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Would You Fight To Reclaim Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Well, the whole “Lore going from human centered” Could just as easily be explained as “Now we are looking at heroes from all races, not just humanity”…

Genderless small races in games

in Asura

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


I think the reason most “small” races tend to be better engineers/scientists/etc is because… well, their size.

Remember how they described as Asura farmer as sitting on the fence/under the shade with his golem control gauntlet, while the golem did the plowing? Stuff like that. It’s harder to have a small race be taken as seriously and on equal grounds as others in terms of strength, maybe even agility. A Norn or a Charr you can see hefting around several big logs at once, or tackling an orge/Jotun and causing damage. An Asura… it’s just hard to picture. So they give the small races the intelligence bonus so when they take down those big enemies, it’s because they did it smartly (or had built something bigger then themselves and had it take down the enemy).

Course, it would be rather interesting to see a ‘larger’ race of scientists/engineers (strong, but not really focused on it) with a small race (maybe not strong) who is capable of taking down most foes. Maybe through agility, hitting fast and often while avoiding attacks.

Course, the focus of having everything be attractive is bad. Example being like WoW (Worgen, etc) all having very human like qualities. Compare to the Charr where Anet went “You know, these aren’t humans. We are going to design the females to match the race, the culture, and the ‘style’ of being they are based from.” And boom, we got awesome charr females who are just as tough, look good, but also have unique things separating them from the males. (fluffy tale being the main one :P)

I’ll gladly take more races approached like the Charr then the WoW Worgens or other races (WoW seems to have that a LOT. Males range from decent to ugly/huge, while females are almost always done up sexualized/emphasis on certain areas.)

Lack of Sylvari Armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


I’ve got quite a few sylvari (five of them…) and I’d love to see more sylvari styled clothes, even if I need gems to get them. Some of the TA armor is a bit odd IMO and I wouldn’t go through all the trouble to get it, and the cultural is nice but some of the sets I just don’t like- i.e. Tier 1 Light armor

When looking at plant armor for my sylvari (former thief, remade into ranger) I was at first going to go for TA (I liked it best). Then I started looking and went “Actually, you know what? Tier 2 isn’t so bad for female sylvari medium. Ditch the helm and maybe the shoulders and it’s rather decent!”

New Asura in Living Story

in Asura

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


I can answer that one, she does indeed have an animation for entering scruffy. A while ago it was posted as a gif on reddit, but I cant track it down. Basically, she hops on the canopy, taps three times on it and it vanishes, so she falls into the seat.

found it and also watched ingame. Though the ingame one had her disappear and the panel remain disappeared for a while. (Probably just visual lag on my end). Very neat and it’s nice they actually had that. Now I’m curious if there is an animation for her getting out lol.

Would You Fight To Reclaim Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Wynne is a descendent of the Kurzicks—an ethnic group from Cantha. She has no ascalonian blood or heritage.

Like my noble character. Kurzick noble family which migrated to Kryta from Cantha sometime around/before the purging of non-humans, has Noble status due to wealth and their influence they’ve gained over time.

Frankly their views on Charr are neutral. Hell, they were semi-neutral to Luxons (besides in cases of luxons directly attacking them), so they’d treat elements of Charr culture like that. “We’ll tolerate you and all, but once you attack us we’ll smack you down. You only, your neighbors don’t really have any part in this.” :P But Jennah completely breaking character and attacking the Charr (after so strongly working for the peace treaty) would cause backlash from the family at least. Maybe even the ancestor who still wanders around at times.

That’s really just the kicker on this. The percent of total humans wanting to continue the war/‘retake’ Ascalon are small compared to the rest of the nation. I think even if ministers wanted to do the opposite of Jennah just to spite her, they’d be unable to get the votes for a war.

I completely fail to see how GW2 disregards GW1 at all. Or how it retcons “Entire sections of the lore”.

Well, it certainly “disregards” quite a bit of it. But it did not “retcon entire sections of the lore”. Those two are very different things. I’ll use Tobias’ words: you’ll have to be more specific.

I’ve heard of people kittening about the GW2 changing the lore/ignoring parts of it, or completely changing elements.

I’ve never heard any real in depth explaining of it, but from my experience I’ve seen… none of it. At least none that CANNOT be labeled as a “Well, these individual people don’t know any better but we do because we have an outside view of the events.” The main one I heard about dealt with magic, yet ignored that 250ish years is a long time with plenty of chances for change.

That’s why I said it, I see it mentioned but never explained.

Armor designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


The point was not “TOO MUCH SKIMPY ARMOR!” The point was “Man, the male version of that looks really nice. Wish I could have that look on my female character.”

Phalanx heavy, for example. Or the Duelist coat(exotic duelist/named). Or temple armor for light armor class.

As well as the fact some simply don’t even look like they are the same set. Phalanx again being a good example.

Hmm sorry I guess there are so many threads right now talking about armor designs that I mix their original points up. So my bad.

And yes I agree that some differences between sexes are so big they don’t even look like they are the same armor.

No problem. I can see how the confusion could start. Most of the time it’s not so much (for me) “Ugh, the female armor is so exposing!” and more of a “Oh wow, I’d love that coat.” It’s how I fixed encountered temple armor. Somebody posted a picture of their male sylvari wearing it, I asked what it was, then when I looked up pictures of it noticed females didn’t get the coat.

To the other guy, yes. If the female phalanx looked like the male (or had an option to) I’d be tempted to purchase it myself.

Lack of Sylvari Armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Very disappointed in the lack of leafy pieces as well. I hope one day they listen.
3 choices per armor type and billions of human-oriented armor in the rest of the game… shake my head

Can you really call them “Human oriented”? More like “General cloth, leather, and chainmail/plate armors.”

Also, you are forgetting that the TA dungeon armor (twilight arbor) are plant based as well.

Yes, it’d be nice to see more styles, especially given how some Sylvari mention “growing” their own armor. But calling every other set “human oriented!” is just… misguided IMO.

Armor designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Anet provides them ?
It’s incredible how so many people focus on 4 armor sets and make it a generality by saying that this game has too many revealing armor. (Medium Human T3, Light Feathered, Champion and [url=]Conjurer[/url]).

If you are talking about me, I fully understand there are a lot of practical looking/fully covering options.

The point was not “TOO MUCH SKIMPY ARMOR!” The point was “Man, the male version of that looks really nice. Wish I could have that look on my female character.”

Phalanx heavy, for example. Or the Duelist coat(exotic duelist/named). Or temple armor for light armor class.

As well as the fact some simply don’t even look like they are the same set. Phalanx again being a good example.

Armor designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


A lot of armor in this game lose their potential due to how they are rendered in the game. Most of them should look light and flowing yet all of them look like they weigh a ton and are almost as rigid as steel.

Krytan, Primeval, and Profane are directly based off of (and pretty darn close to) GW1 armors of the same name. Profane might be the most different but Primeval is spot on and Krytan is VERY close.

I never understood why the chose Profane…It wasn’t a set really loved by anyone. Even 15k Profane would have been better.

They could’ve gone with a Canthan/factions set. Krytan for proph, Primeval for nightfall, and a light armor from one of the spellcasters from factions.

Armor designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


I never played gw1 but after looking at the armor sets from that game it makes me sad. I very much hope we get some of those sets here eventually.

There’s Krytan actually, from the gemstore, which looks a lot like the collectors armor from prophecies.

But I agree, I’d like some of them in GW2

Krytan, Primeval, and Profane are directly based off of (and pretty darn close to) GW1 armors of the same name. Profane might be the most different but Primeval is spot on and Krytan is VERY close.

Would You Fight To Reclaim Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


What about the Iron Forgeman?

IIRC, they refer to him as either Dredge made or Inquest made. Which may be true that one faction or the other REBUILT it, the Iron Forgeman’s legacy is being built by the stone summit. Still, it’s something you can chalk up to “They don’t know any better.”

Sylvari are not Mary Sues. Infact, I’ve never seen them as such. They can’t be corrupted, not a very ‘sue’ trait considering instead they just die horribly. Traeherne holds a lot of respect from the orders. Sure, we don’t know exactly why perhaps, but he’s elevated to the position because each group trusts him and it forms an equality. Note that he often goes to the Commander (player) for advice, or the order officers he has with him. He doesn’t just suddenly become a military genius. Yes, could’ve been done better but he’s hardly as kittenome paint him. He never takes credit for the player actions, he asks advice for the areas he is not that great in (Holy kitten, a leader asking for advice, KILL HIM!)

Ascalanions are portrayed as proud, if not stubborn. However Ebonhawke is a large portion of the Ascalon nation survivors and they accept the peace treaty. Their system (humanity) IS frail. Especially compared to WHAT IT ONCE WAS. Once it was not a single nation under threat, it was 3 proud nations, each holding their own and living decently. Then Ascalon got hit by the searing, Orr sunk, and Kryta went under siege by undead and the king left(proph, then the White Mantle business). Elona was, again, a proud trio of nations. Now Vabbi is desolate (IIRC), and Kourna and Istan are under Joko’s thumb. Cantha was a nation that was recovering from a nasty period (factions timeline and GW beyond winds of change), and a pro-human emperor came to power and kicked everybody else out.

So yeah, forgive them for properly showing the last “Known intact” human nation (compared to at least 7, 9 if you include Kurzick and Luxon as separate nations) as being weakened and frail compared to it’s former glory. Humans nuked their nations twice in a row? Do explain unless you mean Orr (Abbaddon influenced) and FoeFire (crazy king, was crazy in GW1… hence the whole “leaving Ascalon bit”) The Capital is not under siege at all times. In the start of the personal story, and never again. The nearby village of beetletun has trouble with a smallish group of Centaurs, but otherwise it’s areas away from DR. Centaurs are not “Way inferior” Infact, they are more dangerous now then in GW1 as they Tyria tribes are united under a single warchief. Also you know, siege engineers don’t typically fit into “Way inferior barbarians”

Scarlet is smart, but I don’t see her as a Mary Sue. That’s a different debate though. Humanity, IIRC, helped make the airships. I’ll check but I recall that it was "Charr, Asura, and human tech. Yeah, humanity helped get the airships flying. Totally meaning their “ONLY” recent tech advance was the watchknights. right!

The original prototypes were of charr design, but with the formation of the Pact and the offensive in Orr, other races, particularly the humans and asura, were able to contribute their own ingenuity, and the airships became somewhat emblematic of the Pact and the struggle against the Elder Dragons.

I think just having humanity stay on the high ground would be a foolish “AU” and unrealistic. There are plenty of threats that’d weaken that area. Joko, centaurs, Zhaitan’s Rise, extremists in Cantha… Even if Kryta wasn’t threatened by Centaurs, it’d be a shadow of the former glory of humanity in Tyria.

Charr have to have the best story development. Why? They were basically furry orcs in GW1 pre-EOTN. There wasn’t anything to them, they appeared savage yet cunning and just an overwhelming force to beat down the human kingdoms because they got lucky.

So we’re going from paper-thin to something more fleshed out. Of course they have strong development.

A very good point. We learned a bit about the Norn and Asura in EOTN. Charr we just barely started scratching the surface. So of course a race that formerly held the “Kill every one in sight because they’ll want to kill you and dance on your burnt body” will have a very strong development compared to humans who we’ve dealt with before majorly, and Norn or Asura who we learned a bit of because we worked closely with them.

Would You Fight To Reclaim Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Well I could find loads of redux’s that are general considered failures if you want. The medium doesn’t really matter all that much, art is art.

What does this have to do with the topic of lore in the game? So far they’ve kept the required retroactive continuity fixes to a minimum developing the current Tyria. There are precious few yet which truly break things in terms of the previous accounted story.

And most of those are minor details at best. I am having trouble coming up with more than one (“Glint was a dragon champion”) which reshaped how I could look back at the events of Guild Wars 1.

What did Glint tell me?

You’ll need to be more specific about when. At the first meeting, when speaking to her vision, or later?

Hell, the “Glint was a dragon champion” Matched her showing in GW1 perfectly. Or does everybody forget that her lair was completely and utterly covered in crystals, filled with crystal beings (the crystal spiders), and even her appearance was crystalline? And they went and pointed out she purposefully betrayed/went against Kralk and worked to help the humans, to the point in Edge of Destiny that she KNEW she would die if Kralk wasn’t killed then, and maybe EVEN if he was.

Magic seems to be one that’s brought up, but that’s 250 years of change to the world and how people approach things. I honestly can’t think of any TRUE retcons to GW1 or pointless changes to the lore GW2 has done. Now I might not know everything about the lore for both ends but I love the GW lore and feel like I’d notice something drastic changing.

Heck, GW2 goes to even having one or two PVP maps referenced in the PVE world as ruins while exploring. Some things which COULD be taken as retcons or false can at the same time be viewed as misinformation or lack of the true sources by the characters in question (I think Sorrow’s Embrace has this about the Iron Forgeman) As we personally know what happened while they obviously do not.

New Asura in Living Story

in Asura

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Well, Taimi apparently is Zojja’s charge/apprentice. With her parents dead and Zojja being the role-model…

Course, her approach is completely different to everybody else. Braham, Rox, Marjory and Kasmeer have been through (at least Braham and Rox from the start) most if not all of Scarlet’s previous actions and attacks. Taimi wasn’t involved in those so she’s not looking at things with a “What will this do to us in a hostile manner!”

Still, I agree with the hope she doesn’t become a mary sue (anymore then perhaps all Asura are by nature… that intellect and all). I’ve been curious if they have an animation for her climbing inside Scruffy or if they just swap the models out real quick.

Armor designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Uhm yeah and magic is just as real huh? Come on u can try as hard as u want, it’s about aesthetical matters, not realistic. Play wargames if u like it that much. Or many other mmos which allow full armors only.
By the way doesn’t GW include the armor very much in ur so wished logical aspect, since Skills and traits and runes etc. are weighted a lot. Besides u would be a lot slower with ur armor, than being in leather and how do you explain that a mesmer has less speed (and speedbuff) than a warrior/guardian? Even though he’s only wearing cloth. THAT is unrealistic.

I’m not talking for “realism” You are clearly missing the point entirely.

Infact, your post (and the other guys) strikes to me as you are basically going “Oh, it’s a fantasy game therefore we MUST have skimpy, sexualized female armor.”

I’m talking about LOOKS only. For some of those ‘skimpy’ armors to have an option to use the more sensible look over the sexy one. Oh, and frankly, the idea of full plate heavily hindering movement is a myth. A fit, trained person used to plate armor will be able to move just like a normal person. Maybe hindered slightly in flexibility, but movement would not be harmed. A mesmer who probably doesn’t work out as much would actually be slower then a warrior or guardian who spends massive amounts of time exercising and keeping in top shape.

If I was talking realism, I’ll call for siege golems to be immune to damage outside of explosives as they are basically solid metal (good luck slashing that with your sword!) or grenades or hammer blows to instantly deal heavy damage or death. I am not however, I’m talking purely looks.

The point, explicitly so you hopefully cannot miss it. "Some armors, especially medium (fewer in light or heavy) have a decent male look, while the female is obviously meant to be attractive/sexy. I would like an option for the FEMALE characters using this armor to have a button to select between the “Sensible” and the “sexy” look. I am not saying to rework armor systems or remove the current armor designs."

Would You Fight To Reclaim Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


I’d love to reclaim Ascalon (and I never even played GW1) but it’s pretty clear the devs don’t like humans much.

Not really. It’s more like a realistic viewpoint. Charr gained strength from including the females back to the ranks. Humanity has taken many major blows. Kryta is semi-secure, but they hardly have the forces to warrant ANOTHER big war with the Charr or any other race then they already are fighting.

I completely fail to see how GW2 disregards GW1 at all. Or how it retcons “Entire sections of the lore”.

Armor designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


I don’t mind people who use the more exposing armor styles. However in my mind there is a thing called “Functional/practical”

Fantasy game is fantasy.
Going in to combat with an exposed face is about as practical as going in to combat with an exposed torso. If you want realism a game with dragons and plant people probably isn’t your best option.

There is a difference between “Hey, I’m not meant to be hit but I’m going to wear a full leather armor” and “Hey, I’m not meant to be hit much, but I’m going to leave half my torso exposed so a single hit will gut me easily.”

There is a difference between “Realism” and “An option to toggle between practical /semi-practical and ‘fantasy/sexy’ for people who prefer it one way or the other”

Going into combat with most of your body covered but your head is more practical then going into combat with a giant chunk of your torso completely bare. Not hating on the designs at all, it’s just how I feel. Just because we have dragons and plant people and a race of mole-men doesn’t mean we can’t have sensible armor.

Armor designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


I think there needs to be more armor for females that doesn’t subject their bodies in a sexual manner- it would be mind blowing.
More armors that look better on Charr and Asura as well- maybe even a little more design between male and female- not much but just small touches here and there.

All in all I would love more fur armors that are Norn related- but nothing skimpy- who wears armor that shows mid drift in -10 degree weather? What’s that point of wearing long sleeves if your breasts, abs, or back are partially are showing?
AN overall redesign needs to be done. But I don’t see it happening.

With the Norn that’s a cultural and physical thing. They produce a LOT of body heat from their normal activities. It’s why they show so much skin in their normal outfits. It’s why their designs toe the line between “Exposed skin to the max” and “Functional” Braham’s heavy armor suits them perfectly for heavy armor.

Tier 2 medium toes the line, but I think it works for them.

Armor designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


And why should this only be female exclusive? Male characters should also have a more revealing options. Stop with these double standards. Why should every female set look more like the male version? Why not the other way around?

I don’t mind people who use the more exposing armor styles. However in my mind there is a thing called “Functional/practical”

Tier 3 human medium female is impractical and not functional for a close quarters combatant. Hence why I won’t use it at all.

It almost sounds like you are trying to paint me in some sort of sexist manner, forgive me if that is incorrect. But HELL, if people playing male characters TRULY wanted that and it was made to look decent (Again, tier 3 female medium human cultural swapped to male would look ridiculous lol), why not?

Genderless small races in games

in Asura

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


The problem is some have the smaller races, and those races get the ‘sexy’ option, yet physically they are very much like humans. Halflings from D&D sometimes get this.

IIRC, there was a HUGE debate and disgust about some recent MMO (I forget the name exactly) which had what seemed like very sexualized animations for female characters (armor was a given) and then one race basically looked physically like human children of a young age. And they got the sexualized swaying and such as well.

So yes, sometimes ‘small’ races get smacked with that whether it is warranted or not. Asura are sufficiently different from human children that it’s unneeded. Playing small races is no worse then playing huge races.

New Asura in Living Story

in Asura

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


I find Taimi to be awesome. She’s got a tiny bit of hero worship toward Scarlet but at the same time she understands Scarlet is mad/a danger. Her method of moving about (riding ontop of scruffy, her golem, though if you use the camera to clip within scruffy’s front you see a seat behind the ‘faceplate’) fits Asura so well and I think it’d be a neat thing for say, warriors. Ride on shoulder/within golem (Taimi jumps inside Scruffy for combat) and they do the weapon attacks.

Also, she’s actually more like a teenager for Asura. She’s not nearly as tiny as progeny are, but not quite to full grown Asura size yet.

Lack of Sylvari Armor

in Sylvari

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Another matter related to medium armour, also plagues the cultural armour, mainly all have that longcoat design to them. Meaning I currently run the ‘ninja’ pants and vest to get another feel to my Sylvari.

IIRC, the medium tier 2 for Sylvari doesn’t (at least for females). It was actually my contender. Either TA medium or Tier 2 cultural for her plant armor.

I feel they could definitely use more ‘plantish’ choices, if not simply for town clothing (Lots of civilian Sylvari wearing a range of plant clothing unavailable for players as far as I know), of course, that’s true for almost every race concerning town clothing.

Armor designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


If you don’t like the way the cultural armour looks, either don’t buy it or if you want the stats, transmute another look onto it. Is that a waste? I don’t think so, if the look isn’t what you’re going for.

And if you want male armour you should get a male character

The cultural armor I’m going to buy is the types I like. Namely, Tier 3 heavy human (female warrior) and maybe parts of tier 3 asura (male mesmer). I’ve got the full tier 2 medium Norn set with tier 3 medium shoulders (female ranger. Felt it fit her and the Norn style.. Though I wouldn’t mind pants with it :P)

It’s not so much “I want male armor” but some sets are… drastically different. Example. Female phalanx. It’s not bad. Infact, it’s somewhat decent compared to some fantasy female armors. Male phalanx. It’s an awesome looking heavy plate armor. Helm is semi-iffy but liveable. However…

Male and Female don’t have any real traits that link them together as “This is obviously the same set.”

Alright…. realising you that you are not asking to remove the set as it currently is (I would be completely and utterly against that) but for an option for the “same” set with a somewhat different look, I am not going to hate on this too much.

But I still think that instead of reworking what we already have, they should add new sets. I would even be happy with reworks of GW1 armor above reskins of GW2 armor. I would definitely like a tier or 2 more of cultural.

Yeah, I am definitely not suggesting any armor sets be removed. Plenty of people like certain looks whether I agree with them or not. I do kinda like your idea though. Adding in certain GW1 sets as bonuses (They had plenty that were okay either way). Or even GW1 npc armors (Like White Mantle, example off top of head… or GW1 ebon vanguard! loved that look).

Unsure how they’d work more tiers for cultural, unless it was something like “Tier 1 has two sets, tier 2 likewise, etc” and add in another trio for each race. Doable I suppose if they wanted to.

Would You Fight To Reclaim Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


To go a step further, the charr have no qualms with humans who recognize their authority. Only the ghostly ones and the bat kitten crazy ones.

If you can respect you’re in charr land, the top brass has no problem with humans in Ascalon.

That says nothing for the old culture (both people have those within that can’t stand one and other)…

But officially, all races are encouraged to come to Ascalon and the Black Citadel to spend their money.

Have a good time, etc. You see all types in the Black Citadel, adventurers, weary travelers, etc.

Many multiracial organizations such as the orders have operations within Ascalon and the Black Citadel and they are allowed without exclusion.

The treaty with the Ebonhawke humans granted them that swath of land and the charr have honored their word, even going so far as to help the humans with the ogres and other threats in the area.

It would just be supremely stupid for humanity to go LOL STOOPID CHARR GIB BCK ASCALON and decide to shatter that peace and built up trust over a lost cause.

When in fact for all that’s been done, we have solace in that we won a place in Ascalon that the charr are willing to recognize.

The queen would never be so foolish.

There is a situation with two humans near the North gate of the Black Citadel. I don’t know if there is anything before the part I’ve seen, but it’s two humans and an Adamant guard. The humans were surprised a Charr came to their rescue and he basically went “Inside this city, EVERYBODY follows the rules. No matter the race.” And you can IIRC, find a fair number of humans, Norn, Sylvari, and maybe an Asura or two within their one ‘bar’ area. True, it’s mostly populated by the gladium Charr (IIRC again) but still, it’s an area with a fair number of non-Charr with no violence.

The Priory has a decently large camp in the one region besides the ruined temple (where the Shatterer fight is, South of the fight along the dragonbrand) and there are actually very few Charr within the camp (Priory charr). In the one section Ebon Vanguard and Charr are working together against the ogres (the heart is you helping them work together). The most racial conflict is the old grudges of Charr vs Ebon Vanguard, but even that is quickly simmering down. Otherwise, there really isn’t any major “faction” wars. It’s why I laughed when somebody was saying the best thing in WoW was sneaking into the enemy capitals and killing NPCs/players, and GW2 should have that!

I quickly pointed out at best you’d have Charr vs Ebonhawke and that’s it. Cause the Charr really have no gripe with anybody bar those who attack them.

Hell, Jennah technically IS the one person in all of Tyria who can break the foefire. She just has to get Rurik’s blade (I’m unsure if Alberns blade would work, forgive spelling) and travel to the heart of the Foefire and I think do some ritual. But it would banish the ghosts, forever.

The ‘people’ of Ascalon in Kryta (Ascalon settlement, some in DR) are insanely stubborn and clinging to ancient beliefs and hatreds. As the one minister says to the other (Who I think is kinda against the peace treaty) “The searing is ancient history, get over it.” Humans in general don’t have the manpower. In the people of Ascalon Settlement (who can’t afford to make trouble with their centaur neighbors already attacking them) tried something, they’d be wiped out.

Hell, as you say (quoted guy), they let them settle that swath of land (though it has it’s threats, they are working together). My iron legion charr Engineer In-character is the exact same way. She’s perfectly fine with the idea of humans settling around Ebonhawke. So long as they don’t cause trouble and don’t attack the legions, what’s the deal?

Armor designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Have you seen T3 Norn Cultural?
When you have, then look at T3 Light and Heavy.

The female one? Yes. Infact, I was going to get it but then decided it was too impractical, even for Norn. My Norn is now happily in Braham’s heavy armor, which I feel is perfect for Norn.

Armor designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Now, I’m fine with most of the armor designs, however certain ones… bug me.

I’m sure it’d be a pain, but it would be neat if certain armors (for females) had an option. One being the current look, and another which is much closer to the male options. Example, tier 3 cultural medium for humans, or the duelist/named set (medium again). Or even the Phalanx armor in the gemstore.

Tier 3 cultural is obviously meant to be sexy/attractive. but what if a person wanted that armor but more like the guys in covering the full torso? Or the coat for the duelist instead of the female top? Or the solid plate design of male phalanx vs the females exposed parts? (also works for vigil armor…)

I know, there are plenty of choices around that go both ways. for medium and heavy you can find lots that cover everything. However, certain designs are great and then you go to females and it ranges from being similar but slightly different to “Is this even the same armor?”

Jail in Hoelbrak

in Norn

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


I may be wrong, but I recall a jail in Wayfarer Foothills just south-east of the Hero’s Moot Waypoint in Borealis Forest. I recall killing a SoS inside a jail cell there by shooting at him through the bars. He respawned a while after.

I don’t think it is a jail, but just a cage at best.

I think that’s a lionguard run haven actually, so it’s not Norn jail.

Though there is (IIRC, in every majory city jail) a joke with a norn in bear form, typically drunk, sitting in a cell.

Scarred body type to match new face?

in Norn

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


So I absolutely love the new norn face that has the scars / blind eye, and was wondering if anyone else thought have a scarred body type for the thin, medium, and Altered-Beast-massive body types would be an awesome addition as well? As a norn warrior having battle scars is not only fitting, but just adds to the ominous factor!

Only if they have one for females as well :P.

I think it’d be an interesting idea. I mean, you have “Thin, medium, heavy” and each one has a “Muscled, not muscled” Add in a scarred option.

Or, a “scarred muscled” and “Scarred, not muscled”.

Would You Fight To Reclaim Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


No. Because the charr were there first, fought to reclaim it, and promptly dropped the hatred. In the intro to the charr tutorial (Iron legion, maybe all of them) they go “They have paid for it in blood” Note, they give no kittens about the rest of humanity. Infact, they were only kittened off at Ebonhawke, the last Ascalonian settlement.

However, now there is the peace treaty, and in that region the charr are freely letting humans set up camps and such outside of Ebonhawke. The war would have no point.

The lore was not set up on “Blood and gore and killing each other!” Let’s look at the history of the races.

Norn: Leave them alone, they leave you alone. Hell, they got along with Charr in GW1 with a simple rule “You attack us, we’ll kittening kick your kitten .”
Charr: Lead by FLAME LEGION in GW1. Went to war against humans and tried to wipe them out. Flame legion got kicked out for their false gods and other actions, and now Iron is ‘basically’ the leader of the charr legions.
Humans: Conflict with the flame legion led charr, otherwise okay with all other races. Only ascalonions give a kitten about the old conflict. Two nobles/ministers in DR talk about it and the one goes “The searing is ancient history, get over it.” Besides the handful of zealous Ascalon descendants, humanity doesn’t care. And again, Charr are letting them settle outside of Ebonhawke.
Asura: Didn’t really care about the other races.
Sylvari: Brand new.

Since the flame legion is gone, and even in EOTN we saw THEY were the reason of the aggression, why would humanity want a war with the other three legions at the same time we got dragon minions attacking the borders? Frankly, humanity doesn’t have the manpower or strength to ‘retake’ Ascalon, much less HOLD it against the ghosts and charr legions. And of course, the violent ogre tribes, and the branded.

The Norn Elite Skills... Seriously?

in Norn

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Funny, because it seems to me that when I use bear form (as a guardian) I actually deal more damage quicker. Consistently.

Norns are huge! AND FANTASTIC

in Norn

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Norn female at max height is exactly the same size as a Kodan. So ten feet tall :P.

Naked Sylvari *possible spoilers*

in Sylvari

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


ArenaNet, why make us naked upon entering the world, and not give us a decent hint that this is on purpose? Didn’t you consider that many of us have seen “naked bugs” in games before? Maybe remove our armor from the character window instead of keeping it equipped? How about not resuming the display of the armor if we log out and back in?

Just love how silly decisions like this ruin various aspects of the game for me. Seems to be a recurring theme…

Silly? Your character just awake. Infact, if you run out of the area instead of talking to the one npc, you get all your gear auto equipped. I don’t know what you think, but I doubt sylvari are grown complete with cloth/leather/chainmail armor on them.

Now if they had a wide range of plant armors (for each class) in addition to the normal ones, and Sylvari started in that style, I could understand your point.

Question to ArenaNet! Rata Sum Weird Law?

in Asura

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Of course, I’d like to note when I talked to the npc he never said non-asura were banned. Simply said to report violations, including which there was a section of “Unnaturally tall beings”. Never specifically said non-asura people were banned.

Besides the warden/peacekeepers running the jail, they seem to be fine with norn everywhere else. Note the Charr mist warrior up near the SAB. Charr and Norn are (or can be) roughly the same height. The reason I bring up the jail is because they don’t believe the norn stuck in bear form is a norn.

The Origins of Madness: A Moment's Peace

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


There it goes. before it wasn’t showing a star in LA. Just appeared when I logged back in.

The Origins of Madness: A Moment's Peace

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Do I have to do both the Marionette and the wurm to get it? I’ve not touched the wurm boss fight at all.

The Origins of Madness: A Moment's Peace

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Okay, so I read somewhere that after doing the Twisted Marionette boss fight (win or lose) you get a mail about the “A moment’s peace” thing in LA, which points you to finding Scarlet’s lair.

However, I’d done the Marionette boss twice (fail both times, but not complaining) and gotten nothing. The Wiki has absolutely nothing in ways of what you actually have to do to get the Moment’s Peace thing started, so how do you do it?

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Thought they did. My bad. Never got them so I just heard the complaints from sidelines. At least they are willing to refund the gems if you don’t like it <_>

Flamekissed Armor Not in Gemstore

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


I lamented a long time about getting this armor, because it does look so much like the cultural pieces, only better. I finally decided I would never have enough time to get the cultural pieces, so I got this instead, and became happier with my purchase every time I played that character. It saddens me that I won’t get to keep it, and sours me on the gem store a bit, as this is not the first item I have bought to only later have it changed. (Harvesting Tools anyone?) Personally I think anet should let those that bought the item keep it, and make the new skin available as a choice. Admit their mistake sure, make it better, sure, but don’t punish those that put down their hard earned cash. I bought an item digital or not I should be allowed to keep it. If you bought dress and later the designer said " Oh this looks to much like one of our other dresses" Can they come to your house & take it away? No. Same thing applies here.

Why you make a point, another point is coding. Like the harvesting tools, if they re-release something and recode it for “account bound” it’ll make all the older ones “account bound”. Unless they released the new ‘Flamekissed’ set as a brand new armor completely separate from the coding of the current, I don’t see how they could pull it off.

Gem cards for buying outside of the game

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Where can I find gemcards online/in person? Everywhere I go doesn’t seem to have any. I’ve only found a $25 for 2000 gemcard on amazon, nowhere else has any…

Silvary : pls arena net tell me why?

in Sylvari

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


I’ve never really been able to get into Sylvari even though I have one (ranger). They all have a blank stare on their faces which makes them look like lifeless puppets/dolls and many of them look like humans with some kind of skin disease. Go to Youtube and look for the “Tree Man” and you will see what I mean. They’ve also always felt out of place among the other races, probably because they did not exist in GW1.

They have a semi-stare/sad face in the creation, but ingame they are much.. happier/curious looking.

They don’t feel out of place. In GW1 you see the pale tree shortly after it was planted. You see it growing. Their appearance is a mimic of human form. Instead of brows they have leaves. Hair can be anything from a mushroom to thorns to literal branches. I’ve never seen ones that look like “humans with a disease”. Infact, while some faces are clearly not like humans, some of the more common ones with players are…

GW2 digital deluxe question.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Another question, did they change the golem banker? Before it was good for 5 days but now they are saying “reusable.”

edit: Or is it still the 5 days, it just means “reusable for 5 days”

(edited by Kalavier.1097)

GW2 digital deluxe question.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Oh, I was just curious. My characters have decent sized bags and being honest, none of those three armors fit my characters. I was just curious if Id get it or should look up something. Something to entice new players eh? Unlike some people I know of, I’m not going to throw a fit over it.

Yes, shockingly enough, I’ve seen people throw massive fits over something like that and scream they’d not buy stuff again from that game/company. :P

GW2 digital deluxe question.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Okay, I bought the digital deluxe back when GW2 first came out. Recently they added the “legacy” armor to it as well, alongside what looks like a bag.

The question I have is, for people who already HAD the deluxe version, do we get that as well? Or not?

We Do Not Like Scarlet Briar

in Fractured

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


You know it’s getting out of hand when our Mary Sue shoehorned queen Scarlet is to be more feared and having a much greater impact than an Elder Dragon. Terrible, terrible writing.

How is she more feared? Do note that until the GW2 events, only Zhaitan has ACTUALLY been making pushes/moves against the races. Jormag does slightly, but overall him, the crystal dragon and primordus are just sitting there, randomly fighting along the borders.

She’s have a greater impact (supposedly) because she’s not attacking from the borders. she’s attacking directly behind the borders that the dragons formed. Instead of being struck in frostgourge sound, which has a number of defensive groups, it’s an attack on villages in the Norn starting area. Nobody really fears Scarlet as far as I’ve seen ingame from NPCs. They are concerned about the alliances/minions of her, but not Scarlet herself. And as shown, we’ve gotten better at smacking her pals down.

I don’t like scarlet.
Seriously, if you were going to make an evil genius puppet master, WHY wasn’t it an Asura? I just dislike the Sylvari in general, they are so unoriginal in design, even their personal story arc is plagiarised from Arthurian tales.

Unoriginal? Well that’s kinda a generic statment these days. And how is their storyline “plagiarized”?

We Do Not Like Scarlet Briar

in Fractured

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Nobody in GW2 ever talked about Scarlet and supposedly she’d been everywhere, even talking to the people she studied with don’t mention her and she’s been invading Tyria.

What people have we talked to that she studied with? Beigarth is ingame, but he doesn’t really talk about much in the first place. Remember, he was the FIRST person she studied with. All he’d remember is a sylvari named Ceara who wanted to learn from him, then left after a winter. The charr as far as I can tell isn’t even ingame, and again, second person. All she’d be able to say is “I taught a sylvari named Ceara for two years before she just left.” The Asura who mentored her personally is dead, and we are never given a name of who she studied with for the hylek.

She hasn’t “been everywhere”, nor did she TRULY make a big mark with besides the Asura, who seemed very happy to tear her credentials away and proceed to “We shall not talk about her at all.” Her backstory hardly makes it sound like she was super flashy and publicly known, besides to the Asura council.

This is what I was talking about. No offense to you, but her backstory does not imply she was a widespread figure that everybody knew about. She went from town to town, took a single person/group as a mentor, then moved on. She didn’t declare her arrival upon walking through the Asura gate.

I mean, would Beigarth make the connection? Probably not. What about the Charr? Again, maybe, maybe not. Asura are obviously the only ones who really remember her and Vorpp talked about her when she attacked the queen’s party. And he told them what they knew. It’s not like she publicly and explicitly told each mentor “I’m scarlet now. I’m going to go kill people for lulz” and they they did nothing.

edit: Fun fact, I saw some of the cut models (Like the Leviathan from the one trailer, two live versions instead of the skeletons we see ingame), and one looked like a living version of a grasping ghoul from GW1.

Dead Sister and home instance spoilers

in Personal Story

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


they should’ve done it at least something like that your sister is wounded at a point and you find her in a wheelchair in your home instance, if i rescue someone while she has bin their for more then a month or so i don’t expect her to be in good shape anytime soon.

I was expecting her to appear in the hospital honestly.

We Do Not Like Scarlet Briar

in Fractured

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


I just don’t get how you can allow a character like scarlet to make your whole gaming experience so miserable you want to leave? Most living story updates take what, 3-4 days to ‘complete’? With the rest of the world still there, even a little larger than it was at release?
If you did like the game without Scarlet, why not simply ignore her?

Because people can’t remove/view things without that. It’s like the ME3 endings, for some reason after playing them you have some which LITERALLY declare the ENTIRE mass effect canon to be null and stupid. Then you have reasonable people who like everything up to the ending and go “I dislike this part and that part. everything else is okay.”

Like Traeherne. Besides the fact people (like they do with scarlet) overblow his actions/twist them entirely wrong… The game is enjoyable without him. You can level fine without doing the personal story much at all. I’ve not really seen the evidence of your character being completely invalidated by Traeherne OR the living story. Infact, a friend said ingame some soldiers talk about how your character ‘took out the champion at claw island’ as if you did it yourself. Traehrne doesn’t steal credit. In the Living story you are there, you are one of SEVERAL heroes/people stopping the problems. What’s wrong with that? It’s more realistic to say “Hey, this group of heroes/champions went into the molten alliance base and cleared it out!” then “Wow, that LONE guy took out all these bases!” Also makes for better lore writing. Instead of having to talk about the player character in vague references, they can simply refer to a GROUP of heroes who did this action.

We Do Not Like Scarlet Briar

in Fractured

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Invalidating the other side simply for holding an opinion…

No one’s doing that.

I just wish people would talk about her actions truthfully to the actual information given instead of twisting things to fit their viewpoints.

I think you’re wrong on all accounts there, actually. The point I was making is that it doesn’t matter one way or the other: people will rightfully hate what the writers have done regardless.

First point, some are. You are not, but it feels like some from both sides are doing it.

The second point, how so? I wasn’t saying YOU were doing that. I’m saying others are. they a purposefully (Or accidentally) twisting the events. Or being unclear in their statements.

They make it sound like the molten alliance had dredge and flame legion dancing around campfires, singing songs, and getting along like awesome friends.(Exaggerating) when really, it was a very uneasy alliance where both sides had plans to backstab the other as soon as the moment came where they had enough power.

Toxic alliance obviously is the Krait using the Nightmare court group to help them get a prophet to appear. Nightmare court is likely in it just because it’d be a horrible thing that fits with their goal o f corrupting the dream.

Her backstory shows that she didn’t really learn everything she could from the various masters, including Asura. yet people act as if she learned EVERYTHING in a stupidly short amount of time.

That’s what bugs me.

We Do Not Like Scarlet Briar

in Fractured

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Invalidating the other side simply for holding an opinion is a poor way to discuss things or debate.

As said, I’m indifferent about her. I just wish people would talk about her actions truthfully to the actual information given instead of twisting things to fit their viewpoints.

We Do Not Like Scarlet Briar

in Fractured

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


Yes. Scarlet’s advantage is surprise. Surprise and numbers.
Okay, her two advantages are surprise and numbers. And being a super-genus.
Scarlet has three big advantages. Surprise, numbers, and being a super-genus. Oh, and being able to make xenophobic religious fanatics work with other xenophobic religious fanatics of opposed worldviews.
And being able to pull in forces from another reality.
And steal equipment from the most advanced military in Tyria today, without anyone even noticing.

Here is Scarlet. She is the Epic Hero, she is a Special Snowflake, and even when her plans are crashing down around her, she can not fail.

A: Said alliances were fragile, bar the aetherblades who personally feared her.
B: Dredge wanted power, flame legion wanted power. as I recall, both were gearing up to backstab each other anyway by the time the molten alliance was defeated. I’d wager something similar is going to happen with Toxic alliance. They’ll go until they reach their goals, then dump the other group.
C: There is NOTHING to indicate these alliances were anything more then SINGLE groups of each faction. Maybe these Krait were more willing to use another race to further their goals and bring back a prophet. the Nightmare Court isn’t really xenophobic, neither is the Inquest. Both simply give no cares about morals and will happily murder innocents for the lulz and power. Both may APPEAR to be that way, but one is a faction composed entirely of Sylvari who embrace nightmare (No other race can), and the other is almost entirely Asura-focused, because that’s who they focus recruiting from.

The only “religious fanatics” she’s worked with are flame legion and Krait. The Krait working with Nightmare court is thought to be weird, but I see people act as if in the universe nobody goes “This is REALLY weird.” Flame Legion, well we know they were clashing with the Dredge through the entire thing.

And that’s the thing, to herself, she may not see it as “failing” but to everybody else, it’s a victory against her. Also it’s clear why we haven’t fought her lately. We fought her in Clockwork chaos, we beat her (three times in that dungeon). She escaped, and she’s not going to charge into a fight again so easily.

What equipment has she stolen from militaries that “Nobody ever noticed”? Twilight Assault showed those airships are being built by the Aetherblades, so there goes “Stealing from the pact”.

edit: there is NOTHING wrong with liking or disliking her. I however, seem to keep seeing people who twist events to link to their personal hate, or even twist lore (Like those claiming she ‘learned super racial/cultural trade secrets without issue and was widely known, but never talked about. Or the whole “She graduated from the collages and learned EVERYTHING from the Asura and EVERYTHING from the other races.” Which is false, she didn’t learn everything she could, and she only took one set of classes for each Collage, about a semester’s worth).

edit2: Hell, the wiki says it’s a “splinter faction” of the nightmare court.

The Molten Alliance is the unlikely alliance of Flame Legion and dredge forces. The alliance utilizes the magic of the charr and the technology of the dredge to to create a synergistic and powerful enemy. They were founded when a “smooth talker” from “the city,” as said by a dredge prisoner, approached the dredge with the offer from the Flame Legion to form an alliance. The Flame Legion had planned to learn about the dredge technology and use them to seize territory, before re-enslaving the race. The dredge, on the other hand, were pushed into the alliance by the moletariate despite their hatred of oppressors like the Flame Legion, out of a greed for more power and technology, needing the fire magic of the Legion to improve their weaponry.

Yeah, a totally stable, reasonable alliance. People need to stop acting as if Scarlet hand-waved ancient, rooted cultural beliefs away and instead look at her as poking the races to get them to work together in a destructive way, resulting in backstabs (If not defeated).

(edited by Kalavier.1097)

We Do Not Like Scarlet Briar

in Fractured

Posted by: Kalavier.1097


I like Scarlet.

but the story is getting ridiculous with her being behind every kitten plot.

Basically this. There are other bad guys in the game. Let them come up with an evil plan every once in a while. Plus the whole going back and making stuff that already happened before scarlet was around her idea… It’s like if DC went back and said the joker killed batman’s parents. And created the riddler. And scarecrow. And poison Ivy. Along with all of the other villains in the DC universe.

However, only a SINGLE event has been made to be “her fault” What other ‘pre-set’ events have been labeled as her doing? Ones without a reason or explaining already existing.

your comparsion, at the time, would make more sense if you went “It’s as if DC went back and had the joker kill batman’s parents.” And nothing else. Because what other events that existed BEFORE the Molten Alliance have been linked to her?

She is/was an interesting character, but it’s not interesting anymore if EVERY plot is Scarlet. I mean at this rate, next month they’ll probably tell us that Zhaitan and Abaddon were just giant marionettes with Scarlet literally pulling the strings. It’s out of control.[/quote]

(edited by Kalavier.1097)