I love it when people say it’s for listing items “too fast”. You would have to list items at the speed a computer illiterate 80-year old to never get this error.
I think that the new Super Skins are undervalued, seeing as they are not nearly as farmable due to the account-based chest rewards.
There’s also the fact that significantly less people are doing SAB this time around as well. It’s possible that the current skins will go up in price, but I think so many people were burned by SAB skin investments in the past they’re not going to touch these.
The bauble achievements are precisely why I don’t want to do any achievements this time. After spending 2 hours just doing W2Z1, arguably the easiest of the three, and not getting it (followed a guide, triple checked everything) I just didn’t have the interest or motivation to keep trying. Especially when every time I check the forums posts are saying they’re still bugged.
So, yeah, I’m hoping next time there’ll either be a counter or the achievement not reliant on a boss kill (even though players begged for that after the first installment and it obviously didn’t happen) or that the achievements will at least be functional.
(It also didn’t help that prior to attempting the bauble achievements I wasted 5 hours just trying to get the Baby’s Second Adventure achievement due to having to run through the whole thing twice because it was bugged as well. :\)
I was wondering if all of the same achievements from this round will be available next time? I wasn’t just going to assume they were because the first set was. :P
I don’t get the love for the current TM skins. I think the shade of green used and the yellow are ugly and they also seem much brighter than the original blue, which to me is a bad thing. Maybe it’s my graphic settings, but many times I barely see a weapon at all instead just a cloud of green or yellow gas. I don’t have that issue with the blue ones.
They might re-release the original skins, but probably not until something special like an anniversary or the completion of SAB. If their goal is to re-establish some form of prestige/exclusivity then a lot more in the AH need to be sold first. The market has been saturated with them since April and, honestly, aside from people being cheapskates I don’t understand the commotion surrounding them not returning.
His content might be fun. His posting style on the forums, however, whilst a lot of forum users love it since they get banter going between themselves and the dev, I found to be abrasive and borderline trolling/inflammatory. Sure, everyone loves a rogue, that one team member who doesn’t play by the rules. So many times I saw him post something, only to turn around a few posts later to say “Oh, sorry guys, I didn’t mean it like that”. Sure, Josh.
He was unprofessional.
It’s called having a personality. :P As I said in an earlier post, there are some shockingly oversensitive people on this forum, moreso than myself (and I am extremely thin-skinned) so that is actually quite frightening.
If “professional” are the aforementioned scripted, uninformative, dismissive replies that just about every other dev on these forums gives (once in a blue moon) then I will gladly take personality even if it means the occasional user unnecessarily gets their knickers in a twist.
The developer interaction is feeding the controversy. It’s best he step back for a bit. Josh should have never responded to these little children complaining about the content in the first place.
We need all the developers on board to be willfully ignorant of any critical feedback so they can continue to put out content players don’t enjoy. That is obviously the best solution for everyone.
Not to mention that in SAB’s case a lot of it were bugs because the content didn’t get tested properly (shocking). Let’s face it, without developer interaction or a PTR then we get a bunch of buggy content that may or may not even be fun and then they’ll pat themselves on the back for a job well done because they won’t know any better.
Thing is, I bet the executives would have a hard time bankrolling an employee position whose sole responsibility is to “network with fans on the forums and pass feedback/concerns to developers and responses from the devs to fans”.
I don’t see why. One of the CMs for Tera did exactly that and I’m sure other games do it too (or something similar).
Considering how much forum (and likely PM) reading would be involved I don’t doubt it’d be a monumental undertaking. I’d actually be surprised if one person could do it all, which is why I suggested it only be done for devs who have some sort of issue with communication.
It could probably be done weekly or so. Gather up the main concerns from the forums over the course of the week, present it in a digest e-mail for the dev(s) in question to respond to, then keep an updated sticky in the appropriate forum with that week’s Q&A (as an example).
Crazy thing is, this IS the standard that they should be living up to. There is no excuse for the horrible lack of communication that is Anet’s standard.
Totally agreed.
Not everybody is comfortable with discussing their work with other people (especially if said “other people” can be rude, aggressive or downright hostile. You’ve seen how the fans on the forum can get.
), and if a developer is shy or introverted, they shouldn’t be made to get up front and talk about their work if they don’t want to.
Then I would suggest they hire and/or designate someone to act as a bridge of communication between those devs and the fans.
Arenanet was mad when he gave us too much info in the forums. I can only assume they are going to be more kitten ed about what he put out into the public on his blog post.
While you are probably correct, unfortunately, it’s still stupid.
Seriously, why is this even an issue? They’d rather perpetuate their reputation of being absolutely terrible when it comes to communication? I don’t even understand why the reins on their employees are pulled so tight in the first place. It makes no logical sense to me.
If they’re that against communication then they really need to start incorporating a PTR because whatever testing/feedback they’re currently getting is not sufficient and it shows.
So, the first (only?) dev to show any interest in his target audience let alone any sincerity in making the content he creates enjoyable is reprimanded? Wow.
Instead of worrying about the devs that do communicate they ought to worry about the ones who don’t. Communication has been a frequent complaint since the game’s release. Nobody likes the scripted, non-informative, and dismissive replies we’re lucky to get once every 2 weeks. Some areas of the game it’s glaringly obvious the devs are completely out of touch and seeing no attempt to rectify that doesn’t exactly instill confidence in the players.
Josh had a great personality and forum presence. Anyone who ever got offended at anything he posted gives a whole new definition to oversensitive, and I say that as an extremely thin-skinned person myself.
Unfortunately, yeah, I’m afraid posts like this will get him into more (undeserved) trouble. However, since the thread’s already been made I wish to add my voice to those who think this is total BS.
Personally, I feel the original design has been lost. Is World 2 not fun at any point? No. But the original design of a fun and in my honest opinion casual experience has been set aside for a difficult and skill-based challenge. World 2 is a stark contrast to World 1. It requires a lot more skill, a lot better timing, and has no forgiving features whatsoever.
Do I look forward to World 3 now that the design has been changed? Sadly, no. I know what to expect from World 3, difficulty and skill-based wise, and it isn’t something I’m interested in.
And I think the GW2 developers will see a huge dip in participation for World 2.
Sadly, I agree with this. I loved the first incarnation of SAB and was beyond excited for its return, but I can’t say I’ve had much fun with this release.
It doesn’t help that I have literally spent over 7 hours total now trying to get bugged achievements and I’ve had it. It’s completely sucked what little fun there was completely out of SAB.
Just let us get a counter please.
At least remove the dependency on a boss skill so we have some opportunity to try to find what we missed. This was a frequently made request last time I was really hoping would have made it into this release.
It’s even worse now with how long the levels are with no save/break point. I spent 2 hours trying to get the achievement in W2Z1 and didn’t get it, so now the only option is to completely start over and W2Z1 is arguably the shortest/easiest of the three. No one wants to dedicate 2+ hours to a task, think they succeeded, and only find out when it’s too late that they didn’t after spending that much time on it. There’s no fun in that.
Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Lane.3410
Please, for the love of God, separate bauble achievements from boss kills. We begged for this last time and now it’s even worse with the length of these zones.
I just spent 2 hours trying to get all of them in Z1 only to not get the achievement and Z1 is the easiest of the three! At least give players an opportunity to find what they missed instead of forcing them to go through the whole thing all over again, this sort of thing really saps all the fun out of SAB.
I definitely did W2Z1 in normal so it should have already been unlocked for me.
Whether or not I waited out the timer in the bonus round seems like a technicality they should check for next time. I already had access to W2 (in both modes) in April, so why would I have ever worried about something like that? O_o
When I killed King Toad in April, yes, I waited out the timer and was sent to the bonus round (with the cart) and then W2Z1. None of that apparently counted for this incarnation of SAB.
I haven’t been able to access World 2 at all without going back to World 1 and fighting King Toad, who I already defeated multiple times in April. Supposedly they fixed this for Infantile Mode (too late for me), but I still can’t access World 2 in Normal (or Tribulation) Modes.
I assume that I’m going to have to do this for each mode since unlocking W2 in IM didn’t carry over to any other mode. While that’s perhaps understandable for TM, it shouldn’t be necessary for the other modes.
What concerns me more is if this is going to happen next time as well. I really do not want to have to fight the Storm Wizard an additional 3x to access all the modes I’ll have already unlocked this time. Not to mention with the length of W2Z3 we’re talking about way more of an inconvenience than doing W1Z3 is.
This is where I finally got it in Zone 2. Needless to say, it was not fun having to go through the WHOLE of Infantile Mode a second (in some cases third) time to get this achievement (basically 5 hours now spent just on this), but I will assume that it would have been too much trouble to just credit everyone who had 31/33 with the achievement.
All of that for 1 achievement point too. Shoot me.
(edited by Lane.3410)
Well, I just went through zone 3, for the third time now, and am still at 32/33.
I definitely started out with 31/33 and I definitely discovered the 2 feats others mentioned (at least the little achievement box dinged and popped up in the corner of the screen 2 times; once before the yeti and once on the actual yeti platform), but one of them obviously didn’t credit me for the meta. I thought going through again might correct it, but it didn’t and I really don’t want to do it a 4th time. -_-
I’m still stuck at 32/33. Got both the one before the yeti and the one on the yeti platform, which considering I was 31/33 yesterday should have been all I needed.
Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Lane.3410
Personally I love long epic slogs. Long movies, long songs, long levels. I felt like I was going the extra mile making these levels so huge. I spent SO many all-nighters crafting these levels… and then I’m told it’s too much. Hahaha…. oh… …
I do too. It’s only considered too much because there’s no way to save your progress. I doubt anyone would be complaining about it if there was.
As to my challenge…. all I know is that I run through SAB over and over constantly and find it very easy. But like I told someone above, I’m very used to the engine problems like camera, lag, weird hit detection, etc so I hardly notice them and have developed strategies for getting through the levels without running into most of the problems described by most. And I’m not a super great jumper. I don’t find the “pixel perfect jumps” accusations to be accurate at all. But I know last time I played through LoZ it took a long, loooong time. And some of those later dungeons were BRUTAL. The rooms with 8 darknuts you can only hit in the back? That seems WAY harder to me than SAB. But I see where you’re coming from. You’re super familiar with LoZ. I’m super familiar with SAB. I’m sure that plays into both our perceptions.
You’re not only familiar with it, but you have perpetual access to it. We haven’t played SAB in any form in 6 months. Plus, we’re not all using standard controls. Your setup may be vastly different than what others have. Personally, I use a split keyboard and standard 2-button mouse (w/scroll wheel). During the Storm King fight I really felt like I needed a controller and that my ‘gaming’ setup (such as it is) was making that fight a lot harder than normal. Other people might be using $100 gaming keyboards and mice, which will likely influence how difficult or easy some things are.
One problem I’m realizing now is that when I first built 2-2 it was not a long level. I never changed the layout, but as we had more and more ideas for new mechanics they kept getting packed into that space. (and subsequently meant a bunch of 36 hour days for me and Lisa!) I’ve now come up with the ultimate idea: The Anti-Idea Helmet. (Please don’t steal this idea, I want to patent it.) It’s a helmet that the each member of the SAB team is given. Like a construction helmet, but it’s got brain reading electrodes or what-have-you that can sense when you start to get creative. At that point a spring loaded mallet pivots down from its mount on the top/front of the helmet, smacking you in the forehead, discouraging new ideas. With this invention I can guarantee that the next release for SAB will be shorter, less dense, and have fewer new mechanics. (and the subsequent bugs that accompany them)
:P Nobody’s saying to not have or incorporate ideas, but if you can’t save them for a future update then you need to figure out a way to have your cake and eat it too. See below!
Smaller team, actually. And the length was my own desire to get as many ideas as I could in there. I spent several months pulling 16 hour days and a couple weeks where I did a couple 36 hour stretches, went home, slept and came back and did it again. No one else wanted me to do that. In fact those sort of crazy hours are discouraged at ArenaNet. I did that because I freeking love what I do and wanted this release to be the best thing ever. Turns out I pushed too hard to get those new mechanics in there and I’m being told here over and over that all that work was wasted and it’s making people miserable. I’ve learned my lesson. Won’t happen again! And for that, my family thanks you!
As above, the problem is there’s no save game system so people are forced to go through it in one sitting. If there really is no way to incorporate such a system, would there be a way to break up the zones somehow? Maybe a World 2, Zone 2: Part 1/2/3? Not only would that theoretically preserve everything you’re trying (and want to) do, but it would put the content in smaller, ‘bite-size’ pieces for mass consumption.
Personally speaking, I would hate for the complaints to mean less content. Plus, wishful thinking, it’d also give you room to add onto existing worlds later if each one were broken up into parts. Something like, "New SAB Editions: World 1, Zone 2, Part 2 ‘Higher Into the Treetops’ and Part 3 ‘Rainbow Road’! As an example.
It doesn’t help that SAB isn’t as popular this time around or at least a lot of people are frustrated/disappointed with it at the moment.
Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Lane.3410
This is where I normally land, the land on the right is where I think I should land. Landing on the flower itself here or getting bugged right here is very easy. I was never able to over shoot the flower and land in that nice patch of free land.
I feel your pain. It cost me a whole continue coin just to make it to the boss platform thanks to those spinning flowers. -_-
The issue is more that they redesigned the game to make it significantly more difficult to function without a great deal of continue coins.
Imagine if when they introduced the infinite gathering tools at the same time they changed it so that gathering had a chance to fail but still consumed a tool, reduced the size of the tool stacks, increased the cost of the tools, etc. It’d appear sketchy for good reason. This is no different.
Had they left bauble farming the way it was, kept starting lives at 5, and had Trib Mode not consume lives, then I doubt anyone would have an issue with the Infinite Continue Coin. Unfortunately, everything points to them very deliberately making a hard sell for this item (whether intentional or not).
I just finished Infantile Mode (solo) and I also only have 31/33.
What I’m saying is that Guild Wars 2 players enjoyed something that made them FEEL like they were playing a throwback to 8 bit games. Most of them don’t actually want to work at it.
I agree with this.
I understand Josh’s vision for Tribulation Mode, but that doesn’t stop me from wishing he’d used that as the real throwback mode and kept regular SAB more low key fun.
Try these guides:
Zone 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=incXduynNfw
Zone 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDdSGZd-hd8
Zone 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJMz2GLv16w
I never understood why the scepter wasn’t more popular. I think it’s a great skin, certainly one of the better ones for scepter. I guess it’s just not a popular weapon in general?
All they’d need to do to the bows to make them more interesting is give them SAB arrows and a sound effect, they would fly off the shelves.
I think it’s funny people debate this because the Infinite Coin is paying to win at the most basic level. You are paying to not have to worry about losing lives/progress so that you can win (by death running if necessary).
As far as the other definition of P2W, near as I can tell the only advantage it gives you over other players are achievement points. (Whether or not you care about those, I don’t care, I’m just saying.)
I will say that this is the first item I have felt was practically a mandatory purchase to enjoy content. A necessity, a requirement, whatever.
The infinite tools are a bad example. Regular tools are extremely cheap, you do not have to farm gold to buy them, and even if you did you’re not capped out at how much gold you can farm per day per account. Everything about this newest installment of SAB is designed to very strongly push you toward purchasing the Infinite Continue Coin: lives reduced from 5 to 1, dig spots removed from infantile mode, dig spots yielding roughly half the baubles they used to, only being able to farm dig spots once a day per account, etc.
Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Lane.3410
This is another thing which makes me think that bi-weekly content release makes the testing process… lacking. I mean, look at “that other game”. They have content on PTR for weeks or months and tune it multiple times in the process based on feedback. I miss that in GW2
So much this.
I’m guessing that you’re just using the term “jumping” as an umbrella for the entire SAB experience here. As many posters in this thread have stated, the problems don’t necessarily revolve around “jumping,” it’s more about the larger problems with design and the engine. Being really good at jumping in and of itself won’t help you with most of the complaints players are bringing forward with SAB World 2.
I certainly hope it’s just an umbrella statement because I was hoping for something to test my jumping prowess, but that’s a far cry from an overabundance of one-shot mechanics. (Agree with whoever said what’s the point of having hearts.)
Seriously, you guys need to step away from the Liadri mentality that instant kills — especially combined with the inability to see them very well (if at all) — is the only way to infuse “difficulty” into content.
Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Lane.3410
As I said above, the one-life thing was to add fun. I don’t find mindlessly throwing away lives to be fun. I want death to matter in SAB like it mattered in Mega Man and Metroid. That creates tension. Causes you to be careful. To THINK about your environment, enemies, and how you approach jumps. It is fundamental to creating the experience I want to create. But if you can jump back to the hub, then back to your group at the end of a zone with 5 lives again those lives are next to meaningless. The tension, awareness and thoughtfulness slip to the wayside because it doesn’t matter how often you die. It has nothing to do with selling anything.
What I don’t like about it is it leaves little to no room for error. I went in to infantile mode honestly not expecting to even need any continue coins (it’s infantile mode), so I didn’t bother with any.
I got to just before the final boss where those spinning flowers are, which was the first time I’d encountered them. I thought it was kind of odd there wasn’t another rainbow cloud to go over that part, but I didn’t see any or any hands leading to one. The first time I stepped on the flower I got flung into the other flower, which spun me right off the edge. Death #1. The second time I was very careful to aim myself and yet I was not flung far enough and missed making it onto the clear platform. Death #2 and subsequently game over. Now I have to start all the way at the beginning because of issues with one new (to me) feature at the very end that didn’t really have anything to do with the list of things you want us to be conscious of while playing.
Plus, I still feel like the Infinite Continue Coin negates all of that anyway and, unfortunately, I very much see it as a requirement to play SAB in any sort of enjoyable manner. I do not and did not want to have to farm World 1 anymore. I thought that was behind me and unfortunately I see it’s more important than ever. So, my choice is to pony up for gems to buy this item (which makes all the reasons for the limited lives in the first place moot) or re-farm content I’ve already farmed to death so that I can play through the new content.
Also, I can only speak for myself, but limited lives takes away the adventure. Even just going through infantile there were several places I didn’t explore because I didn’t want to risk unnecessarily losing lives. Where’s the fun in that?
Did you do it in infantile mode? The old dig spots didn’t work for me in infantile, but they did in normal mode.
Invisible bag? :P
Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Lane.3410
1 way to explain how hard and frustrating it is, is by comparing with Super Mario:
Zone 1: The Regular Super Mario World 1
Zone 2: World 2 of Super Mario, with 500 Bowsers with Rocket Launchers, Jet Packs, made of titanium coming from evry direction and that 1-hit KO you.My question is: Why bother giving us a life bar in Zone 2, if evry mistake we make is pretty much death?
So, basically what you’re saying is they gave it the Liadri treatment? :P
PSA Regarding MF Items & Choosing The Stats
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Lane.3410
This happened to me as well. It’s a good thing I found out on a green before I got to my exotics. I assumed it was account bound until equipped.
No word on what’s happening to opals?
You’ll have a full month of SAB this time as well.
A ‘full month’? Last time it took me about 2 weeks just to get all of the achievements and that was before they started on this ‘new content every 2-weeks’ cycle. Assuming there’s another LS content patch mid-September then at best I’ll be trying to juggle that and SAB, which isn’t going to leave much room for “time consuming” activities. That was the point I was trying to make.
Tribulation Mode is ridiculously difficult and time consuming.
Are there any plans to make SAB permanent someday? Anything “time consuming” isn’t likely to work well within the confines of temporary content or the 2-week cycle Anet has set up for its releases.
I would like to try Tribulation Mode, but I’m afraid between getting all of this round’s achievements plus any Living Story content added in mid-September there isn’t going to be much opportunity.
If minion loot didn’t suck so much there wouldn’t be a problem, but unless there’s a champ there the minion portals just aren’t worth it (except to those who want to win). In fact, even if there is a champ I often see zergs kill it then run away rather than deal with the rest of the portal.
Personally, I hate the mechanic of having to destroy minions after you’ve killed them. That sort of thing worked for the Queen’s Speech intro instance and Scarlet’s Playhouse, but not in these big invasions. It’s a hassle and (IMO) makes the minion portals even less fun than they already are.
I also hate that minions come in 2 forms: non-veteran trash that often dies before you can get a hit on it and overly tough veterans/silvers (whatever they’re called) that take forever to kill (and drop crap).
It’s probably too late to fix now, but those are some reasons why people hate doing the minion portals to note for next time. :P I think it’s better to give incentive for people to do them than nerf the event as a whole and cause mass disinterest (see: Pavilion).
(edited by Lane.3410)
I really worry that those of us who didn’t farm the last two events heavily and didn’t earn a mass of gold will be left high and dry if they put something in place to counter the mass amount of gold that was farmed.
This. While I have made a lot of gold farming the Pavilion and invasions it’s nowhere near what Deadeye farmers got. A gold sink affects everyone (especially if it’s crafting), not just farmers.
From experience, I know BL mining picks work better than my ori/fused pick on the home instance quartz node, giving me a higher chance of receiving charged quartz.
:O I did not know this. Finally, a use for all the ones I get out of BLCs!
As for the rest, I’m not buying into transmutation crystals. As an altoholic with multiple gear sets per character there’s just no way. I don’t care if they’re “only” 50 cents each, that stuff adds up fast especially if you tend to change your mind a lot (hard not to when they release new skins every month). GW2’s appearance system is the most punishing, money sucking system I’ve encountered. I do not like it at all.
Tempted as I am to have someone in ascended gear, I will probably stick to using level 78-79 exotics. I’ll kill a little slower, but I can change looks on a whim with the nearly 500 transmutation stones I have and not have to worry about shelling out RL $ or the ridiculous gold→gem exchange rate.
Also, I have played almost every day since September of last year and I only have about 20 transmutation crystals, which I haven’t gotten since at least December. I’m not sure I’ve ever gotten any from map completion, I’ve definitely never gotten one from dailies, and I assume the small stash I have are from early BLC openings before the drop rate was nerfed/adjusted for multiple items/whatever.
I ain’t touching Super Skins with a 10-foot pole, and will be selling every skin I get during the event if the price is even somewhat worthwhile.
Same. I’d be content just breaking even. I’m still kicking myself for not having sold at the peak when prices were more than double what I paid.
I haven’t invested in any skins since and I’m unlikely to either. I think the Halloween skins set a bad precedent being as rare and expensive as they were.
I do understand that people do prefer to keep them rare but it does sorta stinks that they would not allow others to enjoy said items just because a few want to horde them and resale for an exorbitant price
I really don’t understand the concern here. SAB skins are some of the cheapest in the TP, cheaper than the Jade skins in many cases, and there’s a huge supply of them. They’re not rare at all, which is part of the problem.
Nearly every other weapon skin set in the game has some sort of exclusivity associated with them. SAB weapon skins are arguably some of the best looking in the game, but there were so many introduced into the economy that they’re common, which of course in player minds = not special.
I’ll be glad if they don’t make a return this round so that they can attain the uniqueness they deserve.
Though, I do wonder, if they don’t bring them back does this mean other skins like the Halloween ones won’t return either?
People really need to quit comparing SAB weapon skins to RNG box skins, they’re not even remotely the same. If you want a hint as to whether or not Halloween skins will be returning then look at the return of the Wintersday and Fused skins, those are a more applicable comparison.
There’d be no reason to use wording like this if all of the weapon skins were going to be available:
“Complete Your Super Weapon Set
Moto’s prepared for another round of fundraising with the rest of the Super Weapon Skins!"
So I’m going to err on the side of them not returning for this installment.
Since SAB is recurring there’s nothing saying the full set won’t be available at a later date, perhaps next year during its anniversary, but it’s sounded like this run is just going to be what was absent last time.
My gut feeling is that yes, the Super skins WILL be available again, since now that the King Toad and Lighting King skins are released, everybody will be clamoring to get those instead.
If the screenshot’s any indication then they’re just re-colorings of the previous skins, which is disappointing.
(edited by Lane.3410)
For example, if you have an Explorer’s Pearl Staff, you can now double-click it to change it to any other crafting stat.
Hi, Martin. Could you possibly clarify this a bit? Will we be able to change all of the stats (i.e. Explorer to Celestial) or only the MF stat? (Side question: Is Sentinel’s considered a “crafting stat” since the insignias technically aren’t crafted?)
There seems to be a lot of speculation that you’ll be able to take any piece of gear with MF on it and change it to something totally different.
I’m also curious to know if MF gear will remain account bound after choosing a new stat allocation. Thanks.
The old SAB skins are still quite plentiful and relatively inexpensive on the TP if anyone wants them. There really isn’t a need for them to be reintroduced with this installment.
I made a few small gambles on runes and sigils. If they don’t pan out it won’t be a huge loss, but if they do then some of my characters will have some nice upgrades.
Also, I don’t see what the sense would be in making the MF gear account bound and then reverting it once you’ve chosen a new stat combination. It seems more of a measure to keep people from flipping, but who knows?
May as well post these here for reference:
Hey all, no worries, we got you covered.
Weapons, armor and trinkets with magic find will become account bound, lose their current stats and will gain the ability to be double-clicked to select one of several stat options depending on the item.
For example, if you have an Explorer’s Pearl Staff, you can now double-click it to change it to any other crafting stat.
We will have a blog post about it with more extensive information as well, keep an eye on the website.
I am sorry you had a bad experience in your former job. Here our developers actually talk to us and give us information we need. So what I am posting here is coming straight from the people working on the changes.
To answer a few more questions:
- If you currently have listed an item with MF on the Trading Post, they will be returned to you, as they become account bound.
- Upgrade components that currently give MF bonus will be updated with new functionality.
- All existing drops and crafting recipes that have created Magic Find gear will be replaced with new stat combos.
It depends on if they consider Sentinel’s a crafting stat, since you can’t actually craft the gear without the F&F drops.
Someone in the thread mentioned you’d be able to completely bypass the Celestial time gate, which leads me to believe they may decide to limit your choices to preexisting combinations of the remaining two stats, so Explorer’s->Berserker’s and Traveler’s->Rampager’s, etc.
(edited by Lane.3410)
Isn’t the rose still available via Southsun Survival?
I’m surprised the holographic wings haven’t gone down more in price yet.
Well, after the super skins I’ve been leery of investing in any other cosmetics. I’m not much of a gambler to begin with and I was harshly reminded why with those.