The value of dev time needed to make a new race work would probably vastly outweigh the actual value added to the game. They’d have to do models, voice acting, story integration (backwards too), make sure all the armor works… and in return all we’d get is a bit more cosmetic variety. Would be nice if they had infinite resources, but if it’s a question of Tengu or Mounts? – I’ll pick mounts.
Tengu are cool though, I wouldn’t mind seeing them play a bigger role in the story at some point.
People keep saying this, but it’s not true. New races and new classes/specializations are two of the key features that will sell MMO expansions. WoW is a good example of this. They have added 5 new races since launch and they’ll keep adding more! And they have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay many more armor skins to adjust to fit the new races to add too!
I mean sure, Anet is not Blizzard, I know Anet is a much smaller company, but then so is GW2 a much smaller game with less armors, so adding a new race to GW2 will be less amount of work than adding a new race to WoW.
And yet the vast majority of the population play 2 races. Humans and Blood Elf. Why because alot of armor looks distorted/horrible on other races. Pandarans have horrible armor stretching, Worgen have huge clipping issues, goblins are the lowest played race.
The most played races are the most human/humanoid races.
What I take away from your WoW statistics is:
- 44% of the players want to play as human-like races while 16.5% want to play as actual humans.
- At least 83% of the players wanted something to play as other than a human.
- 56% of the players want to play characters that resemble humans even less (although I don’t know much about WoW and its races so that’s partly an assumption).
- There could be a disparity if races are locked behind some sort of pay wall like an expansion which would artificially deflate numbers spread across races of the game.
For the GW2 statistics:
- 16991 humans vs 7224 norn vs 9522 sylvari 9172 asura vs 6646 charr so…49555 in total meaning…
- 34.3% of characters made are human characters.
- 68% of characters made are human-like characters while 31% of characters made are not human-like at all.
- Even though some races are human-like, still 65.7% of characters made are not human characters.
- Considering the game’s origins (GW1) and the races available then, that is still a majority of characters made that are NOT human.
Now you may be thinking it’s wrong to lump all non-humans as a single group but you’re the one who did it first. Your argument falls through because the majority of the players play non-human-like characters and for GW2, it’s because the majority of the available races are human-like and even still, few people like the Norn because of their story.
[EDITED: changed the wording on the GW2 points as the statistics are on characters made, not really player preferences.]
(edited by Leo G.4501)
So what you want is an echo chamber, am I reading that right?
No I just want people to say why they want a new race, not why they dont. We hear the kitten as to why people dont want it all the time, I Want this to be a place where people talk about WHY they do want one.
As much as I desire new races and Tengu in particular, as much and as easily as I can counter arguments against those that would actively oppose the implementation of new races even if it were hypothetically confirmed, I do not think you should expect a “safe space” for only just one side of an argument.
Throughout the many “new race” threads I’ve read and commented on, few have gone beyond to discuss how certain ideas should be laid and where compromises are needed. That’s not because people throw in contrary arguments about adding races, it’s just people aren’t interested in actual discussion and no one ever wants to compromise. They prefer to argue back and forth endlessly with the same arguments I’ve countered at least a half-dozen times.
(edited by Leo G.4501)
Ugh, the true reason why we haven’t had another race join is not cause “it doesnt fit the story”, (Thats dumb as hell), but because the developers consider that the work/reward ratio isnt there…
I wouldn’t say that “it’s why we haven’t had another race”, just a consideration when adding a feature. Saying that suchandsuch is the reason we don’t have something alludes to you having inside knowledge because, as far as we know, they could have been putting in work to add one or more races to the game since the very early era of the game, in which case, the reason we don’t have it is because they aren’t finished.
Saying that its because of a work/reward ration alludes that they have stated they will not add a new race unless that problem (work/reward ratio) is resolved.
The only “reason” that can be 100% accurate is that the devs simply want to add other things into the game first. That’s it.
I’ve always played a thief, so deadeye but I’m not crazy about it to be honest. the stuff I really like about the thief isn’t part of the deadeye. I like being stealthy, agile, a trickster, deadeye is pretty the contrary to these. a sniper stands still, hundreds of meters away from its victim for the lucky shot.
I main a thief/daredevil, too. And your reasons are pretty much why I have zero interest in the Deadeye. I hope they make a true Assassin Elite Spec in the future.
Anyway, I voted Weaver because: Fiery lightning.
That’s all I need.
Curious, what would a “true assassin” spec be like? Seems like base theif is already quite slippery and tricky to deal with so much so they created a status specifically to trip them up.
Basically, i feel any new elite specs for theif will likely lean on a gimmick and “perfect assassin” seems rather broad.
Maybe I’m a noob but, you shatter your phantasms if :
1. You need/desire the effect of the shatter (invuln, boon strip, stun, ect)
2. If they’re about to die anyway
3. The foe is about to die
4. You need to change targets
I’d hardly say any of that are rare occurrences therefore punishes the mesmer or invalidates shatters.
Lets not pretend like anyone actually liked or used the old SWs
I did. Among other uses, I even used them as retal punching bags to rack up more damage when solo.
I will take usefulness and viability over “flavour” any time of the week.
And what’s the likelihood that you yourself will use these new Spirit Weapons?
Because spirit weapons were legit garbage maybe?
^ +1 to this. They are trash to begin with.
Seriously, spirit weapons were barely useful and the number one requested utility line to update. The idea that someone is complaining that they are now a bit more useful…
Actually it’s not surprising at all.
A big no no is changing game functionality. Only if a situation is dire should you want to resort to just changing something into something else.
I’m surprised this has to be explained.
Ok actually… i see now. I see why they did it. Spellbreaker Fullcounter is a Level 1 burst skill, They only have 2 adrenaline bars.. They basically made berserker lvl 1 burst skill cause Spell breaker is level 1 burst skill. so going back to what Little Howl said… They are just preparing Spellbreaker and making it more favorable than Berserker . I see…
But you can still use level 3 bursts on berserker. You can ONLY use level 1s on spellbreaker.
You can now only use level 1 bursts on berserker. Primal bursts count as only one bar of adrenaline.
You still have access to regular burst skills tho.
Ok actually… i see now. I see why they did it. Spellbreaker Fullcounter is a Level 1 burst skill, They only have 2 adrenaline bars.. They basically made berserker lvl 1 burst skill cause Spell breaker is level 1 burst skill. so going back to what Little Howl said… They are just preparing Spellbreaker and making it more favorable than Berserker . I see…
But you can still use level 3 bursts on berserker. You can ONLY use level 1s on spellbreaker.
People say this is power creep and now you need spellbreaker, but spellbreaker isnt going to get you back your cleansing ire or berserker power…
The devs show off spellbreaker and people instanly cry overpowered and how it makes core warrior more obsolete, then the devs introduce a change to make core warrior more relavent and people still cry.
Ya just can’t win huh?
When I look at spellbreaker I see fun. That said, I hate how they have done elite specs as it runs counter to every notion of build diversity I have ever held. Except for a couple niche applications of core builds anything “new” (elite/spec) will simply function as a new fotm build. Pretty much what you want to avoid in class and build balance, but it’s the path Anet has chosen. They often take the road less traveled, even if it’s a road less traveled for a very good reason.
I don’t think it’s a bad move. I just think they’re going too slow with their diversity. Basically, once every profession has 4-5 elite specs to choose from, that’s quite a bit of choices, skill varieties and ways to play the different game modes. It’s only “less diverse” if you feel it’s absolutely necessary that non-elite spec builds must remain as competitive in the various game modes as the optimal specs.
It’s some strange equality phenomenon that is spreading indiscriminately. Sure, it’s good to seek equality over the various professions, but within the profession? It’s not really necessary. Just because something isn’t optimal doesn’t mean it’s not viable. Choosing to be optimal is choosing to give up choice.
The problem with that last part is that in PvP if you’re not at least somewhat optimal you’re probably worthless because the optimal build tends to be far and away better than anything else. In PvE good luck running high level PvE content when the game wants you to be optimal as well. Wasn’t like this at the start but power creep has ruined that over the years.
There’s obviously always going to be a meta of some sort, but the problem GW2 has been having is that the meta is just so much better than the alternatives.
Then you can blame the players. Because I don’t believe, if you’re not optimal then you’re worthless. To me, that just feels like a horrible over-generalization. There’s nothing wrong with having weaknesses (in fact, I think it’s in everyone’s best interest that specs have weaknesses) and that’s the give-and-take that should occur, having a weakness usually means you have some degrees of strength.
Now if we’re willing to sacrifice choice for the most optimal strengths in a given environment where nothing tangible is on the line (we’re not talking about war, human welfare or money here), then who is limiting whom?
When I look at spellbreaker I see fun. That said, I hate how they have done elite specs as it runs counter to every notion of build diversity I have ever held. Except for a couple niche applications of core builds anything “new” (elite/spec) will simply function as a new fotm build. Pretty much what you want to avoid in class and build balance, but it’s the path Anet has chosen. They often take the road less traveled, even if it’s a road less traveled for a very good reason.
I don’t think it’s a bad move. I just think they’re going too slow with their diversity. Basically, once every profession has 4-5 elite specs to choose from, that’s quite a bit of choices, skill varieties and ways to play the different game modes. It’s only “less diverse” if you feel it’s absolutely necessary that non-elite spec builds must remain as competitive in the various game modes as the optimal specs.
It’s some strange equality phenomenon that is spreading indiscriminately. Sure, it’s good to seek equality over the various professions, but within the profession? It’s not really necessary. Just because something isn’t optimal doesn’t mean it’s not viable. Choosing to be optimal is choosing to give up choice.
Yeah, that’s definitely one way to go about mount customization. When you say a quadriped predator, do you mean potentially a lion or jaguar?
A kangaroo “hopper”? Sounds cool!
That’s what I’m trying to get at, enough variation so your not just running around with the same four animal genus, but still easy enough for the developer team to expand on.
A change from bunny to kangaroo allows for greater visual tailoring compared to simply a different looking species of bunny or jackal.
I’m not specifically saying add a kangaroo skin, I’m saying the Hopper (or the Springer) already looks like a hybrid of a rabbit and a kangaroo so when making variants of it, you can play with those levels of hybridization to get different looks. Because AFAIK, Kangaroos don’t exist in Tyria so it’d make no sense to make a kangaroo mount skin.
But looking at the page for the Springer, it actually already looks more like a kangaroo than a rabbit except in the face and kinda the ears.
As for the Jackal skin, I can’t really say since we’ve seen very little of it so don’t really have any sort of feel for its presence or capabilities, but even if we are talking about swapping it with a Jaguar or Lion skin, it likely wouldn’t be a regular Jag/Lion because neither of those teleport. It’d have to be some kind of ethereal or magic creature that looks the part just like the Jackal does.
(edited by Leo G.4501)
I wouldn’t mind there being easier versions of precursor crafting for mount skins. Basically you do certain activities and gain certain items to craft a special item that is used at a specific location that summons a monster (in an instanced location) that you then defeat and then tame as a mount.
But like I said in the other thread, I personally am not a fan of having, for instance, a horse as a raptor mount skin. Any such options I’d prefer to stick to their original motif (so a variant raptor skin may be a feathered raptor or an armored raptor or a multi-color raptor with more dye channels).
Strictly speaking it should also turn you into Lord of the Thundercats.
And if you have a sword or dagger equipped, it turns it into a greatsword.
We do not need invulns or evades! There’s a reason the light HP/armor classes have them, they need them.
So you don’t use Endure Pain or Greatsword?
Not that I’d truly care if they added mount skins like in the OP, but I’m going to have to disagree and hope they stick to the current skins. But just because i think a raptor mount should stay a raptor mount doesnt mean there isn’t room for custom mounts. Some examples:
- base raptor has 1 dye channel so introduce raptors with 2, 3 and 4 dye channels
- armored raptors with metal plated breasts, barbed tails and protective sattle for the rider.
- google raptor and look at the different types of raptors you’ll find. Feathered, frilled, pointed snout, broad snout, varied scale patterns.
- along with some of the above, have varying mixes of the rabbit and kangaroo hybrid with some looking more like kangaroos than rabbits.
- varied ear shapes and sizes with accessories like collars, earrings, ankle bands and the like.
- one word: jackalope.
- most easily the most varied. Add more or larger trentacles or even vary the trail they leave behind when hovering over water. Even make them look more stingray like.
- similar to octopi, you can make them light up and flash different patterns.
- the most liberties i feel can be taken here. With their power to teleport, the are open to more mystic variations like a shadow jackal, one made of water or fire, or uses a mist like teleport that resembles a Revanant’s abilities.
- straight up mistfire wolf version.
But my opinion is, a raptor should be a raptor, a skimmer a skimmer, a jackal some kind of quadriped predator, ect.
If that were a thing, and salvaging unidentified gear just granted you the materials instead of the runes/sigils, that could be a way of solving that issue people complained about.
Well at least people can agree on something in the forums, sans the OP.
It’s a bit late to be worried about clutter.
But to offer a suggestion, a straight up ban on mounts in limited accessed areas such as that granted by the airship pass. Everything is so consolidated, there’s absolutely no reason a mount would be needed.
Ps.. maby this is bad gamedesign but:
2 minor traits are around CC….
So even if you go non cc weapons you cripple yourself…
Like dagger/dagger + Gs seems like a fun build.. BUT sword only has 1 CC skill…Why do 2 minor traits that you cant decide benefit around CC?? Sure the new F2 is a CC.. but you dont need dagger for that.
So issnt that bad design?
This pretty much force you into a heavily CC build.
Usually CC is used to set up bursts (like GS’s 100blades) so it’s not like you’re completely not taking advantage of the CC’s effects. Not only that but you can wield CC utilities while wielding a GS if you desire.
Besides, players have been clamoring for a way to leave behind GS since, like, the beginning of the game. We’ll have to see if the charges mechanic affects Bull’s Rush so you have multiple uses of it to help escapes…but even then, people will just want to combine it with GS’s escape…
Rather than complain about features from WoW being copied into the game, why not look at good features that made other games successful and suggesting ways it could be transferred into GW2?
Not saying you need to copy other games, but just because another game did a great thing doesn’t put said great thing in the “can’t do it” bin automatically.
Full counter needs to be toned down significantly.
Just for slotting the spell breaker line, you get full counter on an 8 second base CD. Just as a reminder to everyone, this skill does the following:
- Straight up ignores the next attack. It doesn’t block it, it ignores all the damage it does. So it works against unblockable attacks as well (seriously, we should never have anything other than full invulnerability that can stop an unblockable attack). No way to get through it
- Has an AoE, unblockable daze attached to it
- 8 second base CD
That’s beyond ridiculous. Remove the daze and it would still be incredibly strong just for its short CD.
You forgot a few things:
- 1/2 sec counter-effect duration (you can simply not strike the SBk during that time or CC/blind him if he tries to use it…I mean, if it has a 1 1/2 sec cast but only a 1/2sec counter period, how long do you think it takes to actually use the skill?)
- 300 range…so just be outside of that range and even if he counters your attack, it doesn’t have any affect on you.
Spellbreaker has only 33% of the functional adrenaline of Warrior. And do you know what you do when someone goes “Absorb all damage, counterattack with CC, and evade with unblockable”? You hold back your hit. It’s a tiny invulerabilty window, which every class has access to.
This is something I think many gloss over there. The Spellbreaker has only 2 bars of adrenaline compared to core Warrior’s 3 and Berserker’s pseudo-3-in-one bar but if I’m also not mistaken, I remember them saying that they can only use 1 bar of adrenaline so that will affect traits like Cleansing Ire and Berserker’s Power, as well as the effects of the skills themselves.
My only beef with the Spellbreaker is I assumed the build was aimed at countering those slippery tricky foes with all the teleports, stealth and boon-bunker types but I almost want to say this build will counter Warrior/Berserker harder than the others (reveal effect aside) as Warrior and Berserker uses a decent amount of boons as well.
Why be sad when you now have more game opened up to you? Now you can use your level boost to get a Thief or Rev to max and play something new. Other professions have long ranged options you can try too, thf and rev are just some newer options being added.
Oh I already know to check and sell the dowels, but my point is, dowels as an item are just a pointless extra step and when you make them, the only use you have for them are making inscriptions while on the other hand, the plank used to make them have a huge variety of uses.
And consider all the advanced inscription recipes: The advanced ones don’t have dowels, they have plated dowels which use other material which is a clearer indicator of what you’re crafting. Even then, they could just get rid of dowels and make the inscription just have added metal to the recipe. Or at the very least just make the dowels salvageable along with lots of other crafting components used to craft gear.
If not that, why not make the dowels usable in more recipes? Why don’t all plated dowels require a dowel to make?
When will they learn that nobody wants outfits.
Maybe when you learn not to use exaggeration and hyperbole. Neither seems likely.
Fyi, “Nobody wants outfits.” is not a true statement. You can only speak for yourself.
Nobody doesn’t want outfits maybe a handful of people,
most people dislike outfits because it restricts mix ’n matching with other armors
You must have some pretty big hands to fit all those people in them.
My Asura Warrior can finally show off some of the physique he hides under that armor. He just has to wear a skirt to do it…
Am I the only one who accidentally make dowels when making planks? Why do we even have dowels? Can’t we just exchange all dowels in recipes for planks? Or add an ability to salvage dowels for planks.
I just find it’s a pointless step that has caused me anguish multiple times.
The only main things I remember fondly of old GW2, regarding things we had but now do not…
Omnomberry pie. Although it wasn’t optimal, I had great fun on my Knight’s Warrior using pie, I was quite sturdy as the pie offered quite a bit of sustain and the armor offered a fair bit of toughness. I think when players full shifted to zerker and kept the pie, it got a bit out of hand and pretty much all on-crit foods got a nerf.
The other is dungeons. Back before they introduced extra rewards for completion of certain paths. Players just played the dungeons for fun and learning the paths…I even remember when players started shifting toward elitism and demanding everyone be lvl 80 and if you weren’t, you were being carried. While it’s true that an on-level character lacked traits (and most traits back then were bland and barely did anything anyway), there wasn’t a huge chasm with stats but everyone believed there was! So much so that I ended up grouping with some people on the forums to record a playthrough of a path with all on-level players to demonstrate how much “carrying” was necessary. Ahh, I had to roll up a new character and level them up for it. I still have that Asura Warrior now, even. I even remembered the type of build I used; using potent gear, I had a decent amount of power and condi damage and with the way the signet trait was back then, and 3 signets, I had like 70ish crit chance. Needless to say, we all performed flawlessly (mostly) and proved the point.
As far as systems go, the old trait system was cool and all, but the traits were severely lacking. Most minors were pitiful, the grandmasters were a joke and regardless of how many things you could plug it, it suffered the same issue most suffer from today: there were a few good choices that you “NEEDED” and thus you went from having 25-40 points pre-spent and sprinkling the rest around for a minute change. Now? Nearly all the grandmasters are quite noticable and you’re guaranteed 3 in a build (in older builds, sometimes you wound’t even go that deep in any 1 line because the GMs were just that bland). Some may swear on having specific GM traits for a build, but you can quickly swap within a line for certain purposes and I personally don’t follow any kind of meta (never have) and feel there is a lot more freedom now than back then precisely because your choice of traits feel like just that, a choice between multiple good things.
I find this mount aversion perplexing. A mount, at least in this case, is like a tool. If I didn’t like keys, I wouldn’t avoid locked doors. I’d pick up the key, open the lock put the key away and not think about it.
This just feels like taking a stand to just to take a stand to me.
I don’t like mounts because immersion. How is a mount less immersive than walking everywhere? There are animals in the game. Races domesticate animals (including devourers used by charr in the game), seems to me that nothing could be more natural than riding a mount…for immersion.
In truth walking everywhere doesn’t make as much sense as riding a mount.
I think a lot of it has to do with mount trolling in other games. Standing on top of NPCs, blocking views, clutter everywhere, etc.
I myself, was rather anti-mountish, but that’s because I was a a Guild Wars 1 traditionalist.
Now, after seeing them in the announcement video, I’m reservedly excited. I’m just hoping they’re disabled in cities.
I think this is something everyone in the thread can agree with. We should have “no mounts zone” areas mainly around heavily populated zones (like entering the trading post or crafting area) or stopping NPC interaction while mounted. I doubt many people would be oppose to that.
Would charging (holding the button down) an attunement for 1 second while being unable to move be a compromise for fully swapping (double swapping) to an attunement when melded?
Looks very intresting. But will be hard if i can´t swap to an element gaining the same skills on 4+5 evry time. E.G. when i swap to air for breaking a block shield i need my unblockable knockdown on 5, regardless which element i currently am in …
Same for magnetic wave. I am dead if i need 3s to use it. the swap, cast when i see rapid fire aiming or a condi bomb striking makes win or die.
I feel this is a necessity of attunement swap, i.e. if you likely need certain skill, you need to use some skill (predict) with your attunement melding to have available.
Me personally, I’m not an attunemtnt dancer so likely I will stick to Tempest.
If people would accept a compromise, they could make Tengu easily. The compromise would be limited functionality with armor skins from the previous expansions and core game. But too many people would complain. The need to make another race work with so many skins is why it’s so difficult to implement.
I, personally, wound’t be oppose to locking new races behind Outfits and Cultural Outfits (outfits earnable by their Personal story/Achievements) if it meant I could play a Skritt or a Tengu or a Grawl (not really all, but more “all of the above”).
My personal stance on compromise is “End the war on Armor and bring forth the era of Outfits”. At least then, you have full control over what race gets what, how it looks for each and when it is released. At that point, you can accentuate the features of the race vs trying to fit within an armor set’s functions. It’s battle of “how unique you want to be vs how good you want to look”. This would only start as a “new race issue”, since armor isn’t going to be removed. It’s only the new races that would be limited at the start.
Agreed since A net dropped the “living world” to living story back in the day they can easily add content without stress of running over past story lines and arks… I miss the lw concept it’s what got me interested in the game
My opinion of the living world is, I wouldn’t deny it, but I did miss parts of it. I’m ambivalent toward it but compared to the living story, I appreciate it beyond locking more hero points behind it.
Just think if they locked hero points behind living world. Basically points lost forever into the void…
…don’t get me started on the rabbit
We’ll call it “Violent thrusting”. I want that on my Asura Warrior.
Dude was going to call it Charr Taco Tuesday with Asura experimental rocket beans
Only for engineers…reason? Because.
…don’t get me started on the rabbit
We’ll call it “Violent thrusting”. I want that on my Asura Warrior.
It’s a GW1 thing, if you’re a vet of that game more likely that you love it.
You’re right it looks terrible, but hey i was playing “World of Warcraft” during those days, So the mounts thing is awesome! (Since they basically ripped off ArchAge with how these mounts function.) Now if the next step is to make mounts able to fight with you like in BDO It’d be more awesome, but i doubt that is gunna soon.
FFXIV had mounts that you could fight along side before BDO.
All ideas are welcome but seriously and obviously too late, the game is already coming out September 22nd. The only option for the anti mount crowd is to take a hike, I mean walk, until you need to cross a valley or reach a high plateau, then pray for a mount to pass by and give you a lift.
I actually don’t mind walking and I would choose walking over a mount. The problem is they are forcing you to use the mount to access many areas of the mount and story. So we do not get the option to “Take a hike” other wise I would gladly walk even if it took me 30 min or so out of the way.
Are you telling me you’re whining simply because you have to mount and dismount for a few seconds on each map. You do realize that 95% of the time you can be on foot and be swallowed whole by a 3 headed Hydra.
I don’t think mounts belong in the game they ruin the immersion. Guild wars was one of the few games that didn’t sell out to mounts. They said in the past they would not use mounts and yet here we are.
You keep mentioning immersion, but I’m not sure you’re taking the time to make sense of what immersion means.
Mounts appearing out of nowhere or disappearing into the ether would break immersion, yeah, if that wasn’t explained metaphysically. I could actually see the Jackal showing up in a coalescing cloud of dust. I could see the Springer dropping out of the sky after being called. I haven’t seen the visuals, so I couldn’t tell, but I’m keeping an open mind about it.
As for what OP is suggesting, I feel like that could be immersion-breaking. Granting the PC the powers of the mount without the mount itself puts a huge burden of disbelief (or “magic” or “rule of cool”) into justifying why the character can suddenly Superman-leap tall cliffs in a single bound or teleport across chasms. Or.. well.. fly without a glider. Like, seriously, if I can glide over deserts without hitting the sand, why can’t I just pop my glider and fly eternally? It stops making sense.
So my hope is that mounts will be executed in a way that feels more natural than “whistle, mount noise, suddenly-riding,” and I’ll hope they’re not rideable in capital cities, but it’s not going to bust my immersion if they’re done well.
I’ll also be frank. I want a mechanic where you cross a line, you are launched off your mount and you’re prone for like 10 seconds before you can get back up. Said lines should be placed at the entrances of buildings/establishments meant for social/economical interaction.
If said mechanic were established, people without mounts would appreciate not having mounts in certain locations and people with mounts will eventually learn not to use mounts in specific locations. Preserve this feature for crowded cities and around specific locations where players mass around a central location (vendors, vendor hubs, crafting areas, banks, BL npcs, maps portals, etc).
Adonis Belt (the name of the V shaped curve below the abs)
Well, I learned something new today. Thank you!
The outfit looks great and I’d like to bring up that the developers thought of the two cosmetically-challenged races! For charr the coat part is split in the back for the tail, the boots have an open heel to accomodate the dewclaw and the horns don’t clip with the helmet. For asura all three toes are properly accounted for and the ears don’t clip with the helmet out of combat when they droop nor in combat when they perk up.
Heh yeah it always bugged me that I couldn’t describe what I thought was one of the most attractive features of the male form, so one day I decided to google it.
Quoted from Wiki:
“The Apollo’s Belt, also known as Iliac Furrow, is a term for a part of the human anatomy. It refers to two shallow grooves of the surface anatomy of the human abdomen running from the iliac crest (hip bone) to the pubis.”
“The expression “Adonis belt” is also encountered, though less common."
I prefer calling it the Adonis belt, as apposed to the Apollo’s Belt though, because an attractive guy is usually given the term ‘Adonis’, like ’isn’t he an Adonis!?’, so it makes sense to me that this should be the preferred word.
My Charr, Furrow Howlsoul, has become sexier by association of the Iliac Furrow. Just aim your gaze toward is crotch and all will be clear ;]
Relax, they’re probably going to patch it in stages like they did with HoT.
That’s what I was thinking.
And the positive is people will leak the updates and fuel the hype over time. It’s win win win win.
However tyria and ESPECIALLY TOWNS, Mounts are (for some ppl) massively immersion breaking.
How is it breaking your immersion?
I don’t get how it is either. To me it is far more immersion breaking to imagine that Tyrian civilisation has existed for thousands of years and nobody thought of using animals for transport. Nah, the Charr have made tanks and there are airships and helecopters, the Asura came up with a frikken teleportation system but other than that, let’s just walk everywhere.
“So, Jaren, I have been thinking… what if we made, like, REALLY big rakes and tied them to one of those dolyaks over there?”
“What for?”
“They could pull them around the field and make our job easier! It would be like if there were, uh, three… no, FOUR of you, each with a rake. But instead of four Jarens with four rakes it would just be one dolyak and one rake. We could call it ploughing.”
“By Melandru’s sweet bosom, that’s the stupidest thing I ever heard. Next thing you’ll be suggesting that we hop on the smelly beasts and RIDE them. Good grief!”
“But that would make it faste-”
“Shut up, Vance. You’re drunk again, aren’t you? Get some shut-eye and don’t let me hear you babbling about any of this ploughing and animal riding nonsense again.”
Thus it came to be that the denizens of Tyria continued to plow their fields by hand and walk everywhere. You, dear reader, might think that the denizens of Tyria must be utterly stupid but they just really care about immersion. Bless their overworked hearts.
And now we know, Humans were what was holding back mounts.
What’s the fascination about Tengu anyway?
You should question what the fascination with “fashion wars” is and then you’d get your answer. The more variety in all aspects, the more unique and varied a character you can create.
HAH! That Asura looks like he has abs. I need it now. Thanks lol.
PS: But yeah, the kilt definitely needs to be a loincloth or much shorter. But even the helm is a win, showing those ears/horns.
I’d like that just as much you pal, believe me, but it ain’t going to happen and people have to stop hyping and talking about this because it creates unrealistic expectations, which result in complaints and salt.
I think it’s the opposite. You have to keep talking about this stuff to express that the desire is there. There’s a difference from suggesting additions be made and demanding additions to be made.
They’ve pretty much stopped putting out new armors, the ones we do have clip, Personal story is crap and some races barely have any lore (looking at you norn).
All the more reason it could and should happen: fewer armors being made = less armor in the future to reform.
It ain’t going to happen people, let it go
Well not with that kind of attitude.
Thanks for the Sunspear/skimpy male, I REALLY love the chest piece on the males, and the fact that it shows the Adonis Belt (the name of the V shaped curve below the abs – as circled in the picture I’ve attached).
My one and only constructive criticism I have about it though is that, because it’s an outfit, I’m unable to truly individualize my character’s look. For example, I’d love to be able to just have the chest piece as a skin, and hide the shoulders, so I can show more skin.
I hope one day we’ll be able to have separate skins from outfits that we have bought/unlocked – but despite it being an outfit, I’m glad that Anet have given us a skimpy male chest piece, and I hope this trend of male skimpy continues :P
More paragon-like armor skins please!! :P
Should have a variant that replaces the leather kilt with a more loincloth/codpiece look…that or shorten the leather kilt by half and increase the belt buckle size.
What does it look like on Charr and Asura?
as well as this is another reason why I will not be spending my hard earned money on this game at all now . until I can buy the pack for $15.00 like I did for friend of mine . that wanted to leave wow for something more better .
Doesn’t sound like you work all that hard for your money if you squander it on trivialities like high-performance video games….just sayin’.