but these are the team mates i get stuck with.
get used to it. GS is a kitten weapon, and is easily countered because of bad design on all fronts.
Don’t take pvp seriously in this game, its a joke, and the reason that this game has such low twitch viewers, streamers, and tournaments have such a low turn out.
Pretty game breaking.
In EVERY single match.
Guess what, if we see them this much it means you guys didnt do a good job designing them/balancing them.
I fail to see why people want rifle on thief. If you want to play a ranged sniper… go play a ranger. They wouldnt be able to balance the amount of mobility a thief has with long ranged attacks. It’s either going to get us nerfed, or … well its just gonna get us nerfed.
pls stahp with the rifle crap.
Honestly I don’t know why everyone hates on the axe. True the auto attack’s damage is lackluster but it makes up for it in other ways such as applying vulnerability, 2’s massive damage (had numbers almost the same as Gravedigger at times [reached 24k on Jade Construct in BF, while it was below 50% and 25 stacks of vul] ) and an area wide 2 boon corrupt + cripple on 3. Combined with Unholy Fervor, I find it does good damage and personally I think it IS a better power range option than staff.
Because Axe 2 has the conal birth of a sneeze.
All you meta boys tryin to talk kitten against meee?
Oh! I see you have a meditrapper, do you? You have a meditrapper do you?
I’ll put down my gs… I’ll put down my gs… I will put down my GS!! HAHA I got another kitten gs you kitten kitten!
This made me laugh harder then it should of. +1 for use of memes.
I cannot carry 4 other people in my team. It requires a team effort to win a game, yet I am personally affected (via rating, and therefore losing rating when they decide to crash into the DH zerg trap pile over and over in a match)
The league rating system is absolute garbage, and cannot be taken seriously, because it means you were lucky or unlucky, and that’s it. You can carry your hardest, cap points, decap, assist in teamfights and turn the tide, but if your team is chasing off points… leaving points uncapped after they killed the person decapping it (this happened a total of 10 times today alone), fighting off points, dying by going in 1v4… The list goes on.
But I do like the new reward system, so I got that going for me.
Rating needs to be changed to take into account personal contribution. Team healing, dmg, decaps, defense, offense, etc.
Speaking as someone who got royally kittened by team mates AFKing, or being the first time pvping while I was doing my placement matches. The top end might be good, but the bottom is kittening aids.
I personally love this item.
I used to think TTK was really low (time to kill). It’s gotten SO much worse.
You can be downed within a second. You can’t enter team fights because everything cleaves and spams you with conditions.
I don’t know what you’ve done, but this isn’t fun gameplay.
So not only do i have people DCing on purpose to force the other team to win… but I get punished a second time by having the game crash by reporting them and getting ZERO credit for the match.
Kitten you anet.
(edited by Kahrgan.7401)
2x division 1’s on one team, all division 2’s on the other.
I can’t even look at this without shaking my head.
Honestly HoT killed the game for me, I’ve never felt this disappointed with a game before, I’ve always had my share of issues with the game and all the unfixed bugs, but this expansion killed the game for me.
I’m sure I’m not alone on this, and with that said, I’m wondering, how would you shape GW2 to be your dream game?
I have my own ideas, but I can’t express them without being overly sarcastic and rude, so I will let others do the talking.
tl,dr: If you could change everything in the game to make it your masterpiece, your dream game, what would it be?
Honestly, at this point they would have to change so many base mechanics that it would be impossible to do.
1) Fractals are boring, RNG and mistlocks (read: not difficult… but annoying).
Fractals being their “go to” for a dungeon replacement was simply a bad decision.
2) The ’difficulty" in this game, is simply defined by not getting 1 shot. Rather than being able to outlast mechanics and using your classes mechanics to their peak. For example in other MMOs: the healer is doing their job, the tank is doing his (actually having to build for survivabilty, rather than a dps class with 1 toughness piece on. All the while avoiding high dmging mechanics that would get you killed (read: not 1 shot. because 1 shots are stupid, please stop putting that in the game anet). The dps is pumping out as much dmg as they can while not standing in fire, and taking out adds and kitten.
You could say VG was a step in the right direction, but that needs to spread to the rest of the game. Dungeons NEED to be updated, kitten fractals, frankly.
3) Liquid rewards in game need to be a thing, and anet needs to stop making every decision based on making more money from gems.
Legendary pre-cursor crafting taking 50+ ascended mats, more ascended mats requried to make ascended armor (damask patches)… to say the least… yeah its all for kittening gem sales don’t let anyone try to convince you otherwise.
Yes they need to make money… but make a game people want to play, and put gem shop items that are cool and people will buy them, it’s simple. Trying to force it upon us with these kittenty decisions only make us hate you.
a) on the topic of putting more liquid rewards in-game. Take out gold to gems conversion, and make all items in the gem store able to be sold on the TP and traded to other players (much like TERAs cash shop method). It works great for them, and would work wonders in this game.
4) Balance classes more often if you want to not be a joke when claiming to be esports. Releasing HoT, then not doing a proper balance before leagues, was just plain amateur. Whoever made this decision should have a serious talking to from a higher up.. if your higher ups even understand wtf is going on.
That’s all I can think of for now. I’m so done with this game right now I don’t even want to continue this post.
(edited by Kahrgan.7401)
I agree. looks like you’re taking out some trash, rather than about to blow someones face off.
did you seriously find nothing else to complain about? flamethrower is viable as it is.
Its really only viable as a : swap to, hit some cds, swap out. As a stand-alone weapon, its auto attack is pretty bad.
I made this thinking the nightfury was going to be within my grasp, but the mats required for nightfury are utterly ridiculous.
Please un-account bind this item, it makes no sense to have it account bound anyway.
Good for fractals, bad for anything Hot (hot mobs move too much)
Try moving your gw2cache file from your temp folder, and let me know if that works.
+1 I convinced my map to do events to tier 3, we lost 1 event so didnt get all the way, so no bladed armor box. it’s a shame anet gated bladed rewards this way, atleast the coat anyways.
A grind inside a grind. Like I said in OP, im fine with a grind for what i want, but a grind WITH RNG is kittening bullkitten.
hey i got official word.
GM Fenrir (Guild Wars 2 Support)
Hello Ronnie,Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team.
Unfortunately, we do not have any information available about this particular topic. However, we frequently update our official website ( http://www.guildwars2.com ), and we encourage you to keep an eye on the site for announcements and updates about the game. Another resource that you may find of value is the Guild Wars 2 Wiki ( http://wiki.guildwars2.com/ ) which is a player-created resource with a large amount of helpful information for players.
GM Fenrir
Guild Wars 2 Support Team
http://help.guildwars2.com/you kittening kidding me
we need an anet employee that knows something to answer. I want this chest piece and to b lock getting it behind RNG grind OR bug OR obscurity is not cool.
This item is not sold by the vendor, like everything else.
It’s not from the story, and the story awards any piece of ley armor, including chest.
Why are these excluded? Is this a bug? Is it intended?
If it is intended, why? This is a grind to get 500 parts, and to add it to a t4 grind RNG reward is just plain unacceptable. I am okay with grind. I am NOT OKAY with RNG grinds.
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kahrgan.7401
Unlocking your elite spec is a training line in your training panel that costs hero points. You do need to have trained all the existing training lines before you’re allowed to put hero points into your elite spec.
If you’ve got all the hero points in the existing game you’ll have enough to train about half the elite specialization training line on launch day. The rest you’ll need to earn in the jungle or via the new system Tyler outlined yesterday from WvW. The number of points to fully train your elite spec is higher than other training lines – but hero challenges in the jungle are worth 10 points each, so it’s not actually as big as it appears.
This is kittened.
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kahrgan.7401
Please anet, confirm how many we need…
I enjoy the pocket math people do when ‘calculating dps’
Anet, dps meter pls. Pls anet
Talk about not picking your battles.
I’m more concerned about axe being our WORST weapon. No one uses it, and for good reason.
Stop complaining about the animation, at least until they fix the weapon itself.
It really doesnt fix the core problem in PVP, which is the horrendous amount of spammable no-skill cleave. Sure more dodges certainly help, but I think the issue is really greater than thief.
You have to fix the class problem then address the game problem.
I agree, the condi we inflict to ourselves for using this skill is bad. change to self-applied poison (because that makes more sense,.. it is a poison cloud).
Its not that we do terrible dps…. In fact we do good dps. Its just that they still haven’t nerfed burning (application or dmg), which is why sinister engis are so insane right now.
So, update? Anet pls
Shouldnt this be named Alpha weekend event?
I disagree. It’s 95%. VP still needs to be baselined for diversity reasons, and Chilling Darkness needs to be merged into Shivers of dread. Thennn it’ll be perfect. <3
VP isnt specific to reaper, hence “bwe3 REAPER is 99% perfect”
And nothing needs to change
Thank you Robert Geesus, you really did a good job with it.
I like the running animation, makes it feel like youre ready to fight, rather than carrying a stick
I would like to be prepared for HoT, but the only info we have is data mining.
Anet dev said they buffed it:
Yep! I updated the OP to reflect it.
bwe3 hype bois!
You guys do know that hammer gives 1 stack of might PER TARGET HIT with the auto. The auto is already potentially too strong with might-stacking runes in a brawler build, and will easily keep you topped up at 25 might in teamfights.
I wouldn’t be concerned that it is too weak…
In pve… Might stacks mean nothing if you are in a good group, you will already have full might. You cant balance an auto attack on might stacks.
In pvp, if you are auto attacking THAT much you are doing something wrong. I would be just fine if they removed the might stacks and increased the base dmg of hammer 1
“So what if your new utilities suck major donger, are boring, and have almost no use in either PvE or PvP? Just use your other abilities! Isn’t that why you BOUGHT this expansion pack? For more of the same? Lol grow up!”
You think, that if you buy XPac you’ll automatically dominate pvp with new spec?
Who have to growUP man?
I think his point is that he wants options. Not to dominate.
ot gives you might, and it’s tanking weapon with AOE damage, so it’s fine.
You can always switch kits for aditional damage.Or you want another 1 1 1 1 1 1 class like Dagger necro?
I’d rather be able to use something other than grenade 1 in almost all circumstances
This. I would like the option to go kitless and/or have a decent auto attack, something to do in between cds and combos. The current hammer 1’s dmg, is yawn-inspiring.
We all know it’s way too low already, given that jebro has given us the tooltip with marauders amulet.
There’s no need to wait till BWE3 for feedback, as it has to go up. It’s simply too low as it stands.
Edit: Hammer 1 has been increased! We dont know the values yet, but all is well, BWE3 HYPE BOIS
(edited by Kahrgan.7401)
Title says it all. It’s cheaper to just buy a new rune 100% of the time.
Not a whole lot of people even have the expensive infusions.
I’m not blind, but its really hard to see some animations on smaller bosses when trying to skillfully dodge attacks, especially when he is smothered in fire, light, fire, torment, fire, did I mention fire? Oh and guardians fire is the worst offender.
Please stop hating my eyes anet. (and fingers, but that’s another battle to be fought)
All there is to it is tagging mobs, hijacking a catapult sometimes, and this really poses no challenge. Not to mention that its bugged out, and we have no idea how many blooms we are SUPPOSED to get, as well as not getting any for possibly days/weeks.
Bad job arenanet. Simply really bad job.
So many mobs spawning….
Enough is enough. Get your kitten straight anet, and start making outfits and armor that don’t clip through basic anatomy like an early year 2000 video game.
I was grinding downed players down and cleaving their revivers…. Its in a good spot imo.
my bet is aegis, and projectile blocking