Showing Posts For Knaifhogg.5964:

Revitalize the Game World, Resetting Hearts.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


I personally would like to see events displayed on the map zone you’re in

they clarified the reason why they aren’t doing it once: the time it takes you to run to an event far away it is a high chance it’s over when or before you arrive. This would only lead to frustration.

Yeah, but right now I use a homepage to find where the events are, that doesn’t update once an event has finished.

Another problem with Dry Top is that there are many champion events (and a legendary one) that need enough people, but the map is still designed for people to spread out. So whenever I stumble upon an event, it’s likely it’s one I need more people for but I think there’s plenty of people running past thinking the same thing.

So yeah, displaying all events is hardly a perfect solution but it would improve the current state at least.

Revitalize the Game World, Resetting Hearts.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


I like Dry Top, but events are designed to be stumbled upon, while in Dry Top it’s the objective to do them. It leads into a “Stumple upon all the events!”-objective. I personally would like to see events displayed on the map zone you’re in, but it would be overwhelming for new players, and probably even new level 80 players, so I can’t think of a good way to implement it. Although if you 100% a zone it could be unlocked or something like that.

Hearts are boring, yes, and rewards are weak unless you’re at the level your zone requires (maybe even weak rewards then, too!).

September Fix Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


Most of the items you listed off that aren’t in this update are because they are content. This is not a content update, this is a feature pack. Content updates usually, but not exclusively, take the forum of living world updates or festivals.

Will the feature pack have many bug fixes?

Brainstorm: Key Discussion Points

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


Wouldn’t hurt, but the topics shouldn’t be there just to rot, some interaction would be nice. It will be easier for you to find specific feedback too, so that’s good. Still leaves a blank spot for lesser topics, that might be important anyway (Fractal Rewards being weak, Dredge being awful..). I was a bit disappointed that it took a CDI to get the feedback about Dredge.

Unofficial Dungeon Suggestion Thread!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


Burrows and the dredge car can’t be hit by marks or conditions because they are objects. It is the same reason you can’t crit them. I doubt that will be change.

Don’t care, it’s unneccessary. Adds nothing to the game. No counter play involved. Conditions are weak against objects, strong against what exactly? Only the newly introduced husks, and those aren’t in dungeons.

Unofficial Dungeon Suggestion Thread!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


Ascalonian Catacombs:

P1 – Make burrows afflicted by conditions, fix Necro Staff 1 and Lich Form 1 to reliably hit the burrow, make Staff marks activate on burrows.

P3 – Make burrows afflicted by conditions, fix Necro Staff 1 and Lich Form 1 to reliably hit burrows, make Staff marks activate on burrows.

Sorrow’s Embrace:

P3 – Reduce HP of the minecart, make it affected by conditions.

Can’t remember much more off the top of my head..

Reward rebalancing [Suggestion]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


I like your suggestions except AC is really easy so it should be lower compared to what others are. Things that make it difficult to balance this across the board are skips and solo runs, but that shouldn’t necessarily lead to not changing rewards at all. Now if they could make it so that you can’t skip, but still the runs feel worth the time spent, that would be great.

Very disappointing news for you guys

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


We got our dredge revamp from the CDI.

Stop. Think. Type.

It shouldn’t have taken a CDI to figure out that Dredge sucked. One playthrough of it with a pug past say fractal level 20 would have been enough (entire party wrote “NOOOO”). If they don’t have time for fractals in their spare time or at work, well, one visit to the forum would have been easy.

There’s no follow-up after they’ve pushed out something. It remains lackluster/bugged until they plan to revisit things.

Dungeon rewards haven’t been properly tweaked. SE P2 is so much longer than P1 and P3, but same reward. CoF P3 is not like P1 or P2. These are simple gold numbers we’re talking about.

I hope that the people controlling what to make don’t look at dungeons and think “Nobody’s playing this! Let’s not make more of it.” instead of finding out what the issues are.

Commander Tag - Not a vanity feature!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


Except for guild missions to get people to where you are on a map, or even see if other people are on the same map…can you see my commander tag. Coordinating multiple events in Dry Top. They were pretty good for the Scarlet Invasions too.

Commander Tags help people who don’t know find out where to be. Are you suggesting the only people who don’t know where to be play WvW?

Just curious.

Ive done more than enough Tequatl, Wurm and Guild Missions.

All commander tags do is promote braindead play and prevent learning.
Ive seen people that have done tequatl multiple times yet dont have actually a kitten clue where they have to stand if there is no tag out. Plus new players dont have to ask things either and can go straight to the tags, lowering player communication.
Life sure is easy if you dont have to think for your own and can just follow a tag like glue. But it shouldnt be easy, you have seen the disastrous results of that behavior at the crown pavillion. Nowadays if you dont have tags it is almost impossible to properly manage pugs in a large scale encounter, but they arent needed at all, the average player simply forgot how to think.
If there would never been tags in pve i can assure you it wouldnt be a problem at all and the average skilllevel of the people regarding larce scale encounters would be a lot higher

So yes, i suggest large scale combat to be for people who can think, communicate and learn on their own, aka for “people who know”

You’re playing a casual MMO where people click their skill bar and the end game is designing your characters’ outfits, and your suggestion to people who want to participate in as much content as possible is “git gud”. People work for a living and take care of their family, come online every now and then and your attitude is that they don’t deserve to participate in content. Be more exclusive.

Tyrian Explorer's Knapsack

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


Alright, who is in charge? This is just insulting. It’s cheaper to get everything individually.

The Top Hat is 200 gems. Hairstyle kit is 250 gems. Zephyrite Color Swatch is basically available on the GW2 wiki (it’s a completely useless item). 5 Metabolic Primers are 550 gems. 6 Transmutation charges isn’t directly available, but let’s say 175 gems.

That’s 1175 gems.

There’s still the 5 utility primers that aren’t available anywhere else. Let’s say you wanted everything in this pack (doubt it) so you have 475 gems left to do whatever you want with. Well exchange it to 45 gold. Heck, treat yourself with Toxic Focusing Crystals for some reason (at 29 silver each). Congratulations, you’ve got 78 hours worth of buffs, which is more than 5 utility primers give you.

The people handling this section of the game must never had a treat in their lives. “Let’s have them pay extra because we put this together”. It’s supposed to be a bundle. How about you make it cheaper so people can’t possibly pass it up. Ever heard of Steam sales?

Do Anet know about the necro summons bug?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


Nothing has changed yet. Will we ever get any info on this?

Things done right in this release.

in Living World

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


Agree 100%. Searching for clues in Open World is great. The feeling of having a team in story instances is great too.

[MF] is recruiting for dungeon runs

in Looking for...

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


How many are you? I mean I’m used to having 30 – 40 people online at peak, and I like having an open schedule (I struggle enough doing Tequatl every day).

Suggestion: Favorite builds button

in PvP

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


I would love it if there were different Builds (where you choose specific gear, Zerker, PVT etc) and then maybe Variations that change skills and weapon setups accessible by pressing a bound button. Not sure how all items should be stored though.. you might have to revamp that too.

Let's hope Season 2 is better, feedback!

in Living World

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


At the end of Season 1 we got some stuff that was better.

We got cinematics more like GW1, using the in-game graphics to immerse you. I don’t care how cheesy it is, GW1 was cheesy too, but it sure got the player more interested than SKIP SKIP SKIP. We got bosses that excited us (but lacked organization tools). Megaservers improved empty areas but worsened organization for Guild Missions or World Bosses.

For Season 2 I hope to see:

Better care for released patches. So many things were released where you fixed the game-breaking stuff and left the rest. The Tequatl invisble bug you acknowledged 3 months later, a lot of class bugs you have to wait until the next feature patch (Necro minion AI still not touched) and dungeons really suffer here. You really need to communicate more in the fixing departments, upcoming stuff you can keep quiet about. You remember when you released the daily dungeon reward system, has that ever changed from feedback? Some paths are not touched at all. Fractals took months to change. You need to be quicker!

Permanent content. People buy expansions for a reason, they know what they get. Living World was hard to predict, sometimes you got what you wanted and other times not at all, and to add to that most of the times the enjoyable things were removed. Some dungeons were later added to fractals (yay you might enjoy what you liked through RNG), and some content is recurring. You don’t get your friends to the game by saying “Hey, there’s some cool stuff that you can sometimes play in this game!”.

Less RNG. So much is RNG-centric. Do you want the best and most unique items in the game from new bosses or activities (Tequatl, Wurm, Lyssa’s backpiece)? RNG. Do you want Legendaries? RNG (or grind because you’re unlucky). Do you want weapons from the Gem Store? RNG. First of all RNG should never be considered when using real money to buy gems, and second of all it should not the be the base of prestige in PvE. I can’t show in any way that I’ve done more than the random first-timer at a boss if he got a boss-exclusive item.

Dungeon balance. It shouldn’t take a CDI to find out that Dredge is super long and disliked. It shouldn’t take months to fix the exploits to skip and sell a path. If a path is notably less played perhaps slowly improve it so all paths across all dungeons are played the same (unless they’re designed to prove a challenge (well then provide a greater reward of course!)). Of course you should want players to play the content you’ve provided, don’t let bad design make it undesirable.

Please post what you’ve liked over the course of Season 1 and what could have been handled better.Blindly bashing or complaining does not get us anywhere, and does not help at all (Gee, that person really hates what I do, I should listen to every word he says.).


Item Prestige: Not being respected?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


I don’t care much for the “I was there”-prestige but every single one in PvE is “I got lucky”. Tequatl, Wurm and Fractals don’t care if you’ve done it 50 times.

High Stakes Gambler (5 gambit) Engi tips?

in Living World

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


Can’t really help you as I don’t have an Engi, but last year I got this achievement with Subject 7 using a MM + a few consumables. With life-stealing minions, some innate health gain thanks to Mango Pies, and Death Shroud to increase your health pool, it became all about making sure S7 died first.

I just did that and I got it third try. Just specced some random MM and healing things, although what you want to do is just burst the boss.

The millionth positivity thread!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


Now it’s gone and anybody that missed it, because they quit or weren’t into the game, have missed out. Period. Yay for me!

How is that positive in any way?

It rewards people that play the game regularly.

However, it punishes anyone who takes breaks/travels/has a life/just bought the game. That’s pretty idiotic for an MMO capturing a very casual feel. You don’t get customers by saying “here’s what you don’t get”.

The game is not thoroughly tested

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


Maybe your machine has a piece of software that causes that, Knaifhogg, one doesn’t know. This is the problem with software.

Yeah, no, it’s for every player in the map, people have reported exactly how you can reproduce it and it should be fixed by now.

I have done Tequatl in that time and have NOT had that bug, so it is NOT for everyone. I have done it with TTS and have not had this issue.

People also need to check how many hops they are from the game server, the more hops the bigger chance for packet loss.

If you burst the boss to directly go to the next defense phase it happens every time, stop trying to argue whether this bug is global or not. I guess TTS is weaker than TXS (shots fired).

NO – they do it the exact same way. Ignoring arrogance on your part, which is par for the course on gaming forums (since people ALWAYS ASSUME EVERYONE has the same problems/opinions they do) and when you don’t they belittle and make fun of you.

As I said, check your wonderful internet connection and everything in between. ONE of the possible reasons is because you are losing packets. If you lose the packets about drawing Tequatl, it is possible that you will lose him (go invisible).

As Sherlock Holmes said,

‘Eliminate all other factors, and the one which remains must be the truth.’

Sherlock Holmes Quote -The Sign of Four

Right, so I guess I lost a packet when defense phase is skipped, and I have to hit a spot until the next one might/might not come. 100 people lose packets, that’s your excuse?

I don’t know why you’re trying to defend the game when it’s obviously not a “random mistake” somewhere for players. It’s a bug in the game, how can it be so hard to acknowledge?

How do you know it is a BUG in the game? Are you an A.Net coder? Are you an Alpha tester?

What I am saying there CAN be other reasons, just saying it is a bug is a cop out. As I said, unless you can say unequivocally that is the game, then it is a bug. If you can’t then who knows.

The only reason I am defending is because the majority of players just complain without really thinking about what they are complaining about. This forum and most other game forums seem to be full of whiners and complainers with the ‘I am entitled’ attitude (not saying you are, mind you).

As Mark Twian said,
“Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.”

Right, so this thing affects the entire server and it’s not client-side, of course it’s a bug then. It’s not intentional. It’s server-side and unintentional, so it’s pretty much not the players’ end that’s wrong.

In cases where something is client-side you can’t just expect it to work, of course, I’ve discussed issues with devs for two larger games where we’ve found what’s wrong. That’s a big difference too, they have openly discussed what could be the issue.

Over three months and not even a “checking into this easiliy reproducible bug”.

As Donald Duck said,
“Stop quoting things, it adds nothing to the discussion.”.

Not a Donald Duck quote – sorry bud.

You can reproduce it – can they? Or are you assuming they can? Have you asked them in a ticket or do you just come to the forum to gripe? It may not be easily reproducible may be the answer…..

All I am saying is it is easy to complain, harder to take in the big picture.

A bug affecting hundreds of people and not a word? I am not a mind reader, how would I know whether they can replicate a bug that’s been reported with instructions on how to do it. They don’t tell us anything. How is it relevant whether I know if they can or not? Unless they tell me “We can’t seem to replicate this bug, we need more details”, I will continue to expect an answer or a fix. If they can’t replicate a huge bug they shouldn’t be shrugging, they should seek more information about it.

The game is not thoroughly tested

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


Maybe your machine has a piece of software that causes that, Knaifhogg, one doesn’t know. This is the problem with software.

Yeah, no, it’s for every player in the map, people have reported exactly how you can reproduce it and it should be fixed by now.

I have done Tequatl in that time and have NOT had that bug, so it is NOT for everyone. I have done it with TTS and have not had this issue.

People also need to check how many hops they are from the game server, the more hops the bigger chance for packet loss.

If you burst the boss to directly go to the next defense phase it happens every time, stop trying to argue whether this bug is global or not. I guess TTS is weaker than TXS (shots fired).

NO – they do it the exact same way. Ignoring arrogance on your part, which is par for the course on gaming forums (since people ALWAYS ASSUME EVERYONE has the same problems/opinions they do) and when you don’t they belittle and make fun of you.

As I said, check your wonderful internet connection and everything in between. ONE of the possible reasons is because you are losing packets. If you lose the packets about drawing Tequatl, it is possible that you will lose him (go invisible).

As Sherlock Holmes said,

‘Eliminate all other factors, and the one which remains must be the truth.’

Sherlock Holmes Quote -The Sign of Four

Right, so I guess I lost a packet when defense phase is skipped, and I have to hit a spot until the next one might/might not come. 100 people lose packets, that’s your excuse?

I don’t know why you’re trying to defend the game when it’s obviously not a “random mistake” somewhere for players. It’s a bug in the game, how can it be so hard to acknowledge?

How do you know it is a BUG in the game? Are you an A.Net coder? Are you an Alpha tester?

What I am saying there CAN be other reasons, just saying it is a bug is a cop out. As I said, unless you can say unequivocally that is the game, then it is a bug. If you can’t then who knows.

The only reason I am defending is because the majority of players just complain without really thinking about what they are complaining about. This forum and most other game forums seem to be full of whiners and complainers with the ‘I am entitled’ attitude (not saying you are, mind you).

As Mark Twian said,
“Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.”

Right, so this thing affects the entire server and it’s not client-side, of course it’s a bug then. It’s not intentional. It’s server-side and unintentional, so it’s pretty much not the players’ end that’s wrong.

In cases where something is client-side you can’t just expect it to work, of course, I’ve discussed issues with devs for two larger games where we’ve found what’s wrong. That’s a big difference too, they have openly discussed what could be the issue.

Over three months and not even a “checking into this easiliy reproducible bug”.

As Donald Duck said,
“Stop quoting things, it adds nothing to the discussion.”.

The game is not thoroughly tested

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


Maybe your machine has a piece of software that causes that, Knaifhogg, one doesn’t know. This is the problem with software.

Yeah, no, it’s for every player in the map, people have reported exactly how you can reproduce it and it should be fixed by now.

I have done Tequatl in that time and have NOT had that bug, so it is NOT for everyone. I have done it with TTS and have not had this issue.

People also need to check how many hops they are from the game server, the more hops the bigger chance for packet loss.

If you burst the boss to directly go to the next defense phase it happens every time, stop trying to argue whether this bug is global or not. I guess TTS is weaker than TXS (shots fired).

NO – they do it the exact same way. Ignoring arrogance on your part, which is par for the course on gaming forums (since people ALWAYS ASSUME EVERYONE has the same problems/opinions they do) and when you don’t they belittle and make fun of you.

As I said, check your wonderful internet connection and everything in between. ONE of the possible reasons is because you are losing packets. If you lose the packets about drawing Tequatl, it is possible that you will lose him (go invisible).

As Sherlock Holmes said,

‘Eliminate all other factors, and the one which remains must be the truth.’

Sherlock Holmes Quote -The Sign of Four

Right, so I guess I lost a packet when defense phase is skipped, and I have to hit a spot until the next one might/might not come. 100 people lose packets, that’s your excuse?

I don’t know why you’re trying to defend the game when it’s obviously not a “random mistake” somewhere for players. It’s a bug in the game, how can it be so hard to acknowledge?

The game is not thoroughly tested

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


Maybe your machine has a piece of software that causes that, Knaifhogg, one doesn’t know. This is the problem with software.

Yeah, no, it’s for every player in the map, people have reported exactly how you can reproduce it and it should be fixed by now.

I have done Tequatl in that time and have NOT had that bug, so it is NOT for everyone. I have done it with TTS and have not had this issue.

People also need to check how many hops they are from the game server, the more hops the bigger chance for packet loss.

If you burst the boss to directly go to the next defense phase it happens every time, stop trying to argue whether this bug is global or not. I guess TTS is weaker than TXS (shots fired).

The game is not thoroughly tested

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


Maybe your machine has a piece of software that causes that, Knaifhogg, one doesn’t know. This is the problem with software.

Yeah, no, it’s for every player in the map, people have reported exactly how you can reproduce it and it should be fixed by now.

The game is not thoroughly tested

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


I think what he’s saying is they don’t need to be able to kill the boss to know whether players will be able to.

The bugs are another thing completely. It’s unacceptable to have a bug where Tequatl goes invisible and you have to hit a spot with AoE damage to kill him. It has been in the game since February and not a word has been said about it. This really drives me up the wall.

The millionth positivity thread!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


Now it’s gone and anybody that missed it, because they quit or weren’t into the game, have missed out. Period. Yay for me!

How is that positive in any way?

Are Minons Suppose to be Stupid?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


This bug was added some time in February maybe and it hasn’t been fixed. I was hoping for the big heap of Necro fixes in the feature patch to fix it but they haven’t even acknowledged it yet.

How to fix Tequatl and 3 headed wurm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


I haven’t done Tequatl or Wurm with pugs, so keep that in mind.

These bosses seem like they’ve just been thrown into open world with no thought behind it. The rewards are RNG based, so it doesn’t matter if you’re doing it daily, you’re not worthy of a reward. You can’t get your entire group to the boss fight easily either. Activating the world boss daily using a guild is too expensive. Pugs have no chance. It’s bad all around.

It’s like they don’t even check out their content after they release it. Game-breaking bugs are fixed, boss-breaking bugs are left behind (Teq invis bug still in after over 4 months). Unless their boss tells them to work on something it’s left untouched.

This game lacks middle ground

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


I thought ascended was the middle ground.

It’s sort of a middle ground, but it doesn’t really feel like something you achieved (like dungeon armor), it’s more like something you sold enough junk so you could buy it. The huge difference between light armor and medium doesn’t help either. Imagine if ascended pieces had some kind of quest line connected to it or boss fight, that’s more “ascended” than “I made it from stuff I bought”.

Caudecus Manor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


CM has been really bad for a long time so now that it’s easier people need to get used to the dungeon again. I just wish more people didn’t skip that much, I wanna loot lots of linen. The packs melt anyway so why skip it.

I believe they drop cotton scraps, not linen.

Some of the skips are just dumb in my opinion. People end up wasting more time relying on stealth cooldowns when it’s faster to just clean the mobs which are easily killed since the April update.

It might be the bags that give you linen, not sure. But yeah, it’s super easy to kill them, but with the current dungeon design people are so used to skipping anything that’s a silver mob.

Everyone knows that dungeons aren’t changed often enough. When’s the last time anyone did AC p3 without stacking at the spot the ceiling rubble can’t hit you? It would take 5 minutes to change that but nothing changes unless it’s related to a patch/living world it seems.

This game lacks middle ground

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


All the rewards seem out of reach, or you got it last year. Dungeon armor was great with the tokens. After you got what you wanted from dungeons, then what? If you want Fractal skins or World Boss skins you have to battle with RNG. If you want a legendary you have to farm a lot of other stuff, trade on TP a bit and then win out on RNG (or farm even more for your precursor).

There are some middle ground items, like Abyssal Scepter and such, but it’s not enough. Battling with RNG feels like running on a treadmill and waiting to arrive somewhere. The other road is to do something unrelated to accumulate gold and then sell it on TP to get money for what you actually want.

Does anyone else see this as a problem?

Caudecus Manor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


Tonight I did p2 in 19 minutes. This dungeon is awesome since the new scaling.

Remove Dredge Fractal 2014

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


Change I can believe in!

Caudecus Manor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


CM has been really bad for a long time so now that it’s easier people need to get used to the dungeon again. I just wish more people didn’t skip that much, I wanna loot lots of linen. The packs melt anyway so why skip it.

New Maguuma zones?

in Living World

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


I played through GW1 to get 30 points in the Hall of Monuments, and Maguuma Wastes sure was one of the more memorable places (in Tyria). Another cool place was the Crystal Desert. It would be fun if they brought back some cool dungeons from GW1, either as new dungeons or just revisits.

"Offline" players able to message you...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


The system is working as designed.

Should it work that way? I’d probably support a suggestion requesting that this mechanic be changed.

By the way: even if offline players couldn’t whisper you, they can still /block you and create the same effect.

kitten , they should really look into that. It’s obviously not well-designed.

TP killing real mmo fun

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


I stopped trying to flip stuff because I was bad at it and it made me dislike the game. It’s so annoying to hear someone say “Oh man I just made tons of gold on the TP it’s so easy, but if I tell you how it stops working”. I get that people might enjoy trading but it shouldn’t get so much attention it seems to be getting. It might be just me but trading isn’t part of the actual game, it’s just what resulted because of sloppy rewards. You don’t tell your friends about Guild Wars 2 because of the trading, you tell about the cool world, dungeons and such.

The game needs more rewards not based on RNG. I wanna fight specific stuff for that specific item. I shouldn’t have to resort to TP when I don’t get what I need (this is different than also having the option to farm for the item, TP should be there if I don’t want to farm for the item). RNG + account bound is awful. I believe dungeons had it right, you can get your tokens which over time builds up to an item you might want. You can also salvage the rewards if it doesn’t suit you. However nothing has changed there since release. Less and less people don’t have anything to work for from dungeons anymore. The new exclusive world boss rewards are completely RNG based, who cares if you killed Tequatl a hundred times, that new guy who has never done it just got the weapon you want.

"Offline" players able to message you...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


…but you can’t message back. Some players use this to harass you.

Tequatl bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


Still bugged, if you burst too hard during burst phase Tequatl flies off, becomes invisible, Megalaser is canceled, you have to DPS a tiny spot to deal damage and progress a laser-free Tequatl fight.

Necromancer Bug Fixes 04.15.14

in Necromancer

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


Flesh golem is still bugged, doesn’t attack anything, broken elite skill.

Dolyak Express - March 28, 2014

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


How is the condition cap rework going? What hasn’t worked and why?

fix condition damage in pve plz

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


Pretty much everyone agrees, even ANet. I just wish this problem would be fixed soon.

Upcoming blog: Removing Restrictions.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


Things that come to my mind:

  • Opening other weapons to other classes
  • Opening new skills for weapons i.e
  • Multiclassing
  • Removing armour restrictions for classes
  • Swappable stats/sigils/runes ect on weapons and armour.
  • Condition Cap fix
  • Guesting to other regions
  • Diminishing returns removed

Well now you’ve just increased the potential of these two words to a ridiculous level. Everybody will find something to be disappointed about.

Are the dev's really all warriors?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


I wish I got a dev playing only say Necro in PvE and actually caring about them being useless somewhere instead of just hearing the PvP balance team laughing about how some things are changing in PvP and not a word is mentioned about PvE.

I don’t play PvE anymore because people bash me for having a useless build, and if I want PvP I play something else.

New games in 2014. can GW2 keep up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


I’ve been playing Diablo 3 these last weeks, trying to finish my Living World in time but I don’t bother with anything else in GW2 right now. The D3 patch has made the game a lot more fun for me so I have already ordered the expansion.

The Elder Scrolls Online is a joke, with the box cost and then the monthly fee, and today I found out they will actually have a cash shop too (it was first rumored then said to be false and now it’s actually true). I doubt they built the infrastructure for a cash shop for just one item.

I will continue playing GW2 but for now I will mainly play other things. That’s actually a pro for GW2. I get to play what I want (mostly, have to do living world) and not leave behind.

Tequatl bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


I reported this bug earlier, I can confirm that if you burst him too hard this bug occurs. Here’s a video of our TxS run, we’ve started to burst him slower instead.

Silk crashing, investors move to "new thing"

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


Sell sell sell! I want my bloody ascended armor for a normal price!

Tequatl invisible

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


Happened after a defense phase suddenly canceled (didn’t succeed or fail) with like a minute left on the defense timer.

Fix to Raid ascended drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


The wurm isnt a sure kill like teq, 2 servers and TTS only beat it once since the update and havent since from what i heard.

TxS has killed him 11 times total, I think 6 after the bug (we never encountered) was fixed. Don’t know about TTS.

But yeah, I definately agree that this needs to be changed. I want a full Tequatl set and I believe I am at around 50 kills now, and unless I loot Tequatl’s Hoard I have made no progress at all.

Do Anet know about the necro summons bug?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


It was added last patch I believe. Summons just stand around doing nothing for 5 – 10 seconds. Huge bug. Have they said they’re fixing it?

A wish: Cutscenes in Living Story

in Living World

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964


The cinematics that you see in the personal story where 2 characters talk to each other on a stage-like environment have been…retired.

This makes me a sad panda Care to explain why?

1. It felt less like a conversation more like a load screen (oh hey there that character is swapped out for another..)
2. Only two characters at a time.
3. Takes you away from the world for a moment.

Those are a few. I like that they’re gone (in future stories)!