
I am so ready to switch the hour that happens. Move my gear over and go.
I wouldn’t mind having more options for larger group driving. I have a pretty nice Elementalist build that is good for driving, but the problem of having enough stability in pushes plagues every class, even guardians. Guardians just stand more of a chance because of the amount of stability they have lol.
At least an option to turn them off would be good for those of us who really don’t care about PPT. I’m there for fights and once again a PPT thing is messing with my ability to fight.
- Revenant running dwarf has a lot of stability.
- Elementalist running Earth line can have an AOE stability when they attune to earth.
Guardian isn’t great at much, it was nearly replaced by Revenant as a driving class and would have been if Revenants AOE stability was more practical.
PLEASE get rid of objective capture messages! Or at least give us an option to turn them off. My screen resolution is pretty big because of the size of my screen and this message takes up 1/3 of my viewing space in combat. I don’t care when someone captures something or claims something, I really want an option to turn that off or just get rid of it all together.
It is also messing with my ground targetting because it is on top making my target my feed for my ground targetted skills. Kind of a waste to meteor on myself when I am in a big fight and we need damage on the driver.
Practicality is better than visual. Visually, DBL was pretty to look at, but not practical at all. Alpine is practical for WvW.
I also think Alpine looks fine, I don’t really see the need to change it at all. People just complained so much about wanting a change of scenery that ANet had to do something, they just went over board was all.
I’d prefer if they just left WvW alone, it is in a good place right now and doesn’t need touched again. If they just want to skin the maps as they currently sit, fine, whatever, but I don’t want to see DBL back.
Well the PvE players that play WvW are crying for something different for some god-unknown reason. If different skins will make them happy and keep DBL gone, I’m fine with it as a hardcore WvW player.
has anyone done any testing in wvw that this sigil actually works,
both the heal and damage?
I love it on my ele for both staff and dagger/warhorn. Pretty nice damage and heal with no internal cooldown.
Usually fights with cheesy stealth engineers end in draws because they spend the whole fight running away from me instead of damaging me.
Because builds with huge sustain, running a stat that was deemed so broken OP it got removed from PvP, aren’t cheesy at all…
Keep in mind that it wasn’t just eles that were using celestial and living forever lol. Remember Cele necros, engineers and medi guardians were also a thing in PvP that were pretty strong.
Why do I need to keep those in mind, they are irrelevant to the point (and incidentally none other than engy compared, and engy build got removed when they changed the trait lines), you whine about “cheesy stealth engineers” yet seem oblivious to the reality you are playing one of the cheesiest builds the game has ever seen cele ele, that carried bads in PvP for ages and was eventually kicked out of PvP because it was so broken OP you had a team with 4 cele eles (& 1 thief) winning a tourney.
If you want people to fight you rather than thinking I’m not fighting this AIDS and withdrawing, then I suggest you play something less faceroll, less dull to fight and less forgiving.
You don’t seem to realise it, but when roaming in WvW (unlesss you are PPT monkey and are bothered about camps, etc) there is only one “win” condition and that is the other guy dead or downed on the floor, it isn’t PvP where disengaging has a cost like losing a point, or the time wasted contributing nothing to the score and moving on to the next the point, so if people see some dull forgiving build like cele ele, condi perma stealth thief, PU perplexity mes, etc, many simply move off, and if you’ve made a build that has focused on fighting ability, sustain, etc, over quick kills, mobility / being able to chase down, then that is your problem, you are roaming in wvw, not playing 1v1 duelling.
I do plenty of 1v1 duels when I am roaming in WvW lol. Also, most of my time spent in WvW is roaming since I lead a small man group on Blackgate. Feel free to check my stream in my signature.
I’ll also have you know that most of what I run in to in WvW is uber cheese. Condi PU mesmers, Condi reapers, perma stealth thieves, run away druids lol. Most roamers are running the cheesiest stuff they can because we typically end up in out numbered fights. When you’re outnumbered all the time, you need to take advantage of any thing your class will allow you to. For example, my ele can clear conditions like no ones business. Might seem cheesy that I can survive some pretty strong blows AND clear a million conditions in no time, but what choice do I have in a meta of either full zerk/marauders enemies or full condi enemies? Especially being on Blackgate where BOO is on YB running a 50 man blob of condi people lol..
Well I can’t help people who think its okay to 1v1 or GvG on zerg island in Alpine. Or on the sides of SM. When I used to duel people on Alpine, the place to go was behind the windmill.
People have to be smart about where they 1v1, but some times when you’re just walking around and find someone and just start fighting them, it sucks when another 5 guys run up and kill you lol.
I don’t think it would be a bad idea to SKIN the map where they just change textures. But I want everything left where it is, I love the Alpine map.
I’m sure some texture changes could take place, I’m sure they would be open to hearing our ideas. Post up some texture themes you think they should do on the map.
I think something like a winter wasteland kind of thing would be cool where there is just snow everywhere on the ground, but not POURING snow like in the blue keep on EOTM. Almost unplayable in that corner of the map because you can’t see anything. The keeps and towers could be made of ice where you can actually see through them (Which I think would be super cool) and camps could have like igloos over the supply depots or something.
Also you could make that winter map the blue map, make Alpine the green map and then come up with another for red. That way its essentially all the SAME map, but skinned differently. That will promote people to still go to the other maps because they still know those maps, they just have different skins.
Just random ideas. I think instead of generalizing, we need to give them some ideas of what we would like to see.
The correct answer is always keep walking. If you see a 1v1, even if you ally needs help, keep walking.
When you see 2 dudes that you don’t even know at a bar get into a fight, you either watch or mind your own business. You don’t jump in.
And I’ll say it again, any true WvW player knew that DBL was garbage. It was AWFUL to fight on strategically because there were a million unavoidable chokes, awful PvE garbage where people could be mass stealthed and huge annoying walls popping up and crippling. Maps were way too big, just not good.
I give ANet points for effort because the new maps were beautiful to look at, but poorly designed for WvW game play.
On another note, since Alpine returned, all maps on Blackgate were queued from 7pm EST when I logged in and still queued at 1am when I logged off. THAT is the tier 1 that I remember. And as it should be. The EBG queue was LESS THAN every other maps queue lol. It was a great sight and I had a ton of great fights all night.
Again, thank you Anet for bring Alpine back, please never bring DBL back. If you do anything, just change some texture skins on Alpine and leave everything where it is and the size of the map in tact.
If the others who missed Alpine were as bitter as I was over the Desert BL taking its place during HoT release, we have a REALLY good reason to be angry at anyone asking for it back.
We lost out on having our fun for 7 months because of this nearly unplayable map and there are people here crying about getting it back? No. We don’t want to even hear it because WE (the majority) were already screwed for 7 months.
Unfortunately, we are also aware that Anet plans to bring the DBL maps back at some point, which is a painful thing because we all know we have to take a break from the game again until they return the maps back to Alpine once again (because they don’t learn a lesson when 50% of their population leaves the game.)
A lot of people have returned to the game since it was announced that Alpine is coming back. Now that it is back, more will return. Once they put it back to DBL, most will leave again if not all and probably permanently this time.
Okay but 7 months later the population is still down lol. And if you’re on Borlis Pass, you probably didn’t notice much of anything since it was pretty dead pre-HoT anyway. All of the Tier 1-4 servers felt it majorly.
Well isn’t that what the bottom line of this forum has been anyways? Compared to 7 months ago there’s less people…..compared to 1 year ago there’s less people, compared to 2 years ago…compared to release. This is nothing new to anybody on these forums but the desert maps were the first meaningful adjustment to WvW since EoTM(liked that map layout but NOT what it did to main WvW), but the general populace just didn’t like them. I feel like the desert borderlands are equivalent to chess where alpine is checkers, both games are fun but you have different levels of mastery(which is one reason why people were so bored with alpine, they knew it all for YEARS).
And yeah you know I’m on BP, and we actually had fights of all kinds, even against map queues thanks to Gaiscioch. I can say I preferred the ebb and flow of combat in those maps, but I’m just one person.
My alt account is on BP to this day and I play it daily and BP was my first server. You don’t have to try to trick me into believing what I know isn’t true lol.
Yes population declines are natural, but we lost OVER 50% of the WvW population when HoT came out and never really gained any of it back in the past 7 months. Steady decline is to be expected, a 50% drop off is NOT GOOD. It happened for a reason, people haven’t been returning up until last week for a reason. The new maps ruined WvW for a lot of us veteran players who already didn’t care for playing in EBG.
Not only viable but the best armor combination.
Okay but 7 months later the population is still down lol. And if you’re on Borlis Pass, you probably didn’t notice much of anything since it was pretty dead pre-HoT anyway. All of the Tier 1-4 servers felt it majorly.
Most will disagree with me, which is fine. Having players who are good without comp isn’t an easy thing to come by. But with the right players on classes they love to play, and are self sufficient on, ridged comp teams will loose 9 times out of 10. Like I said, those groups are few and far between, QQ (when they pay attention) pull it off nicely Opp did it at one point, FLOT was like that when we were at full strength back on TC and RIOT was (many many moons ago) pretty good at it as well. It requires a group that’s more solo roamers than group roamers. But with the right players in hand comps dissolve.
For example, with your comp the Necro is the key. Looking at the builds on your website, no one but the necro deals any really dangerous damage. The others in your comp are solid but the necro is the play maker, once hes gone the others can be kited around and killed off safely.
I understand why my point of view would be quite foreign to most people. But communication and knowing your team mates means much much more than what builds you each are running. As far as my guild has run in the past (anet trying to kill wvw has hurt our numbers) if you cant win most of your fights solo roaming with it….don’t try to bring it into our group.
Edit: Quite right Mist, very well said.
Necros are the heaviest of the damage in my comp for sure, but because the rest are built for self and group sustain, we still win the “long fight” because we can survive the enemy burst and also take out their higher damage people first.
Since we all stick close, we have permanent up time for protection, vigor, regeneration, frost aura, might, fury and swiftness in our fights. Having all of those things at all times in a fight makes you pretty scary strong lol. Our eles have around 2.9k power with might, so even being the least of our damage, they still do quite a bit. The revenant does more single target damage than our necros do also, but he can also survive as well as the eles lol.
I’m so excited that I can hardly contain it. If I wasn’t at work, I’d be roaming the alpine maps right now. Thanks Anet for hearing the cries of your long term customers (even if it did take 7 months to do something about it.)
Don’t bother to much with one.
Seriously, you are far better off to each be very very good at a class you truly love playing, than you are trying to fit into some comp. The trouble with comps in small fights is, while they may make the first fight or two go very nicely, After a couple engagements your opponents will learn who you can’t do without. Once you find the key player to a small teams comp, its over. If everyone knows their build and class perfectly, then when someone goes down you don’t fall apart.
I have to disagree, if you make everyone have an important part and support each other well, you don’t have this issue. They could focus me down being the driver on my ele, but with myself, my other ele and my guardian throwing heals and condition cleans on us, they would be pretty hard pressed to take any one of us down except MAYBE the necros, who are generally running zerk and marauders, but still have 100% protection and frost aura up time from the 2 eles. You just have to know how to build a good group comp where everyone supports everyone but still deals damage lol.
I run a small roaming group that runs 3-6 people personally, our ideal comp is like this:
2 Elementalists (Celestial dagger/warhorn)
1 Revenant (Marauder)
1 Guardian (Celestial meditation)
1-2 Necromancer(s) (Power wellomancer)
To kind of explain why:
- Elementalists clear a lot of conditions with the auras as well as provide a ton of protection, regeneration, frost aura and vigor for the group. The damage is pretty decent with air overload and the burning from fire attunement is pretty strong as well.
- Revenant does a TON of damage and can catch people who are trying to run away very easily.
- Guardian running celestial meditation will clear conditions with purging flames as well as do a TON of burning damage with it and still manage to do decent raw damage and provide large heals from F2 for the group. Ours runs GS and Longbow with 2 traps, judges intervention and purging flames.
- Necros wells are very high damage and boon stripping, we usually have them drop the wells when the guardian pulls them in or rings them with longbow.
(edited by Josh XT.6053)
Agreed, thank you. Myself and my 2 guilds are really excited about playing the Alpine maps again.
that was about 20 hours in desert BL
So you never took time to adapt and learn new tactics, got it. You could have just said that.
Oh that isn’t the case, I got plenty used to it. It didn’t make me like it though. Sure its pretty, but impractical. Its like dating a hot chick with aids. Pretty to look at, but what can you really do?
I spend my time in WvW roaming, it takes forever to get around the maps and we have to deal with the area that cripples you and makes huge rock formations jump out in front of you. Then to make it even worse? Blobs can be STEALTHED in that area ready to run over my small 5 man group lol.
Too many PvE aspects, maps are way too large and the whole center area is 100% useless. Desert BL was a failure, the minority of people who are complaining about losing it are not the majority of the population who requested the Alpine return. The numbers speak for themselves, since DBL came out, the WvW population dropped more than 50% of their players.
I’ve never been so happy or excited in my life. Can’t wait to get home from work!!!!!! Thank you Anet. I’m itching for a juicy Bay fight!!
My exact feeling, too late to call off because I’m already here haha.
Alpine is a million times better than the desert BL. I was never bored of it, my guild was never bored of it.
Anyone crying about wanting desert BL back is not a true WvW player in my opinion, because that map was not practical at all. I’ve spent over 6000 hours in WvW between my 2 accounts and of that was about 20 hours in desert BL because of how awful it was, but we were forced with no choice when EBG was queued (always.)
If you don’t like Alpine, go back to EOTM or PvE.
“Soon™” -ANet 2016
Also in WvW, I can’t bug report until after a fight is over. I find myself with “/sit” typed in chat then just double tapping the enter key in a fight when it happens lol. Pretty annoying.
I’m not even just looking for a dev response – I’d like to see other players respond saying if they’ve had this happen to them or not so I know if this is just me or what lol.
Best direction for scepter is the general direction of a trash can lol. That is just my opinion as a person who mains ele with dagger/warhorn. Scepter just doesn’t do enough for me.
Bump again… No one else noticed this? Really annoying in WvW…..
My warrior builds are here: http://Asphyxia.TV/builds
One for Roaming, one for front line group play.
I think my scoring proposal would make it a lot more balanced for all time zones. Out numbering people in any time zone is unfair and because nothing is done about the scoring problem, the numbers are out of balance.
If they changed the scoring system the way I proposed, there would be NO REASON to out number people for PPT anymore, there for if people just PvDoor when there are no enemies around, there are no gains. That will promote fights because those players will go to servers where they’ll have enemies around so that they can boost the score.
Sure it isn’t fair for people to spawn camp people in NA prime, but its equally not fair for people to PvDoor to raise their points when their enemies sleep. Balancing the scoring will cause the populations to balance because score won’t advance if there are no enemies around to fight or taking other objectives.
I think the amount of points rewarded should be determined by how much resistance there is. Basically count how many players are online in WvW in one server vs the other server.
Whatever percentage one server is out numbering the other by is the deducted off the amount of points they would be receiving that tick.
So if server A has 10% more people in WvW than server B within the 15 minute point tick, they receive 10% less points that tick. So if they were at 400PPT but outnumbered the others by 10%, they get 360 points that tick instead.
Same goes for the reverse way, if they’re out numbered by 10%, they get 10% more points than they have that tick.
That seems like that would be a BALANCED way of scoring.
so how is an oceanic server suppose to win?
My idea would effect ALL time zones, meaning if you had 10 people running NA prime and your enemies had 100, the enemies would gain 90% less points from hitting your stuff and you would gain 90% more hitting them. It would effect everyone the same.
I was thinking logging the activity of any events that anyone participated in, add that person to a list of people who participated in events during that 15 minute point tick and then check that list vs the other servers lists in a count of people. That way if they participated in even a sentry cap, they were counted as someone in WvW during that 15 minute window.
I think the amount of points rewarded should be determined by how much resistance there is. Basically count how many players are online in WvW in one server vs the other server.
Whatever percentage one server is out numbering the other by is the deducted off the amount of points they would be receiving that tick.
So if server A has 10% more people in WvW than server B within the 15 minute point tick, they receive 10% less points that tick. So if they were at 400PPT but outnumbered the others by 10%, they get 360 points that tick instead.
Same goes for the reverse way, if they’re out numbered by 10%, they get 10% more points than they have that tick.
That seems like that would be a BALANCED way of scoring.
Night capping IS a thing and a real problem on the NA (North America) servers..
Servers get people in the OCX and SEA time zone who just bring the servers PPT way up while the NORTH AMERICANS (Remember, North American server) are asleep. Even the people who play in EU time zone are generally playing the PPT game while most of the NORTH AMERICANS are at work. lol..
Go take a look at when certain servers points spike PPT at their highest, its at a time when the other servers people are asleep or at work, not during NA prime. Its pretty rare for any server in NA prime to get very high PPT because there are close to even populations at that time across most servers.
So yes, its a very real problem for anyone who cares about PPT. I am not a person who cares about it, but it would certainly help make our match making system a lot more balanced for them to reduce point gain when population is at its lowest.
A WHITE commander tag (with a black outline) would be AMAZING to have. I personally am colorblind and losing the commander tag in the middle of a fight is a pretty bad problem that I have to deal with daily. Yellow is usually the most visible for me, I can’t ever see the red one in a fight at all. The white tag idea would be so perfect.
Also there is an event for some guild mission where the person who has some crab thing has a beam of light on them, that would also be SUPER helpful for commanders to have on them.
My WvW front line ele build and explanation there.
Rangers mostly just try to kite me but ultimately they just end up losing or running away from me. I haven’t even come close to losing to one, they do little to no damage to me. And yes, I am talking about both condi and power ones. They can survive well because of all of their heals, but they just don’t do damage to anyone who knows how to play the game lol.
Thief is only good at roaming because they can run away from anything that they don’t 2 shot lol. Most fights I get in with thieves are that way, they realize they do no damage to me and run away or they get persistent and die for it.
Scrapper is just boring to fight, they can’t kill me but they can do decent damage.
Usually fights with cheesy stealth engineers end in draws because they spend the whole fight running away from me instead of damaging me.
Because builds with huge sustain, running a stat that was deemed so broken OP it got removed from PvP, aren’t cheesy at all…
Keep in mind that it wasn’t just eles that were using celestial and living forever lol. Remember Cele necros, engineers and medi guardians were also a thing in PvP that were pretty strong.
Sadly, I think there is no roaming for the elementalist in the current state. I’ll explain why.
We have some good duelist/small scale fights builds; I’m having some success with both S/F fresh air and D/F lightning rod.
The problem is that roaming is not only about good fighting capabilities, it’s also about choosing fights, disengage, run when outnumbered, juke zergs, etc. Elementalist with its competitive sets has less mobility then everything else in the game (unless u waste ur elite with FGS, losing Rebound). Add to this that with the expansion, the overall mobility is increased.
In conclusion, with the current state of the game u can be a decent duelist/fighter but u can’t be a good roamer.
To fix that they should bring offhand dagger back in the meta by de-nerfing RTL and improving defence (water spells maybe).
You must have never fought me then lol. Elementalist is the best roaming class right now in my opinion.
Source: Haven’t lost a 1v1 on my ele yet in WvW.
I have checked out your build. To be honest, I am very much in doubt.
It looks like your build lacks both condie clear and damage. W/O condie cleanse, one thief + one condie anything will easily destroy you. You are also pretty much full celestial which makes your power kinda low. I don’t see how you will be able to beat a high sustain class like scrapper. You will probably stalemate anyone who is tanky.
Apparently you haven’t paid attention to the build lol.. Let me lay it out for ya.
Every time I use an aura, I grant regeneration and protection. Every time I grant regeneration, I clear a condition. Now, every overload I use gives me an aura (4 condi clears there), air 3 give aura (makes 5), earth 4 gives aura (makes 6), all 3 of my utility skills give auras (makes 9 condition clears) – and all of them are EASY to put on rotation with low cooldowns. That means that this build has the most condi clense of pretty much anyone lol.
Usually fights with cheesy stealth engineers end in draws because they spend the whole fight running away from me instead of damaging me. You would be surprised at my damage between my raw damage and my burns. With bloodlust stacks I have around 2300 power and my burning does quite a bit of damage as well.
I’ll also happily duel in my guild hall if you don’t believe the hype. Check out my stream in my forum sig.
Okay. If you are taking cleansing water, then it makes way more sense. But the build you are linking takes powerful aura instead. That is what makes me doubt.
But still I don’t like the damage from the build. It can outsustain but don’t have the damage for the killing blow. If only off-hand dagger is slightly better….
Ah ha! I’m sorry, that would be my mistake on my link. I don’t run aura share and haven’t in a long time. Cleansing water was a MUCH better trait to run.
As far as the damage goes, the build isn’t a “one shot” build – I don’t burst people down in 2 seconds generally, that isn’t what this build does. But I also don’t get bursted down quickly because of how I am build.
If you want a fast burst down, run a zerk or marauders warrior and just press gunflame all day. This build is in for the longer fight, it will survive what most classes would be dealing as a “killing blow” and outlast them in a fight which will ultimately win the fights. I don’t do an insane burst, but the air over load is a lot of damage. You would be pretty surprised at the damage output I am sure, but it isn’t a huge burst unless I am using air over load generally.
Unless Anet specific says they don’t stack, I doubt that they don’t stack. I’ve had a friend hit me with a level 1 weapon and no armor on a level 80 character in my guild hall with and without scrapper runes on and there was a different in damage. Granted, not a ton, but its 7%.
Sadly, I think there is no roaming for the elementalist in the current state. I’ll explain why.
We have some good duelist/small scale fights builds; I’m having some success with both S/F fresh air and D/F lightning rod.
The problem is that roaming is not only about good fighting capabilities, it’s also about choosing fights, disengage, run when outnumbered, juke zergs, etc. Elementalist with its competitive sets has less mobility then everything else in the game (unless u waste ur elite with FGS, losing Rebound). Add to this that with the expansion, the overall mobility is increased.
In conclusion, with the current state of the game u can be a decent duelist/fighter but u can’t be a good roamer.
To fix that they should bring offhand dagger back in the meta by de-nerfing RTL and improving defence (water spells maybe).
You must have never fought me then lol. Elementalist is the best roaming class right now in my opinion.
Source: Haven’t lost a 1v1 on my ele yet in WvW.
I have checked out your build. To be honest, I am very much in doubt.
It looks like your build lacks both condie clear and damage. W/O condie cleanse, one thief + one condie anything will easily destroy you. You are also pretty much full celestial which makes your power kinda low. I don’t see how you will be able to beat a high sustain class like scrapper. You will probably stalemate anyone who is tanky.
Apparently you haven’t paid attention to the build lol.. Let me lay it out for ya.
Every time I use an aura, I grant regeneration and protection. Every time I grant regeneration, I clear a condition. Now, every overload I use gives me an aura (4 condi clears there), air 3 give aura (makes 5), earth 4 gives aura (makes 6), all 3 of my utility skills give auras (makes 9 condition clears) – and all of them are EASY to put on rotation with low cooldowns. That means that this build has the most condi clense of pretty much anyone lol.
Usually fights with cheesy stealth engineers end in draws because they spend the whole fight running away from me instead of damaging me. You would be surprised at my damage between my raw damage and my burns. With bloodlust stacks I have around 2300 power and my burning does quite a bit of damage as well.
I’ll also happily duel in my guild hall if you don’t believe the hype. Check out my stream in my forum sig.
(edited by Josh XT.6053)
You can have permanent swiftness by using your over loads and blasting your air over load.
Rotation: Start in air, Air over load, switch to water, use Aftershock, hit water 3, switch to earth, use earth 4 (3 blasts on your air over load), use earth overload (will give swiftness), switch to fire, use fire overload, switch to air and start over.
You don’t need traveler runes or air signet to move faster.
Also, Scepter can work and is good in 1v1s, but you’ll have less auras which means less heals, less protection and no more shocking aura from dagger 3 (which I find incredibly useful in fights.)
(edited by Josh XT.6053)
Staff is great for larger group play, just not too great for smaller groups or roaming in my opinion.
Elementalist is the best roaming class right now
I’m not saying ele can’t roam decently, but no way Ele in the best roaming class. There are builds which have more killing power and ability to chase runners/get away from a fight.
Infact with that build (water/earth/tempest full cele) if someone that does not completely suck decide to run away…well, they just do.
Running away from a fight is losing a fight. I don’t care if they run, just means they lost lol. I win the sustain game and win fights because of it.
You didn’t read what you replied to… Dueling is not roaming, and even if we can be good in 1v1, it doesn’t mean we are good roamers.
Having no mobility, no way to disengage or to engage by surprise, bad chasing (every decent build can run away if he wants to)… These things make roaming hard nowaday.
I run fiery GS for roaming pretty often so that I have mobility, and I know roaming isn’t always 1v1s. But I win 2v1s pretty easily too.
Depends on the players obviously, but I rarely ever die even in a 2v1 situation and still deal plenty enough damage to down people. I wasn’t even really trying in that fight and won lol. Mostly sat on fire so that I could keep burning the mesmer since he didn’t have any clense.
(edited by Josh XT.6053)
Depends on what you want to do. For roaming or if you want to be in the heat of the action as a front line ele, use this → http://asphyxia.tv/elementalist/
For back line, you can go as zerky as you feel comfortable with and run staff with fire/water/tempest.
Sadly, I think there is no roaming for the elementalist in the current state. I’ll explain why.
We have some good duelist/small scale fights builds; I’m having some success with both S/F fresh air and D/F lightning rod.
The problem is that roaming is not only about good fighting capabilities, it’s also about choosing fights, disengage, run when outnumbered, juke zergs, etc. Elementalist with its competitive sets has less mobility then everything else in the game (unless u waste ur elite with FGS, losing Rebound). Add to this that with the expansion, the overall mobility is increased.
In conclusion, with the current state of the game u can be a decent duelist/fighter but u can’t be a good roamer.
To fix that they should bring offhand dagger back in the meta by de-nerfing RTL and improving defence (water spells maybe).
You must have never fought me then lol. Elementalist is the best roaming class right now in my opinion.
Source: Haven’t lost a 1v1 on my ele yet in WvW.
My front line/roaming Elementalist build and explanation. Dagger/warhorn.