Showing Posts For Lane.3410:

Have you/Would you delete an 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lane.3410


Thanks to no race change being available I’ll be deleting one of my 80s. It sucks, but even if there were such a service it’d probably cost me more than just remaking the character.

Buying another character slot’s not really feasible since I want to use the same name and there’s no real point in keeping around a ‘dead’ character just because she’s 80. It’s not like it’s difficult to level and it’s fun.

The thing that’s really going to hurt is losing all the dyes she has. I really wish dyes were account bound. :\

Personal Story quest level 10

in Personal Story

Posted by: Lane.3410


It doesn’t seem many people found Doc Howler easy either.

“Doc Howler” — enough said. I’ve done most (all?) of the personal story arcs for all races up to level 10 and this one is the most difficult by a significant margin. In fact, it has the distinction of being the only segment of the personal story (aside from the final dungeon part) that I’ve ever had to call in help to complete.

I haven’t read the thread you linked yet, but IMO that NPC needs some serious re-tuning.

Please stop killing everyone

in Personal Story

Posted by: Lane.3410


It is ridiculous. It didn’t take very long for me to figure out that after you join an order from that point forward one person you know is going to die in each segment. After I think the third or so time it happened I decided not to emotionally invest in any future characters I may encounter in my personal story. Unfortunately, even that was foiled when I chose the Vigil path in Orr not knowing they were going to kill off Tegwen.

Of course, alts don’t help this process at all, especially if you’re like me and choose options you didn’t do the first time. So, you get to see all new people die that you didn’t know died!

So much for the bag/bank slot sale!!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lane.3410


You won’t buy gems because you can’t get a refund? Call me crazy but I’ll bet Anet is okay with that.

I think you misunderstood me, or I didn’t properly clarify, I wasn’t looking to get my money back. I simply wanted the gems I’d spent refunded. I’d planned to re-spend them as well as purchase/spend more, but because of their policy they refused and thus I was stuck with my (unused) purchase. Needless to say, that didn’t provide much incentive for me to invest any more money with them so I haven’t since.

So much for the bag/bank slot sale!!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lane.3410


Well, it certainly seems like the goal is to keep the exchange rate at 2g+ for 100 gems because every time it dips below that something else goes on sale.

As for purchasing gems for real dollars, the last time I did I got burned by their no refunds policy (which incidentally was not stated on their refund support page). Until that changes they won’t be seeing another cent from me.

What gear should I save?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Lane.3410


I read the only place to get the Commando leather armor for PvE is through your personal story. Are there any other armor/weapon skins I should hold onto that I won’t be able to get by other means later (or are difficult to obtain)?

I’m going through the personal story now with alts and didn’t know if there are light and heavy pieces I should be holding onto as well. Thanks.

farming cursed shore pen/shelter 6g p/h

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lane.3410


Just gotta say that I am still seeing bots. They log off right next to gathering spots and log in, harvest, then log off again with only a few seconds for you to be able to get their names before they disappear again.

How do you know they’re bots? I’ve logged alts out at gathering areas before and only log in long enough to harvest before going back to my regular play. I wonder how many times someone’s reported me. :P

Bad Economy

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lane.3410


I will be honest. A good economy makes me want to play. WoW had a good economy depending on the server of course.

No. No, no, no. 50g a stack of iron ore is NOT a good economy. Please, don’t even reference that pile of crap, let it die and forget about it.

At least gathered materials have value in WoW. I’ve learned to hate the crafting system in GW2 because it is so heavily reliant on ‘rare’ drops to do basically anything.

You literally cannot craft a piece of gear solely with what you gather. Every piece of gear requires an inscription or insignia, which require copious amounts of rare drops if you’re trying to level a profession. Your mileage may vary, but after 96% map completion (only WvW left) and doing every event I came across in the process I did not have enough drop items to level even one craft without having to supplement materials through the TP. Meanwhile, I had stacks upon stacks of basically useless and relatively worthless ore and wood. (And, no, selling them for <10c each did not even remotely offset the cost.)

I finally had to put a halt to leveling crafting because it was costing 50s in drop materials to craft an inscription/insignia to make an item worth <1s that lists for 1c above vendor price in the TP. I don’t agree that’s a good system.

Bad Economy

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lane.3410


well… one has to be blind to not realize that the whole economy discontent relies on the impossibility of acquiring a legendary through other ways. This is why I insist that is not the economy that is bad but the way you get what we can consider the ultimate reward for playing this game.

If legendaries wouldn’t exist, you wouldn’t see this much of posts as T6 mats, ectos, precursors (lets call them rare exotics) and other resources hardly have any other value.

I started to say the problem would still exist in other areas, such as dyes, but maybe if Gift of Color wasn’t a requirement for a legendary they wouldn’t cost so much. (Personally, a legendary has never really been on my radar. It seems to require a lot of gold and a lot of luck with RNG. I have neither.) However, I’m still not convinced the “whole” economy discontent is due solely to legendaries. I know mine’s not.

Do you identify dyes?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lane.3410


Myself, I’ve tried several times, and out of 20G spent on dyes, the most valuable was 7s… 99% were less than a silver, and most repeated (bought in batches of 20, and had one time where I only got 3 different colors out of 20 unids).

This is exactly why I quit identifying dyes.

Bad Economy

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lane.3410


So, in the end are we just arguing about a problem that ANet is already working on a design to solve? That is, the precursor scavenger hunt?

It certainly seems the discussion of legendaries has taken over this thread.

farming cursed shore pen/shelter 6g p/h

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lane.3410


I’ve tried this on my server and, as others have mentioned, was sorely disappointed to discover it’s not a goldmine. However, I also rarely have lootable corpses. There are so many people and so much lag that getting hits before everything is dead is a challenge in itself. Every time I go out there I get frustrated and quit because obviously no hits = no loot = waste of time. I’d give it another attempt if anyone can suggest a server where I could guest that maybe doesn’t have a minimum of ~30 people farming those events.

Edit: Should have stipulated US server, sorry.

(edited by Lane.3410)

Bad Economy

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lane.3410


Almost nothing has “skyrocketed”, just check the value of basic supplies like copper or iron ore.

The majority of items below max level have never had much value. It’s one of the main reasons I find making gold in GW2 difficult because there’s little profit to be made from gathering materials.

Not even the price of, for example, Ectoplasms changed that badly.

Eh, 25s to 40s is still a significant jump, especially when it’s just been within the past month or so.

Pile of Incandescent Dust has risen almost 400%, Pile of Crystalline Dust has risen about 300%, Unidentified Dyes have risen at least 200% (I remember when 3s/ea. was a high for those), etc.

I guess it depends on what you’re looking at. Most of the items I’ve dealt in or have wanted to purchase have gone up 200%+ within the past 30-45 days and in many cases those prices are still rising.

Bad Economy

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lane.3410


Personally, I feel there are too few ways to make gold in GW2. Most of which focus on high level content (farming Orr DEs, CoF) or playing the TP. I know in my case I cannot play “my” way and make gold. Alts, map completion, and non-Orrian DEs simply aren’t that profitable.

Unfortunately, prices keep skyrocketing, but my income has not increased hardly at all (much like real life) since I first began playing in September.

I’m accustomed to almost effortlessly accumulating gold in other MMOs (largely through gathering and selling materials), which allowed me to buy nice things not only for myself but for my friends as well. However, very little in GW2 has value. As a result, my account is very bare bones. I have no upgrades other than character slots and the only “fun” things I’ve purchased are dyes for less than 1s.

I understand there needs to be some pressure on players to purchase gems, but that should be limited to enticing them with store items, not because making gold is so difficult (in comparison to inflation and outside of very limited playstyles) that people have to start considering outright buying gold for items that don’t cost gems.

(edited by Lane.3410)

A nice message to those opposed to dailies

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


There are at least 4 zones you can get it in less than 2 minutes.

  • Zone 1: Harithi Highlands
  • Zone 2: Shatter Dragon event – Around the area is at least 50 dead bodies
  • Zone 3: Cadeon Forest
  • Zone 4: Orr
    If you have to seriously stand around and wait for NPC to die you should probably level your character a little bit.

Yeah, that’s still having to go out of my way. There’s a difference between objectives that are intended to be completed through someone’s normal gameplay and what amounts to a daily ‘scavenger hunt’.

Near as I can tell, the new dailies aren’t meant to be completed through an individual’s normal gameplay unless your gameplay almost exclusively includes WvW or hanging out in Orr.

A nice message to those opposed to dailies

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


Dodger and Healer dailies are slowly creating Competitive PvE, which was something that was abolished from Day1 in GW2.

I agree with respect to healer. I typically end up having to go out of my way to complete it, it’s near impossible to do through my normal gameplay as I simply don’t come across that many dead players or NPCs. So far this particular achievement has caused me to exploit afk players (allowing respawns to kill them repeatedly), rage at players assisting NPCs that were about to die, and curse that blasted “too many resurrectors” message. It’s not a fun achievement and it certainly doesn’t encourage friendly gaming, quite the opposite.

The dodging portion can die in a fire. It has to be so bloody specific it’s maddening. This is another achievement I can’t get done during normal gameplay because apparently I almost never dodge right at that precise moment to trigger the “evade”. I always end up having to find a ranged mob nearby and try to accurately time evades while being beaten on waiting for endurance to regen. It’s so much fun. /sarcasm

And you will also never get any dungeon tokens. For any dungeons. And that means no dungeon gear. Ever.

Can I get the Endless Cat Tonic or Chauncy Von Snuffles with dungeon tokens? Or karma? Or any means other than laurels? Because if I can I’m unaware and it would surely save me the 3-4 months it’s going to take under the current system to acquire assuming I do both dailies and monthlies religiously.

I know this is shocking, but not everyone wants laurels solely for the ascended gear.

(edited by Lane.3410)

Forcing players to complete dungeons = bad I think

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lane.3410


I don’t understand how anyone can argue the WvW part of the achievement was in any way, shape, or form “PvE” oriented when it very clearly stated player kills.

Cultural Armor for all! :>

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


No. I picked out race/class combos in some cases specifically for their cultural armor. I’d be really peeved if suddenly everyone could wear it.

Forcing players to complete dungeons = bad I think

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lane.3410


Well, as someone who’s antisocial I’m none too thrilled about the dungeon daily. I don’t want to find a group of 4 strangers (5 times), or join some guild I don’t care about (who would still be strangers), blah, blah, blah. I’ve never really enjoyed instanced gameplay/dungeons in the first place so the addition of PUGs usually just turns it into a form of torture.

Here’s hoping if/when they allow you to choose which monthly requirements to fulfill that there are enough soloable ones in the mix that players aren’t forced to group when they don’t want to.

Grinding dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lane.3410


I hate the dodging daily so unbelievably much. There aren’t even words for it. It has to be so ridiculously precise. I fume every time a perfectly good dodge doesn’t count because, gosh, I moved when the enemy’s blade animation was at my character’s head instead of my chest. So, because I’m just too darn quick on the trigger I have to go seek out specific enemies, with specific attacks, so I can stand there like a dolt and try to perfectly time dodges to get credit. Awesome.

Healer isn’t much better. Bunch of people running around like a pack of vultures trying to snag any downed player or dead NPC, yeah, that’s fun. Yet another one where I usually end up having to go out of my way to find a cluster of dead NPCs somewhere because it’s near impossible to do during my normal play. Or, like last night where a couple of people were purposely abusing an afked player to get their healing count in. When I passed him again he was completely naked because all his gear was broken. I’m sure he appreciated that when he came back to the computer and, honestly, it probably wouldn’t have happened if “healer” hadn’t been the daily.

I also love how the new dailies were supposed to add so much more variety than the old ones. All they’ve really done is add, what, 4 more different objectives to the usual roster, most of which people hate? They should have done everyone a favor and not instituted the new system until you could choose which 4 out of 6 you wanted to complete, at the very least. Instead, they’ve been made more of a hassle, with a shiny new reward attached, so anyone wanting the laurel goodies (which is most people) has to do them. sigh /rant :P

Remove waypoint cost and why it is a problem

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


My biggest issue with waypoint costs is they scale too highly, IMO. More often than not the monetary prize for completing an event does not offset teleporting to participate in it, which means if it’s not within walking distance I don’t go.

Maybe if they scaled it down just a touch (or reasonably capped it) and/or increased money received from completing events you’d see more people willing to teleport and participate in otherwise ‘dead’ event areas.

WvW & Map Completion Alternatives [Merged Threads]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


Here are my suggestions:

  • Map/Exploration Mode: Instead of toggling PvP inside WvW if you choose to enter WvW under “map mode” you can’t flag yourself unless you zone out and back in and choose ‘PvP Mode’. (Side note: This would need some sort of dialog box or I can see it being really annoying. Looking at you Overflow notice.)
  • Phasing. Phased instance of WvW strictly for explorers with no PvP and no interaction with PvPers.

Cheaper bank slots

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lane.3410


I’ve always thought the gem cost for bank space (and extra bag slots since they’re not account wide) was too high. They should be about half of what they are and more people would probably buy them.

Personally, I think the guild bank limitations are sufficient. It takes a lot of influence to go beyond 50 slots (not sure how much it comes out to in gold). It’s taken my bf and I about 2 months to unlock the second tier of bank storage for our personal guild bank and that’s a fraction of what it’s going to take to unlock the last tier. “Time is money” certainly applies when it comes to unlocking guild perks with only 1-2 people gaining influence.

Statue Back in Lion's Arch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lane.3410


I like the lion, I just wish it didn’t look like cheap plaster with some gold leafing on it.

February monthly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lane.3410


There are dozens upon dozens of things to do in this game, it’s just that they’re rarely listed among activities that count toward the monthly. As far as I’m concerned, every monthly should function like the holiday event achievements did. List 18 or so different activities and maybe 6 of them count toward completion. I had no trouble achieving Mad King Emissary or Apprentice Toymaker and I did a lot of stuff I didn’t normally do, but likewise did not have to do anything I didn’t want to do.

As examples, things I would rather do than dungeons:

  • Map completion of a zone. (I could just make an alt if necessary.)
  • Participate in 500 events. (That’s 5x more than required, but I’d sooner do that than dungeons.)
  • Do every event in a zone. (Do you know what a pain that would be? But I’d still do it in lieu of dungeons.)
  • Do 20 jumping puzzles. (Actually do them, not just find them.)
  • Make X amount of gold for the month. (Play the TP, MF farm, whatever to reach the goal.)

I’ve never said monthlies should be “log on and get rewarded” easy. Plenty of what I listed above is more time consuming and more effort than just running the shortest path of the easiest dungeon 5 times in a month.

I do not like the Feb monthlys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lane.3410


Sometimes i wish we’d go back to forced grouping to even level.

This would weed out everyone that refuse to be social and actually do stuff with other people.

Are you that desperate for virtual interaction with anonymous strangers that your ideal is for the game developer to force other people into doing things with you even if it might be against their will? I’m sorry, but that sounds like a personal problem.

Not to mention that GW2 isn’t that game. So, if that’s what you’re looking for I’m sure there are plenty of less “casual” MMOs our there to fulfill this need of yours.

I do not like the Feb monthlys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lane.3410


Doing a dungeon does not have to mean using a pug. I do dungeons with my guild. You need to find either four other guildies who also want the monthly, or you need to make some friends who like doing dungeons.

Even if I wanted to do that (which I don’t) it couldn’t be done in 28 days. Running with guildies is still running with strangers and I don’t make friends fast enough for the other to be plausible. Just saying. :P

I do not like the Feb monthlys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lane.3410


Whoooosh. The sound of another monthly passing the open world players by……

This. Why can’t they do something like X amount of champions killed? Have it so dungeon bosses count as well as events. Everybody happy!

February monthly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lane.3410


I’m not pleased to still see dungeons on there, but at least WvW’s gone.

Monthly Must be Changed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


Really not pleased to see dungeons as part of the monthly again, so maybe I should just write off ever doing the monthly. Not sure the 10 extra laurels is worth running 1 dungeon a month let alone 5.

At least WvW isn’t on there though.

New Dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lane.3410


You know that you don’t have to rez dead players….rezzing dead NPCs counts towards it. Just go to any event area in Orr lol.

Not everyone can get to Orr easily.

Up until this update, dailies offered rewards and could be completed during the course of normal gameplay. Now, they offer one additional reward. Big whoop. It’s not a stretch to think that if one was rewarded EXTRA for not going out of their way before, that this would continue. Yet, some people are finding they need to go out of their normal gameplay patterns to get the new dailies done.

This. The laurels are just an additional perk like the jugs of karma.

Daily and Monthley

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


You are thinking of Dailies in, literally, the exact opposite way you’re meant to use them. Its not meant to reward “your” play its meant to reward you playing outside what you normally do.

I love this new mantra. It actually took effort to not automatically get the daily done before the change. Nearly everything required was something anyone in any facet of the game could complete during their normal game play. (Was anyone really unhappy with that system?) Suddenly that’s not the purpose of dailies at all, according to these people.

Now that they’ve added this nice little currency perk to it (in addition to the karma jugs that I didn’t see anyone complaining about before) people are using it as a justification to start forcing players into doing things they don’t want to do. The dailies were never about that before, why should they be now? Because you don’t want others to have nice things too soon? That’s the only justification I can think of for it.

Monthly Must be Changed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


PvE = Player vs Environment
PvP = Player vs Player

WvW = mix of both. Mobs to fight, NPCs to fight, Vistas, POIs, Jumping Puzzles, Events, Players to fight. Never will we agree if it is PvP or PvE because it is both.

Well, if NPC kills in WvW counted toward the monthly then, personally, I would have a lot less issue with it. I can avoid other players long enough to manage that much. I’d still rather I didn’t have to go into WvW at all, but if we’re going to categorize WvW as being both then both PvP and PvE kills should count.

"Commando" Armor set for PvE contents!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


Where do you get the shoulders?

New Dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lane.3410


The “healer” daily is starting to amuse me. People making suicide pacts and yelling at other players for helping NPCs they’re trying to get to die. That’s awesome.

Suicide jumps for res daily

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lane.3410


I had someone yell at me because I defended an NPC he was farming for “Healer”. That was pretty disheartening.

My bf and I were raging against players who kept assisting NPCs we were trying to get to die. We didn’t actually say anything to them, but we griped and grumbled amongst ourselves. :P

Daily and Monthley

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


Like how they handled the holiday achievements? I liked those best. I didn’t do anything I didn’t want to do and I still ended up completing Mad King Emissary and Apprentice Toymaker. I’d love to see something like that for the monthlies.

New Dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lane.3410


I have no issue with daily variety, I just think they should be reasonable. I don’t think someone having to train crafting, completely change up their playstyle, or have to group* falls under that category.

  • Even though they removed “Combo Killer” it’s still evidence to their mindset in terms of what changes they have/had planned.

daily reset times, aggravating

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lane.3410


I.E your daily resets based on when you finish it on a timer, if I complete my daily at 4pm, then until 4pm the next day it is on cool down. This would make it less of a pain in the kitten for people who aren’t able to play at the exact hours optimal for the current reset time,

I seriously hope this is never implemented. Given my erratic schedule it would mean I would end up losing days as opposed to how it is now.

New Dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lane.3410


the new daily really works as a feature to help some player to experience some features in the game, and play it better..

I really don’t think the daily should be used as a game tutorial, but that’s my opinion.

Bring Back the Old Daily

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


@ Lane, you sound very selfish if you don’t want to group up with people for MMO content. Or your server is full of rude kittens and you should look on developing a large friends list or find a guild to do these things with them. You may not want to play in a group, but in an MMO be expected to interact with players from time to time.

My response was to the people who want to add things like dungeons to the daily.

It’s not “selfish” to be antisocial. I’ve been doing the daily for several months now and I don’t believe I’ve ever done anything in the process that has inhibited anyone else from completing theirs.

What’s “selfish” is trying to get Anet to force group content because all of these needy social butterflies apparently just can’t get enough of it on their own time. Why aren’t they “developing a large friends list” or “finding a guild” to do group content if that’s what they want? They’d apparently rather pressure people who want to have nothing to do with them into it. Sounds like an awesome plan to me!

Rampagers stat change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


I recently switched out all of my Berserker gear for Rampager’s to try a hybrid condition/burst build. I do think the stats have their place, but that isn’t to say I wouldn’t also like more available stat combinations for other class builds.

Monthly Must be Changed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


My idea would be more along the lines of what they’ve done for the previous two holiday events. Give players a multitude of options (like 18 instead of 6), but only make a certain number of them required for completion. It would be easier (and hopefully less confusing) than having specialized PvP & PvE achievements.

It would also allow for a little bit of everything and players could more easily complete the monthly based on their individual playstyle.

Bring Back the Old Daily

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


It’s an MMO, it’s time Anet made some dailies that make us interact and not run around introverted, soloing content.

If I want to interact I’ll do it on my own time and by choice, not because a daily is pressuring me into it. Quite frankly, I don’t understand the mindset of people such as yourself. As I mentioned in another thread, do you really want to be grouped with someone who isn’t interested in socializing, or the activity, and is only doing so because they feel forced to receive the daily currency? This isn’t promoting happy, healthy gameplay.

At any rate, I preferred the old dailies. They were easily completable during my normal gameplay and on days I didn’t have much time to play I could still finish them in under an hour (usually much less if I hit the right circuit).

I think they need to save forcing people out of their comfort zones for monthlies if anything.

New Dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lane.3410


How it should be:

1. Kill the <insert name> champion at location X
2. Complete the dynamic event <insert name> at location Y
3. Complete explorable path X in dungeon Y
4. Finish jumping puzzle X

= forces players to group up and travel to certain areas. I’m already seeing people LFM Daily! to finish all the dailies at once with 1 group you formed in LA.

Too bad if you can’t finish a jumping puzzle because it’s too hard, maybe tomorrow there is a different daily without a JP or keep practicing. I don’t mind if its a bit more challeging, or i can’t complete a daily, tomorrow there is a new daily to try it again!

Those might be acceptable for a monthly, but definitely not a daily.

I stand by what I said earlier that anything that cannot be completed solo and within a reasonably short amount of time is fundamentally flawed as a daily, which automatically excludes dungeons.

Sending everyone to do the exact same task in the world is also going to be disastrous. Not all of us play on ghost servers, you know. When you start sending everyone to not only the same zone but the same boss/event in a zone you’re asking for trouble. Lag, overflows, having to repeat the event indefinitely because you can’t get enough contribution to get credit with 50+ other people decimating things, etc. It’ll get to the point where people will have to start guesting on low pop servers to get their daily done, which should be completely unnecessary.

The bigger issue is for half a year dailies have not required groups. Now suddenly because Anet is trying to mix it up those who enjoy grouping are seemingly trying to use it as a catalyst to pressure others into grouping and that’s not right. It’s one thing to make the world seem more populated, it’s another to force people into gameplay they don’t enjoy. Do you really want to be in the group with the person who’s never done the dungeon before, doesn’t want to be there in the first place, and is only going because he feels like he has to for the daily currency? I’m guessing probably not since it won’t be an enjoyable experience for either of you.

I suppose if Anet is looking to deter more people than it already has from doing dailies then, yes, your ideas are fantastic.

New Dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lane.3410


I didn’t think changing the dailies in the first place was going to be a good idea. While they’re not as bad as I thought, anything that requires:

  1. Having to group with other players
  2. Having to compete against other players
  3. Having to take up a profession

— is going to be inherently flawed.

If they’re going to continue to “mix it up” then they really need to make sure that:

  • Doing dailies in no way depends on other players whatsoever. They should all be soloable.
  • Dailies don’t require you to do something impractical. (Having to train crafting to complete part of a daily achievement, regardless of ease, is completely impractical.)

(edited by Lane.3410)

U. Dye bubble?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lane.3410


On a medium profile evening… Lowballing all prices of course

Expensive dress: ~600
Shoes: ~150
Lingerie: ~150
Haircut and dye job: ~50
2 Rings: ~130 each
Necklace: ~100

I leave it up to you to add the prices together. Only the dress is up for debate in this list, that could go anywhere from 20€ to 2000€ depending on how lucky she is in finding something that fits her.

I can honestly say I’ve never spent over $200 (if that) on a dress. I’ve never spent over $50 on a single pair of shoes, I’ve never spent over $50 on a set of lingerie and that’s the nice stuff not the everyday stuff, I don’t dye my hair and a haircut costs me about $25 every 6 months. I can’t comment on the jewelry since I can’t afford to buy any.

Define “less than impressive”. If you earn 1500 each month after taxes, that’s a good salary. It’s enough to support a family, buy a house and live a good life in general. You shouldn’t keep up with the Jonesses but rather look at what you want to get out of life. In Belgium 1200 is a pretty normal salary for blue collar work but the truth is … it’s not bad.

Yeah, that doesn’t cut it here in the US. Average cost of rent is around $800/mo. before utilities. Utilities are about $300/mo. Groceries are about $300/mo. Gas is about $100/mo. There, you already have your $1500 and nothing non-essential has been purchased.

It’s barely enough to support two people (I learned that the hard way when I was laid off) and it’s definitely not enough to support a family. Even that’s provided you have no financial emergencies and you sacrifice quite a bit to make it work.

(edited by Lane.3410)

Globs of Ectoplasms...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lane.3410


3 possible explanations:
1 more people are hoarding ectos for personal use.
2. The number op players quitting the game outnumber the influx of active players at max level.
3. Wave of bot bans

I’ll give another. I have 5 level 80s and not a single ecto to my name. I didn’t have much success salvaging ectos from rare gear (even with the BLTC salvaging kits) so I quit doing it. I only salvage rares that are soulbound now. I’d rather take the guaranteed 25-40s I get for selling a BoE rare than risk getting a couple pieces of T5 materials that don’t even amount to 1s.

I don’t know how many people there are like me out there, but we’re certainly not contributing to the ecto market either.

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


I wouldn’t mind dyes been account bound but the way it is right now is good for the economy. It keeps dyes selling and it’s just something else going around to keep the economy going. (Looking at big picture here)

Well, I think most of the Unidentified Dyes are being bought by people crafting the Gift of Color since 20s is a hefty price to pay for the color lotto for most people.

Personally, I’ve quit buying dyes full stop. I was buying up at least the ones below 1s, but with the prices consistently rising it just isn’t really worth it to me anymore. I’m definitely not shelling out 1g+ for one dye for one character and I doubt I’m alone in that mindset.

It’s really unfortunate. I thought finding, opening, collecting dyes was fun, but now it’s just another RNG gold sink with really bad odds.

Not revealing clothes for female plox

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


When I first looked over all of the plate armors available I found the vast majority of them extremely boring looking. Nearly all of them are full coverage and, IMO, trying to be too unisex because there’s little to no femininity to any of them.

I see pictures in this thread of the Pit Fighter’s set or the Norn cultural plate, which are both rare quality, relatively high level, and somewhat expensive. I’ve leveled both a female Norn guardian and female Sylvari warrior to 80 and never once during the leveling process did I come across anything remotely revealing. It was all full coverage. I actually had to go out of my way and buy a set of the Barbaric gear off the TP for transmutation purposes.

Cloth hasn’t been much better. You get the cutesy starting outfit and everything after that is either boring or ugly (IMO). Once again, I had to go out of my way to buy high level sets to transmute. Once my necromancer hit 60 and I was able to buy the T2 Sylvari cultural I haven’t looked back, but certainly up to that point I wondered if I was ever going to get any armor that was pretty let alone sexy.

So, I’m really not sure where the argument to begin with is. I can’t say I’ve seen any particularly skimpy leather either besides maybe the Norn cultural (which looks awesome) and the, I admit, horrible “underboob” human T3.

@Weindrasi: You should be far more upset about the body types available in GW2 than the clothes then.

(edited by Lane.3410)