Showing Posts For Lane.3410:

Not revealing clothes for female plox

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


All I know is I’ve seen this exact same thread in every MMO I’ve played: WoW, Rift, Tera, and now GW2. The argument’s always the same. What irritates me about it is people don’t seem to realize while they’re advocating for more choice in one area they’re subsequently removing choice in another.

I’m sorry, but a very small part of the population wants to see men in skimpy armor while a very large part of the population wants to see women in it. It’s just how it is. It means if they make the effort to balance the genders it’s ultimately going to equate to more concealing armors all around to compensate for the men, which is going to mean less revealing armors overall for women.

Personally, I loved the armors in Tera, which I can only imagine would completely horrify anyone in this thread who thinks that somehow GW2’s armors are too “skimpy”.

I don’t think GW2’s armors are sexy enough. They are too anime-cutesy for my tastes. The few sexy ones I do see, like Countess Anise’s armor, aren’t available in game at all. Or this dress I fell in love with that’s been on the official GW2 human race page since I can remember, yet I’ve never seen it anywhere in game (also, add that hairstyle back please :P):


Not revealing clothes for female plox

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


Yes, women do dress the same as men in real life, it has become very acceptable in western cultures since about the 70s.

Not 100% of the time. I see more skirts and dresses at the office than I do pantsuits and the women dress like that by choice. I’m fairly certain if a dress code were implemented that said all women must wear suits the same as men that they wouldn’t be too happy about it. Even in that scenario the men would still opt for the usual greys/blues/blacks while the women would opt for colors men would rarely wear, like pastels. So, no, the genders are not and will never be the same.

What you seem to be advocating is uniformity among the sexes and I don’t believe either gender would find that appealing.

Race and gender equality for armors

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


Personally, I like the armors looking different on the races. Unfortunately, it just seems like whoever’s been designing them for Charr and Asura needs to make them a little more aesthetically pleasing.

Also, I don’t get this need for armor equality among males and females. I don’t want to look like the guys and I doubt enough men want to wear skimpy armor, which means little to no sexy armor for the women. I don’t see how this is a win.

100% Map Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


Yeah, definitely needs to be changed. And by that, I mean the WvW maps removed from the (primarily PvE) world completion achievement. Put them into a separate achievement or something.


I’m currently sitting at 94% thanks to the ridiculous WvW portion of map completion.

Since I don’t want to PvP, and I don’t want to pay for repairs for an activity I don’t want to do in the first place, my tactic so far has been to strip and run around to as many points as possible before the enemy sees me for the free, easy kill I am. Then I’m forced to res all the way back at the beginning. Fun! /sarcasm Who’s bright idea was this anyway?

(edited by Lane.3410)

U. Dye bubble?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lane.3410


I think they were always intended to be expensive it just took awhile for them to get there. That would explain why the dye pack is loaded with common dyes and then 1 master or rare.

If that’s the case then they need to go back to their original plan of making dyes account bound. The prices are just getting to be too ridiculous to spend on multiple characters. I still don’t even have Abyss on anyone because I simply can’t afford 20g for one dye for one character and I don’t play the RNG game, I always lose. :P

weapons at character select

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


I thought this would be a suggestion to choose which weapon you want to start with, which is something I would like to see.

Evolving the world, what about difficulty?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lane.3410


I’m convinced every online game needs a dedicated hardcore server.

I don’t want everything I run into to be a challenge. Real life is more “hard mode” than I’ll ever need. When I’m playing a game I want to ridiculously own face, that’s what’s fun for me.

Best use of gold at 100g

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lane.3410


Everyone always says to monitor market trends via GW2Spidy and/or a spreadsheet, but lately it seems like the prices on some merchandise are unprecedented. Maybe there are simply too many variables to take into account? Market manipulators, bot bans, nerfed drop rates, etc.

I do my best, but I never feel like I’m able to truly maximize my profit margin. Perhaps that is a dated holdover from other games. GW2 is the first one in which I’ve had difficulty amassing any type of wealth.

Not revealing clothes for female plox

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


WoW got to the point where all armors looked identical regardless of gender and the result was you could barely tell male from female. While liking or disliking that may be subjective, I certainly didn’t like it. I hated getting a new piece of armor and looking like ‘one of the guys’.

Women don’t dress like men in real life, why would they anywhere else? I could argue that it’s equally sexist to have all the women look exactly like the men.

I actually think there aren’t enough “sexy” choices in armor, which is probably why I keep seeing that Winged set everywhere. (Side note: Nice touch adding the ‘tattoo’ of the female reproductive organs across the abdomen. /sarcasm) Most of the “skimpy” cloth armor I consider more anime-cutesy, in fact, I’ve seen a few people running around as Sailor Moon — a look they easily achieved using cloth gear.

Best use of gold at 100g

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lane.3410


I can’t seem to gauge that ‘sweet spot’ in selling. I either offload too soon or too early. A lot of the spikes I’ve been seeing are relatively new (to me at least), I guess because of the recent bot bans.

Case in point, I’ve never seen Unidentified Dyes at 20s. I ended up selling most of mine at 16s because that was higher than I’d ever seen them and I assumed the prices of them would actually be going down after the news of them being purchasable with laurels. Instead, they just keep climbing.

This has been somewhat true with all of my investments. I’m now completely out of stock because it looked like a good time to sell and prices are still going up, seemingly endlessly. I haven’t lost any money, I’ve definitely turned a profit, but I could have made at least 5s more on each item (ultimately adding up to quite a bit of gold) if I knew what this market was doing. :\

Not revealing clothes for female plox

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


I never understood why designers don’t do a little bit of everything when it comes to cloth armor. I mean, you’re not wearing it for protection, you’re wearing it for stats. You neither need to be dressed like a monk or wearing a bikini.

Personally, I thought Tera had some of the best light armor options I’ve ever seen. My sorcerer had everything from a pantsuit to a coctail dress. Nice change of pace from being forced to wear burlap sacks for years.

Lower the cost of Tier 3 Cultural Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


Well, I’d love to see the price reduced, especially since my only interest in them is vanity. Doesn’t help that I’m an altoholic and have at least 3 characters I’d like to get into T3. Never going to be able to afford that. :P

Why the TP design so bad/horrible?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lane.3410


It’s funny that nothing on your list is even in my top 5.

  1. No filter option to sort armor searches based on type: light, medium, heavy.
  2. No armor category for back pieces whatsoever.
  3. Categories that don’t function properly (see: Consumables→Food).
  4. There’s no way (that I know of) to switch between items you’re buying/selling/sold without completely refreshing the tab every time. (The “Back” function certainly does not work for this.)
  5. You’re forced to withdraw everything you’ve ordered. There’s no option to only withdraw certain items.
  6. No preview function. :P

My biggest issue is definitely not having enough categories/filter options though.

Conditions & Combat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


While there are tools at our disposal to deal with conditions many times I find that they’re not very much use for anything else (depending on profession/skill in question). As a result, I tend to opt for slot skills I’ll actively use than one I may need every now and then.

It doesn’t change my stance. Once everything been defeated being locked into combat by a (stacked duration) condition serves no real purpose (other than perhaps being a time wasting irritant).

Perhaps another suggestion would be active vs. inactive combat. It’s not the conditions (or even their duration) that bother me as much as the “in combat” restrictions they force upon you even when you’re not actually in combat anymore.

Conditions & Combat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


I propose that conditions not keep you in combat after whatever applied them has been destroyed.

This has become one of my bigger pet peeves in the game, especially with conditions that stack duration. The enemy is dead, but I have (for example) a 30 second condition on me that 1) prevents me from normal run speed and 2) prevents me from changing abilities so if I don’t already have a condition remover on my bar I can’t get to one. Not to mention that it also prevents me from regenning health. While that could be understandable with something like a poison or bleed, it doesn’t make much sense otherwise.

Either that or another suggestion is once the enemy who inflicted the condition has been defeated the condition should automatically be demoted to 1 stack of duration.

Let me note that I don’t PvP, so if there’s some strategic reason for people to object to this then I’ve no idea what it is. All I know is in PvE it’s really frustrating.

Character Creation feels unfinished

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


I usually base the success of character creation options on how many clones I see running around the world. There are a lot of clones in GW2.

Simple fixes could have alleviated some of it. Such as the fact there are literally only two hairstyles for Asuran females that cover their forehead, which are not coincidentally the two I see used most often. Very few real or fictional persons look good with exposed foreheads. As an example, adding bangs to the pig-tails hairstyle probably would have ensured it was more frequently used.

Totally agree about the Charr horns. I ended up being pigeonholed into two horn styles — the only two which didn’t look like the female had a 10’ spike shoved through her cheeks when I increased the size of the horns on her head. I actually liked some of the others better, but not with the amount the lower horns increase in conjunction with the upper horns.

The body options are facepalm worthy. I joke that the Sylvari look like twigs, but maybe that was intended. :P The human females are the worst though, IMO. The ones that don’t look anorexic look like they’ve had extensive plastic surgery to look like a Barbie doll. I also had the same problem with the female Norns you did. I didn’t want to have gigantic breasts, but I either had to accept it or pick a body type I maybe didn’t like as much just so I wouldn’t be ridiculously top heavy.

Unfortunately, as much as I would love to see changes and/or additions I’ve never known of a game to revamp their character creation once it’s done. At best I’ve seen some add new hairstyles or hair colors, but that’s about it.

Travel to main towns should be free... or not

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


I’m a miser so I never pay to travel anywhere with the exception of Orr, which is such a nightmare to traverse I end up saving money by skipping over as much of it as possible.

Regardless, if travel were free (or didn’t scale up so much with level) I’d be much more inclined to do as many of the DEs as possible. As it is, if it’s not something I can get to by foot in time then I usually pass. Sadly, the monetary reward for completing a DE often isn’t enough to cover the cost of porting to get there let alone the cost of returning to where you were.

Make it easier to stop rezzing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


/signed I assumed movement of any kind would break it, learned it didn’t the hard way.

More Endgame Contents?What's your suggestion?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


I never played GW1, so any of those references are completely lost on me.

My main issue with raiding is the exclusivity of it. It typically means that 1) it’s content you will never see as a casual player and 2) there will be items that cannot be acquired outside of said raids.

The only game I’ve seen even remotely attempt to balance this has been Rift. The invention of Chronicles (1-2 player versions of raids) is one of the best things I’ve ever seen added to an MMO with raiding. It allowed people to see the content without having to raid, the content was sufficiently challenging for the 1-2 players it was intended for, and there was a random chance of vanity items dropping.

Nerf Chat Suppression

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


Agreed. I’ve been suppressed for thanking people for resing me when downed during a DE. I’ve also had to ask other party members to LFG in /map chat because after a couple of tries that were more than adequately spaced apart I was suppressed.

The suppression itself also seems to last too long.

basic to fine transmutation stones

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


I’m all for something to be done with the basic stones. I do find it funny, though, that every time I see this suggestion pop up it’s by someone who has less than half of the amount of stones I have accumulated. Eris is the first person I’ve seen post with more than I have. :P

More Endgame Contents?What's your suggestion?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


Raids and the like are not geared towards the bulk of the player base. The larger and better organized your group has to be in order to succeed, the fewer people can actually access/enjoy said content. You don’t want to make it an exclusive and elitist activity for really dedicated PvE folks, because they just don’t make up enough of the population. Even if you consider that it’s geared towards guilds and not individuals, keep in mind that only services larger ones that consistently have enough people online to put larger groups together.

This needs to be copied and pasted into every thread suggesting raids.

Colin Johanson Video: GW2 2013 Preview

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lane.3410


I’m not keen on the change to dailies. It’s bad enough that the monthly achievements always require participating in at least one part of the game I don’t enjoy, but now dailies too?

Plus, I’m not sure this “hot spot” idea is going to be good in practice. Unless I’m misunderstanding the concept, how is this not going to lead to overcrowded areas and dozens upon dozens of people mashed together trying to complete whatever the daily task is? That doesn’t sound like fun, that sounds like lag and frustration.

Choose your monthly achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


So much agreement with this.

I did the WvW requisite once and only because I had every other achievement completed for the monthly. I did not enjoy myself at all. Not only that, but getting that one part of the achievement took longer than getting all of the other ones combined (or at least it sure felt like it).

I’d definitely prefer the route they went with event meta achievements. I was neither forced to do the PvP achievements or the dungeons, there were plenty of other things on the lists to do to get the title that better fit how I actually enjoy playing.

Acquiring fine transmutation stones

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


I ended up equipping a character in level 79 gear solely so I could keep using the regular transmutation stones. I don’t know what kind of gear your friend is using, but that might be an option.

As an aside, I really wish there was some sort of mystic forge recipe because I literally have almost a full stack of 250 of the regular stones that I will never use, but I hate to just destroy them even though I keep accumulating them.

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


Ever since the price of unidentified dyes jumped from 2s to 15s I don’t use them anymore, I sell them. It’s taken all of the fun out of it. At only 2s a pop I’d risk playing RNG roulette to see what I got, but now it’s not worth blowing 15s for a chance at a dye that’s worth less than 1s, which most of them are.

I’m with ScribeTheMad on this one, I probably won’t ever buy an Abyss dye at their current rate and sadly even if I lucked upon one I would probably end up selling it because 20g is a lot of money for one color for one character.

Also, just because you can name another game (one I’ve never even heard of) that has a more brutal dying system than GW2 doesn’t mean GW2’s couldn’t be improved. Plus, I really don’t see how dyes are “part of their income”. Dye packs are one item out of their entire gem store and it’s a total crap shoot. You’re not even guaranteed to get a rare dye from it so I don’t know why would bother wasting gems on it in the first place.

Sell All Your Dyes!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lane.3410


I do find it interesting that the prices of unidentified dyes has shot up to 15s over the past few days.

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


Considering the prices of Celestial and Abyss dyes (as examples), two basic colors that everyone would like in their palette, skyrocketed to 10g and 20g respectively, yeah, I think dyes need to be account bound. If nothing else, at least the rare dyes should be account bound.

I’m an altoholic, so in order to have both a true black and a true white would cost me 240g for all 8 characters. I’ve been playing this game since mid-September and I only have a little over half of that amount total and that’s without having spent hardly anything.

If they don’t make dyes account bound then I’d really like to see them revamp some of their dye acquisition. My suggestions:

  • Dye packs from the gem store should guarantee at least one rare dye.
  • Crafted unidentified dyes should never result in a lesser quality item. Example: If I make a (Rare) Unidentified Grey Dye then the result when I open it should be a random rare dye from the grey spectrum. I find the fact that it takes ~1.5g to craft and has a chance to be uncommon or common when you open it ridiculous.

Raiding: Not like the other guys

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


Though I would have to admit that, of course it is fun, if there is no reward there is no real point in doing it. It SHOULD have exclusive skins and the like, perhaps not statwise better, but it should have something that makes it worthwhile to go there. Yes someone pointed out that you don’t really want it for the sake of content, but then again, why do we do dungeons? Grinding for our legendary? Map completion? It all has a reward at the end. People like being rewarded for their work and raiding would be no exception.

This is exactly what I was talking about in the other thread. There’s no way raiding can be implemented without people demanding exclusive rewards from it.

I appreciate what domxnik and some of the others are saying, but unfortunately your desire to have challenging encounters that require large scale coordination are not going to be added without people like Direksone complaining about lackluster rewards.

Maybe if everything from raids were BoE, but in terms of distribution of wealth I think that would heavily skew things in favor of the small percentage who would end up raiding.

Killing Zhaitain...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


What is the difference between a private instance and a private instance that happens to be a dungeon?

How much trash and how many bosses are before the actual Zhaitan encounter? (This, again, in addition to having to find 4 other people, most likely strangers, to do said dungeon as opposed to an individual instance.)

It’s all completely unnecessary for the personal story. All they had to do is the Zhaitan only part with you and the NPCs. Done.

Fix the LA fountian already

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


I figured they were going to have it completely rebuilt in September just in time to destroy it again in October. :P

Killing Zhaitain...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


There’s no reason the Zhaitan fight couldn’t have been done the exact same way as all the personal story quests leading up to it: with Trahearne & The Pact backing you. You wouldn’t be soloing the dragon, you’d just technically be alone with a bunch of NPCs in an instance.

I’m also ‘stuck’ on the kill Zhaitan part. I really don’t want to have to find 4 other people and do a whole dungeon to complete my “personal” story quest.

Trading Post Interface

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lane.3410


Thanks for the suggestions. I updated Flash and repaired GW2, but there’s still no change.

Trading Post Interface

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lane.3410


This just started happening a few days ago. I hadn’t made any changes to the game client or my computer. Some people suggested changing my resolution and UI size, but neither of those worked. Regardless, this is how my TP appears:

It basically looks like scripts that should be loading aren’t loading for some reason.

It’s impossible to search for anything because it all overlaps. I have to click on an already existing item in my inventory and go to “Buy more” which only helps so much because from that point clicking on the “Make offer” button does absolutely nothing.

Selling is also a hassle because there’s no way to scroll through all the items in my inventory, it will only display the first list of items. Whatever’s causing this has basically rendered the TP unusable for most intents and purposes.

What would you buy with real cash?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lane.3410


Convenience – having a mule may be cheaper on a slot/gem basis, but you do need to shuffle and search when you need something. Given the amount of time I have to play, I don’t want to waste any when I could just get some gems.

I don’t even use probably 80% of what’s in my bank on a regular basis. Unfortunately, there are so many account bound items in this game I literally have nowhere else to put them. So, in my case, I could easily stash almost everything on a mule character and not be inconvenienced.

What would you buy with real cash?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lane.3410


I won’t ever buy bank or bag slots at their current prices. The only way I’d pay 400 gems for that 5th bag slot is if were account wide, definitely not per character.

The bank is, what, 30 more slots for 600 gems? Why would I ever want to do that when I could get over 3x the amount of storage space just buying another character slot (for the same price if they’re on sale)? The pricing on bags/bank just seems completely illogical to me.

The only thing I would be sorely, sorely tempted to buy would be a permanent makeover kit of some sort and even then it still bugs me that a name change isn’t included with a total makeover. Being able to change my hair color/style at whim would be nice though.

Permanent Gathering Tools

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


Do people really consider gathering tools to be a “gold sink”? The only ones which may fit that bill are Orichalcum Harvesting Sickles, the rest are so inconsequential.

I would prefer higher stacks — and definitely YES to combining stacks — of tools. Given how awful the repair interface is now I can only see having to repair gathering tools as a hassle. Maybe if you could actually choose individual items to repair and the NPC didn’t always want to repair everything, whether it’s equipped or not, it wouldn’t be so bad, but not the way it is now.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


Ideally, it would be nice to be able to choose your monthly. I never have liked forced combines of PvE & PvP content to meet achievements. There are too many PvE players who don’t like PvP and vice versa.

Lately, I’ve just given up on the monthly. I don’t care for PvP and I don’t care for dungeon running, so WvW coupled with fractals all the time is just a sure sign I won’t even bother.

In a perfect world maybe you could have 30 or so options and click on 4 of them to accomplish to complete the monthly, but at a minimum it’d be nice if they’d at least alternate between a PvP and PvE focused monthlies.

From Altoholics, for Altoholics

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


I think karma should be account bound. As it is, I keep a running stash of the Jugs of Karma in my bank because I never know which one of my alts is going to need it. I’m not sure what the downside of account bound karma is, it’s not really any different than account bound gold, it’s just another purchasing currency.

Dyes should definitely be account bound, but I’d settle for just the rare dyes being so. I can’t even afford one Abyss Dye right now and a true black is definitely a color I’d like all my characters to have. Given current market prices we’re talking 160g for one color for each class. This is obviously not even including other high dollar rare dyes like Celestial, which would be another 80g to cover 8 alts.

Some system to display what recipes are already known by other characters on your account would be nice too. I’ve bought at least 2 recipes off heart merchants that it turned out I already knew.

Black Lion Keys

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lane.3410


1:250 ratio sounds about right for me as well. I got my first key drop in months off a centaur the other day and was shocked. I don’t recall ever getting one from the daily, I’ve gotten a few from map completion.

I’m not really sure what to do with them, to be honest. My bank is already full of a bunch of account bound crap I can’t put anywhere else. I don’t use boosts and at one point I had half a row of BL salvaging kits it took me forever to use. At this point I’m basically just saving keys for the next holiday nifty they stuff into the chests.

To Raid or Not to Raid

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


Dungeons with larger player cap, in my opinion, is something that would benefit the game. That’s all I’m saying.

I wouldn’t mind dungeons that scaled with the number of players. One of the things I really miss about Rift are their Chronicles, it allowed me to play through a lot of content I otherwise would have never seen and I didn’t have to worry about filling out a 5 man group to accomplish a dungeon (the latter part really annoys me for the last stage of my “personal” quest). If they had something similar in GW2 I think that’d be awesome.

I’m not sure if that’d give you the challenging/coordinated game play you seek, but if you could get a group of 20 in a dungeon that scaled to accommodate that many people maybe that’d satisfy your desire for large scale dungeons.

To Raid or Not to Raid

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


Again, If raiding were to be introduced, those who choose to raid would not get anything special, just weapon and armor skins. Look at fractals, those reward better gear. So basically, they are getting the “best” gear even though there is small upgrade, it’s still the best. So, even if raids did come around they still wouldn’t have the best—fractals will, unless they added the ascended gear to raiding.

Well, unfortunately, you won’t have any control over what the rewards are. Odds are they would end up adding ascended gear to raids because people would question the logic of not doing so.*

Like I said, I really think other MMOs on the market would be your better option if you love raiding that much. Even if you love GW2 there’s still no reason you can’t supplement it with another game that is geared towards raiding. I still don’t see raiding in GW2 ultimately adding anything to the game, it’ll actually cause less of a differential between it and almost any other MMO. Especially since they all seem to end up with raiding at some point for lack of imagination to create any sort of alternative end game, which to be honest I would prefer to see. I’ve been subjected to raiding end game in every MMO I’ve played in excess of a decade, it’s past time for someone to do something new.

  • Here’s a breakdown of what will probably happen: Fractals will become the prerequisite for raiding, the player base will see to that. Raiders will complain about raid drops being worse than what they can get in a 5-man when raiding requires more “skill”. Insert better gear/rewards into raids. People then complain that Anet isn’t living up to its manifesto of GW2 not being a gear grind. Casual players ultimately move on because GW2’s become yet another MMO with raiding being the best/only way to progress their character past level cap like almost every other MMO on the market.

To Raid or Not to Raid

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


Why is it so hard to understand?

People who are posting about wanting raids—for lack of a better word, since mission, quest, dungeon, and instance already mean something else—in GW2 simply want encounters which are higher-level coordination and higher player-cap. That’s it. Period.

They’re not asking for better gear (for the most part), not asking for better titles, or anything other than a new challenge with an ANet twist.

Please stop posting about how “traditional” raids don’t belong in GW2. It’s paranoid behavior, it’s annoying, and it’s not even what anyone is asking for. Crikey.

I still maintain that players like yourself (people who enjoy raiding for simply for the challenge and coordinated play) are the minority, so Anet will be focusing on development to appease maybe 5% (a generous estimate, IMO) of their player base at best?

Beyond that there will be endless QQ about how raiding rewards need to be more “worth it”. So, again, we’re back to raiders ending up having the “best” everything and anyone who doesn’t like to raid just being at a loss.

Having said that, I have no problem with diversifying entertainment. The problem I have is that I’ve yet to see a game reward any other method of playing as much as they do raiding. Raiding has always been the creme de la creme of everything gear and vanity. Now, if you want to argue in favor of raiding while giving people who enjoy other aspects of the game (DEs, WvW, etc.) the same opportunities to obtain the same rewards then fine. I just don’t see that happening because I’ve simply never witnessed it. The few times I’ve even seen it come close the QQ starts up about “welfare” items.

Not all people who raid are the same, but enough of them demand to be a ‘cut above the rest’ that it usually happens.

Allow Elementalists to swap between weapons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


Agreed. Not having an out-of-combat weapon swap is a hassle. Notably the loss of bag space and inability to easily switch strategy (long range vs short range, etc.).

It’s not always easy to get out of combat to switch weapons in the first place, especially in areas with high mob density/respawn rate or if you’re unlucky getting conditions you can’t remove. (Side note: Conditions shouldn’t keep you in combat after the applier has died, this is a huge pet peeve of mine.)

Simply ‘running out of combat’ isn’t always feasible and considering you have to take your eye off your surroundings long enough to open up your bags and equip different weapons it’s more likely you’ll end up in combat again before you can.

I’d support an out-of-combat weapon swap for engineers as well.

To Raid or Not to Raid

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


There are a lot of other MMOs out there that are beautifully catered towards raiders, I don’t see why GW2 has to be one of them as well.

I was/am attracted to the casual nature of GW2. Once raids are added games cease to be casual, IMO. Suddenly there’s a level of exclusivity. Raiders will always have the best everything: best gear, best titles, best vanity items, etc., basically leaving anyone who doesn’t like to raid inferior.

Plus, I can honestly say I’ve met very few people who raided for the enjoyment of it. They do it because it’s the only way to be “the best”. I’m not saying nobody enjoys it, but I really do believe that those who do enjoy raiding are a very small percentage of any given playerbase. It’s not something I’m convinced the masses would participate in or enjoy, so I’d rather see developmental resources go elsewhere.

Overflow Popup

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


I’d rather there be a “Do not display this message again” check box.

I wouldn’t have nearly as much of a problem with the dialog box if it weren’t for the fact that it prevents you from doing anything until you acknowledge it.

My opinion of Orr: why I haven't been logging in

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


I recently finished map completion of Orr and I can honestly say I did not enjoy a single second I was there nor do I have any intention of returning.

  1. Mob density & respawn rate are ridiculous.
  2. Every mob seems to have multiples of the following: snare, stun, slow, knockdown, etc. Combined with #1 this makes traveling anywhere a nightmare.
  3. Few if any events are soloable. Good luck finding anyone doing them either. The only active players I’ve ever seen in Orr farm Cursed Shores almost exclusively and even then only a very small section of it.
  4. Lag is terrible, at least for me. I kept hearing how wonderful Orr is for farming, but with so many people clustered into the same half dozen events it’s virtually unplayable.
  5. Frequently contested waypoints. It’s pretty bad when your closest res point is literally 3/4 up the map. Combined with items #1-#4 it’s neither a quick nor easy jaunt to get back to where you were.

The zone’s just not fun, IMO.

Gems, Refunds & Sales

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


Well, this is how I see it, which may or may not be true of others.

First, the fewer people who are prepared for the sale (via ‘sufficient’ advance notice), the fewer people who participate, the less overall revenue is made. People also tend to buy things on sale that they would never buy at retail price and spend more during sales than they usually would otherwise. So, I don’t see how these ‘surprise mystery’ sales are helping them as much as more publicized ones would.

Secondly, like I said, it’s a confidence thing. Why would I want to buy or spend gems now? Their refund policy is basically non-existent. No one ever knows when or what they’re going to have on sale or for how long. I guess if I just had money to burn I wouldn’t care, but how many people do in this economy? Suffice it to say, their practices and policies don’t instill buyer confidence, quite the opposite.

Refund of gems? Purchased item discounted

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lane.3410


No, I’m upset about Anet’s policies, but whatever.

The best their support staff could offer me was to tell me to post on the suggestions forum, so I did. Here’s the link if anyone else is disappointed in how this sale was handled.

Gems, Refunds & Sales

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lane.3410


I would like to suggest the following:

1) Anet honor sale prices on purchases made within 7 days of a sale.

Most major retailers already do this and have done this for decades. It’s a fairly common practice, in fact, I’ve been told other online games do as well. Unfortunately, GW2’s the only game where I’ve ever had this issue.

The end result would have been more satisfied customers who would have likely purchased additional gems and spent with confidence in the future. Now? Well, I know quite a few people who won’t be buying anymore gems at all because of this.

2) No more “surprise” sales.

I can’t even imagine how many people who bought/received gems for Christmas were upset about this sale. Especially people like myself who specifically waited until New Year’s day to spend said gems in case there was a sale. Had you at the very least announced the impending “New Year’s” sale on New Year’s day it would have made a difference, instead it was 3 days after the fact with maybe a 12 hour notice at best (less, I believe).

3) Should you choose to ignore #1 and #2 then at the very least clarify on the “gem refunds” support page to read that “all sales are final”.

During my correspondence with Anet support staff I was informed gem refunds are exceedingly rare and usually only in cases where someone accidentally purchases duplicates of something they can’t use more than once, such as the CE upgrade. The page as it stands now is very misleading.

4) Don’t limit items to 24-hour sales.

This didn’t personally affect me, but I saw enough people complain about it I figured I should add it. Many people missed out on buying something they wanted on sale due to the time limitations. This, again, can also go back to there being little to no warning about these types of sales.