Showing Posts For Manimarco Devil.1790:

DH/ guard dead in pvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

Necros have had unblockable marks for a while so that’s eh.

My guardian/dh revolved around shelling out burn, burn wasn’t changed, so I’m fine.. Only boon I have at any time is fury. Adapt man.

Yes they have had unblockable marks for a while but necros usually skill spam things for no reason, a good necro can make shelter never work. Furthermore its the fact that they make f3 active useless and chill became stronger that I dislike them.

I am surprised you still even use burn guard. It only applies one condition and if anything HoT brought even more cleanses to every class. How do you plan on beating a druid, engi, mesmer, tempest (even with new DS), necro plague signet etc? Granted it is somewhat readily re-applicable but they should kill you if they know what is going on.

Once they fix smite condition to actually remove 2 condi’s instead of 1 (like the patchnotes say it should be doing) then that’ll be a big help vs necro’s. Add onto that that maybe you should just not use contemplation and you’ll see a big difference in chances to win. Dragonhunter vs necro is also not a braindead run in class, its beatable if played properly. I exclusively play dragonhunter and it was relatively easy to get into legendary, if you were struggling it wasn’t class.

Furthermore, its been 1 day since patch is out, play and test around a bit more, from my personal PoV it seems like dragonhunter will be in a solid spot.

Smite condition is used more for damage than cleansing. Its proc on your heal via trait is more valuable than the skill itself because that is the time you really do want to try and remove a condition (poison). Ever since HoT classes can condition spam much harder than before so I have no idea why you would think clearing 2 random condis is going to matter. Furthermore, my main point was pointing out the buffs to contemplation are irrelevant if necros get that much corruption anyway.

Also I never claimed it was a braindead match up but if you fight random legend necros the fight can be determined pretty well by how much shroud the necro has. Now if you fight a good necro like Ostrich, Noscoc, Slin, etc. they will absolutely 100% dumpster you because not only do they know how to maximize their skills in the match up in the first place but now have even more utility on skills to corrupt your boons.

You are correct and incorrect at the same time that DH wasn’t the reason for the struggle to legend. It was due to premades, some bad match making, and getting legacy of foefire but having less/no bunkers. But I can almost guarantee if I had learned rev instead it would have been easier because it can carry bad teams far harder than DH can.

Battlelord Taeres

(edited by Manimarco Devil.1790)

DH/ guard dead in pvp

in Guardian

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

I thought struggling to get to legend in season 1 was hard and I hated bunker mesmers but atleast with enough trap spam you would be able to pressure them off node or kill them (in solo queue at least). But this new meta is absolute cancer and already rivals my hate for cele ele meta. It is still early I know but necros now completely dumpster guardian. Now this was the case before as well but for the most part necros in pvp were never good enough to pull it off, now all they have to do is mash buttons. Most Guardian skills gives boons or require us to use some proactive defense but the advent of Reaper and now this much boon corruption ruins our class.

Necros now have unblockable marks, reaper 5 unblockable chill, signets corrupt, scepter corrupt, and most aggravating is the reaper 2 corrupt. The boon removal changes for guardian are hilariously stupid. Get conditions, use contemplation, enjoy getting them all corrupted, die.

I’m done with gw2, I’ll maybe check season 2 when there is something worth pvping for. What a joke of a game.

Battlelord Taeres

Foefire 24/7 vs bunker teams

in PvP

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

It honestly isn’t fair how DH traps have shorter cooldowns than signet of stone and strength of the pack. If anything other nodes need to be made bigger especially after bunker specs get brought in line. Skill should involve making skills count, you use static or ice field at the wrong time and it should be punished, but if a node is small enough the window for wrong time is much narrower meaning unskilled, random play is still likely to be useful still as far as AoE field dropping goes. Big AoE CC and damage has its place but make its placement and timing more skillful and sometimes it’s a byproduct of aurasharing (static field after wind attunement opening). Node progress should be earned with skillful play or at least decent coordination and free dodge baiting or cooldown burns handicaps the defender if the node is too small.

B-but pet damage is skillful right guys?

Battlelord Taeres

Is this a fair matchup?

in PvP

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

Matchmaking will never account for the advantage of being able to pick your comp + any voice comms.

Battlelord Taeres

PVP strongest & understimate classes

in PvP

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

Initially I though engi was going to be the king of the skirmish/1v1s because of the stealth gyro. Surprisingly though, despite how insanely garbage the idea of stealth gyro is, druid is the one who is takes the cake for this instead. Their effectiveness in teamfights is irrelevant as the good ones I see just rush far and can manage to live 2v1 for a decent period of time and will win any 1v1 if they are running the lb/staff build.

And before the arguments flow in that the game isn’t balanced around 1v1 well they have unparalleled 1v1 prowess and its not like they simply fall down dead in teamfights they still have the strongest heals in the game that we’ve seen yet. Being able to contest/win a node with the amount of consistency a druid can is absurd.

Battlelord Taeres

Meta has too much AoE protection uptime

in PvP

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

Really the celestial DS aurashare tempest keeps at bay quite few monsters like power rev, DH and others. Once defenses on the aurashare build get gutted, eles will run selfish builds that will still allow good players to win regardless on ele but will take out eles from the meta.

With ele gone, people would feel again the full brunt of power/condi builds ( no more aoe protection/condi clear on demand) and DH/glint rev would come back with a vengeance.

At that point Anet will do one of these 2 things:

A) Nerf those condi/power builds
B) Buff another spec to replace the now dead aurashare tempest

In the end…people who ask for nerfs never really win anything, they just get their own favourite build nerfed or simply replace the object of their hatred with the exact same thing but on another profession ( shoutbow———>tempest aurashare———-> ???? )

I agree that other power/condi builds do need a nerf. The entire meta is simply made up of builds that operate on an extreme level or have multiple get out jail free cards.

DH- extreme burst power, multiple interrupts with traps
Scrapper- multiple get out of jail free passives+heal turret+ elite stealth
DD- evade while doing dps
Tempest- Aura spam, protection uptime, diamond skin
Berserker- weak defense, no fast hands
Reaper- condi spam, boon strip spam, chill spam
Revenant- extreme condi spam, 2 get out of jail free blocks with shield + passive, extreme boon strip spam, extreme burst with hammer, extensive evade frames
Chronomancer- alacrity was the dumbest thing ever introduced
Druid- extreme heal spam, insane AI damage, high protection uptime

The problem is noone has any faith in anet to address these properly because while these aspects of the classes do need to be better tuned, in exchange OTHER parts of each class need to be brought up to a playable level. From watching anet over the past few years it becomes apparent that they have no idea how number changes or reworks effect the greater scheme of combat. Just compare to League of legend balancers, everyone loves to hate them but I really do respect that they understand that something as small as a .1 ratio scaling nerf can make a champion go from playable to worthless. Even when they do some major overhauls the relative balance of the game is still ok.

Heck even gw1 had some crazy balance swings during its lifetime but the thing that still kept it interesting was that balance patches were regular enough that you knew if they messed something up it 1. had a separate pvp balance so that it didn’t impact the greater game and 2. would be changed within ~2 weeks anyway.

Battlelord Taeres

2 Pips and premades.

in PvP

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

lmao just lost 2 pips to a 4 man premade and we were all solo

Battlelord Taeres

2 legendary take 2amber is right playing?

in PvP

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

Cheating is not okay, but the offence committed in this behaviour is marginal. It’s more like parking in a no parking zone near a crowded mall, rather than avoiding paying taxes for whatever reasons.

Then, legendary people will be stuck, unable to progress. Just because they are in minority doesn’t mean we can treat them like second class citizens.

But you wouldn’t be able to que with friends, and not allowing to que with friends is not nice. What if there is a guild, full of high ranked people, and they simply want to play with each other, but can’t?

I could suggest to give some form of disadvantage for a team, which contains much higher ranked players. For example, if you fight against full legendary team while being full ruby, you receive free 150 points (numbers need adjustments) at the start of the match. It would be quite easy to implement. Then, legendaries would que almost instantly, while still having some challenge.

Funny analogy because Id atleast get cited for parking in a no park zone especially if I did it regularly. Probably would be * gasp* punished in some way.

By your logic every MMR system treats people like second class citizens: if we dont let the fewer highly skilled players manipulate queue times then they are now “second class” or if we do let them you have no problem screwing over the players they face who were looking for fair match ups.

I love this arguement “muh friendship” trumps competitive integrity right? If there are premades allowed they need to be retricted or limited in their ability to advance. Noone would care about this at all except for the fact that ….you know they locked the entire reward system behind this so people are going to be frustrated getting matched vs premades.

Battlelord Taeres

2 legendary take 2amber is right playing?

in PvP

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

The point of any match making system it to create balanced fair matches as much as possible, not shorter queues. If that was the goal there would be no system and just dump all into one giant queue and group them without regard for any statistics.

Except that’s not how it works. Queue time is a priority because long queues will kitten off players far more than bad matches. People will usually get over a bad match the moment they are in another one.

A 10 minute game isn’t worth 2 hours in queue.

This is false for solo queuers. If you face multiple premades in a row then you will tilt knowing that the matches are not remotely fair. This isn’t like league of legends where everyone still knows their roles (adc,support,mid, top, jungle) and the game has some structure to it. (lane phase, teamfight, end game)Team comp and voice comms make a HUGE difference in gw2 and thats’ something matchmaking will never account for.

Long queue times exist for the extremes of any MMR system since those players are the highest skilled according to the game. This means that there are obviously going to be less of them there. The fact this leads to long queue times is because there isn’t enough population to bring those times down. This is problem of Anet’s and they are simply passing it off by allowing this bullkitten premade system to screw over people.

Battlelord Taeres


in PvP

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

It occurs more often with rev skills from what ive seen. The rev downed state skill that teleports can put you into a wall and sword 3 on a target near wall can also put you in walls.

Battlelord Taeres

[StrongHold][NPC Blur&Heal Balance]

in PvP

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

You can poison the lord and strip boons. There is nothing that can be done to an invulnerable target. Precog can be cast twice with f5 and alacrity with 2 mesmers can have decent uptime. Also mesmers have in no way shape or form dropped from the meta lmao.

Battlelord Taeres

[StrongHold][NPC Blur&Heal Balance]

in PvP

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

It is amazing the lack of brainpower used in this thread when the OP is talking about well of precog being used to keep the Lord invulnerable and yet people are just justifying that by saying mesmers have already been nerfed.

Chronomancer are a big problem

They already got nerfed into the ground.

Blatantly false as mesmers still exist in all forms of play. They got nerfed slightly and mesmers act like their class got deleted.

Battlelord Taeres

Why I won't watch Pro League today...

in PvP

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

You have to hit Rank 20 to do Ranked PvP. You really think they’re putting that much effort into it?

Don’t be silly they just run around HoTM until someone who has no mmr accepts their invite. Case in point: any Noscoc vod.

Battlelord Taeres

Why I won't watch Pro League today...

in PvP

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

I think premades in general destroy the entire system and that’s anets fault. I am not against playing with friends but the idea of premades in such a MMR system is completely ridiculous. With the current league and MMR system, premades only lead to frustration and/or abuse.

High MMR players complaining about queue times is a completely nonsensical argument. The nature of MMR systems in general mean that there will always be less high skilled players at the top. The fact this leads to long queue times is the result of a weak/relatively low skill pvp population compared to the top players; something neither anet nor the “pros” care to address. The idea that it is then justified to group with less skilled players in order to game the system and find matches is absurd. Skill does not translate into wins linearly but exponentially. What I mean by that is the more skilled a player is compared to his opponent, that players chances of winnings increase EXPONENTIALLY. Which means by grouping 4 diamonds with an amber vs rubies + sapphires is a near auto win for the diamonds. Four members on one team out skill the players on the other side so the amber deficit is negligible. In essence, Anet has created a system where high skilled players are incentivized to screw over others to get rewards.

It’s also funny how this whole league system was created to reward PvPers and yet only makes me want to quit playing entirely. Being able to communicate when to rotate or when you need help is such an advantage for premades that at equal skill they will win. Even being able to choose your team comp will net you a win due to how poorly balanced classes are. I’ve seen plenty of “pro” teams who just premade in leagues with revenants or mesmers. I pretty much want to afk those matches entirely. I have no idea how these players justify premading. I guess they try to use the friendship argument, if this is acceptable then do not create the farce of skillful leagues or lock rewards behind them. Friendship > competition for a competitive game I suppose.

The only thing leagues has taught me is that Anet’s system sucks and even the “pros” don’t have a shred of competitive integrity. There are people who could have reached diamond and legendary through their own sheer skill but the desire the flex their kitten was so large that they decided to group up and abuse the system. Any competent game would have atleast limited premades to duos.

edit: there is no reason to reward such players by watching Pro leagues. Hopefully the viewership drops so they end up cancelling it in the future.

Battlelord Taeres

(edited by Manimarco Devil.1790)

Forget DH, the team with most chronos wins

in PvP

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

Bunker mesmers are insanely hard to kill once they get on point and I would argue that they are the best bunker gw2 has seen. Even bunker guard and shoutbow were killed when outnumbered but bunker mesmer can sustain a 2v1 for a longer period than normal while still contesting the node because evade frames do not stop point capture. Everyone is complaining about DH which is easily countered at higher elos and here we have one of the most disgusting bunkers ever made. If you have two good bunker mesmers you will beat any team due to the amount of quickness, alacrity, evades, and the time it takes to kill one is enough to have your team rotate back to help.

Battlelord Taeres

(edited by Manimarco Devil.1790)

League and Divisions ...

in PvP

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

Even pros have started resorting to duo/trio queuing with each other since they didn’t reset MMR with the leagues. This means if you have high MMR you are forced to play vs other high MMR players even in amber league. If you have a 50% win ratio vs the other high MMR players you essentially have a harder time at climbing then a person who is getting better at the game but may still be inexperienced.

The league system is shaping up to be a very intensive premade grind system.

Battlelord Taeres

Wings of Resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

Is this intentionally supposed to be affected by cripple/swiftness/chill on top of having a cast time?

Battlelord Taeres

[NA] Looking for raid guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

Title. I primarily play Dragonhunter, dps or tank.

Battlelord Taeres

Does Lord need buff?

in PvP

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790


They adjusted lord after the trait rework patch but they haven’t look at it since the elite specs were announced. Lord does not seem to apply any pressure and the guards die extremely easily with stair stacking and aoe. I’ve killed lord without taking barely any damage and seen it killed even with 2-3 people defending. Does lord need an update?

Battlelord Taeres

[NA][DARK] Rec for PvE Raid Groups

in Looking for...

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

DPS DH, have done VG, attempted/understand all of Gors. Have not done Sabetha

Battlelord Taeres

[NA] [CoV] LF SERIOUS Hardcore raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

DPS DH. Beat VG, understand/attempted Gors. Have not attempted Sabetha.

Battlelord Taeres

Dh, Scppr, Ddvil, Rpr have no place in raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

You only need like 6-7k dps to beat these bosses. That’s far from an optimal rotation on any class. Any class can be used in raids. It’s more about tactics and individual play. Not the classes you bring. I’ll admit there is a base comp of like 5 classes that make raids alot easier but there are a wide variety of classes that can fill any role. Hell tempest is a better healer than druid but so far everyone has used a druid.

Most people complaining their class is bad is because they can’t beat vale guardian.

Vale guardian usually ends up being about people failing the boss mechanics. Gorseval is more about dps as you need to phase before the 2nd world erodes. Based on your information, someone else on my team must have not been pulling their dps but we also did not have a chronomancer which is why i volunteered to leave. Btw can I ask what your DH was running? Longbow is ok but it offers no CC so I’m not sure when to swap into it during Gorseval phases.

Battlelord Taeres

Dh, Scppr, Ddvil, Rpr have no place in raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

We beat gorseval with a scrapper tank and dh dps so…. Can people just stop with these certain classes have no place in raids threads?

Lol why? I voluntarily left my guild raid as people said they needed something like a chronomancer instead. This means even in general groups, running these classes is at best optional and only is allowed if the rest of the group can make up for the damage or only needs damage and nothing else. You have some anecdotal experience and might be part of an exceptional raid group. But not everyone is going to be at that level so they are going to be more willing to part with less useful classes than improve individually.

Battlelord Taeres

Dh, Scppr, Ddvil, Rpr have no place in raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

Just finished it with DH and DD, its more about personal skill than classes, as long as your team “makes sense”

You finished Gorseval with a DH and DD? Thats really impressive what were they running and why pick them? Optimal dps rotations of other classes still do more damage then either of them.

Battlelord Taeres

Dh, Scppr, Ddvil, Rpr have no place in raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

There is a team that com completed the raid with a DD, so… What about not true at all?

Do you have a link? I’m genuinely curious as to why they would run one.

Battlelord Taeres

Dh, Scppr, Ddvil, Rpr have no place in raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

Edit: Due to new replies being little more than passive aggressive insults, I would like to clarify that I no longer support the ideas I had stated below. I had a few unfortunate experiences with misinformed players that led me to believe that certain classes are unviable. High dps rotations and certain classes make the fights easier but any class can still successfully complete the raid. I should have asked what role/build these classes can play before jumping to my low sample size conclusion.

These elite specs and their non elite counterparts have no place in raids currently due to how tight some of the dps checks are. Is this something that needs to be addressed? I understand there are imbalances in PvP currently in which these classes can output respectable amounts of damage but in raids they have no place as the sustained damage/utility is not there.

The first boss can be mix n matched to an extent so you can run these classes but Gorseval and Sabbetha require completely optimal dps rotations. This means the classes I listed above can not make the cut. Even if they somehow manage to bring the same dps, they cannot match the utility of the other classes.

Druid: Mass heals to prevent downs as well as lets ppl dps through damage. (Far superior to guardian as the raid mechanics are not blockable and deal massive damage that regen cannot heal fast enough)

Chronomancer: Double Time Warp, Alacrity, some CC and solid damage

Revenant: Insane DPS and break bar destruction with staff 5, might sharing

Berserker: Solid dps with very important might sharing trait w/ banners

Tempest: Strong damage, important during Gorseval to kill orbs with lava font without losing too much dps for boss. Strong soft cc for spirits during Gorseval.

Now lets look at the rest:

Dragonhunters: Slightly subpar dps, strong spike damage but irrelevant in longer fights. Require target to be standing in symbol for max dps. Quickness is better applied via chrono. Damage mitigation low priority with raid mechanics. Best spot is tank but even that can be better done by a tempest or chrono.

Scrapper: Low damage, better off running condi engi. Unfortunately even condis are too slow for 2nd boss

Daredevil: Provides no team support and only has ok damage. Best build is venom share but revenants can easily replace this

Reaper: Solid damage but does not provide anywhere near the team utility that is needed.
edit: forgot about flesh golem break bar destruction

Battlelord Taeres

(edited by Manimarco Devil.1790)

Guard in raid...did you feel useful?

in Guardian

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

Yea it sucks but I learned the hard way. The only real position a guardian has in raids is as a tank but honestly even an ele or revenant can do those while still outputting more dps. Dragonhunter is strong in pvp due to its burst but raids require high damage throughout not spikes and lulls in damage. Combine this with the fact that max guardian dps requires the enemy to be tethered and standing in a symbol. Even then this damage barely reaches the damage something like a revenant is putting throughout the entire fight. Atm, there is no benefit for taking a guardian.

Chronomancers can cover the quickness, do more damage, and can provide alacrity.
Tempests provide high might stacks, strong cc with ice bow, high dps, and are important in the 2nd fight to kill orbs without sacrificing too much dps (lava font).
Revenants are extremely high dps and strong boon application.
Berserkers just do good damage and phalanx strength to spread might (Guardian got their might sharing trait butchered)
Daredevils are useless but venom sharing thief has some use in breaking bars
Druids are insanely strong with heals, literally spike heal bars through aoes.
Scrapper, Reaper, and Dragonhunter are essentially the bottom of the barrel. They still do stuff but you are just gimping yourself by taking those classes in a raid.

edit: DH would have more value if reflects or damage migitation mattered but the raid bosses use unreflectable projectiles and near oneshot/insta death mechanics that makes aegis/protection useless. Druid spike heals > regen.

Battlelord Taeres

(edited by Manimarco Devil.1790)

Question: Bunker? Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790


I didn’t really pvp for a bit while I attempted to do all the pve stuff but I came back and played a few matches today and met my first bunker? mesmer?

Disclaimer: I play DH so yes you can say all the nasty things you like. I only play the 2 trap medi variant and I like to think my mmr is high as I face members from highly ranked teams like Abjured regularly.

My question is how is this build killed? I have only seen it one or two times but it seems un-killable. Granted the best way to learn how to counter it is to actually play the build but I don’t have a mesmer and do not feel like trying to learn how to play an entire class so I wanted to ask here. Do I treat it as a bunker build and move on if I am 1v1? Does the build have openings? If so what are they what would they look like? From what I saw the build simply rotated between dodges, blocks, and evades with few openings. The build appeared to do more damage than your run of the mill bunker guard (which I would argue is more balanced around this fact). Is this a correct assessment or was I simply eating too much dodge able burst?

Battlelord Taeres

[LUCK] Public Tangled Depths META

in Looking for...

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

i think the chak gerent need some adjustments
since the whole HOT is ask people to break bar

and almost every revenant skills has a CC , it is too hard for revenant to not CC, unless he just do 1111 only.

HoT still encourages you to break the bar. Even in this instance I am sure it is intended for people to break the bar to stop the AoE, its just that people have discovered that its actually easier to kill the boss by not breaking the bar.

Battlelord Taeres

Heavy Spoilers. Wooden Potatoes Review.

in Community Creations

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

Pretty long but interesting nonetheless.

Battlelord Taeres

Pact Rations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

No you need to trade a vigil seller a pact ration for a vigil ration and the vigil ration is what I need for the collection. However, the pact ration is received from Dragon’s Stand and is soul bound on a order of whispers character so I cannot give it to a vigil character.

I should make this clearer. In the story you get to choose a back piece for one of the orders. That back piece opens up a collection that allows you to upgrade it twice. The first collection is straightforward and just relies on things from the Magumma jungle, but the final upgrade collection requires items from your order. One of those items is a (insert order) ration. This ration can only be traded for a pact ration that you buy from Dragon’s Stand after the meta event. As a result, because my character is part of the Order and not the Vigil, I cannot use that soulbound pact ration to trade to a Vigil seller for a Vigil ration. I am asking the pact ration be made account bound so I can transfer it to a Vigil character.

The only tedious alternative is to level up, complete the main story, Hot story, and Dragon’s Stand on my vigil character just to get this done.

Battlelord Taeres

(edited by Manimarco Devil.1790)

Pact Rations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

Can this item be made account bound instead of soul bound? I want to make the vigil back piece but my character is part of the order of whispers. I want to transfer it to the other character who is part of the Vigil. I don’t really play any of my other characters nor do I intend to go through HoT again any time soon. All the other trophies required for the collections are account bound but this one is not. If I had known the backpack upgraded like this I would have picked the one from my own order instead of the one I liked best. This change would be appreciated.

Battlelord Taeres

DH trait Heavy Light:

in Guardian

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790


Heavy Light: You’re longbow skills are enhanced.
Auto-attack- no change
True Shot-grants stability
Deflecting Shot- knockback
Symbol- adds 1 additional stack of burn, reduce current duration from 5 to 3 seconds if too strong.
Hunter’s Ward-cripples foes, remove current cripple. OR applies 2 vulnerability to foes with each impact. (it impacts 4 times.)

Battlelord Taeres

Are Noxious Pods Bugged?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

I think I’ve found only 1 the entire time and I’ve scoured all of dragon’s stand before and after the meta event. Are they supposed to be this rare or are they just not spawning? I’m already up to 40 machetes…

Battlelord Taeres

So you nerfed DH already?! Wtf?

in Guardian

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

If you want to waste time trying to defend over-tuned skills then go play ele. No-one “fought” for anything, we gave feedback and they slapped numbers on our skills that they are now fixing. And your slippery slope argument is severely lacking as they have never continuously nerfed a class.

Battlelord Taeres

Dragonhunter bow skin missing?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

Look at your elite specialization collections.

Battlelord Taeres

Final Map Meta Event [Spoiler Zone]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

That Dragon’s Stand event is amazing. Its pretty tough currently to get people to work together but man the entire feel of the event is on point. It really feels like you are marching like an army into this hostile territory and struggling to keep your footholds whiling pushing forward. The side events add some nice flavor like becoming an exalted in the northern path or getting wyverns to help you in the middle path. The toughest part atm is just coordinating the blighted towers but I feel this will become trivial once people get more comfortable with the mechanics of the fight. The most epic part is that Mordremoth is great! Flying around while trying to damage this huge dragon as he eats the very ground beneath you to destroy the map. Man the personal story fight may be iffy but this one is flat out amazing. This entire chain is what Orr and Zhaitan was supposed to be like.

My only disappointment is that the loot was not all that great but perhaps they had already adjusted for the fact groups would be able to regularly beat the event once people understand what is going on.

Battlelord Taeres

[SPOILERS!] Ending opinions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

The ending is supposed to be kind of two fold. Just like most of the other parts of the story are “supposed” to be coupled with the dynamic event of each zone. For example, when you enter Tarir you not only just meet the Exalted but technically helped them power up Tarir and defended it from the octovine. Similarly after finding Rata Novus, the pact has that whole chak event to do something to leyline? (didn’t really do that one).

In Mordremoth’s case the attack is from the mind while the pact is attacking him from the outside. The outside attack is the entire Dragon’s Stand meta event. While the event does require large numbers and coordination, the ending battle is pretty awesome. (they should really bump the loot rewards though as I’m not sure its really worth doing outside leveling for masteries.)

So even if you do not really like the “mind” battle, the pact assault more than makes up for it in my opinion.

Battlelord Taeres

Crash on start

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

Yeah I keep crashing and get these error reports

Exception: c0000005
A serious error has occurred that prevented the application from continuing. A report has been sent to ArenaNet to help determine the cause.

same here it keeps happening every few minutes…

full log:

  • Crash <—*
    Exception: c0000005
    Memory at address 064c0000 could not be read
    App: Gw2.exe
    Pid: 18032
    Cmdline: -testVerticalFov
    BaseAddr: 00EE0000
    ProgramId: 101
    Build: 54522
    Module: Sendori.dll
    When: 2015-10-23T22:21:57Z 2015-10-23T15:21:57-07:00
    Uptime: 0 days 0:09:02
    Flags: 0
  • System <—*
    Processors: 4 [GenuineIntel:6:10:7]
    OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (64 bit)
  • System Memory <—*
    Physical: 6268MB/ 8105MB 77%
    Paged: 13378MB/16209MB 82%
    Virtual: 3592MB/ 4095MB 87%
    Load: 22%
    CommitTotal: 2831MB
    CommitLimit: 16209MB
    CommitPeak: 6027MB
    SystemCache: 5139MB
    HandleCount: 32757
    ProcessCount: 99
    ThreadCount: 1238
  • Process Memory <—*
    Private: 345MB
    WorkingSet: 297MB
    PeakWorkingSet: 305MB
    PageFaults: 24239541
  • Memory Category Usage (Inclusive) <—*
    [Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
    Root 59.71 8159
    Programmer Data 29.12 3275
    Uncategorized 24.49 4814
    Collections 16.65 2563
    Dictionary 13.04 27
    I/O 12.16 498
    Archive 10.79 133
    Collide Havok 6.10 70
    Collide 6.10 70
    Set 2.40 71
    File Service 1.15 12
    BTree 0.38 30
    Asset Service 0.22 348
    Networking 0.17 35
    Event 0.07 2
    Game 0.02 50
    Engine 0.02 12
    Threading 0.01 15
    String 0.01 54
    Model-Programmer 0.01 1
    Content 0.01 1
    UI 0.00 32
    Web Browser 0.00 18
    File Core 0.00 2
  • Memory Category Usage (Exclusive) <—*
    [Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
    Uncategorized 24.49 4814
    Dictionary 13.04 27
    Archive 10.79 133
    Collide Havok 6.10 70
    Set 2.40 71
    File Service 1.15 12
    Collections 0.84 2435
    BTree 0.38 30
    Asset Service 0.22 348
    Networking 0.17 30
    Event 0.07 2
    Threading 0.01 15
    Game 0.01 41
    String 0.01 54
    Model-Programmer 0.01 1
    Content 0.01 1
    Engine 0.00 6
    Web Browser 0.00 18
    File Core 0.00 2
    Services 0.00 8
    Download 0.00 3
    CharClient 0.00 4
    Text 0.00 1
    UI 0.00 14

[DbgHelp.dll is C:\windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 6.1.7601.17514 (64/32-bit compatible)]

  • Thread 0×4964 <—*
  • Trace <—*
    Pc:053b7015 Fr:06650108 Rt:6f72702f Arg:6d617267 3130312f 312f312f 32383130
    Pc:6f72702f Fr:0665010c Rt:6d617267 Arg:3130312f 312f312f 32383130 312f3034
    Pc:6d617267 Fr:06650110 Rt:3130312f Arg:312f312f 32383130 312f3034 36313532
    Pc:3130312f Fr:06650114 Rt:312f312f Arg:32383130 312f3034 36313532 48203239
    Pc:312f312f Fr:06650118 Rt:32383130 Arg:312f3034 36313532 48203239 2f505454
    Pc:32383130 Fr:0665011c Rt:312f3034 Arg:36313532 48203239 2f505454 0d312e31
    Pc:312f3034 Fr:06650120 Rt:36313532 Arg:48203239 2f505454 0d312e31 6f6f430a
    Pc:36313532 Fr:06650124 Rt:48203239 Arg:2f505454 0d312e31 6f6f430a 3a65696b
    Pc:48203239 Fr:06650128 Rt:2f505454 Arg:0d312e31 6f6f430a 3a65696b 74756120
    Pc:2f505454 Fr:0665012c Rt:0d312e31 Arg:6f6f430a 3a65696b 74756120 6f6f4368
    Pc:0d312e31 Fr:06650130 Rt:6f6f430a Arg:3a65696b 74756120 6f6f4368 3d65696b
    Pc:6f6f430a Fr:06650134 Rt:3a65696b Arg:74756120 6f6f4368 3d65696b 65636361
    Pc:3a65696b Fr:06650138 Rt:74756120 Arg:6f6f4368 3d65696b 65636361 2f3d7373
    Pc:74756120 Fr:0665013c Rt:6f6f4368 Arg:3d65696b 65636361 2f3d7373 6574616c
    Pc:6f6f4368 Fr:06650140 Rt:3d65696b Arg:65636361 2f3d7373 6574616c 2a2f7473
    Pc:3d65696b Fr:06650144 Rt:65636361 Arg:2f3d7373 6574616c 2a2f7473 616d2f21
    Pc:65636361 Fr:06650148 Rt:2f3d7373 Arg:6574616c 2a2f7473 616d2f21 6566696e
    Pc:2f3d7373 Fr:0665014c Rt:6574616c Arg:2a2f7473 616d2f21 6566696e 702f7473
    Pc:6574616c Fr:06650150 Rt:2a2f7473 Arg:616d2f21 6566696e 702f7473 72676f72
    Pc:2a2f7473 Fr:06650154 Rt:616d2f21 Arg:6566696e 702f7473 72676f72 2a2f6d61
    Pc:616d2f21 Fr:06650158 Rt:6566696e Arg:702f7473 72676f72 2a2f6d61 72702f21
    Pc:6566696e Fr:0665015c Rt:702f7473 Arg:72676f72 2a2f6d61 72702f21 6172676f
    Pc:702f7473 Fr:06650160 Rt:72676f72 Arg:2a2f6d61 72702f21 6172676f 7e2a2f6d
    Pc:72676f72 Fr:06650164 Rt:2a2f6d61 Arg:72702f21 6172676f 7e2a2f6d 3d35646d
    Pc:2a2f6d61 Fr:06650168 Rt:72702f21 Arg:6172676f 7e2a2f6d 3d35646d 31356534
    Pc:72702f21 Fr:0665016c Rt:6172676f Arg:7e2a2f6d 3d35646d 31356534 36386461
    Pc:6172676f Fr:06650170 Rt:7e2a2f6d Arg:3d35646d 31356534 36386461 37386638
    Pc:7e2a2f6d Fr:06650174 Rt:3d35646d Arg:31356534 36386461 37386638 dd4fd932
    Pc:3d35646d Fr:06650178 Rt:31356534 Arg:36386461 37386638 dd4fd932 0062bb6f
    Pc:31356534 Fr:0665017c Rt:36386461 Arg:37386638 dd4fd932 0062bb6f 64ef7000
    Pc:36386461 Fr:06650180 Rt:37386638 Arg:dd4fd932 0062bb6f 64ef7000 4b8b8006
    Pc:37386638 Fr:06650184 Rt:dd4fd932 Arg:0062bb6f 64ef7000 4b8b8006 00000d06
    Pc:dd4fd932 Fr:06650188 Rt:0062bb6f Arg:64ef7000 4b8b8006 00000d06 0062b90d
    Pc:0062bb6f Fr:0665018c Rt:64ef7000 Arg:4b8b8006 00000d06 0062b90d 4b085800
    Pc:64ef7000 Fr:06650190 Rt:4b8b8006 Arg:00000d06 0062b90d 4b085800 4b0f0006
    Pc:4b8b8006 Fr:06650194 Rt:00000000 Arg:0062b90d 4b085800 4b0f0006 00000006
  • Thread registers <—*
    eax=06656691 ebx=06650189 ecx=064c0000 edx=064b9a00 esi=3130312f edi=064b9af8
    eip=053b7015 esp=062dccf0 ebp=06650108
    cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00010202

eax-32 06656670 dc4fd200 0062ae65 00000003 00000000
eax-16 06656680 4b003800 4b003806 4c000006 00000006
eax 0 06656690 4e616e00 6f777465 2e736b72 006d6f63
16 066566A0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
eax+32 066566B0 2adbcd4a 80000000 064b0048 066565d8
eax+48 066566C0 064b8c08 00687400 00000000 00000000
ebx-32 06650168 2a2f6d61 72702f21 6172676f 7e2a2f6d
ebx-16 06650178 3d35646d 31356534 36386461 37386638
ebx 0 06650188 dd4fd932 0062bb6f 64ef7000 4b8b8006
16 06650198 00000d06 0062b90d 4b085800 4b0f0006
ebx+32 066501A8 00000006 00000000 00000000 00000000
ebx+48 066501B8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ecx-32 064BFFE0 65dc4fd2 030062ae 00000000 00000000
ecx-16 064BFFF0 064b0038 064b0038 064c0000 00000000
edx-32 064B99E0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
edx-16 064B99F0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
edx 0 064B9A00 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
16 064B9A10 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
edx+32 064B9A20 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
edx+48 064B9A30 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
edi-32 064B9AD8 2a2f6d61 72702f21 6172676f 7e2a2f6d
edi-16 064B9AE8 3d35646d 31356534 36386461 37386638
edi 0 064B9AF8 6fdd4fd9 000062bb 0664ef70 064b8b80
16 064B9B08 0d00000d 000062b9 064b0858 064b0f00
edi+32 064B9B18 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
edi+48 064B9B28 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

  • Code <—*
    053B6FF5 90909090 90909090 9090908b 4c24048b …………L$..
    053B7005 44240c56 8b74240c 3bce740e 85c07404 D$.V.t$.;.t…t.
    053B7015 8a118810 40413bce 75f25ec2 0c009090 ….@A;.u.^…..
    053B7025 90909090 90909090 90909051 53558bd9 ………..QSU..
    053B7035 568b0dc4 713f058b 6c241857 8b7b04b0 V…q?..l$.W.{..
    053B7045 018b7704 3bf17425 8d460c8b cd508bfe ..w.;.t%.F…P..
  • Stack <—*
    062DCCF0 0665010c 053b4dd1 064b9af8 3130312f ..e..M;…K./101
    062DCD00 06650189 062dce64 00000000 ffffffff ..e.d.-………
    062DCD10 06650108 00000069 06650108 00000100 ..e.i…..e…..
    062DCD20 053ea800 00000000 00000000 00000000 ..>………….
    062DCD30 062dce24 053e7908 ffffffff 053b4b79 $.-..y>…..yK;.
    062DCD40 154889e0 000000e9 00000001 00000958 ..H………X…
    062DCD50 062dce64 097113e8 ffffffff 06650108 d.-…q…….e.
    062DCD60 062dce24 053e7860 0000000b 053d1ad0 $.-.`x>…….=.
    062DCD70 062dce64 00000001 00000000 062dce74 d.-………t.-.
    062DCD80 00000000 002cceb0 ffffffff 06650108 ……,…….e.
    062DCD90 062dcdb4 00004000 00000001 047115d0 ..-..@……..q.
    062DCDA0 02255b1c 023bff5c 062dcdc4 154a0cd8 .[%.\.;…-…J.
    062DCDB0 154a0cd8 00000024 154a0ef4 04711780 ..J.$…..J…q.
    062DCDC0 0225557c 023bff5c 062dcde4 01318c48 |U%.\.;…-.H.1.
    062DCDD0 ffffffff 062dcdf0 0000000f 062dcdf0 ……-…….-.
    062DCDE0 b5b5c2a7 062dce1c 01318f15 062dce10 ……-…1…-.
    062DCDF0 746e6f43 2d746e65 154a0c10 15488a47 Content-..J.G.H.
    062DCE00 0225557c 154a0c10 062dce18 01318e6e |U%…J…-.n.1.
    062DCE10 062dce20 00000001 062dce48 0131a533 .-…..H.-.3.1.
    062DCE20 00000078 062dfe90 053e85b9 ffffffff x…..-…>…..
    062DCE30 75446f79 00000958 062dce64 00000001 yoDuX…d.-…..
    062DCE40 062dce7c 00000000 00000000 00000000 |.-………….
    062DCE50 002cc0e8 062dce70 00000000 000000e9 ..,.p.-………
    062DCE60 062dcf6c 000000e9 15488960 002cc0e0 l.-…..`.H…,.
    062DCE70 00000000 062dcea8 011f5cbe 00000958 ……-..\..X…
    062DCE80 15488960 000000e9 00000000 154ca010 `.H………..L.
    062DCE90 154ca048 15488950 062dceac 062dcf74 H.L.P.H…-.t.-.
    062DCEA0 00000000 154a2080 062de4b8 0131473e ….. J…-.>G1.
    062DCEB0 154a2010 15488960 1543534c 154352b0 . J.`.H.LSC..RC.
    062DCEC0 154ca010 00000001 00000001 000000e9 ..L………….
    062DCED0 01e99ec4 00000000 00000000 00000001 …………….
    062DCEE0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000020 ………… …
    062DCEF0 01e99ee4 00000001 062dd12c 154a0c10 ……..,.-…J.
    062DCF00 00000000 00000001 00000000 00000004 …………….
    062DCF10 00000000 0000003f 00000000 00000000 ….?………..
    062DCF20 ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    062DCF30 00000000 062dcf38 062dcf5c 00000fa0 ….8.-.\.-…..
    062DCF40 00000001 00000000 00000000 062dcf5c …………\.-.
    062DCF50 062dcf5c 00000001 00000000 062dcf4c \.-………L.-.
    062DCF60 062dcf4d 000001c0 00000000 000000e9 M.-………….
    062DCF70 15488960 154885a0 00000000 00000000 `.H…H………
    062DCF80 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    062DCF90 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    062DCFA0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    062DCFB0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    062DCFC0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    062DCFD0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    062DCFE0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    062DCFF0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    062DD000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    062DD010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    062DD020 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    062DD030 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    062DD040 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    062DD050 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    062DD060 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    062DD070 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    062DD080 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    062DD090 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    062DD0A0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    062DD0B0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    062DD0C0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    062DD0D0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    062DD0E0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
  • Error Logs <—*
    reason: 7.
    Forcing disconnect on {}, reason: 7.
    Forcing disconnect on {}, reason: 7.
    Forcing disconnect on {}, reason: 7.
    Forcing disconnect on {}, reason: 7.
    Forcing disconnect on {}, reason: 7.
    Forcing disconnect on {}, reason: 7.
    Forcing disconnect on {}, reason: 7.
    Download failed for 0×0012549c:0×00000000→0×0012549c with error 7:0:0:0 (error:product:module:line) [retry count: 0; consecutive: 0]
    Download failed for 0×00132897:0×00000000→0×00132897 with error 7:0:0:0 (error:product:module:line) [retry count: 0; consecutive: 1]
    Download failed for 0×0008e290:0×0008e290→0×0012a999 with error 7:0:0:0 (error:product:module:line) [retry count: 0; consecutive: 2]
    Download failed for 0×0012833c:0×00000000→0×0012833c with error 7:0:0:0 (error:product:module:line) [retry count: 0; consecutive: 3]
    Download failed for 0×000f4e4e:0×00000000→0×000f4e4e with error 7:0:0:0 (error:product:module:line) [retry count: 0; consecutive: 4]
    Download failed for 0×000f4e35:0×00000000→0×001286c0 with error 7:0:0:0 (error:product:module:line) [retry count: 0; consecutive: 5]
    Connection-issues detected! Retrying…
    Download failed for 0×0012549c:0×00000000→0×0012549c with error 3:0:0:0 (error:product:module:line) [retry count: 1; consecutive: 6]
    Download failed for 0×00132897:0×00000000→0×00132897 with error 3:0:0:0 (error:product:module:line) [retry count: 1; consecutive: 7]
    Download failed for 0×0008e290:0×0008e290→0×0012a999 with error 3:0:0:0 (error:product:module:line) [retry count: 1; consecutive: 8]
    Download failed for 0×0012833c:0×00000000→0×0012833c with error 3:0:0:0 (error:product:module:line) [retry count: 1; consecutive: 9]
    Download failed for 0×000f4e4e:0×00000000→0×000f4e4e with error 3:0:0:0 (error:product:module:line) [retry count: 1; consecutive: 10]
    Download failed for 0×000f4e35:0×00000000→0×001286c0 with error 3:0:0:0 (error:product:module:line) [retry count: 1; consecutive: 11]
Battlelord Taeres

BWE 3 Guardian Feedback (Core/DH)

in Guardian

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

Succinct Feedback:
Bow is good. The damage and feel of the skills is great. Only issue may still be the #5 skill but the changes to Courage help mitigate the helplessness during the cast time.

Traps: Sorry, I primarily PvP and will not be testing traps at all. I’ve said before: due to the mobile and hopefully intelligent behavior of other players, the active effects or zone control of traps would have to be ridiculously powerful to warrant taking them over a hybrid utility (shouts, medi)
*Throwing traps may be an option here though in making sure the current effect does have a better chance of landing.

Traits: Overall are fine, from a design standpoint heavy light needs more control and counterplay for both players. (imo)

Battlelord Taeres

Reason for Judges Intervention Change

in Guardian

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

I’ve seen some people complaining as to why it got changed and they want it changed back as Hammer+JI does not feel good anymore (not that anyone should be using hammer in sPvP after the glacial heart change anyway but thats beside the point).

The reason it was changed and probably not going to be reverted is because of the new WvW map and perhaps even due to some areas on the new PvE maps. JI broke falls and not just minor little jumps but death falls. There was some videos after the WvW beta which showed that along with some weapon swap super jump bug, there were spots in the fire keep where you could fall from above the keep (fire keep is underground) and use an enemy inside the keep to break your fall before you would die. This exploit is the reason the functionality was changed.

Battlelord Taeres

(edited by Manimarco Devil.1790)

Tuesday balance changes

in Guardian

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

Shield of Judgment will apply 4s of Aegis and protection in both PvP and PvE (was 3s in PvP and 5s in PvE before).
Shield of Absorbtion will now be a 4 second channel but the bubble will travel with you. ( you are no longer rooted)
Feel my Wrath CD increased from 30s to 45 seconds
Save yourselves normalized for all game modes. (100% increase to PvP version).

Other concerns or questions:
1. Glacial Heart does not seem to be moving any time soon.
2. Ele’s Ring of Fire is getting changed, will this Ring of Fire change also effect Purging Flames?

Battlelord Taeres

(edited by Manimarco Devil.1790)

Theorycrafting: Burning Dragon hunter

in Guardian

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

Dragon hunter provides no advantages that can surpass the current iteration of Burn Guard. If you disagree I am curious as to what you think it can do better.

Battlelord Taeres

Dragonhunter is a joke...

in Guardian

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

Some people may genuinely believe DH is good based on some experiences they may have had but in general a majority of the forum disagrees. I am in the same boat. I primarily used Dragon hunter in sPvP in both beta and it felt clunky. The first beta was a bit more tolerable because some players did not understand how the class worked so there may have been some surprise factor but the 2nd beta was a complete disaster. It doesn’t help that my MMR climbed so now I had to face Abjured players like Toker every other match and they completely opened up the flaws of the spec.

Traps are trash I am not even going to discuss them.

Longbow is outrageously clunky and a problem I identified early on was that Hunter’s Ward specifically was simply a way of telling any bursty class (thief, mesmer) “Hey I am casting a slow skill that is easily dodge-able! Please come kill me!” They provided ZERO defensive capabilities to insure your could manage to get these skills off and the pay off is 100000% not worth it anymore with so many classes getting stun breaks and stability. Virtues not being instant cast makes it so that you cannot pop an aegis or heal yourself so you just get interrupted and die if you use the root/channel skills.
To top it off, Hunter’s Ward is complete garbage in a solo scenario as well because no competent enemy will every sit in it.

True Shot suffers from the a similar effect as you cannot afford to self root in many scenarios. Also I get stability is all the jazz but what the hell is the point of stability on True Shot?? Getting semi-random stability is not skillful nor useful. I already established in another post that its better to cleave them out than to True Shot and stomp and its not even good defensively because if you need stability and are getting focused, you have to SELF ROOT and land the kitten thing. I shouldn’t need to explain why that is just bad in general.

Finally we have the wonderful inability to shoot GROUND TARGETED SKILLS behind us. Both Deflecting Shot and the Symbol are literally garbage without this basic functionality. This follows the same line as the whole True Shot Stability because if you are running away from anyone ranged and want to protect yourself you have to turn around to fire Deflecting Shout….lol

The traits are uninspiring and they add zero flavor or change of playstyle. Instead its just a case of picking the best/overpowered just so your spec seems viable. Prime Example: Heavy Light. This trait is not good. It is un-interactive and random. Neither player interacting here knows when it goes off and its just an annoying knockback. But guess what? The other traits sucks so much that this effect is a must take in sPvP.

I didn’t really want to leave guard after this much time but this is unacceptable. I am already looking toward revenant to be my new main.

Battlelord Taeres

BWE 2 Dragonhunter feedback thread:

in Guardian

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

-Auto still feels insanely weak, am not even sure if projectile speed increase occurred as other issues like obstructed in flat terrain still exist.
-I didn’t really have issues with True shot before but this weekend is making it feel exceptionally bad. The damage it does it nice but the root is making me thief fodder as there is no way to defend yourself during this or Hunter’s Ward.
-Deflecting Shot and Symbol of Energy still cannot be shot behind you despite being ground targeted skills.
-Hunter’s Ward damage is garbage if interrupted before final effect.

BUG If canceling True Shot sometimes you get stuck in place.
BUG Hunter’s Ward animation and damage over time will not go off, the end effect will still occur.

Did not test nor do I plan to test. Opinions from before have not changed. For these to be viable in PvP they would have to have outrageously strong effects and that would ruin PvE.

-Piercing Light: Bleed is bad, 1 stack of bleed is garbage. It is going to be changed to a daze. May see play when that occurs.
-Soaring Devastation: By far the best trait in this tier
-Zealot’s Aggression: Weak modifier for conditional condition. In no world should the modifier be the same as the 7% for burning in zeal.

-Bulwark: Boring and bad just because of how the shield currently works
-Dulled Senses: An improvement but still lackluster. Sadly this trait is competitive simply because the entire tier is not very good.
-Hunter’s Determination: Random stability which can be very nice. I thought I could maybe use it to stomp or to prep a Hunter’s Ward so it would not be interrupted but it is not great in any specific scenario. This trait is competitive only because getting semi-random stability can help vs CCs that are flying around in team fights. If you are getting focused this is useless since you have to root yourself and land an arrow to get stability.

-Big Game Hunter: Never really used it as it is out shined by Heavy Light in PvP. I guess it is ok in PvE but not a fan in general since half the traits encourage not using Justice but the other half give Justice active all these nice effects. Makes you feel bad either way.
-Heavy Light: pseudo random interrupts might feel fun but at the end of the day just reduce any form of skillful play. Neither player interacting with this trait knows when it is coming and hilariously enough they plan on adding the stability from Hunter’s Determination to is.
-Hunter’s fortification: getting reworked anyway to provide a different form of condi removal based on blocks. As interesting as that is, nearly every auto attack chain in gw2 provides a condition so you will rarely get the 10% damage mitigation effect. Viability will be determined if the ICD on it is based on global blocks or blocks per person.

Battlelord Taeres

(edited by Manimarco Devil.1790)

Burning balanced

in Guardian

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

Stop running in and out of the Purging Flames, you did this to yourself with a lack of awareness.

That’s not how Purging Flames works.
You cast it once, and upon casting, it inflicts burning in the area and cleanses conditions. After that it just decreases condition duration.

Actually you are the one who is incorrect, Purging flames does all that but it also summons a ring of fire. Crossing the ring gives 3 stacks of burning just like the ele skill.

Battlelord Taeres

Time to stop giving feedback.

in Guardian

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

You must either be new or just sleeping for the last three years. The forums did not become this way over night, there were very lengthy constructive posts that detailed what how we wanted things to change. All of them were ignored. Stuff like changes to shield were here since launch for christs sake. Nowhere in the post do I insult the devs, instead we are the ones who feel insulted after dedicating time to try and improve something we like and not even getting a glance.

And your last point is 100% incorrect, no one knows best but the players are who should at least give guidance to whether or not something feels good. Again damage is something that should be taken with a grain of salt from players as everyone wants to be the strongest but we have been asking for QoL changes just so we can make use of the things guardian is supposed to have.

Ex. I cannot even attempt to use Wrath of Justice in my medi build for sPvP because the trait may not trigger correctly half the time and this can directly result in a lost fight or even death.

Ex. I have to take extra measures to throw my Zealot’s flame since it travels along the floor and even when I catch my opponent after a dodge it will miss due to being obstructed by nothing.

These kinds of events simply make the class unrewarding. We wanted changes to make the Longbow FEEL fun and anet just comes back with bigger damage numbers…
Anet has clearly shown that they think they know best. Feedback is irrelevant.

Battlelord Taeres

Support/bunker Guardian is DH worth takeing?

in Guardian

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

No, nothing Dragonhunter offers is better than the current setup with the exception of maybe the grandmaster protection trait. Neutering your virtues to be a dragonhunter is not worth it for bunkers.

Battlelord Taeres

Time to stop giving feedback.

in Guardian

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

For the longest time Anet has masqueraded the idea that they care about players think yet for the past 3 years now they have left broken or useless skills on the guardian. Now this is not a buff thread, I realize that guardians are in a “good spot” but that still doesn’t make up for the disappointment when patch after patch we just get nothing. For a while, I still had faith that Anet was going to come around and at least fix some of the long standing issues with the class especially with the announcement of the trait changes. But the trait changes only served to neuter some guardian damage, kill hammer medi guard, and open up a rather one dimensional burn guard build.

This thread is not about damage, this thread is about the fact today the warrior elite spec got self condi cleanse on torch, a QoL change that we have been asking for torch 5 since release pretty much. This is the final straw for me. All of the improvements we wanted are STILL being ignored even though this is one of the few times major overhauls to multiple skills is occurring.

Shield is still garbage.
Torch 5 is still garbage.
Scepter auto is still garbage
Longbow did not get projectile speed increase
Longbow 3,4 did not get functionality to shoot behind instead they gave random buffs to Symbol of Energy that I did not read in ANY feedback thread.
Wrath of Justice is still buggy with leaps (GS#3, Hammer#2)
Torch #4 gets obstructed in terrain that has no walls or elevation change.

There are probably many more I could list if I wanted but you get the idea. Some of these have been here since release, others were introduced during the specialization patch. The recent Dragonhunter beta changes are an even bigger insult as they ignore most of the issues that people actually spent time writing and are not even mentioned. (We want feedback yea right…)

The devs think we are idiots who do not know what we are even talking about. Most of the changes we want ARE NOT damage buffs which seems to be the only thing that Anet knows how to do. We want Quality of Life changes and I am even willing to get nerfed in damage (not that we already didnt get nerfed in trait changes) if it means that the skill feels rewarding to use.

I am not quitting the game or anything crazy but just pointing out that feedback is pointless so time to just sit back and let Anet flounder around until a better game comes along, they are not interested in improving GW2 or guardian at all.

Battlelord Taeres

Dragonhunter Changes for Next BWE!

in Guardian

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

Just another point to add:

Hunter’s fortification isn’t worth a GM slot, 3 seconds of protection is too short to justify it for any slot really. I thought this would be completely changed?

Shield of Courage: Why is this still JUST a projectile block? It’s the same thing Revenant’s have on their hammer but with a MUCH higher cd. This should block ALL attacks in front of you.

Actually I’ll refer you to this thread.

If this is correct then the shield should block all attacks but does not apply the buff to the guardian properly.

Battlelord Taeres

(edited by Manimarco Devil.1790)