Oh my god NO, no instanced raids. I been raiding in mmo’s for so long and got out of it and are so happy with GW2. I am still raiding, but in wvw as it should be because GW2 is a pvp-game with pve content hence the name GUILDWARS-.
Please do not make pve-raids. More world content and maybe even harder content, is highly appreciated, but raiding you can do in any other mmo-game, we don’t need it here, we have endgame already. WvW is endgame.
The stress of raids, of gear grind, or keeping buffs up, having dedicated healers, tanks, counting every little dps you put out there and to grind reputation just to get 5 dps/hps more it is just not what i want with this game and also the reason why i choose this when i quit Rift, the most grinding, elitist (and yes i was in top tier of raiding) money hungry game i ever been in and i was there for 3 years. Never again!
(edited by Leaa.2943)
It’s fine to be new to the game. But it’s not fine to be dying and helping the other server blob rally. So the way I see it, T1 and T2 should only allow players that are lv80 into WvW, since these are the Elite servers. T3 and under should have no restrictions.
This post actually made me laugh. I level a lot of my characters in wvw, and i can promise you that noone of them were never a problem to anyone what so ever. At points i was even the last person to die, and i especially remember one time were the commander was shouting at me for ruin their fight and rally all up. I asked him to check my guardbuffs, which was still full and to compare then with his which was zero. Means he died i did not, he screwed the fight and rally them all up, i did not.
It is not about the level, it is about knowing your limits and your class when your upscaled, and not all people are morons just because they level in wvw. If you do you can level inside of it without being a problem to anyone.
I seen the go to eotm-comments which just baffles me. I have 2 achivementpoints from eotm. I spent all an all a total of maybe 2 hours in there, after that i wanted to claw my eyes out and jump of the cliff hoping i would never respawn again. Eotm is kitten and it has nothing to do with wvw and you learn nothing about your class, or how to survive, it is a brainless pressing number one follow a commander and people don’t even defend and the chat is so toxic that it is insane.
Now before people jump at me for being rude about eotm, don’t. This is my personal thoughts about it, i don’t expect anyone else to feel the same and if you love it great, play it as much as you feel like
So just logged in and took a look it’s $200-300 for a pay to win Legendary. Looked through the preview option that they’ve added since I last really played. Gawd those models look old and dated. How about MAYBE $20 maybe.
Pay to win with a legendary, really? You do know that legendary weapons have the exact same stats as ascended right? Most people in this game (that did not start recently) have ascended gear and weapons, so how is a legendary pay to win?
If you are to complain about something, then at least get your facts straight first. There is nothing special about legendary weapons stat wise, only difference is that you can swap the stats on it when out of combat and they have nice graphics. How ever you can also swap ascended weapons when out of combat, so left is graphics. And last time i checked noone wins anything with graphics
Could we get some sort of clarification if the white crosses really are to be removed or if the devs really listen to their players response about it. Reason i am asking, there is a lot of tensions and discussions about this everywere and people are angry and sometimes even toxic about it in chats, so over all i think it would be a good move to let us know how this have turned out so we can move on.
A smaller amount of gems like 100 would be good so that you can adjust your exchange to what you need.
But also, i understand that you want to make it more simple, but why not have it both ways? The new way were you can pick a set number AND for the more experienced, give them a box were they can choose their own number like in the old system. Does not have to take more space, just add a line in the bottom for those who want to choose their own numbers. This way both groups are happy
Well first of all there is people for everything, and wvw is no different. It contains a lot of people feeling they have the right to express what ever bs that pops up in their head regardless how rude and useless it is.
With that said, there is also two sides to this. If your friend is new and really don’t have much clue how anything works in wvw or have the class knowledge, then yes your friend can pretty much wreck a whole fight just by dying. It might not look so bad for him, i mean it was him dying right? Problem is that any person that hit him with anything including aoe, before he went down will rally on him and instead of being downed and nearly dead the enemies are now back up and ready to strike back.
Does this mean your friend have no place in wvw? Of course he do, but he also have to understand that he need to use his head and don’t run in to zergfights, don’t follow in to a SM-fight if there is huge groups inside of it. Never follow a guild group, or any group that is not a pugcomander. And if there is a pugcomander, make sure your friend run in the background, and help out there, and if there is fights outside keeps and towers, don’t follow when a group jumps out, stay on the wall and hit the enemies from there.
If your friend is respectful and don’t become a rallybot, then there is no need for anyone to be disrespectful towards him. But he do need to understand his limits. A upscaled have got the stats fluffed up but they are by no means even close to what they should be. And he also have no traitpoints or real build to use and especially now with the new traitpoints system, he is pretty much useless and leaching, so make sure he helps in anyway he can in the background of a fight without being a burden to the group.
Removing white swords from objectives to give defenders a stronger role in alerting their team as well as giving attackers more of a chance to get through having their siege disabled.
Now you guys are doing it again and poking in something that is already working. I like most of the changes mentioned, but sometimes you guys just overdoing it and we have to roll with it and live with the frustration for a few months until you realize this was really bad move.
The white crosses are not only there for attackers, when i join a border i open my map and run to the point were i see white crosses to defend it. If i can not see were it is contested there will be even harder for defenders to keep it. The crosses also tell defenders were the enemies are moving, so that we can gather and focus on that path to stop them.
Please don’t make changes that most of us players never asked for. WvW is already having so much issues right now, so don’t add more.
I am having no issues. They can’t fix what is kittenly happens to some players. Please check your connection, the number of hops to the game server, any problems in between AND if your ISP is not throttling. All of this can cause issues.
Not saying there isn’t a problem with the servers but if the servers were bad ALL players would have the issue.
You know the world does not spin around one player right?
There is real issues, not person based issues. We have half eb dc several times each hour. Last night i was in Hills with enemie zerg inside, and suddenly half of them if not more vanished just infront of me, together with half of our zerg.
I get constant skillag were my bar is just blinking. Some casts takes forever to go off so imagine how fun that is to place a waterfield that wont be any were near your raid if it finally goes off.
I get stuck on siege were i can not get off the siege, i am just stuck in a loop, were nothing works not even the leave-button on the siege works, so you relog and comes back to a 60 man queue.
People rubber banding around on the borders, and it looks ridiculous. The other day our raidleader was one of them, imagine how fun it was to have him dc 10 time in one evening together with a few others in our group whilst pushing in raid.
Problem is also that if half the border dc, not all comes back, and that is not really healthy in the middle of a tournament.
Problem started before the big patch, a few weeks before i believe, but got worse after when the big patch/fix was in place.
There is a way to stop blob manipulation, and that’s to introduce cooldown timers for re-entering WvW after a deliberate exit from a WvW map to a non-WvW map (which quite handily gets rid toon hotswapping). A detection and flag system could be put in place to detect and record when a player sends a taskkill (or equivalent) signal to the GW2.exe process (through the normal game exit window, or via the OS) or presses the ‘Leave the Mists’ button. If they do that then their account gets flagged for 10 minutes and during that time they can’t re-enter WvW. On the other hand, if the game detects that the internet connection is lost between the client and server, or the game crashes and the error report box comes up, or the game forces an exit due to incoming patch, then the account isn’t flagged and the player can re-enter WvW as soon as their game comes back up.
The Megaserver has taken care of some of the problems of rent-a-mob tactics in LA, but further improvements could be made. The game can be made to detect whether any of the previous 3 or 5 maps that the player was on was a WvW map and whether the current map is a PvE/PvP map and place those players on map instances with the lowest number of people from their server on it. That way, any blob that exits WvW would be scattered across instances, making it very difficult for them to co-ordinate back in, especially if they have to wait 10 minutes to get back into WvW anyway.
This is pointlessly intrusive. And how is it a problem to hit LA and ask for WvW help? Or limited hot-swapping toons? This address nothing about population balance either. Blobbing as a tactic isn’t broken. If they balanced the reward for defense with offense, folks wouldn’t be so quick to jump on the blob wagon anyway.
I agree this is a pointless solution and consider how many times people get dc each night without willingly doing so but the game throws them out in a lagspike then why should they be punished? If anything it would make people rage and leave.
I would go for guardstacks (defense against guards) first of all to get more vitality. For me it gives me nearly 3 k extra health and as ele who have a low basic vitality pool, it is really something i need.
When that is done i would take the Supply Master and then go for Guard killer. After that it is all about your liking. If you do a lot of siege then choose the siege you like the most, and make sure to add siege might as well. Some like to go for supplies overall as in repair and build and how much you can carry. Is all about your own like.
But yeah most of all guardstacks, this will give you more then any of the others.
I played a different game before, it had a 3 way match up with around 2 hours game play. It was set up with 3 battle groups, and in the beginning the game was putting a lot of effort in to that you will be so proud over your group and fight for it to win.
Reality is that people saw that one of the fractions was stacked with people known as being very good, so all the players wanted of course be there too. And so it moved on, and it ended up with each round this team was always stacked and they totally slaughtered the other two teams and farmed them. Of course the game tried to solve this by making random joins and they made changes by changes, but nothing could stop that one color of team to always turn out as winner.
Now we already see this at eotm. Green team will be the winning team nearly always, so we already know what will happen if we choose for this to be about 3 teams with no server connection, no server pride. People stop care about the whole, and start care about them self, and then loot/karma/gold/badges and xp will be what counts.
For me, this is not wvw, this is brainless tagging of everything to gain loot. It is not what i want. It is not what most of us want.
So whats left then is server merging. Well yes this is probably the best shot. I would announce what servers that will be merged long time before this happen, and let anyone on those servers to move out for free if they wish to do so, tbh you should have a free period of letting all people move to were they want.
Also maybe let the communities to have a chat with each other and see if anyone is willing to merge together, just give the players a chance to find a way that suits them better. Time to settle it is probably whats important. Will is make all players happy? Not really, but i think it is the best chance of keeping the most players happy and that is probably what you need to aim for.
This is a answer to Orpheal.8263. For some reason the quote bugged out when posted so edited this way
- WvW Achievement Redesigns
- Merging of possible WvW Traits to create space for new WvW Traits that are missing or could improve WvW in overall.
- Implementation of the good and tested EotM features into the other normal WvW Maps
- Redesignign the Borderlands into 1 single huge Map, what gives you also the chance to implement some significant EotM improvements into that Map
- Adding more different WvW Maps, just 1 single new Map within 2 years is laughable. Even SPvP got alot more new Maps as also PvE, what makes it even more ridiculous
- Adding Class Special WvW traits to improve the Class Roles for WvW, so that each Class is somehow special for WvW and can do somethign that, what you can do only in WvW while playing Class X, like giving Thieves an Infiltration WvW Trait, that allows them to sneak into enemy towers/keeps, to sabotage siege weapons ect.
My respons
Hell no we don’t need to turn wvw in to EotM. EoTm have absolutely nothing to do with wvw. It is a endless loot/karma train that is just brainlessly smashing number 1.
I mean people are not even taking down cattas/rams from the enemies, because it is better to leave them so they can cap it back, so you can cap it back, so they can cap it back and so on.
And i pointed it out before. You get 20 wvw badges for capping freaking worm (which you do like every 10 min), whilst you get 1 badge for capping SM on EB. Am i the only one that see the madness in this???
I can not even get my self to go to EotM with my alts, and the few times i have i swear my brain blew up out of boredom.
It is not wvw, it is nothing even remotely close to wvw, and if a-net destroy wvw by turning it in to EotM by making megaservers, then i actually think they will loose the bigger part of the wvw population to other games.
(edited by Leaa.2943)
Why is it always either or with you guy on a-net, why can nothing be somewere inbetween. I mean it is a huge difference between achivement grinding taking like 2 weeks to make and something that takes me 3 min. Why can there never be a middle way?
It is same thing all the time. Like with the banner of the lord. Yes it was heavy used and a nerf is fine, but why remove it totally? Why not put a buff on him instead to reduce the possibility to do it 57 times in a row?
Or with the new siege disablee. Why make it so abuseble so it ends up with a lockdown, why not put a buff or cd on it?
Or new gate leveling system. It is gated to a point were i don’t want to make an alt, because of the heavy gating were you even have to unlock downed skills (ffs), i mean ok i get the gate system, good thing to add, but why complicated it to a point were you just don’t want to do it due to the dumbing down on the game.
Or the tc, awsome that you finally made the changes we wanted for so long, but instead of making it easy it is now complicated as hell to use it, and i actually have to focus, making sure it is done the right way .
It just kind of goes on an on this way, either it has to be 1000% or 1% whats wrong with a middle way, were we all get the good stuff and the bad but it is ok to deal with. Would for sure satisfies more people
Was looking like that all morning for me, but now it is back to normal.
It is a good defensive item but it will not stop a zerg for long. More like delay a zerg long enough for you to get the the ppt or for you to call in reinforcements. Think it is a good balance since they remove the ability to banner the lord. 3 warriors could chain rez the lord indefinitely.
It’s not a good defensive item, because the enemies can disable the siege on your walls. Was done last night in a fight i was in. A tower got their arrowcarts disabled over and over and in the end we lost the tower due to this.
I would not call it worse, some parts have gotten better. Before patch we had random dc all the time were commanders and half the group would vanish in the middle of fights every 5 min or so, those are better, not gone, but better.
How ever the skill lag is not good, is worse until a point nearly unplayable. I am on a gold server, we fight servers with huge blobs, and last night it was next to unplayable for me. Skillag was horrible and at the time my fileds went off the group was half way across the map or dead and they mostly blasted the mudd. Don’t know how many times i call out the waterfield and absolutely nothing happen except for my bar blinking like a Christmas tree.
About the disabling thingy, well it is not a bad idea, but it is being abused and again especially on a gold server, your siege is disabled to the end.
In a keep or tower the siege on the wall is disabled by attackers, and siege outside by the defenders, and defending a keep with disabled siege were you can not banner the lord at all is just way to much. I get the banner of the lord, i been in a fight in enemies garrison that we took an then trolled them and bannered the lord 68 times , it is silly, but why remove that totally? Why not make the bannering harder, as in put a buff on the lord, to make it harder. Removing it all just makes it easier to take.
You can not buy ascended gear, you craft if and it is accountbound. There are also boxes dropping with ascended gear and weapons, but during the 2 years i played, it dropped 3 of them and two was gear i could not use and are still in my bank.
There is also drops inside of Fractals, but that is about it. So check your info before you start rant like that
This guy’s the one who said it: (quote=4352415;sirian.4981:)
It probably isn’t gear, but if you are really worried, spend a day Ktraining EOTM and you will have full ascended armor.
That’s why I asked, I wouldn’t even know where to begin to look to find that info myself so I needed the right “terms” to look up so I could check it. What are the actual rewards then??
GW2 wiki is your best friend in any situation http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_Level_80_Exotic_Armor click a piece and it will tell you were to buy/craft/loot it.
God no! Having people chatting about things they find extremely important which mostly is about peeing corners and telling how great they are and how noobish everyone else is, and my god i can just imagine all the raging kids in dungeons or the like as if anyone had the slightest interest in hearing what raging people have to say.
No just No! Is not even a slightly hesitation from my side. If i want to do dungeons and chat, i do it with my friends and join proper ts channel for it and have fun.
Public channel with total strangers, just no!
You can not buy ascended gear, you craft if and it is accountbound. There are also boxes dropping with ascended gear and weapons, but during the 2 years i played, it dropped 3 of them and two was gear i could not use and are still in my bank.
There is also drops inside of Fractals, but that is about it. So check your info before you start rant like that
Gear hasn’t imporoved. Ascended gear is still the top (with like 5% difference from exotic). Change your traits/playstyle.
I personally returned after 6 months and I’m still hitting people 12k with maul when fully buffed.
My guard had 2 sets of armor about a year ago I think one was the draconic zerker gear and the other gear I can’t recall off hand but It was from melandru event karma npc? Full set.. Looked awesome don’t really recall the stats on it.
there is your problem …. zerker gear dont work in wvw^^
It definatelly does. It’s all playstyle preference.
Well the player came back after long time of not playing. He say he dies as soon as he gets close to one player and he cant even give us clear info because he don’t remember. He defiantly is RUSTY so he is not really suiting for the person who goes in to wvw with zerker gear, and especially not as guardian/meatshield.
Point is, get survival gear p/v/t gear, and then when your on top of your class again and relearned what you missed during this long time then start make the changes, by then you should also have karma and gold enough for it.
You already seen what will happen by looking at EotM. Karma train were noone will care about keeping anything and not even taking down cattas/rams that enemies left, so you can cap and recap fast. People pressing 111111111111 getting 500 badges for capping a worm??
Server pride IS wvw, and i really hope a-net won’t destroy wvw by making the mistake they did with EotM. Because it is nothing what they said it would be, just pure mindless farming and karma train. No brain, no nothing but mashing the number 1 key and get loot and run when enemies comes.
Well i don’t know what people are on about, but gear matters and so does the stats on them. If you go to wvw in berzerker gear and being a bit rusty since you been gone a while, you will most probably be dead very fast. Or if you pick gear with vitality/toughness/healingpower you wont really put out any damage to kill the person hitting you.
So for us to help you it is easier if we know what kind of stats you are using on your gear, what are the runes, the sigils and the food? And also what kind of gear? Do you have exotics or lower? And well class and traits is also very important.
Knowing this and it will be easier to point you in some direction.
Here’s a thought. Kill them before they can build the ac?
Or even if they do destroy all your siege, there’s nothing stopping you from killing them then rebuilding more.
Here is a thought, what if you are low on people at that point and your way of saving the keep at that point is to use the siege you built to defend it?
Also it comes down to two things, don’t use cheats, that is low and even worse to defend it, and if this is not fixed then this should be allowed for all players so that all can do the same thing without cheating.
Well here is your problem, and i was on UW until a little less then a year back when first breakdown came, A-Net is really crushing the very low populated servers and not giving them a fair chance to recover. Why i say that? Well UW is still today considered to be a very high populated server. It was empty long before i left and then there was no mega server, and both wvw and pve was empty to a point that the server felt like a ghost server.
A-Net count accounts not active accounts, and UW have a lot none active accounts and there for they will never go down to being a low pop server with a low cost to transfer. And who want to move to a ghost server and pay 1800 gems for it and end up with practically no wvw to mention. when you can pay 1800 gems and move to a active server with a healthy wvw population instead.
So my advice if you are unhappy is to transfer off it. It wont get better. It have not got better after i left, only gone down to the last spot and yet, you still after a year of this, have to pay 1800 gems to join that, because according to A-Net UW is highly populated. Is sad that they destroy servers in this way, but when i realized it a year back i moved.
If you can not target a player and report them, then you can mail the report to exploits@arena.net
If you have video, picture, time of appearance or any other info you think might be helpful then add it too.
No, no, no and NO!
The day this happens, is the day i leave wvw. What will happen that always happens in games were there is no server pride involved is loads of stacking issues, loads of bots, loads of chats full of crap, overall the feeling that you are a team will just vanish, and it will transfer in to a karma train a la Orr, were people just run in to each other for lootbags. There will be nothing about guilds, nothing about teams, servers, pride and will to win just lootbags.
It is the fact that it is severs involved with guilds raiding that is keeping the interest up. This would be totally useless with wvw mega server.
Paying gold to get the event to start and then get 2 green and 3 crafting materials and a few event marks as a reward for nearly an hours fight is not going to keep any interest up. I can do a dungeon in 10 minutes and fill my backpack up and i don’t even have to pay gold for it to start.
I get you don’t like the trains and the grinders, but even people who don’t grind have limits for what they will put in time for verses the reward they get. If you even have to pay gold for the loot then it will get uninteresting in the end. And yes noone have to pay, but if noone did, then how will this go on?
I am the other way around, if i would have to use pug-tool at any point, i would write no zerker. Why? Because they are more dead then they are alive. One hit and gone they are.
Do my group take 2 min longer on our runs? Probably, but i don’t have to spend the whole time rezzing zerker players or constantly switch to water to keep them alive, so i can totally live with those 2 extra minutes.
Yeah i can totally see how collision could work :/
Calm down dude, they were messing around having fun, not trying to grief people,
Can’t say the same for the spy’s and alt accounts destroying our golems in spawn…. Plus the kome map que spawn camping us… But no, you need to cry about 10 ppl running around citadel >.<
I thought i could not make it more clear then i did. Anyone who is abusing this glitch/cheat IS a griefer. With other words it includes your friends and the person you self described destroying a golem and anyone else abusing it.
I don’t find any of those situation the slightest funny and i hope the people with videos and screenshots of it will mail them to exploits@arena.net
Simple as that.
This is nothing but griefers using cheats and glitches for their own personal amusement. Don’t get caught up in their tries to make this look like their doing nothing or harm noone and that it is just fun.
Let me give you a few pointers. Well i actually have no clue about the wp being contested or not, but if this is the case, then yes there will be griefers abusing that. Now also add the glitch in to Garrison from the Laurel seller, will we still think it is fun when they abuse this too?
And as answer to your Yeah but we are only killing npc. Will we still think it is funny when they constantly killing our siege sellers, armou-repairs, TP-npc and the like?
Or when the 10 omega golems we had to move to the citadel due to loosing a keep they were stored in, is t still fun?
If there is something that griefers can abuse then be sure they will try to pull it further and further. This is what griefer do. Don’t give them credit or laugh it away because it is not fun, nor is it in any way admirable what they do and they for sure is breaking the rules.
If anyone catch them on a video or a screenshot make sure to report it with a mail to exploits@arena.net
Absolutely loved the bobble heads. I had so many laughs about it today that i lost count, best april fool joke i ever seen in any game
- What kind of issue are you specifically having that could be related to lag?
Skilllag were the skill never goes off and my bar just keeps on blinking or skillag were it takes a few seconds before the spell goes off.
I also dc for no reason
I don’t rubberband much, only happen a few times, but i seen a lot of people having rubberband issues.
I have not really had any of this problems before, they came about a month back or so.
- What server are you on?
Ring of Fire, How ever we just moved from Aurora Glade and it was exact same problems there.
- Has there ever been a time when you or a friend are experiencing lag, while others in your party are not?
Mostly there is everybody, but there have been situations were some have and some don’t. At those situations there seem to be no reason that is valid though, like those that do have skillags have crappy connections or pc, it seem to randomly pick off people, and especially when it comes to disconnects.
I have a good connection and up to a month ago i pretty much never dc, but the last month random dc hit me many times
- Has there ever been a time where one party in a map is experiencing lag, while other parties in that same map are not?
Pretty much same answer as above.
- Do you experience the lag at very specific times?
Depends on what lags you are looking for. Disconnects have no specifics, can be in the middle of a fight, or when standing in spawn. Skill lags mostly happens with zergs around +40.Also i have no clue if it have any regards to the lags, but we get stuck a lot for no reason. Only way to get out of this is to either type /sit in chat or throw out siege. This has been a problem before around siege when building them , but the last month it spread and you can suddenly get stuck in the middle of a battle. And i tell you it is rather stressfull to see a hammertrain of +40 running towards you whilst you need to stop and type /sit or throw out siege to get unstuck.
Don’t really think you got the issue. I don’t think that it is intentional that if the party dies, they have to relog, then fall out of the portal in LA dead were they have tobe ressed outside the portal and the owner of the fractal either have to stay dead inside to not reset it, or use revive orb.
Because when you die, there is no option to go back to waypoint/startpoint/makeupyourownword of the fractal or anything the like. There is not even a leave button when your dead.
So yes, please fix this bug, and while you are at it, also fix the bug inside of the Molten fractal at the crazy dredge guy, because after doing that part there was no option to continue to the next part and we had to abandon it. (and yes i know how to continue it since i actually did that dungeon many times when it was a event dungeon) and the option that was then is not there now, nor is no other new option either.
Made Jungle Worm event today around 6 which should be prime time even. 8 people attended.
It would not really bother me that much how pve is going since normally i play more wvw then i pve, but our server is said to be one of the highest pop server, and wvw on UW is empty to a point were our community have collapsed.
For a while i believed in the rumor about UW being more of a pve server, until i made the comparing between Aurora Glade and UW and realized that the differences are like night and day and so huge that it can not really just be waved away.
Something is really wrong, and right now UW suffers highly due to this because we are bleeding players , and a chance of getting new players who wants to pay 1800 gems for a empty server and a empty wvw, is just not very likely.
I have a bit of a doubt regarding this subject. I have two accounts, one bind to Underworld, and one bind to Aurora Glade. Both this servers are consider to be very high populated, but when it comes to Underworld which is where my main account is, i must ask Arena if this is really the case?
Now why do i ask this. I am in a wvw guild so i see WvW a lot. Underworld is very frequently undermanned, and lately to a point were this is nearly always the case.
People in WvW think this is because of two things. 1. All WvW guilds except for the one i am in, have left the server and 2. Underworld is a PvE server with mostly PvE-players, and up until recently i also thought the same.
How ever a few weeks back i bought a second account and placed it on Aurora Glade. Aurora Glase is just as Underworld set as a very high populated server. But the differences between the servers are so huge that it just baffles me.
In WvW there is so many people attending that i suddenly felt like we are a bit over crowded, which i suppose is a good feeling since it means that Aurora have a good WvW community.
At that point i then moved over to the second reason that Underworld gives to why there are no people in WvW. According to them Underworld are left with only PvE-players.
And here is were it gets interesting. I join The Maw event on Underworld, and there is around 15-20 players doing it. I finish it and instantly log off and move to Aurora Glade and my second account because the same event pops there, and i really want to see if there is a difference. And here comes the interesting part, there is about 100 players doing the event.
I keep on doing this whole day and night with same result. There is 15-20 people doing the event bosses on Underworld except for late nights and early mornings were several of them fails or are just not done.
Even shatterer fails around 11 in the evening at Underworld, because to few attended and could not kill the dragon in time.
On Aurora they go on all day and night and i have not seen a failed event yet.
And if i move to LA then there is the triple amount of people in LA on Aurora compared to Underworld.
Underworld is ranked as a Very high populated server, but at this point and depending on what i have seen this last weeks, this can just not be possible. Unless there is this huge black hole on the server were they players hide that i am not aware of i ask Arena to look in to this and change it.
Now if there is someone wondering or not getting why i make such fuzz over this, then there is a very valid reason. We lack of WvW players on UW, and our hope to get new players and guilds in is about zero. Because we have a server that it cost 1800 gems to move to (due to it being set at Very High Populated), but everybody knows the server is empty in WvW and i know now this is also the case in PvE. With that in mind, make the math about how many that will choose to come to UW.
They simply do not get what they pay for, and this is really killing our community. First it was slowly, but now we are bleeding players like crazy.
So Arena, please check the statement of Underworld, and please check the amount of active accounts (as in frequently played for a longer period and not only during trials and the like) And please if i am actually right about this, make the change and remove us from Very High Populated so that players can afford to come to us, and give Underworld a real chance to come back.
Was looking for this topic, and this will be my first post. I live in Sweden, reset for me is 2 in the night, and this is by far to late and i find it very unfair that Europe need to work with this schedule on such important topic, all whilst US getting all the favors when it comes to the time when reset is made.
There should be a easy fix, Arena should be more open for a solution to this topic, and it should be just as important for EU as Arena find it to be for US.
Work with us EU players please.