“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
I have no idea who you are but welcome back fellow druid I guess
ctrl+left click (or right click? I’m not that sure right now) on it – for everything you said it sounds like you accidentally put it on autocast
A game without mounts will never sell. Launching without a strong mount system guarantees that a game will fail fast and hard.
Sarcasm? I hope so. If not it’s the funniest post in this thread, imho, because it’s so obviously uninformed and does not pertain to GW2 at all. Since this game is running quite well for more than 3 years now, without mounts, could you define “hard and fast” for me?
I was just to respond him the same but you were obviously faster
I have one human one
Meet Keira Bloodblade
1. remove pets for druids (trust me no one will notice)
it may surprise you but I would notice that
and I’d be really unhappy about that
I don’t think going full healing has its place in PvP, and in PvE, we already have enough generation as healers. It’s just a matter of positioning and build.
Also, how are you going to heal threw glyphs outside of CA except for the healing one?
Traited glyphs drop seeds of life, which can give you up to five heal procs of Astral Force. As a Ranger with good positioning, it’s not too much of a stretch to assume you can get two procs per glyph as minimum. It’s not much but better than most.
my only issue with druid perks is that glyph perk is fighting for a slot with natural stride perk and I do prefer natural stride after all….
btw is it me or glyph heal with perk giving aoe heal around you when you use healing skill procs AF twice per cast?
Also, CA1 and CA2 are impossible to hit moving targets with and CA5 doesn’t deal any damage, even in full ascended Berserker stats. Only CA3 and CA4 are worthy skills.
CA5 was never meant to do any damage at all – if you’d read description and watch reveal stream you’d know that (“situation opener” was phrase Irenio used at stream I believe – and by description it slows enemies with immobilise on last pulse – it was meant to grab enemies and call for allies to smash every single AoE they have on you…)
with hitting allies on the move with Ca1 and CA2 I’ll agree – these works only when you have allies that does not run like headless chicken around….
well tbh the only thing that surprised me was mutated faolain…
well considering how the mission with rescuing prisoners went for the half of the mission I was asking myself if they’ll kill off whoever we’ll find or not, although I expected Eir to put a little bit more of a fight (bear transform?)
but then mission when I followed one of community’s dissapointment chased by totally unexcpected plot twist… well I was way to much giggled for any kind of fear….
[community’s dissapointment was reference to how everyone and their mothers expected those energy beings to be mursaat only to find out that they couldn’t be any further from mursaat apart from some visuals]
gliding stow the pet – redeploying pet after gliding deploys your primary pet (the one on the upper slot)
I dunno if its bug or working as intended but I worked it around by setting the pet I use more on the first slot…
am I the only one that noticed one big whole in OP reasonings?
he claims to grind out hero point in central tyria to be day one herald….
but unlocking elite specialistion requires you at first max out all skills and specialisations from base profession and even then all of hero point in cetral tyria were not enought with 400 points requirement to have maxed elite spec – even with 250 requirement you’ll miss few points to max it out….
so how possibly his farming of core game hero points got devalued with lowering said requirement?
All Commander/Mentor tags are is map spam. They break immersion. Therefore, an option to not see them should exist.
I’d love an option like this for those kitten ridiculous wings, those are FAR more immersion breaking
I do not agree with you. I love the wings to death and pieces. Especially butterfly wings on a badboy looking big Charr. Esp when they don’t match his outfit! To bad I didn’t take his picture – didn’t think about it at the time.
Immersion breaking. Lolz.
the butterfly wings are great, just not the big black feathered wings that look like they belong on a character called xfourtwentysephirotx
and now I wonder when I missed butterfly wings…
on topic though – I don’t mind comms getting such a treatment but only if it comes with the color thing to be able to tell the difference between each of them….
I’d totally go for oposite variant – remove gold requirement while increasing favor…..
[200 favor and no gold? :P]
Th old blind fold is of the Seer’s Set, which existed long before Revenant was a class.
and now I’m envious a little…
no blindfolds for medium armored classes :/
[and I really wanna that blindfold on my druidess – for rp’ing stuff]
AN claimed it to scale from 5 people up to 200 so yeah 5 people should be able to do it…
funny thing is that it never occured to me and few times I was litreally afking through events (for example today I was sorting out my inventory in the middle of “sylvari incident” and still managed to get “something” out of event – it spawned ontop of my head so I killed some baddies before zerg rushed in)
If you want to stick with hybrid, that’s fair enough, but in that case, if this is for raids and other instanced PvE content, remember that bosses don’t get CCd often at all. Therefor, your Druid Grandmaster is wasted.
actually as far as my testing goes said grandmaster trigger most of the time even on guys with breakbar upon any attempt of cc from you on him – but other thing is that bosses just ignore that immobilise and goes where and when they want… (andthough if you manage to somehow convince them to not run around like headless chickens then vines from your cc add even more contribution against their breakbar
only mobs I’ve encountered by far that have prooven to not trigger the perk are the ones told to be totally immune for any cc attemps – like for example mordrem tendrills (they just flash you with immune and keep shooting) also some legendary guys seems to not trigger that trait like for example both legendary wyverns in verdant brink canopy and searing effigy at the end of CoF P1….
well I could agree with the statement of Celestial avatar being a little bit overgated in current form but I totally disaggre with “nerf” and explanation for it – as even in the reveal stream Irenio mentioned that even in Avatar form druid is not only heal but also some kind of CC and “situational opener” – hence CAF#3 and #5 even exist….
well except for the part that I don’t play sPvP I use druid and I find it really fun to play – also for the guy who says that druid have no synergy with base class – I’m sorry to announce to you but you are either blind or were not looking in the first place…
[but then I can perfectly say that the way I use my druidess is… unconvetional – at least I doubt this was what they primarily meangt for thi spec – for example did you know how CAF#3 followed with Caf#5 – heck even CAF#s5 alone – wrecks enemy breakbars? actually recently in most cases thats what I mostly use CAF – to bring their breakbars down….]
well it only changed my “I need 3 hero challenges more” to “crap when this thing hits the grid? I wanna mah elite skill and armor piece NAO!”
yeah I noticed today that for the whole event there was no of usuall information about status of meta event….
can’t tell about event scalling…
not sure if sarcasm or….
well for sure I can tell I like this expansion… although as soon as I’ll grab vigil maintenance oil from the mastery vendor at verdant brink I’m not going to visit that map for a looong time….
[auric basin is much better map imo]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809
for me its solid 9/10
the new maps are mostly fun, event chains in some of them reminds me those happy times when I lost whole day at ogre wars during exploration of fields of ruin when leveling up my ranger long time ago because there was an event after event and I just couldn’t break out of it well ok tangled roots map (3rd one to see duirng story) is little bit too much I literally got lost few times at it already….
I really liek elite specs or should I rather say – spec – because from all my characters I had enought hero points to even unlock elite only on my ranger.
well I got little bit burned out on the day one at verdant brink but thats because I totally ignored events that day in pursuit of hero points and other explorations – but later I’ve decided to give up on rushing it and just focus on whats happening around me more – and since then I’m having loads of fun (auric basin is my fav map though)
I’m starting to think that it was actually good that I did not participate in any BWE – thanks to that I have not seen how druid performed earlier and that let me enjoy playing it now ^^
Druid specifically made me switch BACK to the Ranger as my main.
This is pimp.
Druid rocks.
I was just about to ask if I’m the only one to enjoy my druid and then I stumbled upon you my sir – its good to see someone else enjoying that spec ^^
Has its places in WvW but for PvP and PvE support and heals put you at a disadvantage since healing and buffs don’t calculate into event completion. Druid even had to be reworked a bit for added DPS because the games system only acknowledges DPS. Furthermore healing power and boon duration need an overhaul or even a merger.
apart from tequatl zergs I have not noticed on my druid any issue to get gold from any event even playing staff/mostly healing people…..
right now I’m confused how it works and whats is and what is not counted toward completion….
when did we jumped from arguing if 5 people are good enought to name it a guild to arguing why single player cannot access all guild features all by himself?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809
I don;t have $2000 computer I neither have “reflexes of a 13 year old”
and now I wonder – which part of “frikkin run away” you missed while doing said story episode?
No the latency affects that sort of dodge a lot worse, even with lowish ping of 80-150 I’ve seen it happen. I’ve never had that happen with gw2’s dodge.
Maybe I’m wrong on this point but how does the current dodge favor melee? It works the same for both.
It may be because some players think of their “dodge key” as their only dodge. I use double-tap dodge and often dodge forward right into the fight.
Oops, just realized my way does favor melee. I usually dodge forward or one side or the other. Using the dodge key and dodging backward would put more distance and favor ranged.
actually you don’t need double-tap for directional dodge – tapping dodge key when moving in certain direction will make you dodge in said certain direction….
does the current system favour any playstyle? well if it does for sure its not from ranged/melee scale…
as for OP suggestion – better they not :P
[PS its not even close to 5 seconds and its not perfect immunity – effects confirmed to be going through dodges are in the game for quite alot time….]
tbh I still misss my 1200 range sb….
so now with 1500 baseline range on lb we can finally get back our 1200 range sb?
[the reason to nerf sb back then was how bad lb looked like for some when comapred baseline ranges and damages/utilities with sb – AN didn’t want to buff lb back at that time so they nerfed sb to make lb more appealing…. ]
The fact that they think a Straw Poll is indictive of anything but the amount of votes the site has been told it has received shows what to expect from Druid fans.
Looks like you are in the Hater Camp. Again, the poll was not meant to dismiss the People that are critical about the Druid, it was meant to shut down these kitten “I know what the majority thinks and you are wrong!” Posts. It is fine for me if you don’t like the Druid, what i don’t like is People pretending that they know what the majority thinks.
Its just basic logic why this poll can’t be used to show any conclusion and you still fail at that.
as for me you tried to attack thsi specific poll by suggesting that “druid fans” have nothing better to do than exploit possibility some didn’t even had idea about to make druid haters looks silly…..
that suggestion actually sounds silly.
dude seriously get over it, and just. stop. please
also I haven’t seen a single blueaish light on presentation – only yellowish/whiteish…
You must not have seen the presentation then.
actually I did – in oposition to some people already speaking in the thread – nothing even remotely close to guardian blueish – unlesh you call that whiteish beam blueish…..
Healers create a dilemma in any game in which the roles exists:
In order to make them a viable option you have to make them mandatory (because if you don’t need them, then it is ALWAYS better to replace them with more DPS).
I call bullkitten on that one dear, sir
you are mistaking word viable with mandatory you don’t have to make something MANDATORY to make it USEFULL as long as you can look outside of “optimal to extremes” box
they can be totally viable option without being mandatory even in current base game content – as long as you are nto the one of tehse jerks for whom the fastest meta run is the only run….
Many people here have said that being a healer is good, and you give reasons. But what not a single one of you have answered is the lack of credit you get in big events. That credit gets silver or gold achievement for that event and it effects how much loot you get. You don’t get credit for healing, and we have no indication that that is going to change. Why don’t you guys try to justify being a healer given that situation? Who the heck will continue being a healer when they don’t get anything out of it?
dunno how other but as for me I was not mentioning it because I’ve already broke it out for someone here on forums and as I don’t like to repeat myself on course of further discussion I assumed it to be already explained – bbut then again especially for you:
ranger specialised to druid still have plenty of damaging possibilities being able to give him a credit on any event – how much of such credit may be issue but participation credit for sure
especially considering how much of these options the druid spec have within itself… now add to it two other traitlines
(and also there was a guy here who shouted only 4 times that in build speculation thread was alredy 2 or 3 offensively specced druid builds….)
you can actually read the item description, you know? I know it’s a long and intricate item tooltip but it does explain what it does…
Of course, it doesn’t mention that the resulting booster can no longer be selected as a karma boost.
It doesn’t say anything about taking a random booster.
because its not random – it comes in predefined order – as for me the only misudnerstanding I’ve got was that I though its gonna grabb all of these boosters listed at once (and really hoped for it too :P)
I read that you can get karma booster on lvl 24 here https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Karma_Booster
And I leveled up a character especially to get it but I didn’t get it, only some green amulets, why?
maybe because soem wiki articles are out of date because wiki is maintained by player community?
Although I’m not entirely unhappy with today’s Ranger buffs (and the Taunt fix which was totally called for), changes like what happened to Heal as One tells me that Arenanet continues to not listen to actual Ranger feedback.
The kind of buffs we needed were the kind of buffs Necromancer got: good buffs to weak weapon sets and utilities.
We’ve seen Arenanet leave specific weaponsets at meta-breaking levels of imbalance for YEARS (take a look at Hambow or D/D ele) and this imo is the #1 cause of stale meta feeling. I hate to see this happening to the Ranger, which although weak during the Cele Ele/Engineer meta, was still well balanced internally.
We don’t need some weird insane might stack + perma quickness tied around a heal skill. It’s janky and random and in all honesty not fun.
Ranger is now pretty much a Longbow based class. It’s like Warrior was, but worse, because the Longbow is entirely dominant among all the weapon sets.
Greatsword attacks remain pitifully weak (when you exclude cheese might swapping or cheesy cooldown stacking like Signet of the Hunt +Signet of the Wild).
Mainhand Axe does pretty wretched power based damage, and Bleeding damage was just nerfed by 20% in the condi damage patch. Unlike necromancer scepter or Axe, we’ve received entirely no compensation for this.
Shortbow is now officially one of the worst weapons in the game. Seriously, try killing an Elementalist or Warrior or Thief or Mesmer or anything with Shortbow as a condi Ranger. It’s also incredibly poorly designed with the entire bulk of damage residing in #2 and the autoattack.
Today we got a buff to Warhorn 5, but not Warhorn 4 which is the skill everyone has been saying needs to be changed for YEARS.
And finally (I’m not gonna even discuss OH Axe at this point), we are still stuck with a dysfunctional sword autoattack that locks us in place. Imagine if Mesmer or Thief sword autos stuck them in place… I wonder how long ago it would have been changed.
Now what I’m worried about is that with this awful Heal as One change (which should be reverted, or have its functionality drastically reduced), Ranger balance has been thrown entirely out of whack and we’ll start seeing weird nerfs because of it.
I do appreciate that the devs are trying to bring Ranger back into the PvP meta, but buffs like this go about it the wrong way.
Also, what they did to Spirits is truly a shame, because the utility was entirely balanced in PvP and WvW roaming, seeing some use, but not over represented. They took that and destroyed it entirely.
Shortbow wasnt nerfed was it?
Yeah, it was one of the first nerfs rangers got.
But I liked shortbow, no more condition builds with shortbow now? Why on earth are they nerfing it?
he means the nerfs somewhere around 2y ago not now – you know it used to have 1200 range and a little bit faster attack before said patch 2 years ago….
Crippling shot on SB: It uses pet’s condition damage (controversal with the tooltip which suggests it takes the ranger’s into consideration.) Also pets have way less condi dmg than the ranger even after the change
I never had 1300 condi damage myself :P
[and my devourer now has it muhahahahahahaha]
You have an entire trait line called nature magic and you summon elemental spirits as well as healing springs of water. you even call fourth vines from the ground to entangle foes and a skill called “Spirit of Nature”…… I truly hope you are just trolling me right now.
All of those things minus staff #4 are from the base ranger and not from the druid. 90% of what the druid does is light-elemental, which is -again- encroaching way too much into guardian territory.
he was listing base ranger stuff to show how much druid has in common with its base profession – and vines from the ground was reference to entangle elite skill
also I haven’t seen a single blueaish light on presentation – only yellowish/whiteish…
and purely nature and non-controversial stuff of the druid?
staff 4, staff 5, efffects of the glyphs, gm trait that entangle guys you hit when they are cc’ed, condition cleansing “bloom” from avatar form
where controversial stuff are – sun ray, cosmic ray and whisps [a whole 2 or 3 skills about them]
btw on side note – geeeeze in a phew days if that anduriel guy won’t stop spreading his horrific visions trying to call them “realistic” he will end up as third person ever I put on ignore list on a forum – kind of achievement ya know……. like seriously did he ever said anything posotive in these forums? like ever?
also to the guy who said about rangers being loced out of any content beside open world PvE – dud I don;t knwo what game you play, where and when you play it – but for 3 years of my gameplay in gw2 as a ranger I have NEVER been denied to access ANY content in this game – at the beginning of fractals I was even running them with it and no one had any issue with that. no one ever blamed me for other guys mistakes and not even a once I was kicked from the party for being a ranger. [but in case of fractals later on I’ve put all my agony resistances to guard so when I go for fractals I grab the character that has said resistances :P]
you guys realy have to stop lockign yourselves into “optimal-meta-crap-box” of thinking and start noticing things out of said box – then you’ll notice how much things are actually not that bad……
So, I have come to wonder why Irenio has been silent/absent from the Ranger forums for so long. Did he get put lead of Ramger recently? Like, at the start of the Druid or was it just a few days ago? Sure, I understand keeping mum about the Druid but why no Irenio communication about the Ranger?
on twithchcon he said he was reading rangers forums everynight after coming back from work (and if he stil does its a saint man considering amount of crap over here if you ask me) but couldn’t post because of possibility of spoiling druid to early.
since then he did posted once that he jus tcame back from twitchcon and as soon a he will get up after that event he will be visiting us more often.
but then considerign what kind of crap our little sweety ranger forum community did just after that I’m totally understanding why he did not posted yet…..
someone wanted a guy to give some statistics about what majority of community thinks about druid?
on these forum since druid reveal I’ve spotted like 8-9 people being negative about druid where 5-6 of them spams multpile posts in every thread even remotely close to druid thread making it looking like it was more of them….
meanwhile I’ve also spotted like 4-5 people being positive about it also here on forums
please bear in mind this counts only people that made more than one post on the matter so I had a chance to actually spot them
and then I asked my guild what they think about druid
out of 30 players online every one who had a ranger character said its awesome while these who did not had ranger just said “I’m not interested in ranger stuff”
which when summed up would make a majority being positive (however the statistical sample is to small to talk about whole community) but then I’ve noticed no more that 40 different accounts here on ranger forums so even this is not a viable statistical samples to talk about whole community
which big chunk of you guys does here alot.
and to the guy that think repeating over in over how healing is not needed
In sub-optimal teams its pretty kitten usefull
for example – recently I fill some of my free time teaching new players in our guild how to run AC exploration mode – as a ranger – and I already can see how much thing may make my job a way easier
It is not hard to reflect an arced Projectile with WoR (you still see it’s red circle) so it won’t be hard to hit an arced Projectile with SC either. If their comment means that the Projectile stays in it’s arc and not magically changing the direction, i am fine with it.
- Green Arrow how i would have no Problem with arced Projectiles, Red Arrow how it would make no sense.
thats how I understood it and that was my point
I’m gonna go staff+gs
although that staff-staff combo have intrigued me….
Guardians are also playing a very dangerous game with Lupi atm, and doing several hundred thousands of damage in the matter of a second has been called by a few players as OP. Neither player base has experienced the this kind of nerfs so I do not look forward to that day.
guardian lupi trick is difficult situation to adress – because considering how the skill works its nearly impossible to nerf this single use of it without either rendering skill totally useless or removing it at all….
at least if you take approach of adjusting guradian skill. Maybe the boss is what should be readjusted in this case…. :P
Druid has nothing to do with ranger whatsoever, so I hate it very much.
There’s nothing about druid that resemble ranger a single bit.
I can beat this argument in two words:
“Nature Magic”
hmm it totally was not existing ranger specialisation tree nor gw1 ranger attribute….
[actually it is gw1 ranger attribute and gw2 core ranger specialisation tree – and druid as overal is expanding this part of ranger because primarily that perk tree was meant for supporting stuff (but then people cried about nature spirits being op) – by picking up druid you specialise into group support part of ranger even more – that part that was always there but after some cries was just nerfed out of being viable option]
and also small hint to all guys crying and whining here
these small forum subsection is not visited by most dedicated rangers
its only visited by you – and those who have enought patience to withstand your shameless WHINING ABOUT EVERY SINGLE KITTEN THING for more than a day.
and that is thank to YOUR shameless WHINING ABOUT EVERY SINGLE THING for about 3 YEARS NOW
and even now when you finally got decent group support I’ve seen YOU CRYING FOR for at least half of a year now you don’t even read it all and starts whining about how healer is not suitable for ranger while in every single post prooving that you haven’t even read all skill descriptions and in many cases – proving that you certainly never watched the reveal stream and by thus – not really knowing what is that specialisation about.
[and also not knowing why before that stream there was no red posts in ranger forum for a long time]
They seem to get turned into a different thing all together. I doubt they will retain their secondary effects.
Watching the video you can see the Moose’s rapid fire arrows get turned into shining light projectiles that heal.
Yeah, that’s why i asked about the tiny healing Darts. The only Problem i would see with it, are Projectiles that are fired in an Arc. It would look totally out of place if a Projectile enters the Barrier in an Arc from above and then flying in a straight line to you. Apart from the Visuals, that would totally screw with the range of said Projectiles.
they mentioned on the stream that it will require alot of good positioning of both wall and plyers to get a heal especially with projectiles coming at an angle
“suran cowboys makes no sense imo at all althouh I’d love to see Elona again – with zhaitan gone there should be an easy way to sail to istan isles….”
It does and I’ll explain why:
Cowboy clothes evolved the way they did because they were suited to that particular kind of frontier environment, and Asura want to explore more frontiers. Besides it would be so cute
While not Tybalt tier Agent Zrii is such a good character, so her being killed off will act as a strong motivation to save and liberate the land from the evil tyrants in black hats.
the first part – if you say elona has same environment as “wild west” you:
a) never seen Elona itself
b) never actually visited texas
c) both of above
Elona is nothing like “wild west” from westerns – even if we take cutting of Elon river from the continental part it will just turn into something more like sahara than steppes of texas
asurans are not starfleet – they are race of mad scientists
the only argument that holds off is that it’d look cute….
“and then gather folks revive sunspears kill palawa yoko and attack kralkattorik from both sides (north and south) and that would already make pretty much of content :P "
It would be great to have raids or dungeons based off them but us beating that was a stratagem in Sheriff Jerome’s plan: by defeating them he absorbs their power with some random McGuffin whose name and form I can’t think of at the moment and actually does gain enough power to become a god. He also channels magic through his pistols.
hey guys – am I the only one that can only read this as a piece of non-sensical rubbling that was supposed to be “cool” but in fact makes no sense?
Egypt and cowboys at first glance don’t go together but that’s because Egypt since ancient times is well established old world whereas in this era of Tyria Elona would be a new frontier again. Since both Egypt and the American Southwest are deserts a cowboy theme can work.
and you again prove you knwo nothing on the issue – cowboys would not work in egypt because egypt is a frikkin desert while cowboys are from frikkin Preries
the first one is hot without water and full of sand while the other one is big (hot) flat place with high grasses – you see teh difference?
I feel hyped ^^
Its really weird sometimes how people are mistaking words “needed” with “mandatory” and confuse “not required” with “useless”
in this specific discuss the issue is really noticeable….
We know the order of whispers can come and go to and from elona. So there’s probably some sort of settlement there that is relatively free of palawas grip.
first thing I can think about with sugestion like this is Sunspear Sanctuary – it had its own spring iirc and was pretty well hidden….
asuran cowboys makes no sense imo at all althouh I’d love to see Elona again – with zhaitan gone there should be an easy way to sail to istan isles….
[and then gather folks revive sunspears kill palawa yoko and attack kralkattorik from both sides (north and south) and that would already make pretty much of content :P ]
I have to agree with OP. Out of all the classes, Guardians were the most likely candidate for receiving all that Druid got. Even from a PvE lore-base perspective, Guardians are Monks and Paragons rolled into one class; Monk, being the dedicated healer in GW1 while Paragon was a heavy armored, shouting, spear-chucking buff bot.
Druids on the other hand, weren’t even grounded in lore in GW1. Just vague references about a bunch of kittens going into the jungle and turning into walking tree ghosts.
someone skipped really nice chunk of Prophecies campaign huh? :P
- Recent news about the Expansion and it’s new classes show a much bigger emphasis on healing, with the Druid being a clear healling class. Said that, none of them directly heal players and they are more like “Spraying healing while Fighting”.
- Yeah… until recently most other attributes where kind of useless. They where supposed to offer survivability, but since most don’t scale any skills and the open world game and dungeons have become to easy, the Berserker (Glass Cannon) stat combinations where the most viable build for everyone. However, like I said, things are supposed to change in the expansion… I hope…
You remind me of something
Am I the only person in this entire kitten forum who realizes that they are hiding healing and tank classes, something that should have been implemented 3 years ago, behind a 50€ paywall?
Because that’s some pretty stinky pile of bullkitten if you think about it for a second.Free player… huh?!
- For starters, I can’t consider free accounts as actual free accounts. Limitations are so strict, that it would be better to call them “Trial accounts”. GW2 was meant, and still is, to be a Subscription-less game, but not a F2P game, and by that I mean that you’ll still have to buy the game at least once to play normally.
- Second, the game originally never intended to have a holly trinity. Whatever defensive and supportive skills and atribute there where, wheren’t meant to form a Tank-Healler-DPS role. However since those roles didn’t exist, those stats ended up being considered very useless on most of the Vanila game, so something had to bedone to enhance their usefulness.
- Thirdly, the content that would require these roles exist in the expansion anyway! Your Vanila game will have what it promised.
- Lastly, in a few days we’ll receive a patch that would re-balance all the core classes, so no wories.
he meant paying for having epac (which all of us have to do to access elite specs)
tbh I don;t mind – you can already spec some current classes to be able to have similar healing output….
AA animation looks weird – other than that – I’m ok with them
[and I’m more about how druid wields staff druing it – beam part is kk]
People happy about Druid being a braindead heal spam mode
that point alone proves you was not paying enought attention to what was told/showed on the stream :P
ok now tell me that all those positioning required to most of heals that would be ever remotely considered spammable is “braindead”
This is a common misconception. From the start of the game, Anet’s vision was to replace the MMO Holy Trinity (hard trinity – tank, dps, healer) with their own “Soft Trinity” DPS, Support, Tank. With Support includes both offensive (crowd control, snare, debilitating conditions, etc.) and defensive (heal, block, reflect, etc.)
either you copypasted this post in two threads right now or I am experiencing weird forum bug – so let me say it again for sure – AN trinity was actually damage support and control where control was CC, support were supposed to be boons and condition removals and all team were supposed to “tank” by “swapping aggro of the boss between team members”
also to some addition to my previous post – I haven’t said at no point that druid does not have any damage options – my point was that with f5 staff abilities and some of the glyphs druid is as close to be “dedicated healer” as for gw2 is possible and that is a thing of concern – sure especially after actually watching the stream vid is oposition to just read summary I really like the specs and really can’t wait to test it out – but it does not mean that I do not see a thing to worry here…….
Ummm no.
From the start of the game, Anet’s vision was to replace the MMO Holy Trinity (hard trinity – tank, dps, healer) with their own “Soft Trinity” DPS, Support, Tank. With Support includes both offensive (crowd control, snare, debilitating conditions, etc.) and defensive (heal, block, reflect, etc.)
actually that is wrong: yeah they wanted to replace “holy trinity of mmo” with their own “trinity” but it was “damage-control-support” – where there was no tank as a role because everyone were supposed to “swap aggro” between themselves instead of single player tanking boss for the whole time….
where damage was damaging oponents control was all the kind of CC and support where boons, condi removals, etc.
and apart of that I love one thing in this thread:
how people totally ignore how much positioning druid requires to actually heal anything – apart from celestial avatar form which actually have ground targeted heal which is only skill that could be “spammable” like that which requires at first to build up astral energy – sun beam? dude needs to be on the line of ray between you and mob you atack – whisp? heals only when it pass through allies while orbiting a foe
staff 3rd? its on quite a cd and I’d not call it ability able of “spam your heals”
staff 4th? not even a heal
staff 5th? – timing and positioning from both you and your teammates.
so no. druid is neither healbot nor “spamming all your heals”
as for op – I’d really happily say you what I think abotu you and your post right now but by doing so I’d probable violate some forum rules so I won’t say it out loud….
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