this was the point of the change?
when you tagged an escort and left you were relying on someone else to actually do the event ~ getting full credit was kinda silly
I must disagree. If you’re fighting at Indigo and protect Blue’s bull as it leaves the area you shouldn’t have to travel to Blue to get credit for the event. If you don’t protect it Blue will never get supplies, if you follow the bull you are no longer protecting Indigo, instead spending your time running back and forth between the forts.
This isn’t a good change for the Meta events.
It’s pointless arguing with people who haven’t done much more than fought Vinewraith.
So when person make a good point you fall down to make a rude personal coment. Consider you have no clue how much this person played it is just making you look bad instead.
I agree with the issue of leaching people, how ever this do not stop the leaching people from standing afk in the area getting credit, but it reduce the amount of bulls that is coming to a keep. Here is why. If i go to red keep and stay there and fight, i do not want to leave the red keep to walk yellow and purple bulls to their keeps, and if all did so, red keep would fall. So i walk yellow to the first aimbush and purple to first and sometimes second and then fast back to red keep again. This way bulls get through more often because people from yellow and purple keep, pick them up.
As it is now, i see no reason to do this, since i would have to walk all the way to the other keep leaving my keep with the risk of it falling. There is no logic in this what so ever.
Base the costs on the capacity of the guild. Start guilds at 10 people with upgrades for 50, 100, 250 and 500. If you upgrade your capacity, you lose access to whatever, but are discounted what you’ve already paid. Basing the costs on zerg guilds is silly. It’s the zerg guilds that should be heavily punished.
So the large guilds are supposed to be punished or heavily taxed for the works and dramas they had to go through to become large. I see, sounds fair.
On a side note, which part of it is fair if a guild that paid lesser can get to access the same amount of things as a guild which paid more? In reality, a lot of things can be fair while a lot of things can also be unfair. However, a rule remain, a small factory can only produce a limited number of things while a large factory can produce a larger number of things. If scaling had to be done, it has to be done with this rule in mind.
You need to take a math class
If you have 300 members donating materials, the cost for each memeber will be very low compared to if 10 members of a guild must donate the same things. Add to that the 300 members will be able to finsih most things in the guild hall within a month or two (guilds already have gvg arena) whilst small guild with 10 people looking for a year or more with nonstop farming materials and not playing anything else.
There has to be a way to make it worth while for both big and small guilds. I don’t know how it would work, maybe make it about kapacity, as in active members. If you want to add more active members that can use the guildhalls, then you have to add more donation to add the new limit. This way you can scale how much it cost and add more if you want to have more active memebers being able to join in.
They could at least start with fixing wvw daily since two of them are not even possible to make since there is no such things anymore -.-
It’s amusing. The other month people were up in arms because Mike O’Brien insinuated that very few people played the WvW game mode exclusively. Now when you ask where all the WvW players are, you’ll be told “they’re in PvE.” Guess he was right afterall.
I guess you could read that in to it, but reality is that they either don’t log in at all or log in to check if something changed and then log out 5 min later. So for me it is more amusing that you asume they all went to pve and did not even consider that they actually just don’t play
A quick warning for the HC WvW players out there:
Some people lack common knowledge.. so I will spell it out for you all.
WvW has a lack of players at the moment because obviously there is a brand new game out. People are trying out the masteries, There is a halloween event..So like Taylor swift said: Haters gonna hate XD
The new maps are pretty big, so when you’re playing on your own or with a small group with little to few enemies.. it’s not going to be fun! Go and explore the map, and in a couple of weeks it will start to pick up again.
So stop spreading the hate please… there is no need, i took a look at the new maps and they tackled a lot of issues people have moaned about without telling you, so if you’re still not happy, you never will.
I will screenshot this and post it in a few weeks to you. Also with over 6000 hours played in wvw, i am pretty sure i know what i want, what the regular wvw players and my comunity wants. And it is not what you are saying.
My friendslist tells me whats going on. My comunity forum tells me whats going on, my guild tells me whats going on, the enemies we usually meet tells me whats going on. They alls have the same opinion. The new border is pretty but have big issues. This concern was adressed properly in the first beta, and all the others after that. Nothing changed. Now it is live, and we can wait as you sugest, but what wvw was a month back with raiding guilds, lots of big and small fights on every border every were, is not coming back, unless anet realise this and make a fast change. They do not have to remove the map, but they need to change it, make is smaller, remove the huge pve factor on it and give us a better flow for movements so that we can make good fights.
It is most certainly not dead. You are just going to have to wait a few weeks for everyone to do a lot of the HoT stuff and then get back into their regular WvW rallies.
If the new map was a succes, we would make time to be on the map and explore it as much as possible and enjoy every minute of it. You can get hero points through wvw so that is not a problem either.
There are wvw players that only play wvw and no other game mode, not even them are on the map, they stopped log in to the game, and there is farwel posts in the comunity forums, and all regular wvw players on my friendslist (and it is a long list) say they just can not be kitten d to log in and play the new border because it is to big and have no flow in it, and guilds are raiding on eb. People are waiting for respons from devs, but not getting it, meanwhile we are bleeding players.
I don’t belive for a second that the reason the borders are empty is because people do pve. IF the maps was a success then people would que up to play because the new map would make them excited as it is a part of the expansion. This is not the case, it is not even the case on the top servers. Home borders are empty because what regular wvw-players liked about the game mode is gone. This wont change regardless how much time we wait. So either we get a fast reaction, or wvw will bleed players hugely.
It already started, a lot of people on my friends list who was regular wvw players and only played this game mode stopped log in. Messages in comunity forum saying sorry but wvw is not working for me anymore, i am leaving.
Don’t wait, EotM did not change whilst waiting, it fell to be something that was not even close to what was the plan from the start. Add back the old borders and remake the map or possibly make it a eb map, that way it wont be to big, and not to far to run. And make the keeps and the towers SMALLER.
I run in to a very strange reaper bug last night. Was in wvw and was using the shrud moving over aoe hiting enemies and suddenly i am stuck, and not as in imobalized, and not as the other bug were you get stuck and have to write /sit or what ever in chat to get unstuck. My character was stuck and like frozen. I could not move, nor use skills, or even move arms or cast anything, just frozen. We tried the usual stuff like the /sit or dodge, or unequip weapon and what not. Someone even tried to portal me and i could portal, but i was just as stuck and frozen at the exit of the portal.
This happen yet again a bit later, so it seem to be some sort of bug involving reaper shrud and possibly enemie aoe. First time it happen we were taking a upgraded tower and chaising the enemies out, don’t know if that is any useful info, but yeah just wanted to make a heads up about it.
This could really have been a amazing thing if they actually had listen to their regular wvw players about what they actually wants, but they didn’t, not even after all the betas were this was said over and over they just ignored it.
So what would we have wanted if they had asked us. Less pve stuff. Because we are not there to do pve at all. This they understand in pvp, because they do not put pve things in pvp maps that effect fights because they understand that it would be a bad thing and that we are only there to fight eachother not to do pve. For some reason and i don’t know if it is different developers doing this, but for some reason wvw developers have a different view over what their wvw players wants and it is not representing what we actually do want.
So what do we want. Well the new sentries are great were you can see enemies for a short period, i really like those. The shrines are ok, the upgrades are ok but need a overhaul because as it is now it does not work as intended, but with some adjustment it would be great. The defense are ok, but is overwhelmingly to much pve over it.
I was all for getting more hp to any npc inside camps, towers and keeps. They could even be harder to kill, but having two zergs inside of the earth keep having to focus on jumping to avoid waves from the lord and to win over the other zerg and be able to cap it (none of us owned the keep), like a stupid teqatl event, it just pushed me over the edge to a point were i dont want to go back in to the new maps again. And wvw is my first choice of game mode in gw2.
What need to be done to reverse this before it is to late, and please do not think that this is just something we get used too, like with EotM, we wont, this is a emergency that needs to be dealt with.
So what to do, well either put the old maps back, or start rebuilding the new one. Make the map smaller, make the keeps and towers smaller, put suplies closer to gates, remove the stupid pve events from the lords and get more hp on them and more damage from them so that it just takes longer to kill. As it was before i could actually kill sentries as upscaled lvl 2 character.
Remove the EotM bridges, lanes and what not, so that we can focus on fights not on how to walk. We are not there to watch our feets, we are there to fight enemies. Like in pvp, just bigger fights.
Make running to and from camps/keeps and towers more straight forward.
I am really worried about wvw and even more worried that we do not have a comunication open with devs before this is to late. Because it really will be to late if nothing is done. WvW were already bleeding players before expansion and the reactions i have had so far is huge disapointment, so please open up comunication and work with us!
They are awsome, they even respawn faster then every 20 min. Last night i spent over an hour to farm them and i never ever got so much chili, seaweed, lemongrass, ancient wood and what in such short time.
WvW is dying with the new maps so gathering trains might be the new kitten.
at the weapon smith station?
The map is beutiful no doubt about that, but it is not built for wvw game mode. Last night we had a ridiculous situation. We were in the earth keep, and we were there together with another enemie server. None of us owned the keep but we wanted to take it and to fight over it. How ever, this turned out to be a pve event a la teqatl, because the people inside of the circle were you need to be to cap the keep had to avoid the waves the champ was doing. So here we were two big groups jumping for our lifes whilst trying to fight the other group. It could have been a really great fight between the two groups, but instead of focus on that we had to focus on jumping. It was flat out ridiculous. Those sort of things belongs in pve, not in wvw.
I would love for a-net to place such boss on a point on a pvp map, like say in the middle of Cortyard-map, and then watch the reactions. There is no way they would not do such thing because it would effect the fights in pvp, so why on earth do it in wvw, were we also favor fights and do not wish to do pve at all.
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Leaa.2943
Take out the stupid hero points so we don’t have to grind and just have it as a slot in our masteries to level up to gain hero points. Easy, there, fixed. Wala. How in the world do you expect us to level our alts elite specs after leveling one is taking forever.
What about removing endboss in fractal/raids and dungeons so you get rewarded right after u enter without playing the game mechanic ?
Peoples still dont get what a game is made for and lack alot of logic.
Or you do not get that there is a lot of players that have a lot of alts. I have 16 alts, which 4 i play every day in different gamemodes, mostly wvw though. 4 i play several times a week and the rest when i feel like it. I would like to continue to do so, but this would require roughly me grinding 4000 hero points.
I play this game a lot, and i don’t mind having to put effort in to this, i already grind several hours a day for other things i want and need and i have 6 worldcompletions. Unfortune only 2 of those are on characters i play everyday. So imo this is to much and it is puting a restrain on my game play, and i will probably make 2 of the elitespecs, and the rest of the characters will probably be sitting there, and in the end i will get bored and play less because i do not have the choice to pick what i want to play with anymore. And that is what is bothering me.
I thought EB would remain? Borders have been stale ever since EoTM (say what you want about instancing, keep design is leaps and bounds better and visually impressive).
Visually impressive, yeah it is nice that it looks good, but if the instance do not have a good flow, good fights that are easy to move to it will simply have no matter. In the end it is not us standing around watching the pretty map that is wvw, wvw is a game mode were we require above said for it to work.
I am worried, i was worried already at the first beta test and we told about it already there, but nothing changes, so it is what it is, and i guess eb will have long ques.
Well it is not better on the top servers either, borderlands are empty, and people are on eb, noone want to bother with the new map.
Also about the heropoints. Here is the thing, most of us do not only play one character, we play several. I for example run 4 different clases frequently and i have to gain those points for each class, as in going out and doing all those hero points over and over and over and over again. Then i have the other classes that i play when i feel like it, and well tbh i dont think i can be kitten d, so guess they will just sit there.
I don’t mind to put effort in to it, i don’t even mind that it will take some time, but this just feels like when you are grinding noteriety in other mmo’s. It just takes to long
God no, mapcompletion is the best way to farm crafting materials, keys and other good stuff. I even make characters to make sure i can make more map completions and fill up my needs for crafting. I especially make sure i have a low level charcter to make mapcompletions in area that gives linen.
I am very aware of that it is hard to find a time that fits all, but i also belive that you can not give NA and EU same reset time.
NA have a wide spread time zone whilst EU don’t. EU have one prime time and this is when we have the most people online. Reset in EU have to end up somewere around this time. Which day it is i my self don’t care about, but time of day is very important.
Reset is a holy event for wvw players. For us that play this every day and follow each matchup with interest really look forward to it and it is planned during week which open mic goes were, who will have special event on what map, what guilds go were and so on. It is a important event for all wvw comunites and it is also were the server work together to get a good start on the week. Due to this EU and NA must have different resets so that we both have the posiblilty to continue to have a growing and happy comunity.
I my self would not mind for reset to stay on friday evening, but i can live with saturday as long as it is in the evening and not on early day time where most of us in EU are sleeping, being with family, shopping, working, cleaning well all those things you never have time to do during the week.
I appreciate that A-Net took a step back and did not ignore us this time, and i hope you will be able to treat this game mode as you do with pvp and pve in future. Join our resets sometime and see what it is we are trying to tell you. I think more understanding about the comunity and what is important to us and what is not would be very helpful for future decisions.
I wish forums had a button to automatically ignore all comments similar to: “nooo this change is inconvenient for meee siiggh sooob”. This thread would be probably 2 pages instead of 8 with that on
Friday evening was arbitrary and people complained about it. Saturday afternoon (EU) is arbitrary and people is complaining about it. There is no way of pleasing everyone.
I personally stopped enjoying reset time after Season 2, when it became a huge and mindless lag/blobfest. No, thanks.
I understand some people might like that, and I’m sure saturday evening will still be like that, but this change has the potential to give a better picture of the servers relative strength.
The saturday afternoon population (often including more newcomers and casuals than the hardcore reset prime time/night crew) will have a stronger role in defining the PPT lead and I think it’ll feel like a “slow start” compared to the frantic reset evening and subsequent night capping phase we have now.
If you do not understand that we have no posibility to get guilds to start raiding at lunch on saturdays, nor have we the posiblities to ask people to ignore their families or people that overall using saturday to rest and sleep to join us on reset.
For EU it mean that reset will be like any other day in wvw instead of like it is now, were it is the day that every wvw player looks forward too and want to be in on.
Might not mean something for you, but for me that played wvw for 3 years and 6000 hours not really missing that many resets at all, this is a huge deal, and i feel EU just got screwed over to be able to maintain a good start for our servers.
If you farm rare items in SW, then it is event maps you need to look for not chest farm. You get a lot more rares through the event chain then you do with chestfarm.
Blocking a person do not exclude them from being paired up with you in any part of the game, you just don’t have to see what they write in any of the chats.
The block you ask for is something we all have asked for a long time since there are people i just do not wish to interact with for reasons like you mention, or in dungeons, fractals, or the like. Not all blocks are result of chat abuse, sometimes i want to exclude them to avoid waisting my time on people that are abusing the game mode. Hopefully this will be a thing they look in to now when f2p accounts comes in to play.
LOL dedicated arena for dailys sounds just terribly time consuming. I make my daily in one join, unless i am unlucky and get cortyard and they have a cap-daily, but never the less it is done and over with very shortly.
Having to find a daily server, waiting for players, organize players and everything just to avoid a pvp match, well i am fine with that, those people should probably not play pvp anyway
I been having this issue since they had this maintainance work done. No clue what they did but after this, me and several of my guildies and friends and also seen in map chat have this weird lag. I don’t have drops on fps either, i just get skillag, and suddenly my enviroment feels stuttery, but there is no reason for it (no blob around or anything) it just does not feel smooth.
At it’s worse it goes from that to rubberbanding players, total skillag that don’t go off at all just the bar blinking and dc. I don’t dc that much, but other people dc a lot. This happens not only on eb but on all borders.
It did not do this last year, since you were showered with the candy corn by getting them in milions in the trick or treat bags and also by mining them. Buying them is not really gonna give you profit.
I don’t want Rangers to not be relevant. I’d love for us to stay in a good spot (my second oldest character is a Ranger), as for Necro.
And you may want to check it again, since condi damage is now important and Rengers have a lot of it (not in Druid spec, of course). Reaper is just awesome, so yeah, check again.But, just to be clear, Druid was in every single group that beat the first raid boss.
That’s a fact. This is not “being relevant”, this is “being mandatory”.
It was the only healer of choice. No other healer could have done the same. If Druid is nerfed then we are screwed. So please just buff other healers and put a cd on Cele Avatar, otherwise the class is just immune to conditions (lol) and it’s “sustained burst” instead of “burst” as intended.There is a HUGE difference between “in a good spot” and “mandatory”.
I just want a second choice when making a group.
Not really
I know at least one group that had no druid and used eles and engys for heal and blast and they beat the boss with it.
Though I only attempted the raid twice (and with random groups, no less) I didn’t have any problems sustaining myself while keeping an eye on my teammates. Any time i’d see that i’ve taken agro, I would swap to earth and drop Dust storm-Feel the burn (proc protection on aura) Sand squall (proc again) then swap to water to gauge who needs heals and Toss tidal surge, Water globe and Trident their direction.
What was the point of casting Dust Storm?
My dps was entirely burn-oriented (Toughness/Heal power/Cnd dmg) with Scepter/Warhorn so I could keep a safe distance.
I will add that I wasn’t able to beat the Vale Guardian with either group, but I feel like my role was about right. Burning spikes fast and is a quick rotation through fire atunement to unload and end with Heat sinc to top off anyone who needs a stack of 25 might.
If you have a controlled environment like raids (unlike open world triple trouble) and enrage timers, you want to always make sure everyone is playing at the highest level. Condition damage elementalist doesn’t allow it so if your team mates don’t mind it that’s fine but I frankly cannot see it used by any “competitive” guild in the near future..
I use dust storm for bleeds/blinds. Is that wrong?
So by your standards I should sacrifice my own survivability and that of my teammates just to burn the bosses HP bar a little bit faster? I’ll take 8-9k burn ticks 2-3k bleeds out of face-punch range any day.
I really don’t think this is a sittuation where anyone who isn’t running the most streamlined specialized Spec should be discluded from Game content (uncompetitive pve content at that) it all comes down to how well you know your routine for the build you play and being properly informed about boss behaviors and the like.
This coming from a player who avoids competitive guild politics. I don’t mean for it to come off as an attack on the well-rounded guild groups just trying to be the most efficient, but just saying people shouldn’t be turned away because they’re running a build that is deemed “less efficient”. Let their actions prove their worth, first.
You are again missing the point. Yes you have to do that if that is what the boss demands, because why would you or anyone go to a boss getting wiped 500 times and never beat the enrage timer (the time when the boss wipe you). If a boss demands certain stats or skills and you refuse to take that with you will either stop your group from making it, or the rest of the group have to carry you and do what you don’t. I can’t see how you would justifie that?
It might be that you feel you don’t want to do this anyway and that is ok, but then you are probably not a person that should raid, because raids are based on teamwork, not what you as a person want to do but what the group need for you to do in order to manage to kill the boss. Teameffort.
In a dungeon it is diffent. There is no timelimit, a group with nomad stats will make the dungeon in the end event though it will take a bit of time. In raids this do not work. If not adjusting your group will simply never make it and the boss will enrage and wipe all.
Anyway this thread was not about raid or not, but what place ele have in raids, and at this point we are not in a great spot for this mission.
Though I only attempted the raid twice (and with random groups, no less) I didn’t have any problems sustaining myself while keeping an eye on my teammates. Any time i’d see that i’ve taken agro, I would swap to earth and drop Dust storm-Feel the burn (proc protection on aura) Sand squall (proc again) then swap to water to gauge who needs heals and Toss tidal surge, Water globe and Trident their direction.
My dps was entirely burn-oriented (Toughness/Heal power/Cnd dmg) with Scepter/Warhorn so I could keep a safe distance.
I will add that I wasn’t able to beat the Vale Guardian with either group, but I feel like my role was about right. Burning spikes fast and is a quick rotation through fire atunement to unload and end with Heat sinc to top off anyone who needs a stack of 25 might.
You and so many others here are missing the whole point. This is not a dungeon were there are no enrage timers and a dungeon can either take 5 min or 2 hours depending on how you mix your group up.
In raids, it is all about having the best group setup to beat the engrage timer on the boss so he goes down. When time runs out the boss will kill you and you will not be able to beat the boss.
This is not elite talk, this is not we must use zerker meta talk, this is just how raid works. You bring the classes, the stats, the traits and the skills that make it possible to beat a boss.
So why should they pick a condi ele with bad condi damage if you compare that to other classes like for example engy who just blow a milion condis out of their nose and drown the target in it. Your few condi stacks can not make up for what they can do, so that means the raid have to carry you and do the damage you lack as well as their own part. This is were the issue is, we simply do not add anything that other classes can do faster, better or more.
Again i am not here to tell A-net to make raids easier so that anyone can join with what ever they feel like and there by remove the whole thing about a hard encounter, but removing classes completely from raids, were a class becomes unuseful because it does not have anything that other classes do 100% more and better, then something went wrong.
I hope there are changes coming for ele in future, because right now we are not in a good spot for raids.
Had talks today with several eles, and they are all saying the same, eles do not have a role in raids. Can they raid? Probably, BUT they have to be carried by the others since they do not provide with anything that other classes can do better. AND on top of that their base hp and armor is insanely low compared to other classes.
The damage coming in to the raid goups on all those videos i seen are ok to deal with for all classes except for the eles. I seen a few videos with a eles and they really have to be carried and get one shotted a lot.
So then people say, yeah but why don’t you take other stats, well that would mean that i will loose a lot of dps, and in the end we might not make the enrage timer because my dps is not enough. The problem at this very point is that eles do not add anything that other classes can do better, hense those will be the classes you have to bring.
This is how raids goes, i don’t complain about that, i have done pve raids in other games for many years and know that you adjust your character to what the raid need, BUT not even in those games they remove full classes from raids. There might not be room for many of them, but never the less, all the classes are mostly needed in some way. Here we remove eles (and imo also thiefs) from the whole raid concept because they don’t have enough base hp nor enough base armor, and without the decent dps, it just will be a class that get a big “no, bring another class please”
How to solve it, not sure, more hp is needed in both pve and wvw imo, in pvp maybe not so much, but it is a bit anoying that our class is based on what is going on with d/d- celestial-ele in pvp. I saw wooden potato try out a aura share build, but he said it was not really what would be most effective and even he said bring another class.
So Dev please make our class viable in raids and pve. I don’t want to switch main after 3 years just to be able to raid in pve frequently.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Leaa.2943
Also you are late to the party with a few months, this have already been talked about in 3648 different ways, there was a outcome of it and if you were insterested read back.
Why is it every time someone from Anet interacts with the Ranger community it is in a trolling manner?
I mean, could have just said ‘fixed it.’ But no…
Did they ever give you the finger like this?
As much as i laughed at them when seeing them the first time, they actually caused us to wipe on eb ealier today were the two of them were blocking the view when entering kitten in the wall and missing that enemies was pushing out, so for me this need to be fixed instantly or removed from the beta or at least wvw until it is done.
I been in on all 3 beta tests. And doing the first one was actually too hard because some of the mobs was overlapping eachother and you could easy end up with three or four of those that will kill you if you were not careful.
There was no way of reaching a spot were you could stand still for a few sec to get your cd backs to proceed. There was just hordes after hordes of mobs and moving from one point to anohter having to deal with 10 veterans, 5 elites and 50 normal mobs were at least 10 had oneshot skills every 5 meters was a bit exhausting.
Second beta it was toned down and it still felt challanging to deal with, but i was saticefied and it felt ok that it was hard. A bit lesser mobs, less hard to deal with and points were i could get out of combat.
This beta feels like they nerfed everything down to the ground. There is nothing in there that is hard to deal with, and if there is anything i can just dodge away and leave. At this point cursed shore feels harder to wal through, but only because the mobs there are anoying and slow you down. I did not even see those horrible bow mobs that one shot you, and those that runs you over and shadowstep to you, well he did two times and then i was to far away from it to care. The events was super easy as well, the feeling i had the last beta were it was a struggle and a challange to make those events, and the champs was so hard to beat but fun. This weekend the champs was a big meh and they went down super easy and the only people that went down was those that always stand in kitten over and over and then die and wait for a ress, but they will always be there, why make content around them?
Why is there never any inbetween for you guys when it comes to nerfs? Why take such huge swings so that the content suddenly feels to easy?
I read all the forum posts from past betas and they were all pretty clear and said the same thing, please don’t make it to easy. Tone a few of the mobs down a bit so they don’t one shot some of the classes, and give us some spots to get out of combat and get cd’s back. And maybe place the hardest mobs on event spots instead of spots were you just move from point a to b.
And you did tone it down but here is my problem. First beta my healthbar was mostly on low and it was a constant struggle. This beta it have not moved under 80% except for when falling down.
So could the guys with the big nerfhammers please replace them with something less? Maybe toath picks?
Why have this not been fixed yet? I still crash when ever i interact with communing Hero challanges. At the very last second when the chaneling finnish the game closes with a message about a very serious error and do i want to send a report. Yesterday my game crashed when i was on eb with a new character, i forgot about the crashes and took the one in sm and bam! Gone. Was a 32 man que just because i forgot about the bug -.-
I seen so many people vanish infront of me when doing the same so it is not only a small issue. Hero points are important whilst leveling and since we have so many new levelers in game right now this really should be fixed fast.
Did just happen to me in Silver Waste. Game crashes at the exact point when i earn the hero point and i get the info that something serious happen and game will close do you wish to send a report.
How about if we could get damage by shatter our glyph pets and the glyphs would at least be of some sort of use, consider they die in 1 or 2 hits. As it is now i have 5 glyphskills i wont use and 5 conjure skills i wont use. And no elite since a lower cd on the pet is not really making them staying alive more then 2 sec anyway.
Could we swtich developer with thief and messmer developer? Ktxb.
Well he got a point, say a person decide he want to be a kitten and troll me, he blocks me and then he sends me a message with loads of rude language, i can then block him, but the damage is already done. He already got his shot to insult me, i already saw what he wrote, so he goes out of this feeling great, it is a win situation for a person who are abusing something that easy could be fixed.
If you block a person you have no busniess writing that person anyway, you block for a reason, so why you should be able to write something to the person does not make any sense what so ever.
Now it might be that you feel this is not needed, but that does not in any way mean that the OP don’t have a good point, it is both good and valid and there should be a very easy solotion to it, and in the end the only thing you stop is the people abusing it.
So after 2 hours of downloading were i lost connection multiple times i finally am done and i log in. I have so high lag it was totally unplayable. Skillag, were it takes rougly 20 sec for one skill to go off, and the skillbar is blinking like a christmas tree. Rubberbanding players and npc. Chat lags with roughly 5 sec, and i lost connection to server on several ocations
I jumped in to wvw and it felt like i was in a replay, i put down speed buff at citadel, i hear them go off when i am half way down to Cragtop. Enemies rubberband, i rubberband, fellow players rubberband, hell even the wolfs at crag rubberband. Skillag longer then in pve, at one point i was in a lag spike for over a min. I repaired the gate, took about 20 sec before i actually did the repair. At that point i gave up.
I see tons of people have the same issues here on forum and in game, so please A-Net don’t let it take half a year this time as the last lag thread did were someone finally after that long took his time to get in to the game and found bugs and fixed the issues in just a few hours. Just poke that guy again, he seem like a genius to me
Since you will have the posibility to duel any person in the new guild halls after expansion the issue is already solved. I am sure you can wait 3 more weeks
You would almost think a bunch of people where trying to access something at the same time.
Which have been the case for 3 years at each patch and yet i have never got this error or problem ever before, hense why there is reactions
I can’t even connect to the server to download the patch i just the this error message. I can connect to anything else in the world and i can also play other games, so something seem to be wrong between me and GW2. I know others with same issue, and was wondering whats goin on?
Today was the first time after 3 years and over 6000 hours of playtime that i consider to leave the game. This was the reason
No matter how many times i watch this and trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, it still turns out to be Arenanet giving the elementalists the finger, and not in a twisted funny way, but in a gloating ugly way.
Then i see how they tell us that Hey we have buffed your elite skill and it turns out you buffed the glyps, which very few of us ever uses anyway since the pet dies in two hits.
So in the end we still only have one elite still to use which is fiery sword and noone uses it for the damage but to move faster forward. The Icebow is dumbed down to a point were it will be useless, and since the axe and the shield was always uselss, so we now having 5 conjured weapons that noone will use, and we already had the useless glyphs, were one got less cd which have no meaning since the pets are easy to kill, which means in the end ele now have 10 skills that most of us never use.
But thank you for that gloating message from the Arena net staff on the twitch stream, your gtfo message is noticed.
Surely you’ve noticed in your 6000 hours of play that Ele has been the top class in GW2 PvE for a while now. Ice Bow was crazy, did far too much damage, and had to nerfed for the upcoming raid encounters.
So for this it is ok for A-net to insult us? Did you even watch the link?
It was a fun joke. Lighten up.
That is my whole problem, it wasn’t fun, it was a person gloating and it looked so god kitten awful. I got the link sent to me from other eles feeling like he was giving us the finger, so how ever fun this guy had, a big pile of their players was offended by the way he said it.
As for the nerfs i did not say it could be nerfed it could of course be, but nerfing something to the ground is a big difference, especially since they raised the damage on warriors killshots so it now hits with 25 k instead of 20 k (as ele i have 13650 hp so he now oneshots me two times in one single shot which means i wont even get a down state) and then as if this would make up for anything, they give us a short cd on a elite glyph which is completely unuseful since noone use it and not because of the long cd, but because the enemies kills it in one or two hits due to no toughnes and low hp on the pets.
Today was the first time after 3 years and over 6000 hours of playtime that i consider to leave the game. This was the reason
No matter how many times i watch this and trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, it still turns out to be Arenanet giving the elementalists the finger, and not in a twisted funny way, but in a gloating ugly way.
Then i see how they tell us that Hey we have buffed your elite skill and it turns out you buffed the glyps, which very few of us ever uses anyway since the pet dies in two hits.
So in the end we still only have one elite still to use which is fiery sword and noone uses it for the damage but to move faster forward. The Icebow is dumbed down to a point were it will be useless, and since the axe and the shield was always uselss, so we now having 5 conjured weapons that noone will use, and we already had the useless glyphs, were one got less cd which have no meaning since the pets are easy to kill, which means in the end ele now have 10 skills that most of us never use.
But thank you for that gloating message from the Arena net staff on the twitch stream, your gtfo message is noticed.
Surely you’ve noticed in your 6000 hours of play that Ele has been the top class in GW2 PvE for a while now. Ice Bow was crazy, did far too much damage, and had to nerfed for the upcoming raid encounters.
So for this it is ok for A-net to insult us? Did you even watch the link?
Today was the first time after 3 years and over 6000 hours of playtime that i consider to leave the game. This was the reason
No matter how many times i watch this and trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, it still turns out to be Arenanet giving the elementalists the finger, and not in a twisted funny way, but in a gloating ugly way.
Then i see how they tell us that Hey we have buffed your elite skill and it turns out you buffed the glyps, which very few of us ever uses anyway since the pet dies in two hits.
So in the end we still only have one elite still to use which is fiery sword and noone uses it for the damage but to move faster forward. The Icebow is dumbed down to a point were it will be useless, and since the axe and the shield was always uselss, so we now having 5 conjured weapons that noone will use, and we already had the useless glyphs, were one got less cd which have no meaning since the pets are easy to kill, which means in the end ele now have 10 skills that most of us never use.
But thank you for that gloating message from the Arena net staff on the twitch stream, your gtfo message is noticed.
I am not sure why GW2 and P2W is mentioned in the same sentence? There is absolutly NOTHING in this game that you can buy from the gem shop with real money that is in anyway making you better or even in anyway gets you ready to faceroll something.
You can not win with finsihers, you do not gain stats with wardrobe or skins, you can not kill anyone with magic find food, your mini pet will do nothing but look cute and you can for sure not kill anyone with mining tools. And above this you can even buy gems for ingame currencies so you never ever ever ever have to use any money to get the fluff and the cuteness.
F2P we can discus, monthly fee or not sure go for it, but GW2 and P2W do not go together at all.
It have been like this since the beginning of the game, and i don’t really see why it bother you so much. I have never bought a puzzle nor a dungeon, i just ignore them and either do my own group or jump in to those that suits me.
If people want to buy the puzzle or the dungeons well then they should, it is their game, their gold, their choice. If you don’t want too then just don’t, but also don’t make choices for others because this feels wrong to you.
In real life the same thing goes, you make choices after what you must do, what you need and want and ignore the other offers, adjust this to the game and accept that we all play the game differently and you will be fine
(edited by Leaa.2943)
So what about the people who hates Skyhammer? Or Foefire, or as my self i can’t stand Kyhlo and yet this is probably my most played map, which is not by choice.
Can i please get option to remove it?
Problem with Coeryard is very rarely that they are premade, i met many premade and won against those with a full pug group because the pug group knew how to play Cortyard. If you run in unstealthed, if you refuse to change class to adjust your group, if you run off on your own, if you don’t ress, or make sure the downed enemies dies, or push off enemies that try to trap you at your spawn, then yes you will loose against any other group and premade in particular since they can comunicate.
Now Cortyard is not really my favorite either but i don’t mind playing it. Kyhlo on the other hand i just flat out puke at and yet i get it every other match so yes, this is much about personal references.
I am so happy that EU have more rotating matchup on their top tiers and no server have the same matchup month after month.
They need an emote that shows sarcasm
I was not the slightest sarcastic, NA and EU are very different and EU have different matchup which NA never do. Up to now when YB broke in it was the same mu month after month in the top tiers.
Or you just throw out in the guild that you gonna do ac all paths and who wants to join? and then you make the group of those that do. No reason to complicate it since dungeons in this games are just dungeons that you make in 10-15 min, unless you do arah.
I am so happy that EU have more rotating matchup on their top tiers and no server have the same matchup month after month.
At least it looks better then the ascended heavy armor were Norns looks like giant babies with dipers.