Sigil of water + sigil of blood + life steal on crit food = somewhat tanky GS zerk warrior.
I attended Wintersday 2012. I must have deleted the hat or something.
Super fast. Not many ppl run Hotw in the first place.
My fractal group used to 3 or 4-man 50’s. We tried to sell the last slot a few times but had no luck with buyers. Can’t say I’m surprised. I wouldn’t want to pay 10+ gold for an ascended ring either.
PMed u. I think there needs to be an unofficial forum for this kind of thing since dungeon selling isn’t illicit so as to coordinate and to verify honest sellers and buyers.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
Looking for a fractal speed clear guild.
you dont need 49 for this – most frac skins and most armor + wep chests i got from lvl 11
and i dont think anyone can solo fraktals – when they would sell it than this would be people playing iwth a group till end and than kick everyone
sry but i hope this will never be a normal thing
But no one in a million chance at the tonic not to mention the wiki states the higher the level the higher the chance to get a fract skin or ascended chest.
Fract sellers need not solo the fracts – they can make a team of 5 and sell slots each run and make their own daily at the same time. Not everyone wants to spend hrs daily with pugs on a random shot at something really good and terrible consolation prizes.
I mean if anyone wants to sell fracts last stage it is something I can understand, rather than Orr dungeons. Fracts are long and tedious and people do it only for the account bound RNG items.
I miss the days when people played games for fun…
But, yeah, pressing the other buttons should produce an equally large piece of cheese.
that was before the “Facebook Generation”
yesterday was facebook not even 1 hour down and some people in america called police^^
Having fun in GW2 = much longer time of playing to earn enough in game currency to buy those cool skins. Welcome to MMOs.
There’s no such thing as a “double crit.” More than 100% crit chance is definitely a waste.
I assume they still allow more than 100% to be displayed so that you can know whether you have reached 100%, or gone over, and by how much.
Not a total waste as there are traits and sigils that have a chance to proc on crit which means the higher the better. But it would be a marginal increase of course and most likely not worth sacrificing other stats.
If anything, this highlights the deficiencies of the loot and reward system of GW2. Maybe the economic system needs a great leap forward?
So is there too much wood or not enough? MAybe your explaination skills could do with a great leap forward.
I was commenting that other modes of gameplay other than pressing F at a dense cluster of wood nodes are less profitable (disclaimer: high number of alts required).
No phat lootz in other words.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
If anything, this highlights the deficiencies of the loot and reward system of GW2. Maybe the economic system needs a great leap forward?
I would love to take a screenshot but I would be kicked from my lumberjack guild.
?… Dulfy and the people she presents in her videos don’t get any of the stuff for free. The guy in that video was a lucky player who got the tonic, not an Anet dev with magic powers.
I didnt know that. I always thought she had access to preview stuff.
Necro vs Warrior DPS
Necros aren’t as bad as people think
Necro cannot solo stack 25 might stacks or have 100% precision with full Berserker gear and most importantly no banners.
Nevertheless against a wall, Necro + Minions + Flesh Golem + FGS > Warrior with FGS damage.
I mean for normal players not dulfy. I remember this race to be 1st player to make a legendary and 1st player to lvl 80. Some rich dude could throw down $1000 (or more) in gems in an attempt to get the tonic – I am just curious as to its drop rate.e
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
Anybody have the good fortune to get one? Youtube please.
I don’t think you are doing anything but digging yourself into a hole with these analogies.
I just checked TP. The Ley Line weapons are now down to 70g. That’s nice. You can get a weapon in a few days by just playing the game, doing the events, selling your rares and exotics.
I don’t have to think the black lion weapons are enticing, but most rational people should be able to realize with the upkeep costs they have, and the amount of staff they have, they simply need to make it lucrative for people to attain these cosmetics in a way that makes them profit.
Care to explain why I am “digging myself into a hole”? If you followed the thread the whole way through, OMNIBUS is not just unhappy that RNG obtained items are account bound and untradeable, but that rare skin acquisition is obtainable by RNG itself and hence “unfair”.
Say the endless Fract Tonic becomes tradeable and costs 1000G, I am pretty sure some ppl will be up in arms about the “unfairness” of RNG obtained tonics.
Which reminds me of the BL key brouhaha a year back wrt Fused skins. One skin is 400+G now or 7 tickets – if you want one it is going to be quite a grind or $40 worth of gems converted. Then you have another bunch of gamers angry about “Pay to win” and “promoting gambling” to children (one of the arguments used in this thread). “First world” problems indeed.
Which is the same as burger flippers earning a Masarati through hrs of their labor vs say a Youtuber screaming his way to millions? I mean both are earning RL$ right and not inherited; just that one earns exponentially more than another to the point of several dozen lifetimes worth of labor. Is this equal? I mean neither are really particularly high skilled jobs.
The burger flipper will never have a chance to own a Masarati if not for lotteries no matter how many hours he or she put in. But go ahead take away that one in a million shot. I am sure Mr Omnibus as principled as he is in video games would donate the bulk of any windfall to charity in real life.
The burger flipper chose to be a burger flipper though. Your acting like it was his destiny to flip burgers. Maybe in 3rd world countries this makes sense. But people who can play gw2 can do better for themself if they try. And I’m not argueing about anything but pure rng. What your example is referring to is regular rng. Anyone in real life can get lucky but they can also use reliability to succeed :p
Yup better to be a millionaire Youtuber right? Pretty sure there are many burger flippers in “First World” nations as well who didnt choose to be burger flippers.
So RNG is ok? thanks.
And earning over time isnt equal because the time spent isnt equal for every player.
What is not equal about it? Everyone has all the option available to them to earn gold and rng drops(not account bound). But with the added benefit of the tp and 100% guarentee with time.
Its not equal in that casual players who dont want to spend more RL$ will never get a legendary not even the one in a million chance if some purists got their way. But I am pretty sure everyone is ok with this arrangement, just that it is not “equal”.
Well if they want it then they should earn it like everyone else does(RL money is earning it too unless they got an inheritance form their mommy XD). Just becuase they choose to not play as much as we do doesnt mean its not equal. They still have a guarenteed way to get it if they choose to do so unlike rng account bound.
Which is the same as burger flippers earning a Masarati through hrs of their labor vs say a Youtuber screaming his way to millions? I mean both are earning RL$ right and not inherited; just that one earns exponentially more than another to the point of several dozen lifetimes worth of labor. Is this equal? I mean neither are really particularly high skilled jobs.
The burger flipper will never have a chance to own a Masarati if not for lotteries no matter how many hours he or she put in. But go ahead take away that one in a million shot. I am sure Mr Omnibus as principled as he is in video games would donate the bulk of any windfall to charity in real life.
No one is asking for RNG to be removed, people are asking for alternatives that are not RNG based.
Some people are asking for RNG to be removed because it offends their political sensibilities.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
I do understand the ‘everything should be tradable’ view. I’ve used the ‘everything was tradable’ in GW1 argument myself. (although just because you could trade it didn’t make it usable). However; conversely, I understand the view of those that desire some means of setting themselves apart too. The ‘special snowflakes’ if you will. Sure, in a lot of instances it might just be ego, but why does that make their desire any less valid than yours? We all desire some level of uniqueness, otherwise we wouldn’t give a rat’s kitten about character creation. We wouldn’t care what armor we wore or what weapons we wielded (skin wise). We wouldn’t care if we all had the exact same avatar.
Thats where dying and mix and matching comes in. Not to mention the same skins looks different on different races and scales differently. There are so many Twilights around now – do you think the lack of exclusivity would have put off those players and even more players in the future from making theirs? Hardly the case.
1) Are you saying that you, or anyone, would NOT be genuinely excited about a precurser drop from RNG?
Its hard to get excited about something that is extremely unlikely to happen and has not happened after thousands of hrs of gameplay. Not even during the two Karka event chests or an underwater precursor. If it does happens, personally I would be in a good mood for an hr – then back to not playing GW2 due to lack of good content.
I am not against RNG – only account bound RNG.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
And earning over time isnt equal because the time spent isnt equal for every player.
What is not equal about it? Everyone has all the option available to them to earn gold and rng drops(not account bound). But with the added benefit of the tp and 100% guarentee with time.
Its not equal in that casual players who dont want to spend more RL$ will never get a legendary not even the one in a million chance if some purists got their way. But I am pretty sure everyone is ok with this arrangement, just that it is not “equal”.
The first is “WOOT!!! I got Dusk!!!! /dance /laugh /cry” and you are literally excited. Elevated heart rate, a big smile on your face, etc. Getting it from a quest is more “Meh…cool…whats next?”
1) Not going to happen.
2) Cool, one in a million precursor drop. What’s next?
Because with enough time everyone can get it.
Wrong. And that is the problem i have with it.
edit: Oops i misread but only egotistocal people think that way. I’m not trying to 1 up others in this game by showing something someone else cant have due to rng and not even skill or dedication.
But with RNG, even account bound RNG, everyone has an equal chance of getting the item. They are not required to do a special quest line, or activity in order to get it. RNG is the great equalizer. It puts everyone on the same playing field.
Also I can see the frustration of account bound items, and not being able to trade them to family or friends, but at the same time that person has the same chance that you do to get those items.
“Level Playing Field” Account Bound untradeable RNG = 90% of players dont get the skin they want, 5% get the skin they DON’T want and can’t sell, 5% of players are happy little purring cats.
Of course if this is what the majority of players want, it is what they will get.
And earning over time isnt equal because the time spent isnt equal for every player.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
RNG has played an intergal role in almost all RPGs. From D&D to most computer based RPGs (online multiplayer games, to offline single player games). As a GM for a tabletop RPG, all the drops are RNG based. Granted I do have the ability to award a certain item if I desire, like a special amulet that is required for the next stage for example. Even if there are some games that have BiS gear, or story gear, locked behind a series of events or mini games, there is still much that is locked behind RNG. So why shouldn’t this genre, or game specifially, not have RNG locked items? Have an extensive quest to get a certain item in my mind lessens the overall value of said item. Because with enough time everyone can get it. It then becomes a common item with little value to anyone. Keeping items RNG based increases the value, and the satisfaction of getting such an item, much higher.
Its not RNG in general – its account bound RNG that bothers people. For example Ley line weapon skins – I like them so much I got 6 or 7 of them via the TP. Others may find they too thick and unrefined but its their taste after all – if they dont like them they can sell them if they got one via RNG.
Skill in GW2 PvE? LOL? Maybe AP is a much better measure of dedication (some say addiction) than any cosmetic skin.
Doesnt take a genius to figure out what people’s political views are IRL if they abhor RNG in games.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
To the detriment of rational players who want those skins. The only reason I do fracts is for tokens in exchange for ascended rings with stats that cannot be crafted and getting tokens for 20 slot bags in the process. Anything else is a bonus. Once I got the ring I wanted, not doing fracts unless the mood takes me and a guildie invites me.
I didn’t even do fractals for the rings. I used laurels. I’ve done fractals enough to experience most of them once, for the lore perspective. I do want the sword skin, but I have no motivation to play that content with people.
Not going to grind for nothing guaranteed in return.
This isn’t any different than say, going out into the Floodplain of Mahnkelon to kill Jerneh Nightbringer because you want The Nightbringer staff that he drops. There is no guarantee that it will drop during any specific run. Hell, there’s no guarantee he’ll drop anything at all during a run. But people do it over and over and over again. I have no idea how many times I killed him trying to get it. The only guarantee is that he’s the only one that can drop it.
At least in fractals you have a variety of critters that ‘can’ drop the skins.
If I am not mistaken mobs in fracts do NOT drop fract skins. My laurels are used for other purposes. I did not play GW1 extensively so I do not get the reference.
People play MMOs for recognition by other MMO players? Maybe in other MMOs but certainly not this MMO. And rightly so – if Anet made an elitist MMO, guess how long would it survive.
RNG does get implemented usually so you don’t get what you want as quickly as you wish to.
Thats not how RNG works. There is a chance of “never”.
Err no people just give up trying. 400 times is no guarantee u will get the item, neither is 40000 times for that matter. By then if u tried 40000 times on fracts, u will have spent 40000hrs at least in vain.
Apparently some don’t because they just keep doing it. Of course, others just bot it and then get banned. But, raids and raid like content are prefect examples of this, where people do the same crap over and over and over again because they want something. Last time I checked, there were a lot of people calling for raids in GW2. Fractals really aren’t any different. They were added specifically for these grind happy people.
To the detriment of rational players who want those skins. The only reason I do fracts is for tokens in exchange for ascended rings with stats that cannot be crafted and getting tokens for 20 slot bags in the process. Anything else is a bonus. Once I got the ring I wanted, not doing fracts unless the mood takes me and a guildie invites me.
Not going to grind for nothing guaranteed in return.
It’s no different than going out to farm whatever unique from whichever specific boss dropped it. Your friend could go do the run 4 times and get it, you could do it 400 times and still not get it. That’s just how it works. It supposed to make you frustrated. So you walk away, take a deep breath, come back and continue doing it. It is the hook that makes you continue to play. “I want this, so I’m going to get it or die trying”
Err no people just give up trying. 400 times is no guarantee u will get the item, neither is 40000 times for that matter. By then if u tried 40000 times on fracts, u will have spent 40000hrs at least in vain.
I agree with one thing – playing GW2 is optional.
I thought we were talking about RNG skins and not BL keys and I chuckle whenever “think of the children” faux moralists complain about virtual gambling in a video game. You would think these guys would advocate people ban all video games IRL because they are unproductive or slam Zuckerberg for creating Facebook and becoming a billionaire in the process. For that matter $4 million a year PewDiePie.
Priorities people.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
I’ve read your post a few times, and honestly . . . I think your solutions might cause more problems than the “Problems” being “fixed” these ways.
The first one is a solution to a problem which isn’t really a problem – Champion Bags aren’t good for much other than overflowing you with Bloodstone Dust, and giving you a few extra pieces of silver from the equipment inside. Sure, there’s chances of Rares and Exotics . . . but those are consistent enough with other methods of farming to make it almost less useful to chase after those as opposed to finding some places with densely packed enemies and going to town.
The second “solution” would muck up things by making things far more complicated as far as the program doling out loot – and it would be prone to any bugs which might crop up. Not to mention . . . adding tokens, yet another currency to keep track of. This is on a bad path already, to fix something which isn’t entirely broken in and of itself.
Not to mention you’re talking about nerfing loot by introducing . . . more worthless loot rather than desirable loot. The game doesn’t need loot nerfed or buffed in a simple range – what it needs is something more interesting to bring people to do things.
. . . unfortunately, that only works short-term until it’s determined the “interesting” quality isn’t worth the time taken away from a farm of choice.
Dont forget ascended + t6. I was feeling curious one day when I came back to GW2 and tried FG train after it was reportedly nerfed. Lo and behold Carrion Ascended chestpiece after one train run. However I never went back again as I worked on getting some other stuff.
I am surprised Youtube didn’t flag it for the music aka the hard toil of the musicians.
“No Tazza” is now popular. And temple of Grenth defend Jonez loot fest scales better than temple of Melandru. Just an FYI for would be farmers.
And only three world bosses are really worth doing for dragonite and rares in terms of time spent: namely, Golem Mark II, Karka Queen and Tequatl. The former two can be done in 10-15min at most including pre events and yield good loot whereas the latter can be done in 20, provided it is organized.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
As for recycled innovation again similar story, its like people saying dynamic events existed already in rift or Living story is not something new. If you want to see a pattern you’re going to see a pattern. Nothing can ever be so unique as to not resemble anything that came before its just not possible.
Firstly, the ‘dynamic’ part of the events is merely about periodic repetitions of one and the same thing on one and the same spot. Over and over again. By that definition, the sun rising and setting must be the epitome of dynamic irl. Dynamic events are nothing new because they are merely automated quests on a repeat button. If you wanna call that innovation, be my guest.
Moreover, saying nothing can be truly unique does not an argument make – it does not make it fine that things are repetitive and recycled, or that they have such an impact.
Nice zing. But I do give Anet credit for wardrobe changes, for its simplification and unification among characters and allowing players to use their hardearned gear in PvP, instant retraiting system allowing one to change builds on the fly, engi buffs almost to the point of OP (if only they buffed Necros to the same extent in PvE), Crit Damage nerf thus indirectly nerfing Berserker ascended and the need to get said gear.
The whole problem with GW2 is that no one really knows if there are any concrete development plans for the game; if any despite all the PR Blurb. People can trash XXX all they want, XXXXXXXX Online introed veteran dungeons fairly quickly and outlined their plans in a very clear cut way. They seem to be very open to feedback too. (Names protected to prevent infractions and flaming).
You account bind some fraction of the rewards from new content to ensure that the players who have been logging in and accumulating wealth daily for a couple years now do not simply open up the TP and hit ‘buy’ to acquire everything you added in a matter of minutes. The way they’ve been balancing rewards these past few patches is consistent with this and has been executed pretty well.
Most players just give up after a month of fract dailies, much less years and not seeing that coveted skin that you wanted or tonic because fracts can take a long time. Meanwhile some lucky kitten got their tonic upon reaching lvl 40 of fracts. To be clear, not envious of said lucky kitten at all; at the very least, it should be allowed to trade on the TP for people who want the item and is willing to “work” for it. It is odd they allowed ascended ring purchases with fract pristine relic tokens after feedback and they dont sell fract weapon skins and the tonic for the same tokens; albeit for a absurd grindy amount.
Fracts is not like doing your dailies.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
LS is mostly farming content, not an expansion broken into several parts. But they knew they got several things right, like Molten Facility, Aetherblades, Zephyrite and Queen’s Pavilion – which is why they brought them back at the end of Season 1 or incorporated into fractals.
Even something has to be said about the popularity of SAB (which I personally really dislike).
How are you so sure that you and your buddies carried the pug through the early fractals? And even if you did, what gives you the right to kick them for the final fractal (even if it’s Mai Trin)?
By kicking a pug, you have essentially proved that you are a bad player yourself and that you need to be carried by others. Remember that this game has reached a stage where the really skilled players can do the hardest content solo (even Mai Trin at level 50)
That is after many tries. I am not sure if bosses scale to the number of players; even they didn’t other teammates positioning would affect the boss’s attacks and even the lag of the instance itself.
Even in a guild, everyone has different schedules and want to run different dungeons at different times. And most guilds need a high rep percentage. Everyone says to build a friend list – how do u build a friend list (or indeed a block list) based on non troll/stupid/hyper elitist dungeon PvErs if you don’t PUG in the first place?
On the other hand helpful guildies are more than willing to help people to get “dungeon master”. A shoutout would usually do the job; if not an appointment.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
And you picked me out why? I’m not threatened, I’m not jealous, I’m not impressed by 2nd rate armchair psychologists.
I’m just not in favor of content selling. But go ahead and do it. No skin off my nose, I don’t need it. It’s pay to win.
You are selling to people who think they deserve content rewards without doing the content. And so my point was… why are you all shocked that some go the next logical step to get them without paying?
Target Market. They aren’t griefing, they are scamming you out of a free run. Its the nature of the business and the customer it attracts./kick needs fixed. But not because a runner got scammed.
I dont do Arah for skins; I do PVP reward tracks for them. Not pay to win but no content involved. And I play MM Necro too.
The kick function is fine – if people don’t want to play with you it’s their right to do so.
If you don’t want to lose the time you’ve invested in content then be the instance opener and all your troubles are fixed.
Ideally – play with guildies or people you know.
Not an option unless u belong to a large guild that run dungeons on fixed schedules. Anet should reward PUGing instead. And its good for people complaining GW2 being too easy – you should be able to carry a mediocre PUG to success then and enjoy the challenge in doing so.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
No secret that I really hate shatter mesmers in PvE – worse still shatter mesmers in lvl 50 fracts with no Feedback. Some builds really cannot be justified especially in the harder dungeons.
Didnt kick the guy but I just RQed the pug because of this guy and another player who insisted mesmer bring DPS when party already has 4 warriors.
I just find people who buy dungeon slots in GW2 lamentable. It is possibly understandable if they wanted Arah skins before PVP reward track was introduced because there would be no other ways of getting the skins and are unwilling to grind Arah with PUGs for tokens but now there can be no excuse.
Its not about “earning” the title Dungeon master – it is about the need to get a title that has no rewards whatsover and has no time limit and then having to cheat rather than try the dungeons a few times to get the necessary experience to beat them. If it is about dungeon chests, go do the other shorter dungeons to get them.
On the other hand, I completely understand if people sold portals for JPs (most ppl accept donations rather than straight up selling portals and some even do it for free). In the first place, I have no need for the title etc chest but if someone was willing to give people a ride for a bit of money and save them the effort of doing something which is not part of the game’s core mechanic, power to them. I think people making G this way cannot be griefed in any way – well if people wanted to weasel out of paying even then no loss.
There isn’t a method for trading in the game period. Anet won’t punish them because they have broken no rules and people have been told time and again “trade at your own risk”.
And I have to say, if you are surprised people act like kitten when they can get away with it completely in anonymity then welcome to the internet. Maybe ask for the money upfront next time.
Didnt playing solo RPGs teach u something? Like half upfront and half upon completion?
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
Scrubs and dungeon sellers are a match made in heaven. People should take a hint from the title and join a guild – guaranteed success in any dungeon if u arent an kitten.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
What happened to the Sugggesions forum? Anyway I would like to suggest a trade in system for all ascended gear esp trinkets and rings for laurels, obviously at a lower rate than the purchase price.
I am rapidly running out of laurels because of trinkets, ascended recipes and booster purchases.
Did I read the Frost spirit description wrong? It grants 10% more damage on one hit per 10s. (Ed: Nevermind, I read the wiki 70% chance to hit 10% more damage only when traited) And those things die easily even when buffed and have less range than a banner.
Warrior has the lowest DPS in a group setting? Really? You are telling me a mesmer or necro out DPS with perma fury and banner buffs. Please dont quote numbers from FGS against a wall + minion damage.
Pretty sure Rifle Warrior outDPS longbow ranger. But ranger has a pet of course.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
FGS only has high DPS situationally. You use it against a mobile and normal sized boss with no nearby walls and watch DPS plummet drastically. For that matter any other ele skill.
“We’d rather kick you at FOTM last boss because we have another guildie wanna come.”
Nothing to do with materialism unless they did that to sell a place at FoTM last boss. In any case this is a reportable offense.
Dungeon sellers and scrubs belong to one another.
I dont like people who insta kick DCers as well – you think that you can get players instantly and not waste any time? Just plain obnoxious.
My list of GW2 bad:
- Living Story etc plotlines catered for 12 years olds and below. Lore reduced to the barest minimum
- No new dungeons
- Recent new content is almost always farm content.
- Very fragmented player base
- No queue / grace period system for people who disconnect from full servers (which are sometimes because of Anet’s servers and not on user’s side)
- No economic incentives for dungeoneers to utilize different professions
My list of GW2 Good:
- Anet philosophy of anti-griefing and player cooperation in PvE.
- Lots of nooks and crannies for map exploration
- Ease of use of UI for the most part
- Wide variety of character customization
- Asura / Quaggan etc assorted kawaii content
- Interesting profession skills and traits; if unbalanced
- Belated unified account wide wardrobe system for PvE and PvP
My list of GW2 ugly:
- Loot is uninteresting and for the most part unrewarding
- Account bound RNG unique skins
- Press 2 to win against the uber boss big baddie head honcho Elder Dragon Zhaitan
Personal GW2 pet peeve:
Time Warp nerf (quickness nerf but not compensated by shorter CD)
Ascended grind and money sink
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
- Stability — they have a quality platform that can obviously stand up to a lot of stress.
LoL. I seem to crash after a few minutes every time I get on a Teq turret when Teq fight is going on. Not to mention innumerable DCs from Anet’s servers (the times when its not my internet’s problems) but to be fair they seem to have decreased over time and upon the introduction of mega server.
*Super-easy PvE Content — this is a bad thing. There really isn’t a single thing in the PvE side of the game that offers a significant challenge, thus making the content go stale quickly and negating the importance of skill
People who never PUG dungeons™.
or when everyone clicks ready? Fract starter left party before everyone clicked ready. I cant remember my previous fract lvl.
With new trait changes, works well with Asura Ranger Radiation Field. It has good range despite its high CD.
Norn any zerk class is good against PVE mobs against a wall. Possibly Norn thief would possibly benefit the most because of low vitality and toughness and high damage kicks in after enemy has been reduced to 50%. Snow Leopard stealth also benefits from trait synergy in WvW.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
And/or new methods calculations. As it stands, ele warrior and engi are virtually immune to movement impairment when traited + runes and eating poultry lemongrass soup. Not to mention any condition lasting less than 3s.
And the condition duration decrease occurs AFTER condition duration increase has been added.
I know this is not new but its extremely cheesy and I always wondered why Anet’s balance team lets this slide.
Refund as in another account bound legendary weapon of choice or the same weapon that can be sold on the TP? Obviously the latter is quite unfair since the price of precursors went up nearly two fold.