the thing is, i dont want to rely in an entire traitline to deal with condis.
The weaver Unravel hexes must be fixed and clear all kind of conditions.
Yes but ppl sometimes choose 3 trait lines to make their condies stronger.
Very few, if any classes sacrifice much for condies, A lot of times people take one or two trait lines for one trait, then maximize survivability and let gear do the rest.
In this current meta, toughness, condies , the duration, and ease of application are what make builds.
Currently, people have more flexability when building for condies, and a lot less for clearing or dealing with them.I don’t agree with the notion that Arcane is going to offer more condi cleanse in this expac either, especially since their is going to be much more boon hate, and much more boon denial. Depending on your rotation that cleansing is not going to work against the speed at which conditions are re-applied.
Boon conversion are going to be brought more into the forefront too, which means more condi spam.
The condi spam will be real, since now everyone spams it on almost every ability.
This is gonna be a bad time.
I feel like all the Renegade hate. The look flipping epic. AND I feel people who say it is unfinished just went into a map and pressed 1. I feel it is one of the most finished of the classes.
Found the revenant player.
So general consensus is renegade is lowest rated, clunky af, and poorly designed.
Good job devs
I paid money for this, and its visibly broken.
its a mini-game just to keep them cleared.
You arnt supposed to be able to clear them all all the time.
You arent supposed to be able to stack burning to 3k with only auto attacks, but here we are
For example, if there is some AFK player, or DC player, the opposing team has the opportunity to volunteer to “sit” the match, getting a bonus or something for doing it.
This would balance out the problem of afkers or people that DC/ragequit.
(this would also require an afk checking system)
This is the experience of most people this season, someone borked up their Matchmaking algorithm or something, it’s been a really bad season.
yes conditions have to be presure damage over time and… there couldnt be classes that are efectively inmune to condis and others that can perpetual cleanse them… if condi cleanses are so abundant condis needs to be bursty to be a thing… to fix condis first have to fix availavility of condi cleanses and condi inmunitys
I’m more than happy to give up the massive condi cleanse we have for the condi spam to stop.
So many classes apply multiple condis at once, its a mini-game just to keep them cleared.
Dot’s should never be bursty. The damage should be spread overtime, 2 ticks shouldn’t kill you, and if it does, it needs to be fixed.
Burn damage scaling needs to be reduced by 20-30%
Poison traits need to be switched to bleed traits, as poison already has an effect of reduced healing. It does not make sense for poison to be able to tick for 3k + an additional effect.
Lets just put it this way. If I were trying to get someone to play the game, and showed them renegade as the class they should play, they would laugh at me and never give this game a second thought.
I cant even fathom how they allow this to happen. Especially how bad balance is rn
yes, yes it does. I have no idea why they thought not adding a mainhand was a good idea.. Hell.. warriors got two new weapons.
A little surprised that we didnt get a mainhand, seems short-sighted and bad.
We only have 1 option for mainhand condi dps.
Would that be because of, but not limited to:
- better mobilitymost of my guardian playtime was from playing bunker guard during the old zoo meta when spirit ranger and dhuumfire made everything awful. the build back then had no mobility at all
- better active defense through blocks and invul
well yes, that was what the old bunker guard build was all about, you mostly ran in circles trying to block stuff with mace while healing yourself and removing conditions with shouts
- higher burst damage
it’s been a long time but i remember staff auto being pretty weak
- inherent higher toughness through heavy armor
armor class has never mattered
- better utility skills (either through lower cooldown or no downside like self harm corruption skills)
if you’re using corruption skills and you’ve got no way to transfer them you dun goofed
woo boy, dis guy.
kittening terrible is what i think.
Of all the classes I’ve played, necro still feels like it has the least tools at its disposal. without shroud for scourge, I suspect it will not be a good time..
No get out of jail free cards. No blocks, no immunities, no evades, lack of blinds without using a huge cd, or weird weapon combos.
Lack of movement abilities (that are reliable, see below)
Our teleport is severely lacking (wurm should be insta teleport, spawning the wurm at the teleport’s location, or where we teleported from)
Our swiftness comes from an offensive ability, so we don’t get to use it for most of its usefulness (wh5) (suggestion: make wh 5 swiftness and +small insta life force gain, add locust swarm to wh4)
Here comes the “necros are fine” posts. Sure.. they are… but it’s one of the most frustrating things to play sometimes. It’s about fun, right?
…right guys?
(they will also nerf glint lol)
Core rev is too squishy, and we rely too greatly on glint heal + shield.
All around:
Less energy costs
Road would spawn in front of you, instead of reticle activated.
Holy kitten what a mess.
And to top it they get the lamest weapon of all.. Shortbow.
Survivability is poor, burst potention is no where near thief or DH.
Abilities are clunky
No build diversity.
Several weapons are laughably bad (hammer)
It’s pretty crappy they are selling at 2 BLT each, but to also not have an achievement which returns some BLT to you… is pretty bad
It was most likely marketing money, so now you will most likely see more gw2 ads.
Which this game could honestly use. For a AAA title this game has about as much advertising as a steam game.
Gw2 isnt a AAA title though.
You are surprised? I’ve seen this coming since November:(
I saw it when ESL became a thing. I believe my words were “The game is so unbalanced atm, why are they pushing any type of esports?”
And here we are.
Bad management, poor design choices, a lack of vision from the game director, and a lack of proper communication.
It FEELS like people at anet are just lazy, I know thats not the case (well I hope, at least), because they hardly get anything done., and when they do it’s a mess.
I want to point out as someone who has worked in customer service that your first block of text is very off putting. It is one thing to rant but it is very hard to be taken seriously when you come off as frustrated because frustration clouds any real sense. With that said, I’ll try and offer what I can to help.
As someone who has worked in customer service for over 10+ years. I call bullkitten.
Stop letting your emotions rule your thought process. Ignore the emotions, look at the facts and use your brain.
I would hate to have you as my CSR when I call/email/chat.
Completely unacceptable, your matchmaking sucks.
buff Reaper Shroud so it’s actually a DPS form you build up life form for.
You would have to more or less double the power damage modifiers on Reaper Shroud then. Reaper Shroud only clocks in at about a 18k~ benchmark.
It needs to happen, even if only for PvE or reduced effect in PvP.
Shroud takes time to build and is a resource just like adrenaline or energy, and yet its use in PvP is as a glorified turtle form that costs you DPS. No other class even pays such a substantial amount of DPS to gain access to defenses.
And it’s not like DS/RS are free, necromancer heals are utter garbage precisely because DS/RS exist.
Shroud should come with a damage payoff, you pull out a big godkitten ed scythe and it turns out it only tickles.
whole-heartidly agree with this. Our defenses should be in non-shroud, and shroud should be a big dps boost imo.
To be honest the only way they’d do that is by removing the health bar from shroud. I’d be all for this if it meant we got a big damage boost and defensive utilities (spectral armour = invuln pls anet).
That would be kinda cool if shroud had its own utilities.
buff Reaper Shroud so it’s actually a DPS form you build up life form for.
You would have to more or less double the power damage modifiers on Reaper Shroud then. Reaper Shroud only clocks in at about a 18k~ benchmark.
It needs to happen, even if only for PvE or reduced effect in PvP.
Shroud takes time to build and is a resource just like adrenaline or energy, and yet its use in PvP is as a glorified turtle form that costs you DPS. No other class even pays such a substantial amount of DPS to gain access to defenses.
And it’s not like DS/RS are free, necromancer heals are utter garbage precisely because DS/RS exist.
Shroud should come with a damage payoff, you pull out a big godkitten ed scythe and it turns out it only tickles.
whole-heartidly agree with this. Our defenses should be in non-shroud, and shroud should be a big dps boost imo.
(edited by Kahrgan.7401)
Disregarding pinging Epidemics, which would require two Necs, Power DPS benchmark is higher than Condi since the Jagged Horror nerf.
I just tried rotations with all buffs 4mln large golem – power got me 26.5k, condi got me 24.1k.
that being said, condi dps didnt account for thorn rune bonus – with it condi would outdps power. add epidemic and you get a huge dps difference.bonus info: because gs auto had reduced aftercasts, it got me 2k more dps than rotating between dagger and shroud! actually camping gs is now better
Ye, when I was doing my dps tests a while back I came to the conclusion that using dagger, shroud or any combination of them results in a dps loss regardless of the rotational configuration. Camping GS is top dps.
Compared to 36k thief, or 39k ele :P thats still a significant difference.
bloodstone warhorn has a unique sound as well.
Currently sitting at the lowest. Keep SPVP dmg where it is, thats fine. I just want to not be told I cant play my necro because of poor balancing.
Simply put, for how much burn does in dmg, guardians can stack it up too high too fast.
inb4 guardians defend it.
Doesnt matter if anet reads this anyway, or agrees/disagrees with it. They seem to not give a flying fart about making balance changes.
Also, hi guardians :P I hate you, your pull, and how much defense you have for how much dmg you can do.
- Necro is not the least used class in WvW, you could even say that it is where necro have had it’s nich the whole time. Necro has been meta in this game mode since ages.
cant speak for that, dont WVW.
- Necro is one of the few profession that have no problem finding a place in high level fractal. Granted that dungeon are a thing of the past, the original thread is wrong on this point as well.
scrub yolo runs, sure. They don’t do good dmg though. Somewhere between 7-15k less than some other classes
- Between the original post and now, condition damages have had a revolution. At the moment conditions damages are far from being “bad”. You could even say that condition damage is almost balanced atm.
And was heavily nerfed, leaving it crippled compared to say… condi ranger, hell even condi warrior.
(edited by Kahrgan.7401)
I like my rev too, till i start playing it. The idea is good, but the execution is abhorrent.
The developers are really doing a poor job.
Guys dont tell him lol, whatRyadooinyagoobs
Wait … the same ‘problems’ as 4 years ago … anyone ever think some or all of these ‘problems’ are just intended deficiencies of the class? Probably not ay?
With no immunities and a somewhat unreliable source of stability fora a class with limited mobility.. A blink that has to be pre cast and can be killed,
Yeah i see exactly what youre trying to say /s
Please don’t raise a 3 years old thread back from the mists… People will think that you are a necro if you do that.
You know what’s funny I started reading original post and most of what he says still Rings True to this day even after 3 years
Emperor Palpatine says howdy!
White skin, Celestial hair, White glow, Shadow Abyss Arcane Outfit, Fresh Air (eg Lightning-based) Staff Elementalist. For obvious reasons.
made me lol, the emperor title is the icing on the cake.
dh has no place in competitive play and is absolutely dominating in pub games, especially when 2-3 of them are stacked. so the dh class design fails across the board.
Smells a lot like old school turret engi to me
It’s pretty much the same, OP, and easy to play.
Time to make some money anet.
inb4 personal story
inb4 it cant happen
inb4 trolling
inb4 inb4
Another example of a poor matchmaking system. And in this example, no one can force the necros to swap to another class, and none of them wanted to.
And yet it was still fairly close at 434 vs 500. Either of the duos on your team might have been a predetermined victory. Pretty poor example.
It doesnt matter, it shouldnt happen.
This should not happen. Who thought this was a good idea? Stop waiting till the end of season and fix it now.
When I finally die of a heart attack from how kittened this season has been, im haunting you from my grave.
DH traps are the easiest and lamest dmg mechanic in the game and need to be removed/nerfed
Also, you can cast one of the dmging traps WHILE DODGING/kd/kb/ or stunned. Absolutely ridiculous.
If they just get rid of the passive endure pain all together, it would still be a strong team fighting class, but not able to stand in zergs with the enemy unable to do anything to them for 30 seconds (ish). That’s simply too much.
I don’t trust you to make good judgements on the state of this class if you think that endure pain allows warriors to stand in zergs for 30 seconds (ish) without having anything happen to them. Even if that’s hyperbole, you’re sending the wrong message.
Endure pain util, endure pain trait proc, shield block, mace 2 block, and dodges. Thats about 30 seconds.
Relax, and think about what someone said before you get all up in arms.
They just need a survivabilty bump.
Unrelenting assault is still bugged (doesnt trigger after cast sometimes).
I think the bigger issue is that certain classes have too much dmg for how survivable they are (cough war,dh)
Staff is a crappy weapon, the AA is complete kitten. Staff 2 is too slow, and undependable. Staff 4 should be instant, not cast. I agree that staff 5 dmg nerf wasnt really needed.
Im speaking about is as someone who is looking at the total picture. And im not shy or ashamed so i will do the same thing. S1/2/3 Legend, Gold3 atm but was as high as top 150 in this current leader board with a Plat 2 rating. Someone who was ranked in the old old leader board for team and solo que.
Warrior is not as useful as other classes.In a 5 vs 5 no matter if class stacking is allowed or not you wont typically need a warrior. It doesnt give team healing, team boons, it has poor sustain outside of its 2 stances.
This thread is is suggesting to taking away the very last thing warrior has to even be usable in PvP.My talking about ranger was because at low levels it works and high levels it works. You cant say the same thing for the rest of the classes.Im sorry there are bad players getting instantly bursted to warriors because they dont know what to look for which will happen no matter what class they are facing.
They can be kited, which lowers their sustain, but the problem a lot of us have with warriors is the amount of -passives- they have. Having an immunity to dmg on a toggled ability is 100% fine imo, but having it on a passive that can then be chained with the same exact ability, AND then shield block which reflects if your build has it.
It’s too much.
If they just get rid of the passive endure pain all together, it would still be a strong team fighting class, but not able to stand in zergs with the enemy unable to do anything to them for 30 seconds (ish). That’s simply too much.
Look at necros, they are the “beat the kitten out of this because they cant do anything about it” and get trained down all the time. “focus necro” is the first thing i see in a match most times.
DH on the other hand.. eh, dmg is too high for the amount of survivability tools they have at their disposal. How to fix them? idk, maybe lower dmg on traps, or change them to utility only.
Implement “There are a lot of necros queued currently, in order to get a balanced game, consider swapping to another class” Make it work like the volunteer system, give a bonus for swapping.
I’ve been in 2 games so far this season with 4 thieves on my team and none have swapped.
I think the OP has some really good suggestions. I would support all of them.
I think Season 5 is the worst season so far. Winning and loosing should not be the only thing that affects your MMR in a team game.
I agree.
Wait for mid to become a clusterkitten then gs2 away.
Interupt. Stun. Interupt. Knockback. Daze. Interupt.
Good luck against good players.