“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
the only thing that connects SB with any quickness and can be recalled here is when they fixed some bug that caused SB Auto-Atack break themself when on quickness.
some person I assume never noticed that by the while sb auto on quickness have half of its animation and didn’t hit anything (and though that they were shoting so quickly)
and when that was fixed, the only thing that those ppl noticed that they are no longer shoting so quick that computer don’t render the half of shot animation and started to raging that was hidden nerf.
end of story.
as for now jcbroe is behaving as those ppl.
I only ask – before You’ll start raging (All of You) test things that You think was hidden nerfed – if in this case Things are weker that it used to be report a bug. and start raging only when ANet admit that wasn’t a bug and was intended.
eot for me
which part with quickening zephyr was a “hidden nerf”? shorter cd, making it stunbreaker, cutting negative effect from no healing to 50% healing, or making it duration longer?
(or maybe You are talking about quickness nerf – but that was very loud patch notes point :P)
and with sb…
If You mean milisecond longer autoatack casts – also was in patch notes – I’ve seen it there :P
anyway if that shorter evade is problem – make what rangers always have to do – adopt to situation :P but if somebody ask me – that’s a bug and they will repair it in next patch (or next next if next is to little time to fix that one)
so why after each hit the enemy hp loss by hit was greater and greater?
(and how would You explain that half oh “hits” was crits and half wasn’t? – mean that system of damage “viewing” don’t have something like “summary dmg of one phew-hits skill” – even ANet stated that in such skills everything in game counts each hit separately – there are separatelly blocked, evaded, crits, dmagaing etc. and if You still don’t believe me – once i skitten Rapid fire – third hit was missed because od some blind – and fourth hit “dmg number” was same as first hit – and lower than the second one – that’s why i told “for each arrow in channel that hit”!)
exacly if You want know numbers was:
987, 1026(crit), miss(blind), 987, 1046(crit), 1400 (not sure if it was 6 or 7 hits in one rapid fire channel)
my average shortob hits with same stats: 942.
still uncinvinced?
It seems so
still we didn’t considered how dmg would have maul or whatever with 25stacks of might :P
“can” is a good word here
Yes it -can- if I go LB + SB, put 30 points in BM 30 in NM, and 10 in WS survival and go “Lawlz I amz spiritz + bearz!” And wear berserker armor for my dmgz I’m going to be a horrible addition to the group, whereas if I actually make an intelligent bow build it can work, I mean c’mon, most the bow traits boost both bows, they synergies well together too.
I didn’t negate the fact that this combo -can- be good and viable – I only accented word “can”
I meant that if You have well built build and you are good player and know how to ply it it can be good – but possibility that You won’t have to counter enemy that will be very hard to kill with that is rather very low (for example – first mesmer with that funny skill that reflect all missiles to its owner will eat you up because on this setup You have -only- projectile atacks – i had once such situation that i fired volley from shortbow and mess casted that skill and all 5 arrow headed back to me…. that was poisonous).
about bow traits…
piercing arrows are rivalising with eagle eye….
andd only bow related trait eccept that stated upthere is honed bohw with makes cd’s on both bows better.
ok so maybe we don’t want that 1500 range on longbow and piercing arrows are better for our build – To run up bow boosting traits You need to spend at least 40 trait points – 20 in marksmanship and 20 in skirmishing and that left You 30 points for more defensive trait lines – ok why not, and here we have difficult decision – which. we can invest all in ws, all in beastmaster (don’t think so we are considering 30 points in nature magic?) so we have a choice to make our thougness bigger, our boost our pet and healing power – 30 trait points may be little amout to make good survivability based on traits…
and if we want use all potential of longbow and want both piercing arrows and eagle eye – so we need to spend 30 trait points in marksmanship (don’t forget about 20 in skirmishing) imo there are better option at grandmaster marksmanship trait but let’s be it – we want maksimize usability with bows.
so we have 20 trait points to invest.
but however we will spend that 20/30 trait points – as for me is a little “glas canony” build – and that’s one of reasons why I so strenghtly accented word “can”
Regards and good luck with Your bows-only build
ppl what are Your sickness with that kittens? I nearly only see here “kitten, kitten”
(btw kittens are so sweet and furry )
You can’t take this “10 minutes” literally :P
I have NEVER understood why 1h sword locks you into that animation in the first place. It’s too much of an annoyance for me to want to learn how to manage.
i made some time ago topic in sugestion with all analisis why it looks like so and i gave my proposition how to fix it.
all the problem are skill 2 and 3 from autochain – they are gap closers. and in efect each casting this skill is trying to move You toward enemy.
Problem is older and deeper – first version of 1hsword auto on second skill (kick) has a knockback – so third was gap closer – but ANet quickly realized that knockback on auto is rather much OP so they converted knockback to cripple – but leave “leap” as a leap but without leap finisher (healing spring and unending heal :P)
I sugested to change a little autochain and had phew ideas – but my thread was left without any response from players.
Rapid fires damage should be increased by at least 100-150 per arrow within the channel. This would help differentiate the weapons roles, and increase rapid fires viability as a skill because as it stands right now, it’s just like having the shortbows autoattack on a cooldown.
I highly don’t agree -it already does – for each arrow in channel that hit Your damagae is greater – for example when i cast it and all arrows hit first deal something like 1k dmg and last can reach even 5k on crit – on sb i never had more than 1k dmg is single hit – but sb bleeds and with this it deals comparable dps
as for me that is bug – if you read last patch notes they were repairing that trait for axes – and seems that, accidentally they make it unworking for dagger.
simple – report and wait for patch that will repait that.
unbalanced in compare to what?
as I said I obserwed that only shotbows in any “bows” have greater firerate.
if asking for spellcasters… never though about comparing my bow to them….
and that’s why normally I don’t read official forums
I didn’t played trap bunker but long time ago (begining of may maybe?) I heard that in state of the game that “trap bunker is little OP and they carefully plan to nerf it – carefully because they want to make it balanced not ruin like spirit build” also I heard about “little buff the rangers greatsword” and “rebuild longbow because even if they can be really good as a power build weapon they’re lacking defensive options – and utility skills are not enough to keep this alive for long without swaping weapons” (or something like that) and as for now only gs buff became a truth.
I don’t care about next patch
what will be that will be and i tht will be some EVIL to rangers, I’ll just adopt to situation (that’s what we as arangers are doing all the time – adopting to new situations
isn’t Master Bond have in description that looses all stack on pet swap?
going underwater counts as swapping pet (and weapons :P)
i though that casting time on evasive skill is good thing… because evade works for all casting time – or maybe I just misunderstood what author of thread wanted to say (1/2 sec. evade for me is better than 1/4 second one – unless author meant 1 and 1/4 second evade – but in this case writing 1-1/4 is not one-way-readable)
never noticed that rate of my longbow fire could “sucks” as You said – imo that is a firerate of normal archer – and as for now only shortow have greater (engi rifle shots with similar firerate as warrior longbow)
that’s my obserwation from encountering them with longbow
“can” is a good word here
If you are trying to go BM then yes you are at a disadvantage.
The sword offers distinct benefits for all BM builds, regardless of whether you go power or condition dmg. Despite the movement lock caused by the 2nd and 3rd attack in the auto chain you will have more evade uptime thanks to hornet sting and serpent strike. You can also use the hornet sting/monarchs leap chain to get out of trouble. The might buff to your pet is very nice as well.
For clerics bunker, sword auto scales nicely with power.
For condition bunker, Serpent’s strike will benefit from your condition dmg.
I really wouldn’t play BM without it.
more evasive skilld doesn’t mean more evade uptime – Greatsword’s evade is casting at least triple times more than You can use all evasive skills in 1h sword. (all of evasive skills at combo 1hsword/dagger have deadly cd’s so there are always mass amount of atacks that won’t be evade – I don’t have such a problem with greatsword because in every two seconds that second one is “evade” and I have much better mobility so enemy must hit me firt to try damage
in probleem of damage… GS is more CC/survi weapon so damage isn’t their priority – is like to tell warrior that hammer id bad because all other weapons outdamage it.It does actually lead to more evade uptime. GS evade on auto is awesome, but flawed. You HAVE to be in melee range AND attacking in order to get the evade to go off. If you end up immobilized you can block, but that is just as likely to get you killed as save you. Sword has evade skills that work while immobilized.
The sword 2 chain also is really good at Yo-Yoing additional targets. Ranger pets, mesmer illusions, necro minions, and a lot of players are not good at changing direction fast enough to close on you.
didn’t convinced me – If I have melee weapon, so why we are talking about situation when we aren’t in melee range. If I’m immobilized nad my counter atack will launch kick that means that enamye IS in melee atack – so again, we are in melee or not in melee – and if we are talking about melee uptime so I though we were talking what percentage of fight using that weapon we are on “evade” – look at 1hswords cooldowns on your “evasive” skills – when You burn it You have 15 sec’s of cooldown on Serpents strike and 8 on hornet sting – 10 from Stalkers Strike when Yo have got dagger. in the meanwhile I’m still casting my evasive skill every 2nd second (btw dodge also works when immobilized :P)
as for me 1hsword could be very good weapon and I have planned using it from the beginning (was “in love” in serpent’s srike :P) the only thing that makes it for me unplayable is that “leap” in auto-chain
maybe You can figth without possibility of move – for me (as ranger) mobility while in fight is something without I can’t play
PS. counter atack can kill you only when you are running away from enemy zerg and cast it in the moment when quickest of atackers atack – and before end of knockback animation rest are “on” you – only possibility
RoF means rate of fire.
thanks for improving my word database
rate of fire at longobws are bad? O.o
heh I’m afraid You didn’t understood
everybody sometimes need to go melee – even medieval archers had a swords to defend themselfes if enemy atack them – so You cannot be “only ranged” because there will be always some situations when taking some melee weapon will be matter of live or death
I have always a rule that I need one swap melee and one ranged (on all my characters) – because even if one character is specialized in melee ther can be situation when ranged atack will be needed, and if another is specialized in range combat – sometimes melee weapon will be needed.
that isn’t preconceptions of “limited circle of hardcore farmers” – if it was that was about that I wouldn’t use any of my bows by myself as a ranger
truly if we consider all my “for some cases” weapon I have in my ranger’s backpack – bows of many different stats sigils etc. are the majority (I have two shortbows, and two longbows, only two greatswords (defensive and offensive :P) two axes dagger and warhorn – so 4 bows, 2 gs’s 2 axes dagger and warhorn – which kind of weapon is most?) and I have no 1hswords(though “one acceptable build” lobby would tell me that 1hsword+dagger is “best and only acceptable” melee set for a ranger
You -can- be “Only Ranged” my ranger for the longest time was Axe/Horn(or other axe depending on what i felt like that day) and Longbow and i did just fine, the thing is you just keep people away from you as you DPS/ Support or W/e you’re doing.
My mesmer is also ONLY ranged, scepter/torch + Staff, my Ele is only ranged as well, because he uses a staff, my engi is only ranged because he’s a turret engi with pistol+shield, only thing that i have that isn’t ONLY ranged is my thief, and that’s because i can’t stand pistol/pistol gameplay for some reason so i go with pistol/dagger + Dagger/pistol.
Just because some people like walking around with an entire armory in their backpack so they can fit any little niche their build allows on a moments notice doesn’t mean it’s required to do, i certainly don’t on anything i have other than my ranger (I actually enjoy all their weapons play style).
As long as you’re not in a speed run you can do just about what ever you want, the problem with rangers in dungeons stands with the idiots that don’t use their pets, and STILL want to be “topping the charts”, they’re just stupid and useless and should really just play a warrior.
ofc You -can- but that doesn’t mean that will be good choice (mesmer is ranged even with gs so… :P)
If you are trying to go BM then yes you are at a disadvantage.
The sword offers distinct benefits for all BM builds, regardless of whether you go power or condition dmg. Despite the movement lock caused by the 2nd and 3rd attack in the auto chain you will have more evade uptime thanks to hornet sting and serpent strike. You can also use the hornet sting/monarchs leap chain to get out of trouble. The might buff to your pet is very nice as well.
For clerics bunker, sword auto scales nicely with power.
For condition bunker, Serpent’s strike will benefit from your condition dmg.
I really wouldn’t play BM without it.
more evasive skilld doesn’t mean more evade uptime – Greatsword’s evade is casting at least triple times more than You can use all evasive skills in 1h sword. (all of evasive skills at combo 1hsword/dagger have deadly cd’s so there are always mass amount of atacks that won’t be evade – I don’t have such a problem with greatsword because in every two seconds that second one is “evade” and I have much better mobility so enemy must hit me firt to try damage
in probleem of damage… GS is more CC/survi weapon so damage isn’t their priority – is like to tell warrior that hammer id bad because all other weapons outdamage it.
where do You have AoE on 1h sword? :P I didn’t see any….
as for me – 1h sword would be good weapon if auto-atack won’t locked us up in place….It cleaves on 2 of the 3 attacks in the chain.
never noticed that….
what do you mean by “ROF”?
heh I’m afraid You didn’t understood
everybody sometimes need to go melee – even medieval archers had a swords to defend themselfes if enemy atack them – so You cannot be “only ranged” because there will be always some situations when taking some melee weapon will be matter of live or death
I have always a rule that I need one swap melee and one ranged (on all my characters) – because even if one character is specialized in melee ther can be situation when ranged atack will be needed, and if another is specialized in range combat – sometimes melee weapon will be needed.
that isn’t preconceptions of “limited circle of hardcore farmers” – if it was that was about that I wouldn’t use any of my bows by myself as a ranger
truly if we consider all my “for some cases” weapon I have in my ranger’s backpack – bows of many different stats sigils etc. are the majority (I have two shortbows, and two longbows, only two greatswords (defensive and offensive :P) two axes dagger and warhorn – so 4 bows, 2 gs’s 2 axes dagger and warhorn – which kind of weapon is most?) and I have no 1hswords (though “one acceptable build” lobby would tell me that 1hsword+dagger is “best and only acceptable” melee set for a ranger
We don’t really need any more range than what we have. Longbow does its job well. Yes, it could be better, but it’s not as terrible as people make it out to be. It’s not supposed to be (for Rangers) the omni-situational ranged weapon. It’s a very situational weapon designed for turreting not moving.
Honestly, what we really need is either a trait or utility like “Read the Wind” from GW1. This skill made all the shots you fire for X amount of seconds do more damage and fly twice as fast. Really, I would have put this in place of Sharpening Stones, but that’s just me. This is different from QZ because it doesn’t increase your attack speed, just the speed of your projectiles.
That ability would be good for rangers and I don’t think it would unbalance anyone. Would be just a different function for projectiles, but I will disagree on them not needing another ranged option.
Long bow is terrible, popular belief from a lot of these bad rangers is that they are good. Their view point coming from a PvE stand point for majority of them supporting it, where pets gain aggro and they never take a single hit. These are the same people that run double bear in PvP.
The only and I mean only time that it works is when you are in a position that they can not reach you. Issue with that even? Your already unreachable, so anything would practically work and almost all do better. Mass group fight? Dead from retaliation. Single target? They just avoid the damage all together with easily predicted animations from the long bow.
This weapon is just plain terrible and you know it is even worse when a power short bow is better than long bow. Not saying power build is good at all to begin with, just that short bow does it better when it’s mainly condi.
Long bow needs a definite modification to bring it back up to par with everything else and there is a high need for another ranged weapon to fill in the gap between short bow and long bow.
I didn’t ever equip bear…
I used longbow when I need to.
I don’t have a problem with keeping distance
I have many situations when casts Barrage on retaliate zerg – and only once retaliation brings my hp below 50% – more problem with confusion
and dodge cannot evade everything – well used get evade half dmg of rapid fire – but ppl cannot dodging all the time
the ppl don’t want ranger’s beacuse sadly statistically majority of ranger players are idiots….
where do You have AoE on 1h sword? :P I didn’t see any….
as for me – 1h sword would be good weapon if auto-atack won’t locked us up in place….
agree to all thing in this
Why aren’t rangers able to wield rifles? Isn’t it logical for an ranger that roams the forest and hunts down deers for food, being able to use an rifle? Im satisfied with the current weapon selections, but isnt it just obvious that rangers could use the rifle if warriors can too, engineers of course. but why not rangers? I ask you,arenanet to get working on this if you may?:)
Because fantasy game rangers are not the same as Walker, Texas Ranger.
fantasy game rangers are inspired on Tolkien rangers
remeber aragorn? he was one same as Faramir and more
(Aragorn was a ranger of the north and Faramir was a Ranger of Ithilien – merging those two and naming it “rangers” was insiration to D&D rangers and from there to all the rest fantasy games
not roaming solo….
thing that zerg fights isn’t our good side doesn’y mean that only roaming is left – you can still take a party of players aand using fact that zergs are absorbed themselfes – make a chaos behind the frontlines diversion is also good thing in rangers
I would say that You will be at major disadvantage WITH using sword
for melee Greatsword is a waaay better
(evede of every 3 auto atack, possibility of move!, hitting all enemies within range at 180 degrees in front, 1200 range swoop, 6 sec of 3stacks of bleed with 6 sec. cooldown, “counter atack” skill blocks all the atacks in his duration unless atacker is in melee range so then knockbakc him, “hilt bash” skill is great interrupter)
I don’t understand ppl that are playing with 1hsword as a ranger :P
btw. most good beastmaster build I’ve seen concentrate at using gs not 1hsword – see “beastmaster hybrid” on Youtube
ey so maybe if nerfing pet so maybe also nerf clones/phantasms of mesmer and necro minions? both of this classes can be used as a small army in one player – that’s much more “OP” than just one pet of ranger!
(atacking minion master necro is like ataking at least 4 ppl, ataking mesmer… even more depends on mesmer skill)
I was thinking a time ago about something that could merge AoE’s from both bows to one weapon.
that was an idea of new type of bow – Recurved bow
stadnard range 1200 (maybe possibility to Eagle Eye affect it)
first skill would be normal shot (though about some condi with it but no idea what would be good)
second something like volley from shortbow just bleeding (3/5 stacks?) instead of poisoning.
3rd – maybe some gap maker :P
4th – no idea
5th – something like barrage.
That would be something more climatic, and they can even use longbow skins at the begining – only question is if that should be exclusive-ranger weapon? or it should be given also to some another class(es)?
(and what give to 4th skill )
The problem I have, redscope, is that every other classes ranged damage is higher than the ranger. I understand it’s the skill coefficients. I know that we’re balanced around the pet having 100% uptime and hit rate, so our coefficients HAVE to be low to maintain parity. The fact that you don’t actually get the 100% hitrate or uptime hurts as well.
I would absolutely love to have most of the damage removed from the pet, and put into the ranger. Pets should deal very little damage unless you spec into them – not be a base 40% of my total damage output. If I want to spec into the pet, then I’m giving up somewhere else.
The greater problem of ranged damage being pitiful overall, Red, is that as a warrior, you have double my armour, and triple my HP to play with if I’m playing a ranged class. (ranged class, for this purpose, being bow ranger or staff ele). You also have gap closers that cover more ground and recharge faster than my gap-making ability on the ranged weapons. So, with any range vs. melee battle, what happens is the melee player quickly closes distance, eats virtually no damage, then stomps the ranged player.
This is a problem.
You should either take a lot of damage while you’re trying to close, or the ranged player should have to tools to maintain that range advantage. We don’t have the tools (CC times are far too short, and escapes don’t give enough space) and we don’t have the damage. So anyone playing at range is already playing with a handicap. I just want one of them removed.
Make Long Range Shot apply 1 second of cripple, or hunters shot drop 3 seconds of immobility on a target, and we’re in business. Remove the scaling from Long Range Shot so it doesn’t feed diminishing returns, and we’re in business.
Or, increase our damage to at least match that of ranged thieves/warriors.
Hanging everything on a crappy NPC ally, and shorting us on damage because of it, sucks. Big time. Having the “master of ranged combat” play second fiddle to two other classes at range REALLY sucks. Having combat skewed so that being pelted with arrows is an annoyance, instead of a threat? That’s just sad.
1. Good ranger is able to get distance even with gap maker on the cd (rly I can
2. “ranged thief” has 600/900 range? mean our longbow basically have 1200 – and traited even more – i can hit this “ranged thief” at far more range – and keep it (range)
ranged warrior has a good burst but between those he has not so good dmg – You see warrior with rifle bursting? take your greatsword and activate “counter atack” or axe off hand and use whirling defense.
as for now my only experience with elevated groud is that game measures range IN STRAIT LINE – that means that in fact means that higher You are lower your range is.
but longbow can hit in just a little more than it’s range (target isn’t in the range fully, but some part of it is on the range “border” and it hits
The greatsword’s Maul would make sense, though I imagine they would also increase the CD on it.
I dunno, guardians get a 4 or 5 second blast finisher depending on traits. And it does lots of damage.
they also dont have any water fields to proc healing, just light and fire fields (though that can lead to some silly might/retal stacking). what we are saying here is if gs 2 had a blast finisher on it, any ranger who packed healing spring would be able to just heal tank through almost everything, something truly outrageous.
Agree with that.
Pets had a little stat boost so GS was little boosted (with the quickness nerf) and Quickening zephyr lasts 1 sec. longer and don’t eliminate healing but cut its by half.
and they shortened a little cast time of pet F2.
that’s all I know.
mobility – because autochain of gs don’t lock You in place
more evade – because atack 3 on auto (which lasts 3/4 second of “evade”) is used more often that all evade from sword+dagger – for example – in single figth with a lvl 80 mob with sword + dagger I used once all the skills with evade (hornet sting, serpent strike, number 4 from dagger) that grants me a 3 evades. in same time mob hakittenting me wth no problem and after fight I had 1/3 hp lost (in groups of 3+ mobs it’s deadly)
in the same fight with greatsword I castet “evade” skill at least 5 times + I was running in cirle all around them and he has a problem with hit me (when he landed a hit most often it was “evade”) in group of mobs I can do the same – but running around all the group and hitting all of them – and kill 10+ group of lvl 80 mobs without nearly any loose on health (with sword+dagger died in phew seconds)
and Counteratack skill form GS blocks all atacks that is not unblockable so its very usefull.
Next thing – give me target to grant me possibility of hitting all my Auto skills in WvW – and I don’t even feel that I stand in the middle of Arrow Cart AoE atack.
(on single target fight I can keep 3 stacks of bleeding on enemy all the time from just greatsword – add jaguar with trait that felines canines and drakes bleed on crit = many bleeds)
ranged atacks deals less damage to melee because its ranged – renged You can hit enemy while he as the melee cannot yet (and good ranger can make that point when he will be in a position to hit never happens)
still – tell whatever You want I make much grater dps with longbow than with any melee weapon
I’m a ranger…
in WvW I can take camps – even towers alone – those second require only no player defenders.
while roaming in WvW I rarely’ve been beaten by single player – actually good berserk thief is only enemy, that I cannot hold out alone – medium non-berserk thief I kill – good non-berserk are managing to run away – I had the situations when guardian with ele support had trouble to kill me, and sometimes enemies need to call more players to manage to take me down.
in 1v5 There is a suicide to atack in my case – for now never won yet 1v5 fight – and if atacking I never made it out alive.
so for now I don’t feel to be weakest profession – but nerfing isn’t thing I could name good.
That profession need some more fixes in some builds (just to make me more confused which of all this traits I should take :P)
never call necro weakest – I have a necro friend… and good it’s a friend (and necro minion master along with mesmer mass cloner are on the list “very hard to kill by myself alone”)
I my think…
Piercing Arrows – All arrow attacks pierce targets.
*new*Piercing Arrows – All arrow attacks pierce targets.
Gain bonus add vulnerability for next victim(max5).[you]>>>1>>2>>3>>4>>5>>6>>…>>10
Victim1 get nothing.
Victim2 get 1vulnerability.
Victim3 get 2vulnerability.
Victim4 get 3vulnerability.
Victim5 get 4vulnerability.
Victim6…10 get 5vulnerability.When we pierce victim we should get more something make them suffer by range weapon.
sorry man but pierce have limit to pierce through 5 targets
@fubar +1 to all I also wanted some shields to rangers, and if anybody tried to tell me that shield don’t match the rangers I pointed them some articles about Rangers of the North and Tolkien Rangers like all where is said that tolien rangers was inspiration to D&D ranger (witch was inspiration to.. blah blah).
Maybe that’s what I’ll tell now will sound strange…
but IMO Axe+dagger canot be good option for me due to some grafikal issues (precisely when I throw any weapon for a phew seconds both weapons and back item dissapears, yeah that thing is irritating enough to make change in fight)You just went full kitten. Never go full kitten.
Anyways It’s pointless to run sword/dagger and axe/torch imo because it forces you into 1 defensive wep set and 1 offensive wep set and forces you to have a tougher time being bottlenecked into making decisions that will kitten you over in a fight.
Perfect example I was using sword/torch vs an ele and it was going fine until 2 more people came up behind me and I had to pop my heal instantly and couldn’t, serpents was on cd since I just used it to avoid burst, swapped to axe/dagger and managed an evade+dodge just in time to get my heal off as the ele was going for a knockdown. Had I not had defensive measure on both weapon sets, I would have died and not been abale to take out said baddies. Given that single evade on dagger and gave me an evade into some protection on top of bark skin I was able to make my 900ish hp into over 10k.
define what “full kitten” means to You
really I tried that weapon but I aslo have a quiver at my back – and instant appear/dissapear circle are distracting me enough to lose some fight that I wouldn’t lose with for example greatsword in hand.
and that sample of “Had I not had defensive measure on both weapon sets, I would….” is invalid – You are talking with “all-survi” guy
btw. on GS I have a way more both evades and mobility than You with sword+dagger :P
Now we can go on on how to change these, but this isn’t a thread about changing ranger so that their old self isn’t possible. This is about adding things that can work with what is already there.
3a. With the stated, we need another ranged option. My suggestion? Rifle.4. They need more team orientated skills. Now this can be very touchy, for that it can change how fights are played. Honestly, I think that is a good thing. The game needs more options to make it more strategic, more dynamic, and just have more plain ol’ good fun.
3a. very very very bad idea – in the list of reasons there are climatic thing – rifle does not match to ranger! we(rangers) are warrior of the wilderness, silent fighters using powers of nature to defeat aur oponents – noisy mechanical industrial rifles are just oposite way.
4. with this one I agreeWould you rather keep a concept that has no bearing on the game itself, besides stopping things from being added, a concept that can be easily changed, or would you want new things added to the class to make it more diverse and interesting, thus making the game more diverse and interesting?
so what precisely is “more diverse and intereesting” in givig ranger weapon that first don’t match to them, second have no place – sorry man, but realy ranger already have a single-target long range weapon. Giving them another is like… nah bad idea.
I don’t say that our current single-target long-range option are best (we already have biggest range on properly traited longbow, but that don’t mean it make very difference when going to fight….) but still we have already that option and double’ing it is rather worse option that just some fixes to existing one didn’t it?
Then state what you believe should be done, this was not constructive at all and is why the response was questioning your desire for modification. If your on this thread just to argue pointless concepts, then you are in the wrong thread for such.
You are the second to attempt to create a topic that does not belong here, let’s get back on track.
I never said my idea was the perfect one and should be the only ones. I stated ideas to be considered and either taking into account and modified by other users or inspire new ideas. So, should be treated as such. Now, what do you purpose for the ranger? This is not an invitation to attempt to bash another user’s idea and bring nothing to the table to work with.
going Your thinking track criticism of any idea never could be constructive
Ranger already have the highest range in the game (1500 on traited longbow) and as for now only engi grenadier with some grandmaster trait have grenade range at same point (but all AoE circle have to be within the range, what makes them little worse at that point)
sugested by You range of 1900 would be first very OP second useless anywhere outside WvW (in sPvP there are no place to have good usage of such a range – even that 1500 is little useless and in PvE mobs deaggro even on actual 1500 and at the dungs… – again there are not even a romm that have 1900 range long)
so considering thing that have been said – yes in terms of rangers atack range I don’t desire any changes – for now is as good as it should be – still that’s about atack range – discussion cn start when we will proceed to effectiveness of those atacks.
PS. the idea of spears could make it – after making my mind there is a problem with short/mid range AoE weapon
every enemy that I had to face 1vs1 with condi version of my buildwas forced to try run away….
and trying that was their last mistake (with exception for thiefs that managed to “just dissapear” and thief that have co powerfull backstab that backstabem me to dead before I had a chance to kill them… for example they atacked me when all my skill was on cd…..)
most ppl have nearly nothing in vitality and are “packing” tough – “condi version” of my build is Shortbow/GS with alternate armor to pack up little more condi dmg – I’m running with jaguard and something that depends on situation.
Utilities are Lightning reflexes, Signt of the wild, signet of the hunt
(edited by Lord Trejgon.2809)
Well that was my next question…
How Viable would ranger actually be at getting dead people back up in combat?
Even with Quickness, it feels REALLY REALLY slow still for me. Is there any Trait/Gear specs that would make it viable or are we just plain doomed b/c most of the people that always die in our party, always died right in Melee Range to the boss (and no one else can pull the boss out that range?).Is it even possible to Taxi ourselves back “out of combat” in a fight to regain that triple Rezzing speed? I’m guessing it’s not? When anyone in our party is still in Combat, we can’t even switch skills now? (there goes my old Sure-fire tactic for beating Lupicus by switching skills between stage 2 & 3!!)
I can tell You because I once have been forced to this
1. Only rangers that have many many toughness can be viable in rezzing dead teammates.
2. Start rezzing from the guys that have some rez bar replenished (if no one have just start that one that seems to be most usefull
3. Distract Boss – that’s very important – Sometimes sacrifice Pet to stop boss for a phew second behind is very good option – Spirits also can be helpfull there (if you don’t have Spirit Unbound trait)
4. Don’t let boss hit you when You are rezzing – If boss comes – go to the next member trying to slow down boss in the middletime
unfortunatelly none of this advises can make it when You face AC bosses called “Ghost Eater” nor “Colussus Rumblus” and party get wiped with only You standing – that was possible before the patches that make them “killable by method” – Ghost Eater just will spam with deadly AoE and Colussus are making his AoE on the whole room – not only in ring at 1200 range of him
Now we can go on on how to change these, but this isn’t a thread about changing ranger so that their old self isn’t possible. This is about adding things that can work with what is already there.
3a. With the stated, we need another ranged option. My suggestion? Rifle.4. They need more team orientated skills. Now this can be very touchy, for that it can change how fights are played. Honestly, I think that is a good thing. The game needs more options to make it more strategic, more dynamic, and just have more plain ol’ good fun.
3a. very very very bad idea – in the list of reasons there are climatic thing – rifle does not match to ranger! we(rangers) are warrior of the wilderness, silent fighters using powers of nature to defeat aur oponents – noisy mechanical industrial rifles are just oposite way.
4. with this one I agreeWould you rather keep a concept that has no bearing on the game itself, besides stopping things from being added, a concept that can be easily changed, or would you want new things added to the class to make it more diverse and interesting, thus making the game more diverse and interesting?
so what precisely is “more diverse and intereesting” in givig ranger weapon that first don’t match to them, second have no place – sorry man, but realy ranger already have a single-target long range weapon. Giving them another is like… nah bad idea.
I don’t say that our current single-target long-range option are best (we already have biggest range on properly traited longbow, but that don’t mean it make very difference when going to fight….) but still we have already that option and double’ing it is rather worse option that just some fixes to existing one didn’t it?
Maybe that’s what I’ll tell now will sound strange…
but IMO Axe+dagger canot be good option for me due to some grafikal issues (precisely when I throw any weapon for a phew seconds both weapons and back item dissapears, yeah that thing is irritating enough to make change in fight)
Somehow noone had problems with rangers running with scythe in GW1 O.o
I made ranger for bows (the fact they sux is other thing), coz there is no better archer class. Why should I be forced into some funny nature magic theme? That’s why we have different builds, traitlines and gear skins – let players choose what their class feels like. For some reason eles aren’t bothered they have d/d, and it feels very strange for mage-like thingie.
And rangers didn’t use rifle in GW1 just because there were no rifles
that wasn’t just rangers… that was ranger Dervish! and still it’s more fit to ranger than rifle.
And probably nope – don’t let the players decide about everything – it can ruin whole game. and last argument is invalid – even if they were rifles rangers would not get one at gw1 – even charr rangers was using bow – and in EotN there was some charrs with rifles :P
Skills I picture a ranger Staff to have.
#1A: Hits the enemy at the arm (causes weakness).
#1B: Hits their head (causes daze)
#1C: Sweep at the legs (causes knockdown and cripple).
#2: Blast outward from the ranger that knocks enemies back while damaging them. Blast Finisher, 8 second cooldown
#3: AoE healing field that heals allies inside and cures 2 conditions on its appearance and heals with each second. 20 second cooldown, field lasts for 4 seconds.
#4: AoE that gives allies vigor, protection, regeneration, and stability for 6 seconds. 35 second cooldown.
#5: AoE poison field that damages enemies in its zoneand gives them poison, weakness, and cripple for 6 seconds the second it appears, and damages with each pulse. 40 second cooldown, field lasts for 10 seconds, pulses every 2 seconds.
that’s sound nice but Problem is….
1C – yeah it’s a little bit OP – 1hsword had primary knockdown on 1B and You know how it ended….
maybe “cripple and 20% chance to knockdown” would be better….
@ilr I understand Your pain guy – I wanted to be spirit supporter ended as somekind of warden-beastmaster (still fun but not this what I always wanted to do as a ranger)
anyway one thing that is still actual that I always want to play survival guy – I would load every trait and statistic to boost survival of my character – but on now I can see that if GW2 will follow that direction people like me will be overhelmed by the mass of zerkers and very not usable
still that patch about respawn blockade have one thing that is on plus of survi guys – You can always be this last man standing and rezz all the party saving it before complete wipe (I’ve done that once
) – You know there is something in that ppl are considering some builds as “sub-par” ar useless until the situation when person with that build will save them from complete loose (just for example in GW1 I had a friend that was playing PvP as a Paragon-healer – ppl was always crying about “kitteny member” until it turns that this “kitteny member” keeps them alive
yeah I love offtopic
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