“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
well I must admitt one thing in Luindu’s argumentation [personally I’m still not convinced to his theory tho] that water and tentacles would be a common points between abaddy and DSD.
so even while so far there is nothing valid to support a thesis that balthy was “possesed” by prim, there may be some linkage between abaddy and DSD
for all we know, he could be the Elder Dragon of Love and Hope, or of Flesh and Earth or something.
Elder Dragon of Love and Friendship!
now that would be interesting plot twist to see xD
I had a strange bug where my pet was permanent stowed even infight and beastmode did nothing. Could be fixed with unstowing the pet.
This happened to me when I died while I was on beastmode. I couldn’t unstow the pet, I had to go in and out of beastmode few times before my pet finally decided to pop out. Few times when enemies hit me, the pet didn’t pop out but there were also few occasions when enemy hitting me fixed it and the pet came out (Before this I had tried unstowing it with no success). Odd stuff.
I think I can provide a little bit more info to this one – going underwater while in beastmode also triggers it – when you go back to ground pet gets “permastowed” with game being confused whether you are in beast mode or not really, althought flipping F5 few times seems to “fix” it
considering the hybrid theme of the dagger.
hybrid? Oo
I thought it was condi weapon? no?
- Heavy boon corrupt from Spellbreaker and Scourge. Rather than focussing on applying resistance it might be better to focus on actual cleansing.
boonstrip, not boon corrupt – at least for the spellbreaker huge difference as spellbreaker at best can make you receive damage on strip while condis from boon corrupt seems be quite a more….. problematic
Wait, the elites will be playable in wvw this weekend on live? I thought the specs would only be available on a test server.
going to be live, 100% confirmed by now
[there is no “test server” for WvW for such things – not sure if “test server” fpr sPvP for such things exists… overally alot of people are bashing AN for not having test servers……]
Jesus you guys moan about queues every chance you get. Is there really any server still getting 4 map queues regularly,
we do. every prime time afternoon we get queues for all 4 maps for at least a while.
and if I understand tables correctly our server link fights atm in t4…. “dying”So EU servers then where the links are mismatched, or so we’re told.
Cause ain’t no NA server pulling 4 map queues in the afternoon, don’t even think even BG pulls 4 map queues regularly in prime, been a while since I logged in there though.
I must admitt I am on EU and I have no idea on how the case would look like on NA…
[we also roflstomp T4 for the most of time and get roflstomped every time we manage to get into T3….]
technically speaking if his changes were approved and introduced we could se a surge of players – like revenants for example following zergs doing literally nothing but running behind them with proper setup and maybe somewhat trying to protect themselves in harsher encounters – maybe.
Uh…why would anyone ever want to do that anyway?
If one aims to maximize his or her own loots, he would, aside from applying boons to teammates, attack and tag enemies as well. It is just not as rewarding, plus not as fun, to merely run along the zerg, serving as a boon bot without doing anything else productive.
I’m sorry I just couldn’t fathom anyone would ever intend to do that.
well you’d se surprised how lazy people can get.
and then we had some of this already present – the only difference is that they spam 1when enemies are nearby – and being able to get all the loot without even that much would make them not doing even that much.
don’t get me wrong – I don’t understand “why” these people are like this myself – I just know these guys exists and their existance may be reason why we cannot have nice things
I think new meta will dwell more into issues of positional/maneuvering warfare – quite a few of new elite specs introduces aspects of of territorial control – once scourge gets his toys setup you will not really want to get into that territory, you will want to make him go out of it. similary you will not want to charge throught the chokepoint guarded by few spellbreakers if you are anyhow relying on boons.
considering how scourge/spellbreaker combo can give many advantages to the side being “pushed”, and knowing “laziness” of meta I think that many may want to retreat back into pirateship meta – because pushing into enemy zerg may be actually a bad idea if they are properly organised [winds of disenchantment+barier spike and heavy bomb in that spot anyone?]
althought while this applies to zergs truth is that for winning the war pushes will have to be made at times – even if just to capture the camp/tower/keep – hence my guess is that for those more determined players forging new meta positioning and maneuvering will be one of major aspects to consider.
my wvw level atm is 126 iirc and I have completed diamond on… tuesday?
the recent change to amounts per score have made it possible though as with old ones I’d have no hope to achieve diamond like ever.About how many hours did that take?
interesting question since I did notreally pay that much attention….
so we had reset guild raid that took into late nights hours, another guild raid on saturday which also got into late hours, on sunday the raid ended early due to commander having to end earlier and probably this was a part that accelerated whole thing madly due to an hour or two of messing around map where we were outnumbered. on monday and following tuesday I have been rather shortly in the game tho – just meeting up my daily goals…
on average I was getting like 6 pips during that period I suppose? [5 for server place and 1 for wood from earlier week] with ocasional 11 due to outnumbered bonus.
this week may be more tought to wrap diamond up [for me at least] because I am intending to spend the better time of the weekend trying out new elite specs and I am fairly sure that pips gained on demo toons will not count towards progression of account…..
I mean, if Palawa Joko returns, these guys oughta return as well, right?
IIRC, Palawa Joko actually found the centaurs very good workers and resilient fighters, bit more like kenghis khan, why kill a tough enemy when you can enslave them?I mean, true, we didn’t start on the best of terms in nightfall, but then again, they were a race trying to break out of slavery, there wasn’t really a ‘nice alternative’
Palawa, kournans, pretty much everyone who could have seemed them as such and was trying to bend them to their will [but then why enslave when you can convince them to ally with yourself?]
the main difference between Joko here and those centaurs is that Jokos last known capital was waaaaaaaaaaaaay up there to the north.
although their reappearance is a distinct possibility as quite likely turais procession is now a kinda…. dry. so they could relocate with their tribes towards places with better access to water….
as for the blackmail thing – actually don’t get me wrong – I loved how they have “got us” right at the very beginnign into helping them – it ain’t yer usuall friendly guy calling goodie neighbour to help him – that was smart guys enforcing neightbour that would otherwise not care into caring about his stuff – and handed the case so well that frankly their krytan cousins could only envy their cunning in dealing with things.
and then if in later living story we go any south from expac area we are pretty much bound to either meet them or learn what happened with them – there is no doubt from me on that part.
my wvw level atm is 126 iirc and I have completed diamond on… tuesday?
the recent change to amounts per score have made it possible though as with old ones I’d have no hope to achieve diamond like ever.
Jesus you guys moan about queues every chance you get. Is there really any server still getting 4 map queues regularly,
we do. every prime time afternoon we get queues for all 4 maps for at least a while.
and if I understand tables correctly our server link fights atm in t4…. “dying”
Because ‘you can hit through walls and gates’.
Why is this an issue now? After 5 years. All aoes can hit through gaates anyway, why is it an issue for guardians?
Exactly what I was wondering, condi engineers with flame throwers are much more effective and can hit through gates too, does this mean the flame thrower is going to be a melee weapon too?
except guardy’s staff is not melee wepon due to still having over a twice as much range as actuall melees [300 vs 130]
and guardian with this nerfed staff can still quite effortlessly outtag any melee class.
Is this a serious argument?
At 300 range you are already engaging in a close quarters fight.
300 range is an utter nonsense,the staff now effectively has no basic attack.
In the end,since they decided to destroy the weapon for reasons only they know,and the excuse about being able to hit through gates is N/A here(if that was the case all such abilities would be set to 300 range),they might as well make it a proper melee attack and not the pathetic mouse sneeze that it is now.Is there any staff Guardian that finds this skill useful in any way?
Where they will approach an enemy or a zerg at 300 and they won’t switch to a melee weapon?The way it is now the staff is dead weight.
Before you could use it as a mid range option,and take a melee weapon in the other slot.Now you either take a melee weapon and have 0 ranged capability,or take a ranged weapon and your melee capability is reduced to kitten.
Or you don’t take a staff,wtf,who likes staves anyway…
it is a serious argument – since forever the main use of staff on guardian in organised groups was to provide buffs while tagging for loot – you could make it ironically strong mid-range condi AoE weapon with proper setup but this setup was mostly frowned upon due to sacrifice of supportive values for lulzy aoe burning proc.
and it is still more effective at tagging than any warrior with “meta” build will ever be or any ranger build for zerging. haven’t seen yet anyone crazy enought to try build thief, engi or mesmer for zergs hence cannot compare with these.
and again – staff is not deadweight for shortening it’s tagging range – because it’s usefullness goes from different skills.
and then again – try to run a few WvW zerg runs as a warrior [whom by many are still considered more usefull than some other classes in zerg warfare] and you will see that guardian had and still have easy time to get lootsiez in comparision
after putting some more consideration into it there is one thing OP have missed in his analysis.
technically speaking if his changes were approved and introduced we could se a surge of players – like revenants for example following zergs doing literally nothing but running behind them with proper setup and maybe somewhat trying to protect themselves in harsher encounters – maybe.
the input of such player to the blob would be at best arguable but he could efficiently farming WvW while putting much less effort into it than pretty much every damage dealer from said blob. effectively leeching off their effort. Because you know properly distributed boons are vital to a blob, but if blob is supposed to win against other blob proper damaeg output will be needed too.
which may support the argument of why tagging is needed even in WvW.
and frankly I can’t really think of any solution to allow to help those proper boon-givers to benefit more without it being exploitable by some specific builds.
I have a pretty theory about, but first understand that English isn’t my natural language and maybe can missunderstand some phrases i search on the wiki. This is a “ligh version” of my theory.
First i begin with LW 3rd Season:
I think Balthy was a good god at begining (like gw1 old times): Lying the White Mantle to frustrate their plans; Trying to help us with Aurene;And trying to stop dragons without break the equilibrium of the world, like we see with the taimi's simulation cinematic, we are wrong.
But then we betrayed him breaking Taimi's Machine while he was fighting with Primordus (he's weak now and needs a boost) and now we have a "Darth Balthazar"
there is one tiny problem with this one
firstly taimi's simulation - while everyone jumped to conclusion that it means killing dragons is now bad, I still think that if it shows anything it shows that messing with eternal alchemy to nullify two dragons is an actuall issue - not just killing them off.
Secondly - Balthazar did not try to kill elder dragons "without breaking the equilibrium of the world" - actually already at this point he says - in response that his actions are endangering whole world - that he simply and bluntly does not care about tyria after what he does. Ironically there are some things he said while pretending to be lazarus that could be actually 200% honest statements from balthazar himself - he said he wants to pursue "higher goals" - while ofc he lied what these goals were - the point of his at this moment seems to be quite clearly "above" the whole tyria - so to speak
you mean those guys whom started their relationship with PC via blackmailing them into helping freeing their kin from kournans slavery?
well last time I checked in GWN main are of residence of thsoe tribes was turai’s procession which…
according to leaked maps is not a part of this expansion
but good call, I’ve already manage to forget about these…. guys
Hi, I wonder if Anet is going to allow us to use proofs of heroics to unlock new elite traits in wvw at launch day?
If they are going to use new currency to unlock the new elite traits…I hope that it can be obtained via skirmish chests (just like proofs of heroics).
if you have got all hero points available in the game, at this moment, then after maxing everything you are left with roughtly 300 spare ones
which means that if they stay at same cost to max a spec as the first gen elite specs – you should be able to buy it out on day one and still have spare hero points
If you thought it was hard to kill daredevils that spammed 5 dodges away when they lost 2% hp, get ready for the shadow meld future.
3s stealth duration, 2 charges, 45s to recharge one charge.
the only “issue” I’d see with it is that it removes revealed – but hey that’s a hefty CD on it and you know what will be also added with that expac to one other class?
AoE reveal, 2 charges, 20s to recharge one and if revealing that thief who have just stealthed was not enought it also removes blindness and guarantee next hit being a crit – and is much more spammable
frankly I’m afraid that most of thieves will actually need that 1500 range to not be masacrated by all those spellbreakers that are bound to show-up on them…
I have just realised that “black” is not allowed tag colour – and I’m upset over ths exclusion of the most edgy of colours :P
Even Spellbreaker is limited to TWO adrenaline bars, which means it STILL won’t have the sustain of three bar bursts. It’s a good direction for the game to take, even if it has immediate consequences that are difficult to predict.
I’d also add that tooltips we have seen so far states directly that for spellbreaker burst skills are capped at t1, since I have personally seen this one before patch I thought it’s just bringing berserker in line with this standard since it had one bar counting as 3
well frankly it looks to me as a spellbreaker was meant to be build as crit-spamming machine considering bonuses to crits within whole class.
if that cd was for both then they could just as well not bother with the offhand bonus – if the bonus was capepd to once every 5s it would be frankly useless – but if you can pull off alot of crits in a short time off span then, and only then the additional sustein from it would be noticeable
I have never heard about such a thing from any of AN devs…
Read the “Last Stand” part.
Hey guys, as most of your are probably aware, Scoring Improvements won over QoL improvements in the last poll. So now it’s time to delve deeper into what that means.
We want to improve scoring for a few big reasons:
- Reduce the need for 24 hour coverage by reducing the effects of off-hours capping (night capping)
- It’s not okay that the time periods with the smallest number of active players have the largest impact on the score
- Of course we don’t want to alienate players who play during these period, off-hours coverage will still matter, it just will no longer be the primary factor in determining which world wins any given matchup
- Reduce the number of runaway matches
- That feeling of hopelessness when your team is down 100,000 points after a single day
- Give players a real opportunity to make a comeback
- Matches are often decided in the first few days, making playing in the final days feel pointless
- In conjunction with population rebalancing, updating Scoring allows us to decide a winner of a match more fairly, and thus reward players more fairly
- Currently we can’t give out worthwhile rewards for winning, as most match-ups are already decided before they begin
Next I’ll talk about how we plan to achieve those goals.
Changes to Match Structure:
- We’ll split the week long matches into 2 hour time slices we are calling ‘Skirmishes’
- Warscore is used to determine the winner of a Skirmish
- Skirmishes award varying amounts of Victory Points based on placement
- Victory Points are used to determine Match victor
- When a Skirmish ends, Warscore is reset, but actual map-state remains unchanged
- Winning a Skirmish by a small margin, or a large margin, awards the same number of victory points.
- This keeps the winning and losing scores closer together, allowing the losing worlds a fighting chance
- Teams will still want to win as many time slices as possible, off-hours coverage is still important, but less dominant
Potential (controversial) additional change:
- While the above change takes steps to bring the value of off-hours coverage in-line, there’s a good chance it’ll still be overvalued. If that’s the case (and we’ll eventually poll on this), then we have plans for an additional system.
- This is the Action Level – Victory Point Multiplier system
- This system would multiply the Victory Points awarded by Skirmishes based on map populations and time of day.
- During prime time hours, the multiplier would always be at it’s maximum of 3.
- During off hours, the multiplier might stay at 3 or drop to 2 or 1, depending on on activity level.
- It’s important to include map populations as a factor, to make the system more fair for off hours players and its important to include time-of-day as a factor to prevent a winning team from trying to keep the score muliplier low by exiting WvW
Last Stand
- Last Stand describes the final day of any week long matchup
- During Last Stand, Skirmish placement Victory Points are multiplied
- This is intended to make the last day of the match as exciting as the first, and provide a final comeback mechanic for teams that are behind
Reduced the Score Tick Timer from 15 minutes to 5 minutes
- This will guarantee that every objective is grants at least one score pulse before it can be flipped by another team.
- Objective Score will be reduce by 2/3rds since they’d be ticking 3x as often. This keeps the relative score from all sources the same.
- Reward Track points will also be ticking 3x as often, and likewise be decreased by 2/3rds.
Upgraded Objectives Score Higher
- Each tier of objective upgrade increases the amount of score per tick
- The goal is to incentivize defending your upgraded objectives and assaulting opposing upgraded objectives
Points for Capture
- Capturing an objective awards immediate score.
- If the objective is upgraded it is worth additional score.
Points for Kill
- The amount of score earned from PPK will be increased, so that it contributes more to the overall score.
- As a rough number, PPK may increase to 3-5 points, rather than 1, with diminishing returns on killing players who have been alive for less than 5 minutes.
- We will also rebalance the Warscore for Caravan Kills, Caravan Delivery and Sentry Captures.
- Many of these new systems and changes will also necessitate updates to the UI, to display all this new information.
- Once we have these scoring updates in, we can look at adding placement rewards for Skirmishes and Matches.
Edit – Fixed some minor errors in the text.
hmmm interesting, well I remember the talks about skirmishes but seems liek I didn;t pay attention at that time as I thought I did….
Rather than saying “well we don’t have another name so therefore this name means both” it is more accurate to say “this is a lacking piece of lore that the writers haven’t given us”. Same for things like how the asura, charr, and norn documented the passage of days/weeks/months/years before utilizing the Mouvelian calendar (or even why they use the human Mouvelian calendar).
ok well while I admit this one would work for ascalon and kryta [in meaning of missing geographical names for “attached” geographical regions – it does not really work for the case of elona – because – again in GWN there are multiple references to Elona as a specific land and Elonians as a nation living in that land [by the way while at it, in case you didn’t notice when this debate started in the other thread my point was as Elona being name of land only just as yours is that it is name of a nation only – and earlier in this thread I have suggested a middle line between them for both as indeed overal around the game lore pieces are using the name in both meanings]
Also I’d like to point out that “nation” and “state”/"country are also not same – there is not really such a thing as “nations borders” nowaday [and also seems be a case in tyria] because members of nations are spread out within pretty much all habited area [in case of elonians there are reaching as far as divinity’s reach from their ancestral lands]
Also again to the disillusioned refugees from the new PoF map – they say they have left elona [that they shouldn’t leave it] you cannot “leave” your nation like that – you can leave your nation’s land, you can leave country runned by your nation by wherever you go you will be member of this nation.
as for shifting borders though after additional considerations on how naming things tends to work, major geographical change [that did happen] may effect with renaming of things – to be precise – if naming started with a river [river Elon → Elona as Land surroundign river Elon – pretty common thing in the past to name things] then huge shift in where this river went may result in re-labeling lands meaning that alot of what used to be a crystal desert and not considered a part of elona, could be “modernly” considered elona – because thats where river elon is “now”. but this approach would breed alot of questions in regard if vabbi and istan territories should be considered part of Elona land – as river elon is no longer even remotely close.
I really hope at this point that expansion will provide definite answers in those regards
too big? It’s fine to me. It needs to be big on your frontline character so you look big and strong
it looks awfull when you are tiny human female tho :/
I have never heard about such a thing from any of AN devs…
It’s super cool and worthy of a legendary title.
well except it is not legendary skin but one of available ascended skins….
We are not debating which is stronger.
Because your side loses that argument every single time, and has lost that argument every single time since you lot started crying about Conditions basicly since day 1.
This has been an ongoing propaganda campaign for years despite that Power has dominated the game in every single aspect, and still does. The difference however isn’t as large anymore as it once used to be.
These threads that are complete kitten are easy to spot, because they always have the same goal. Nerf all Conditions, across the board and across all classes and builds. Even those builds that are perfectly balanced, even those builds that are underpowered, ALL Condition must be nerfed. None of this has anything to do with game balance and everything to do to completely nullify an entire form of damage.
Because these anti-condition acolytes dont account for Conditions and don’t want to and never wanted to. So if Conditions could just completely cease to exist that would be just spectacular. Then they can go back to instagibbing people with Power builds and telling them that 14k crits are entirely reasonable and anyone that disagrees needs to just “learn to play” and gear against Power.
well to be fair on most of my toons I do not have much issues when dueling against power builds – and I am not all that much stacked against them on most of them
condi theves/mesmers though are problematic even on characters where I have put all condi removals I could – in many cases they are quite able to out-apply my removals so to speak and get it their way anyway :/
and then again I believe that within perfect balancing scenario we should strive for a condi build running Dire/Trailblazer should have same damage efficiency as power build running soldiers stat – with glassier and more dpsier counterparts being, well – more efficient in damage department while easier to kill. so it’s always a choice between survi and damage
I agree that it rather is balthazar – anyone pretending to be balthazar at this point would be overtwisting it.
that being said he may still not be the “true villain” – his cause [real one] after all can be right with him just goign full-end-justifies-the-means, he could be tricked into all of it and so on, and so on.
but the guy creating forged and running rampant throught the crystal desert [and nothern elona on later date probably too] is Balthy himself, no doubts on that at this point
So what I’m getting is that you guys have way more options. The only way to get the pve legendary armor skins is to make the legendary. And we HAVE to use one set of precursor armor. You can choose which armor to make legendary or you can go for the skins without the legendary effect or you can do both! More options is a gift.
and you [raiders – do not mistake with whole of PvErs :P] can have it in much shorter time, and have very visible and blingy on the end of the process while WvW/sPvP ends with it’s “final” skin halfway throught
don’t get me wrong: personally I do not mind how it is right now – but I have seen alot of people on this forum requesting WvW legendary to have it’s own skill, and I understand their points [which seems fair]. my idea was just how to satisfy this demand with much lesser effort than spending another years on developping new sets…
but then suddenly all those people dissappeared :|
well alot of freshier backpacks seems wildly oversized on most races to me so I am all for massive shrinkage of them all
[or even better – size scaling slider to backpacks so everyone can set it how he likes it]
It’s a shame that they wasted development hours on implementing gliding when there are much bigger items to address.
Like what?
In no particular order:
Balancing of skills/traits for WvW
Server linking for population imbalance
Incentivize small group play rather than blobbing
No reason to win a matchup other than bragging rightsThese 4 things, although significant, would be the things to address rather than implementing gliding and figuring out how to make it work.
hmm lemme see
Balancing of skills is within responsibilites of balance team, not wvw team, server linking is still beign worked on, incentivizing small groups, well I’d like to hear here a suggestions because everything I have seen them trying was creating uproar of angry zerglings, and alot of existing incentives are flatly ignored for the zerg powah.as for reasons to win….
the whole mode exist to fight and win so…… really? you need more reasons?There’s an incentive to win in spvp but not in wvw. Winning doesn’t give you anything in this game. Not even an outfit, title, nothing. There needs to be something other than winning because really, what’s the point?
WvW balance is huge, significant actually so you can’t just bypass that at all.
I did not “bypassed” WvW balance – I have said that WvW balancing is within responsibilities of different devs – so it would be like someone demanded them to stop working on new armor skins and improve optimalisation of the game engine – artists working on armors are not engine developpers and artists working on new armro sets does not dimish amounts of people workign on the game engine.
WvW team can pass balancing feedback to actuall balance team but balancing is not their own goal.
as for rewards for “winning” the issue in comparision here is that in sPvP you have much more influence on whether you/your team wins than in WvW single player can affect scores of his server by himself.
and giving “rewards” determined only by which server won would probably create huge outcry about how unfair it is for servers with smaller populations, how it is exploitabel by server swappign etc. etc.
therefore to avoid such issues, players are instead [mostly] awarded for actions that are leading to the victory, not achieving victory on it’s own – so in theory you are awarded for actions that builds up to the overal victory instead of working for scraps until payout depending on how everyone else worked…..
but then last time I checked official WvWteam stance was that current priority of WvW development is getting dem rewards right – so who knows maybe they will add something in that regard – but personally I can’t see it being done in a way that players would care, but would not be inherently unfair to people happening to be on “wrong” servers
As for modern Orr: from a matter of politics, Tyrians do not see the Elder Dragons as “a sentient being taking land into control with its own goal”. They have always viewed the Elder Dragons as mindless beings of destruction comparable to natural disasters.
“mindless” is rather last thing that comes to mind when seeing actions of zhaitan, or mordremoth, and for kralkatorrik there are direct references on novels where tyrians compare themselves to it as “ants”
if you think you are an ant to something you also rather not assume that thing being mindless.
also sure- there is likelyhood that alot in geographical naming of regions in Tyria were mere shortcuts just for the sake of players realising what is supposed to be what – but then when lore is concerned if you are making such shortcuts when naming things you are agreeing to the in-world consequences of those shortcuts
Without a good non-reflectable ranged option the Guardian just feels subpar compared to the Revenant and Necromancer. There’s a natural ebb and flow to fights where you have to switch back and forth between your ranged weapon at chokepoints and melee weapon when pushing. If you are melee only you are sitting there with your thumb up your kitten half of the time.
A guardian will always be needed for support, but without a good range option the class doesn’t bring as much damage pressure and is less fun to play. I still have a hammer Warrior, but I haven’t touched it since HoT. Revenant and Necromancer are far more effective.
and there are alot of other classes that does not have non-reflectable ranged options at all – good or not
It’s a shame that they wasted development hours on implementing gliding when there are much bigger items to address.
Like what?
In no particular order:
Balancing of skills/traits for WvW
Server linking for population imbalance
Incentivize small group play rather than blobbing
No reason to win a matchup other than bragging rightsThese 4 things, although significant, would be the things to address rather than implementing gliding and figuring out how to make it work.
hmm lemme see
Balancing of skills is within responsibilites of balance team, not wvw team, server linking is still beign worked on, incentivizing small groups, well I’d like to hear here a suggestions because everything I have seen them trying was creating uproar of angry zerglings, and alot of existing incentives are flatly ignored for the zerg powah.
as for reasons to win….
the whole mode exist to fight and win so…… really? you need more reasons?
The t3 armor has a very unique effect that rivals normal legendary armor. Now you don’t have to use it but that’s a perk to wvw players. You don’t need to get that armor to get legendary armor but it’s an option! But if you want the legendary look you need to get the t3 skins. That’s the unique skin.
point is [and was in those discusses I have seen earlier] that it is a T3 skin – and getting T3 is much easier than getting T3 and upgrading it to legendary ontop of that.
after all the models are there so adapting them to gw2 should be very little effort right?
Wrong! The old assets are useless as GW2 is a lot more detailed than GW1. They would have to rebuild everything. They probably couldn’t even use the old artworks as these might lack the necessary detail that GW2 demands.
Then there are different races and other character customizations in the game. The devs have to design multiple sets of armor and deal with clipping issues.
well it’s not like we do not already have few sets pulled straight out of gw1 in the gemstore already…. [first two to come to mind, primeval armor, krytan armor]
updating already made models is much easier than developping one from a scratch….
They weren’t pulled straight out of GW1. They made a suit of armor in GW2 that looked a lot like an armour in GW1 but the meshes are so completely different I doubt it was a matter of updating it.
well I didn’t study krytan one too much but primeval is pretty much copy paste with upping resolution of textures…. [for humanoids that is, charr required ofc more adjustments than that]
and then here I thought I had great idea, but seems forums surprisingly disagrees :/
[surprisingly because on release alot of people actually demanded those legendaries to have their own unique skins and now suddenly most are ok with their current lack of thereoff xD]
Hated it when it was announced and hate it even more after the first weekend. Gliding in WvW is complete crap and should be removed. The sooner the better.
Are you a Commander by any chance ? :-D
Reason is I’ve seen a couple tags (well one in particular) on my server who absolutely refuse to use the glide mechanic… almost as if to prove a point. When everyone else is jumping out of garrison and gliding towards wherever, he just jumps straight down into the water and swims across. Same thing from Hills and just about anywhere else. Just prefers to take the old fashion way thus forcing the rest of the zerg to “wait up”.
Even when we take Fire Keep (which is a gliding paradise when you own it), it’s the same thing.
Thankfully he is just in a small minority though.
I haven’t seen these, althought I have seen ones not paying proper attention to the border colours leadign full zerg to violate, premature meeting of their faces with ground…
and here you’d think it’s impossible for allied zerg to wipe itself without any enemy in proximity heh?
we can all agree Thiefs needs a nerf am i right ?
jokes aside I’m not sure if it’s the issue with just these two or if it’s broader issue…
[and for how much I hate to fight against enemy mesmers or thieves I’m afraid I cannot speak objectively on their specific class balancing ]
after all the models are there so adapting them to gw2 should be very little effort right?
Wrong! The old assets are useless as GW2 is a lot more detailed than GW1. They would have to rebuild everything. They probably couldn’t even use the old artworks as these might lack the necessary detail that GW2 demands.
Then there are different races and other character customizations in the game. The devs have to design multiple sets of armor and deal with clipping issues.
well it’s not like we do not already have few sets pulled straight out of gw1 in the gemstore already…. [first two to come to mind, primeval armor, krytan armor]
updating already made models is much easier than developping one from a scratch….
They already have their own skin. You can only make the legendary armor from certain pieces of loot which have their own skins. The high level piece even has an animation.
WvW legendaries as it stands for now does not have their “own” skin – they retain the skin from the precursor armor. And those gifts are really pricey stuff ^-^
Didnt notice any “big thing” about glide, just more fast to get the route keep -> tower, and even isnt so fast as its seems.
I didnt see yet “the great escape”, or “great retreat”, didnt see yet not even a big defense which had glider as game changer.
So I classify glider as mere cosmetic, harmless, let it stay.
Probably these complaining against are roamers and their “duels”.
well we had on reset a few defences on alpine [home] borderland – upper right tower was besieged and we have glided from citadel into it – and stop them from capturing – if gliding was not an option, we would not be able to get there fast enought to put any serious resistance…..
although after this one there was a mention on the ts that probably next thing some of those guys will do would be going to forum complain on how brokenopplznurf gliding is for defensive scenarios….
Except for the fact vitality also helps negate the efficacy of power damage based on the same argument about relative health.
you should really try once facing power warrior in all vita, no toughtness build
[point in case – increment on health points means nothing against power builds if there is not enougth toughness to back it up, due to how power-armor ineraction goes]That said, I don’t think the answer is in new stats or build-based counters. Condition damage application, just like boons bust needs to drop down on a number of builds, and in those builds/classes/sets, needs to be consolidated into fewer types of conditions to give cleanses more usability while not affecting much of the outgoing potential damage.
well I agree that there is a need to do something about condis, but it would be as I mentioned not adding new stat that basically duplicates what other one was meant to be doing by design, but by working with conditions themselves – their amounts, amounts of stacks you can apply etc.
what I think should be done would be aimed at going back to the roots of what conditions were meant for – they were supposed to be – as far as I know – sustained damage over time – not a spikey thing that kills you within seconds when setup right with you not having enought purges to deal wit heall of it – spikes should be the domain of crit-based power builds.
Or, just remove Dire/TB and the problems largely vanish because people won’t be running tank builds with maximized damage per tick.
And this is totally doable, given ANet’s recent history for making major changes to gear, and how they’ve done the exact same thing when adding in Dire to begin with.
well from what I have seen I’d say problem is not of dire/trailblazer sets on their own – but the problem is that within current situation condi damage is all you need to get your damage efficiency topped on many builds – so you can pull off full condi based spike potential without sacrificing your tankiness while you cannot hope for anything like that when running PTV, be it power, toughtness, vita or precision, toughness vita [does the second one even exist atm in game? would be lovely if it did
so the potential “fix” in my opinion should involve bringing back the need of condi duration [expertise?] to condition based builds to top their damage efficiency, while lowering their spike.. it could also require several nerfs to availability of condi cleanses to not ruing viability of condi builds as well.
Needless to say is that I run vit because it works against both sets. Toughness only works on half. 20k hp is 20k hp and it saves me from both power warrior and condi warrior about equally.
20k hp melts like there was no tomorrow to power warriors without considerable amounts of toughtness ontop of it. I know it from very own experience
Dire/TB is mostly the issue because these builds just don’t die. They’re effectively full-tank.
issue with them is that unlike PTV they do not sacrifice damage efficiency in stats for that tankiness – condi damage is the only thing you currently need to get desired efficiency….
And this is totally doable, given ANet’s recent history for making major changes to gear, and how they’ve done the exact same thing when adding in Dire to begin with.
That was literally the only time, and only because they removed Magic Find from gear altogether.
Which is what I propose they do. There’s no reason for the sets to exist outside of WvW. PvE optimizes for Viper’s gear and the loadout is deemed too overpowered for sPvP and neither were thus introduced.
well, personally I’d leave that as a last resort – only if it proves imposible for AN to balance out conditions with power to be more in line with how much tankiness you need sacrifice for dps
Except for the fact vitality also helps negate the efficacy of power damage based on the same argument about relative health.
you should really try once facing power warrior in all vita, no toughtness build
[point in case – increment on health points means nothing against power builds if there is not enougth toughness to back it up, due to how power-armor ineraction goes]
That said, I don’t think the answer is in new stats or build-based counters. Condition damage application, just like boons bust needs to drop down on a number of builds, and in those builds/classes/sets, needs to be consolidated into fewer types of conditions to give cleanses more usability while not affecting much of the outgoing potential damage.
well I agree that there is a need to do something about condis, but it would be as I mentioned not adding new stat that basically duplicates what other one was meant to be doing by design, but by working with conditions themselves – their amounts, amounts of stacks you can apply etc.
what I think should be done would be aimed at going back to the roots of what conditions were meant for – they were supposed to be – as far as I know – sustained damage over time – not a spikey thing that kills you within seconds when setup right with you not having enought purges to deal wit heall of it – spikes should be the domain of crit-based power builds.
Or, just remove Dire/TB and the problems largely vanish because people won’t be running tank builds with maximized damage per tick.
And this is totally doable, given ANet’s recent history for making major changes to gear, and how they’ve done the exact same thing when adding in Dire to begin with.
well from what I have seen I’d say problem is not of dire/trailblazer sets on their own – but the problem is that within current situation condi damage is all you need to get your damage efficiency topped on many builds – so you can pull off full condi based spike potential without sacrificing your tankiness while you cannot hope for anything like that when running PTV, be it power, toughtness, vita or precision, toughness vita [does the second one even exist atm in game? would be lovely if it did ]
so the potential “fix” in my opinion should involve bringing back the need of condi duration [expertise?] to condition based builds to top their damage efficiency, while lowering their spike.. it could also require several nerfs to availability of condi cleanses to not ruing viability of condi builds as well.
So at yesterdays night I had a talk with a guildmate, a pretty lengthy talk about everything and nothing, and at some point he came to express his dissapointment in how AN is not reusing at handfull of possibilities GW1 skins for GW2 – after all the models are there so adapting them to gw2 should be very little effort right? and there were alot of very nice looking armors back in GW1.
This have mixed in my head with forums ongoing talk on WvW legendary armors – with some claiming that considering amont of effort needed to get it, it should have got it’s own skin, and the following idea have come:
Why not give those armors this skins:
but updated slightly for GW2 standards?
I think most of thsoe who played GW1 would agree that it would be a worthy reintroduction of – what’s basically GW! equivalent of legendary armor. and it would require alot less effort from devs to introduce because what they need to do is to pick their choice from collection for standarised heavy, medium and light weights, and then do minor adaptations for it to fit – with most of effort being in adapting this to charrs….
what do you think guys? yay or nay?
[who knows maybe if the idea gets enought support over here maybe devs will implement it]
PS. I am deeply sorry if this is not the forum section right for this – I thought it should fit in here since it’s about WvW legendary armor after all
hm, how is it possible that I seen superior balli without 4th skill today ?
someone was missing his world skill in balistas tree?
The total number of pips per week did not change.
Do you mean tickets?
I thought she meant amounts of pips needed to hit ticket cap?
[snip for savign character count]
well yah your showing that you actively exclude others, simply because you can for whatever reason you want, in a game mode which requires cooperative play. Seem like a valid issue that anet would want to look into. And its not like im telling these players to message me all these horror stories about bullying and exclusion in wvw from commanders, they come to me after reading threads like this.
I can see by your flippant attitude that you basically think its funny and that you support it. Id say anet needs to make it so that being in a squad gives no benefit over being outside of a squad, and this post is proof enough of that. As a veteran player myself, make no mistake it would be extremly simple for me to “fit in” to your zerg, do what you say, log into TS, play the game the way you want me to play it. But i don’t want too, can you blame me, why would I want to conform to anything that even remotely resembles what you want? Now imagine if i wasn’t as skilled, that would be enough to make me quit the game mode entirely, which is what many do. Yet you guys ask for and wish for new players, which is baffling given this behavior.
wvw is a game mode which primarily relies on zerg/squad based play, and then anet gives commanders full control to whatever they want as they see fit, which also includes the bullying and exclusion of others and then they decide to make being out of a squad a detriment. This behavior is not surprising, what is surprising is that in order to enjoy the game mode properly, you have to conform and put up with others behavior. I really hope anet changes squad mechanics in wvw to make them not so impactful to successful wvw play.
if my post proofs to you that I exclude people from “my squads” [newsflash I don;t run squads mysalf due to not having spare gold for tag, tiny detail], then this long post of yours here proofs that you either do not bother to read posst you are responding or have issue with comprehesive reading.
as for “flippant attitude” – in this specific case it comes from the fact that you are throwing around claims that will sound stupid to everyone who played any form of organised WvW ever.
I didn’t say that there is no benefits of being in squad, I said there is no mechanics prioritising any squad when LOOT is concerned which was your little thing in this thread – no there is no hidden function in the game used to ensure squad member gets more loot than anyone else – you tag it hard enought, you get your loot roll – as simpel as that.
“zerg” clashes while may seem simple from the outside requires a very high level of coordination when it’s 50+ people per side involved – one wrong move can kill you and if you die, you are likely to rally a healthy chunk of enemies which is detrimental to everyones effort in the area – and this is why being able to at least listen to voice comms is so important in thos organised groups – it isn’t “my zerg game style” it isn’t “anyone’s else” playstyle it is what most of participant agreed upon being most effective – and it may not fit everyone – but then again those zergs are not the only key features of WvW gameplay – you still have alot room for variety in roaming, scouting, havoc groups – which part of my previous post you have either missed or are denyign yourself aknowledgement of them for whatever reason…
also sure you can play however you want – but if you are in a group of 50 and you are the only one in that group who dislikes the type of playstyle the rest of 49 agreed upon you cannot blame them for not wanting you in this specific group.
ah also – open zergs with NO requirement to join are still a thing and still quite good for WvW effort in absence of organised groups which again defeats your claim.
if there is any picture coming from your overal posts on the WvW things it would be that you’ve tried roaming, got yourself killed repeatedly [your long story on how roamers are bullies], then decided to stick to the first bigger group inside but denied to adjust to the rules of that specific group which ended up in you being kicked out of a group and now you feel excluded from “fun” and do all those elaborate posts how to “fix” the game for no one to ever dare to compromise your “fun” again
PS. if you check up my post history, you’ll notice I have never claimed WvW being in need of more players and you will also notice few posts laughting at guys who are shifting from bashing “PvE players in WvW” to “WvW is dying not nuff players” back and forth, but hey I disagreed with you laughted at your claim of being super-pro player – so I totally must be one of them right? :P
PPS. there is also nothing wrong about not being a super-pro – if guild I mentioned above was recruiting only from “super-pros” it would be prolly dead so far and I would deffo not be a member of it
there is a stat intended to greatly improve your survivability against conditions [which skipped your armor] and it is vitality.
and actually it works just as you said – if you get only toughness you will be laughting at power builds, but die really quickly to conditions, and if you stack up on alot of vitality with no toughtness you will be abel to sane level of conditions for long enought to grab next heal/condi cleanse, kill the guy spamming at you… but die very fast to power build due to their higher spike against targets without enought toughness.
all working as intended….
as long as the amount of conditions being dished out stays within specific parameters – and this should be area to work on balancing them…..
very good thread, and very good suggestions – assuming that the way thing was implemented does not inhibit possibility of splitting it functionality between WvW and PvE……
- There are instances pertaining to the Charr that “I believe” talks about a hero going back to his homeland or something like that.
My assumption/hope on this one is that it may refer to PS where you pick your heritage. I was always a little disappointed that choosing that didn’t play to much of a part other than a throwaway line or two.
With respect to the Sunspears, I wonder if they were just absorbed into the Order of Whispers, who I assume may have stuck around Elona.
well as you could see in one of newer WP vids, Spellbreaker item collection refers to NPC with a rank of “Second Spear”
last time I checked order of whisters was still riding on the whole lightbringer theme with naming their ranks so that alone woudl suggest that we are to meet an organised structure deriving from sunspear ranks – considerign they were nto mentioned as “major” players in the expac I suppose they may be a sort of side-track to the joko’s part [some sort of small scale anti-joko resistance perhaps?]
because it’s a part of geographical region of kryta and all “spoken” uses of the name are in regard to the kingdom who have lost it’s reign over those lands long time ago
There is no “geographical region of Kryta” – that’s not how geography works.
It’s never called Kryta because, as you said, the kingdom lost its reign over those lands (or rather, never had such in the case of Southsun Cove).
You’re taking mechanics too factual for actuality. I suggest you read up on how geography works before you continue this discussion.
there is a geographical region of kryta from which the kingdom derived it’s place [just as orr derivered from pennisula and ascalon seems to considering that from the very beginning charrs were on mighty quest to “reclaim ascalon” not to “reclaim charrotopia hunting grounds”
and just as “nation” of elonians have derived their name from geographical region of elona [which was probably originally meant as a land around elon river – and there was more historical counterparts of nations deriving its name from regions like this but I forgot how they were called…..
as for advice – I could say just the same, because over the course of this discuss you have managed to mix out states, nations, and few geographical names just as they were one thing.
EDIT: yes, dragon and it’s undead army would not count as a civilisation on it’s own, but as a matter of politics and sovereign states it would count – it is after all an empire governed by sentient being taking land into control with it’s own goal – sure not very likely to want to talk to you aside “surrender or die” but still all the points on the list checks out – also to no go that much further the brand – which is kralkattorik – other dragon – domain actually get’s recognised both from political and logistical points as a hostile territory. Also in other fantasy titles it is not that uncommon to name “states” uzurped by dragons as separate states which would imply that if “orr” was just the name of a nation, old regions of orr should be now called “Zhaitan Domain” [with maybe some sort of aknowledgement of zhaitan beign dead now]
(edited by Lord Trejgon.2809)
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